?T- V .'~*. ^ bi-eakhig^?t 8f the fire?, in. the *?u? of Ib'?j oitj, and in tRe subnrbs in twenty ^ko*>Tie- i sides, should conclude all doubt^ The attempt ! to lie it ?way, is aa atrocious in Its "reckless-, sass, aa the deed Which the falsehood is meant * to palliate. * . Tbaro'are hundreds of witnesses who heard tba explisit assertions to' this ejfeot from the oom naen soldiery, and the detailed facts as already givan, confirm their avowals. They ware, as an army, completely is the banda of their officers." Never was discipline more com? plete-never authority more absolute. L Enough that Sherman's army was ?nder perfect disciplino. SI. Tbat the fire was permitted, whether set by dr a naen stragglers or negroes, to go on, and Sherman's soldiers prevented, by their aetiv? opposition, all efforts of the firemen, wh>l< thousands looked on in perfect deren Hy, seeming ' totally indifferent to the ev eut. t. That hundreds of soldiers, quite sober were seen in hundreds of cases busily.engage? in setting the fire, well provided with all th implements and agencies, such as" the mot? ex f eft of eity felons could conceive or devise. ?VThat they treated with violence the oit zebs who strove to a rr esl the fiantes. J. &. That, when entreated and exhorted b citizens to arrest the. felona and ?prevent th catastrophe, at the. very outset, tho officer?, i ftufty cases, treated the applicants cavalierly and gave no heed to his application. 6. That, daring the raging of ?h? fl a ufes, tl act was justified by a reference to th? coun - *?f Sooth Carolina in .originating the secessk movement. 7. That the general aaigers themselves he aloof until near lije close of the scene aud the night; were net to be found; end that Gc Sherman!? guard was not within the city* ai yet ne person could be ignorant of what w in progress. That Gen. -Sherman knew wli -?? was going on, yet "kept aloof and made effort to arrest it, anti! day-light OB Saturdc ought, of itself, to be conclusive. 8. That, with his army under such admiral discipline, he could have arrested it at any n ment; and that he did arrest it, when it pleat him to do so, even at the raising of ?finger, the'tap of a dram, at the blast of a sin| trumpet; * . But. what need of these and a thouaa other suggestive reasons, to establish a ebal which might-be assumed from a.survey Sher man'*! general progress, from the mom when lie enteredj?outh Caroline. Every s sequent step was taken in plunder and eon: gration. The march of his army was a co: lined flame, the tread ot' his horse was devai tion, the presence of his troops was signifie ?if robbery and ail brutalities. On what j &-US the picturesque village of Barnv J **royedf We had no army there 'for defence; no issue ef strength in its neighbor^ ha?! vxeited the [par-eions of the combata Ye" it was plundered-every house-and u*< - nil burned to the ground; and this, too, wi . i'X:'. town waa occupied by women apd^chil^ jiiiy. ?Tc, too, the fate ef Blackril??, Ora'i Bamberg, ' Buford's Bridge, OrAr-gtbofg, \ ?*gtoa, Ac., all hamku vi most vuf?*si i ^a?terVw?ter^?^^ no fighting t4K*>k place-where there-?.te no provocation of iiquo?- ?ven, and where Ute only .ixcrciae of heroism was. nt the expense of wo? man,- infancy and feebleness. Such, too,'waa.the fat o of every fenn house-of aix in seven, at i least; those only btrijtg spared which held forth no temptation to lust nod cupidity; or which were busried by in tl? hopes of yet belter ; prizes beyond. Surely, when such . was th? fate and treatment in all cases, there need be no effort now to s how that an exception waa to be made io favor of the State capital, where the otfen ces cb arg ed upon South Carolina bael been necessarily of the rankest character; and, .when they had passed Columbia-greatly be? moaning the cruel fate which, under stragglers A nd w hiskey - dri u kers ead negroes, b ad bro ugh t her to ruin, In spite of the tears and entreaties of their tender-hearted General--what were the offences ui the villages of Allston, Pomaria, Wiunsboro, Blackstocks, Society Hill and the tuwB? of Camden and Cheraw! Tku? w^spitg over the cn?elty which so unhappily destroyed Columbia, was it that she should enjoy fallow ship in woe and ashes, that they gave all these towns and villngee.to the flames, and laid wast? all the plantation sm nd farms between"? Bu enough. If the conscience of any man b? snf fioiently flexible on thia subject to coerce hi understanding cvenyinto a momentary doubt all argument will be%asted on him. Our task has ended. Our narrative is draw.) ny an ej'e-witness of much of thia terribf drama, and of many of the scenes which i includes; but the chief part has been drawi from the living mouths of ? cloud of witnesses malo and female, .the best people ia Columbia. DOUBLE REFUGEES.