VOLUME II....N0. 133.] CHARLESTON, S. C., TH?RSDAY MOANING, 1?EBRUARY 33, 1866. [PRICE FIVE CENTS. The Daily News, LARGEST CIRCULATION Di THE STATE. LARGEST CIRCULATION EV THE CITY. sw '1?H.JAI r_*i8T OF LETTKKS re mainins: In the Postoffloe st the end ot eaoh week ls published officially Ix? THK DAILY NKW8 every Fri? day mornins. BY TELEGRAPH. The Cholera in a Vessel at Halifax. N.e. > New YOBX, April 9.-A di ?patch from Halifax, N. S., ? Mys the eteamer England, which had arrived there, has sixty oases of cholera on board, and that there had been forty deaths. Washington News. WASHINGTON, April P.-The President to-day sent a Message to Congress, recommending an extension of the time confe-red upon tho Southern 8Utes, tai aid in the extension of railroads, fer fire years. Election in Angnnta, Ga. ? AUCVSTA, OA , April P.-JAE. T GARDINBE was elected Mayor of this city hy one hundred and seventy-three majority over BLODOETT. New York Market. Nxw YOBS, April 9 -Cotton has declined one cent $ tb. Sales COO bales at 38 to S9c. ? tb. Oold 26. LATE NEWS. NEW OELEANS, April 5.-Heavy rains prevail In Lou? isiana. The races have been suspended until tho Tth instant Some large stables bavo arrived. There is a crevasse SOO feet wide above Baton Bouge, and many others, it is feared, are below. The whole country do> u to Bayou Plaquemlno will he submerged. It is feared that the bayou cannot carry off the water, and that it will extend do*n t> Bavou Lafourohe, the richest sugar and cotton lands in Louisiana. Crdvaas es are feared allover the State. The Levee Commissioners are sitting and acting promptly. They will build machinery and a bo it after Angara?r"B patent The contractors and laborers on the new levees have been dispersed. Western produce la lively and taken upon arrival. Mrs. Gainoa' suits are before the District Court Pro? scription and possession from twenty to thirty years ls pleal at the bar lu defence. In tho Methodist Conference, Bishop Eavanaugh pre? sided. Bishop Earry presides to-morrow. The business was nub-divided and Standing Commit? tees appointed. ? Many new members appeared t -day. Ibero ls additional baa news from the crevasses. The beaty TAWS continue, mid tao whole country is znv-ded, NHW OXXJCAM. April 6.-Crevasses continue to io oresie and flood the co an try. The weather ls bad, and. laborers are unwilling to work. In the Methodist Conference the Baltimore delegation was wa>mly welcomed. Speeches were made oongratu latlng tbeConfereace on Its unity aud efficiency. Dr. Deems, of the New York Watchman, a nd the Church was more vigorous and sound than ever before since the war ordeal Th: at $2 38 to $2 40. Corn activo; aalos 8000 bushels yellow at 75c. Oats firm: Bales of ?000 bUBhols at 5 i to 52c ; 1000 bushels Canada barley at $1-31. Whis? key dull. BALTIMOBE, April C.-Flour stotrty. Wheat firm. Corn active, and higher. Sales of White at 78c; Yellow 71c. Oats at 61c to 52c. Providions dull and inactive. Groceries firm Whiskey dull. Sales of Western at $2.25. Flax Seed at fi to $1.2>. MOBILE, April 6.-COTTON -Sales to-day 2300 bales. Middlings 3lo : sa es of 'he ?eek 10,400 bales; receipts of the we-.'k 6841 bules og ai st 7270 same time last year. Exports of th J week 22i0 bales Stock in port 72,229 bales. God 125 to 126ti. GALVESTON, March ?l.-Cerros.-Sales of tbs week 2600 bales. Middling 31c. in specie. Stork 13,500 bales. CHICAD \ April 6.