*^m*mmmmamm*tnmnmmm?tmmmmtm**mm**uummmmm^^ NOON DESPATCHES. RADICAL auooKss nt- SPAIN-THIBRS1 MES 8AQB-GRAVE SITUATION IN FRANCS - NO HOP H FOB rna BEOOVKRY OP THE FBTNOB OF WALE8, *C., 40. VKBSAILOBH, Deoember 7.- Thiers* message, wara s the Dop a ties never to forget to what depths of wretched n?es th? ampire had led the country. Franoo should now look for oompleto re-organi? zation to God and to time. It was her poliey to endure dignified peace, bat ufaoufd ?ar occur, despite her determi? nation to remain at peace, it should not be her deed. Fronoe most resume the position to which ehe was entitled, not only for ber own good, bat is the inter? est of ell nations. MADRID, December 7.-Tho municipal eleotions ara over. Of the members of the Madrid Counoil, the Radicals hare elected 75, the Republicans 20, and the Ministeriais only 5. Retorna are slow from the province, bot those so far re? ceived indicate that the Radical party have been everywhere suooesaful. LONDON, December 8.-The first bul? letin announces'that the Prince of Wales passed a very unquiet night. There waa considerable increase of fever. 1.80 P. M.-The Queen is at the Prince of Wales' bed-side. The morning papers are publishing extras. Every issue in? creases public anxiety. 5 P. M.-There is an exciting rumor on 'chango announcing the death of the Prince of Wales, bat the news is not authenticated, and should be received with great oanth m. The situation io France is grave. The Orleans Princes are Dashing things. Thiers assured the Princes that their prose nco in the ball would arouse ani? mosities; that the moment waa inoppor? tune; that Bonapartiat, Red Republican and. Legitimist journals woola clamor that- the Repoblto waa menaced. The Princes answered that they would not act without farther consideration. Thier? showed extreme anxiety to deter the Pt innes from taking their seats. The commission upon the abrogation of the exile of the Princes hud an emergenoy Beadon* Should they abrogate the exile, the Princes will perhaps eater the hall. Thiers, under the circumstances, will probably present to the Assembly a pro position for a definitive republican go> verumont. It is believed that the Duke D'Anmale cnn carry a majority of th* Assembly. NIGHT DESPATCHES. LONDON, December 9.-The precari ouB state of the Prince of Wales conti' XSs ticer t?-t?os ooflftflttO??CQ i?itjl night, attended with great prostration At 6 o'clock, the Standard's extra said the Prince was sinking fast. His langi are congealed, and there is no hope foi his recovery.. The Argyle rooms are the resort foi Americans horned. 9.80 P. M.-Physicians in attendance on the Prince of Wales have just issuer! a bulletin steting that his Royal High ness'waa still very much prostrated. American I ri tel Hue uer. NOON DESPATCHES. NEW HAMPSHIRE POLITICS-METHODISM CONFERENCE-THE ''PASSIVE POLICY" INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY DEMONSTRA HON-MEXICAN AFFAIRS-PBOOESDINOI OF NATIONAL BO ABD 07 TBADB-LOSS Ol LIFE BY STORMS, AO., AO. CONCORD, December 7.-The Labo Reform State Convention aasemblei here to-day, and nominated Lemuel P Cooper for Governor. Resolutions em bodyiug the aims and object of the La bor Reform party were adopted; also thanking Horace Greeley for his effort to expose and reform tba base frauds corruption, iniquities and usurpations c the Grant Administration. SYRACUSE, December 7.-At a sessioi of the Methodist State Conference tc day, a resolution looking toward the re establishment of a church unity Nortl aod Sooth was offered and referred t< the Business Committee, to be reported MATAMOBAS, December 8.-Sal till and tho forts are in possession of tb rebels. The insurgents are preparing t march on San Louis. NEW YORK, December 8.-Montgc mery Blair writes to the World, nrgin the Democrats to adept immediately tb passive policy. The World editorial! dissents from Blair's views. Arrangements for an Internationi Society demonstration on Sunday btv been concluded. Woodhnll and Cia fl i will assist in the procession. Havana steamers decline to recen packages of newspapers outside tb mail, by order of the Captain-General. Wm,"F. Foster, the actor, ia dead. All passengers quarantined on tl steamer Delaware were discharged. Oui fourteen cholera oases from the steam* Franklin were left. All but one are ooi valesoiog. BOSTON, December 8--Gilmore hi returned, folly assured of the success ? his monster international musical peat, jubilee. The Independent Fire Insurance Cot pany bas been enjoined from doing hue ness, pepding an application to pat i affairs in, the hands of a receiver. SAN FRANCISCO, December 8.