.. ^rt*^-*~ ' 1 1 I , -- ? . ? j . j - - JT ??fly Paper $20 ? Month. ^ "Let our juet cen?ure 1 Tri-Weehly $10 a Month. Payable tn Advance. ? Attend the true event"-BkeJttpeare. . j Payable in Advance. ^^^^^^^^_^ ? ^ ^ _e> ^ ^ _;_ ? Bjr J. A. SELBY. COLUMBIA, S. C., TUESDAY, MAY 2,1865. VOL; 1.-N0. 29. THE'COLUMBIA PHON1X If roBLMDsn r>AU.7 ?Kt> Tn-\7>:rKLY, MT JULIAN A. SS h B Y Tho Daily ?? iw?w?-d ..?ery Trorni.Dtr, except Sandor, mt a month. Tri" Weekly, Tu?*d?ey. Thareaay aril smuid?v, AI *U? R monti), m\a ri ably ia gdvHuce. Sin?le eopi.es $1. Advertis<'tu?'m^ insert, d at $6 p*t square (ter> Ucee) for each inpart ?otu Ranaway, FROM tie f.u?.rcr;Ui-, r MAH, 1th WIVE. with tw? CHU I>KKK. Il e mai ia ?lient 3v*r ft.l high-J he von an fix; th latter tuny . -? li? ?i. I \ a seald or M-ki-d pla? 'octile L*Vd. Ot Ile clitidtci., the elli tat ?a r boy cf little cito tlior tv? Y littW mi-re ti ru ene. The o -mplexioi. of the ncaa Mid ? ?man ie irehned to yelloW; tbat of t|i? yt nt p?-?t cli'hi very Heit. OKI BUM-HF I? lilLAll^ i < ??rd ia offered foi their af i .it-beoeion. Arfdre** Rsv. T. HEKDUIX. ? April ?> *._CUt?wb?N, s. C. lax Iren sud Scrap Steel. OF Il e folio* u'g aia>?C -Irnr. fx* ex}. 6xf. 7xT, St*. 1. ii>f ,4xf 4xf. Will Le fkcl.Ki ?*d tor PP OVIS I OKS, et Ute South Cbi?>fti-a Railroad,on application to W. B. ?UTH. Marter Machinist, Or C. J. BOLLIN, Agent. April gi_f Fianter s aed Vecfeanic's Bank of S. C., A bl hV tl J K C H.. APRIL 17. 1865. THE A&KIJAI,-ELECTION tor 1BTRTEEK MJ\.LCr- ORS ? f ihie Bal t w ill be held at in ?fm J, in tl?ia p'i . ?t. on ilOM'AY. lat Ma} enruiji?', 1 ...t\ve?n the li?u:- ot 10 o'clock a. m. and 1 p. ni. fetuckfaoldera may vote either ia p*i>on ;-~ br pioscy. Apnl 2M17. HFI h Ll ?, K C., Ana 7, ISfS. EfEOlA L ORDER NO. 23-hmtroxt. ~ ?: * * . . ? \f MAJ. O EN. MANSFIELD LOVELL i V . fia.>-:pi.<-d to ootnoiaiid Ju the Male ot g~t?h Carolina. % * * ? P.y pomanar.d of Gen. J. E. JCriSsTO??. ?UXL0OE Fi-IXH Ni-ft. A. A. O lf?AJKl'M? THU? OF SOUTn i:AKO[ INA, APRIL lt. lSCf> ORDER NO. t. in i-eiaplianee erith the ?h?re ord?ra, th* ?;;ide?li$m?-d tietehj' /?m?in roailDMid rn tfiiM Ufil tho named cf tin-Miff aie ?a t\->v,r,r .?. ?fi5??nl oornti ooicaK?im? to the?>e bead pjmtt^w v ?Ii hf tiddn?ped to L?eUt. J. hi. ii. zJOYFLL. Aetire A A G. a? Cohiml i?. April 14 H. LUVLU.. Major Gei.et al. ?e. Letter from Sherman. 1 N HEAQD'RS MIL. Dir. OP TUE Migs, j In the Field near Marrievta.Ga., June 30. t ii rx Anna .Gilman Bowen, Baltimore, 1 : Md: DEARI?ADAMK: Your welc?medetter ot Jure 18th orne to tr.e amid the sound ol battle, r-nd, as yciu say, little did ? dream, when I kiit-w you playing ?9 a school git I ? n Sullivan's It-land bea< h. thal I shouV '.ontrol a vast ^tmy. pointing like the min "f Alaric towaid the plaina of the Scot h Why, rh! ?hy ia tiri?? Il I knew, my owi heart it beats nt? waimly as kindly HS eve? tripart?s thoie kir.d and generous IMHU? I that greeted ns with MU-h ?ra:tin hospilani} io days long past, but Mill p?e?ent iii n-ernorj-; nnd to day, were Frank and Mis Porcher^ ind Eliza Gilman, ai d Man Lamb, mid Margaret Blake, the Bat keddies. Qiiaeh'e. the Pt y orr, indeed ?ny and ah of our clieiii-hcd cirt-le, their chridr? v, ot even their children's children, to come t< me ?fi of old, ti e stern, feelit.gs of duty and conviction would melt aa snow liefore th? g? nia sun, and I believe I would strip -?