i * Tnesday Morning, Kay 18,1876. ,r Civet, Good Apothecary. # Where Williams has been there ixf?st be fonlness left, and a big job of cUxmr ing up and fumigation for th* newly appointed Attorney-General. He took possession of his office last Saturday, and, it is said, contemplates making a ment He has; the ?xemple of Secretary. Briatow before' him, as an incentive to the pIRHUBft WTir UnHUry* ir*n6f agreeabl#tftHSil? hnaleiit-be known that toei* *0* attogather plrtaSed with the past reft?nJUrdction policy of the Admi? nistration-in the Southern Stetes, as ?hfjloift ffl?L - ?? W?1 8??tf S Ww when-h* anas lass record that w iliiams Us aed^a prd** j/rpinisiug to send troops to S^ufh f^o'liW when called Upon by. par^sana. Ua that State, upon the informa tion given by John J. Patterson (just after Hhe^ famous fox chase fright and in j the midst of the, profoundest peace) that murders of innopest Jiepublioans wore committed daily and nightly here. The Bpencef bnsineRs in Alabama, the manufactured Ku Klux outrages, the use of Government money and its soldi sib to .carry its elections and exalt knaves and rascals, will interest him as the *? W^W3r8^ wWql| ahpw the corruption within. When he penetrates to thtf edw^ ho will and that the oppres? sion of the people of the Southern States, the disturbance of peace. < in their borders, the eolUofan and ill' feeling between theracesyhsve all been fomented by the Department of Justice, and a regnjar system of plunder run upon this basis, by which marshals, deputies, ex* temporised I 'soldier* an d mangy poli? ticians have fattened on the, national treasury. . More than two and a quarter I millions of dollars were paid out by "Landaulet" fcr this (tort df service dur? ing the last fiscal year, ending July 1, and not fj>oluding; the returns from thai time forward, which covered the expen? sive campaigns in Alabama. Arkansas and Louisiana, ihe At^rne^-Genoral, if hf chooses, can prepare- in the in? terval of the sitting of the Snpreme Court, and hare1 ready to submit to the next Congress,, wiich will be of quite diuwsnt atojBF from tha last, a report of his action, and a plan of reforms which j and comfort it with hope of justice and right in this important department in the future. i ?W ? ? "l to U '.;m ?V 1 -? _i Distress in New Orleans. We can judge of what tou^t have been the miagovernment, the oppression aha extortion pf (he set pf people who -have been bolstered in the government of Lohiniatta, by tha offleial declaration Re? cently made public of the CJty Council of New Orleans. Not alone have they consumed the ? bitapnw of the people in taxation and absorbed it. by frauds arid peoam^ T^Vj^ey h$j*MWwti*i* resources, . paralyxed their trade and commerce, driven off enterprise and made it impossible for those who depend upo^^eb- jdajly worj? ink general' atAgnaiion of.business which they have, caused, to procure their daily 'bread. The Cornel reports a general and in? tense suffering in that city. The munici? pal government, from its own poverty, cannot relieve the sufferings of the poor, no:* can those do it who have heretofore been in a condition, of independence' and comfort; for .they are themselves sadly reduced by the war, and of late years have had to cope with additional evils produced by misgovernment and political rancor and frauds.. They, as well as those known as the poor, are in dajsgCT of dylrig from lack of food,' stich as elsewhere is' * given to , paupers, and criminals. This is a strange statement to be made of a community which, in its notmal condltfori, is the most prosperous of m^,M^.vmw'?piw^. Jputsuoh is ilka well considered language of the city authorities, who have been eom pertsd; by the destitution and suffering ?h|e^Jhjyiaaaltkn* cannot n^Un**,*? send out an appeal for help. ' This1 up> peal shenia 'be heeded, and the people everywhere should resolve to put forever beyond the power pf doing similar harm in the future, the party.which has be? trayed ahtfrtrnrttf and outraged human ja it. ..i m . W -'imhi TT7 . i >?? MrcxiJEirauKo.?All doubts about the authenticty of the Mecklenburg declara? tion 'of iftdeperiderice Anterior1 > the American gencW revolt ffl ulf dicsaissecL Mr. ?aneroft wrote in, 16t? to Governor Swain, of North Oaroliha, that -he- Ha? found a copy of the Mecklen? burg 4ecla^ation of independence in the British State paper office, says thai the nrot aeeeant of 'the extraordinary re? solves Irythe piedple of Charlotte Town, Meckle^hntfjConriiTi'' was sent over to England by Sir James Wright, then Go? vernor of Georgia, ip .a letter of the 29th ^f-i.Jr^'o? New'York merchants whm^asshailsii theonah New Jaraay, on .Tuead?. at ihn tat? ofnesaetbing leas thaa a ?alle a nrimtfe?