COLUMBIA. Tuesday Morning. October 2, 1877. The President's Tour. The press and the people of both sections seem to be altogether satis* fied with the sayings and doings of the President on his Southern lour. Even those States that gave the largest majority for Tilden, seem to be most delighted with Hayes. His Southern policy, wo suppose, is one of the secrets of his warm reception and the general endorsement of his principles. In other words, as long as ho tracks the line of his present policy, the solid men of both par? ties intend to sustain his administra? tion. The Springfield Republican thinks the President's trip "really culminated at Atlanta, when the capital of the State that gave Tilden his greatest majority, turned out to do him honor," and that "nothing could probably bo better than (Jov. Colquitt's welcome to Hayes as the great pacificator, the peace-maker be? tween brethren estranged, and the President's reply was the best speech of the whole trip." The New York Herald is equally satisfied, and even jubilant. It says: "Nothing could bt better of its kind than his (the which we printed yesterday. lXT, .was pitched in the same key as ad his New England speeches, and, in fact, all his other Southern speeches, but it was not marred by any ex-! pression8 inconsistent with the 1 dignity of his great office. Besides the lesser merits of perfect good 1 taste and exquisite tact, it was mark? ed throughout by a justness and gen? erosity of sentiment which not only captivated his immediate hearers, but will command the general ap? proval of the, sober-thinking men of both parties. The excellence of this speech may, in part, be due to the admirable temper and tone of Gov. Colquitt's add res > of welcome No speaker ever hit the mark more exactly in the middle than the De? mocratic Governor of Georgia did, when be said to the President: 'The great moving cause of these hearty demonstrations which have greeted you since you reached Southern soil, j as to be found in the generous confi? dence with which you believe what trust; which wiil not exaot cringing and servile guarantees.' " The Au? gusta Chronicle and Constitutionalist says: '-'If anybody at the North is displeased with the Southern tour, it is mainly the 'stalwart Republi? can,' who fattens on the spoils of war, and has nothing to hope from peace. It may be that the machine? ry which led to the inaugural ion of Mr. Hayes was false in fact, in law, and in everything eine, but there can be no question that it accomplished one tremendous result, the unmask? ing ot the Madien! Republican idea and party, which were incarnated in President Grant." The Missouri Republican well describes the condi? tion of that faction: "From that day to this the Republican party has been like a man awaking from a drunken stupor. It does not recog? nize itself; it cannot ascertain its bearings. Its old laud-uiarks are gone', and it seems to be in a new world. When it looks and lis'ens, it sees strange sights and hears strange sounds; the country at peace; the personal retinue of Grant ism scattered to the winds; carpet bagism wrecked and dishonored; Wade Hampton escorting a Repub? lican Executive and Cabinet through the South; a million of the citizens of Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Ca? rolina and Virginia, shouting to Mr. Hayes the heartiest welcome ever given to an American President; the strife between whites and blacks end? ed, and the colored people in many Southern States contentedly voting the Democratic ticket. The Repub? lican loaders realize this transforma? tion slowly and faithfully, and not the least of their surprise is at find? ing that the shock which shatters their delusion comes from one whom they perverted law and f&cts to make President," Ex-Senator Thur mau, in a public address on the Ohio stump, the other day, while con? demning the Electoral Commission, admitted that the President was con? stitutionally chosen; that his title was without flaw,, and that inso? much as he had carried out politic? ally the prime doctrines and poli? cies of the Democracy, in his treat? ment of the South, he was deserving of and would receive the everlast? ing gratitude