\ <>wn childi* n that they might be sheltered; and \et they call mc barba rinn, vandal, and monster, nnd all the epithets that lan? guage cnn invent that are significant o' malignity and bate. All I prtteud to 'say, <>n earth as in heaven, man moat submit to iomo arbiter. Ile must not ihrow ? ff his ?dVgiat.ce to hisJGoverr.mtnt or hi? God wi-bout jiuu reason and cause. Tito South bad no cause; not even a pretext. Ind? ed, by lier ur justifiable ceurse, she has thrown away the proud history of the past, *nd laid open lier fair ccuntry to the tread ol devastating wr.r. She bantered and bullied us to tlie conuieL Lind wo- dcclii ed, bettie, America wou'J Lave sunk bick, j coward and craven, meriting tko contempt j of ill mankind. Am a nation, ?rd were i forced to accept battle, and ll?t4 once begun, it bas gone on till the wor baa ss -urned proportions at which-even -ve ?:i the "burly burly sometimes- stand aglii-a?. 1 wooli! not ?ul jugate the South in the'svb?e so ?.rfeiisivt-ly aaaumed. bat I would, make every cit?efii ofilia land *?bey tb? c?muiori law, submit to tho sam? that we do-no worse, no better- our equals ard not our -op?rion?. 1 know fend 3ou kriow thar ih**re were young met) in our da\, now n<> longer tout.g. bm who eonltol their'el owe, whont-SUtbed to tbegenthmer o'*rbe S- mli a superiority of courage nt d ,r:rn hood, ard 1 Owstinely d?fi?sl 11a ? f Knittern i-irth to arni? Go?? ki,MA? how relnrt???? y we accepted tb? ?-xue, hut t>iic? the .?oe joined, like in c her ages, the North? am mee, though slow to ' anger, ? nco Aroused, a?,e o-ot?? terrible than the more inflammable of the South. Even yet nur heart b'etds wkrn I tee the enrnope of little, the deso?a.ion of humes, the bitter -Jtiguish cf f: miliev; 1 ut the very moment he men of the South say thar instead of -.j pealing to war tl:ey should bavo appenl d to reaFoti, to our Congress, to eur om ts, to religion, snd to the experience of history, ibm will I say Pence-Peace; go back io point of error, and resume your hives as ? mei ivan citizens, with ali their L-ror.d L?'ri'iige?-. Whether 1^ball live"to ?e tbih period is problematical, bot yeu uiny. atid maj tell your mother and sister? hat I never lorgot one kind look or greot* ?.g. or aver w tlied to efface ita remera oiam-e; but in putting cn thc armor of war I nid it that our common country shoul? not perish in infamy and dishonor. 1 am if?:rri*-d, have a wife and six children, tvitig in Lancaster, Ohio. My course hoi hem an eveiit'ul one", but I hope when tho ..louds of angeland pasaion nie dispersed, and truth emerges bright and clear, you -nd all who knew me in early years will not blush that we were once dear friends. Tell K ita, for me, that I hope she may Jive to lealze that the doctrine of "seces? sion'' is as monstrous in our civil code aa i!u!>U> px)*-*. Apply in auuitei- street, near Luaibi-r. ti? ?i?yl_Al tr. if. (-KL^J. is ot ice ALL perrons having etuim* again-t the Ar? ft? rial Aea \ ui.-iiL issnsiediatel v. M:Q" - s_ti. guuGny. $50 Reward. '"ililli above reward wilt I..- cheerfully gitciT. JL nny one that r/ill iiv<- h?foi mut ion to eon net pcr^ut.s f?r &TE?LLNG I?OAhDi* fuu ;h? l'cn?c -rnctoeiog wv lot on Blending rtrect. i he *c?t of the hoards ?rs fihkv 1 tnrl eu*y vi -'.ec .i< n. 1 ft. ' may 1 4* C. A. BEIiLLL.