-Flour steady. Wheat firm at $ 1.27 to $1.27 >,', and SC to 93 cents for No. 2. Corn flroi at 46@46c. for fresh N<\ 1; 4l@42c. for No. 2. Oais quiet at 26J??27c. for No. 1. Provisions dull. Mess Pork $25 25@25 5a Lard. I7\@18c. Livo Hogs $9.26@ 9.60. Receipts-3n00 bbl?. Floor, 3500 bushels Wheat, 14.600 bushels Coro, 5500 bushels Oats. Shipments 300? bbls. Flour 25,000 bushels Wheat, 2500 bushels -Com, 700 bushels O. ts. ST. LOOTS, April 6.-Cotton dull and tuicbanged. Flour ?nd Wheat unchanged. Corn lower, at 58@67c. Oats drooping at 33 i o'elook, the House adjourned. The Test Oath. The President sent to the House, on tho 6th. a mes? sage communie -ting tho recommendations of tho Secre-1 cary cf the Treasury and tho Postmaster-Qeueral in favor of s certain modification of the test oath, which will enable the Rovenue and Postoffice Departments co | be more efficiently administered in tho Southern S'ates, in ref-por se to a Senate resolution on this subject passed on Tuesday last. Postmaster DenUon replies that at no time sin cc tho report of December last, has any person ' been permitted to enter upon the duties ot any office connected with that Department, or r?crive any salary or emolu uenti of tuch office, who did not first take the I oath prescribed by actd of Congress, without alteration or explanation. The Civil Rights Bill. The following are che names of those who voted for | and against the final passage of tho Civil Rights Bill in j the Senate : TEAS.-Messrs. Anthony, Brown, Chandler, Clark, Connei-s, Cragin, Creswell. Edmunds, Fe. sendee, Foe ter, (?rimes, Harris, Henderson, Howard, Howe. Kirk? wood, Lane (Ind ), Morgan, Morriu, Nye, Poland, Pom? eroy. Ramsay, Sherman, Sprsgue, Stewart Sumner, Trumbull, Wade, WlUey, Williams, Wilson, Yates-SS. NATS -Messrs. Buckalow, Gotean, Davis, Doolittle. Guthrie, Hendricks U. Johnson, Lane (Kan.), McDou? gall. Nesmlth, Horton, Riddle, Saulsbnry, Van Winkle, Wright-15. ABSENT.-Mr. Dixon. [The names of the Republicans voting "No" sro in j italic] Fire tn New York. At 4.15 Friday morning, says the Times, a fire j broke out lu the rear basement a-teched to Bings' Din? ing Saloon, No. 237 Broadway, resulting in the tocal j destruction of cht bul'ding on Broadway, and the five fttory building, corner ot Barclay street and B-osdwsy, formerly known ss the North American Hotel Tbe | aggregate losses occasioned by this fire are roughly es rimsted at about (400,000, there being nearly sixty ] tenants in thc buildings def troy ed. It is believed thst one of the female servants employed in tho saloon, and | whi slept up ttiirs, has neun burned to death, she has not been seen sicco the fire broke out Seve- I (?Tal other persons Bleeping on tho premises had very j narrow escapes from death by suffocation. About 6 o'clock che same morning another firs broke out in tho premises No. .150 Fulton-street occupied by George C. Richmond, dealer ia boots snd shoes. Owing J to ?he infiunmttile uatu'o of the contents, tbs flanes I .pread with rapidity, and they oveafaiallj ext ndect to tho artjclntog MUldings, resulting ia tho total destruc? tion ot Nos. 146, 148, 160-and Ul Tbe flames also gained access to the mr of No. 202 Broadway, occupied on the first floor by Knapo A Sniffen, dealers in coth ing. This entire building waa ?Iso totally destroyed. Tb? aggregate losses occasioned by this tire are esti? mate 1 at $200,000. Nos. 144 aud 152 Fulton-street were I materially damaged by fire and water, as was No. 200 Broadway. New York Market. KO NEY HAUKET. The New York World, of Saturday, the 7th inst., men? tions that the money market is easy at five to six per tent, but the standing of borrowers ls scrutinized closely. Government bonds are dull and lower. Tho gold market was steady throughout the dav, ranging from 123},' to VII ri, and closlDg at 127% firm The lending rates were 1-1U, 3-33. and S'- The foreign exchange market was excited, and largo transactions were made st extra nc ranges in rates. The busloosB for tho racket la estimated at over ?2,000 000. Prime bankers' tixty-day sterling bills wero s >ld at IOCS' to 100.