-Tl General Assembly organized, with Thc R..Shannon as Speaker. HALIFAX, December 8.-Ten lives we lost by the wreck of the scboon Achilles, from Fire Island. SALT LAKE, December 7.-There we two severe earthquakes on the otb ai another on the 6th at Cedar City. 2 mails or passengers from the East sin Saturday. HAVANA, December 8.-There is ma local sp?culation ip sugar. A heavy c oline is apprehended when sugars beg to arrive. NIGHT DESPATCHES. WASHINGTON, December 8.- Senal Trumbull has no recollection of utteri the sentiments attributed to bim by interviewer in the Louisville Court Journal Tho account represented Tra ball as favorable to Grant's reeleotiou A sait was commenced to-day io I Djlriat Court by Gasaaway Lau against Samuel B. Oabell, for the va! of 426 bales of cotton, which Lau casually lost, and Cabell found; ai knowing it was Lamar's property, Oat appropriated the proceeds. There wai a brief full Cabinet, exe Akorman. Probabilities-Rising barometer a falling temperature will probably p vail on Saturday on the middle and E Atlantic Brisk North-westerly wii will continue for a short time only on coast; Westerly winds, veering to South-west, on the upper lakes; Son erly winds with oloudy and threaten weather on tho Gulf coast. Warn signals are ordered. Cautionary sigc will continue at Oawego, R?chest Buffalo and Cleveland, and are orde for this evening at Now York, Baitim and Gape May. ST. IX)UIS, December 8.-The Board of Trade Committee on Miaaiasippi Le? vees reported, earnestly requesting Con? gress for aid for levee purposes and per? manent improvement of navigation and levees, was adopted. A resolution favor iDg a National Pacific Railroad to Ban Francisco, via San Diego, was discussed. An amendment that the Government .honld build the road and allow all car? riers to mn oars over it, at specified rates, provoked an earnest discussion. WILMINGTON, December 8.-The Wil? mington, Columbia and Augusta Bail road being completed to Columbia, S C., opens a new line between the North and South, via Oolumbia and Auguste, on and after December 13. NASHVILLB, December 8.-The Legis? lature has fixed the tax at forty couta. The present rat? ie sixty; wbioh barely pays expenses, leaving the interest on bonds unprovided for. PHILADELPHIA, December 8.-The ex? amination ordered by the eourt shows the business of the city treasury to be suspended, tbere being no competent official to receive or pay money. Amounts exceeding the bonds are accumulating with the heads of the varions depart? ments. MEMPHIS, December 8.-The steamer Fannie Brandies, for Cairo, with 200 bales of cotton and a few passengers, snagged and was sunk to the boiler deck. No lives lost. The boat and cargo will be a total loss. HALIFAX, December 8.-The cholera has entirely disappeared from the French settlement st Qbizzioake. Twenty-five lives were lost ia Nova Scotia by last week's gales. Prr^BBDHO, December 8.-McKnight & Co.'a rolling mill, at Bermingham, was burned; loss $120,000. THE GOVEBNOB AND THE WHITES.-Th* Torkville Enquirer says: Passing over the various recommenda? tions of retrenchment and reform, which the Governor makes, under circum? stances which give them the semblance of the merest hypocrisy and mockery, we come to the subject of Ku Klux, upon whioh he writes at great length; and while he details in fall a number ? ? orimes alleged to have boen oommitteu by this organization, he doea not Bay ?. word as tc the primo cause of ikes* offences, nor does he deal lu anything bat vituperation and abuse, of the mo. t partisan charaoter, of the white peopn of the State, whom he accuses of wan? tonly committing orime to gratify their hatred of a "negro government. but thu facts of the case do uot warrant th? Governor in his position, or the langusa . . ue uses toward our people. Thai offences have been committed, no om pretends to deny. But that they have been perpetrated in the hideous enormi ty as detailed by the Governor, and with? out extenuating causes, as he abu charges, are assertions which he cannot sustain; and, for a refutatiou of tho ac? cusations against the white men ot South Carolina, we have only to refer him to his own official conduct; the in? famous election law, whioh deprived the people of the power to redress their wrongs at the polls; the conduot of ig? norant negro militiamen, trampoosicg the country at tho most unseasonable hours, armed with improved gnus-a terror to all sexes and ages; the ioexo rabie and constant demand upon the people to fill a treasury always kept de? pleted by the cormorant greed of hun? dreds of idle and adventurous office? holders-strangers, without charaoter or reputation-these, and a thousand other grievances, were well calculated to goad a people to madness. But, strange to say, the Governor forgets these facts, as well as the numberless incendiary fires, which, not a year ago, gleamed-almost every night-through? out the up-country, and wbioh the peo? ple generally believe tb have been the acta of the minions of the "present State government." FALL OF SCAFFOLD INO.