-completed their trip to Philadelphia and retamod in La* than four hours. .;... f. ?.. i ? - ? ? wZ^vr . ?*.? < *?u ?UTCBOFPrNO Or THJt Scandal.?The American Congressional Union held it* annual meeting in New York, last Fri? day. Tilts hJxvAij was disturbed by of* jeoti?j?>8 offeree^to the retention of Henry en sj?bnje of tie (rushes, by Dr. Baeon. Dr, Bacon Was under- I object to Bowen on account of | hia connection with theBeeoher scandal, and more particularly for the testimony J he gave a few days ago. The Union con ftRRna7' ndweveYr~hot to scratch the*' name/ of Bowen, and Dr. Bacon resigned, saying that his self-respect would not permTl' "him lo' serve** as' trustee with Bowen. Two - reasons appear for the j action of the body, one a good one, the other rather doubtful, both embodied in the remark of a member: "I don't per? sonally care much for Mr. Bowen, but e has always been very liberal towards us bath in money and advertising, and X should n't care to see his name dropped. Besides, after all, it is not he who is on trial." The discovery of who it is that is on trial seems one of the most I difficult undertakings of the Brooklyn public. A lew think it is Bescher, but more are positive that it I* Sir Marmadnke, and now we see that some others consider it to be the founder of Plymouth Church. Bowext's money investments stood him instead in this, emergency. Had he not paid it out freely, and given his columns liberaily to "advertising." hemight have been incontinently condemned as prin? cipal, where he was only a witness and may be a plotter in the great scandal plague. _^ BiAcxviLxx, 8. 0.| May 16.?The bal? lot-boxes, ballots, poll-lists, and all papers appertaining to the late election for .County seat, which were deposited in the office of the Clerk of Court at Bam well Court House, were spirited oft last night. The election was to be de? clared by the Commissioners of Election on Tuesday next. [That spirit knew when to strike and I bow to hurt Leslie had better get out | an injunction against it in the future. The sufferings of Simon Brown, Charles Lartigueand M. F. Maloney, the moneyed Blackville trio, who brought Leslie back to South Carolina to boss .this job, and' who apent $20,000 on it, can better be imagined than described.] The United States Cikcuit Cokbt? Charleston, May 15?Chief Justice Waitc and Judge Bond presiding. Ex Sirfe Mrs. C. E. Bennett in re 1. R. K. ennett, bankrupt An appeal in bank? ruptcy from the decision of the District Court. On hearing the appeal in this ckuse, it was adjudged that the appel? lant is entitled, in aid of her mortgage security, to the rents of, the bankrupt's estate collected by the assignee from and after May SO, 1873. Ordered, further, that the decree of the District Court be modified accordingly, and that each party pay their own costs. In all other re? spects, the report of the special master | was confirmed. In the case of the Richmond and Dan? ville Railroad Company and the Rich? mond Bank of Commerce against the County of Pickens, it was ordered that the plaintiffs have leave to amend their complaints hi such manner as they may bis advised, and that copies, of the Si ended complaints be served upon the fondants attorney before sales-day in Jnly. , Ex part* McNeill, in re Smarr, an ap? peal from the District Court, in bank? ruptcy. Upon hearing the pleadings in this cause, and the decree of the District Court, it was ordered thst the said de? cree be reversed, and remanded to the District Court for such further proceed? ings as may be necessary. In the case of the Richmond and Dan? ville Railroad Company vs. J. P. Latti mor, and the same vs. J. P. F. Camp, tho jury having rendered a verdict lor the plaintiff, the bond given by the plaintiffs to the defendants for the forthcoming of the property was canceled. In the case of J. O. Mathews vs. W. B. Guliok, T. S. Cavender, John P. South? ern, Thos. C. Dunn, Comptroller-Gene? ral, and