TERMS OF THE NEWS. TH i DAILT NEWS, by mall one year, $8; six months, ?4: three months, $2 50. Served in the city at KIO UTK KS CENTS a week, payable to the carriers, or $8 a year, paid in advance at the office. Tax TRI-WEEILT NEWS, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, one year, $4; six months, $2 so. THE WBKKLT NEWS, one year, $2; six months, $126. Hx copies $10. Ten copies to one address $1$. ' " SUBSCRIPTIONS la all cases payable In advance, and no paper continued arter the expiration or the time paid for. AD YE BTISE M s NTS IN THE DAILT NEWS-First insertion 16 cents a line, subsequent insertions io cents a line. Business Notices (by count) 80 cents a line. Marriage- and Fanerai Notices $1 each. ADVERTI3R?iKNTS IN THS WSBKLT NEWS, per Une or solid nonpareil, l insertion, 15 cents; 1 month, so cants; 3 months, $1;6 months, $176; 12 months, $8. NOTICES of Wants, To Rent, Lost and Found, Boarding, Ac., not exceeding 20 words, 26 cents each insertion; over 20, and not exceeding 40 - words, 60 cents each Insertion. Meetings 76 'Mata each. These rates are NET, and must in? variably be paid in advance. TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS will be nuolished - In THE TRI - W gsELY NEWS at the same rates as in THE DAILY NEWS, Contract advertisements at one half the rates for THE DAILT NEWS. CONTRACT ADVERTISEMENTS, to run one month or longer, for each line or solid nonpareil: 1 month,* $1; 2 months, $176; 3 months, $2 60; 6 months, $4; 12 months, $7. REMITTANCES should be made by Postofflce Honey Order, or by Express. If this cannot be done, protection against losses by mall may be secured by forwarding a draft on Charleston payable to the order or che proprietors or THE NEWS, or by sending the money in a registered letter. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO., . No. 10 Broad street, Charleston, S. 0. SATURDAY, APRIL 5J 1873. ? Tm* CHARLESTON DAILT NEWS "is designa "tedas the newspaper for the publication of "all legal notices, and official advertisements, "for tbe County of Charleston, under the act j 4;of February 22d, 1870, entitled an act to regu? late the publication of all legal and public "notices." _ _ NEWS OF THE DAT. -The deatc ot Ur. Charles M. Barras, well known to the publio as the author of the spec? tacular drama of "The Black Crook,'' ends j a remarkably successful career. The play re? ferred to was tbe only one o? *ny consequence produced by Mr. Barras, bot this alone was sufficient to yield bim a large fortune. -The Marquis of Bote has refused to grant the tenantry of his estates an extension ot time lor the payment of their rents. The tenantry represented that the unprecedented rainfall of the past year had caused the crops of potatoes and turnips to fall, and that the wheat and barley had been damaged In har? vest time, and in view of these disasters they begged for a postponement of the payment. They now have the alternative of paying im? mediately or vacating tbe lauda, -Ibe Bcenes in Wall Blreet, New Torte, daring tbe gold panic when lt reboiled its climax rivalled In confusion and excitement j tooee of tbe memorable Black Friday itself. Tbe bolla were In tbeir glory and the Gold Boom fairly rocked with the surging of the excited throng of wondering buyers and sell? ers. The panic reached its height on Mon- j day when the gold indicator touched 118$. A' babel of voices followed this movement of tbe indicator. The shriekers rising en their | ' toes sought for a new note in the human voice. They extended tbeir hands as if they wer? expounding the most exciting passage In war declamation, while the typical broker | pat forward his longest arm and proclaimed in stentorian tones the latest quotation. Doubts aa to the legitimacy of the sudden ila? caused many .to tremble and to shake | and ?very one was seeking for trustworthy In? formation 'as to what bad given rise to the sudden panic. There were those who stoutly maintained that lt waa owing to heavy Impor-1 wilone, while others said, with equal confi? dence, that the movemeat was Influenced by the announced treasury sale. The wise ones i aatd -they kmnr me rise was coming, and that lt wai Inevitable BO long as the present mln ons' policy of the treasury ls continued. All manner of explanatlona were offered In the midst, of the excitement, and, not wi thstaud Ing the oncer;ainty as to the cause of It, the brokers rushed into the'Gold Room wild in tbeir excitement, Irrepressible In their fan, asd quick to catch tbe bid er offer ol every fresh.operator who dashed up. to the railing. -The Battlement ot the long (.trike of the colliers In South. Wales, wblcb has already been announced by cable dispatches, was at? tended with a display of Independence on the part of the workingmen that commanded ad? miration. A few days previous to the settle? ment the officers of the union bad appealed to the colliers to continue their resistance anti! they ob. al ned tbeir own terms, and were promised assistance from unfailing sources to enable them to maintain, the contest. Tbe | good sense ol tbe mea overcame any tem* porary feeling La favor of a protracted strike, however, as tbe situation of rolnoos Idleness I ^ becoming simply intolerable. The epeo-| lacie of lae workers going to and from theil work' at the mills and forges by hundreds aug- j gested to some of the cooler beads thal k would be wiser for them to do likewise than