-While Mr. Smith's auotion was going on last Mon? day, a terrible crash waB heard in the Court House, whioh was undergoing re? pairs. Immediately there was a great rush to the building, as it was known that several workmen were in the boase. It was found that the whole of the scaf? folding used by Mr. Carpenter, the con? tractor for the plaster work, bad given way whilst work was going on with the ceiling over the court room. Mr. Car? penter was somewhat injured, and a young man by the name of Milton Good loch bad three ribs broken. The men were on the scaffolding when it fell, and it is a great wonder that no lives were lost. Some-colored boys were under? neath the frame-work wheo it started, bot noticed it ooming and fled into the jury room. Had they remained a second longer, they would have been crushed to a jelly.-Greenville Enterprise. HOTEL ABHTVALS, December 8. Niekerson House-N. G. Osteen, Sumter ; Miss Kate Perry, Pendleton; B. D Townsend, Society Hill; J. Wright, Darlington; E. C. Bowell, Mrs. J. M Lowie, Charlotte; Mrs. C B Bryoe and daughter, S. C.; F. Calmea, Miss L. Saber, Miss.; Miss Burkesdale, Ga.; A ?9. Douglass, Winusboro; Wm. C. Dty ton, T. S. Mooremau, Newberry; W. S Hannahao, Ediato Island; J. M. Hardiu, Md.; B. D. Bacott, Charleston; J S. Hauuob, Baltimore; J. M. Smith, Bus too; T. P. Hoyt, Walhalla; M. E. Buck? ner, Ga.; C. S. Barret; E. E. Taylor, Charleston; J. L. Orr, Anderson; Mrs T. Cry mos, Greenville; J. B. Chatham, Helena; R G. Fleming, C., C. & A. B. Central Hotel-J. B. Steadman. Miss A C. Whitlock, W. T. Miller, J. B Jeter, Union; J. W. Cobb, Waverly; P M B. Holley, Alston; A. F. Blair, Strother?. L. Williams, G. W. Taylor, W. H. MoLssky, T. W. Ooogler, Greenville; Miss J. Rodgers, Miss M. Rodgers, j Mrs. MoBride, Spartanburg;L. M. Cir i>. [Abbeville; G. Plimley, N. Y.; J. ?. I McIntosh, Richland. Oats and Wheat,Bran. l7f\Ci BUS BE LB FEED OATH, 4 UU 20,000 lbs. Wboat Brau. Fur ?ale low for cauh. ED WA KO HOPE. Deo 9_ For Sale Cheap. THE LEASE on the EXCHANGE HOUSE expires early next year, and as I am d?? dirons of changing the investment, I offer for salo all the FIXTURES, LIQUORS, etc., together with a large lot of HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE, etc.-in whole or part. ALSO, Seven head of fine Saddle and Harnen* HORSES, inoludlng "Monkoy," "John Ken? rick," and "berkshire." For terms, apply to Deo 9_R. F1IANKLIN. Giuseppe Soimonelli, Italian Tailor. -t I HAVE tho very best of Goods on Tlhand, and will furnish a Frook Goat at ABt26. Will get up the finest Coats ever -amasen in thia olty-something very oheap. Apply ono door below tho Atrloan M. E. Cnqroli. Deo 7 ?* iriuKnvlaU ?awl Commercial* COLTJM?IA, S.O., Decembers.-Sales of cotton to-day 87 bales-middling LONDON, December 8-Noon.-Con? vois Bonds 92^. Unfavorable news regarding the Prince of Wales' oondiiion baa a depressing influence. LTVERTOOL, Deoember 8-Noon.-Cot? ton opened strong-uplands Or? leans 10@10>?; eales to-day 15,000 bales; of the week 116,000; export 20,000; ?peculation 19,000; stock 445,000, of which American ia 41,000; receipts 48,000, of which Amerioan ia 21,000; actual export 14.000. Snipping at Or? leans 9%@10; Savannah or Charleston 9)?; stock afloat 442,000, of which Ame? rican is 174,000. LONDON, Deoember 8-Evening. ConsolBOl^. Bonds 92??. LIVERPOOL, Deoember 8- Evening. Cotton closed firm-uplands C.**; Or? leans 10@10)?. Manchester advices un? favorable. PARIS, December 8.-Bullion increased l.OOO.OOOf. Nsw TOBE, Deoember 8-Noon. Sales of futures, last evening, 8.050 bales, as follows: Deoember 191$, 19 8-16; January 19 8-16, 19>?; Feb ru ary 19%, 19 5-16; March 19?*, 19 9-16; April 19%. Stocks strong aud steady Gold strong, at 10>?. Governments dull but steady. State bonds very quiet Money firm, at 7. Exchange-long 9, short 9%. Floor dull and nnohanged. Wheat quiet and steady. Corn quiet and firm. Pork dull, at 18.40@13 50 Lard firm. Cotton opened weak* but ia uow steady-uplauds 19??; OrleaUB 20: sales 1,800 bales on spot; 4,000 in tran sit; chiefly last ovening. Freights very steady. 12 30 P. M.-The gold room is excited over a baseless rumor of the death of the Prince of Wales, and a panic in the London market. Gold, consequently, ie ?arong aud aotive. No authority, what ever, so far, for the rumor. 