others, it was ordered that the plaintiff have leave to amend his bill of complaint by adding at the end of the ninth section the words: "And that they decline to take any action in the matter.' ; The Court made the following appoint? ments of United States Commissioners! Ji A. Riohardson, for Edgefleld; Wm. C. Lattimer, for Yorkville, and C. J. Pride, for Bock Hill. Petitions were presented from Charles I Parsons, Jr., Francis W. Parsons, Wm. 8, . Parsons, Kate Murray and Ohas. D. Cnlver, of New York, praying that pe? remptory mandamus should issue against the City Council to compel the payment of the city's pant due bonds. After hear? ing the petitions and arguments by Mr. H. E. Young for the petitioners and Mr, E. B. Seebrook for the City Council, the Court decreed that the peremptory man? damuses prayed for do issue. The Court then adjourned nine die. The Boston Post truly says that if the latest lynching had occurred somewhere down South, instead of in the virtupu? State of Iowa, it would have afforded a fine chance for some more outrage litera iare. The particulars of this high-handed outrage reveal (ho fact that tho victim was an old and affluent farmer named Kirkman, for twenty years a resident of Storey County, and, for aught that ap? pears to the contrary, a gontlemen of good character. Some months ago, h? was accused by the Vigilante, of whom there seems to be an organized band, of having burned his son-in-law's barn, and threatened with hanging. He procured the arrest of the leaders, and during the pendency of their trial, he was notified, under pain of death, to leave the coun? try for six months. He failed to comply with tho demand, and he was dragged I so in bis bed and' murdered in cold blood, simply as a means of getting out I of the way a Jppiibjesome witness. Judge NeHson's gave) was carried oft' o? Thursday, as a valuable rel'o of the great trial ' A Mixii?H Do lla n Tnmx. ?Dr. Hall's new Presbyterian Church, on Fifth ave? nue, New York, is briefly described as follows: The new edifice ?triken the eye very pleasantly. Although massive and ex? pensive, everything is plain and neat It is at Fifth avenue and Fifty-fifth street, fronting 200 feet on the latter and 100 on the former. The front, an Fifth avenue, has two towers, the mam tower rising 300 feet above the aide walk, 14 feet higher than Trinity spire. The other tower is 160 feet high. The main entrance, with four doublo door? ways, is between the towers, and is ap? proached by a stone porch 40 feet broad, with stone steps. There are also five sido entrances. There are two other towers, that at the North-wcRt corner, 100 feet high, being an air shaft to sup Ely the church with fresh air, the air eing taken at the top, to have it pure and free from dust The principal entrance opens into a vestibule 46 by 16 feet. Tho auditorium is 100 feet deep on the main floor, 136 feet deep on the gallery, 45 feet wide, and 60 feet high, with seats for 2,000 persons. The pews are arranged' in concentric curves, every seat commanding a full view of the pulpit The ground floor and galleries are inclined as in a theatre. There is a finely carved canopy over the pulpit, and above this is a gallery for tho choir and the largo organ. The ceiling is of wood, with In ..dsomely decorated reis and moulded ribs. There are large and 24 small windows. Each window has two sets of sashes, glazed with stained glass. Gas jets have been put between the sashes, so that at the evening services the stained glass may be seen both inside and out. The space between the two sashes is a large venti? lating flue, drawing the air from the church through the perforated panels of the wainscoting, the current being increased by the neat of gas burners within the space. Every gas burner in the church is hidden by ornamental glass work, and supplied with ventilat? ing flues, giving a mellow light very pleasing to the eye. The air tower at the North-west corner supplies pure air, which is drawn by a fan in the cellar at the base of the tower, and is worke_d by a ten-horse power steam engine. Ten feet above the floor ot the tower, inside, a perforated water pipe extends around the walls, making a shower to cool the air in the summer and free it from dust if necessary. The entire cellar floor can also be sprinked, to cool the air. The