to persist io the vain struggle. A d?puta-j tion waited opon the employers and assura. them that they had come wttb serious aod honest i n tentions to effect a settlement. The employers received them, respectfully and as eared them of theil sympathy and encourage? ment. Many ot tho workmen addressed their I {rle D dB alter tie seulement had been effected, and improved the occasion kw adminieteriog advice aa to tbeir future coaduct, all of them expressing tbe bope that tbe strike woold.be a leB?on which would never bave to be repeat? ed, bnt would lead to a better understanding hereafter between employers and workmen, and to tbe growth of sentiments o? good-will ajad confidence on both sides. After giving vent to their feelings in this way, a resolution was proposed and carried, accepting the offer j of the company to return to work upon terms which would eecure to them the restoration ot the old rate of wages. -As stated lo THX NEWS a few days since, Aye millions of the new postal cards author? ized by Congress wm be delivered to the post? master-general for issue by the Morgan En? velope Company of Springfield, Mass., on the first proximo. It has been stated that there will be two kinds of cards-one ruled, and tbe ether without lines-but such ia not the case. Tbere will be one klnd'of card, and that will be of a cream color, five and one-1 eighth lnchea in length, and three incheB in width. One side of the card (the one Intend ed for tbe message) is entirely plain, and tbe other beare an ornamental scroll work bor? der one-eighth of ao inch in width. In the right band upper corner le & picture of the Goddess of Liberty, surrounded with a scroll work border, In wblcb are the words, "U. S. Postage-one cent." In the left v p per corner, and extending two-thirds across tbe card, are J the words, lo velvet-brown letters, "United States Postal Card;" and below, la smaller let? ters, "Write the address only on this side-the message on the other." Beneath this, and to the left, ls the word "To," in Bcrip, followed by a line extending across the card, for the name of the party addressed. Below thia are two other lines-one being for the name of the postofflco, and the other for tbe county and Slate. Although it ls not expected that any one will put more than the address on one side, there ls no prohibition against filling both sides w th writing, provided the address remains legible; nor ls lt contrary to law lo place priming on the cards instead ol writing. The cards will be distributed lo postmasters throughout the country on requisition, the same aa other supplies, and will be sold at tha stamp window at one cent each. The ques? tion has frequently been asked whether a plain card, bearing a one cent stamp, will not be allowed to pass through ihe mills the same as the government cards; but the law preven?s Ihe uBe or transmission of any but the official cards. The cost of the postal cards ls $1.39? cents per thousand, that being the bid of the successful competitor for their manufacture. The New Hrangel. Who was it that said that the old ballad of Chevy Chase stirred bis heart like a trampet ? It is not now a question of mar? tial verse or resounding rhyme; only of the few generous words spoken by a Charleston gentleman, standing face to (ace with a poet and a statesman, fit representatives of the thought and sentiment, the native intelli? gence and ripe culture, of our common country. Yet those few words stir the heart, quicken the pulse, and who shall doubt that they touched to tbe quick both Northern men and Southern men wbo beard them. It has been oar unfortunate habit ic this Southern country, since the war, to go too far or not (ar enoagh. Where others would give tbe shadow and deny the substance, South Carolina bas acknowledged the ac? complished fact and denied the logical and inevitable sequence. And the reason is plain. The people, conscious of their hon? esty o? purpose, were unwilling to expose themselves -new to the taunt that they were talking and writing for effect. Having within them the abiding conviction that the changes In the organic law growing ont of the Confederate straggle demand the obe? dience of every good citizen, the people or Sooth Carolina were not ready to lay them? selves open to the charge that tbey were playing a deep game of dissimulation, which the morrow should disclose. Aye! we were tired of it, and the reason is given by Governor Porter io the brief ad? dress which we print to-day. The caone waa lost, not the honor of the Sooth ; the men who honestly nod bravely fought ont, these fights can afford to look each other straight in the face, strike hands and be friends again. These are the key? notes of lae address. We can afford to look ; man or angel squarely in the face. We can afford to clasp hands, whatever the chasm which yawns between. But we insist that the generosity and forbearance shall not he all on one side. Io return for a renewed loyalty and a reunion of thought and pur? pose, we ask that the Southern people be treated as American citizens; that there be no distinction of North or Sooth under tbe shadow of the flag. It ia demanded of na that, like strong men, we bow to the inevt- j table; it should not be expected that we defile ourselves or brand ourselves with Ihe foal name of traitor. That credit for sin ? cerity and devotion which the Sooth give? iie North, that conquering North most give ;he conquered Soot?. It was said In the )08t that the South, more than the North, vas led by politicians. However this may lavo been, it ia certain that now the South? am people speak words of peace and good viii-that they pass over the demagogue, whether his home be beyond the Potomac or lot, and ask of their fellow-countrymen, the Union over, that the outstretched hands be foined together, and that no barrier be thrown up against those whose one aim ls x> mend their shattered fortunes and be at ?est. This bas been the argument and plea of j his paper these many days, and we wel? come the remarks of Governor Porter as an krdent effort io the same good canse. That eloquent speaker ls no new convert to the ioctrine he preaches so well; but it is pleas? ant to know tba?