7 P. M.-Colton activer and firm sales 6,772 bales-upland? 19%; Orleans 20??. Flour uuahauged. YV binkey 1 Ol vVneat 1(7$2e. better and very quiet Rice firm, at 8)?@9. Pork activer, ut 13 50. Beef quiet. Freights easier. Litil heavy, Males of futures tu da\. 13,950 baies, aa follow?: L> .eetubnr lilj-fi 19 1-16, 19?6; Januarv 19 3 16;F. brum. 19%, 19 5 10. 19 7-16; Maro? l?9l? April 19 li Iii, 195*, May 19^. 1913 16 |j il'iLUj uany. Stetting eunier, H> 8%(a)y Gold ?elive, at 10(a)lObg Guveruui- bi .dosed steady, at }^(^%o. advance-62 ll. States quiet - l'euut'SHees 65; ne? 66. Virginias 63; new 68. Louisiana? 61; new 60; levees 63; 8? 71. Alabama 1 00; 5i 65. Georgine 80; 7s 85. North Caro.iuaa 34}fj ; new 14. South Caruli? nia 43; new 2'JJg. BOSTON, Droeinber 8 -Cotton doll middling 19>?@19%; receipts 3,289 bales; sales 300; slock 7,500; receipts ol the week 10,280; sales 3,000. MEMPHIS, Deoember 8.-Cotton qui? t -middling ltiy?; receipts 1.411 bales; stock 18.033; receipts of the week 12,154; sales 19.800. AUGUSTA, Deoember 8.-Cotton qule and strong -middling 18; receipt? 595 bales; sales 110; stock 13,250; re ueipts of the week 5 395; salea 4,870. | < MOBILE, December 8 -Cotton du 1 and easier-midoltng 18^; reoeip B 1,994 bales; BU les 500; stook 37,583; re? ceipts of the week 12,563; stock 13,700. t*r. Louis, December 8.-Whiskey 89J6@90. Pork unchanged-order loic 13.00@13 25. Bacon-clear Bides 7?? Lard-business small; quotations higher -choice kettle 8%. | i WniMiNOTON, December 8.-Cotton quiet-middliug 18^; receipts 87 bales; 11 sales 97; stook 3,3li; receipts of th? week 647; sales 812. NORFOLK, December 8.-Cottoi quiet-low middling 18; receipts 675 bales; sales 150; stuck 5,584; receipts of t ie week 9,608; sales 1,150. BALTIMORE, December 8.-Flour firm and aotive-Howard street superflue | J 6.00@6 25. Wheat dull-Pennsylvania 1.66. Corn firm, at 68@72. Provision? unchanged. Whiskey 99@l 00. Cotton firm and in fair demand-middling 19@ 19>rj; receipts 357 bales; sales 1,073 stock 4,568; receipts of the week 2,485 sales 3,158. GALVESTON, December 8.-Cotton quiet and firm -geed ordinary 16%; re ceipts 1,285 bales; sales 550; stock 32,715; receipts of the week 7,911; salea 5,600. CHARLESTON, Deoember 8. - Cotton steady-middling 18^(^18)^; receipt* 1,835 bales; sales 500; stock 33,079; re ceipts of the week 12,953; lalea 1,760. SAVANNAH, December 8.- -Cotton middliug 18%; receipts 2,677 bales sales 1.600; stuck Git, 128; receipt! of th week 18,633; sales 13,300. CINCINNATI, December 8.-Demand f pork light; holders firm. Baoou-oles sides ly?. Whiskey excited aud prices higher, at 92, but closing at 93. Provi alone firm. Baoou sides neuron, and held at 8 Lard 9@10>?. Pork 13.50? 14.00. Whiskey firm, ut 90. NEW ORLEANS, Deoember 8.-Cotton steudy-middling lti%(tiLld', receipt? 7.053 bales; salos 4,60u; muck 153,465; receipts of the week 41,895; sales 38.000 IVIlOlitt?AljE i'lllCttS ttHltSiAl. lURREUTKD Wi.KKH OV TBK DOAUD OF THADE. 1PPLKS, gilUl. 1 u0ir?2 Ul) UOLA3H?SlOUU< lb.2U({0Z? ?Ju., a.urus?uu,(,3?iit,iw dACON. Bains. 17>tfl9 .?auiuuery..76(u.i u? ?idOS, %< lb. 0? (?ll! ?PKelK, ?UiU lal 1 dhouldoru... ts?lo, duvet.. .. (ad utz iJANULXB, -iwurm-l? t?7? ?'OTAT u, Int 1 ?Oiigu Adauiautin? tbltt&ttO sweet, bub Go ?vb ?JOTTU? ?aaNlSOttfl Sta -wu, ?aruiins lb 7 9 QOTTUN. Mut Al.itt' ;UK?SK, t?.u.M, 2(fa?.i um .? uuratt'1 e'autor). IGy^ttj Kum.a JutiS'? 0 ?JOKFKE, Ulu,$Lb25 <UCAH, Crus A. i*15(?0.b Java _ 85'?4o, brown.. .I2(u)i4 FLOUB.CO. 6 76'??lOUt ! !>rAROU, lb... 8?t$?l Northern. 7 6U(?fil0 ?i CEA, ?ruon lbl 0Uhe General Assembly on Tuesday of every week the amount of moneys in his hands. Mr. Dennis-Joint reeolution, re? questing the Governor to transmit to the General Assembly the correspondence between the Governor and Treaxurer, relative to the issuing and signing of Stale bonds, and that a committee ol three be app noted to wuit upon the Governor with a copy of the resolu? tion. A resolution to amend the mle requir? ing resolutions to lie over for one day, -vas passed. K.