fa:, is of iron, seven feet in diameter, and can make 220 revo? lutions s minute, forcing 30,000 cubic feet of pure air into the church every minute. The entire cellar is an air and heating chamber, into which the fan de? livers the air, the ceiling being covered with a net-work of steam-heating pipes. Before the air enters tho auditorium it passes over the steam pipes, and is warmed. The warm air enters the body of the church through movable slate under the benches of every pew, and every person in the pew can have warm ore-old air at his feet, as he chooses. When the cold air is forced into the audi? torium it enters fifty feet above the heads of the congregation, so that there can be no draft. The steam for heating is gene? rated in two fifty-horse power boilers. The bellows of the organ are worked by a hydraulic apparatus, the water being supplied from a tank in tho prin? cipal tower, 125 feet above the side-walk, a powerful steam pump forcing the water from a cistern in the cellar into the tank, which holds 6,000 gallons. Near the tank are the fire hose, through which the entire building can be deluged in a few minutes. The cellar walls are doublo, with a space between to exclude damp- | ness, and all the drain and water pipes are thoroughly ventilated. In the rear of the main auditorium is a hall ten feet wide, with two wide stair? ways leading to the galleries. Next to the hall, in the rear, is the chapel or lecture-room, 75 by 45 feet, and 25 feet high, with a large gallery on one end and ladies' parlors on the other, having ac? commodations for iOO persons. There is also a trustees' room and a minister's room. Over the lecture room is the Sun? day suhool room, with three galleries. There are also scvoral largo class-rooms and u library. Over the olads-rooius is a flat for the assistant sexton and his family. All tho pews, gallery, fronts, organ cose, and all the interior joiner's work are of the best ash wood, po? lished. The Raid on tuk Whiskey Mills, The descent of the Treasury Department upon the whiskey ring in the West for defrauding the revenue, is described as one of the most skillfully planned and executed movements ever made by the Government against such frauds. The headquarters of the ring have been at St. Louis, but its ramifications have extend? ed to Chicago and Wilwaukie, and thence all overthe East, West and South. The thirty large distilleries and rectifying es? tablishments seized Monday, are in the three cities named, but evidence ob? tained at these three points will make it an easy matter to root out the frauds practiced elsewhere. The overthrow of this formidable combination was ma? naged, it seems, by Secretary Bristow ana Solicitor Wilson, no other officer in the Treasury Department being intrust? ed with any knowledge of the matter, it being suspected that there was some one in the Internal Revenue Bureau who was in the habit of telegraphing imme? diately to agents of the ring every official secret of the least value to it It is not believed that Commissioner Douglass is Sony way personally connected with a fraudulent irnnsatiiiou. The Czar Alexander, who oame down to Berlin to see what was the matter, has returned home, we are informed, satis? fied that everybody has peaceful inten? tions. Bismarck also disclsims any in? tention of insulting Belgium, anu the Czar's visit seems to have allayed the growing uneasiness, although people generally are not satisfied with the ne oidodly gun-powdery aroma of the conti, nent The Czar pf Russia, as well as England, would go far to prevent a war in Western Europe, for both these Ciwers have more than they can well at nd to in Asia. Russia is steadily ab? sorbing Asiatic territory, and England is on the eve of a struggle with Bnrmah, and, perhaps, China, by which the will acquire additional acres, and, conse? quently, deprecates n Franco-PruBsian war. ? Cm Mattes*.