Telegrapliic. DEPORTS OP PRESS A86OO?ATTON. /intered aixordinq to Act of the Tear 18*3, 6y J. S. ?ftraaAer, t? ?Ae Clerk'? Office ?f ike Di tl rici Court of thc Confederate States for the Northern District of Georgia 4P ? Affairs ia Charleston and Savannah. AUGUSTA, April Ik-Late advices state that' Gen. Giltaer has issued an order prohibiting all purchases of. colton or ol a ima thereto by any than United States agenta, in Charleston and Savannah. The Unitad States Tax Commission? ers atfaounce CTTemselves ready to receive the tAvs of those cities and districts. All persons who wish* to recover any captured , aniwiJe*?r vehicles, must take site oath, and swear to have been loyal during the war to the United St?tes Government.. Parties bringing goods into Charlestonjfnust ^-register, under the penalty of confiscation. AU buildings, landa audtenements owned by ^crions who have failed lo comply with Lin 'a rn's proclamation of .December 8, 1864, and who a?? absent fi-? nf the city, are taken posses ?! . i of by au ngcutof tire Treasury Depaitment tid claimed oe abandoned propert}-. All occu pants of such property must report to the re ?istry office, and all rent? moat be paid to thi Unite?! States agent . Thc steiner Massachusetts, which sailed fron Charleston for Philadelphia,struck acornado ii Charleston euannei, whjoh did not explods. - The Captpre of Selina, Ac. \ AUGUSTA, April 8-Gen. Adams; eommandinj the district of Alabama, he? issued an that Moratgdm?ry will be def?n?e?. TGca. Bu I ford has been assigned to the command of th ' defences of the city. Gov. Watts has irsued ~ proclamation, allowing all men t?vote w lie thc they wilt leave their comities for the defence c t any part of the State, ssthe mil i tia of A Inborn \ can only be held to militia service iq the cuan *ics ra which they reside, j "Thc oofctoa warehouses, Gov'eruineut work land navy yard 1n felina were bu ful by th .j'vFederals; a few houses were accidentally burnt ?Gen. Forrest foTa?h?'V1*^l!U?tb' wan ^ on nde .three times, but d Td not-] eave thc field.' I The enemy hold MoRiironi?i-y "Il il*, on th Alabama River, near Claiborne. X > bent vaptsired. At last accounts .thu G'oveiaiuiyr; fcores-werc being removed from Moutgoiuci-j the newspapers have all been removed, j lu Selma all "the coltou was burnt and hu j(?Ae Goveriftnent property saved-Ph* loss > rftpch will amount to many* millions. Tht?fcu f the city is attributed to a di-^rat-cfiil ajan: kde* Very few of Forrest's meit were ia th tht, os they lia,d not arr*ve ! ia time. Th terny'b assault was cn Sunday aftarnooai au ntiuuedcan hour,very heavily, when the ddonly charged our left,'West oi Selina, whet t line was weakest. They* cast a few shel iong holders, wno stampeded, whe r forcesretreat?dlu couftiaibn to Salina. Gen ' ir read Adams nnd Roddy cut their way oi Vfi?d?iMon%omei y with some difficulty." Gei yior left for DemcpolLs thc same evening, bi .* the fight began. Gen. Forrest telegraphed to Gov. WHU*C today afternoon, that lie is on the Montgomei ? of the Alabama- Ri rar, sad that for thirl les it would be defended. This inspired co nice and everybody went ts work to . fit j Jae enemy-have retired from Blakeij-ai pity. Ft is beiiovad by thc authorities tn ??cm; tfcevad os Mobile from Stint*, , 'WM i "G: F r om/the South and Weet. AUGUSTA. April 7.-Advices from Montgome? ry, of the eil), say tl int official reports state that thar J is cb enemy this side of the Alabama River. The telegraph is working to Benton. Commodore Montgomery has arrived here. He left Demopolis on Monday night. Jackson'^ cavalry division whipped and forced te retreat the enemy's cavalry column, 8,000 strong, which was ^advancing via Tusca loosa. ' The fight occurred twenty-six miles from Selma. The enemy's main body is moving towards Demopolis.' Forrest is reported .ad? vancing against-, and fighting the enemy around Selma. rf ? *. . Govr Milton, of Florida, died on the 1st of April, near Marianna. '~ Nothing definite from Mobile. - Latest Northern News. "AUGUSTA, Apiil 7.-T-fae Charleston Courier states that 8,OOO "Bales of cotton had been dis? covered in various panas of the city. Govern? ment di aya line the streets hauling. Klug street exhibits an immense moving throng, from morning to night. Merchant! and trades are doing a good business, which promises well for the future prosperfcy o f th< city. There has been a remarkable chang? "in five weeks, since the Union force? entered." A torpedo exploded under th? bow of th? United States steamer Bibb, ia the. usua^sailinf channel. The vessel sunk in twenty five fcc low water. If thc naval order s&oed for res sels'to avoid that* track had "'been complie< with, no injury would have been done. Redpath and others have issued a meruori?? to the loyal peupla of South Carolina to furn isl means to* erect a monument over .thc Yaske soldiers buried at the Race Course bj- the rebelt The fc'owfer gives n long account of a meei ii.SC held om the which -pame/l.resolution of Shanks lo Gen.. H itch and Admiral Dahl ?JIV!;, for their kindness; apd assistance m jnf pressing thu fire when tit? Union troops entere' tho eil v. Thc largest number of the si^u-eis < tl^e adores were negroes und contempt ilile fe lows, who newt had character orposition. Fe' prouiino-n'tcitizeus lo?k part in tho ?iioc;e???ng P. M. Melso'n hus *peucd th? Charleslo l?oti?l with gland J.-faoniitjalions. banquet an display. A.grand'expedition of celebrated .Norther characters arrived _Apcil I; visiting luther cities, to femnia fur rho err.nul denaoastratM un the loth, of,raising a flag overport Stunt and other imposing ceremonies; Vrilles',Seer ta ry ot- th? l^uvy,-is cxp?dled-on thc 2d. (?ra*: preparations ara made to s?late and faoeh hioi and ?ther distinguished ju-.rson- , The same paper claims victories in Kori Cjiroliiva, Kinstoii, Averysbore and Bentouvill [t locates Schofield's and Sherman's armies ; Gol debor e. r,o?f stroug. Northern papers, of March 2T. ?tats tin lu.'jo'i cavalry left Kustpe-rt on th? ?Tth, ar began a dash on Alabama, wit!? a view of ?I .troyirg the- tul ?mn de. ?-e., in Alabama RI Mississippi, and co-operate with s?v. C. PEIXOTTO, at I \rr. Walter';" resfSenca, nsxt to Shiver House, 'wi!l*>>e -promptly attended to. * ! April R _ ' FBAfcCIS LANCE." JOST EECEIVE? OS C0HSIGH2IEHT .v>;i> FOB, SALK nv ! 3EX- S?XiOMOS?T. rr\\Vo f.l "NDRED pair COTTON CARDS. ? L oOO lbs. line i M 6 KIN G TOBACCO. 25 l-ostfcs fine CHEWING TDBACC? - April 8* _ . ,_' ft Writing Ink. . 4 FEW bottles of uneorroaiTe W?ITIKG ? Y. INK, for sale at this office, nxaroh- V s C HArNSWOETH, TkXifjL be frond on Gates,street, three door* VY belo* Lady street. April ft'5* - rpiIE snhsoriher will exchange H?DES and JL SALT for ?Ol H LEATHER and OOt^, ' on favorable tin**. Jl?US H. BJUSS. Am-I 1 .*