- bis words were uttered to Northern as weil os Southern ears, and that I they commanded the hearty approval of j avery good citizen who heard them. A Reception, at the Otranto Club. The elegant hospitalities of Ihe Otranto Club, of which the Hon. James B. Campbell ls the president, were extended yesterday tc a number of the distinguished visitors (rom the North who are now in the city, and a select party of ladies and gentlemen prom? inent in the fashionable circles of Charleston who were invited to meet them. The North? ern guests were the Hon. William Callen Bryant, Mrs. Parke Godwin, the daugh? ter of the venerable poet and wife of the managing editor of the New York Evening Post; Miss Bryant and Miss Fairchild, o? New York; Mrs. Horatio Sey? mour and Miss Seymour; Mr. Durand, the artist and critic; Mr. and Mrs. Colt, of Pitts? field, Mass. ; Mr. Pomeroy, Mrs. Bigelow and MIBS Briggs, from Massachusetts ; and the Hon. John C. Hoadley and wife, of Law? rence, Mass. Among the Oharlestonians were Colonel and Mrs. Richard Lathers, the Misses Lathers, Mrs. Miller, and others. The day was very pleasantly spent at the club-house on the outskirts of the city, aod the occasion was ia every way one of the most delightful of the social events of the season. Congressman Elliott and His "Back Pay." The Colombia Union reports that Congress? man R. B. Elliott has followed the example of the large number of members who, having the fear ol their consciences or their constitu? ents before tbeir eyes, have refused to profit by the $5000 of retroactive Increase of salary which the last Congress was generous enough to vote to each of its members. All honor to the representative who has the courage to thus practically rebuke this bold grab game by which the expiring Congress dlsgraeed Ita closing hours. -But we are checked in this euloglum by the counter statement from the Columbia Phoenix that Mr. Elliott has done nothing of the sort, with the intimation that he isn't one of that kind of Congressmen. Bo much the worse for him and his party, then. Free Delivery- of Maila. Uader the law passed at ibe last session of Congress, which coes into effect at the be? ginning ot tbe next fiscal year, July-1, 1873, nineteen new postoffices will be added to the list of those entitled to the free delivery or carrier system. These Include all those cities having over 20,000 inhabitants which have not had the lree delivery system under the old law, and Charleston, with Its 48,000 in? habitants, is at the bead of the list. The others are: Scranton, Pennsylvania-, Colum? bus, Ohio;Paterson, New Jersey; Kansas City, Missouri; Hobll?, Alabama; Fall River, Massa? chusetts; Springfield, Massachusetts; Peoria, Illinois; Covington, Kentucky; Quincey, Illi? nois, Evansville, Indiana; Oawego, New York; Elizabeth, New Jersey; Savannah, Georgia; Poughkeepsie, New York; Camden, New Jer? sey; Davenport, Iowa; St. Paul, Minnesota. There are len other clllee wltb population approximating but not quite reaching the 20,000 required by tbe law to entitle them to lree delivery. Oue of theee ls Norfolk with 19,266 population by the last census. Under the old law 50,000 population was required to entitle a place to carriers, but the postmas? ter-general was allowed Borne discretion, and several cities having less than lhat number were endowed with the privilege. Some of | the cilles now served by carriers have less [ than 20,000, but it is not proposed lo with? draw the privilege. The San Domingo Ring. The New York Sun publishes a four-column expose of the Sun Domingo Eine, giving a complete history of Its operations from the be? ginning, with names, dates and documents. It 1B stated that the speculating project began with a Ring calling itself the Great American West Indian Company, BO tar back as 1863. The company managed to sell $160,000 of J stock, and then closed their doors in ihe faces of their creditors without enabling them lo get any of their money back. At a later pe? riod the Ring took another name, and started out again with encouraging signs ol success. Tbeir plan waa to take In a number of promi? nent men for the purpose of Recuring their personal influence in favor of annexation. President Baez was roped in, and he, it is alleged, came od to Washington and secured the influence of a number of j leading officials there, including President Grant and ueneral Babcock, who, lt ls Bald, were Induced to lend their Influence to the proposed scheme for purchasing Samana Bay I with an ultimate view to the annexation of | the island. All Washington was turned Into a lobby, and there was a persistent effort to