-?If you are asked to lend your Phorux. suggont to the would be borrcwet J?at ho had better subscribe. ' Reading master on every page. - The beet way to raise strawberries is with a spoon. The storm of Saturday night mate? rially cooled the atmosphere, ami Sun? day it was quite chilly. Mr. D. C. Peixotto has furniHhed us with a specimen of the beautiful tlower "Twin Sister." Centennial cigars $1.50 per box. Who I ever heard of the like? Perry A Slawson arc selling them. Chief Justice M. R. Weite and Judge Hugh I* Bond arrived in this city on Sunday, and departed Northward, yes? terday. There has been a good deal of needless talk about Sheridan's ride, and we now have a prodigous amount of babble about Sheridan's bride. A delegation of the Columbia Schuet zen-Vorein left for Charleston, Sunday evening, to visit the Sohuetzenfest, which began yesterday. The proposed repetition of the Lady Washington tea party gains in favor. Many of the participants have expressed their willingness to attend. One of the colored carpenters em? ployed on Sutler Schmidt's house, on Qreen street, fell off, yesterday, und broke three ribs. It is understood that the Grand Jury have "rods in pickle" for several unsus? pecting individuals, and that they will be brought up with a "round turn." Hydrate of chloral as a stimulant is taking the place of opium, hasheesh, dc, in England, and to some extent in this country. It kills in about three years, on an average. The Diocesan Convention, which has been in session in Charleston for several days, adjourned on Saturday last. The next session will be held on the second Wednesday in May, 187G, in Trinity Church, Columbia. The members of Excelsior Lodge, No. 7, 1. O. G. T., will have a spelling match ai the close of business, this evening. We presume there will be considerable aniuseinent, and only regret that the en? tertainment will not be public. The bar of Columbia called in a body, yesterday, to pay their respects to Chief Justice Waite. He received them in the Governor's office. The Chief Justice was the guest of the Govornor while in the city. He left for Washington by yester? day's afternoon train. The Southern Mitaical Journal, pub? lished by Ludden A Bett?, Savannah, Gii., is a most excellent monthly, filled with matters of interest to the lovers of music. Each number contains several pieces of sheet music. The subscrip? tion price is $1.2;1, including a chance at a grand piano. Charlotte and the centennial are the universal topics. The Phoenix Hook und Ladder Company will go, the Palmetto reel will go, a delegation of the Inde? pendents wil go, and everybody who can raise $4.75 will go. "Old Hundred" will be the principal air performed by the different bands at the centennial. In our report of the proceedings in the Supreme Court on the 14th inst, an erjor occurred. Not the case of Duun, Comptroller-General, in re. Hand vs. the Savannah and Charleston Railroad Com? pany, but the State r.r reL Attorney General r.f. Savannah and Charleston Railroad Company, will be heard on the 24th. The old Ku Klux prosecutions and persecutions ore being tried over again. Mr. Dan. C. Dendy, who formerly re? sided in Lanrens, was arrested in Green? ville, a few days ago, charged with kill? ing a colored man during the so-called Ku Klux excitement in the former place, 'in 1870. Mr. Dendy was carried before Judge Cook? and* bailed. He can prove an alibi. A policeman while conveying a pri? soner to the guard house, on Sunday, was uttuokrd by a brother, with a razor, when the M. P. released his hold and beat his assailant severely with his club, knocking him into the ditch, and draw? ing blood freely. Yesterday, u little shaver strnck another in the head with a brick and knocked him senseless. All the parties are colored. A gentleman from New York, who did not like the idea of paying toll both ways over one of our bridges, and who at the snrae lime regarded the tariff as too high, remarked, when informed that the Con? federates bumed the former structure to prevent Sherman crossing, that they should have left it. and notified him that he must pay toll. He would have moved on, without doubt. At the regular meeting of Excelsior Lodge No. 7, I. O. O. T.. held on Tues? day evening last, the following officers were installed for the present term, by acting G. W. C. T. John F. Sutphcu: W. C. T., Rev. W. D. Kirkland; W. R. H. S., Miss Mamie O'Neal; W. L H. H., Miss Cecilia Atkinson; W. V. T., Miss MaggieR, Capers; W. S., Henry C. Beard; W. A. 8., Miss Anna Browne; W. F. ft, W. H. Squior ; W. T? 0. Herbert Beard; W. ft, Charles Coffin; W. M., R. Y. Leckie; W. D. M., John W. Willis; I. G., Henry A. Browne; W. O. G., Jas. R. Thackham; P. W. C. T., Albert Fugle. New Post Office and United States Court