f 41 . ? 9 THE Daily Paper $10 a Year. PH (MIX. 'Let our Just Censure Attend the Trae Event." Tri-Weekly $7 a Year BY J. A. SELBY, ?ft. COLUMBIA, S. C.. THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 26, 1865. VOL. I-NO. ?S?g 0^ THE PHONIX, rCBLISHEDDijL? AJ.T> TRI-WF.EKLY, BY JULIAN A. SELBY TERMS-W AD VANCE, sfBsop.irnos. Dailv Paper, six month*.$5 00 . Trw Weekly, " " . .3 50 - Single copies 10 cents. 1 AUVKKTISErHEXTS Insertad at $1 per square for tho first in? sertion. and.75 cents for*eaoh subsequent. i>3~Snccial notices'15 cents a linc. . ApvANCE ix COTTON.-It seems to be generally believed that tho re? cent startling advance in the price of cotton will not ojdy be sustained, but 'be still.further improved. The now universally conceded small amount of land cultivated in cotton, the recent disastrous casualties resulting in the burning of nrimense quantities of the "royal of staples." re-opening and re? sumption of labor at most of the foreign and domestic cotton mills all these considerations combine to enhance . the price, and will, doubt? less, not ?tease to operate for, years to come. At all events, and in any rea? sonable view of the case, our planters may now go to work attheir prelimi nary arrangements for plaiting heavy crojis for the "next year, well assured that industry and enterprise will in? dubitably be rewarded with large re? turns. -nS"' i van nah Herald. Bishop "Wilmer, of Alabama, has replied to tho order of Gen. Wood closing the Episcopal Churches hi that State, refusing to recogize the right of any civil or military officer to dictate to him in the performance of his duty in the Church ol' God. But whilst ho has lieitlier the wish nor the power to resist military force, he enters his solemn protest against tile interference expressed in tile order issued by General Wood. Tito latter responded by .stating that if ^ the order was not obeyed, lie would cer? tainly use military force in closing the ! churches. Atlanta Medical. College. THE Course of Lectures in this 'ustitn-J Iinji will commence cm the FIRS'A MON? DAY in.Novembo# next, and continue four mouths-thc-Faculty, having changed the time for thc session from summer to the winter months. JOHN* G. WESTMORELAND. Dean, i Oct '25 Imo Foi State Treasurer. EDWIN J. SCOTT, Esq., thc well-known Cashier of the Commercial Rank, Colum? bia, S. C., is nominateil for the office of State Tren surer. With his* abilities, both as financier and accountant, and his per? sonal attention, which ho would devote to that department, the public may feel sure of its best management. Oct 'J4 ii For State Treasurer. Thc friends of Dr. R. W. GIBBES respect- I fully nominate him to thi- Legislature for this office. His-well known business cha? racter, energy and ability ominontly recom? mend him. He has for many years served thc Statt- efficiently In variqxis capacities, and now he needs her support. Oct '?l For Congres^ We are authorized to announce* JAMES ' FARROW, Esq., of Spartanburg, as a can-' delate to represent, in the Congress of thc Um.fd States, tlio Fourth Congressional District? comprising the Districts of An? del-., .?j. Dickens, G rccnjjllo. Laurens,"Spa r tanburg, Union, York ami Chester. BOAiEii3i3ra-. ]^OUB or live g- ntlenie?i (of the Legisla j tun ) can rind BOARDING, at accom? modating terms, by applying at thc corner Luise, foot ot' Lady r^reet, two squares over tlc- Greenville IL fr._(u-i/j; 3* Drawing, Painti?g, &c. nnHOSE lesirous nf taking Lessons in J DRAWING; r.