FROM OI it Steamer Edition of Saturday. FEDERAL VICTORIES OT? TIIE RED RIVER. l?y the arrival of tin* DtulK'y Duck from New Orleans we have iilcs of papers Imm that eitv to the 17th. TliC Nt'W j Orleans Times Extra of the 17tli, issued at noon, contains the following dispatch :? " We hasten to lay before our readers i the following authentic intelligence: "Official information lias been received at Department Headquarters of the cap- ; ture of Fort De Russy, on Red river, by ! the United States forces, under Gen. A. G. Smith. "Twenty-four officers and three hun- j tirca rautt acti iuu arc |niMnn^. " They are on the way to Xew Orleans. "Since receiving the above we have learned the following addition^ particulars: " Fort Dc Pussy was captured on the 14th hist., by an assault at (? o'clock in the evening. Ten siege guns were taken. " Our gunboats arrived just after the capture. " Alexandria was captured by the navy on the 15th." The Dudley Buck sailed for Now York yesterday. DISASTERS ON TIIE COAST. The steamer Continental, which left Portland one week ago yesterday for 1 ' '" 1?>m ftiio mnrnmfT new uneaus, pm in m-ivi mio >.9 for coal raid in stress of weather. She started with the ship Fnuik Ball in tow, loaded with commissary goods. On arriving South of Cape Henry she encountered tremendous gates, ana was obliged to relieve herself of her tow. Olf Hatteras she fell in with large quantities of drift wood, including new chairs and other furniture, leading to the belief that a steamer had been wrecked in the vicinity. The dead body of a man was also discovered, floating in the water, with a life preserver attached. There was no clue to the name of the vessel lost. The Continental had some government horses on hoard, and forty-two'of them had to be thrown overboard. The Frank Ball is believed to be safe, as she was able to take care of herself. There were several other disasters to vessels on the coast during the recent gales, but we do not learn of any addi-* tional total wrecks. The Continental will leave for New Orleans in a day or two. Distinguished British Visitors.?Lt. Col. Galway, of tlic British Royal Engineers, Capt. Goodenough, of the Royal Artillery, and Capt. Alderton, of the Royal Navy, arrived at the Port Royal House a few days since, on a visit to the Department, in an official capacity. As guests of Gen. Gillmore, under escort of Lt. Col. Hall, Provost Marshal General, they yesterday visited Fort Pulaski and Tybee. They will probably go North in the next trip of the Arago. Escape and R$-Captcrk op another T>v.,-v.-,vot. PntcAvfT) On TlniPiiLn' niirlit X UVM^WJl X AlOVtiom v*? m?^i?v last Private Michael McMahan, of the 48th New York Regiment, confined in the Provost Guard Hou?e, on sentence > for desertion, succeeded in making his escape by ripping up a board in the fioor of his cell. He was re-captured on Friday morning by the Provost patrol, near the creek, between Hilton Head and Mitchellville. The Provost officers keep so strict a surveillance over the whole slnnd that they can put their hands on a prisoner after he has esrapcd, as eertainly, and almost as readily, as ; hough lie were in his cell. JS'o \ rhonor has ever yet made good his escape, though many : smart ones have tried nun.her away. - ?- *. : Tuner. G. ('., the efficient Quartermaster on Gen. Gillmore's StatF. and his clerk, Mr. L. D. (.'uiuiingluun. received their friends at their quarters ?>n Fridny evening. Xearly all the members of Gen. Gillmore's Staff were present, and many other prominent officers and ; civilians, including the officers ol* the steamship Fulton. The evening ay as passed in a very pleasant manner, and the levee was one of tlie most enjoyable ever held in the Department. Sentence foi: liqcoa to Soldiers.?Mr. Jas. A. McCrca, of Beaufort, : the quondam missionary who was arrested for selling liquor fo soldiers, pleaded guilty, and has been sentenced to seven days in jail, to pay a line of ?.'uk>, and to be sent permanently out of the Department. The original sentence imposed severer