of mankind. The Southern people will support the President so long as be keeps on his present line. Gov. Colquitt and Gov. Brown spoke the voice of Goor President's) speech at gia, and the President, doubtless, un? derstood and appreciated language which had uu uuuuttuin souud. City Items. Otstkkb?In every style can lie obtained at all reasonable hours, at Pat Median's. Other solids and fluids constantly on hund. ItXLioioua Cathkrinus.?Tiie Presbyterian Synod convenes in thiH city on the 17tli instant. The Methodiiir Conference assemble* at tlte Washington Street Churoh, next month. Nkxt.?John McCullough, the noted tragcdl an, with a capital company, gives i>ue perform, mice in tins Operu House, on Tuesday evening, October 9? Richard III. lie stands Al iu the profession. sii 1:1.1. Flau. ? AI Sweeney'* dining saloon and raataui nut. corner Cci vh in and (Jutes streets, y outrun uhtnin Hht'll Hah of nil kinds?nysteis. claim. Hliritiip. crabs, etc., done up in ail styles; also, scale thh and eels. Try them. Anotubr.?Little Willie adopted son of Mr. und Mm. Kohert Johnson, departed thin life, yestcrilay, from that terrilite disease, diphtheria. This is the third death in t lie family in less than a year?lather, Hinter and brother. A Smash rr. ? A hor.-e attached to a wagon belonging to a Mr. Watts, became frightened at the music, yesterday evening, and ran down the side-walk, 111 the vicinity of the PniKXIX ?Die?? the pedestrians giving a wide berth. Nobody hurt, but the wagon will need renewing. Thk M1 nstuei.s.?The geuuiue (icorgia Min? strels give mi entertainment in the Opera House, to-morrow night. They have '*travelled this country all over," given the Europeans a turn and been w?llri^iTflrt Ymi liave Hceu_wJiafc4mttaT?rfl caajlo^uow giveTfie-?gcnu nrticle s trial. -N Coui.o Not Sino.?At the funeral of little Corn l.ove, in the Presbyterian Church, uu Sunday afternoon, the hymn was given out and ttie school-mates of the dead child at? tempted to si 11 lt it. but they broke down com? pletely, ami llit* tendier? carried it through. It was tin affecting s'ght. Cora was a great favor? ite witli teachers nod children, - B [',, Pkack Sot'tKTV.?The lifth anniversary I nf tlie^^llll,C'i'l^gg:^a?TOr-^onie>? ? wilFhe held witn open doois, iu the Washington street Chapel, this evening, at 7J o'clock. In COlilieo* tiou with bus ncss. prayers will be offered for the Divine hlcsHliig on the special efforts being made for the promotion of peace 011 earth und good will to .aen. i Excursions.?This uppenra to he the railroad ' nxeun-.ion seuson. The C C. fc A. Railroad brought a party from Augusta, yesterday moru ' ing wlio spent thu (luy in Columbia. The s itith Carolina i nns excursion trains during th?* present week, tickets good for ton days. An j cxcmsa.n trai.i runs to Wilmington, over the \\\. C. it A., next week?und yet wc are not happy. I WhkukThkv Auk.?Curdo/.o is now living in Washington H?ge ?> believed to be in Camilla, and Kimptou has disappeared from liishnui.ts in New York. It is said thnt nil the fugitive- now at the North expo'I an attack nil along the I ue soon und are link nif ['reparations aeconliiigly. Tile lirst step will t-> raise the i|uc?*i?*i "f (iiiv. Hampton's authority, iu the Imps* oi ??enr ing us much delay as possible mi l of iilt.ui lely transferring the trials to thu Federal t ourts. Dead.? We regret to announce the. death, on Sunday last, of Percy A. Beard. 11 young man. about nineteen years of age. and a native of this eity. from consumption His afflicted mother, sister and brothers have the sympathy of their friends iu their bereavement. The Rich laud Volunteer Kiflcs, of which organization hu was a member, buried him with military honors, yesterday afternoon. The I'hienix llook und Ladder Company were also in attendance. 