\l M CM. IN OIL, WATER AND PASTILLE, can do soupon application to the undersigned, at the resp* donee of Dr. 1'. M. Cohen, Dickens street, bcid of Lady. Instructions in tho ahovo branches of A.rt '-'?veli at Schools; also, Larsons in PENMAN SHIDi LAURENCE L. COHEN, Si?N'n., . ' M?ONfRY/ MI ts. A. .1. DOUGAL has just received from Nov York a fr. sb supply of LIDDON S. FLOWERS, Which she off? r i for sale at low prk- s. Oct 20 " Notice. ri ULE firm of KUTSON*LEE ?fe CO. is this I dav dissolved hr mutual consent. HUTSON LEE, ZEALY, SCOTT A BRUNS. October 17,1865._Oct 25 3 REST A??EANT. ?ms r~\ MRS. EMMA ROE , /ff* ^ %! ./has opened an EAT- ?gm? coln street, one door from Lady, where gen? tlemen can procure their regular MEALS, LUNCHES, etc.. at all hours% The very best of everything in tue market will be burnished. New York and Charleston OYS? TERS received every day, and Nerved in every style. Oct 25 G* Stolen, . FROM the subscriber, on the VL--- night of the"Otb inst., a brown | >?R^X?bay HORSE, very nearly sixteen i^IZ-iLhands high, has one of his bind feet white, a blemish bi the right eye, but not affecting the vision of thc eye. The horse is very stoutly made. -A reward of $50 will be" paid tor his dcliverj to the 'owner, or for such information as may lead to his recovery. WM. ROPER, Oct 25 G % Barnwell C. H. Whiskies, HEIDSIOK CHAMPAGNE. SEGARS. PIPES. SCARF ALETTI TOBACCO. CANN!") PEACHES. RAISINS. . BATES, xe. . Just received and for sale by ??FF??i & S?VEHlL, Assembly street, near Washington. Oct 2? " _ 3* New Goods ! rill?l'3 subscriber has n*>w in store a roa _L e?nablc sftick of standard GROCERIES and SUPPLIES, which hoofffrrs to the pub? lic at fair rates--a par: of which is as fol? lows: 25 Ubis. Cr'd, A. and C. SUGARS. 1 bhds. good BROWN SUGAR. 5 bois.- S. H. SYRUP. 65 boxes Sper*m and Adam'ne CANDLES. r? 70 '. Familv and No. i SOAP 20 " TOILET SOAP, assorted. 20 bags Java and Rio COFFEE. 2() packages STARCH. 5 tierces Natural LEAF LARD. 10 hhds. Bacon SIDES and SHOULDERS. ; ltierco BREAST-PIECES. 2 '; S. C. HAMS. ' 25 bids, and half bbl-. FLOUR. 40 packages MACK EBEL. 40 bdStes SCALED HERRINGS. 10 bbls. "Peach Blow " POTATOES. 20 sacks Liverpool SALT I 19 bbls. W. W. and.Cider ?TNEGAR. 30 doz. WOOD BUCKETS. 20 " BROOMS, a-sorted. SPICES a variety. BLUE VITRIOL. COPPERAS . RAISINS. CREAM TARTAR. CAR. SODA, POTASH. Matches, Soda. Wine and Boston Bisr'ts. 105 kegs Parker Mills Nails. 15 doz. genuine Collins' Axes. With many other articles usually found in a caroftulv selected stock. C H. BALDWIN, At the old stand of Allen & Dial. M. WINSTOCK BEGS to inform tho public that ho will open, on and after Monday,30th Octo? ber, the largest and finest assortment of DRY GOODS. BOOTS, SHO?S, H .VI'S and FANCY ARTICLES to bo; found in the South. Being a branch of a large New York establishment, lie can s. ll at prices to snit wholesale or retail buyers. ^Heroafter,' goods can be purchased at bis store at New York Prices ! Iiis .-tove is in the limier part ol thc inilding occupied by Mr. J. G. Gibbes. ilHIfffil. AND FORWARDING JjflSRGHANTS, Office Washington Streett near Hain, ._ COLUMPIA. S. C. "AITE. tl..-..undersigned, have formed a * j copartncrsldp, for ti. - purpose ol transacting a general COMMISSION and ; FORWARDING BUSINESS. On hand, always," a full stock of GROCE? RIES, HARDWARE, HATS. SHOES and FANCY GOODS. II. D. HANAHAN, < ! ii 24 [mo FELIX WARLEY. j^P^ DR. D. P. GREGG will be in Co eoive profess? >nal calls freon his oi?i patron: or new oms. He may i ? found at Mr Nickcraon'ij Hotel. * Oct 17 Selling Off!