VOLUME X.-NUMBER 2254. CHARLESTON, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 4, 1873. EIGHT DOLLARS A YEAg, ' THE EL-FATED ATLANTIC. FURTHER DETAILS OF THE AFP ALL? ING CATASTROPHE The List of Saved and Missing-Excuses of the Captain and the L i ver pool Agents-Wails of the Widowed and Fatherless' NEW YORK, Ap: il 3. The agente of the White Star Line have or? dered one hundred coffios for the bodies that have already floated ashore lrom the Atlantic wreck. The c?ptala o? the Atlantic attributes the disaster to the speed of the vessel, which must have made more than niue knots an hour to get so far out of ber course. He seems overwhelmed with sorrow, and said to a re? porter: "To think that, while hundreds ol men were saved, every woman should have perished-lt's horrible ! Had I been able to save even one woman, I could bear the disas? ter, but to lose all, lt is terrible, terrible P He seemed to tully realize that the world would hold him to a strict acoouot. The latest aocouats report four hundred and thirteen saved and five hundred and sixty lost, including three hundred and fifty women and children. The cargo consisted of fashionable dry goods, amount? ing in value to ball a million dollar?. Harrowing detalla-of .the awful scene con? tinua to be received. All the women, who were asleep when the ship struck, were drowned In their berths. The heavy sea con Btantly poured over the vessel and Oiled hert J and prevented them from escaping to the decs. Some t?males, wbo showed great pres? ence ol mind and appreciation ol the disaster, only reached the deck to be washed overboard Into the loaming trough of the sea. Soon after, six men on the Bhore wrote in huge let? ters on a blackboard, the words, "Cheer up; the boats are coming to your assistance/ J which announcement was received with hearty [ cheers from the ship. After au awful sus? pense of half an hour, some men were seen on the Island., carrying a boa), over the rocks; tblaggas soon launched and took off three boat loads from the outlaying wreck. While rescuing these men, Captain Williams and the passengers called Lud ly for the boat's crew to come to the ship and take them off, as they were in most Immiient danger. The captain cried, "J wtK jrioe five hundred dollars for every boat load rescued." Tad boat afterwards made for the veesei.and took off two loads. Half an hour later another boat came and res? cued many of those clinging to the rigging. Third Officer Brady, who had succeeded In reaching the shore by a i overline, carried from the vessel by himself an organized crew, and materially aided the work of rescuing the passengers. The Nationalities of the Passenger Nine Hundred and Fifty Emigrants Aboard when the Atlantic lieft] Queenstown-The Corpses of the Vic tims. ' NEW YORK, April 3. The steamship Atlantic was Insured In Lon? don companies for one hundred and fifty thousand dollars - (pounds ') There were seven hundred and sixty steerage pas? sengers on the ill-fated vessel. The passen? gers and crew of the Atlantic, as she sailed from Liverpool, were classified as follows: English, one hundred and nine-eight men and seventy-lour women, twenty-eight male chil? dren and twenty-one female children. Scotch, seven men and four women. Irish, forty-three men, el thteen women and three children. Other nationalities, one hundred and flit? adult ma es, tblrtv-two women, nine? teen male children, and eighteen female chu dren. A large number of emigrants embark? ed at Queenstown, making the f Jtal number ofjpals, when she sailed from that port, nine hundred and fi i ty-' wo. Hr. Frank D. Hacke val, a cabin passenger, j sends the following dispatch to the Associated Preta: "HALIFAX, April 3. '.Say to the friends o? the cabin passengers J ol the steamer Atlantic that I will remain with the wreck until I have secured all the lost cabin passengers. I have boato going to the wreck thia morning to receive the bodies. The bodies of Hr. Fisher and Hiss Herritt we have. The bodies of Hr. and Hrs. Herritt, Hiss Scrymser and John H. Price, ol New York, I have great hopes of recovering." The Mild Protest of the Liverpool Agent-A Having Maniac Crying for j Vengeance. NEW YORK, April 3. A dispatch (rom Ismay & Co., the agents in Liverpool of the White Star Line, says that j the deviations of the Atlantic ls incomprehen? sible. She bad about nine hundred and sixty seven tons ol coal against an average con? sumption, during eighteen voyages, of seven hundred and lorty-four tons. She bad 1836 toni o? assorted cargo. Crowds of poor rela- j V tives of the steerage passengers throng the rooms of-the agency here. Hrs. Grot, who lost her husband and two children on the wreck, has become a raving maniac. ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. Kaiser Fran?-The French Menagerie Troubles of the Spanish Republicans. VIENNA, April 3. The Emperor has given his sanction to the Austrian electoral reiorm bil!. PARIS, April 3. The Doo d'Aumale was to-day admitted to his Beat as a member of the French Academy. Ht?was elected eighteen months ago. The trial of Marshal Bazaine le to be prose-1 coted to the end. Hla friends are confident ! that be will be triumphantly acquitted, j MADRID, April 3. The Carlista deny that they massacred Re? publicans. BARCELONA. April 3. The Carlista victory at Burgos is due to treachery. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. -The Ocean Hotel at Rye Beach, N. H., ts burned. Loss $60,000. -A fire io Galveston, Texas, destroyed property40 the amount o? $50,000. Fully in? sured. -The wife of the Fusion sheriff at Baton Bonge was killed by a shot 1? tended lor her husband. -The man arrested in Philadelphia as j being Bosooe, the murderer ot Goodrich, bas been discharged. -The election In Rhode Island for governor baa'resulted thus: Howard, Republican, 9273; Chase, Democrat, 3665." - Generals Belknap. Sheridan and Heyer I have left St. Louis tor Houston, Texas, whence [ they will take am bula L ce lo the Rio Grande. -James L. Ridgley, grand secretary of the Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. ot the Uulted States, ls dangerously ill in Ballimore. -One hundred and eleven Southern claim? ants were paid In Washington yesterday, tbe j aggregate amount being seventy thousand dollars. -President Grant and lam! ty reel ved numerous visitors at tne Fifth Avenue Hotel lo New York yesterday. Mayor Havemeyer, C. Vanderbilt and Thurlow Weed were amongst the number. -The Governor ol New Jersey hSB Blgned the National Railroad bill. The company has organised with the following officers: Samuel JL Watson, president; Robert R Carson, sec? retary; W. W. Steele, treasurer; A J. Gillette, engineer. THE WEATHER THIS DAT. WASHINGTON, April 3. Probabilities: The low barometer in Nebras? ka will exten.t Roiilneastwurd over Missouri during the rest