8ai.b Dav ?Yesterday heingsnleday, a large L number of country people were iu the city and r a Quantity of pTbpq>Ty.w>s dis^owed^f. Ur**t interest was centered in the sale oj Niles U. Parker's effects, consisting principally of mag? nificent furniture, p'ctares, &c. A crowd was in attendance and the articles brought higher prices than was expected. To-day there will be another large sale of furniture at Dr. J. L. Nea gle's residence. Auctions speak louder than words. Prof, ('ookk's Wovdbrs.?The exhibition at the Opera House, last night, was truly wonder? ful, but not as complete us was Intended. His wine and water trick is a mystery. To-night, he will pvifbrtn silditinnal wonders?among others, allowing any number of persons in the audience to write questions, and retain the slips iu their possession, ami thej* will be correctly answered?and then exposing the whole thing, so that every apparent delusion will he under? stood. An ext. a.mi;nary entertainment may lie expected. FlRK.?The dwelling of Mr. P. Spcllinnu. on Sumter street, near Senate, wns destroyed by Ore, yesterday morning, about 2 o'clock. The unseasoned - hour was unfavorable to spread? ing the slat 111, and some delay occurred liefor*: the Bremen reached the spot." The Humes were confined to the building in which they originated. Hut a small portion of the furniture whs saved. There is hardly a doubt but that it was the work of uu incendiary. Only a short lime ago, Mr. Spellmati'a bellows was ruined, uud other dirty work done about his shop, and it looks as if the fiend was still unsatisfied. If the guilty party could be detected, his punishment would be severe. The property was partially insured. N'kw I'um.ic'AYiONs.?We have received from the publishers. Messrs. Dick ?v Fit7.gcr?hl. a neatly-printed volume, entitled "Dick's lieclta* tioussiid Headings," which is now being issued 111 numbers, eacli containing about IM) pages of entertaining matter, in pruse und poetry. The price is thirty cunts in paper, or fifty cents in cloth. Address the publishers in New York. "Out of the Depths, the Story of a Woman's Life." has just been issued from tho press of the l'etersons, Philadelphia, as the ninth volume of their $1 series of good novels. This book is hardly up to its predecessors in point of interest, though it is written in n clear, forcible style. It is well worth rending, however, and we recom? mend it to our readers. Sunday in Columbia.?Most of our churches were unusually well attended, lust Sunday. The venerable and eloquent Dr. Plumcr occupied the pulpit of the f irst Presbyterian Church in the morning, and preached one of tbe most pow? erful sermons Mint has been heard in Columbia for many months. He selected us his theme the Fourth Commandment, and handled his inter? esting subject in a masterly style, conclusively proving by the cogency of his reasoning that this important Commandment is as binding and obligatory on us to-day as it was when thun? dered tenth from Mount Hinui. He clearly dis? sipated the erroneous opinion held by many, that the Sabbath should be kept only as a day of pleasure and recreation. Much a forcible din* course as this will surely be productive of much ?;ood iu the community. In the afterooon, tho uneral of little Cora Love took place at the Presbyteriun Church. The solemn services were conducted by the llevs. Drs. Howe and Plumcr, and were peculiarly impressive. Six Sunday school children acted as pull-bearers, and several affecting Sabbath school odes were sung, which were rendered doubly touching by the fact that little Cora, before she died, re? quested that those favorite hymns of hers should lie sung at her funeral. The night services at the two Methodist Churches were well attend? ed and were very interesting. PiiotKixiANA.?Cool. September went out pleasuntly. Dress trains grow longer and longer. Oysters, this day. at MctiuinUia' restaurant. A cooking prize is to bo contended for at the State Fair. Joe Airants departed tor Brooklyn, last nfght, to see Beecher. Sol. D. Epstin, Esq., bap departed for New York, to practice bis profession. Certain parties are beginning to make a fas* over liorae racing at the State Fair. Barbecues and bane bull* will hang np awbile and linen dusters be swathed in camphor. Hall and Felker, the counterfeiters, ?u before Judge Bryan, this morning, in Charleston. The lost of the garrison has departed from (?recnville. The Columbia detail follow* soon. The crack military company of ShviiiiiiuIi has promised to be present at our fair und compete tor the prize. Some men spend more money in