* Selling Off! /COFFEE, 45 cents. Vj Crushed Sugar, 3 lb?, for SJ.. Hyson Tea, $1.75. Pale Soap, 20c. per bar; Mackerel, 8for $1. Also, Black Pepper, Ginger, Starch, Toilet Soap, Ac. P. F. CUTTING, Corner Boundary and Assembly sts. Oct 24 _ _ 3? _ j NOTICE. THE exercises of my SCHOOL at Willington will bc resumed ^as early in thc-next year as cir ISctftrtsiances will allow. Appli ~ cations will DO received until 1st December. OCTAVHJS T. BOUCHER, Oct 24 6_Willington, Abbeville Dist. ' To Rent. AVALUABLE AND WELL SETTLED PLANTATION in Richland District* on the Wateree River,, four miles from the Railroad, containing about 5,000 Acres of Land, upwards of 2,000 cleared and weH fenced. On the place are 40 Excellent Negro Houses, a Steam Saw Mill and Gin House,'.and all the other necessary out? buildings. All the stock of Cattle and Mules on the place, tog&hc? with the pre- 1 sent crop of Corn, will bo sold chea]) to an approved tenant. There are now on the ( place BOO Negroes, most of whom can bc' doubtless hired f?r the next year. ? . For terms and particulars applv tdnEon. WM. AIKEN. Charleston, Dr. Robert W. GIBBES, Columbia, or Dr. D. W. RAY, near Gadsden. Oct 24 12 JAMES M. "STOCKER & SON, COMM.SSION y. FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Orangthurg, S. C., ami Hopkins' Turn-Ovf. _._I_ FftlOMPT attention given ttl thc purchase .of COTTON and other PRODUCE; al.-.o. to forwarding of Ofett?n and Merchan? dize generally. Oct 10 ths3* \ G. PAKS?EY & CtXt ' ,?iopcHtr?v.r|iiD Coiiiiii?ssioi) 3VTIEO^03rr./\ "PJTgfit, NO. C NORTH WATER STREET, WILMIKf, '"X. X. C. O. G. PARSLEY, JOHN JUDGE, 0. G. PARSLEY, Ja. HENRY SAVAGE Oct 24 Imo THE SUBSCRIBER ' HAS just received an in-, voice of Ladies'. Gentleman's jttid MissesfBALMORAL, PO LISH, CONGRESS AND BUCKLED GAITERS. J. MEIGHAN. * . Oct 22_ One door above (,'o^rt House. BOOKS AND ST?TIONBRYT RESPECTFULLY adoses the public that he is receiving new supplitft of SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY, in all its branches. Also, SHEET MUSIC. STRINGS for Guitar and Violin, PHOTOGRAPH AL: BUMS. .Ve. Sales-room, at present, on Plain street, near Nickersou's Hotel, where" he will be pleased to serve his old friends and the public generally. Oct '21 Wright & Walker/ COMMISSION AND FORWARDING AGENTS, Hopkins' T. o., S. C. H. 1:.. and C?lumi?a. ^ NV- WRIGHT. C. B. WALKER. Oct 19 ' 0 t IllXA, GLASS, EARTHENWARE AND HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS? LITMSDEN & McGEE, A GENTS of,Baltimore Window Glass f\ Manufactory, can furnish GLASS at i manufacturers' prices, by thc box, and so- j licit orders for tho same. Oct .s Imo ? CALNAN & KREUDER, j COMMISSION MEUCHA XIS, . ? XTTHOLESALE dealers in GROCERIES, YV WINES, LIQUORS and SEGARS. : Especial attention paid to tho purchase and salo of COTTON, MERCHANDIZE nod ' PRODUCE. Cu rv?is street, between Main and Assembly, opposite State House. Sept 2S_ _imo i SPECK & .POtOGK, ! General Commission Merchants, j DEALERS IS GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, &?? \ I'/aiu street, 2d door f rom Assembly, Sept? COLUMPIA, S. C. FIRE" AND LIFE INSURANCE. H. E. NICHOLS, Agent, Ir;( >NAL IX.I CRY. . C With several other well known and relia- I ble companies, the aggregate capital amounting to $'20,000,000. . Risks tiaken on reasonable terms and in j anv one spot to thc ?i?nount of $200,000. 