-soluiion, by Mr. Hurley, to order hu postponement of sale of certain . raots of lauds in Charleston County, ?vas laid on the table. A resolution, by Mr. Bowen, to re .ciud action of the House ou ad drees OuUOt-rDing Judges, was postponed II uti i donday utXt, and Judge Thomas uppeui o. ?ore the House to answer thu charges ; against him. Mr. Yocutn's resolution, requiring the Committee ou Wayu aud Means to re j pott upon oertaiu bills, was udopted,aud the committee reported. A bill to arnaud Beotion 279 of the code of procedure, was peened to a se? cond reading. A resolution was offered by Mr. Bowen, requiring the Financial Bonrd of the State to report. Laid over. A joint resolution, by Mr. Jorvey, to appoint a committee to inquire into tho murder of a conviot at the State Peni? tentiary, a short timo 'since, by cruel treatment; and that said oommittee have power to send for persons and papers. Laid over. A bill to alter and amend the charter of tho town of Georgetown, was taken np, pending wb'ob, the Bouse, at 3 o'clock P. M., adjourned uutil to-mor? row at 12 M. The Chicago Pott says the bell worn by the oow that kioi.ed over the lamp that set fire to Chiougo ia on exhibition in that oity in sixty-c ne diff?rent places. A REMNANT OF SLAVERY.-It appearB to be still an open quent iou out iu the Indian Territory whether the fourteenth amendment applies oswell to the red man as to the white. The Creek Indians still hold the negroes in bondage, al? though the amendment alluded to waBl supposed to bave abolished slavery in all the States and Territories cf the United State?. The District Attorney of tbe Western District of Arkansan is in a quandary, and has written to Washing? ton for instructions. Of course, the Constitutum is thu supreme law of the land, but the difficulty is, that in our treaty with the IodiauB, we lia ve recog? nized them as distinct and separate na? tions, with the right to manage their domestic affairs in their own way. To get entirely rid of slavery, it may be? come necessary, therefore, to abandon the traditional policy of the Government io treating with lud?aos. So says the New York Poa!; but we believe that the last session of Congress passed a law forbidding the recognition by any treaty of Indians as distinct nationalities. The following is the recommendation given au English servant: "Tbe bearer bas been in my house a year-minus eleven months. During this time she bas shown herself diligent-at the houae door; frugal-in work; mindful-of her self; prompt-in excuses; friendly-to? ward men; faithful-to her lovers; and honest-when everything had vanished. " THEATRE -IRWIN'S HALL. Manager, - - - JOHN TKMPLETOB. fi RAND FAREWELL o? tho combined j IX STARS OF THE SOUTH, 118 great ar tietoa,) in the grandest and mont select pei-] tormaucea. LAST PERFORMANCE/ Saturday Evening, December 8. Joseph Jefferson's oelebratod RIP VAN WINKLE! WONDERFUL WOMAN! IRISH KV KLUX! Admirion $1; Children halt prie?. No ni'ra charge for reserved eeate. bo 'is ?pen at quarter before 7. Curtain, . ^ ? . v. . ?. . t*?*C .7 j Rye Flour. FREHR Ground RYE FLOUR, for sale by H? c. 9_E. HOPE. I NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! j NEW GOODS! AT C. F. JACKSON'S ! C. P. JACKSON'S! C. F. JACKSON'S ! _Dec_5_ _! Fire Crackers. 1 A A WHOLE and Half Boxes Ooldea' LUW Chop FIRE CRACKERS, for ?ale! low. _ E. HOPE, i Just Received, n o nice. For terms, apply to E. W. SEIBEL8 A CO., Dec 7 3 _Real Estate Brokers. To the Public. THE STATE CAPITAL RESTAURANT will be kept open all night after MONDAY, December ll, for thu accommodation of th? traveling public, and meals will bo served ai all hours nf tho day and night. Dec 5 Fire Crai kera and Torpedoes, -i r\rv BOX KS FIRE CRACKERS, XV/\ 9 25 boxes i orpedoes, tor sale by Dec -2 JOHN AGNEW ?fe SON. The Last of the Season. Orin BUSHELS Pure Rust proof SEED ?i\i\9 OA I'S, for sale for cash only. Nov 28_E. HOPE. Stolen, . " FROM tho subscriber'sresidenoe, near 1 5in"Vtei1 Hank Church, on the 29th ult , a ry>*\ m...iiiim absud Bluck HOttaE, fl v. j earn .od next spring; oue hind foot white ne to telLs-k; small white spot oil lett side, about .nid way of saddle skirt, and a sruall white -pot uu shoulder; tho snip or upper lip white, \ (nd ?l-n small white ?niit tn forehead The Hi nd ii? supported to have gone in I the direction of Colombia, or Savannah, Geer* ! K'a 1 I will pav a reward of 125 for recovery ol horse. <>r f 50 for horse and thief. Dec 8 3 HENDERSON SMITH, December 4,1871. aud to serve a copy of youi ! answer OB the subsoriber at his office, Che? tor. South Carolina, within twenty days aftei the servioe of this summons on yon, exciusivt ?