getting their wive* iiiuu ihejr do in taking cure ui them once in actual possession. The novel perpetual motion luuchinu invented by nu ingenious mechanic of this city, will bo exhibited nt the fair, next month. Mr. Con way requests us to say that he was not intoxicated when arrested, the other day. He hail. il( seen Prof. Cookc, and was spirit* ua lixed. "Gracious mo!" exclaimed an old lady on the witness-stand in one of our courts, yesterday. "llOW should I know anything about anything I don't know anything about?" The merchant orator, (J. F Jacksoh, returned homo, yesterday, from his Northern trip. Hi says business is very brisk in New York, and that there are ninny Southern purchasers. Kald-hcadcd men. who have heard that kero? sene was a good remedy, are advised by coinpe tont authority to lei it severely alone. Let them ehnriu with their intellect and morality instead of their head-gear. Deputy United State*] Marshal U-unt has car? ried to ChilllestitUlor trial. Hill Hie Kinan and llenry Williams colored, charged with stealing; Government property from the barracks of the Huh Infantry. Williams is hut twelve years old. A Uo-AlIKAIi Fl KM.?Our young I r.ends. Cat heart A Ilugood, are creating a sensation in the cotton market. They Hie located on Main street, between the stores ol Memri>, Swaf field mid K I.. Bryan, Ksqrs., ami in addition Ho their extensive insnrance ami commission business, arc selling all kinds 01 merchandise ami grain; taking eiders lor the same, and send? ing from lirst hands al the very lowest market prices. They have added to their growing busi? ness, the purchase or cotton, and arc prepared to give_tiK? highest pri-es in cash, for the staple which clothes the world. Onr old recol? lect when, the streets ol Ih.s city weie covered With wagons, and upwards of lafiO IhMl hulcs of cotton were sold in our market iiuiuiully. in these latler days the business of our city has re? trograded, aim the sah- of the stap e has uoiiu down to alow point. I'lie consequence has naturally led to a con-,?.po.idiug i-duetion of busiuess in nil huiucln-s a- well ix in cotton. We are of those who believe that the diminished | business of oar city lets been caused, to a great extent, by the waul id live men in the cotton business. Messrs Cuthcart ?V ilugood, at this juncture, fill a void which was injuring our city much; ami with their energy and backed up, as we learn, with ample capital, we are assured that they will not only meet with success them? selves, but help to restore business to oiii city Planters and Ulmets may be assured llnit they wdl pay .-m !i prices lor cotton, as ?1.1 make it their interest |.i send their cotton lo Columbia; and also it will be to their interest to sell in Co. In ml. .a. in preference to consigning to Charles? ton or a Northern market. It was a siiiht aaoil I for sore r.'/cs. on Siturday, to see the cotton bales standing on end in front of Cat heart & , llagood's office. It looks like old times, looks like business and means business. We ask our friends to cull on these gentlemen w hen they I come to this city, us we are assured thev will j Hud-lull acquaintance mutually profitable, us well as agreeable. Puns. Mil. IMiiKNtx: The reader will be interested ' in knowing the occasion which called forth t'.< following bl'illiaut verses, ami the mo te "t their composition. A party of '?low country*' people, of both'exes ami nt' various ages, -iin 0i?CQniidUUitf the luarvcUo'is ff??t herein ride rated, are iBRRSuFMUlllJa Wits li |?oetie In |'d ratiou. They-fcel'taa "divine atSl ?u>" surging in upon tbeir 'souls. Their eyes are in "a Hoc frenzy rolling " The mountain tiiUt looms in before tlu-m, b comes a Parnassus. The coo. fountain tbatslakcs their thlr-t a Pierian sprinc. Forming a nmgie circle in the shadow of a ve? nerable oak, each adds a lim- alternately, until the pastoral poem is completed. This metrical product of many trains now presents its claim to a place umo?g the -'Curiosities ol Litern- I iure:" i "77o* I'ilgrinidge umI How it iras />?,,?." ? The sun's hot beanis were |Niur.'llg down. As thro' a charming llioillitaill town, A jolly crowd, on plea-lire beut, In a jolting, apr?iglesa