W&t ?j)?ilt?t0m Jails jfefeg, VOLUME X.-NUMBER 2179. ' CHARLESTON, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 9, 1873. EIGHT DOLLARS A YEAR7 IMPORTANT DECISIONS. THE BASK OE THE STATE BILLS AND 2 HE NORTHEASTERS R. R. VASES. f he United States Supreme Court De? cides the Bills ot tho Bank of the State Sot to be Receivable for Taxes-The Northeastern Railroad Company De? clared Subject to Taxation. [SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TH S NEWS. ] WASHINGTON, March 31. Ia the Supreme Court, the case of the State of South Carolina, ex relailone Theo. D. Wag? ner vs. the .treasurer of Charleston County, waa decided to-day. The question Involved In this case was whether the treasurer was bound to accept the bills o? the Bank of the Stat? of South Carolina In payment ol taxes, the allegation bein;; that the charter ol the bask made Its bills receivable for air-public dues. The county treasurer answered that these bills having been Issued in 1861, and In aid of the rebellion, were not a legal tender, and that tbe charter under which the bills wera tendered bad been repealed. Toe question was first decided by a jury In favor of the bank, but the Supreme Court of tbe State o? South Carolina held that the clause rvqulrlDg the State to receive the bills In pay? ment of taxes, was subsequently repealed. Tals ruling ls sustained by the United Stales Supreme Court, and the Judgment ol the Supreme Court of the State ls affirmed. Tbe Supreme Court also rendered its de? cision to-day In the case involving the liability o: the Northeastern Railroad Company to tax? ation. The decree of the State Supreme ( 'curt waa reversed, and the company was de? cided to be subject :o taxation. THE SITUATION IN SPAIN. . MADRID, March 31. The CarlUts have captured oerga, with Uve hundred prisoners. The Diario, of Barcelona, says that many other places must follow, as tbe troops are paralyzed by Insubordination, and are, therefore, unable to lend assistance to the Harrisons. Tue Carliste, after several skirmishes, continue to hold Repoli. The woman's meeting was a failure, and the Internationalist's assemblage proved thin. The The Federalist's meeting was orderly. A de? putation fias visited the mlulater ol the inte r.orland demanded the demolition of the mo EArchical-munlclpt.i'ties. The minister replied t.iat the govern un ni held uo power to over? throw regularly appointed city authorities. BARCELONA, March 31. The situation here ls grave. TbeCarltsts cave captured and burned Berna. Crowds tarong tbe streets, exclaiming loudly against the Clergy and the Carllst sympathizers. PARIS, March 31. The government is sending troops lo the Spanish frontier. NEWS FROM CUBA. HAVANA, March 31. The Yoee, de Cuba, commenting upon the abolition of slavery In Porto Rico, thinks that three years is too long a tim* lor the slaves to remain under the master's control. The Constancia says that the law is the best that could be procured under the circumstances. The Diario thanks the ministry for Hie inser? tion of the three years' clause, bul hub nothing inrLher to say. KEY WEST, Marci. 31. The Cubans have captured Meansville, an important point on the east coast. THE WEATHER THIS DAT. WASHINGTON, March 31. - Probabilities: For Tuesday In New England and the Middle States, ribing barometer, northwest winds, paitly cloudy and clear weather. For the lower lakes, winds back to south and southeast, with rising temperature, and followed by cloudy weather on Tuesday night, with lallinz barometer. For the South Atlantic Slates, tailing ba'ometer. southeast? erly winds and Increasing cloudiness. For tbe Guli States, falling barometer, southerly winds, cloudy and threatening weather. The area of lowest barometer will move eastward to Lake Michigan, preceded by southerly winda and threatening wer ther from Michi? gan and Wisconsin, south ward to Arkansas. Cautionary signala will continue at Wood's Hole, Boston and Portland, Me. * --"s?