>l the day of service. If you fail to answer this complaint with h the time aforesaid, the plaintiff will tak* judgment against yon for the sum of 18,694 with interest at the rate as specified in sat? complaint ?nd costs. S. P. HAMILTON, Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated Chester, December 4,1871. Deo 0_eO In the District Court of the Uniteo States for the District of ?South Caro? lina. In tho matter of James S. O. May rant, Bank? rupt- In Bankruptcy. AWARRANT in bankruptcy bas beer issued by said Court against the est?t, or James S. O. Mayrant, of the County ot Richland, of the State of Mouth Carolina, ii said District, adjudged a bankrupt, on tb? petition of bis creditors, and the payment ol any debts, and the delivery of any property belonging to ?aid bankrupt, to bim, or to bb uae, a*bd tho transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law. A meeting of tin creditors of said bankrupt, to prove theil debts and ohooBe one or more assignees o' bis estate, will be held at a court of bank rnptoy, to bs holden at Columbia, in sain District, on the third day of JANUARY. A. D 1872, at ll o'olock A M.. at the office of C. J Jaeger, one of the registers in bankruptcy or .laid court. L. E. JOHNSON, Deo 9 Jan 8 Marshal, Messenger. Now Landing and to Arrive. rZI\ BBDS. New Orleans 8?OAR, tjyj 200 bblB. Nr.77 Orleans Molasses, 2,000 bblB. Planting Pntataes, ?50 hhda. Reboiled Molasses, 60 hbds. Musoovado Molasses. For sale by G. W. WILLIAMS A CO. Dec 8_12 A Beautiful Assortment of Chromos, in Oil Colon. ALSO, a fine stock of WRITING DESKS, Albums, Work Boxes, Portfolios. Illus? trated Bouka for ohildren, Gold Pena, Pocket? books, Ac, for sale at BRYAN * McCARTFR'8 Doc 8_Bookstore. Orphans' Concert--Irwin's Hall. MONDAY NIGHT, DKCKMUKH ll, DY THIRTY ORPHANS, FROM LAUDERDALE SPRINGS, Missis? sippi, ORPHAN'S HOME, for the benefit nt 200 helpless Children, the most of wbon? are Orphans of FALLEN CONFEDERATE ?SOLDIERS. Please read band bills for particulars, am satisfy ..ourself as tu the worthiness of thu ut.ble cause in which we are engaged. More than forty diffdrent railroads oom pa nie? have passed them and their attendant* tree ot charge. They ?re received into th? bornes of the first and best people of the land as they continuo their travels, and every where the plaintive notes of thone inter? et nu little ohildren lonoh the hearts of tho good and great. ss- admission 50 cants; Children 25 oents." Doors open at 7 o'olock. Concert begins at 8 Dec 7 j3 A. D. TRIMBLK. Ag??nt Executor's Notiee. A LL persons indebted to the late Jame* ?\. Brown, either by note or book account are requested to call and settle at once witt, my agent, Fred. J. Brown, or they will bc placed in tho hands of an attorney for col eotion. Tborio having claims will present tbam, properly attested, at once for pay merit. SELINA BROWN, Nov 28 113_Extent rix. Private Boarding House, BY MKS. SAMUEL TOWN? SEND .Senate street, South? east of the Capitol, one squar Ifrom Main street, Colombia _Dec 2 iraj Boarding. MISS CORDELIA MORDECAI announce* that lier establishment, South-west coi uer of Sumter and Lady streets, is preparen to accommodate ROA RD HRS, permanent anil transient, where the taetes and comforts ol ibe roost fastidious will be guaranteed. Nov 9 }lmo Frightful Prophecy. IF you neglact a cough or a cold, however slight, consumption, that great destroyer. ?ill bo sure to fodow. The inscription upon ?he tomb-stone will be in the following start? ling words: "DIED FBOM A NEOLECTEO COUOH." Stanley's celebrated COUGH rsYuUP willi caro coughs, colds, asthma, throat affection*,! when no other pr paration will. Try a bot-j tlo. Prepared only by Nov '?? t E. H HEINI rSH. Oruggi-t. A Home in Georgia. BEINQ about to chango my business, I now | offer my beautiful Country itesidence with its surroundings, for salo AT A BAR? GAIN, located niue miles Wost of Hawkins ville, in Pulaski County, Qa 335 acres oil land, i w-o-tninia cleared,'upon which is a nici new framed dwelling, with dining-room ann kitchen attached in modern style, with watei1 land servants' houses conveniently located \lso, a nice new framed store-bouse, A GOOD [COUNTRY STAND, ahout forty yards from [tho dwelling; new framed gin-bouse, witt, inew "Pratt" Gin and Rubber Rai d, and 'Craig's new patent horno power attached; a good wuoden screw, crib, barn, stables, tool holme, and six cnmfortabla tenants' bouses. I he place is well watered. Cedar Creek run liing through one of the lots; well at yard and horse lot; soil good, and no healthier place can be found in Middle Georgia. Cash prie? ,of place as abovo described $4.000. Wou;d I accept time payment from a good purchaser : Will alf o soll with the place, if desired, corn, ; (odder, horses, mules, nogs, farming, carpen tera' toola, wa eena, etc. Address W. C. HARVARD, Nov20tGtfl Hawkinsville, ua. Wood! Wood!! Wood!!! I^H E undersigned begs leave to notify the JL citizens ot Columbia that he bas, thie ?day, established a WOOD YARD, at the Charlotte Depot, jost below, or back of Mr. I damberg's Storo, where he has. and will en Ideavor to keep on hand, an iuexhanstibb supply of choice Oak, Dry Pine and Light? wood, wnich ho will sell, and deliver any? where within tho city limits, at the regular market prices. Fur convenience, 1 hav? made arrangements to havo orders left at tb? ??tore of Mr Agnew's, in front of the Stat? ?House, and at th-store of J. A. Hondrix I Parties leaving orders will please state tb ?quality and quantity wanted, with their ad? dress and p?ace of residence. Prompt atten tlon and good measure gu?rante, d. I lu order that haters may know that the} aro receiving g?