of Thursday night and thence to Ohio and the low-r lakes on Friday. For the Gull Slates on Friday, increasing souther? ly winds, with cloudy weather, rain on the WeBtern coast Friday morning and in the Eastern Gu I' States Friday afternoon. For the south AI ian tic States Increasing southeast winds veering to southwest, With rain by Friday night, and, possibly, by Friday eve? ning. In Georgia. For the Middle States, southeast and southwest winds, cloudy and threatening weather. For New England, light winds, partly cloudy and clear weather. For the lake region, generuily northeasterly winds, with threatening weather and possibly rain. Cautionary signals are ordered at Du* luth, Milwaukee, Chicago and Graud Haven. EIRE IS WALHALLA. A fire broke out on Tuesday morning In the store of Mrs. Knee in Main street. Walhalla. The fire spread to the store of Mr. 8. Van diver, thence io the sioreof Mr. Fisscher, (Jeweller. ) all of which were entirely desi royed, together with the entire contents of me two flret. Mr. Fisscher saved a portion of bis stock. Mrs. Knee waB uninsured, but lt ls said Mr. Vaudiver's ?tock was partially In? sured. The buildings were uninsured. There was not a breath ot sir ctlrrlnir-bad lhere been the destruction ot property would have been Immense, as nearly the entire town is built ot wood. Vandiver'a loss was $5000. The total loss ls about $20,000. [A subscriber kindly Informs us thal the Walhalla Fire Engine Company worked des? perately to quell the flimes. It was due to that company that the loss was no greater.] THE GOLD MARKET. Upward Tendency In Prices - Wall Street on Saturday. (From the New York Times ] Trade was lively enough in ihe Gold Boom on Saturday, In spite of the drenching rain, which kept people lo-doors'lor the best part ol the day, and pelted down so mercilessly that only those who had business engagements of the most urgent nature ventured outside. Throughout the day the price ot gold steadily advanced-the "bull" clique taking all that was offered, confldenttl me situation. There were heavv sales made, but the confidence of the "bears" had been considerably shaken by their dl*comuture, which had been chronic tor weeks past, so they gradually gave up the un? equal contest. At 10 o'clock. A. M.. the hour of opening, gild stood at 116}. Hali an hour alter it advanced ? per ceul. At ll o'clock lt fell back, under heavy offerings, to HG*. Then it rallied, and (luring the next thirty minutes gained * per oent. At noon larne sales caused lt to mil back an j. At 12} F. M. me ruling price w .s H6j; at 1 o'clock the in? dicator marked 116}; at ll lt wa? a i belter; at 2 o'clock it reached 117; at 2} it stood at 116?. and Anally -closed at 117. Stocks were dun, and the prevailing topic of conversation In the offices down town was the advauce in the price ol gold. Merchants who borrowed heavily to ;>ay duties upon their imports, ascertaining trom the gold indicators In their establishments the condition ol the market, in many instances called personally upon their bankers and brokers, and nettled at the ruling rates, fearing that procrastination would only result lu heavier losses. The Heaviest importers, however, still hold out, and express a d?terminai ton lo Hgnt ll out on "this Hue lt lt takes all summer.'r Bets were offered by the "bulls" throughout the day with few takers, that gold will reach 126 inside ol si.xiy days, and 130 before September. The already startling advance in the price has not been the result of a Bingle day or week, on the part ol a gaug ol gold and stock speculators, but has been brought about in great part by a combination of circumstances which no clique, however powerlui, could well resist. In conversation with severa! of the promi? nent operators uu Saturday, and at the Filth avenue Hotel lust evening, ihe following rea? sons were assigned to a Times reporter for the present rise In gold, and for a prospective advance: That three or four parties own nearly all the gold In the country, and can loree "up ihe price whenever they choose; that the treasury at this momeot would be unable to-sell gold and break acorner if lt was at tempted, as there ls only gold enough al its disposal to take care of the Interest on the Un-ted Stales bonds and retain a fund for contingencies; that the Importations of goods are unprecedented, and an Immense sum ls required by the merchants to pay the dulles every week; thal exports are altogether too light to cause a flow ot specie toward the United Stales, and that not only does all of the gold produced leave us, but ulso a large portion of the reserve which ls held in Wall street by Anglo-American banking houses, by the BUD treasury, and at various pulnts throughout the country by different parties. During the past year the volume of specie has decreased about $47,000,000, leaving the entire couoiry with something like $66,000,000 of gold, while in 1858 lt possessed over $100.000,000. Our Washington dispatches stale, however, thal ihe government will sell $8.000,000 gold during the coming month, so these deductions are erroneous. The London Times has also sounded a note of warning io regard to the system of ex? change which prevails at present between this country and Europe, by which speculation Is fostered and our finances ure placed upon an Insecure basis. It ls estimated that by means ol borrowed sterling exchange we are already lu debt to the other side many millions of dol? lars, and it seems probable lrom the recent action of the Bank ol England that we may be called upon to pay up these loans which have been too oiteo renewed. The market for American securities, too, In Europe, bas been Injured by the bad faith of railway cor? porations, which have defaulted In the inter? est on their hands, and this source of a gold supply has been lu a great measure closed. These reasons, as well as many others, are adduced by the bull clique lu support ol their position, and at present lt seems prob? able that i ney will force np the price of gold to a still higher dgure. What measures their opponents may resort to In ihe hopes of breaking the "corner" have not yet transpir? ed. Both Bides concur in predicting-, a lively time in the Gold Boom fur a considerable season. OUR SOUTH ATLANTIC NEIGHBORS. North Carolina. -A disastrous fire prevailed on Pretty Creek, in Brunswick County, last Monday. Some one set the woods afire, and the flames, sped by a stiff wind, swept over a large space, burning fences and turpentine trees. Colonel Joseph Green lost heavily In both turpentine trees and the commodity itself. -The three colored men, Cupid Holloway, Tom Lewis and Dan Robinson, who were smashed up in the wreck on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, on Wednesday morning last, have been at Rocky Mount since Ihe accident, under the care of