MISCE XJLAKTT Fri?-?it?s??ip. Time spent with you is surely pleasant, Thc momenta ny so fast; Tin- future oues are"quickly pres.ni:, Thc present soon arc past. Time always moves with tartly measure,' When hearts are ill at case;" But friendship yields such real pleasure, The flight of time hone sics. As moments spent with friends aieswcet'r, We wish they long would stay: But, thru, they always seemia'?ch Rector, And sooner pass away. Thus, by your friendly conversation, 1 find myself bereaved Of time, which then, to roy vexation. Had passed.quite unperceived. MARSHAL BE CLAUSEL.-Tho Nev.* Orleahs Picayune, in giving some ex? cellent advice to those young soldiers who have not yet found employment, relates the following interesting inci? dent in the history of Marshal de Clausel: Let our young soldiers remember and profit by the example of the old French soldiers, many of them of? ficers who had won distinction in thc big wars in Eurolie, who, in their exile in this country, cheerfully adopted any pursuit by which they could make an honest livelihood. Anything in preference to loaferism, vagabondism, and humiliating de? pendence. Many of thc old citizens of Mobile will remember an elderly Frenchman, who, some thirty-five years ago, used to bc seen every morn? ing in the market, with his car of fish and vegetables, selling by retail those producta of kis own industry and skill. ' His manners and appearance betrayed a previous life'and experi? ence in some higher or very di?e rent sphere from that in which he then moved. But the old mau was con? tented, cheerful and vivacious, and he thrived and was happy. That man was ono of the most dis? tinguished of Napoleon's surviving. Marshals. A few years afterward, on the establishment of Louis Philippe on the throne of France, he was re? stored to his position in the French army, and the Mobile vegetable and tish vender became the first Military Governor of Algeria. Such is thc story of Marshal de Clausel, and it is rhe story of many other distinguished officers of the great army of Na? ri deon. Our young soldiers must study cud imitate this philosophy and noble self-command, which arc such admi? rable characteristics -of Frenchmen. lt has just beoir discovered that a woman was forty years an oiliccr itt the British service, and fought one duel and sought many more, and pro? cured ti legitimate education; had re? ceived ti regular diploma, aird had acquired almost a celebrity for skill as a surgical operator. TEDIOTJS OPERATION.-Two damsels, a day or two since, were having an animated discussion on tho subject ol' coiffure, and one exclairhed, "What do yon think. Maria'? lt took nu: thirty-five- minutes this morning t-.> make my water-fair!"-?'OS?-'JH POA'. Motion 'rn:ii-: DUI-: MIJ.Sf..y.>i,.<..,-si ana .---J. I issue1 l>v it--, will !? redeemed in )',? h moitd, V.l., hy Mc: sr . LANCASTER k CO., and nt Columbia, S. C.. !>v M< ssrs. ZEALY, STOTT .>': I!!!!.'NS. :-.