wagon went, To Uo a Kock. The Hock wns Dunn, And it was fun. To hear each pun Made by the ga*Mutit Uotn'rlson. ; The punster Hi--.essayed to climb, To view the prospect so sublime When half wa\ lip, he chanced to ;iml, I His ttenir had Ur,-ii left behind. With bounding -den ond anxious eye. He. on a slump, did her espy. Heaving u deep ami anxious sigh, And having u little private cry. '?Oh. (ieorgie, dear!" I began to fear, That you would never more appear. To comfort youriilllictod dear. ' And here she dropped u silent tear. Next came Frank, of heavy weight, Who reached thutop, but rather late, Itecuuse of his haggurd. weary mate, A sight to be seen, but not relate. Aunt Annie stepped with nwuk ward slide. Adown the rugged mountain side, 'Twus ??giving a Tiger," made her slip, Ami clumsily the "Boston Dip. ' She r.gained her feet and joined the laugh, Ami. gatlicilng'up her mountain staff, Onward and upward she took her way, A noble teacher of bravery. And next In order came Mis? Mug, Who never thro* the day did flag. lint bounded on o'er hill and crag, Cutheriug her trophies iu a bag. Then came Mary, always quiet. Hut joined that day in tho general riot; Skipping and hopping, full of glee, In this sweet lumCof liberty. Graceful and airy was her Might, Along the steep and rocky height; Hut as the sunny day grew hotter, She moped und fclghed for tho absent Trotter. There followed next Mitt Lizzie M., Who moulded of puns the brightest gem; The prize, a melon, which she won. Vanished ere her ascent began. The vein of climbers scaled the Rock, But fell and gave her kin a shock. The secret was, she lacked one more. To make her two slioc? doubly sure [nhoer.) Then last of all came Julian V? As nice a boy as he could be; He rude l.ehlml upon a stood, Which, since morning, had no feed. But aided by the four-fold hoof, The muleteer scaled the Rocky Roof; What happenened there 'twill vale and sky, Was hidden from the Muse's eye. The shadows long and darkly lay Across our path, and the mules did bray, Showing our party came that way. Thus ended our eventlul day. I Ir^LHAL INVITATION. Tho friends and acquaintances of Mr. R. W. Johnson and fanily and of the late John A. J. Derrick and family, are respectfully invited to attend the fu.neral of WILLIE C. DERRICK, at tho residence of the former, THIS A FT Kit NOON, at half-past 3 o'clock. TELEGRAMS TO DAILY PH(ENIX. Euro-Derm Intelligence. Atiikns, September 210.?(Jrecce lias Bent a fresh despatch tu her representative:-, at London, relative to her attitude. The Creek Minister of Foreign Affair* points out that neither intimi? dation nor a coup de main against Oreece ran suppress Hellenism. An unjust sttack ngainst Ureece by the. Porte would infallibly csusc an . insurrection or the entire Hellenist people, j Viknka. September 80.?The Political Cor ; re*iK>ndvfvv piihliaiuts the loin.wing f/oin Bel ' trade: The M.Histnr. ui" War imseoiictiidc? a j contract with some large Servian linns for v c'.u ! uling the tour army cor|is which Scrvia intends : to lorm. a telegram from Scnijnvo, the capital of the j Province of Bosnia, says a portion of the Turk t i-di troops in Bosnia huve been ordered to pro? ceed in the ditcction of Mostar, the capital of llcrxegoviniu, and the remainder to the Servian IVonlier. I.oNUOK, September ?0.?A despatch'from Pesth, referring to tbe seizure of breech-loader-, and cartridges in Transylvania, says: It is said ; the design of the Turkish sympathisers In Tran , sylv inia was the formation of the Hungarian : legi. nnmbcring 00,000 men, who, acting in : conjunction with a Turkish corps, were to de? stroy the. i.'oumanian Railroad. It is rumored that tin- Hungarian General Klapktt was one I of the leaders. The whole affair has, however, been nipped in the laid. A letter from St Petersburg states that Verestchagin, the well j known Itussiun, who was severely wounded in i a monitor light on the Danube, recovered and j joined tin- army before Plevna, and was there I killed. This is probably a mistake, for Vercst ' '.hagin's brother, who was killed at Plevna. A Constantinople despatch says the Turkish newspapers publish a report that Osrnan P.isha defeated the ItUssiuns before Plevna. The Porte refused to permit the transit of timber across the i Danube for housing the Kussiun wounded. Snow has ceased falling iu the Balkans, but heavy rains have Hooded the plains nfSoHa and ' Orkaiii. Thomas Scrambler Owdea, Alderman for the ward of Bishopsgute, was elected Lord Mayor 1 of London. Tin; Times, though it strongh sympathises with Itussia, prints the following under a prom incut heading: "Tiii-.itaim ?, S-ptem'.