penalties, but a portion of it was remitted out of regard for his family. Promotions.?Lieut. John IT. Lowell, of the Oth Maine, and Quartermaster Sergeant Varnitm II. Hill, of the :kl X. IT., have been promoted to be Assistant ^nanermasters or \ omnteers, witn rnc j rank of Captain. Miss Dix, the well known philanthro- ' pist, arrived here in the Fulton on Tliurs-1 day. She visited the Hospitals lures, and is now at Beaufort, the guest of1 Surgeon Clvmer. C.wt. Ciias. Gamietsox, A. Q. M., formerly at this post, has been dismissed for disloyalty. Purser Thomas Mc3Iaxi;s, of the steamship Fulton, has our thanks for files of late Northern and European papers. Okoeii R::uari>lxo Aisle-Bodied Col| ouedMex.?General Orders, No. 39, from Department Headquarters, contains the following:?" Commandants of all Posts in this Department, will cause to be sent to the nearest Recruiting Office for colored troops, all colored men who may come within the lines front the enemy. No permits to leave the Department or any Post therein, will he granted to any colored man. until he shall have received a certificate from the Enrolling Board that he is not liable to perform military duty. Post Surgeons will perform the duty of Examining Surgeons for colored recruits, and will act with the Enrolling Board,when in session at their respective Posts. QIRCULAR. ~ TT TT UFFIOE OFTHK rsnvoST-.llAKSIIAi., XJII.Twa S. 0., March 23, 1?'4. In compliance with orders received from Post Headquarters, the following Police Regulations, for the preservation cf health and cleanliness, are established, aud will be strictly and rigidly enforced:? 1. AH slops must be put into barrels, and in no case thrown upon the gronnd. The barrels must be emptied at least daily, cleaned, and not allowed to stand and be used nutil they become offensive. 2. No dirty water of any kind will be thrown upon the ground, or left standing about. 3. The proprietor or occupant of each dwelling or building must thoroughly police, (or cause it to be done), nil the ground around his premises, asd not suffer dirt to accumulate next to fences or under buildings. 4. All vegetable matter must be removed, and not allowed to accumulate. .*>. Particular attention must be paid to sinks and privies. They must be kept clean, and chloride of lime frequently thrown into the vaults. All an- reminded that the omitting of nuisances about their premises, is strictly forbidden. C. The buildings and fences must be kept neatly whitewashed. " T. Floors must be scrubbed as often as once each week, and kept clean at all times. 8. Wood, boxes, barrels, &c., mnst be piled up in a compact manner. In brief, a general and thorough system of cleanliness in and around the premises of every oue, must he observed. .strict obedience to or- j herein enjoined. is Tor the interest of every person at this Post. If nil will do their utmost 1 to observe sanitary laws, there is 1:0 reason why > we may not he as free from any disease, of an > epir.enue nature. iis in ii lioniK'nt euinaic. i Iiy n?!ir of the Colouel commanding the Post, ] a lint* of fjcO; tifty dollars will he collected fioui every parson whose premises are reported io he ? iu a bad condition. i ' P.v onier of 8. C. Pre a. Ja., Cant, and Provost I Marshal. J. P. Kisu, Cap:, and Asst. Provost Marshal, i Approved: Kewiei.i> Diuvkk, Col. (*>th Conn. Vols., Conid'g Post, ^ENfcRAL ORDERS, NO. ki. 11 hwkjrauTF-Es, Djt'actmknt ?v no: Somi, TIii.ion Head, S. C., M\ -'1. 1n>4.?I. The following extract from General Orders. No. si, from the War Department, dated A. O. O., Washington, ^ July -h, lvii, is heiel>< republished for the in- > formation of all con;- .ned : 3. "The jrivintr li duplicate, by any officer of i i the Army, of Ceiti rates of 1 .dscliap'e, or Final ! . Statements, is j? emptorily forbidden: (see J paragraph IK), o' the Revised Regulations.; , Not even if such pers are lost, or destroyed, is i any officer of Uie Army anthorized to replace the n." Any officer reported to these Headquarters, det 'cted in violating the above order, will be re- j , commended to the President far summaiy dismissal front the service. J. The attention of the Major General Com- i maiidicsr baa been called to the mischief resultin;.' from the detention, by Post Commanders, of 1 tin steamers belonging to the Quartermaster's | , Department. The transports will, in no case, lie detained or diverted from the particular duty upon which they are engaged, except under imperative nc ( ces.