en? list an overpowering Influence In Ks favor. President Grant, it ls said, became more and more enthusiastic over the scheme of the stock-jobbers, and urged upon Congress the scheme of annexation as ll bis private inter? ests were involved in the matter. The ques? tion ag to who received the $150,000 paid by General Babcock for the lease of ?amana Bay Is left open for speculation. There Is author? ity, lt is alleged, for saying that a large portion of lt went Into the pockets of those who lent tbeir Influence to the scheme, as only a small amount of lt was received by Baez, and the company, with tbeir assistants, after securing $200,000 by the sale ot their stock, never made any explanation to their viclims, lt Iq said, and disappeared with the profits. beardina. pl?OTLEMAN^^ vX can obtain good Board In a private family; huye and pleasant rooms; terms $5 per week. Address A, P. P.. Box 3bQ._aprM* BOARDING.-GOOD BOARD, WITH comfort ble rooms, on reaHunabic terms, at No. 71 Broad street, between Klug aud Meeting streets. fcucj MiBttllantouB. pBOF?SS?R MII^SrT?i5Tl7REsT~ The remaining Lectures of Professor J. W. Miles will be delivered at the Confederate Home, Broad street, as follows: Sth Lecture-Subject: THE PROMETHEUS BOUND OF --K5C?? YL??, 8AT0B0AV. 5th April. Lectures will commence at 8 o'cloclr. mch31-riw83 JgMPORIUM OF FINE ARTS. CHARLES HICKEY, Dealer in LOOKING GLASSES, every variety of Mouldings, Window Cornices, Photograph Fi?mes, Cord and Tassel Loops, Ac, No. 31? KING STREET, above Liberty, Charleston, S. C. ENGRAVINGS and OIL PAINTINGS renovated. mchS4-mwB2mo3 c H E MIO A L INK ERASER! For the Instantaneous removal of ink stains from marble, paper, parchment, linen, laces and other fabrics, wltbont Injuring the material. To the patrons or the celebrated Ink Eraser and to the pub.ic i We would respectfully refer you to WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL, No. 3 Broad street j, our Sole Agents for Chariest JO. mcb24 12 WALKER A CO. tegal Notices. THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-AT CHARLESTON, the 10th day of March, 187'.-Tue undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment ai assignee of MARY A . TAN LUNION", or Charleston, lu the County of Cheleston and State of South Carolina, within said district, who bas been adjudged a bankrupt, npon ber own petition, by the District j Court of said district, FKLUE KI CK. J. SMITH, mCh29--3 ABSlgueO. HARVEY TERRY VS. WILLIAM GOD? FREY. Receiver or the MerchautB' Bank or aoutn carolina, at Cheraw, et al. lu accordance w,tn aa order of the Circuit Conrt or tue United States, made in this canse, all Bill-holders and Creditors or the aforesaid Bank are hereby notified and required to mate and prove their claims before me at office No. 48 Broad street, Charlestun, on ur before the 2lst Instaut. WILLIAM SEABROOK, apr4-16 special Master. hotels QOLUMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. This well known Botel, situated in the centre of the business portion of the city, affords every convenience and comfort to travellers on busi? ness or pleasure. The proprietor, having secured the services of polite and efficient assistants, pledges himself to spare no paius in its management, to sustain the nigh reputation so long enjoyed by the "colum? bia," as a first-class boase. Attached to the boase ls a handsome Billiard Room, rurnlstied with taree of Phelan A eolian dar's bestand most Improved Tables. Telegraph office lu rotunda of tne Honse. Also, Bathing Rooms equalled by none In the city. WM. GORMAN, Proprietor. E. T. BURDELL, late or .* cbarleston Hotel," and JAB. F. GADSDEN, Assistants. febv4 Drags ano Meeninta. D R. C. F. BROWN'S YOUNG AMERICAN LINIMENT. The demand Tor this truly wondefol remedy bas induced the Proprietors to extend the area of Its circulation and usefulness by placing its valuable qualities before tbe public. It ls truly asserted, and facts prove lt that no Liniment ever before the people has grown so rapidly In public favor for ail he cases reached by this class of medicines. BROWN'S YOUNG AMERICAN LINIMENT has gained a lasting reputation wherever used lu cases wtiicb require an EXTERNAL KEMKOY, and ls with the ntiuost confluence recommended to the public. Manuraotnred by the proprietors, 0. F. BROWN, Chemical company, New Yors, and ror Bale by all Druggists and Country Dealers. HOWIE. M Ul.NK & DAVIS, Wholesale Agents, Charleston, S. C. febl8-tutbs3mos Special S?iit?fl. f?f CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP FLAG, from Boston, are notified iha abe will discharge Cargo THIS DAT. at Vanderhorat's Wharf. Qooda uncalled for at sunset will remain on the wharf at owners' risk. apr6-l JAMES ADQEK A CO., Agents. JES* BY USING HALL'S VEGETABLE Slol'an Bair Renewer yonr hair will re-ame Its original vitality and color. apr5-Btutb3d4w ?38-T0 LOOK YOUNG IS A GENERAL desire. Dr. TUT r's Billi OYE accomplishes lt, and irs uie canuot be detected. Used In Entope and America. apr3-8Diw ""Jr PROPOSALS FOE FURNISHING Rations and Ship Chandlery foi* United States Revenue Veaatla. COLLECTOR'S OFKICK, 1 CHARLKSTON, S. C., April lat, 1873. j Sealed Proposals will be received at this Ollie?, um l 12 o'clock nooon, cf t-ATURDA?, the 28th day of April next, for supplying Battons and Ship Chandlery for the nae of the Crews and Ves sels of the United States Revenne Marine Ser? vice tn this collect io.i District for the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1874. Schedule of the articles of Ship Chandlery to be bid for will be furnished on application at this office. The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids. apr2-6 OEO. W. CLARK, Collector. ?E?T*NOTICE. -ALL PERSONS HAVING bua ness with the undersigned are respectfully informed that he can be found at signor Govan te's Cigar Store, (The Coban Freed,) No. 165, west side of King street, below Clifford. aprl-12_A. MOROSO. its- PROFESSOR TANER, WHO HAS I travelled over Ea rope and in the large cities of this, country, CURING HAMMERING, ls at the | Pavilion Hotel. Re warrants a enre In every In? stance without surgical operation. His stay is abor.