-ei ?It ' is said that the Turkish s have received strict orders uo< to fire at any Russian (Selieral, lest he should lie killed ui disabled, and re? placed." Sofia, Sunday Kveniog. September 80.? Trustworthy information Ins been received . here, that Osinuii I'a.dis has repulsed a heavy j Riisso* Ron mania n attack on his front und left, . inflicting heavy losses, Ii Usa:i: ihut he at? tacked the Russians on the ! oral/, and re? covered several positions. This seems to agree with the repoit published in Constantinople new.-pupels, yesterday, that Osimin Pasha had defeated the Roumanians before Plevna, but tiler.- is no more reason to believe the one than the ntl.vr. The details u-enible the tight of ; S'pteiuliei II In I.S remarkably. The Imperial lim? i umbel iiil .Mi,two. issaid to be due before I'icMui I.? t! ,- ?ih of October; it is thought highly ilnpr.ih ,ble that the Iii SsittllS have made i a genera I a-> . It w t'limt them, ii> tiil cr I.?Cnidiiiul Sixte Blam I Slirzii is dead. Ho was !?i>ty-seven years old und created a Cardinal in Isi.s. London. October I.?The standard Corres > poudeiit with the Turkish army, telegraphs I from Plevna: Osman Pasha's losses from the Itiissian cautiomule are exceedingly light, but I on the day he look the rcdoulits in the I So fichu Road, he |o*| :t.erulion8 ii.i a must extensive scale arc requisite for the capliiie of of the place. The C/. no witch visited iioiuy Staden, on Saturday, to relinquish the command of the left flank and resume com iiyu.l . '"m,"-"!* ' *?|'| gp? , MtOOni - Turh.sli convoy for Plevna returned to Orkaat, the inldu cavalry having captured eight uugnus of grain. The Hrnnd Duke Nicholas hus liver complaint. i he tirst Turkish convoy which entered Piev? it i fon-isted of - ihh) wagons; number of wag? ons in Um second convoy iintre|k>rted. A tor respo.idelit says of the Russians before Plevna: * 'l hey seem completely at sen; they have no plan no idea, no head, they are waiting for re? inforcements, which arrive slowly and which, when all here, will hardly more thuu cover their losses by battle and sickness during the last two mouths. History offers no such example of a splendid army in such an utterly helpless condi? tion. Suleiman Pnsha is fortifying at Shipka Pass, apparently with the intention of wintering there." A Madras correspondent, reviewing the actual effects in that Presidency of the famine and diseases consequent on the famine, says the registered deuths ol* the present year up to the end ot June, were :>70.IKKJ above the uveinge. This, according to the opinion of the district ollicers. does not represent more than two thirds of the actual mortality, and we have further to add the deaths which huve occurred since, and have not yet been officially reported. The correspondent's conclusion is that not less than 7?0,imju |?ersou4 have ?[allen victims, and even these figures will piobably be largely in? creased before the famine and its after-wave of au Hering has finally passed away. ^ American Intelligence. \ Jacksonvii.i.k September SO.?Two deaths at Permindinu, to-day. Collector of the Port F. C. Crossniuu and Harry Smith died lust night und several cases extremely low, among them Mayor Uiddell. Three new cases to day. Salt Lark, September 30. ? On in Porter Rockwell, the notorious Mormon murderer, and accredited chief of the Dunitcs, was indicted by the (irand Jury of the First Judicial District of the Territory, now iu session ut Prevo, for his participation in what is generally known us the Alkin inn?iere. lie was iu astute of intoxica? tion when an est cd and talked loudly of writing his confessions. Bishop Robert T. Burton, the Major Ucneral of the Nauvoo legion, and Dr. Clinton, who were arrested, have bpth