< the rpi . d b\ the. Court of Conciliation, vin: six tv fer one. All parties holding these thu- hula are re? quested ttl present" them, for redemption within sixtv dav? fri mi thc daft1 of this notice. KEATINGE A BALL. Sept 23_ Special liotice. COUNCIL . JIAMBER, COLUMBIA, September 2S, is;">5. A LL persons running wagons, dravs; J\ hacks and other Vehicle! r'ovhire ,rith m tlie limits of the city, are hereby inform? ed that the Citv Clerk is nov prepared to supply tlte BADGES prescribed by Council. All such persons'described Failing to ap pear, pay tax>-s and procure badges tviriiotit further 'delay, will bo arrested and dealt with according to law. Sept 2!) 1 F. IL ELMOBE, City Clerk. ~COPART1^?SH?P NOTICE. THE undersigned,having associated with him in business his son, EUGENE ii. WALTER, the firm will hereafter be known as GEORGE H. WALTER & SON. The new firm will continue to receive and forward promptly all MERCHANDIZE and PRODUCE confided to their care; and they hope the patronage so liberally extended to the old house will be emit inned to tho new firm. GEORGE H. WALTER. Orangeburg, September ll, 1865. Sept 14 +12 FASHIONABLE MILLINERY,. MRS. ADDIE DOUGAL in ^KsSafck forms the ladies of Columbia ^?E?Hfctbat she has just returned fSfijBQMR fi'oni New York with a small jflraysMraj but \tT\ choice selection of Itf Jiil 'bsposeof at reasonable-rates. Jj il She will be in-constant receipt. {g?tPi of arti. les in lht< millinery ^liiie, of thc very latest styles. Residence on Gates street, adjoining Pkmnixoffice. Sept 20 New Yorfc. Advertisements. DEVLIN & CO, ??OAOWAVt ?? Y t L ?THI i d' AT EETA?L I TT7"E open the .season with a largo stock W of elegant CLOTHING and FUR? NISHING GOODS in our Ready-made De? partment. We have also ?ecured the ser? vices of first-class artists in our Custom Department, which is likewise supplied with the. FINEST and REST FABRICS of the Home and Foreign Markets. To those who wish to, order by mail, will he sent (on application) SAMPLES OF GOODS, with directions for measuring, which, If correctly followed, will secure a J it in all cases. DEVLIN & CO., Broadway, cor. Grand street, New York. Broadway, cor. Warren street, Now York. Scot 'J'j J mo [ESTABLISHED IX 1S18.] WM,. SITH BROttA & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN No. 53 Clutnibers HU., New York. ?\T7M. SMITH BROWN will receive con TT signmeuts of COTTON for sale on commission, and make cash advances on shipments. His arrangements are such as to insure faithful attention to the interest of the consignor. Sept 17 'imo SCIIGQI P?iraiture? mEACHERS' DESKS and CHAIRS. JL Tables, Bank ami Office Desks, .Ve. Lecture Room and Sabbath School Settees. All kinds of Ht hool Material. ROBERT 'PATON, Si p: 17 Imo ii Grove st., New York. ! BALBWm & OO., BANKERS AM) BROKERS, | NO. 70 WAEL STREET, NEW YORK, j VXD other STOCKS, BONDS, Ac, bought and sold on commission. DEWITT C. LAWRENCE, member N. Y. Stock Lxehange. SIMEON BALDWIN, member X. Y. Petroleum and Milling Board. CYRUSJ. LAWRENCE. WM. A. ii Vi.ST ED Sept. -1 timo York. Capital...,. 2.?C?.?00 Hartford Fire Insurance Com i pany. Hartford, Capital. 2,000,000 : Home insurance Comj>any, Sa ; New England Mutual Lifo In:m I rance Company, Boston, Capi SJtal. 5,000,000 New York Accidental Insurance Company, insxring against accidents nf every d< scrip ! tion resulting in LOSS OF LIFE or PER ; SONAL INJURY. I With several other well known and relia? ble companies, the fcaggregate capital ; amor.!.ting to $20,000,000. Risks taken on reasonable terms and ire anv one spot to the amount of $200,000. ALL LOSSES PU( >.YIPTLY ADJUSTED. Office at Mr. Bnssung's house, corner of Assembly and Washington streets. Colum? bia, S. C. Aug 1;" {6m W. B. JOHNSTON^ ?