who?lv d<*fi-iu-?xs no'attemptwo^jd b< j made to defend, vise event ot^sunimens, if would bo ?um.-iuie i >-d npun ii:-- Myal Jenna* j and runt, tit ?se von. i i: %:;?-KM?V?IS? >:>.. l safety of non-eonibatants und pwteewtheir property. * " ?But, in tr ts tb,-th er* wa? no small potl?i>n,of tie inhabitants who denied or doubted, almos;,, to the iast moment, that the enemy contem? plated any" serious demonstration upr?n thc city Tiiey assumed-and this idea was tacitly encouraged, if ifbt believed, by the authorities, military ano civil-that the movement on Co? lumbia M as but a feint, and that the bulk of Sherman's army was preparing for a descent upon Charleston.. This also seemed to be the opinion in Charleston itself, it wes under? stood, or so reported, id Columbia, that the force pressing upon our troops in this direction ''consisted of but 6,000 men, while, to oppose ' them, we bed T,000. - - VI. * All these conjectures were speedily set at r.est, when, on the 13th February, (Monday.) the enemy was reported to he.ve reached a point in Lexington District., some ten milos above Jeffcoat's. On toe. 14th, their ?progress brought; them, to Thom's Creek, the stream next below Congaree Creek, and about tvelve miles K below the city. Here our troops, consisting of the mouctcd gunmen of Hamptcn, "Wheeler, Butler. Ac, made^tubborn head against them, holding them in check by constant skirmishing. This skirrnishir.gcontinucd throughout Wednes- ' day, but failed to arrest tho enemy's progress; and as their cannon continued momently to sound more heavily upon our ears, we w'ere but too certainly assured of the hope'essness . of the struggle. The odds of foice against us were too v. t for any valor 6r generalship to make head against it; and yet, almost to this moment, the hope was held out to the people, in many quarters, that the city could be saved. It was asserted that the corps of Cheatham and Stewart were Making foiecd marches, with the j view to a junction with the troops under Beau? regard, and, such waa the spirit of our troops, and one of the generals at least, that almost at thc moment when 'Sherman's advance wa3 en? tering tue town, Hampton's cavalry was in order of battle, and only waiting the command to charge it. Uut the horrors of a street fight in a defenceless city, filled with. Women and . children, wero prudently avoided; and. our gallant troops were drawn off from the scene at the very hour wben the enemy were enter? ing upon it. Bt?ve anticipate. 1 VII. I "Whatever hopes might have been entertained df the ultimate suc/ess ot our defences, they were all dissipated, when, by daylight, on the ICtb, (Thursday,) ou;- troops re-entered the city, huming the several bridges ever the Congare?.-, tlie Broad and Saluda Rivers." They were quar red .through the day about tho several stte: s, and along their several bivouacs they dug slight exeavatie-jK in the eaji'tli, as for rilli which fell fast and thick about the'.own. They iliad commenced shelling the even ?pg before, j and .con?iatie? it throughout tho night. Ap summons tor ssmn 1er had been made; no '.vnriiinjr d' any kind was gives-. The. shell? g continued throughout the dav, and new battu l ies \vr.-re iii rapid progress of ?rection on the Westside of the Godgaree, the more effectually to press tia work of"destruction. The damage "was.comparatively slight. The rew capitol buildirtg was struck live times, but suffered little or no injury. Numerous ?hells fell into the inhabit^ portions cf the town, yet wc hear of only tr o pei ;?ns killed-one on the hospital square, and another near the South Carolina Railroa'd Depot. The venerable Mr. S. J. Wagner, from Char]??, ton, an : ged citizen of ncr eighty, narrowly escaped with life, a shell bursting at his-rteet. His lace was exco rimed by the fragments, aid. for awhile his eye-sight was lost; but we are happy to state that the hurts were slight, and he is now as well ?is ever. \ " On We'. in numerous iustances, those wno succeeded in get? .: 3 away did so at the cost of trunks and luggage; arid, under what discom? fort : t..-.-y departed, ho one who did not see cas'rcrv-Vty conceive, : VIII. Tho end YOU?, rapidly approach i n g. The enemy's th nu de rs were resounding af. the ^?hen Defence -was impossible. At "a late hour on Thursday night, the Governor, with Ids suite and a lai^e train of officials, departed. The army began its evacuation, and by ?foylight few remained who were not resignel to the necessity. of seeing the tragedy played out. After aft the depletion, the city contained, ac? cording to our estimate, at least 20,000 inhabit? ants, the larger^ proportion bcinir females and children aaid negroes. Hampton's cavalry, as we have already mentioned, lingered tilPnear 1-0 o'clock the next day, and scattered groups of Wheeler's command hovered about the^pnemy at their entrance into the towu. The inhabitants were startled at daylight, on Friday morning, by a heavy exDlosion. This was the South Carolina Railroad Depot. It was accidentally blown up. . Broken open by a band of plunderers, mostly low persons, among whom werc tnany fem'ales ana* negroes, their reckless greed precipitated their ?ate. This building had been made the receptacle of supplies from sundry quarters, arid was crowd? ed with stores ot merchants aud planters, trunks of treasure, innumerable wares and goods of fugitives-all of great value. It ap? pears that, among its contente, were some kegs of powder.' The robbers paid, aad suddenly, the penalties of their crime. Using their light? freely and- hurriedly, the better to pick, as they stole they fired a train of powder leading to the kegs. The explosion followed, and the number of 'lersons destroyed is vaiiously esti? mated, from seventeen to fifty. It is probable that not more than thirty-five suffered, but the actual number, perishing is, to this moment, unascertained. At au early hour on Friday, the commissary and quartermaster stores were thrown wide, the contents cast out into tlfe streets and giv