>od measure, I nave ail m> ? Wood o >rded, so that all parties can inspect for themselves; aud I would pr?.fer having i ?hem du so befure purchasing I will al?o, as soon as possible, have on [ baud a good supply of the different qualities [ol Coal. Brick, Grani o. Lime, Lumber, Laths shingles, Post, Saab and Blinds, Doors, Au Parties having Lumber, Wood, Shingles, Post, Ac , so desiring, can ship and nave them sold on oo ?.mission at a libeial rate. 'Contractors, mechanics and builders gene? rally would do well tu call, botare making their a< rangements elsewhere. Nov 24 M. A. PENN. For Sale. A LOT nf fine Kentucky * "ti MULES and HOUSES, Justar-rYSS? WB.ivml. Call at /Xl DALY'S STABLES. ?jet 7 On Assembly street. Sundries. WE have roceivod a large supply of thc following goods, which wo are offering at low prices: Whole, half and quarter boxes RAISINS, Almonds, Palm Nnte, Filberte, Pecans, Walnuts. Nov as JOHN AGNEW A SON. / "ale Spartanburg and Union Railroad, i'bfl Stat? of Soatb Carolina, plaintiff against the Bpartauburg and Union Railroad l om* IDIOT and other?, creditor?, defrndauts. N obedience to an order dated 15th day of . November, 1871, passed b\ th? Hon Jamas ii Rutland, Judge of the 4th Circuit, of tba tate or Booth Can dina, the undersigned will ?ed, on the FIRST MONDAY in January 1873, it Union ville, io the Coan tv of Union, lu the nate of Booth Carolina, beroi a tho Court loone door, between the boora of ll o'clock [ n the forenoon and 8 o'clock io the afternoon. | .t public outcry, to tba highest bidd? r tba I vholeofthe SPAR PAN BUHO AND UNION tALLROAD, including the Road-bed. Right of I ?Vay, Grading, Bridgea. Masonry aod Boper- ' itvuotnro lying and altaste io the Counties if Fairfield, Union and Spartan burg; all tba .took anbtioribed for in the Bpartanbarg aod Union Railroad Company; the chartered rights ?od privileges thereof; the railroad spikes, ihairs and equipments, and mil tba property wood by aaid company, as incident or necee -a ry for ita boeintas, on the folio wi np terms, to wit: Twenty-five thousand {tiS OOO) dol? ara oash, and the balance in three *qae! iem i an nu? ) inatalmenta, with intereat on each inatalmeot from the day of aale, to be scored by the bond of the purchaser, with a uortgsgeof the entire property sold The jorcnaaer will ?leo be required to pay for all itamps and papers. If the highest bidder should fail to pay at ?noe the twenty-five thousand t J2?.000, dol? ara aforesaid io cash, the property bereiuke oro advertised will immediately be offered, 4t the time and place above mentioned, upon the terms already elated for re-aale. J AM EH M. BAXTER. THOM AB B. JETER, NoVEMDEB 28, 1871. Referees, air Tho Unionville Time; Fairfield Herald. Carolina Spartan and Colombia Union will copy until day of sale and send bills to Bs? '< r<>et?._Nov 29 State of 8outh Carolina-Newberry Go. CO UBI OF COMMON PLEAS. Albert J. Haltlwanger, William Haltiwaagar aud John M. Proctor, aa copartner- in trade, under the name and firm of A. J Maltiwan ?er A Co , plaintiffa, sgsmat Joseph Manor awton, otherwise called J Maner Lawton, defendant.-Copy Summon? for Monty .De? mand. Complaint Served. To Joseph Maner Lawton, defendant ia thia aotion. YOU are herebyaommoned and required to answer the complaint In thia action, of A inch a copy ia herewith served opon you, and to serve a copy of yoor answer on the aub aoribera st their offiae, at Newberry Court rfooae. Sooth Carolina, within twenty daya after the aervioe of thia summons on you, ex? clu eivo of tho day of aervioe. If you fall to suawer thia complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff wi il take Judg? ment against you for the ?nm ul $i98 70 couta, with intereat st tho rate of ?even per c< nt. per ?tnnnrn_ from fcho 2ist dSJ Of NsT?ffibi? 1871, sod c?ata. FAIR, POPE A POPE, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Dated 21st day of November, 1871. To the d'fendant, Joseph Maner Lawton. Take notice that the sommons lu tLts action, .f which the foregoing ia a copy, waa filed in he office of the Clerk of the Court oi Com* tuon Pleas, at Newberry Couit Hoare, in tho Joan ty of Newberry, in the State of Booth arolina, on the 28th day cf November, A.. D. 1871. FAIR; POPE A P PE, r-iatntiffa Attorneya, Newberry C H., 8. 