*" J\Trx glstrat G> , Office nu Pickens street I-?ist md of Lad;/. XirrrLL attend to all official business y\ brought before him; will also attend to drawing up Deeds, Conveyances, Mort? gages, Contracts, and other ordinary le girt instruments of writing. Fair copies of any document executed w iih neatness and de? spatch. Angust 1 COLUMBIA, S. C. . A ^ i - THE undersigned, having *i&70T modiouH building known ?is QSgggg: th . "Columbia Methodist Female t oUege," hasopenedit as g. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. T. S. NJCKKRSON, sept 11 Proprietor. p~ MD LIFE INSURANCE! TV T? TlTT r?TTAT Cl ?_/. ai. AJ. HiOllOXiO, AgClXti, TT?OR the following FIRST CLASS CO?? r PA?IES: J.^ LIAT? {FORMERLY FOOT mbs. . Horse Brushes, Ac. Knives ami Forks, Mutches. Starch, Mustard. T0B?G60 mt CIGARS. Best SM01HNG ; nd CHEW'GTOBACCO. Spanish ami American CIGARS, tit Tobacco for chewing, the ' st Ander? son's, Solace and Honey D( w; ..;1 varieties. ZP gcriniious and tito latest fashions. Tuck Combi, Hair Nets, Waterfalls -all of the vorv last stvles and patterns. Collars, "Wristbands, Ribbons. Hosiery of ?ill descriptions. English anil Amerienn Gloves of Ch prettiest stvle. Hem-siitchid STar.dk. rchiefs, Thimble*. Needles, Tlawad, spool, silk and cotton. ! Hooks and Eves, Veils. - Ladies1 Bilbt aud Letter Paper, ruled. Skirt Bra id i>f all colors. East i:;g.-.- Yvhalebor.c. Melts and B lt Buckles aud Ribbons. Pearl and oilier Battons, fancy, dross and conni)' m. Scissor-, Pb?. Hair Pins, vire and gutta percha. Misses1 aud Children's Shoes. Round (Vehs, Wadding. Table-cloths. Gingham*. J. cc and Trimmings. Working?:i:ton,Velvet Hibben,Elastic do. Gentlemen's Varlet's. ? ('-..'t.--, (toas ;;::ti Lock.) Pant*, Vests. ; Shirts ofa? descriptions, over and under. ! Flannel mil Fancy Shirts', j Drawers, limb's woo! and >... tton. Hats, Stociings,' Socks, Gloves- a great vj rietv. Collars, Ereti and paper. Wristband*. Waving Carib;. Fine Toes ii and Pocket Comb?. SitittonxjiVir coat, pants, vests; Buckles i Boots aid Sliocs of zU styles and thc j best oualifics. Po. !-.. ' ami ;.< cl: llandk. rchiefs, silk and 1 cotton: Neck-ties of the latest styles. Socket Bosks. Fancv Pipes- American Meerschaum. Pock'-! Handkerchiefs, linen, silk and cotton: Hal : Pen and Pocket Knives. Razors and Bazor Strops. Suspcirdors of ?'.ll styles. Tobacco. French and English style. ; Shirt Bosoms, Etty's Shoes. ? BISCELUkNEOUS. Best Kerosene Oil, Watch Keys, Taylor's Twist, Class Chimuics, best Ink, Cum Caps, Tobacco Bugs, Shoe Laces, Slate Pencils, Umbrellas, Children's Cloves and Hose, Violin and Guitar Strings.'Letter Paper and, Envelope? and a vast variety of other arti? cles, desirable to both sexes, which we have not the space to enumerate. Apply at tho old stand, in Assembly street, to Sept ll SULZBACHER A CO. Cotton Wanted. THE highest juices paid forCOTTONand for all kinds of COEN THY PRODUCE. Farmers and country mer. lunts will fhtU it to their advantage to call and M-e. Best ll ' SULZBACHER & CQ. Charleston Advertisements. | "wholesale Jobbing AND DRY GOODS COMMISSE HOUSE, .?2 A&]> 31 UKO. 17? STREET, Charleston, 5. C. 11HE subscribers offer for sale a good as? sortment, of various make, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, DELAINES. Denims, Chocks and Striped Homespun, Bleached and Un? bleached Shirtings, Men and Women's Hosierv, Union and T.isle Tliread Gloves. Also, Black Cloths. Black Tricot and Double Width Silk Mixed Coatings, Fancy Cash? meres, etc. EDGEUTO.T ?Sc RICHARDS. October 1 3* GEORGE W. WILLIAMS & CO., Mersh'ts & Bankers 1 and ?