Daily Paper $L0 a Montbr) .' "Let oar just centre v J Tri-Woekly $10 a MOD th. ' Payr.!:! J ?n Advance. j" ' Attend the .true event."-Sh?kspcare. ^ { Payable ia Advance. BY J. A. SELBY COLUMBIA, S. C., JONDAY, APRIL IO, 1865. VOL. 1.-NO. IO. Every Tuesday; T^fe-sday dad Saturday "<** .H. si - j JULIA N%vA ..'SE LBY. . I SiiUle copies gl. J . .. ? , Ai?-e. !.:s.jtr.f nts taserU-.: .it <5>p..-f souaro (lea ?ijjes) h:V iv. nio'C.,. . ] . . /-?Vi.!- .1 Throughout Mr.- .>.' i....s terrine wi -v. ? tba pfei.Jt tcr.-^^o.iiilifei'iii.-n- : :. vc. aJ.- i-.i-n.i-...J alter ?po'. . ' -z'?:-?. ^. .?it.y MI., j fiOOU ?alt..ul ;u- i .-i??'Sfe-?. v..ri'-. ,-.th of iron. ?;?...?. 'i.-avr.-. .. , : i ? -. .j *y. :-a-l tilo v. . :? ? ^^g.?-.-j i.. . ?.:./. Tl.ey We -: .:; tu:-i - y:,. i HK??!t-yj?-i..i "b^fiifc, i^Sfe. "i f;t.:'*oiid >.:v?r. ' .)?Wei& Kd,d';;?a'.e ''a)W:l'-ll-V'' "S" " ^ ??'li pi::'..', v'fy ..r v ?4 :>'!.../:. la. h . U! \>"...i.-.v, \:.i. , <..; ?iejaPr^ (Si :':.y, . . ,ii;:?; <.?? ca, >s, ?":'.ci!-.;L.o : ! c..?w<>> Vy.-fc ?, ail ?I s?.iii ul.. ?.*'/'O.'V . ...?o .*.?*..rf, w ?.:.*. ;.p:.r . / 4V.** ')".. i:, 0-;- i Jf?>- .; ?i... : < -i ?... ????UK --. j?jjfior? M cit urn.!. ?iii: sue?i ?.Ma.'.-, ? ?? o aat'iwBjj Ct?: W._cr;.r. L??e?lt-.. ?ltliso:' '?Ht?kit l.:: kor ?g|i. l'-.i--.. ? t.iQ?.di$tiu gu.....::.-.- ;.:?c-..:. - ??es j...a.?..?lejii mt Ul? viutu?e. 'i'r.?.r?; >. .--' ui?.->??i disowfciJEiiiAi in the maller .?.1 t.jt<"; a ad li y p??gfed, v.' .! ao?t change of yis'.tgc, >.o:a l?..*. VahK nullor, which jrfudge Burne t?-.?.d to ?ay i/*a?. a provoked winbin' hii:r**"?u 'injniiu.ite prt|pfc.:ai?y tu^sdja?e," to ina "choicest rod- wiu'aaSi . tit? aueTsnt;dellars. Ia o;;e; vaait ou Ala^i etifcet, seventeen casks of wino were ?lortd a*> ay?jwlneh, an eye*wit?e8S tells us bare .y su?iced3oiice biokeu into, for t he dv4???hV pf afeiuglaaioiir--?ui5h Were lac appetite^ at w\>rk and tac numbers in posses? sion o? tiiei >.- By,c-, catt, claret and.Madeira all found their way inti? the same channels, and we are not to wonder, when te d that uo ksssthau 15u of thc diunk.cn wretches perished miserably ?niongfthe fi?mes kindled by their own aon. -ade^ and froc?which they were un? able-tc escape.? Thc estimate \vili not be thought extravagant ^y^those who saw . thc condition of buodred^pter t; o'clocj. a." ni Hy oiiitis. however, ^^^mte :.- redoce'd ?o j thirty-; 1.14t "vii.-, number wiil sever be known. : .na.. '.- officers 1 hemseives are reported tel have "sa i?;- that they lost more int 11 in iiie sack! und onrrijng ot' the city (.including cerjt?r? ex- j ^plosions) than in all their hg hi s while appioach- ; mg it. .lt ia also suggested tiiat the oiders. which .Sherman ijfued ai daylight, on Satiird .y I morning, ior the ari est ol tue tire, were issued ' in eousequenee-oi tue lois* ol' men '-.ri?en ht-ha.: | i.:us su.-ta'rird^ 0'ie or more ci bis ?nen were ' soot, ?7 pat tu-s unknown; "Hi tu me d.-rk. pa.-. > oi-'aiiejs-rit is bUppvjed il\ ci-.-.-v^i^o": j ol some attempted v'ojutrs'gvs ch t?u5uue.?..y j ;;-.r.'.v. stun ure; the assassin t;'!;i::y udv-.u 1 '.ta gu* oV the obsciirily o; the situation, u?id j^fi?Vi?itljj 'iuii?gliiig wwii the et ?"'1 v>,va. ut. j !'? Ii ie '.ii-r ii?.i*.-,-, were at t.ieir i.^iic:-'. atAt :ac*t I ext eu sive iy 'r?:?:Eg-grbajis of t:.e. J ?'..oio.iics [ might h... aeon at the st-wra! Co?-ite.rs of tic,! .