*; direct and from ?eeond hands at 106S ; Kood bankers'from 106 :? to 106>; ; prime commercial from 106 to lui;a : and good cotton bills from 105 to I05?f PHODTJCE BASKET. NEW YORS. April 6 - Corrow.-l"he market was quiet ard unchanged. Sales 3300 bales at 38c. for Middlings. BREADSTUFFS.-The matkot was better on tho whole, but active The common and medium grades of State and Wet-t? ern Flours were in good demand for Iresh ground, and very fi TU, but old Flours of all grades were null and heavy. Sales 8000 barrels at $6 75 to $7.15 for Supers; $7.20 to ?T.i.u for Extra State; (7 65 to $8.10 for Choice ditto; $8.15 to $8 50 for Shipping Round Hoop Ohio; $7.35 to $10.25 for Extra Western; $10.40 to $16.25 for Double Extra Western and St Louis. Southern Flour was dull, but firm. Sales 500 barrels at $8.60 to $0.65 for Supers; and $0 75 to $16 for Fancy and Extra. Canad* Flour was quiet and unchanged. Sales 276 barrels at $7.40 to ?7.90 for Common; and $8 to $11 for Good to Choteo Extras. Rye Flour was nominally unchanged. Corn Meal was quiet. Sa-es SOU bbls. at $3.60 for Jersey, and $4.10 for Brandywine. Tbe Wh-at market was rather firmer, with an im? proved demand from the local millers. Salts 32 000 bus mis a-, fl OJ io $1.67 for UUvaukie Club, including Old Amber, at $l,GG; $1 69 to $1.70 'or Amb?r do ; $2.40 for Red State; $155 for White Michigan: $2 OD to $ M?u for White Canada, the latter for very choice. Oom was firmer, buc tee advance checked by the ad? vance asked for freight to Liverpool. Sales 47,000 bushels Unsound Mixed at 73c. to 76c ; Souud Mixed at 77c. to 79c in st )ro and afloat; Jersey Yellow at 80c. to Blc ; Souther a White at 82c co 85c. Oats were quite steady and in fair demand; Ont no ad? vance was paid, except on small lots. Kales 40.000 bushels, including anadian, at 16c to 5Bc : Woftern Uu-ound at 40c. to 18c ; Statu at 60c. to tte, the Utter an extreme; Jersey and ?outnorn at 63c. t > 65c. Ryo wad quiet. Sale? 3u00 bushels Stato at 8')o. Ba. ley was dui! and unchanged at $1 to $1.2.' for State and Can -ula Wost. Pnonstoss. -Pork was rather bet'er than at he close yesterday, but without auimation Sals GODO b'ols at *J6forold moxs; $?5.87 ta $i6 f r now do.; $22 for prime; $27 for thin muss In uctf mess seller's options; prices unchanged. Lard was dull and heavy. Sales 700 bbU. and tierce* at I6.'? t > 17 cents for No. I ; 18 to 18}? cents for fair to prim? ?team, aud 18ii to 18,'i cents tor kettle rendered; the li'ttsr prie . paid also for 15u0 page to arrive. Cut Moats Were st-adv and wanted at ll to ll % cents for dry-Btltcd and pickled shoulders; 1C}? *? 17?* centB for drywalled and pickled hams. Thu eales include u lot ol long cu: hams at iBJj c -nts. Bic }? rents for ?hort clear. Beef was in good < emand and firm. Sales ('00 bbls. at $14 to $18 tor repacked Western mess, and $ 0 to $W for extra do. Tierce beef Is unsettled. We quote $30 to $03 for prime moss; $34 to $37 for India mess, with small sales in tbe range of quotations. Bet f hams steady Seles 250 bbls. at $37 to $'8 for Western. Butter was scarce and firm at 25c to 40c. for Western and Ohio; 40c. to 50c for Stato; 60c. to 53c. for Fresh Dairies und Orange County pills. Cheese was rather more activo at 17c. to 20c for Ohio ; 18.