teen re? leased Iioin custody on ?150,(HX) and $100,000 bail, respectively. Wasiiinoton, September30.?The verdict iu the case of Frederick A. ?awyer, ex-8e iiutvr from South Carolina; William F. Haynas, of Pennsylvania; ex-Coinmissiouer of Customs Frank VV. Brooks and Ucneral Roddy, who were accused of defrauding the Oovernmeut in a bogus cotton claim, involving upwards ol ?oO.iM?, \?as rendered to day, at IT o'clock, andf the defendant* found guilty. They wcn| immediately arrested and conveyed to jail, ana will lie iiroiight up for sentence to-morrow. } The 11 ausfer of the Xutionul Repablicbn newspaper to ex-Sccretaty of lie Navy Robea&i and A. M. Olapp, lute public printer, to be coi* ducludaa uu uuti Administration organ, la re? garded us uuolher step in the movement to crya* tuhze the eleiiic.uts ut variance with the policy of President Hsye-' Administration, inaugurated by Senator Conkting at Rochester. Tho paper, according to Hie statements of its friends,-, will be well sustained by tho ultra wing of the Republican party, and it is proposed to j engage upon it tho best talent. Pay Koll Clerk F. R. Uoodrich, of the Interior' Department, is reported as irregular to the extent of $J,000, by forgery. Scliura tried to conceal the matter, but the unfortunate young, man wrote a letter to his chief, that a woman hud been hounding and black-mailing him for money. Congress will bo convened In extra session ou the 15tU ilist. A special to the Baltimore Sun, from Ohio, reports that tbe Republicans there have made gains recently, and expect to carry the State by a handsome majority. The reasons given are unusual Democratic apathy, iu neglect to regis? ter, and the withdrawal from the ticket of some of their leading legislative candidates. New Yoiik, October 1.?The Pott mys that the general dissatisfaction with the course ot Senator Conkling and bis followers in the Ro? chester Convention baa resulted in a proposal to call a Republican mass meeting in this city, for the purpose of expressing the true sentiment of the party. The project originated among the members oi the Union League Club, who, while wishing to support the Republican Mute ticket, are anxious to disclaim any approval of the attack mude in the convention upon the Ad? ministration und its supporters. A letter from Silver City. New Mexico, says that, between 400 and BOO Apc;!;e warriors, with squaws and papooses, have left the San Carlos reservation, und Mlong the (>ila River they have killed twenty people, burned ranches, etc. Nine bodies were buried at Silver City on the 13th, and great excitement exists there. All the people are urmiug. Thirty armed citizens have gone from Clifton, Arizona: to meet the savages, and thirty more from Silver City. Sixty more will go dowu as soou as arms arc received. At Friar*B Bav, Me., while two trays were in a boat, one aged nine fell overboard, when the other, a few years older, jumped afUr him. Both were drowned. ?ETKOIT, October I.?Two freight trains col? lided on the T? W. & W. Uoad; two engines, fifteen cars and a ride-stealing tramp burned: loss 91511,0011. VYasuinoiok, October I. ?The present stair of the National Republican embraces Messrs. A. M. Clapp. editor-in-chief; N. Davidson, ma? naging editor; Clias. L. Flanagan, A. B. Tnl cott, IL 1'. Goodwin aud Joseph Y. Patts, as? sociates. The salutatory of marly three co? lumns, was generally read und discussed. Extracts: "We cannot consent by silence on that point, that our attitude towards the pre? sent National Administration shall be misun? derstood or misinterpreted. Having devoted our best abilites and efforts to secure the eleva? tion of (ten. Rutherford B. Hayes to the Presi? dency, us the representative of the Republican parly and its pronounced principles, it will lie our highest pleasure to sustain nil his measures and policies, that are in harmony with Republican principles, usages und traditions. To take any other course would, in our judgment, tie in? consistent with political good faith, und render us remiss in duty. To expect mure or less of us now. would lie to impugn our political integ? rity and qilestiSlI our good sense us Republi? cans. We shall furor und advocate