- therefore call at ont e._apr2-wfa3? ^?1S- PROPOSALS ARE INVITED FOR rur ulalling WATER at Fort Sumter and O RAVEL at Forts Sumter and Moultrie. For particulars, apr ly to Captain REAP, U. S. Engineer Office, No. 43 Broad street._mr.hSl-e* JK#> LADIES WILL FIND ELGIN'S Phantom Powder Just the nicest, softest, whitest, prettiest face Powder In the world, far superior to aoy other Powder, Lily White, or Tablet in the market. Thousands of ladles who have used lt are delighted with its effects, and pronounce lt the very best cosmetic they ever tried. For im? parting youthful beauty and freshness to the coraplesion, and clearness and softness to the [ SKID, tt cannot be surpa-sed. For sale by all retail druggists. DOW IB, MOISE A DAVIS, Wholesale Agents, charleston, 5. 0. nichCthatoSmoa_ pa-W PEOPLE WHO SUFFER FROM the dull stupidity that meets rs everywhere In spring, and too often In all seasons of the year, knew how quick it conld be cured by taking A Y KR'S SARSAPARILLA to purge the bile from thc lr systems, we should have better nelghoors as well as clearer heads to deal with. apr3-thatu3D?w _?2BB~NOTICE TO BRIDGE CONTRAC TO RS.-Sealed Proposals will be received at the Office of the Bridge Commissioners, for one month from date, for the completion of the Bridge crossing the Water ce River. Direct pro? posals to WILLIAM M. SBANNON, Shannon A Shannon, or to J. J. SUTHERLAND, Secretary. J. J. SUTHERLAND, Secretary. Camden, March 6, 1873. mch6-thstnlmo ~BURNETT'S OtlCOAINE.-THE j following la conclusive of Ita efficacy In the case of loss of hair: Messrs. JOSEPH BURNETT A CO.: I cannot re rune to state the salutary effect, In my own ag? gravated case, ol yonr excellent HAIR OIL (Cocoalne.) For many months my hair had been falling od, until I waa fearful of losing lt entirely. Tho first application Allayed the Itching and Irritation; In three or Tour day? the redness and tenderness disappeared-the hair ceased to rall, and I have now a thick growth of new hair. I trust, t liar, others similarly afflicted wi l be Induced to try the same remedy. Yours very truly, SU4AN R. P3PE. For sale by DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Whole? sale Druggists, Charleston, S. C. apr3-thstu3 Cost ano ifonnO. 1* OST, A WHITE SETTER PUPPY, J about seven months old; white body with liver colored head, white forehead and one liver spot on tall. A suitable reward will be given by leivlng bim at No. 71 Spring street, or NO. isa j Meeting street, opposte Charleston Hutel. eptS-2?_ CITRATED OR STOLEN ON THE 4TH k) instant, ahne Red Springer, Ave years old. A M cl rab e reward wi li be given If returned to J. H. H ARK KS'a atables, K?r&ii Klug street. apr6-l?_ ]" CST, EITHER ON BROAD OR THE _i lower part of Meeting street, an Envelope containing a sum of money belunglog to a young ady ur tue confederate Homo. The finder will bo rewarded by leaving the same at MrB. snow den's residence. No. 9 church atreet. apr3 .for Sait. ?5OT^A1LE,"H??S?1? 92 SPRING Jj street. contalLlng fonr rooms, pantry und dressing room, with kiichen or roar ioums. Ap ply on tne pn mises._apr6-2* rnWENTY MULES FOR SALE LOW ON _L time; suitable for turpentine or other pur? poses, at 110 j\ADA Y's Stables, Columbus street. U. TERRILL._ apr6-4* FOR SALE, A SM ALI', COMFORTABLE House and Lot, President street. Low price. A. C. MCGILLIVRAY, No. 27>i Broad street._aprs-i* FOR SALE-THE FINEST BUILDING Lots in the fashionable west end or Broad street, A. C. MCGILLIVRAY. No. 27* Broad street._ april* TUST ARRIVED FROM KENTUCKY, ?J HORSES und MJLKS, suitable for Lumber, braying, Turpentine and Plattation purposes. To be sold cheap for cash, or on time, at PLANT? ER-.' ANu DROVERS' STABLES, on Queen et reet, near the Bay. B. C. KIRK. apr3-6? TUE UNDERSIGNED OFFER FOR sale D?sirable Building Lota In the City of Greenville, s. c., near tne Depot or the Atlanta and Richmond Air Line hal road. Those desiring io Bettie in thia growing and prosperous city will Hud lt to their Interest? to address CuX, BIRNIE .c co., Postofflce Box No. 7, Greenville, s. 0 mchft-wsM FOR SALE, THAT FINE LARGE Three-story BRICK STORE, at south corner of East Bay and Cumberland streeta, with exten nive Warehou8es aitached, running through to .'state street, and well kuown as the property of UM Messrs. Farrar. Its location, arrangement, .fcc, make lt one of the most desirable business iranda in the city. Also, that Three-story BRICK' DWELLING, No. 34 Society iitreet, with six square rooms, 4c, requisite outbuildings, clatern, ?C., 4c. Apply to JOtlN D. ALEXANDER, No. 16 Broad aireet. Hpr2-wih83 SIXTY-HOBSE ENGINE AND BOIL? ERS.