1 ALL D*)SSES| PROMPTLY ADJUSTED. Oflice at Mr. Hussung's house, corner ol' j \ssomhly and Washington streets, Cnlnra- I bia, S. Cl _Aug 15 bim I Auction and COD flMlE undersigned, haying ?tist completed 1 COMMISSION SALES-ROOMS, sitnatet" adjoining thc ('oort House, is prepared ti ESTATE, FURNITURE, HORSES, VEHICL YAT!'. SACK. Having secured the servie s of Mr. C. F. I for bis qualifications in this line of business, faction m all transactions entrusted to his ci As soon as t he necessary arrangements ca tem nf REGULAR WEEKLY SALES, which < son* desiri ns of disnosin?rof MERCKAND1 I JAME * SPLENDID STOCK. OF FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, AT E. E. JACKSON'S, BEDEITL'S ROW. rr^HE subscriber Laving onlargWl his X Store, is prepared to offer to lu.< friends and patrons a large and varied assortment of the most desirable DRY GOODS to bo found ' inutile market, at moderate prices. His Stock comprises the following inpart: black 4nd Colored CALICOES. Mouslin Delaines. Plaid. Rlack and Plain Alpacas. Silk and Wool Poplins. black Bombazine. Black Dress Silk. Opera Flannel. "W bite and Ked Flannel. Swiss Muslin. . Nainsook, Jaconet Cambric. Black English Crape. Irish Linoji, Bird-Eye Diapei Russia Diaper, Silk'Velvet. . Huckaback Towels. . Linen Cambric Handkerchief.*. . Gent's Silk Handkerchiefs. Mourning Handkerchief*. Ladies' and^ent's Hose and Half-Hose. Ladies". Gent's and ChildrenCs Gloves. Ladies" Wool Shawls. 'Cloth Cloaks. ?Balmoral Skirts. Hoods. Nubias. Hoop Skirts. Ribbons. Bcragc and Tissue Veils.' Black Love Veils. Silk and Morocca Belts. Fancy Cassimeres. Black Doe. skin Cassim cr e. Black Broad Cloth. Kentucky Jeans. Merino Shirts and Drawers. . ?Neglegee Shirts Jean Drawers. Litten Bosom Shirts. Black Felt and Wool Hats. Suspc nd< rs, 'Neck Ties. Long Cloth. Brown Shirtiii" . Pillow Case Linen. Traveling ling.-. " t Umbrellas, Parasols. Bed Blankets. * Spool Cot:.MI. Flax Toread." A. variety of Kailey Buttons. Together with many other articles usually found, in our line. Oct 21 13 " AT h. C. CLARKE'S, AT NEW YORK RETAIL PRICES ! COLORED, BLACK and OIL SILK. BLACK CRAPE. Black Crape Veils. . Black Love and Lace Veils. * ': French Merino. Black, Colored and White Kid Gloves. * j Gent's Linen' Handkerchiefs. t Shirt Bosoms and Collars. . \ Corset Steels, Blonde Lace. " \ Lace and Linen Collars, Cuffs fend Setts. Lace, Thread, Valenciennes and Cambric ' Bilging and Cambric Bands. Enchantress and S . 'lingham .Uniting, ! for Flouncing Skirts. Lace and Janen Setts. .. Embd Handkerchiefs. AU ear? fnllv selected foi- this market-. Oct li) " ' fill III W?BS, > Situated on'the Fool, of Riehland Sired, near Greenville Raurcqd, Columbia. GOLDSMITH A- KIND. PROPBISTOES. execute all kinds of i'm?N CASTINGS,such as arc needed for agriculturists and ma? chinists. RAILROAD IRON, MILL IRON, IRON FENCING, cte. Thev arc also pre? pared t.. furnish ItttASS 'CASTINGS of cverv description. Orders arcsohcitedand will bc promptlv attended to. ' 1 " M. GOLDSMITH, ?ct 8_.1'. KIND._ imis'n Business. luslar^o and commodious AUCTION AND I above his KEWSTOKE, on Main street, , sell all kinds of MERCHANDIZE, R LAL LS, etc.', etc., cither ai AUCTION or PRI [ARRISON. s.? long and favorably knowe hetlrinlis he can guarantee p rfect sat?? ire allomado, he designs inaugurating a asp? irin presen! KALL FACILITIES to all - ZE, etc., at auction. Oct 1 lino 3 Gr. GI HIVES.