House.?Chief Justice Waite and Judge Bond paid a visit to this bnildiug, yesterday, and expiesHed tUemHetven per? fectly satisfied with it, iu every respect. The Court Room being in the third story, they deemed of advantage, as it is so far above the btreet, as to drown the noise; and as for convenience, the Court is only in session two weeks, as a general thing; whereas, the Internal Kevenue Collector aud other Government officials have their offices open constantly. This building is, we believe, the first out1 of the kind completed in the South. Tt"Is substantially built, and will be elegantly finished and furnished, and with every convenience. The architect must have anticipated a cold spell, for the heating arrangements are thorough; the ventila? tion is equally perfect. Tin- accom? modations for the Post Office?officials as well as the public- arc very complete. The lock boxes have been constructed with a view to convenience and safety. The basement is in order, and workmen are pushing forward the work on the three upper stories so rapidly, that but a few months will elapse before the little one-story affair on "Washington street can be evacuated. The marble mantels with which the building in furnished are of Vermont marble, and were prepared for the United States Court House in Knox ville, Tenn.; bnt Congressman Horace Maynard insist >d that Tennessee marble should be used, and had them all taken down. They were boxed and remained stored away until now. Jan. H. Cochrane, Esq., is the superintendent in charge of the work. We shall, in a short time, give a full description of this magnifi? cent building, which occupies the most elevated position in the city, and is of such n height as to make it visible for miles in any direction. .. ?.?. ("oust of Common Pakas. ?The Court met at 10 A. M The gmnd and petit juries were called. The Court stated that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and Judge Bond, the Judge of the Circuit Court of the United States, were I in town, and for the purpose of allowing {the members of the bar an opportunity of paying their respects to these gentle? men, an informal reception would be held at the offices of Messrs. Melton, Chamberlain & Wingnte, and the Court would take a recess until 11.30 o'clock. The reception wus held, hnwover, at the Executive chambers. In the case of the State against John H. Bryant, J. J. Goodwin and Uriah Portee, County Commissioners, convicted of official misconduct, the Court stated that he had examined into the case, and found it to be simply a misdemeanor, punishable at the discretion of the Court. The sentence was that each of the de? fendants pay $25 and the costs of the, prosecution, and, in default thereof, be confined in the County Jail one' month. In the case of Ellison M. Wwston and Wm M. Hay nr. County Commissioners, convicted of official misconduct, also a misdemeanor, though of a graver grade, the defendants were fined $100 each, und each required to pay one-half of the costs of the prosecution, and in default thereof, to be confined iu the County Jail four months. D. G. Thompson vs. Peter Sargen er, trespass to try title of one-half acre1 of land in the city. Messrs. Melton A Clark, for plaintiff, and Mr. J. It. Trade well, for defendant. Verdict was for the lan d in dispute and $190 for the plaintiff. Thos. W. Weston re. John Wil I sou was continued. S. W. Williams vs. Bolinda Crews el of. was referred to Mr. F. W. Ficklin as special referee. Thos. Withers vs. Samuel Jenkins. Messrs. Dun bar, Williams and Elliott, for defendant, and Messrs. Carroll A Janney, for plaintiff. Owing to the ab? sence of Mr. Elliott, by consent of coun? sel, case was placed at the end of the calendar for trial. Fry Dent ra. Fred. Schmidt. Mr. Wilkes, for plaintiff, and Mr. DcSaus sure, for defendant. Continued. L. C. Carpenter vs. Thad. C. Andrews. Messrs. Molton, Chamberlain A Wingate, for plaintiff, and Mr. DeTreville, for de? fendant. By consent, was placed at foot of the calendar. William Butler ve. South Carolina Railroad Company. Messrs. Carroll A Janney, for plaintiff, and Messrs. Melton, Chamberlain A Wingate, for defendant. Was continued at defendant's cost for this term. R. K. Scott r.v. Thad.. C. Andrews. Baxter A SiebelB, for plaintiff, and Mr. DeTreville, for defendant. Continued. Edward Sill