' Iii :., ri. T loses :i chance* j . -I . :. .>f a mistake. . j si. r i:.ti,i. "ir 1 i d assumption of: ! ina?.! .. iii" rebel army, the ? '.. - ..' .>?:?. i-p~. a:ions has been changed, j ;-i'.ioi ?v.v . h.- He ia carrying j hi? ... ....rif plan <; -, ?> ..? id Richmond, 't it ; ss i-S'i to a.?!. ?Gi; t's combinations i. \ ' . . f which we ?re ?dali?, rc.e . .. ..-..<. -respondents and tht u-H.gi-a'i 'J ie?? " ombinatious and tba' ?eoo-?erful - .;y i which we have '?- -? M nita ' . vu . . spturfbg Richmond . ? ? j far t in ?nat . months. Yet the bb ettg'.'ered city >. ? ? ?rom our grasp as .?.her, .? i arie. .-. "i dan were driven . P?' . -< w Richmond!" but nevn .. iv I i >... : -cord of the last pt, . ..i. .. L' tin- spring, and ns yet .i* ic . . . a li.. ; ..; i . i brough the awful > . .. . ra .-? i. d to ihe present .ase : eta i ? s have been lost, . ? . . i ni oa.r ct liss lown in torrents, ' . ..:..:. ade desolate, and .. . '.. 1 . .<.. . f hearts, in order >?? 'he j ... might have the . ; ?acity ot a Gene* . ?'ii.-. . s, and whatever ?.Hi d'ered j uto, cares ,J .' b'l ... cf hi, . .Idlers as he does " .. .? . vho would'have ! . to accomplish a >'i|iistra,tiou have .. .'. ..... ... ver. ' . Sei \ I:, i . ..ter month, Rich* ? ' . . .;, :i was about to be 1 barded, its outer - '.! = . . it?, r . , still is held by ' -.ihaut, the Dnwli i wonders, but ii * i i "titly. and buried .eetton. Demon st ations *>f a.: imposisg ejiaracter were made and ?re (?eilig made dairy, with tim same re? sult.-a l-.i-x ot life nud uo good necouiplished. Hut. malters ur.' appro .aching a erimia.' lie lore many weckt-, tlie last grand and decisive bat tie'will have begun. Tue preliminaries are being rapidly arranged. ?Such a contest as this will be, the -world has. never witnessed, foi? upon it^lepends the fate of the country, in that baltic, aluould we suffer a defeat, it will be overwhelming, and all the advantages we have guiued in the past six months will be as won hies? as ihe bubble repu tatious they have made. If Lee is defeated, ha still has the interior in which to once more rally his scattered legions, and concentrate for defence, if not for attauk. From all the outer gai risous and troop de? pots, the r>;bel army at the capital is. being augmented. Silently but surely the storm is gathering. Let us not be too sanguine of suc? cess. It may be that thc r-?bel General will make it a Waterloo for us, while upon him through the sinuke of that day's battle' will shine the tun of a Second das 'a Austerlilz. Lee wili not throw ' away re,?ingle chance. Ile is not the man of lost opportunities. Had Lec? had command of our ?trunes ut the onset of thc war, wc verily believe thc rebe.lion would have been crushed in ic?-? than eight mouths. But we hud only such second-rale undertakers as i>urii&ide#iiiid Hooker, Huller and l'ope. Let us trust that our Lieutenant General may be thoroughly prepared for tho conflict; that when the conflict conies, our immense plurality of men may HOI bo driven tn their deaths in I vain attempts to accomplish aa impossible pur I pose, and that for otice our leader? may be i equal to their llereuie.m task. State of South Carolina, GULUM LIA, MAKCU lst.5. ?IIEUEBY constitute and appoint JOHN ASHHUKST my attorney during my ab seuce lroui the State. A. G. SOLOMU.N. Witness: JAS. G GIURES. -April 4 1* Headquarters. COLUMBIA. G., MAUCU 31, lS?a. SPECIAL ORDER NO. -Copy. JuHi\ C.-VKSl'G^ is hereby appointed Actin Frovost Marshal of this city u^til further orders. He will be obeyed and respected ac cordiugly. By order ? A. F. itL'DLEU, Col. Comm'dg. ! W. J. MKALIKU. A. A. A. G. April 4 Headquarters, I'liOVO^T MARSHAL'S OFFICE, Coi.;".\iaiA, April 3, lati?. AIS Y persou residiug in this ci tv having r i Ith-A RMS, (muskets- or guns, ) are re I IIticstcti to hand them ..i t?iese lieauijuartor^, I .-?.> theV Aie U> be lise?! . >r ! heir own protect lon ! .vii musk?'* ?.?ven io e.t z-iif by- ihe Mayor ate I l e i '.III .'d til dc r-. tliruc'l to th::! >>*fice. . Hoop Skirts Repaired. APPLY ,AT MUS. C. LOOMIS', ? On JJ