Dr. W. B. Hicks. Georgia. -The stock of cotton on band and on ship? board in Havannah was decided by a confer? ence ci commercial reporters, on Tuesday, to be 49,412 bales uplands and 2903 Bea island. -Z. Richardson's turpentine distillery, on the Savannah and Charleston Boad, one mile east ol' Hardeevllle, was burned on Tuesday, wbile the day express train, bound lor Savan aab, was passing. -At a monthly anle of real estate held In Savannah, on Tuesday, a large amount ot valuable properly was offered, but had to be withdrawn for want of the offer ot reasona? ble prices. A commodious stone dwelling upon a lot on Babersham sireet, niuety by thirty-six leet. with outbuildings aud substan? tial improvements, sold for seven thousand eight hundred dollars on easy terms, and con? stituted the largest sale of the day. -The Abbeville Literary Association was organized last Thursday, with the following officers: W. A. Lee, president; W. Joel Per? rin, secretary; James H. Perrin, treasurer and librarian. Executive Committee-The presi? dent, secretary, treasurer and librarian, with the Bevs. E. B. Miles, James L. Martin and W. T. Capers, and Messrs. T. P. Quartes, E. L. Parker, J. T. Bobertson and George White. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. COMMEMORATIONS OF THE END OF THE SCHOLASTIC YEAR. Annual Examination and Exhibition Exercises at the Normal School. The public schools ol Cbarlestou closed their academic jear yesterday, and pupils and teachers are now released lor a two weeks' holiday from the drudgery of the school and class room. Toe examinations for the awards of prizes have been going on during the past week, and the year terminated yesterday with a public exhibition In each of the schools un? der the management of their respective corps ot teachers, and in presence of representatives of the board of school commissioners. The first of these institutions io eize and impor? tance ls The Normal School, situated on St. Phillp street, between Beau fain and Wentworth streets, and the exercises at this school attracted a crowded audience of the parents aad friends of the pupils. The Interior of ihe building waB taste!tilly decorat? ed ior the occasion with bouquets of cut flowers and sprays of evergreen, and the blackboards of the various class-rooms were filled with very creditable drawings by the young la les of the upper classes, illustrating the various studies pursued In the school. The exercises were begun al 9 A. M., In the l-.rje hall of the Behool, by the reading of a chapter of the Bible by Colonel C. G. Mern-* minger, the chairman of the board of com? missioners, and this was followed by the hymn "0 Paradise," sung In concert by the whole Behool, under the direction of Professor R. Seolor, the musical Instructor ot all the pub? lic schools In the city. This hymn, as well as the songs, rounds and chorusses which follow? ed, were rendered with a degree ol spirit and accuracy that reflected great credit upon the instructor, and lt was generally remarked among the audience that the singing o? the school had been greatly improved by the ad? mirable system Introduced by Protessor Se? nior. After a Bong, "Flowers ol the Wild? wood," lhere waa an exercise in phonetics by the whole school, which was particularly in? teresting OB exhibiting the Inductive principle upon which the Instruction of the school ls conducted. This was lollowed by the song, "Make me DO gaudy chaplet"-a rather difficult composi? tion to be attempted by six hundred pupils, ranging In age from the maturing young lady to the mere child; bot It was well executed, and received the well merited applause of the audience. The salutatory address, a graceful and ele? gant composition, was then delivered by Miss Marie A. Bicalse, and after another song "Slowly and softly music should flow"-the classes were dismissed to their several class rooms. A series of Interesting exercises were then held in the class rooms, In which the pupils displayed great proficiency In the various stu? dies which have been pursued during the year. At about half-past twelve o'clock the closing lng exercises were commenced in the main hall. The programme ior these exercises was as follows : Song-" I come, I come ;" Bound-" The Bell doth toil;" Valedictory Miss Bessie M. Moffelt; Soug-"Now the Wind ;" Song-"Beautiful Venice ;" Distribu? tion ef prizes ; Bound-" The BellB are Sweet? ly ;" Song-" Wandering Minstrel ;" Distribu? tion of Diplomas ; Addresses ; Song-"Driven from Home ;" Song-"Away to the Woods ;" Hymn-"Sowing the Seeds;" Bible Text; Flnale-"8hall we gather." j The names of the young ladles of the gradu ting classes are ns follows: Misses Sarah Bas? sett; Louisa Dallas, A. Cora Anderson, Marl? A. HlC-ilse, Louise W. Pemberton, Sarah L. Bailey, Jessie E. Jones, G er tn de J. Martin, A. Rebecca Saunders, E. Rosa Happoldt, Sal? lie E. Inness, Hattie H. Dufort, Mary G. Sim? mons, Lillie M. Thames, Cornella 8. Walton, Lulah W. Ehney, Florina M. Harrison, Ella M. Syfao, Maggie W. Gibson, Marlon Spady, Bessie M. Moffelt, Lizzie A. McCormick, J. Oilvd Farnum, Emma Darcy. The prizes and honors awarded by the board of commissioners were as follows : Division A-Tweuty iour pupils-Teacher, Miss McBlroy. Prizes, Sarah A. Bassett, Louisa Dallas. Entitled to honorable notice, Cora Anderson, Marla Bicaise. Distinguished for good conduct, attention to studies and profi? ciency, Louie a Pemberton. Division B-Thirty pupils-Teacher, Miss Bonnoltt. 1st prize. Emma C. Caldwell; 2d, Susie B. Snowden. Eutitled to honorable no? tice, Emily Soubeyroux, Mary Brallsford. Distinguished tor good conduct, attention to studies and proficiency, Isabel Tobias, Jane Qulgley. First Class-Thirty pupils. Teacher, Miss Archer-1st prize, Clara Ferguson; 2d, Faunie Kinsey. Entitled lo honorable notice, Lala Bass, Maggie Eason. Distinguished for good conduct, attention io studies and proficiency, faunie Lloyd, Louisa Jenkins, Florence Harris. Second Class-Fifty-one pupils. TeacherJMlss S Smith-1st prize, Bstelle Jenkins; 2d, Kale Furlong; 3d, Alice Evans. Entitled to honor? able nonce, Annie U'Bourke, Mattie Caldwell, Virginia Spady. Distinguished lor good con? duct, attention lo studies and proficiency, Anna Moffetf, Geraldine Jones, Mary Yen? ning. Third Class-Thirty-nine pupils. Teacher. Miss K< lib - 1st prize, Emma Kurre; 2d, Guilt Sonniag. Entitled to honorable notice. Hon? ora Fitzgerald, Minnie Buddock. Distinguish? ed for good conduct, attention lo sitiales and proficiency. Kale Cahill, Alice Lalar. First Division-Fourth ClasB-Forty pupils. Teacher, Mrs. Palmer.