all public improvements by which inter-State commerce may be pinmntcd and strengthened, nnd the resources of the entire nation may he developed into wide-spread prosperity. We shall not con? tend for a tariff for protection but for revenue. We are iiP favor of remonetlzlng silver nnd making it a legal tender of equal value with gold for nil debts dne the Government und the pcoide. We shall advocate the issue of green? backs, bucked by the national faith, to ail amount equal to the wants of business and trui.e. and which shall be received the suiue as, gold and silver for all dues to the Government and individuals." it is confidentially stated that Senator Wal? lace, of lYun., is opposing Randall for Speaker, nnd somewhat more loosely stated that the Pennsylvania delegation,'except one, is solid for Randall. The California tragedian, John McCullougb, opens his Southern tour, to-night, at Richmond, in Richelieu. Travelling with McCullongh urc Messrs.|Levick land Lawrence, Miss Eleanor Curry. Mrs. Allen and others, under the general management of John T. Ford. A Norfolk despatch, yesterday, says the Gulf Stream, from Charleston, S. C for New York, with au ussoitcd cargo und Com teen passengers, altera stormy passage of four days, put in here lor coal. The cuptuin reports fearful weather on the const, and heavy North-west gnles. No wrecks repotted. The bodies of Abner James and his wife, locked in each other's arms nnd with n hnnd of each clenched around a revolver, were found in the woods near Zancsville, Ohio. They lived unhappily together, although only married four? teen months. There la much excitement, bnt wbaVt -rn tir-fc?nt-ru4c tncl nmrd^rer cannot be -. decideJ. Incendiary negroes in the Teclie country of Louisiana have begun firing sugar houses and four have recently been destroyed, involving a loss of fully ?150.000, Schleinbergcr' ?t Sons! morocco and tallow mill, in Philadelphia, destroyed by Are; loss ?175.000: fully insured. Another installment of 500 Mormons from Europe has Hrrivcd in New York, for Utah. The large and thriving village of Putnam, Eastern Connecticut, was nearly destroyed by tire, early this morning. The business portion is nil gone except the National Bank and new hotel. Loss about 300,000. Insurance largely distributed in this State and New York. Financial and Commercial. Columbia, October 1.?Cotton steady?mid? dling in.JaHJ.i- sales 75 bales. Lonoon. October 1.?Consols 05 1-115. Paris. October 90.?Rentes 105f. 31%. Liverpool; October 1.?Cotton easier but not quotably lower?middling uplands 6J; middling Orleans 0i: sales 10,000 bales; speculation and export LOCO: receipts 100; no American. Fu? tures sellers at Saturday's quotations?uplands, low middling clause, October and Novcmbei delivery, 64; November and December 61; Dec* ember and January rbj; January and February 0 5-16; February aud March 61; new cropshippil October and November sail t>4; November ami December ?J; December and January 6J; Janu? ary and February 0 $?-39. Sales American 0.550. New York, October 1.?Stocks firm. Gold 2J. Money 4- Exchange?long4.82; short 4.86$. . State bonds quiet. Governments weak, lower. Cotton dull?uplands 11J; new Orleans 114; sales 544. Futnres shade lower?October 11.05 u 11.07: November lO.lfejafM: December I0.92a94; January ll.02all.04; February 11,16*18. Flour dull. Wheat heavy Corn steady. Pork firm?' 14.15a95. Lard tirm?steam9.22J. Freights firm. Baltimore, October I,?Flour dull?Howard Street and Western super 3.75s 5; extra S.OOafj; family H.50aK.25; city mills super 4a4.75; extra 6.3na0.75. Wheat steady?Southern red, good to prime 1.33a 1.45; amber 1.48a50, Western 1.29. Southern com steady?white and yellow OlaTL Western steady. Saws, Saws, Saws. TT AND, Pannel and Ripping SAWS. JIX Tcnnon, Circular and Key-hole Saws. /Cross-cut, Framing and Mill Saws. f Wood, Butcher's and Kitchen Saws. In great variety and various qualities, con? stantly on hand. Also, Circular Saw-, of Dose ton's or Hoe's ma nn faoture. or any size, brought out to order on short notice and for sale low down by JOHW AOKEW. THE NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS! NOW OPENING AT C. F. JACKSON'S, THE Sato ?t *