-ity, in which case the facts will be reported, at once, to those Headquarters. Dy command of Maj.-Gen. Q, A. Gillmore. EDWARD W. /S.MIT1I, A.A.O. OOMETiilNGTO HEAD! JUST RECEIVED 0 from New York, Pliiiadelphia and Dotton, a 1 ich variety of ATTRAUT1VK 1)0< )1\S, at prices varying from one dime to one dollar each; embracing all the novelties and several standard authors, as Smollett, Fielding, Lever, Dickens, ** * * ' .miss urauuon, unuuii aim immw. 4* L. HTJMtiOSx Ufloa-gqaarft. VJEEDSl SEEDS' O Fresh from Thorbnrn*? a choic variety of Flower Seed.", at .s'Vyj/NO.Ws, Union-squared ENVELOPES. LARGE AND SMALL, OFFICIAL AND KPiSTOl.AUY, COSTLY AND CHEAP, THICK AND TIIIN, At STIMSOX'S, Union-square, in the corner. I^LEA POWDEIL?PROF. S. BIIENDSOHN'S Celebrated Magnetic Powder, for the swift destruction of Fleas. Sand Plies, Garden Insects, Grey Backs and Bed Buys, may lie found at S-rivsoVs store, Vnion-sqnare: sent by mail to any address, on receipt of BO cents. Also for sale, Killant's Cockroach Powder. I.^X. I-.X. 1060. 2 P.O. J Donble Extra Thick Envelopes, ntSrtv! son's new store. Union-square. Razor stroi>s-2.-? cents?with case for a Pair of Razors. A good article. Price 2:? cents each, or ifi per dozen. At stimson*s, Union Square. POCKET books, card cases, backii.miruiB Ili/?.. I 'liHijnum 1'pihhiiiw Boxes, Checkers, Checker Boards, (wholesale and retail), Mucilage, lied and Black Ink, Eagle Pencils. Mason's Blacking. the Camp Ilat Hack, Twine Holders, Peu Racks, Eyelet Stamps, Victorine Sealing Wax. Diaries, Elegant lukstauds, Account, Books, Camp Stoves, Cavalry Boots, Gauntlets, Pocket I land kerchiefs, Silk Neck-ties, Writing and Toilet Cases, Cigar Cases, Muslin Sheets, Mattresses, Blank Cards, Wedding Cards; Slates, etc., may he had at STIMSOX'S Store, in the Adams Express Building, Union Square, until the 1st proximo. Notarial seals. document seals. SEALS FOR BONDS AND MORTGAGES. For sale low to the Trade by A. L. STIMSON, Stationer, Next door to Adams Express Ofilee. MATTRESSES.?A. L STIMSON will offer at private sale some lluslt Mattresses, now on the way. _ A FRESH INVOICE OF ALBUMS.?PER xjl last Express I received another invoice of the latest and richest styles of PRESENTATION ALBUMS, for the preservation of photographic likenesses of valued friends, distinguished persondges and commanding officers. A. L. STIMSOX, Unionsquare. TOB PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, f J from a Poster, the sixe of this sheet, down to a Visiting C:yd. done neatly and promptly, at Tin: Palmetto Hkr.u.i> Ofvtob, Next South of the Theater, Sutlers' Row, Hilton Head, 8. C. Notice to news-dealers, parties desiring copies of THE PALMETTO HERA T Tl of rjitpfl nn tho H*iv nf miUltoa. tion, are requested to send in their orders as early a? Saturday evening of the previous week. S. W. MASON & Co., Proprietors. Port Royal, S. 0. Military and naval goods.-a Large Assortment of Army and Navy Goods msv be found at the Military Store, 11 Merchants' Row. DOUGLAS & CO. \ MERICAN WATCH AGENCY.?AMERIA CAN WATCHES. Solid Fine Gold Vest Chains, Solid Rings, 14, It! and IS K. stamped, and a variety of Masonic Emblems, may be purchased at the Military Store, 11 Merchants' Row. _ DOUGLAS ?fc CO. ? CHARTER?THE SCHOONER RELPIIINE? Capacity "?(?0 bbls. Draft 7 Feet when Loaded. Inquire of DUNBARS & FRANZ. t. Ml".SK.Mi;NTS. -'IT!K I NION TllhATKK, A Kiitoii Ilcul. S. C. 'r ]it. Sxiii;'Aii>'.:uaU Vt'tr;H'r,...Mr. I., llainsou. Topcrly Man, Mr. A..I. U.Tlawn. Lrutlcr ?>f Orchotr.i, Air. Ik-tiry Mnrj.lty. k vt ,\\d .saitiiiiav hvexi\<;s, aiiiil 1>t A.