-1st prize. Adelina Scheper; 2d, Florence Radcliffe. Entitled to honorable notice, Carrie Harper, Maggie Quinn, Maggie Wiug. Distinguished for good conduct, atteutlon to sludieB and proficiency, Annie Gibson,Minnie Wightman. Secoud Division-Fourth Ciass-Forlv-two pupils. Teacher, Miss Pemberton-1st prize, Marjey Monz?n, Lula Simmons. Entitled to honorable notice, Mary O'Neil. Isabel Werner. Distinguished lor good conduct, attention to studies and proficiency, Emily Pregnall, Lena Green. First Division-Fifth Claps-Forty-flve pupils. Teacher, Miss Mousseau-lst prize, LillieEast eroy ; 2d, Flora Goodlett. Entitled to honor? able uoiice, Mattie Mood, Ella Craven. Dis? tinguished for good conduct, attention to stu? dies and proficiency, Lizzie Evans and Annie i Plowden. Second Division -Filth Class-Forty-nine pupils. Teacher, Miss E. Polntell-1st prize, Jeannie Schlrmer; 2d, Mary Murphy. Entitled to honorable notice, Lizzie Furlong, Ella Utsey. Distinguished for good conduct, at? tention lo studies and proficiency. Katie Mar? tin, Lizzie Claoton. Sixth Class-Sixty pupils. Teacher, Miss Mary Walter-1st prize. Ella Bateman; 2J prize, Charlotte Carr; 3d prize, Annie Rleppe. En? titled to honorable notice, Susie Pennol, Fan? nie Longstreet, Minnie Lucas. Distinguished fer good conduct, atlentlon to studlea and proficiency, Claudia Lartlgue, Laura Ferrill, Julia Dothage. First Division-Seventh Class-flIty-seven pupils. Teacher, Miss Ida Sylan. 1st prize, Annie Weekley; 2d, Georgie Welskopf; 3d, Ellen Furlong. Entitled to honorable notice, Mary Conner, May Leman, Sarah Behling. Dlsilngulshed for good conduct, attention to studies and proficiency. Matilda Forsythe, Carrie Mahoney, Bertha Johnson. Second Division-Seventh Class-sixty-one pupils. Teacher, Miss E. W. Dunkin. 1st prize, Maggie Burke; 2d, Mary Erickson; 3d, Henrietta Kretchmere. Entitled to honorable notice, Etta Robertson, Mary McMahn, Addie Austin. Distinguished for good co DC teutton to studies and proficiency, Ki ran, Sue Lambert. Fannie Oreen. St. Phillp Street School. Tbe St. Philip street school contain ly twelve hundred boys and girls, a perlntended by H. P. Archer, Esq. ' erclses were commenced in the prii third department, which alone contal seven huudred pupils. The apartmen j not afford standing room tor the lad! gentlemen In attendance. It was ta decorated with evergreens and flowers George L. Buist and Mr. Jaceb Willina commissioners ol this school, conduc exercises, with the assistance of Mrs. bead, the superintendent of the prim partment. The exercises were opened reading ol the fourth chapter of Provi Mejor Buist and the recitation of the Prayer by the school, the pupils, um I direction of Mr. Senior, next saag a n of hymns and songs. This was follov the examination in English and aritt Ac., the result ot which was highly ere to the school. Major Buist delivered gratuiatory and encouraging, address pupils, and afterwards, wiih the assists Mr. Wiliiman, presented tbe prizes. The Intermediate or second dep&rl under the management ol Miss Harben lhe scene of the next series of exerjlat ls composed entirely of boys. The progr was very similar to that io the prims partment, except that the examlnatlo braced the languages, classics, matben Ac. The examination proved that the j era are highly competent and emelen [ this department a prize was offered for lion, which was competed for by six boy j woo by Master Francis Easterby, who, I Judgment of the commissioners, was th declalmer. Tbe exercises In the first depart! which ls under the personal supervis Mr. Archer, were of the same general acter. Tbe pupils evinced great prone and displayed a gratifying familiarity classical and English literature. A prii elocution was also offered In this dc ment. Five boys competed for it, and i a remarkable display of oratorical po1 The prize was awarded to Master Gm ver both the first and second departments I Buist presented the prizes with brief an proprlate remarks. Toe following ls the Hst of awards li several departments: INTERMEDIATB DEPARTMENT, Principal, Miss C. 0. Harbert-; Vice-Pi pa1, Miss A. T. Cud worth. First Class-Fortv pupils. Miss Cud wt teacher, lat premium, Frank Terry;2d,, simmons. Emitted to honorable notice,, Glover, James Jones, Emanuel Seckend D.stlngulshed lor good conduct, Chas. Pl? Meyer leeman, Wils n Miller. Second Class-Forty-eight pupils. Mis M. Richardson, teacher. 1st premium. Hi Reynolds; 2d, John Gleason. Entitled to ort,ble notice, Edward Prendergast, Theo Poppen, Paul Cantwell. Distinguished good conduct, Sidney Jacobi, John Vaug Wm. Graver. Third Class-Fifty pupils. Miss E. S. J( son, teacher. 1st premium, Edward S. 1 ton; 2d, James Mooney; 3.1. Bissel! Ander Entitled to honorable notice, Thomas Coi Marks Moses, Gustavus K?hrstedt, Dit culshed for good conduct, TuomasLockwi James Maloney, Isaac Jones. Fourth CI??B-Fidy-one nnplls. Misa M Giboes. teacher lot premium. Edward W ington; 2d, Samuel Pitcher; 3d, Wm. Yoi Entitled to honorable uoi Ice, William Bullit Aaron Ducker and Theodore Sjubeyrc Distinguished for good conduct, Michael Ik phy, Steadman Meyer and Solomon (Bear. iii tr Cats-Fifty-nine pupils. Miss M Wall, teacher. 1st premium, Henry Boh 2d, Rudolph Levlsobn; 3d, Montague Da Entitled to honorable notice, Jerry Wea veli, Willis Kinsman, Joseph Ravenolla. tlnguluhed for good conduct, Gal lard V let ve I , Hassel Prothro, Junes T. Wall. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Frat Class-1st premium, Julia A. Runck 2d, Mt.ry E. Moran; 3d, Julia Hartington, tilled to honorable mention, Lucinda Grumme, Jane W. Conner, Ellen Cahill. J tlngulBhed lor good conduct and punctual tendance, Sallie R. Pooser, Fannie Dunc Margaret A. Gomar. Second Class-1st premium, Caroline Brlngloe; 2d, Mary F. Burke; 3d, Wailer Moore. Entitled io honorable mention. El Penders, I-abei Cleapor, Joseph A. Thon son. Distinguished for good conduct s punctual attendance. Isabel Ellas, Amelia Ahrens, CaiharintlParsons, Michael Morriss Third Class-1st premium, Julia J. Brov 2d, Edward C. Cantwell; 3d, Virginia G. Bet drot. Entitled lo honoraole mention. Juli L. Cay, Marina E. Harvey, John McCartl Distinguished for gu- d codjct and punen attendance, John F. Siurcken, Joseph Ha ran, Pauliue M. Jefferson. Fourth Class-1st premium, Nannie Ewin; 2d, Louisa L. Slgwald; 3d, Ed? Young. Entitled lo honorable mention. Cai arlne G. Veronee, John F. Weekly, Ella Poi; s ct-. Distinguished for pood conduct at pu neural attendance, Christina Marlin, A gustus W. Johnson, Thomas T. Bolger. Filth Class-1st premium, Leonora D. SI wald; 2d, Mary E. Britton; 3d. John F. Boee 1er. Entitled io honorable, mention, Paulii Becker. 