-For aalo. a 60-Borae Begin* and Boilers complete In every respect; wen adapted for a Brat class saw mil. Hail lt I L. OHIsoi.M, Adger'B Wharf._apr3tuatof4 MULES JUST ARRIVED, AT R. OAK MAN'.S S ables, No. 86 Church street. Turpentine, Timber Cart and Plantation MULES for sale on time. apr2 4* HORSES, MARES AND P0NIE8. - JUST arrived, at K. OAKMAS'S stables, Saddle ano Harness HORSES and MARES and Small Saddle PONIES. apr24* AN OPPORTUNITY SELDOM OFFER Ei).-To close up an estate, the Store and fixtures formerly occupied by Perez Frldenberg, of Jack on ville, Florida, deceased, ls offered ror Rent, or will be sold on easy terms, together with a portion Oi Stock in store. The Store ls located lu the best business part of the city, ls built of brick 30 by 8C reet. three sto? ries high, French roor, and Brick Warehouse In rear. No bonus required. For further Informa? tion apply to the undersigned. HARRIS SOLOMON, No. 65 Reaoe street. New York City, Or to HENRY P. FKiDENBERO, Jacksonville, Florida, mch8-lmo Executors Esiate Perez Frelenberg. SEWING MACHINES.-ALL DESCRIP? TIONS or Sewiug Machines repaired on rea? sonable terms and at the shortest notice by J. L. JDNSFORD, Smith street, just north of Went? worth street. jana ?llceiiugo. DAN- LODGE, NO. 93, L O. B. B.-A Quarterly Meeting will be hPld at the usual lime pud place. Members will please come prc partd to pay their arrears, and to offer proper ex? cuses for non-attendance when summoned uy tue society. By order of the President. JOSEPH H. M. CHDMAOEIRO, apr5 Seer tary. p ERM AN HUSSAR TILTING CLUB. VT Attend an Extra Meeting, at Llndstedt's Hui, TO-MORROW (Sunday) EVENING, at 7 o'clock: precisely. By or?er. JNO. H. WUHRMANN, JR , apr5 secretary. OFFICE SCHOOL COMMISSIONER, FIRE-PROOF BOILIDNO, CHARLESTON COUNTY, CHARLESTON, S. C., APRIL 3,1873. 'Hie Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Examiners of charleston County will be held at the Normal School, No. 3 St. Phillp street, on SAT? URDAY. 6th matant, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. Applicants man be present at the stated hour. By order of the Board. BENJAMIN H. HOYT, apr4-2 _Chairman. ASHLEY FIRE COMPANY-YOU ARE hereby aummoued to appear at Military Uail on MONDAY MORNING, April tue 7th, ia full uniform, (black Kossuth hats) f. r Target Exercise, at 7 o'uiocc precisely. By order of the President. apr6 . JAMES M. MATHEWES, Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE Smith Carolina Medical Association for 1873 will be held at the Roper Hospital, Charleston, on l D88DAY MORNT?G, i ho 8th of April. Where DO Couuty society is organized the Physicians will send delegates. Arrangements will be made with the Railroads to pass members and delegates for one fare. T. GKANGE SIMONS. M. 1)., Recording Secretary S. 0. M. A. mchl6,aprl,6,P_ SOUTH CAROLINA SOCIETY.-THE One Handled and Thirty-sixth Anniversary Meeting of the society will be beM at their Hall on the lsth day or April being Easter TUESDAY. The Annual election of Officers will take place at the Ha 1 on that dar. Polis open at 12 M. The Society will asuemble at a P. M., for transaction of oaslness. I. M. UASELL, clerk. EXTRACT RULE 22 -' If aay member shall ueg leci to pay bis aireara on the anniversary, bia name shall oe publicly read by the Clerk at three subsequent meetings after said anniversary, and If bis arrears be not fully paid by the third read? ing he shall be excluded the Society. api-3,6,8,10,12,14.15 _ STATE AGRICULTURAL AND ME? CHANICAL SOCIETY.-In pursuance of a Resolution oassed at the Meeting of the State Ag? ricultural a'nd Mechanical Society lo December last, the Spring Meeting cf the Soclrty will be held in Cbaneaton, OB the Unit TUESDAY In May ne.it, beginning at ll o'clock A. M. The place of meeting and programme of proceedioga will be published In tue (morning) Charleston papers of that date. Tue following subjects have been selected for discussion at that mt etlng, aud the names at? tached are the appointees who will be expected to open the debate on the respective nubjects: Tue Culture ot Uplaud Rice as a Staple Product of Sooth carolina.-OEO. T. WICKS, Richland. The Comparative AU van ti pc of Labor-saving Machinery, and their Adaptability to southern Labor and Products -M. L. DONALDSON, Green? ville. Houghing-its Effects Coon Different Soils at dur?rent SeasooB_JOHN H. FORMAN, Somier. i he cheapest Fertilizer, whether domestic or commercial, and the most Economical Time and Ht thoa o? Its Application PAUL S. FELDER, Orangebnrg. ls an Exclusive Cotton Crop Good Polle; for any Single Farmer or Planter : n south Carolina. W. M. SHANNON, Keisbaw. The Most Economical Method of Wintering Stock.-mos. G. MOURE, bpartanburg. ls south Carolina in Greater Need of Labor or Capital r-J As. McuDTCHEN, Williamsburg. With Cheap Hands and Inefficient Labor, ls thc Farmer Better R?mun?r?tsl biein a Stock or Clo ?ung manufactured fora Northern or Western trade. ORDERS SOLICITED; satisfaction guaranteed; samples sent on application. M. N. ROG1ERS A CO., feb6-2mo 444 and 446 Broadway, N. Y. ^mnseiaeru?. A OADEMY OF MUSIC. TWO NIGHT3 AND MATINEE. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 4 AND 5. GRAND MATINEE, SATURDAY, APRIL 6,2 P.M. CAL WAGNER'S MINSTRELS, J. B. HATBRLY, Manager, Will have the honor of reappearing before the citizens of this city, la ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMMES from our former visit, introducing MR. CHARLES HEYWOOD, The wonderful Bnrlesqae Soprano, aa extra at traction. ta- Prices as usual. Doors open at 7; com menc ng at 8. Reserved seats on sale, three dayu in advance, at the Box Office D B. BODGES, General Agent. U. CLAPHAM, Advertising Agent. ap ri-4 ^CADEMY OF MUSIC I PBOFE3SOR CROMWELL IS COMING ! COMMENCING APBIL 10TH, AND DUBING EASTER WEEK. sa~ See Programmes and future Ad verse? ments. apr5-i CHARLESTON GERMAN SCH?TZEN? FEST. ON TBS 2t6T, 22D, 23D, 24TH AND 25TH APRIL, 1878. PROGRAMME. The festivities will begin on MONDAY MORNING, the 21st or April, At 6 o'clock, by a salute of twelve gnns. The Riflemen and their invited guests assemble In Calhoun street, and march through King, Broad, East Bay, Market and Meeting streets io the south Carolina Railroad Depot. Arter the arrival on the grounds, the President of th? Club, Captain A. Melchers, wUl greet the visiting and participating Societies, receive their banners, and Invite all to a banquet. The amusements dnrlng the U?e days of the Festival will consist or Pi Ixe Target Shooting for Gentlemen and Ladles, Dancing, Gymnastics, Music, Race Running, Balloons, Greased Pole, Flying Trapezes, Ac, Ac, besides thegreat PROFESSOR J. HANSEN, will perform during every day of the Festival. In hla reata of Legerdemain, Magic, Ac, and have hla celebrated PUSOHISELLOBAJ, (PUNCH AND JUDY,) on the grounds, in which he will perform for the amusement or the visit >rs. On FRIDAY AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock, the new King will be crowned and the prizes distributed, with appropriate remarks by the orator of the day. GENERAL BULBS. 1. The members of the Club and their friends are Invited to participate in the festivities. Catds of lu vi tai lou may be obtained as follows; F von San ten, No. 220 Ring street; Melchers A Moller, uas J. lc Tempie; G. H. Llndstedt, Calhoun and King M.T eta; F. Heinz, King street, opposite Aun street; J. H. Thteie, iung and shepherd streets; A. Heune, King and Line streets; J. H. Docker, Ring and Columbus streets; J. H. Graver Jt bro., King btreet opposite cannon street; D. Apeler, Meeting and Line streets; C. Lltschgi, East Bay; E.H. ii telling Queen and East Bay ; Henry Wre den, Mai lon Corlee House; G. Logemann, King and Tradd streets; J. M. Martin, No 36 Harket street; Theodore Heitman, Turee Mlle House; J. J. Borger, King and Broad streets. 2. No person will be admit ted without produc? ing their cards of invitation; and no Invitation Will, nnder any circumstances, be issued at the gutes of the scbuizenplaiz. 3 Every shareholder and his family has free admission, but be must obi alu bis family ticket at Ur. George H. Lind ited t's, Riflemen and invited aueaui In uniform are not required to produce their cards of lu vi arion. The badges delivered at the entiance of the Dancing Hall are to be kept in sight, 4 Cards of iuvuatlon are to be kept in Fight, and lt is Hie duty or all Riflemen to endeavor to have this ru e compiled with by all persons prest nt. 6. Only members in uniform are admitted to the Eagle and Target or Honor exercises, such as have not paraded and desire to take part lu the Eagle Shooting, pay $6 flue. 6 Neither horses nor vehicles or any descrip? tion will be admitted to the grounds. 7. Article's round on the grounds mast bs de? livered at the Secretary's office. 8. complaints and want.- are to be brought be fore the officers at headquarters. 9. All Riflemen are expected to assist in pre? set vlng order. 10. A Deput.it Room lor Hats, Cloaks and Rifles, will be provided. 11. The Prizes will be exhibited on the grounds dui lng the Festival. 12. The Shooting Roles will be published at the Shooting stands, and strictly enforced by the Target Master, Mr. D. Ltlieutbal. DIRECTORS. A. MRLCHBRS, 0. LIND&TBDT, O. I. C G BM ANN, H. B?CK, H. K LATTE, D. GOBTJEN, D. LlLIENTHAL, J. SIMONS, J It , W. SBMKKN, F. HlINZ, H. KNBB, Secretary. AMUSEMENT COMMITTEE. H. L. PEDEN, U. SCHACHTE, JOHN l\MME, L. HULLER, A. LANGER, W.STBNDBR, B. WOIILXBS, J. A. MICHELL, L. KLEIN._apis Sam. ^NNUAL FLORAL EXHIBIT10N~~ OF THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA Will beheld in this city DURING THE MONTH OF APRIL. Time cf opening and location, together wi h the Premium Lists, will be announced in a future advertisement. Premiums will be offered for Green House Planta, House Plants, Ont Flowers, Early Vegetables, Berries and.Fruits. Any infor? mai lon can be obtained from either or the un? designed Committee of Arrangements: Dr. A. B ROSE, Chairman. E. L. ROCHE, C. A. CHISOLM, A. BARRON HOLMES, S. P. RAVENEL. mch28fstnth86 ?Sciai Raffle Numbers. QFF1CIAL RAFFLE NUMBERS Of the Charleston Joint Stock Company for the benefit of the state Orphan Asylum : CLASS No. 489-FRIDAY MORNING, April 4. 68-ia-03-a0-35-a5-5T-3T-74-71-8-a6 CLASS No. 490-FRIDAY EVENING, April 4. 32-3-60-57-41-1-31-49-77-6-50-58 apr?-l A. MOROSO, sworn Commissioner. Sinaxicial. C^?TIZ EN'S SA^1?GS~BAN?