The offk? of tb? ; IM?mota^Thvmx is OD Gates street, second door from Plain.^ Wa are indebted to Cot A. F. Rodler ?nd J. E. Meister, Esq., for Augusta papara of th? 25ih and the 26th. In thean (fnO "mail times," such, favors are highly appreciated. TBS Car m "STILL THKT COME!"-Another lo rely bonqnet of roses, this morning, for the editorial olfactories. This time, brought us by ene ef tho masculine gender. Still, we do not doubt, from the variety ?ad freshness ef the flowers, that they were gathered by fair hands, aud bore with them th? benison of ?em? fair damsel. Blessing* opea, h?r bright eyes and loving heart. And here is the "Soldier's Comfort,0 in? an? other packet, fer the editorial department, the davor of which proves the friend sending it to be not simply a lawyer, but a judge. He may come to a recognition of his rights to a seat open the bench, In -the course of legislativ? events. So mot? : it be, and we trust be will duly prepare himself for it. He has so provided us thal gur puff shall not be wanting. We shall "blow a cloud*' in bia honor, while his honer ts waiting for his gown. Auanox-sAiro COMMISSION.-In this day of small things, in our poor old town of Colum? bia, ?very .additional effort ef enterprise de? mands recognition; and wc most give our vole? of cheer When we beheld any new banner hung ont upon the walls. Messrs. Zeal j 4s Scott, as our readers will see, have gone into cahoot, as auationeers, brokera and commission merchants, having their office on Assembly, between Washington and Plain streets* See their advertisement.* We also net? that., in the same precinct, Mr. F. Eugene Darbee has also hung ont his shin? gle and called upon' custom era. .He does not object to them in any number. . We trust that these several parties will have no reason to regret their efforts, like our own Phoenix, to rise up from the ashes, the pioneers of progress to a brighter day, which shall usher in the ful restoration of the good city to her ancient glory. ArpaopRiATioN or *NawsFArmt3.^-We hav? reason to complain.of some on? of those inte? resting friends, who visit our office to read our ?xehang? papers. It is frequently the case that the reader, not content to read, goes off, without beat of drum, and with thc newspaper in his pocket! H? tho? not only deprives us of tb? satisfaction we should really feel in grati? fying the cariosity of other readers, hilt inter? feres with our o wn duties-denying us the op? portunity of republishing fte m them the ex ?rants which are proposed to give in our own issues. Beside* this, the Augusta papen, taken from our office yesterday, af some one of tbe.-c self-indulgent visitors, vere borrowed, and their TOM subject* us to tho mortify i og necessity ose] .sen slag en reel ve?, sei w? can, to th? obliging geatlettsa who lent therr Ir. anch a case as this, the staaljcg ?f * newspaper is something "ike the commission of ar. abotuiaatier* . rt ia ?4S aosossl forra of petty larceny. \, ' a How tarBwrorStoon THnrcrs.-I>o not in? flect th? gre?n pea? when yon ?re ertirog dowh to your mutton. Do not neglect your friend when yon ?re prepared to pot both upon table. Nothing so much contributes to indigestion, to say nothing of moral evils, as to monopolise tho good thing? of this lifo, while riding in yonr tulky.. Tah? tb? creature comforts always in a '-'sociable," and yon will hare geed dreams by night. .suss OF CaaarTT.-We ar? told, by parson? ia authority, th?t the charities of State and city are greatly abased by the number of per? sona getting free tickets for provisions, while they hare abundant moana to pnrehaee. This is rery shocking. It is briefly the robbery of i the poor; and it is the duty of every good citi [ seo, having a knowledge of the ability to pay j of the professing paupers, to report bia foota to the authorities. Tba Stat? and city aro st treat expense ia precuring provisions for tho 'destitute. Th?y cannot continao long to do so if the professional sponge ia to absorb a largo share of tho publie.- bounty. It ia suggested that, as a proper first stop to tho dateatio? of the fraudulent among thea? applicant?, a full li?t of th? persons on the free list be made out and published; so that ?very person in the community may be able to know hew far they properly pot ia their claims. Fox ns TOILET.-The- soason of shrubs and odors has fairly Mt in, and why should not some of our ladies, some one of those aobl? creatures of the tender gender, who pousse eharaoter, address themaelvea to th? work of distilling for the toilet? The still necessary for the purpose is very simple, and waters from odorous shrubs and flowers, from almost every flower that buds and blooms, can ba extracted from the lovely idiots with whtch natur? adorns the garden, ltesolve, and patience, in tel li gc nee abd a little knowledge of pharmaceutic chemistry, whicB?xiny be derived from almost any practising physieian or college professor, will suffice. You may have rose, lavender, orange abd other waters io any quantity for your own us? or for sale. The wild vanilla will give you an exquisite " trfi*4e, and so will the kernel of the pea?' Tnfre are maur others. Now, we beg to" add, fiat human itv of whatever gender, is only to be valued and respected according to its degree of usefulness, and the da