8. Wllhemlna Schultz, George ' RudclluV. Distinguished for good condti and punctual attendance. Mary E. McGlunls Benedina Fiasen, James Horan. Sixth Class-1st premium, Julia J. Johnsoi 2d, Elizabeth Keele; 3d, Joseph P. Guy. Ei lilied lo honorable meuilon, Wiullred Pa BOOB, Ida C. Clark, Gabriella F. Lowry. DI tlngulBhed lor good conduct aud punctual a tendance, Mary A. Skinner, William Prende: gast, Francis E. Fabian. Seventh Class-1st premium, Ida McCantt 21, John Johnson; 3 i. Helena H. Huguele Entitled to honorable memion, Sarah Erwli Mary R. Mingles, Joseph Neeior. Dlstit guiBhed tor good conduct aud punctual m tendance, Margaret Doyle, Christina L. Joht son, Juila S. Jones, James L. Porter. Eighth Class-1st premium, Charles C Wightman; 2d, William Griman ; 3d, Johann 0. Hutwacker;4ib, Sereca C. Moore. Eui ii le to honorable mention. Hampton K. Lea, Mar G. Bm wins le, Neta H. Jenkins. Distinguiste tor good conduct aud punctual attendance Cha?es T. Bylan, Christina Swingman, NJ tbanlel Weekly. Nihill Class-1st premium. Sophia Koester 2d, Frederick M. Martin; 3d, William Wies koff. Entitled to honorable mention, Meen C. Kurre, Cnarlotte A. Simmons, C. Walke Cotcbeit. Distinguished for good cendue and punctual attendance, Henrietta M Ahrem), tensa SoDntag, Harriet U. Johnson Tenth Class-lst premium, Wilson G. Her vey; 2d, Nettle McDonald; Sd, Timmie J Seyie. Entitled io honorante mention, Mar garet McClure, Wilhelmina Faulbler, Herber G. Little. Distinguished for good conduct ant punctual attendance, Elizabeth J. Fletcher Elizabeth F. Carr, Robert Lee Jackson. Eleventh ClaBs-1st premium, William W 8ymn;2d, Marian A. Grumme; 3d, Leonarc S. Doty; 4th, Matilda A. Minges. Entitled tc honorable mention, Elizabeth Mooney, Ferd! nand Wagner, Roce A. Sly wald. Distinguish ed for good conduct aod punctual attendance, Emma S. Heins, Elizabeth Jenlila, Eliinoi Oppenheim. Twelfth Glas9-1st premium. Daniel R, Hunter; 2d, Clarence E. Bhokes; 3d, Laura J. Ltgbtheart; 4ih, John D^iiz. Entitled to honorable mention, Luke Francis, George W. Porter, John Hocbien, William Ahrens. Dis? tinguished lor good condu n aud punctual at tendance. Julia Mehrtens, Ida C. Guy, Sarah Male Grammar Department.-First Class lst premium, James R. Gready; 2d, James M. Eason; 3d, Charles Pitcher. Entitled to hon? orable mention, John B. K?nny, Daniel Miles, Ferdinand H. Ploger. Distinguished lor good conduct, Henry Runs, John Ham. John Rober? son. Second Class-lst premium, James Cleary; 2d, Jacob Jacobi; 3d, Alexander Robertsou. Entitled to honorable notice, Gustave Jurs, Alfred H. Honour, Marlon Bonnolt. Dlstln guien erf for good conduct, Joseph W?chter, Wilton Lindsay, John McCormick. Third Class-1st premium. Emmett E. Har? vey; 2d, Julius Buguelet; 3d, George Pitcher. Entitled to honorable notice, Charles B. Muck enfuss, August Bredeman, August Tam9berg. Distinguished for good conduct, Arthur Wel? ling, Charles White, John Wall. Fourth Class-let premium, J. Palmer Lock? wood; 2d. B. Maxwell Anderson; 3d, John J. Twohlll. Entitled lo honorable notice, Horace Bolger, A. St. Clair West, Francis Carney. Distinguished for good conduct, Theodore F. Sturcken. Jesse W. Lloyd, Eugene F. West. Fifth Class-1st premium, Wm. Townsend Reynolds; 2-1. William Austen; 3d, G. Arthur Hugneiet. Entitled to honorable notice, Her? bert Moore, John Riley, William Cohen. Dis? tinguished tor good conduct, James S. Simons, G. Julien Smith, William Lloyd. Aleetlng Street School. This school ls under the management of Mrs. Isabella Blair, superintendent, and cen? taine three hundred aud twenty-six pupils, about one-third of whom are boys. The pupils present yesterday numbered two hun? dred and eighty, and there was also a large assemblage of their friends an ? parents. The Rev. W. B. Tates, one of the commissioners o? the school, who had been invited to confer the prizes, was kept away by sickness. The other commissioner, Mr. J. W. Reed, was pre? sent, and kindly consented to make the pre? sentations. The exercises were opened by the superintendent, Mrs. Blair, with the read? ing of the 23d Psalm, and the recitation by the pupils and the teachers o? the Lord's Prayer. The singing exercises were next performed, under the direction o? Mr. B. Senior, the musi? cal dlreotor of the public schools, and were opened by the singing of the beautiful hvmn, "Nearer, My God, to Thee," with charming ef? fect. The following pieces were then sang In the order named: Away to the Woods; Song on Entering School; Joy Bells; Write Me a Letter lrom Home; Wandering Minstrel; Katie Did and Katie Didn't; To a Flower; With Humble Heart and Tongue. 'v. Alter the musical exercises the 'several classes were dismissed to taelr respective rooms, where they were examined In the va? rious English branches of education, la which the pupils displayed a very creditable profi? ciency. At the conclusion o? the examina? tion the pupils reassembled, and the follow? ing young ladles were oalled upon, without previous notice, to recite poetry, which they did in a very graceful and entertaining man? ner: Misses Laura Markley, Mary Ann Com? mins and Margaret O'Meara, Master Otto T. Corby next delivered aa appropriate valedic? tory address In excellent style. Mr. Reed then commenced the distribu? lon of prizes, preta c. lng that feature of the exercises wltb a few remarks congratulating the pupils upon their proficiency, and encouraging them to In? creased diligence in the future. Tae follow? ing Is the list of awards: First Class-Miss G. C. Withers, teacher 1st premium, Laura Markley ; 2 j, Mary Shokes; 3d, Margaret O'Meara. Entitled to honorable notice, Laura Daggelt, Joseph Kent, Andrew Clause. Distlngulsned lor good conduct, at? tention to studies and proficiency, Mary Ann Hennessey, Henrietta Stenken, Fanny Flck llng. Second Class-Miss M. A. Timmons, teacher -1st premium, Catherine Burch; 2d, Mena Lange; 3d, Mary Nunan. Entitled to honor ble notice, William Cordes. Cornella O'Brien, John Dunnler. Distinguished ior good con duot, attention to studies and proficiency, Eitz? Buse, Katie Dunn, Emily Meacher. Third Class-Miss Julia 0. Smith, teacher int premium, Mary Dunn; 3d, Henrietta Olden? burg; 3d, Otto T. Corby. Entitled to honora? ble notice, Kate Byan, Carrie Bunch, Annie Bmnlage. Distinguished lor good conduct, attention to si nd les and proficiency, Caroline Artope, Ellen Quinn, John Brothers. Fourth Class-Miss Carrie Smith, teacher 1st premium. Mary Byan;' 2d, Alice Veronee; 3d, Lena Kuesens. Entitled to honorable notice. Mary Delahunty, Ida Wienges, Wine fred Comings. Distinguished for good con? duct, attention to studies and proficiency, Mary Prescott, Annie Jackson, Lizzie Corco? ran. Fifth Class-Mrs. C. M. Hussey, teacher 1st premium, Ella Comings; 2d, Julia Sigwald; 3d, Annie StruBS. Entitled to honorable no? tice, Henry Brlckmao, Mary Conners, Gregg Creighton. Distinguished lor* good conduct, attention to studies and proficiency, William Hernandez, Maggie Hynes, Rosanna Wright. 