> Hoyne St.", Charleston, S.' C. ABE receiving thc LARGEST STOCT? of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MER? CHANDIZE ever offered at the South, which will be sold ?it the LOWEST MAR? KET PRICES. 1 GOLD, SILVER, RANK NOTES, ! STOCKS. BONDS, ENC IA NC E. etc., ! bought and sold. CONSIGNMENTS of Ct ?TTON and other ! COUNTRY FRODU? E will bc rccei-cd and ! sold; or, if desired, will be forwarded tu \ New York for sale. Cash ad%anOs will bo made on such consignments. Aug 'J'.) ?2mo ? lilTi., Shipping, Commission AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, 7G EAST BAY. 7'?v) doora .SJ>'?,;/ of North At?iidir. IVhrref CHARLESTON, S. C . HAVE constantlv on banda inti snpplv of GROCERIES, a: luwest market rates. t?3?- Advances made on consign? ments. Sept 17 MUn HOTEL, CO Ti X Eli KIXO AX D SOCIETY STS.? CHARLESTON, S. C. - PttoritiE'ror.s, S. II. CORING. CHAS* H. BENNETT. Sept 27 Imo IMIBALD GETTY & CO.. AND SOM. BEBSHAftYS, 126 and 128 Hefting Sire?.!. CHA R I J ES TO X. S. C. E. A. WTLCOXSON, Agent, Orangeburg, s. c EDMUND A. SOUDER & CO.. Philadelphia. LIVINGSTON, FOX ? CO.. Agent*. Ni w York. E3" LIBERAL ADVANCES mad CONSIGNMENTS. Aug 15 2mo CHARLESTON TO NEW YORK. ATLANTIS COAST Hail Line! Ai ?c"S?L>*v Marshinan, Com ;> mander. i^??^g^gl'^ Steam.-?; CA M Balcb, < ' immander, Will leave Charleston. S. c.. dir.- : :o New York, alternat. Iv THURSDAYS euc! week. For freight or passage-haying hand Homo Statu Koora accommodations- ai>'>! to F. A. WTLCOXSON. Agent, Orangeburg, S. (.'. ARCHIBALD GETTY A CO., 12G and 128 Meeting Charleston, S. 1 . LIVINGSTON, EON .v CO.. Agents. Aug lo 2mo New Ye:!:. HOES ! ? ?noe Mouse FEOM TilE DITFK?EXT SIKH: FACTORIES. M QB ff BOOTS MD SHOES, WHICH WIT.I. DE SOLD AT JOHN COMMINS, m MmtlRG STRUT, October i aOOB KBWS FOR Als?i I ATTRACTION AT Tin-: Wholesale ??. -133 . ?SEET1H6 STREET. ESTABLISHED IS 1S36, iispension of faur years, with rs for saiu AT WHOLESALE ONLY, ai thc lowest possible quotations, and receivh CONSIGNMENTS semi-weekly from thc largest and most reliable man uh Thc proprietor takes pleasure in calling thc attention of the trade-t chants of th fi States ot Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama and Florida -to stock <>f DOO'l'S, SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS, ole. Ol: DEUX X K AT LY A SJ) VPO Ml'LY ATTENDED TO. ig IMME he local ; Sept 24 EDWARD DALY. AGENT FOB MANUFACTUREE.' RM TOMS ii HATS. liv HAVING beer, appointed Agent lor the sale of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS and IRTSt. by several .1 f the most prominent manufacturers at the North, and now located a \? >. 138 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, s. C. ' I offer this CHO ICE STOCK OF GOODS for salo by the PACKAGE ONLY. *#- The Trade % ill pief.se not ice. "HS* EDWARD DALY, Agent Sept 21 '