-We hear j every now am then, of parties who have taken the oath t Lincoln, returning among us with Yank? papers ia their pockets. Yankee papers ar of no authority in this Confederacy. They ai absolutely valueless, and ought not to bs su fered to carry the owners anywhere in ot precincts. These parties ought to be made f give some good reasons fer b?ing here or elsi whero in the Confederacy. If not with us, the are against u?. If they cannot so 'cowmen th emselvcs to our authorities as *o obtain pr per passports, they na e to be considered i spies, and to b? put under look and key by tl fi rat provost marshal or guard which they ei counter. Something ought to bc done to pe j suad* these parties that, unless?they pnt then i ?elv?s reclus in curia, their aspects are dotrbtf t-their purposes doubtful-and that weet tolerate no doubtful or double faces. I TEREBEKE QU..-The manufacture of this o j so important new to the people of Columbi ! has been resumed by D. D. Hocott, ID Camde ! We trust that he will contrive to consign few wagon cargoes to this city, where we ne? light, especially when tho ancient fart!,ii candles (each) now requirj us to "fly" a Con fe erate Eagfe. M ilit?ry mattet s beyondie Mississippi a entirely at ?stand still. Our troops hold tl ?owetr portion of Arkansas along the Wash i River, sod command the greater portion ike 'toe of Red River. j ^gj? ??pg i Tke office ef the Columbia J'/IO'U?J: U*> Gates street, second door from Pluin. PtTBXJC Tt???KTrvG.-Our cilizeas will notice th call for a public meeting, at. the .Odd Fi tt-vw School Howse, thia day'nt li o'clock. Wc e: treat a general attendance of nil those cttisst who Bhare'In our "foi tunes, and who ate au? ioue to effect something for the general redie ?The object of this meeting ie to appeal te th Legislature, shortly to assemble in Greenville for succor, fcn,d to suggest and to devise tho: measures by which succor may belt 1>e obtsri ed. We trust that a full attendance may I h%d, and that each reflecting citizen will con duly prepared, by previous reflection, to coi tribute his.share of thought and wisdom toll ! common stock, BO that our objecta may be ad I quately presented to our Legislature, enfurc< I by such arguments as shall prove sntietaetm to thru august body. Let ne one be abe*; I who can bring thought and wtedou tb cc-une 1 let none com^ ait prepared fully sympaUii with the wan ? of u suffering community. CaeuALTiKs.-Amonj,- the casualties report to have taken place among the South Ca: lindens, at the battle of Benton ville, wc And t names of Lieut. J. P. Hancock, Stn S. C , fie wound ia arm; Lieut. John Meddleton, 1st C. artillery, slightly; Lieut E. S. Sauls, li S. C., gun-shot . The Yankees have established a negro emiting office at Summerville, twenty-t mile? r.bove Charleston, and a negro brigo garrisons the town. ? The Hebel, which has changed its-base sc?, e time? since the war, got away safely from Sein I but the other newspapers were lost . I Despatches received announce that Con n dore Hollins was not shot; he has arrived s ' in Richmond. , i ?' ? ? -Ml, , Public Meeting. . THE citizens-of Columbia arc requested attend a meeting, in thc Odd Fellow"? Sch ,Roora, THIS BAY, April K>, at 12 o'clock. April 10 T. J. GOODWYN,' Jtfuyoi True Brotherhood Lodge ^o. ?4. A AN extra communication of thc at, 'X%rLodge will be held THIS A ?'TER IV CH /^r\nt 8-1 e'clock, in,the Hall in the Coil Campus. Tho Second and Titira* Degr< r> 1 be conferred. All Master Masons in i; standing are fraternally iovited to attend. By order of the W. M. "_A pril^ 1 ? Card. THE subscriber having retovned.to the c will resume the Auction und Commis! business, and would respectfully solicit a < 'tinuatiou of the patronage formerly besto upon him. Orders left at the residence of subscriber, Washington street, or Joseph S son's residence,- Richardson street, (Mayra house, below State Heose,) will be prom attended to. I T. BETH .April 10 -_ Headquarters. COLUMBIA, S. C., Aron. 8, IS6 CIRCULAR. ALL Officers ou Post Duty at this place make n report lo th?se Headquarters o men attached to their re^pe ive depnrtmi who are entitled to draw rations at this po All provibion returns must be made out at departments and approved at thee? lie.-.dq tere. Bv order - . ' - A~ P". RUBLER, Col. Cin'd W. J. Miainro, A. A. A. G. A iv il : a