8lxih Class-Mrs. Marguerite Wall, teacher 1st premium, Josephine Jacobson; 2d, Jose 8hine Grabau; 3d, Tenah Borger. Entitled to ooorable notice, Annie Apeler, Maggie Byan, William Flagg. Distinguished for good conduct, attentlou io studies and proficiency, Annie Willie, Kate Dunnler, Sallie Fickllng. Seventh Class-Miss Joanna P. Wyld, teach? er-1st premium, Isabel Corby; 2d, Maggie Dnnn;3d, Annie Behkoph. Entitled to hon? orable notice-Joanna Busch, Stephen Con? nor, George Slgwald. Distinguished for good conduct, atlentlon to ?tudies and proficiency, Adeline Sigwald, John Clausa, Jacob Heisaen buttle. Morrl? Street (Colored) School. This i nonunion held Its annual examination yesterday forenoon, In the presence ol a large gathering of the relatives and friends of the pupils. The exercises were ably conducted, and every one seemed pleased with the pro? ficiency of the scholars, many ol whom showed extra aptness in their studies. The ball was prettily decorated, and many proverbs, tend? ing to advise "the young idea," ornamented the walls. LIFE WITHOUT WINTER. afra. Stowe's Glowing Picture ot the Climate of Florida. Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe writes from her winter retreat In Florida to the Christian Union: We hear that the hotels and boarding houses on the river are beginning to be thronged, and no wonder. What is the use ol a glorious Union when one doesn't use Its choice ol cli? mates ? Snail people buy rocky bits of land on the shores ol the Atlantic and put up nouses ai the cost o? ten and twenties ol thou? sands for two mouths' summer bathing and neglect the better chance of a winter home lor aix of the severe months ot the year ? Every year as we come down we count new houses rising on the shore ot the St. John's attesting ihe progress of commonsense In this direction. Mauy a delicate consumptive, many a dyspeptic aud nervous invalid might be saved to u long life of enjoyment merely by dropping winter out of the category of thingH to be endured. As to the expense, two hundred dollars invested in an acre ot land, a simple Inexpensive cottage, would be speedi? ly made up In me cost ot luel ior a Northern winier. One lives here eo simply-the re? quirements of drtss and society are so lew, mar, even counting travelling expenses, lt Is a saving to be here, lt healtn and happiness are left out ol the question. The life of North? ern cities ls over-stimulated, and we really never know what lt ls till we come here. Then the whole hot, busy, anxious, running, racing, breathless North lades away Into the most graceful, pearly tints of blue distance. We feel almost as souls may that have passed the great river and turn to look back on tne shores o? lite. Allis peace. A thous? and anxieties drop like a mantle. Voices of hoi haste and mad hurry die In the distance. Slanders, gossips, scandals are things ot the past. Do the red birds understand them ? Not. one. Will the mocking-bird care for them ? Not he. When we write a great yellow but teifly, a living alr-blosBom is gossiping 'round the gilded wires ol Ihe bird cage. There Tulip and Opal and Rainbow are chip? pering each omer, and a bright-yellow canary is giving lessons to the three In operatic Bing? ing. What can be more beautiful, more dream-like, than the life ol a butterfly ? Does lt remember when lt was a poor crawling worm? With such ecelacy let us hope some poor, faithful soulp, who have crawled over one little damp spot oi earth, laithful over a few things, we burst forth when death breaks their prison. Fancy the poor soul who never did anything but make shirts for five cents a piece released and floating about In such ec stacy of Hie as this. THE NEW PARTY MOVEMENT WHAT WILL OCCTTR IF THE DEMO CP ATS LOSE CONNECTICUT. The Murderer of Charles Goodrich Another Song ot the Skirt-Burles? quing the Marriage Ceremony-An Ev? ni n g with a Popular Preacher The New Tribuno Building-Fechter'? Troubles. [FROM orrs OWN CORRKSPONDKNT.] Nsw TOBE, Marca 31. Tbere is really more la tbe new party move? ment than the '-organe" are willing to admit. The report lrom Washington ls that Governor Hendricks, ot Indiana, during his recent visit there, sounded not only Democrats bat Re? publicans ol prominence also, as to the ad? visability of creating a new party, combining the opposition to the present administration. As to the truth of this statement respecting the foremost Democratic statesmen of the West, I have no positive knowledge, bat I do know that a number o? aetlve Democrats In this city have a movement of the same kind in contemplation, and that they have the en? couragement both of Liberal Republicans and Republicans who voted for Grant and Dix last fall. Tbe plea these Democrats make In favor of a new party Is that the recent Btale and Con? gressional elections la New Hampshire de? monstrate that the Democratic party bas ab? solutely lost Its vitality. With the Credit Mo? bilier disclosures and the salary grab in their favor, they were yet nuable to beat a party with whlcb most honest Republicans are sincerely disgusted. In tbe election about to come off In connecticut, the Democrats not only have the recent scandals to assist them, but also the dissatisfaction of the New Haven Repub? licans with theil1 own State ticker, and yet lt begins to look now as If they will be unable lo recover the State. The apatby of the dead seem.i to be upon them. The new party advo? cates eay that lt the weak and rotten Repub? lican organization can defeat the Democracy under such circumstances, it is useless to hope for the overthrow of Giantism under the lime honored banner. They propose the formation of a party which shall be wide enough to take In the Democrats on ihe one hand, and on the other the Repub? licans who are dissatisfied with their own party, but who bave a prejudice which they cannot well conquer against the Democratic name. They propose tbe construction of a platform upon which ali sincere wishers for relorm may stand, and which will bave for its leading features opposition to tbe growing ex? actions of raliway and other monopolies, genuine civil service reform, free trade, local self-government-in short, war upon all tbe abuses which are sapping the foundation of the republic, and which the administration ot Grant either openly or covertly sanctions and fosters. It is hbld by these party manufacturers that li such representative men as Governor Hen? dricks, Oblef Justice Chase, Governor Sey? mour, Senator Trumbull, Senator Schurz, Gov? ernor Dix, Charles Francis Adams, Henry L. Dawes, Judge Jere Black, General Hawley, Senator Gordon, of Georgia, Senator Bayard, Senator Anthony and Oolouei Forney wonld act together in signing a call for a popular convention to set the ball rolling, that the movement would have dignity and strength eaough from the start to TnBure Its success. The result ot the Connecticut election next week will, doubtless, have a controlling influ? ence on the future ot national parties. The interest In the Goodrich murder mys? tery In Brooklyn has by no means abated. A