?"? i 1 ^ g- 5.-S5?T= . - ?- - '-"k ? , Dfafly Paper $20 a Month. J "Let our just -censure ? Trf-Weekiy $IO a Month. Payable ki Advance. J , . Attend the true event"-SAaAipiare. ( Payable in Advance. BY J. A. SELBY. COLUMBIA, S. C., SATURDAY, APRIL 29,1866. VOL. 1.-NQ, 27. THE COLUMBIA PHON1X IB rnUIRIS PAILT AKD TE? - V? F.IK LY, BY J UL J A A. SELBY The Daily is issued every moraine, exerpt Rrmday, ai $20 a month. Tri"Weekly, Tuesday, Thnisday and Saturday, at $10 a month, inva? riably m advance. Single copi?e $1. Advertisements inserted at $6 per square (ten lines) for each insertion. I JUST EECEIVED 4BLACK fi gored Muslin DRESSES, a supe? rior article. r r -. ALSO, 2 kegs SODA, s> bbl?, fine CORN WHISKEY. 400 lbs. TALLOW. april ti 4 _H. SOBOMON. d*U0t Heoeixr ed| AND WILL BX SOLD FOR ? OOIFED?BiTE MCKEY, THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES: UTTER, , MOLASSES, BACON, LARD. * FLOUR, SUGAR, - -> COFFEE, MATCHES. . CANDLES, - COTTON CARDS, VINEGAR, CASI ILK SOAP, * BROWN SHIRTING, HOOP SKIRTS, . SMOKING TOBACCO, AMD JU bocee fine CHEWING TOB AOCO.g" By H. S MOMOS, In basement of Mr. Levis Levy's bouse. Comer of Pla? and Assembly street* April yr _. Hoe*. Iron and Plomgh Steel FISHER A ACN?W have . a supply of I BRADE'S CAST8TEELHOES. PDO?GH LATINO IRON and PLOUGH STEEL, suitable for making; plough*, which they will exchange for CORN and PROVISIONS. Apply at the residence of JOHN AQNEW, A few doors from Shiver Boase. _April 96 '_ ?eadquartera, Gen. Johnston's Army. GENERAL ORDERS NO. IA. IT is anrcunced to the nrmy that a suspension 'of arana has been agTeed upon, pending ne gotiationo between tho two G?vett lesson would not prove of any service until the prince-should make ; the applica? tion of it to himself, sud not think it waa done by'another. With this view hs. , invented the game of chess, where the king, though the mest considerable of all the pieces, is impotent to attack, as well as to defend himself against* bis enemies, with-*' out the assistance of subjects and soldiers. The game became famous; the king would learn it; the Brahmin was pitched upon to. teach it to him, and under the pretence of explaining to bim the mles cf^ tho .game, aud showing bim the^ekill required to make use of the other pieces for the king's defence, be made him perceive truths which be had hitherto refused to bear. He mada an application bimseif of the Brahmin's, lessons, and cow, convinced tbat in the peo? ple's love' of their king consisted all of . his strength, be altered "bis conduct, and by that prevented th? misfortunes that threat? ened him. . The Brahmin was left to the choice of his reward, and be desired that the number of grains of corn which the number of squares on the chess board should produce m i ?ht be given bim, one for the fit st, four for lue., second, six for the third, and so on doubling always to the.sixty-fourth. But when the calculation was made, it was found that the king bad engaged himself in a grant, for the performance of wjiick neither all his treasures .nor bia vast do? minions were sufficient? The Brahmin lsid hold of this opportunity lo convince bim oi what importance it was for kings to be dh their gu Bid against those who are always about them. F;om India the game parsed into Persia, where it received ibe ?ame of ecket tengi,. pr game of the king or ahab-. The piece now called the queen was the visier, which was akerwaida corrupted to yjerge, virga, and abet wards to lauy or queen. This piece, at fust, could move only as the pawns. The French gallantry, it is said, extended the prerogatives oi the lady, and made ber tb? mott considerable piece Ju the game, "The bi>bt