-- . . Sr AUKS FROM THE WIRES. -Dr. Josiah C. Nott, of Mobile, died yester? day, aged sixty-nine-. -A negro, with a pair ot mules, was struck t>y lightning and Instantly killed, last Sunday, )n Anne Arundel County, Maryland. -A small tornado swept over Philadelphia on Saturday evening, levelling tree*, fences, unfinished buildings, Atc, bmloJnriDg no one, . -Hugh Maxwell, a prominent New Yorker, and formerly collector of this port, died yes? terday. - It Is feared that the sudden rise In gold w.l) canse many commercial failures in New York. ' -Sontherland A Driver's saw mill at Edge ?j?d, Ky., was burned yesterday. LOBB $75,000. No Insurance. --Toe commissions to the Georgia postmast? ers have been withheld, pending theiuvesti tr. tlon of tbe question which led to the squab Li's In the Senate. -Post mas ter-General Creswell, with Sen? ators Howe and Cameron, will make a South? ern tour this Bummer to Inspect postal af? fairs. -A cable dispatch announces the death, .yesterday, at Keen Idstein, Saxony, of the widow of the late Jas. Gordon Bennett, the looDder of the New York Herald. -Mrs. Charlotte E. Smith, wife of E. Dela, field Smith, ot New York, and daughter ot the Pev. Gilbert Morgan, ot South Carolina, died yesterday. -During a service In St. John's Catholic Church at Trenton, N. J., yesterday, a panic wai caused by the breaking of a bench, and in the confusion about a dozen persons were crushed and more or less severely injured. -A government engineer bas been appoint? ed to survey the lands In the South sold lor direct taxes with a view to their reBioration to the original owners upon payment cf taxes, costs, Ac. -A negro from Alexandria, who is strongly suspected of having been toe murderer of Hahn, the Virginia oro ver, has been arrested la Washington. Circumstantial evidence ls veijs. strong against bim. JCXIINP* ABOUT THE STATE. -On Satnrday morning lost, the mill df.m of Mr. Taylor, In Lexington, about three miles from Columbia, was washed away. -Dre. Darby and Goodwin, of Columbia, successfully extracted, on Sunday, a tumor irom tbe face of Mr. Andrew Ramm, an em? ployee ol the Columbia Hotel. -Messrs. Swatfield and Porter, with Judge John Green, all of Columbia, while driving on Sunday, were thrown irom their buggy, and Messrs. Green and Porter sustained some In? juries. - - VALENTINES. For several years the valentine mania bas assumed such Intense virulence In England as to be regarded by.the unhappy employees of the posiofflce as the very blackest day In their calendar. Nearly 2,COO OOO packets contain? ing valentine matter pass through the post office on the 13tb and Utb of February, and tbe ratio of Increase ls double that of the Epnlatlon. There are three great makers rumel, Dean and Goodall. Kimmel ls the lamous perfumer, aod bis goods waft their iragTanoe far and wide, and turn, nasallv speaking, thousands of dirty postoffice pigeon boles Into Araby the blest. Messrs. Dean claim to have produced the most costly valen? tine ever made. This was executed to the order of the Queen, and was a marvel of the Illuminator's art, being also further enriched by feather flowers of the most exquisite de? scription. . These encircled some lines ol i ?-try by the late Prlnoe ConBort. and the valentine was sent to the Prince ot Wales on h's eighteen th birthday. Its cost bas not -iidivulged, on the principle, no doubt, that ? I je unknown ls always wonderful." TBE COURTS. Court of Common Pleas. The regular terra of Hie court, which was temporarily suspended on the 17th ol March, for the holding ol an extra term, was resumed yesterday. The only business done was the calling ol the equity docket and the assign? ment of the loliowiog cases lor trial during the remainder of the term: Henry B. Rice vs. D. C. Bbaugh; James Rose aud others rs. Jos. A. Huger; The Mutual Benefit Loan Association va. Marv E. Cun? ningham and others; Wm. C. Bee, executor of J. G. Shonibred. vs. Bmma A. Shoolbred and others; David C. Ebaugh vs. N. H. Guyton and others; McBeath A Bro. vs. M. A. Mc Ken ale a-ri others; Wm. H. Blacklock VB. John Meters and others; The People's National Bank vs. G. A. i r^ nh ol m and others; John C. Campbell vs. H. W. Schroder; Wm. Blake and others vs. Walter Blake. Jr., and others; Hen? rietta Hashagen aud others vs Therrsa A. Benton and oiuerp; Jas. Robb and Chafes T. Lowndes vs. Tnomas O'Brien ano E. W. M. Mackey; Hoffman, Brabham A Co.. vs. the Tradesmen's Insurance Companj ; Hoffman, Brabham & Co., vs. the Commercial Insurance