^^ CAROLINA. CHARLESTON BRANOH, No. 8 BROAD STREET. All MONEY deposited In thia Bank on or before the FIFTH DAY or each Oalendar Month will bear Interest (SIX PER CENr.) for that month as if deposited on the lat Instant. Depositors are requested to leave their Books at the Bank in order to have the Regalar Quar? terly Dividend (doe April lj entered. Deposito received Daily from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M., and on Saturday Evenings. This Branch ls ander the management of the following LOO AX FINANCE COMMITTEE: LOUIS D. DBSAUSSURE, CLELAND K. HUGER, F. MELCHERS, DR. A. B. ROSE, BENJ. F. EVANS, 0. WULBURN, E. N. THURSTON. Collections promptly attended to, there being Branches of this Bank at the most prominent points in this State. D. BAVENEL, JR., aprl-5 Cashier. ?irjceries, Ciquore, &t. H"^AMSrSHO?LDERS, 1TJLTON1??B7 KET BEEP, Ac. Davis' Diamond, Pineapple, Kentucky, c&mp IOQ and Harlin A Hood's PIG HAMM, Breakfast Bacoa Strips, Pig should* ra, Choice Fulton Mar* k> t Beef, Pickled Beef Tongues. Oregon Salmon, Fresh and Pickled Mess Mackerel and Bolognas. Jnst received b r MARTIN * MOOD, 127 aud 129 Meeting street, corner Market. aprSl_ JIRESH BISCmTS,, .. jj j - SODA, Milk,' Batter, oysters. Wine and Cora? il ni BISCUIT?, Lernen and Ginger Snappa, Sonare Graham Craclera for Dyspeptics, and Albert Biscuits in Tina ?. .f ' Just received by " MARTIN k MOOD? 127 and 129 Meeting street, corner Market. aprS l_ .? ? ?: j J^TORTHERN SEED BICBf SOO bashelfl Northern SEEDHIi'E. Jost received and for sale by JAMES H. PRiNGLE A SON, apr6 2_._Adder's Wharf. COGNAC BRANDY IN UNITED STATES Bonded Warehouse. For sale by_A. TOBI-.8? SPSS. ?J ADIZ SHERRY WINE. An invoice of Cadiz SHERRY Jost received and for sale by_A. TOBIAS' SOBS. pORT WINE FROM LONDON DOCK3. PORT WINE of Superior quality, imported di rect, and for sale by_A. TOBIAS^SONS. CANTON GINGER, TEAS AND HAM? MOCKS. An invoice of canton GINGER, choice Idas and Hammocks Jost received and for sale by.. _A. TOBIAS? SONS. FRUITS IN JUICE, SARDINES, PATE DE FOIE GRAS, ANCHOVIES, SWEET OIL, AO. A. TOBIAS' SONS have jost received direct from France an invoice of Fruits in Juice, sard loes. Anchovies, Pate de File Gras. M cunard. Capers, Sweet Oil, Asparagus, Green Peat, Mushrooms and Olives, which they offer for tale._ ^D AMAN TINE CANDLES. loco packages ADAMANTINE CANDLES. For sale by_A TOBIAS' SONS. "J^ONDON PORTER AND ALE. A. TOBIAS* SONS oder for sale Allsop'* Pele India Ale and London Porter, bottled by Ed. A Geo. Bibbert. London. g O O T C H ALB. : A. TOBIAS1 SONS offer for sale celebrated Fal? kirk Ale, from Glasgow. QHOICE HAVANA CIGARS. MORDECAI A 00. offer for sale an invoice of choice CIGARS, Jost received direct from Havana. QHOI0E GROCERY SUGARS, MORDECAI A CO. offer for sale prime to choice Grocery SUGARS. _BBBffjfltl gUGARS, MOLASSES AND WINES. 120 hogsheads Good to Choice DEMEBABA SU? GARS so puncheons Prime to Choice Dementa Mo? lasses ALSO, 129 hogsheads Good to Prime MUSCOVADO SU? GARS loo boxes Prime Muscovado Sagan GO hogsheads New crop Moacovado Moleesot 60 hogsheads Choice New Crop Santa Lucia Mo? lasses ALSO, 60 quarter casks RED SPANISH OT CLARET WI\ES 80 quarter casks Superior Taya wine 36 eluhth casks Superior Rando Wine, (equal to Sherry.) Warranted to be or direct importation, and for sale in lots to snit purchasers bj W. P HALL, apra o '_Brown A Co.'s Wharf. Q.UANAPE GUANO. Kecelved direct from the Gnanape islands per ship Florella, and sold m lots of ten- tons, or more, at $60, gold, per ton of 2240 Ba. etan, bj GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., Agents for the Peruvian Government, Hayne street, Charleston, 8.0. moh25-tnthslo JUOUR! FLOUR I FLOUR I 1600 bbli. Soper, Extra and Family FLOUR. For sale by HERMANN BUL WI N Iv! .E, spr2 Kerrs wnarl. ^THITELOCK'S VEGETATOR. - tons WHEELOCK'S VEGETATOR, one Of the best Fertilizers offered ia thia market. For sale by HERMANN BULWINKLE, mchl2_Kerr's Wharf. g A P O L I Ol For Hand and House use. For sale at Whole? sale, by PAUL B. LALANE A CO., feb4 No. 176 East Bay, Charleston, S. C* M R. D. FITZ GIBBON Would beg to announce to his Friends and. the Public generally that he bas REMOVED to the Large New Store en King street, second "door above Barns lane, where he will be'pleased"to re? ceive the continuance or their patronage. A full and well assorted Stock of GROCERIES, Canned Goods, dc, always on hand. -Gooda de? livered Free to any part of the City. janis ^ ILS ONS' G ROC ERY I WILSONS' GROCERY 11 WILSONS' GROCERY ! 1t 306.KING STREET.........309 DUNDEE MARMALADE DUNDEE MARMALADE DUNDEE MARMALADE, THREE JARS FOR $1 THREE JARS FOB $1 THREE JARS FOB fl IMPORTED APRICOT JAM IMPORTED STRAWBERRY JAM IMPORTED GREEN GAGE JAM IMPORTED DAMSON JAM ONLY FORTY CENTS A JAR - ONLY FORTY CENTS A JAR v ^ ONLY FORTY CENTS A JAR FRESH MILE CB ACKERS FRESH GINGER SNAPS FRESH EGG CRACKERS FRESH IMITATION ENGLISH CRACKERS AT WILSONS' GROCERY, 808.KIN G STREET,...........309 MW Ail Goods delivered free I MW N o Charge for Packing Gooda.. jSlnmr?pal JSotites. - C^rrY^-REA^URYT^AP?HTirSi^ All Interests due oa Olty Stoc*. on. April 1st, 1873, will be deemed as good In discounting four per cent, of the owners' taxes, where the balance is paid In full or all taxes- to thar tnmSfi year, from the eth to the 12th instant, both inclusive. During these days such Items of six per cent, in? terest only can be attended to. aprl-12 P. J. COOG AN, Treasurer. dUfllUfl ?ioros SAM'L W. MELTON, D. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Attorney-General. Ex-Attorney General. jy^ELTON 4 CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, COLUMBIA, S. C., will practice in all the courts of this State, and in the United States Coarta for the District of south Carolina., ... . <&B-ry?A.?. omce-i at Colombia. S. C., tn ene Statehouse,, and in the carolina National Bank Bunding, (up? stairs.) Jan?4yr ^