\o n?, Die Perform nice will commence with the hlyliv interest!!):? Drama iucuael ?s, TIJE MANIAC LOVER. Comic Soiii:. by Mr. Owen, and Favorite Uala"d, by Mr. Vv.anibold. To conclude with tlie Laurhable Far to of the LOTTEiti TICKET. Mo.M'.vv .vsi? TursuAY Ev:>im;s, AruL-hu .imp iihl iViil be presented the hitrhlv ''ntercsthv*Drama of TI1EULSL: 0 , T!IF. OTJPIIAN OF CENEYA. Followed by The Scottish Jfallad of ' Add I.anjr sun." by Mr. Dickson. and the Company ; v. laicVte ballad by Mr. Waiuholrt, and .1 Comic joiii; by Mr. Ovvou. The whole to conclude ivith the Laughable Farce of THE YANKEE PEDLAR. On Mommy Ev::mni;, Ae.:ti. 4ru, the performance will be for the BENEFIT OF TIIF. POST BAND. In tin course of the cuiiim.' tin: orchestra will introduce several new and ' . antifttllY arranged pieces of music. PRICKS OF ADMISSION?Orihestra Seals, to Dc procured only tn me na.y-ume, tr??n id to Iu?i from 1 to i, in the lk/i Other, jo Cent* Parqueite Scats,.j Cents. ROOKS OPEN at w:.:h. C'niLihi rises :.t V o'clock, precisely. POUT ROYAL HOUSE, UNION SOUAKE. Ililtou 11 end,S. C. GlLSON & RIDuKLI., Proprietors. DU. V.'. M. AY A LSI I. PHYSIC! AX & RRUGjrist. No. Ill Sutlers? How, Hilton Head, S.C. A lull supple iuStont. 1'ocvr.viNS* with tl;e ClUMOEsT Svsits. C^" Orders to the above address will receiveprompt attention. PHOTOGRAPHS, Ac.-THE SUBSCRIBKI.'S arc now prepared to take Photographs, Carter de Yisite, Mehinotypes, Views, Ac., Ac., at lleaufoit, S. C.,ncar ihe Arsenal, on b'oilv Island. S. C.. near Headquarters, at .Tackwrarille, l'la., cor. Forsyth and Dubois sts. Will open In a few days at H ilton Head, over the cilice oi The Palmetto Herald, next south of the Theatre, in a new building soon to lie completed. The BEST ot" WORK guaranteed. NONE BI T FIRST CLASS ARTISTS EMPLOYED. Stereoscopic Views of Camps, Laud.-caiK's. Buildings, etc., taken on Morris and Folly Islands, Beaufort, S. C., ami Jacksonville, Fla., now for sale bv SAM. A. COOLEY & CD. QAXTON HOUSE, O C'ou. Sru vnu C Snuurrs, Brvrrour. S. (1 minute's walk from the Landing.,} Tlie subscribers, having fitted up the abovehouse respeetlhlJy solicit the patronage of thf travelling public, promising that every exertion will be made to secure the comfort of their guest*. ' GOUIIAM TENNIS, > Pronristora JAMESG. P.Uil.\i:nsox,\ J ! 10 Ryan a bellows, no. s sutlers* row. Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, and Sutlers' Goods of Every Description. Wholesale and Retail. w T-rill'rre \riITT\l A V .t- CO ATfVY * "YAW W " ""CLOTUTKRS.' N<*. .'"4 nnd 2r*J Broadway, Now York, oneblock above the Astor House ; and HENRY A. TOPIIAM, No. 7 Sutlers* How, Hilton Head. Dealers fn fine READY MADE CLOTHING and FURNISH ING GOODS, Garments nude to order at short notice. Cat this out and give ns a call when Vigftfajr New York. DUK BARS A FRANZ. 1? SUTLERS' ROW. Dealers in Sutlers' Goods, Wbolmle and Hi-tail. rlfi ATTENTION OF SUTLERS AND TRADERS is t ailed to our Lunrcaml Extensive Stock of Goods, embracim; KYEltY VARIETY of MERCHANDISE suitable for this market, r.!l of which xv-ill be sold at Prices LOWER THAN EVER. We are constantly fn receipt of additions to our stock. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. METAJ-LIC COFFINS of ever.- sire constantly on hand. C. W. DENNIS ? 'iyii> \ rrnv prws STATIONERY and all the NEWSPAPERS, at the Lowest Price g. __ C~ ON DEM NED STEAMER Foil SALE. -WILL be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, To the highest bidder, at 12 o'clock, noon, on MONDAY, the Kith dsr of M \Y. 1*04. the V. S. STEAM Eli DARLINGTON, With the Boilers and Machinery, as she now lays at tins j)lace. Sale to take place at the steamer. Terms Cash. Delivery immediately. JNO. II. MOORE, Capt and A. Q. M. Asst. <>r. Sir. Oiiice, ltenufoit. S. ) March, 1SG4. ) I7?NV ELOPES AT TEN CF.NTS PER PACK! J CHEAPER YET'.! 1m) Envelopes Tor :.(? cents ! LOWER STILL!! 500 Nice Bnfi self-seaJimr Letter Kuveloi* s for one wu.a::, at STI MSOS'S new Literary 1V|k>L next door to Express ottLv, in Union-s^narc.