Companj; John Fraser A Co.. Wm Carring? ton, Dewlug, Thayer A Co., E. Mills Beacu, the Bank of Newberry, vs. the Charleston Gas? light Company; Edward Greyson vs. A. ti. Goodwin; J. H. F. Vetoing vs. W. L Yenning; J. Drayluu Ford, executor, and others, vs. Mrs. Grange Simons, and others; Richard F. Lawton, assignee, va. Richard Roper, and others; E. C. Magwood vs. the South Carolina Railroad Company; Rebecca Jacobs, and others, vd. Jacob Barrett, and others; H. Matj Bot vs D. T. Corbin; Wltsell vs. the City Coun? cil ol Charleston; David Lopez & Son vs. the Charleston Boara ot Trade; David Lopez vs. the Charleston Board ol Trade; George H. In fraham, aHd others, executors of Wm. Postell ngrahum, vs the Savannah aud Charleston Railroad Company; Theodore Scot t,and others, executors, vs. F. Opdebeck and others. Docket No. 4, containing all cases that have been referred to referees, will be called on Monday next. United States Commissioner. Peter F. Browo and Abram Crawlord, col? ored, were bound over by Commissioner Por? te?os, yesterday, for trial on charges ol vio? lating Internal revenue laws. United States Court. Ia the case of 3. A. Abbott vs. Edward L. Wells, O-'neral James Conner commenced the argument for the plain liff and com inned with? out closing to Hie hour ol adjournment. Trial Justices' Courts. Edward Wright, colored, wa9 sent to jail for twenty days, yesterday, by Trial Justice Mo looy, lor stealing a pocketbook containing a lew dol?an?, from Bristol Ward, colored. A warrant was taken out. jestetday at Trial Justice Dover's office by Thomas Tlllinghast, the keeper of a restaurant at the corner of State and Chalmer streets, lor the seizure of the flying horse which was established a short time ago on Meeting street, for the salUrac Mon of a claim against the offner, who. ii is alleged, lelt the city without paying bia board bill. The owner had just returned with his horse irom Beaufort, 8. C. ."layer's Court. John. Washington, colored, for being drunk and dliorilerly, was Unod two dollara. Henry Washington, colored, lor the paine offence, was fined five dollars. H. Hall, for lying drunk In Hie Ptreeis, was fined one dollar. Joseph Yates, tor allowing his dog to run at large, and bl e a child on the sin-el, was or? dered to have the canine killed. B. Kelly, for being drunk au ! disorderly, WUB fined one dollar. Emma Moore, colored, lor acting In a disorderly manner, was fined two dollars. Ben Goff, colored, for belog drunk and disor? derly, was fined one dollar. John Brown, for being too drunk to take care ol himself, was also ? led on? dollar. John D >wling, for be? ing drunk and disorderly, was fined two dol? lars. James Doran, for interfering with the police, received Hie same punishment. E. B. Freelander and Patrick FinD, for being disor? derly and lighting, were each fined two dol? lars. WooleffPar8on and George Davis, lor acting in a disorderly manner, and attempt? ing to rescue a prisotier from the police, were Sued two dollars each. John S.mmoos, col? ored, for fast driving, was Hued three dollars. John C. Corcoran, for being drunk and disor? derly, was fined one dollar. James Bland, colored, tor the same offence, received the same punishment. The case of E. Wright, colored, charged with the same offence, and also with stealing money, was relerred to a trial justice. On he case of Charlea Bryan, colored, charged with highway robbery, the same disposition was made. George McDon? ald, for supposed larceny, was given his choice between thirty days in the House of Correc? tion, and paying twenty dollars' floe. BOTEL ARRIVALS-MARCS 31. Charleston. Horatia Sej mour and lady, L L Condert, New York; chas B Flak and lady, Massaohustts; Arthr Wright, New Brunswick ; F O O Goodrich a Ld lady, chicago: J K. Oamaway, Savannah; H L Kendall, Providence; John H Kendall, Bo-ton; S Hilles, lady and two children. Miss Cooper, chas E D?kes, Philadelphia; O K Stetson, Jr, T F Jeremiah and lady, Isaac Odetl and ls dy, BenJ Odell aud ady. Dr Worthington, Miss M Worth? ington, New York; A Gebhart, the Misses Geb? hart, the Miases Perrine, Dayton; Mrs C S Denny, Boston; CA Denny and ton. New York; OH Bogers and lady, Long island - H O Manning and lady, John B nih er and la