" - V ? . .- ' fl (rriiiitestimutvs Hi? iv IN-I fernel ami. WMiti.de? I al ?,l??H.>. ?I Tile, ?. 11:^11 it??n i.- it:rr t.i?.? ?~K?. A despatch from ?chotia Sunday. His right, the 17th, corps, was near Mt. Olive on. Suuday Bight. RobertjCobb Kenned}', convicted of being a spy, waa executed Saturday at Fort Lafayette. Gold closed at 167. Singleton, on h ie* return to Washington, ridi? culed the renewal of tire ' peace rumors, and was very certain that neither Davis nor Lee had any intention of submitting. Crook has been assigned to the army of the Potomac. ' ' The English Parliament had. a discussion on the 13th, on the Canadian defences, some speak? ers regarding a war with the United States as probable. The House was, however, assured by the Ministers that the -relations between England and the United States was altogether amiaable. * RICHMOND, March 30.-The New York .Tri tune of the 23th has Grant's latest official .tele? gram relative to the fight at Petersburg on Saturday. He reports that the Yankee ...loss was 166 killed, 1,201 wounded and 700 missing of those corps that were engaged. Thc same despatch says that 1,883 Confederates were captured. Another despatch from Grant says . that he ia ia receipt of Sherman's reports of operations from the time he left Fayetteville to the 22d. It sjjow* that he has had hard fighting, result ing m a very heavy loss to the enemy in ikillec ?nd .wounded and over 2,000 prisoners ig our hands. His own loss he says will be coverer' by 2,50J since he left Savannah. Many ol them are bat slightly wounded. The press telegram and letters claim Yankee victories ai Averasboro and Bentonsville June tiou. Sherman's and Schofield's armies formed 1 junction ou the 23d. ? The rebel pirate Owl left Havana on the 21st bound for Galveston. Geu. Kautz, commanding thc cavalry of th' army of the James, has been,, su pe reeded b; McKcuzie. Gold is quoted at 154. ; RICUMONU, March 3t.-Northern papers 0 the aatb have l een received..^"The war uaw consists chiefly of details of the' recent opera lions in North Carolina and Virginia Jacob Little,?th'- prominent banker, died i New York on the jSth. Lincoln .had not returned, from Grant's head quarters. A Washington telegram to th* if? raia"says it is reporten that he is detained b propositions for a renewal of peiiee negotiation; White/there is nothing to ccu li rm the report, is sot improbable that he may, be I ore his returt arrange with Gen. Grant for the reception an consideration of any proposition Gen, Lee ma n??v*io make, ioukiug tu a cessittion wi armes1 ?.?.?jjjj?^j. tc ^"'2*:,...^.. ....j ' . 1 .Galil 1*2. ' ? RIOUI?OND. April 1.-The Herald, of the30th, has. beeu received. Its situation article say? it is now believed that the visit of the Presi? dent to the armies ou the James is of more itn portauce titan is generally considerad. Since he has been t?tere, a council of war ha? been held, in which Lincoln, Grant,Sherman, Meade,Ord, Sheridan and other military chiefs participated. After it broke up, a general movement in front of Richmond began. A Was h in gto a telegram to tbe Her aid says Lee hat renewed the request for a military convention to settle matters-to agree upon terni* for a cessation of bostilitiesraud establish peace. But informed officers here regard im? mediate peace as almost beyond doubt. A rumor of another peuce conference has derived additional continuation from the fact that Seward has gone to James River to joiu Lin? coln. Fanerai invitation. The friends and acquaiutairbes of Mr?. SUSAN HARADEN, Mr. and MK. John McCully and of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Porter are invited to attend the funend-services of the former, at the Presbyterian Church, THIS (Tu?sdav) AF? TERNOON, at half-past 4 o'clock. . " Cash Donations, for Columbia Sufferers. The Columbia Joint Relief Commut?es ac? knowledge the following cash donations up to date: A. L Solomons, $5,000; Augusta Relief Com? mittee, through Jr. Ingall*, 80; liaptist Church, I Chester, through CoL S. W. Mobley, 52. E. LL EDI 3 G, Secretary and Treasurer. Spectacles Lost. LOST, * pair of.STEEL SPECTACLES, ba a black leather case; the owner's nant? ou tbe case.* The. finder will be rewarded by leaving them .hack of the Charlotte Depot. April 4 1* . _P. H.URLBl?C)?. F7 $c~Kent._ TWO or three'pleasant ROOMS, delightfully situated, in the central part of tile cuy. Also, a smart little HOUSE Jiu Y to hire. Ap? ply South side of the Catholic Church. April 4_ . '_1*__ Fodder Wan te a. WANTED, a lew bales of FODDER, for which o?LT 01 PLOW STEEL ?Ul be ?iven in exchange. Z. B. OiiKES,* Renate street, oppomyc ?haud's Ch uro h._ * Barter! Barter! 1"M1E undersigned ?viii exenange SALT for . FLOUR? ?aiULA^SE?, LGOo, BUTTER, ?c. . M. FOO!, 'House occupied by Mr. P. s>. Jaooba, "Washington street, new to corner'Gatos st. House and Ifavniture for Sci?. umj?n?.j.iiv<4 ..' i- i?'f argii;n can be Obt lined. April A 3?_' F. fifXSt, ?L A EEG Ci.AK co:: :* um ration of R'.or -a^fland Lod.;~ No. 89 ? F, ? "? .., wr'l ls? /\f\heldon V'F.DN'liSDAY AF1S:'N^)03?, 5th inst., ai 4 o'c - k, at thc hu'i ? the Gr ?Tl ego Campus. Brethi tr. "will be punctual, a* l?s\ ness of importar - 'til occupy th tit-attention. By order of the W. Si. April 4 1 K. TOZER, gscrataryi Sleyxut FvrmtKre. . ' By Jacob Coller*. WILL be soldi on MO STD A Y neat* th? lOth inst., et 10 o'clock a. m., on Lincoln ?tree* . opposite tho Depot oi the South; CStroimi Railroad, A variety of FUR?ITfjRk", consisting, of: Maiiogauy Bedsteads, Wardrobes? t?arble-top j Bureaus, Washstand- nud Work Tabies; a eour plete Cottage Chainu : Set, Beds aud Bedding, ?Mahogany Hair-seat Chairs and Sola**, :'ide board, Card Tables, Bjoek Tia ii ip Bi r ru Car* pets, Mantel Glr . a Meiodv^n, Wire Sute, iii YVare, Kitchen Stove, (complete,) v>la;?s ar... [Crockery Ware, Andirons asid Ecu der*. Tabita, ' Chairs, . diev teiu uew U ndow Shader; one Wheeler ?? WUso'Sx Sewing Mookine aompleU, urah NeeeUe*. April 4 3 J ll S I CHOICE BRO W Lot NUTAIECS. SUPER CAKBOS ATE SODA. Superior Ja.-. I'Gfct ES- iuipvrtcH Et SMOKING TOBAt CO, VINE SEGA*BS. TOILET SO A i\ G CM CAMPHOR. ' Borax, Sal: ( ?tre, Hartshorn. India Rubber Tobacco llnu. Pens and Fen Handles. Mi?tnry and Ag ?tc ilmutit. Black Sewing ?iik. Playing. Ci rJa. Briar Root Pipes. Writing Py pc t" Envelopes. I^ad Pencils, , tic. Ac. Apply A8SKMB LY STREET, V/RsT SIDE. On-.- door froxaPendhitou street April 4 I