\.. : ?. of| r?iilies- orne vt th mi ?eaptag if^mad^^'ratiooj j ..1 .a .Jelling ?.nd 'tjii.giiig like the red rhenJj I around inc bu.nmg pyres Of '.h.df .yici..i??;1 j biaudtehiog knife cr pisto!, and in. rnaudliu j i aiieoiivn pawing and'embracing one another, ' I and not uKfjreguerrtJy the passer-b .. Aad , (white these scenes worein progr?s ., over and amoiig the ruh.s'al.rcady mude, the torches and Si-e-bsiSs were bu '.ly1 plied in-districts whicsh bud mus far escaped the fiaines.'*'Thore wastoo cessation of the work till 5 a. m. on Saturday; tor ii ope baud was too' drunk to play ,tho in? cendiary, there were yet thousandsaufficientiy sober LO exnabit R'I the still, dexterity, agility and*meth?d which di3tinguish?s'the experts ia< city crime. It was hejiwcM? -1 aojd 5 uh the morning, when some oi tue lino?t buildings on the ?n9t side of Jkain street were given to tue flames/ dm ?'? A siugio thought will suffice to ?uow that tl e ' owners or lodgers in the houses '.hus sacrificed were not silent or quiet spectators ot a comla grafftou which threw.them u a tag}, ??id botpe?efcs H.:der tb? ak.es ot night, iiie m'aio^.opu.'aLiJj, cora.'-stuig whoiiy ot agiu Chen; ..i\ai;d., . succumb i?? the t..;u 'wit'om ?." . pi eas oh.J ttrciiOv ad ...: .. (.U^J^.ih , ...... women' '?nd c.iOT?r?u vu'v ;.. ft-c , o.'?,?. whirl :.::?. ?Lun?M wer? roiii.i^- elad >?~9*i. y..sn . that they' were80jF?reU.?to*succeed^ /..cy: wove driven ont^b??diong; pistola eiapp. il ,;?;.. ?their head?. ' violent ha?,?< jaul;upon ::. <...," ?ad d?liar, and < the ruffiua* ac* inca m .\ ?ut ante aa-iuc? non ia .their? treatment or ?ISJ ' or i??uua, ladies wier* Bustled.' from taStr chambers, auder tho ?trongi 'srm, or wi uh flic mer..icing ; . lol at : 'lt'.!- ?! IM3?3-their dru; utv.its plucked ... oin'tii.-a- persons, their !'c. fro,a U??ir. ainu!::, lt. was in vain t t'-c moiler ap* pstL'd for Uie gV.raic.2i ; o. ?. r .- At h vu. i'L^ Were ;.o. :i fro?a a ". gflr . id ta": . . pieces, >T a a'le . into lite ? a.. iii ?j yoong chd - siviviug to aave a ev^'e. 1 .M.-k, {au: tt-rwit to fi .ros in ber grasp. ?. -a .?..?. ?oatn .bc.trir.g oil their -runks were ?ou:(f?, despoiled, in a ment tti? t/uuii burst - :,. . -r tv Uh .-l'ire a.u?:c . ot" axe or gau-tmlt, i?*v cciV.?i.?? J.-iid - oater, r db-d bf uii the vbjeots ol' desire; aad' ii:e residue ruthlessly sacri'..; c-:d to the -tire; w into liie.tfcr.'t??? menaces, Ooo. led w.th 'he fouioet. yoatbt*, - "ad'ued a*desperate' ferocity, suca'aa PK. ? no hope of mei cy to . prayer, entreaty and [?ho iiwi.st, earnest solicitation. Thc wreuaes wouid ii? in wa.I at ?lie entrauce of the hou*ej? , woulu ender lae owner to bring /'orin ?i?> truiiu, satisfied that he. would emergo with tn at 1 which was moat valuable; iiiea tear it, from j his grasp, wita wild shou.-s fcf exultation. . earcely ouo in a hundred succeedid in Ova-r? ing off the poor remains o.' pro'perty wniciihe had risked bis i he to ri .aver, i'uu inigUi ;ee the ruined owiiO., standing wa begone, ..-,h.)*>4 gaziu^ ai UM tuiuobag dwelling, bis Socatiued . ?.(jroperty, willi a dboio agc iy*Sia his ?ace that wai inexpressibly louciiing. OUietoyeu might hear", as we did, with vila biaapbemjip assi :l? ?Hg thc jji?ica 'ol Heaven, or "ravok big. with liked anti; <'eucu.-'d bauds* the fiery wi itu of th? ?>Venger. But" thc funes .. lanae red x;a, and the savage fired; and dr an ligand rsgecl, add danced, aaa sii.'ig, aud tue moon sailed over all vr'.a aa.'tereiie an aspeft as .when she first rsai..ed a pt tr the ai < rvsiing against thc slopes ol ^tmr.i...-?'??'? ^ . . ' XV". was tK? spectacle tor h&yg-s on ti-.e 2fain% ca el .?'!?i;i.i?i- s.l'ect vi-iahiino.a. li .jess ,.' "<.-..? ci* W'.ui'c, nie BJH'clnele ' v. MOI lCftS !c ,.i o t* i er pprtf?n* i/i'