tt*. Sarah Bryce. Mon teith A Banskett, for plaintiff, and Mel? ton A Clark, for defendant, Referred. Sarah J. Harris iw. James G. Gibbet, Eroving to involve only a question of lw, the jury were instructed to find tho land in dispute for the plaintiff. John H. Williams vs. Frederick Schmidt Messrs. Pope A Haskell, for Jdointiff, and Messrs. Carroll A Janney, or defendant. A nonsuit ordered. D. B. DeSaussure, assignee, vs. A. R. Taylor and Alfred ToUeaon. D. B. DeSaussure, Esq., for plaintiff, aud Messrs. McMaster A LeConte, for de? fendants. Continued. D. B. DeSaussure vs. Alfred Tolleson. Same counsel. Continued. Melton A Chamberlain at, P. F. Fra? zee. Mr. Wingate for plaintiff, and Mr. Wilkes for defendant Action on pro? missory note. Verdict for plaintiff for $225, with interest from 6th December, 1873. - Mr. D. B. DeSaussure moved to have the case of A. T. Stewart A Co. vs. C. J. Stoibrand opened and placed at the foot of the docket Overruled. Calendar No. 2 was called, and only three cases found ready lor trial. Two others were placed upon that calendar for trial. The Court adjourned at 2 P. M., until to-day, at 10 A. M. You can get all styles of job printing, from a visiting card to a four-sheet post? er, at the Phoenix office. .-??^w.-^-v. ~ .>X'^r--.r.--w,jinWM> No Diamond Yxt.?The grand jury made no presentment* yesterday. They took testimony, some days ago, in the diamond, matter, hot have *s yet taken no farther slips thai have been mado puDfTo. 'Neither* hare the City Council brought their .subordinates, who were concerned in the abstraction of the dia? monds, to any account. We believe they are all continued in office. Everything is serene, except with Mr. Kimborongh, who came over from Georgia to recover his stolen property, and wept back minus his diamond cross. We have heard it In tlmated that a puTrnlc'meeling oTeflEBBST will be held to require the City Council to investigate this matter to the bottom. Will the City Council dilly-dally till thin coal of Are is put on their backs to make them move? They should act promptly and relieve themselves and the city from the imputation under which they root.. Since the appointment of cosapaHtrtaia-t citizens, six months ago, to conduct cer? tain important investigations, and their feilure to report or make any sign of life whatever, we are distrustful of that means of relief from any evil or shame.. But better that than nothing. Will the Coun? cil delay to purge themselves until this extraordinary remedy is applied? ?, The Board of Directors of the' Monu? mental Association beg leave to report to I the friends of the Monumental, waia, Atlanta; ??? ? ii ! CoKHioMKsa.~Per South Carolin* Rail- ; road, May 17: J. H. Altce, J. Alexander. Rev. E. A. Bolles, C. Brookbonk* A Co.. P. Cantwell, W. J. Duffle, M. Ehrlich A Son, W. C. Fisher, B. F. Griffin? E. H. I Heinitah, H. M. Gibson. Hopaon A Sut- . plien, W. Johnson, Jones, Davis A Bouk night, C. F. Jackson, Kings land *Heetb, C.L. Koenig, J. H. Kinard, L?rick Lowrance. W. D. Love A Co., H. Mailer, ' C. H. Miot, F. B. OTohard * Co., Perry . A Slawson, A Palmer, P. Robinson, & , Sheridan, PL Solomon, Goo. Symmer*, I D. Senn A Son. ? ?', ' ' I ey*?*h ?* : *" ltUK?v Tan Pom's BmnHosT.-rTha blrth-d*y . | of hi* Holiness Pope Pinn XX, who ho* , completed the eighty-third year of Mia age, was celebrated with exti*ordia*vry rejoicings in Rom* on the IIth. I Tw*lve of the Pontiffs who h?w pieoecW Us Holiness reached eighty-four year* pt skc, but Pio Nono ?Jone nqipesaea the years of 8t Peter** mlwr of the church in succession to th* Prineoof the AfOtW ? ties. He has ?'passed the d?y* of PoUr/' and in this olpne brought joy to the uni? versal fold. Deputation*, letters and , telegraphic messages of congratulation have been arriving at th* Vatican dariost the day. The old proverb that no Stop* i would exceed the time of Pater has iou? , been falsified, and it would seem that i Heaven's favor is, visibly, resting on th* head of Pius IX. Tb* Pope has derived a new lease of life from the happy angary which has attended his birth-day ontt? versary. ^ ,. The1 International S*?d*y ? Kcfcoot ? Convention, now in ?eeOOC? oi' tmltt more, is the first of its land ever held. All the prominent Sunday School work attendance is indicative of th* gnwwftng interest throughout the coantrj ' >