0. Dated 28tb dav of Nt vembor, 1871. Dec 2_?6 State of 8outh C rolina, Newberry Co. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. famea N. Lipscomb, Plaintiff, agtinat JoHeph Maner Lawton, Defendant.-' orr SUMMONS FOB MOSEY DKMAND - COMPLAINT asuvso To Joseph Maner Lawton, Defeudaut in this action: YOU are hereby aommoned and required to anawer the complaint in this action, of vf inch a oopy ia herewith served upon yon, aud to serve a copy of your answer on tbe subscribe? at their*office, at Newberry Court douse. South Carolina, within twenty daya titer the aervioe ot thie enmmona on you, ex dueive of the day of aervico. If voa fad io answer thia complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff will take judgment agsinat you tor the sum ot (1,3 5, with intereat at tberate of seven percent, per ?unom, from the 21st day of November, 1871, and costs Dated 21st day of November. 1871 FAIR. POPE A POPE, Plaintiff's Attorueya. Co the d?tendant, Joaeyh Maner Lawton: Take no'ice that the enmmona iu this ac lion, of which the foregoing is a copy, waa lied in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, at Newberry Court Houi-e, In the County of Newberry, in the State ot Som h Jarolina, ou the 28th of November. A D. 1871. FAIR, POPE A POPE, Plaintiff's Attorneya, Newherrv, C. H., S. C. Dated 28th dav ut November, 1871. Dec 2_eG ?tate of Sooth Carolina-Newberry Co. COURT or COMMON PLEAS. Vlbert J. Haltiwanger, plaintiff againat Jna. Manor Lawton, defendant.-COPT SUMMONS roa MONEY DEMAND.-COMPLAINT SEUVED t'o Joseph Maner Lawton, aetendaut in this _aotion: V/ OU are hereby snmmoued and required 1 to answer tho complaint in thia action, ot which a copy is herewith servtd opon yon, ind to serve a cop; of yoor answer on tho subscrib? m. at their office, at Newberry Court House, South Carolina, within twenty daya after the s< rvice of thia sumuona on you, exclusive of the day of aervice. If you tail tu answer thin complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for tbe s nm o" S106 40, with interest at the rate of seven per cent. p?r aunnm, from the 27th day of November, ,1871, and costa. Dated 27m dav of November, 1871. FAIR, POPE A POPE, Plaintiff's Attorneys. To the defendant, Joseph Maner Lawton: Take notice that the summons in thia ac? tion, of which the foregoing ia a copy, waa filed tn the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, at Newberry Court House, io the Coonty of newherrv, in tbe ?"tate of Mooth Carolina, on the 28th dav of November A. D. 1871. FAIR, POPE A POPE. Plaintiff"o Attorneys. Newherrv C. H., 8. C., November 28,1871. Dec 2_B6 ?tate of South Carolina-Fan field Co. rho State of South Carolina, plaintiff, va. the Spartauburg and Union Railroad Company, and others creditors-OrdVr for Sale, de. BY virtue cf a decretal order iu the above stated case, all the creditors of tho ;&>partauburg and Union Railroad Company .are require . to prove and establish their de? mando against tue said Company, before oa, ? ?is Special Referees, at th-' law office ot James '.ti. Rion, E*q , in Winnsboro. b. C., on the |26th, 27th,28th, 29th and 80th days of Decem? ber, A D 1871. and on tho 281, 24th. 28-h, ?26 h. 27th and 28tb daya cf January. A. D. 1872 JAMES M. BAX 1ER, THOMAS B. J M ER, Nov 26 Special Referees, sar tho Fairfield Herald, the Uniouvllle Times the Carolina Spartan and the Co um? ida I7M?OI? will publich till let of February, 187?, aud send billa to chu Clerk o? the Court, ?Vinnebnro. _, For Saie. ?or\rv rwv i FEET OF LUMBER, !?>Ul P,UUU 60,000 feet of well sea? soned Flooring on band ! Orders for Lath, and all kinda Lumber filled I at short not JO. Apply at our Lumber Yard, !?n Lady atreet and Greenville Railroad, or I address W LoWnY A CO , i Q.t 28 3mo Box 180 Otdno bia S C. I Pickles, Fruits and Vegetable*, l-t pr (t\ DOZEN, in glass and cans, of tbs i LOV/ ohoioeat kinds, as follows: fcnglhh iPiocahli and Cbow Chow; California Apricots iand Bartlett Peara; Pino Apple-, IreabVeaoh "B, Phi ai a, Strawberries, Tomat oe*, Oreen Corn, Asparagus, Spanish Olives, Capera' Worcester Sauce, French" #\nd English Mua tard, Deaaioated Coooannt, Cboci late Paste, E?sonco Coffee, Ac; all freah and for i-ale low for cash._E. HOPE. Barley! Barley! PLANTERS can have SEED BARLEY at tl 25 per bushel. Termo csBh._ Hept 22 _JOHN C. SBKOERB, Revenue Stamps! Revenue Stamps! ALL DENOMINATIONS for sala at tba usual discount, at tho SOUTH CARO LINA BANK AND TRUST CO. Deo 7