touching story has been woven from the cir oumstanoes in the life of tbe woman who lb detained by the police on tbe cbarge of being accessory to the murder ot Mr. Goodrlcb. It ls ascertained that she is a working woman; a shirtmaker and a widow. She Is esteemed by her employers as a first-rate hand, and by hard and almost Incessant labor she has been able to earn the sum of three dollars and a half a week. From this miserable pittance she was expected to clothe, feed and pay house rent for a crippled father and Imbecile mother and two little obildren. Of conree she could not do ll. Charles Goodrich paid ber bouse rent and gave her money besides. Probably she never let bim know how poor she really was, for tear be would repulse her. Unfortunately lhere are thousands of working women In the same awlul condition lo our over-crowded cities. Who bas the right, asks a local Journal, to cast a stone at one ol them. If she barters a oaress for a loaf of bread to feed her hungry ones? Lucette Meyers, the woman whose crnel lite baa thus been bared to tbe public eye, is supposed to bave been wiih Goodrich the ; night, or rather the morning, of the murder. The latest theory la that one of ber other ad? mirers, a Jealous Spaniard, tracked her to tbe house In Brooklyn, and finding her with Goodrlcb, killed him. The frightened woman washed the blood from his face, and com? posed bis limbs decently and fled. It is to be hoped that the true cause of the murder will be discovered, for among the most painful in? cidents of the affair ls the disposition of some radically crooked-minded people to hint that the victim's blood was shed by bis own broiber, the Hon. William W. Goodrich. Tbis gentleman bad the misfortune, which might have happened to any ot us, to be the first lo find the body of the murdered man. There are fools who shake heads mysteriously at this circumstance. Brother Talmadge. of the . Brooklyn Taber? nacle, has created u fresh scandal by perform? ing a wedding ceremony on the stage of the Brooklyn Academy of Music, before a gaping audience, at fifty cents a head. What made lt woree was that the bride and bridegroom, and lhe attendant train ol bridesmaids and groomsmen, were habited In "old folk's" cos? tume; the men In long-tailed coats and knee breeches, and the women In coal-scuttle bon? nets and buBtleless gowns. Tae show was for the benefit of the new Tabernacle building lund, and doubtless the reverend gentleman Justified his course by the excuse that the end sanctified the means. But the secular press is handling bim without gloves for "bur? lesquing a sacred ceremony," and "bringing the marriage rite down to the level of a monkey exhibition." I was at the evening services of Tal madge's Church yesterday. He uses the Brooklyn Academy morning and evening every Sunday, until his new place of worship ls finished. The van building was crowded lrom the parquette io the dome by a very promiscuous, ana con? sidering tbe place, a very orderly audience. Dr. Talmadge eat on the stage lo Iront of the curtain, which was down. On one Bide there was a small parlor organ, over whioh Morgan, lhe celebrated organist, presided. The report? ers sat al tables In the orchestra. The audi? ence was furnished with printed copies of the hymns to.be sung. The services consisted of the usual einging and praytng and a sermon. The latter was the feature, of course. Any one who heard lt wonld not be surprised at Talmadga's power lo attract the masses. His style Is eminently sensational. He ' indulges in tragic starts and elocutionary pyrotechnics, compared to which Beecher eccentricities are tameness itself. But bis figures aud illustra? tions are warningly original; be runs over with anecdote serious and humorous, and his emo? tional poner is wonderful. He had half the audience In tears over a picture ol country home life. Then he bad everybody laughing at his deOant declaration that If any more couples were warning to be married In revo? lutionary costume he was ready to "put them out of misery." On dit that the new Tribune building ls to be au experiment in architecture, eleven sto? ries high, and crowned with a colossal statue of Horace Greeley; steam elevators are to make an easy and rapid communication be? tween ibe ground and each story, and tbe problem to be decided ls whether lawyers, brokers and persons using single rooms for busloess purposes eau be induced to go nigher thfn a fourth floor. The proximity of th? Tribune building to the new posioffice and tbe courts will render it desirable lor this class of tenant B. It ls further reported that tbe new building will cost three hundred thousand dol? lars, and be built of brick, with while marble facings. It will have a Mansard roof, which ls to be Incombustible, of conree. Among the departures for Europe last week were Mrs. Agnes Robertson Bouclcault and Signor Marlo, the once great tenor. Tbe vlsi) ot the latter to America cannot be called s success. He has outlived his popularity ai well as his voice. Mrs. Bouclcault makes s temporary visit only to her English home;sh? will return in the fall, and In the meantime Dion will play ma inen upucioiue? ?* ?WM*? Theatre aud elsewhere. ? Edwin Booth retires from tile management of his theatre after this summer, and Ms price will be taken by hie brother, Ju ni us Brutos, who has for many years been manager o? the Boston Th??tre. The trouble between Fech? ter and his creditors has not been settled, aal. he ls still outside the Fourteenth street Thea? tre, notwithstanding bis promise ?o ?.pen with a new version o? "Monte Christo" on the first ot April. Buller Duncan, Of Duncan, Sher? man & Co., sold the building to Fechter, and now alleges that the tragedian bas not, kept the terms of his contract. The matter has gone into the courts ior settlement.' NTH, I -. . - ? . . JOTTINGS ABOUT TBE STATE*' -. -The bar-rooms ol Greenville are closed. -Dr. H. J. Abbott, or Bomter, ls dead. -The Snmter Watchman says that tremen? dous efforts are being made to crush It down. -Mr. Wm. O. Calmes, of Newberry, died on the 34th ult., aged twenty-three. -The Abbeville Postofflce ls to be supplied with the new Tale Postofflce boxes. -The Marion Star moves into a new omeo next week. -Tne missionary sermon, preached by Rev. B. McDaniel, on Sunday last in Marlon, waa an able effort. ... a -Mr. Wm. S. Campbell, of Marlon, died ro CBDtly* -Hr. A. P. Jones, of Edgeileld, died in Columbus. Ga, on Thursday. . . " -The Western Union Telegraph Compeny bas established an office at Langley, B.ft1 ."