Local ^UO^SG?L?S- vj Thc* u?tice of thc ?v?umila, 1'!I //?Jv ?/. V. Brcckinridge, Secretary of IPcw.-j j Geu. .1. E. Johustou reports tuat about ? p. m., j i ou the 10th iost., he attacked the enemy uear BeutousvilJe and routed him, capturing three guns. A mile to the rear he rallied upou fresh troops, but was forced back, slowly uutil 6 p. m., when, receiving more troops, he apparently assumed the offensive, which was resisted with* > out difficulty uniil dark. This morning, lie is eptrtnehed. Our loss was small. ?The troops behaved admirably weil. A dense thicket pre? vents rapid operations. The Canadian Parliament has voted $1,000, 000 for tne permanent defence of the country,-' and *?U,0UU for tho expense of volunteers on the frontier. . - ' Maximilian hes been recognized by England. Lost or Stolen, ON Friday nighty 17m ultimo, a BOX con? taining papers valuable only to myself promissory obligations, titles and bills of sale; among them a printed sealed blauls obligation, signed by the subscriber, with the name oLa friend signed as security on its face, payabSu my*order, but not endorsed. The puolicv are cautioned not to trude or negotiate for any paper on which my ?am? may appear, and a nbeial reward will be given tor any iulorma tion that may lead to tue ir recovery. Also, a variety of Silver Plate, marked "C. M. ll.," "C. M. NV.," and a gold open-faced Watch, (and Cliaiu,) No. 10,b.il, . Dupont, maker. BEARY WiLbi^, Lumber street, mareil 21 Near the Asylum. Exchange ?ro?eiage. - ?N consequence of many applications, the subscriber hereby resumes lu, business as LXCBAtiGE BRU?LK in all its various orauches. ile thanks the public for their paist libeial patronage, und solicits a con'tfhuauee of ibesame. ?I?MCY YVIJLLIO, Registered Exchange Broker. Oiticc for the present At his residen coon Lum ber siieet, between the Marion Street Metho? dist Church aud Asylum. march 21 t . ; . . ;-, _ y f *? ' ? Kerr Sale, I 'PvVc; .l-?l?i.CilCO WS mid CALVES; a 1 JL i'?A.iisj nWjfv.-y rich tua? ni?ji elegant ?JH?.-??; ? 'htrg?nui? nearly l?eiy tSQohii&G STOVE, Bi?L>S'i'K.?D'\ BURKAU", TABLES and other Fuanituac. Apply to MAJ. J. T. TREZEVA2?T, t:i:i:vli ?1 :',_Sear .st-.: A?se?aL i?T.ireii?ig in Aboevi?e ior ?saie. mi'JL?fi fctOUoE has seven chambers, four bas?tuent roc .os, two of WHICH caa be tioeii lu sV-thaier." i he lot contains tour acres and has ou lt all necessary OUt-buildings. inaroti 21 2_ELEVIN ^MiKER. "i Horses aaa Males Wanttd! fi^^* FOB which thc highes* price will bo rx V i paid: or a number will bo taken care oi 4ua i?d ior their use. Apply to ? T. b.- B (JUDELL, Gates street, back of Catholic Church. march 21_A_' 3? ~ " WM. H. O?CHAKi), " PROFESSOR OF MUSIO, RESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens of Columbia that he will give lessons on tue 1TAJN? F?BTE and GD iTAit, either at his resiuence (Columbia Female College) or that ol his pupils. 1TAJNO FOK?E=> TUtfEi) and BEFAiRivP._match al 3* Se?3q.uarter?> Mii.l)iv. of the West, A li lj Ll ST A," ?ljtacil'4, lb bo. SPECIAL FIELD ORDERS No. its. [Extract.} * * ? ? .* ? ICOL A. F. R?DLER is hereby assigned . as Cotutnaudaut of thc Fost at Columbia ii. C. j* . * * * * By command ? Gen. JJEAUREG ARD. Otiicial: Gio. W. BUENT, Coi. and A. A. G. HEADQUARTERS, CoLUMBrA, S. C.,' March 15, ltj65. GENERAL ORDERS NO.-1. lu ooedieiice to Litte above order, 1 hereby assume command of ibis JL'osl. By order of A. si". BUDLER, . Colonel Cuiunmudiugi W. J. MEALINQ, A. A. A. G._marghjMjj^ t?eaaquartej:?, *"" COLUMBIA, ?. C., MAUCH 20,. 1865. SPECIAL ORDER NO -k. m IALii bmcets aud men low iu the cit; . WhQ*are unattached, will repoit to thea iieadep. artera for organization as a guard io ?)ost au ty. ll. Detailed, men who are unassigned ar required lo report at these headquarters fa assignment to duty without delay. Ul. The police and citizens, generally ar requested lo aid iu the arrest of absentees an deserters. By order of A. F. RUDLER, ; i Colonel Commanding. W. J. M.EABJNG, A. A. A. G. - maren 21 \ . . j ? V .'