^ -The Bev. Isaac Nichols, pastor of thc Bethel Baptist Church In Sumter, died on the 27th nit. ' _ -The Newberry press suggests a public park for that tewn. It also complains oi the lack of beef In the Newberry markets. -The lncorporotors ot, the Laurens and Ashe ville Railroad will meet ill Greenville on the 11th instant. *r -It ls attempted to restrain the sale of tba Wilmington, Onartotte and Rutherford Bail? road, on the 10th. -It ls stated that Congressman Elliott re? fuses to draw bis bacs: pay of ?Ive thousand dollars. Ia that so? -The citizens of Camden ba7e nominated the following candidates: For Intendant, W. 0. 8. Ellerbe; for wardens, F. J. Oaks. L. af. Boswell, William Deas, Abram Marks. -Mr. K. B. Tupper, ol Richmond, Ta., de? livered the oration belore the Andrew Foliar Society of the Soulhern Baptist Theological Seminary in Greenville. -The long piazza in iront of.the Cleveland Boase In Greenville bas been torn away, and a double eoe Is being erected In Its plane. -Pierre Bacot, ol Wlnnaboro',, respectfully deollaes the nomination for Intendant in tho coining election in that town. ^ -Tne English sparrows recently sent to Colombia by Senator Robertson, and turned loose In Sydney Park, have disappeared. .. -A defective flue caused a slight Ure at Rose's Hotel In Columbia on Tuesday. It wu extinguished belora any damage waa done, J -The residence owned by Mr. Wm. McNaull, and occupied by Mrs. Boyd. In Wlnnaboro', was Bet on fire and totally destroyed on the 26th ult. ; rfj -Judge Cooke at the recent term o? the Picken* conrt sentenced a man by the name of Durham to twenty-five years in the Peni? tentiary. He was convicted ol' manslaughter. -As Master Willie Parker, soo of Dr. Ed? win Parker, of Abbeville, was riding out with his mother and Miss Thomas, In that town, on Saturday evening last, the buggy broke, Injuring the two lormer severely. JflssLTho? mas, however, escaped injury. . -Mr. C. J. Houston, the assistant private secretary of Governor Moses, was thrown from a carriage on Tuesday, In Columbia, with Mrs. Henry Cardoso, Mrs. McKinney and Mrs. Elmer. The three last named were badly hurt. ' . . -The Jackson Literary Society, of Abbe? ville, was organized last Friday night, la Abbeville, with the subjoined list of officers: B. W. Cannon, president; L. C. Llgon, vice president; J. W. Boyd, crltio; 8. 0. Caeoe, secretary; T. M. Golphln, treaaarer; L. W. Simpkins, marshal. . -A hall storm of unusual severity' Laurens and some portions of Newberry ties last week. A gentleman from named place, who saw the effects of lt, says he never saw hall that descended with greater force. On the fields that bad been newly ploughed th i hail stones weat Into the ground several inches. They averaged about me jlza of a robin's egg. . . -Judge Sawyer and Huffman, In San Fran? cisco, admitted B. D. Bogart, altas Aulle Pugh, to ball In the sum o? ten thousand dollars. His trial was to have been resumed April 1. Pugh ls charged with being a defaulter In the paymaster's department. He oorreeponded tor the New York 8unT from Columna, two years ago, and was the author of the celebrat? ed "Uucie Joe Crews's letter.'' " . 'fX^'^r.. f-rt \. Receipts per Railroad ApiiTCIV -~<" SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. I ?? 410 bales cotton, 45 bales gooda, 75 _ 123 bbls naval stores, 3 cars atoes. Ho -_ I Agent, Q H Walter A co, A 8 Smith.' Bar o In A Parker, Wardlaw * Carew, Geo W Wilhams A co, Keach A Moflett, Mowry A Hon, W 0 Courtney \ A co, C. .unta A Wroton, W B Smith A co. B Mure A co, Baumeister A Zerbst, Steffens, Warner A Docker, J H Voller?, 1 renholm A Son. fi Willis, Street Bros A co. H Bui wintle A co, Knobeloch A Small P ? Trenholm. J fi Auger A ca, Capt Q W Bradley, W W smith, A B Mulligan, J N Hob [ SOO, A J Saunas, fi H Froat A CO. NOKTHIA8TXRN aAmpAp, 55 bales cotton, 71 bbls roam, 17 bbls spirits turpentine, cara lumber, iron, tobacco, mdsar Ac TO wm Johnsen, ti M, H BA co, w ?, w K Ryan, Wbilden A Jooes,E Welling, N ERR Agent/? Walsh, J F O'Neill, W K Byan, J Meyer, 8 * 0 Railroad Agent, W F hice, Bardin. Patter A co, S U R R Agent, Martin A Mood, J M Fredsbefg. i K Ad ger A co, SK Marshall * co, Manton? A oe, Wagener. Mon sees A co, Adams, Damon A co,'M H Frost A cu, T P Smith, Kinsman A Ho wea, W c linker ?i co, W 0 Bee A co, Howard A Bro, r T Chapean A co, Pelxer, Rodgers A co, oe?, w Wil? llama A co. Caldwell A Son, Mordaugh A Week* ley, W F Wie te rn, S Pass, T Oa tea dorff, J COS I grove, Bart A co, M Tries t, Tied ema n, Calder A co, and others. SAVANNAH AND 0HAKUST0N BAILHQAD. 8 bales upland and 10 bags sea Uland cotton, ! 38 bbls resin, 49 bbls spirits turpentine, ita bosh els rough rice, cars wood and lumber, mdaer ?an aries, Ac. To S Ford. J D Allman. M Barnwell, Reeder A Davis, L Seel, Singer Manufacturing co, Hardin. Parker A co, Stoney, Lowndes A co, H Klatt-? A co, J 0 H Clauasea, W O Bee A co, S K Marshall A co, J R Pringle A Son, Jno Colcock ' A oo, Pelzer, Rodgers A co, W A Boyle, Forward . lng Agent, Order, and others. . , Passenger*. " OS so Per steamer Dictator, from Paiatka na Jackson? ville, Fernandina and Savannah-i? Badland wife. D s H an ly, J S Gush man. o Van Brunt, AS Mn ta. 0 Bill, H Butler. C B Sthi?? HTTroTrn^T?SS Norris, Mr Spaulding aud wife, Mr Mathewc*?D c Qreenlear anti wife, J o SAiding-and wlr?Tor ide and wife, Mr situs, Q P Denney and wire, Mri Re tineen, Hon w up ham and wife, Oils .tuen, Mrs (Jerrard, P McCarthy, J BCoffin. 0 S Lay, A [ Sacke? and wife, Misses sacke?, Mr Cox and wife, Mr Clise. Capt J Rutledge, Mr Kenny, Mr Peters and wife, U Peters, 0 B sewell, wife, ehll Cren and nurse, Mr Clarke and wire, Miss Ran? ce!, and s on deck. ? Per steamship Georgia, for New Tork-MJss Seely and slater, P F Ford, Mrs KalinskL Mfxs Kulinskl, L Knunski, Mrs A Lamed, Mr and Mrs is A Tuttle, 1 W Byan, Mus M Powers. KnB k Bush aud three children, J u Houston. JW Mit? chel:, 8 Thomson, R 1) Dibble, E S Sanford, Jr, O 0 Holdt, C Fantn. P Kenny, J D Kennedy and son, E stuart, fi W Johnson, Frank Dawson, W fi Iiayne, Jas Kouidson, Jas Gilroy, E t>-Morgan,1A , Rumple, P Porter, J Coleman, Mr and Mrs J Sai? son, H Wilson, Mr Beoracto, M Solaot, ?J Kent. Jnu Finn, Mrs J ?nlffla. Miss Snlffln, Mr? -a T Briggs, Jno A s ni mn, J Goldsmith,. JE I" ' Mia" M Perrin, Miss B Gebbarl, Ulugl Mr Gebhart. E H Clise, G T David, Mr J Mathewes. Mr and Mrs Sacke?, Misa HQ saet eu, Miss Ella Sackett, E Van Brunt, Mr and Mrs HnaU, Bon W Upham and wife, 8 Wuhiuf ton. Miss Humer, Master Banter, s Johnson*Q kvlnr, D Mimo ids, J Collins. Miss A J ede .-son, SUBS 0 Kirby, M ra u oospman, H Williamson, P Hobarts, and io in steerage. ' . icu era I ftozirct. jS*\THE RELATIVES AND FRIENDS of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Thompson, and of Mus Charlotte M. Smith, and the members of ?h* First Presbyterian Church are Invited to attend}** Funeral of Miss ELIZA 0. THOMPSON, at^ First Presbyterian Church, at io o'clock,-?BB? MOENINO. __ I HORSEYl-Died, on JSSS^wSSSS? I * LIDS SOPHIA, ovnmja?^^gg?^ I Sophia w. Horsey, aged ? months and 13 dara. He taketh his young lambs home. .,