\ to 21c. for State; 2lc to 22c. for Factary-mv'n. COFFEE -There has been more activity in a general way at steady prices. Salts embrace GOO b^gs Rio, tx Hayden, at 15c , gold, ic bond: 250 bags Rt Domingo, 12 liC, gold, in bond. At Patladelphia. 1 800 'tags Rio, per Anea Welllngcou, 16c , gold, In bond; an t at Balti? more, 3,000 bags Rio, per Amazon, at 15c. tn i5 V . gold, In bood. Corras.-American Ingot is down to 29c . nd dull, laos-Is rather Armer; $41 to $42 50 American No. 2 and No. 1, and $42 to $43 for Scotch f 3. La AD.-Foreien Lead ls firm et 6>?c fo??r&??M. MOLASSES.-The market was stead;. and JjUMtHy active. A cargo of 312 hhds . ?0 tes Aba-JH^rado ?old at 53c. to G7Kc ; 135 hu^s. Porto 1 >|Ufflgsc .-> NATAL STonES -The maiiet Is very rroJet/?ajof pricea nominally uuobaogod; and the only feJto?!to note ia that Bosln ls tending strongly dowhwiiiL.. Spirits Turpentioo, 92>ic. to 93c.: Common Sbstt. 12.87 to $3; Tar, $Z60 to $3 for Washington aatf WiUonlgtDn billa. ?City Pitch, $4.00; Crude Tru-neBf* fE.W) to OILS.-Lubricating OUsaro very BCttcpu&$ta\'. but Linseed Oil ls In large supply and nJieetuedAWe quote: Linseed Oil, $1.28 to $'.30; Crude Whali^.ft25iCrnila Sperm. $2.40; Lard Oil, $ 1.75 to $1.80; GBAA041,1L69 Hi cz -The market was steady, with srUra^snd. Sales 700 bags Rangoon at 8;-,'c , geld, ia kofi, and Oe to 9,?ic , currency, duty paid. SS SCQAlia -Raws are moro aoUve at fulli?a^ ^Wjg 10G0 hhdg. at-TO'iOl?Sc for Cuba, and O^lbr??rttf Rico. We quota JTair Keflnlng to Good grocery Cubas, lOMtgUXe, Sales--sgso 2U0 boxes EM*M& 13XC. ; 6000 baga Peynambuco, lie. WinedSugars 4 TALLOW-IS drooping. Sales 115.000 si ;m?@ TOSACCO.-The market continues dull...'^Sales 310 bbda. Kentucky, Stfc @17c ; 50 cages 8eedleil,iXiv? por cent premiam from Saturday to Monday. Bankers, consequently, pre? ferred taking advantage of such quick turca, for the time, rather than invest in sterling sejoany days previ? ous to the sailing of a steamer. T? sales, notwith? standing amounted to 3000 bales at abduction of J?c, say 40Ko. for Middling Uplands. . /' On Monday the steamer City of Btrit arrived with Liverpool advices to 23d Instant, reporting a firm mar? kst on the Monday pre cod lng the departure of tho steam? er; but the market bocame dull, anda .'.id. lower cn Tuosdayand Wednesday, with sa'es of |$,( 00 bales for two days. Middling Uplands were rated at 19\ d. ; thia intelligence depressed oar market, ?nd rendered it dall at the opening: bnt as sterling ?as in more request daring the day. operators were influenced to offer better prices for the staple. About 3600 bales 'changed hands on a basis of 40@40)? cents for Middling Upland a. On ruosday the marget opened wi :h a fair demand for export at the quotations of Monday, which would have resulted In a large business, had sot the low prices obtained (accord lng to the printed daisi fl rail on) by tbs Government, at their auction sale cf 8003? bales, deterred operators, and led them to expect much lower prices. The sales footed np 3600 bales at 40 a conta. On Wednesday there waa a deaumd'framnxportcrs to fill orders; bat sa holders preferred to take the risk of another sUs?cnsr from Europe before "*?Mfg the con cei&lon demanded, few orders were exeoofed. Our spinners alsohave reappeared In market, as their stock has boen much reduced, and few are found to possets rashness saffloient to make contracts to thom for future delivery -at the present rates. Iho sales amounted to 2260 bales at 39Xe. to -10 'ic. for Middling Upland. On Thursday the advices per steamers Damascus and Cuba were received with Liverpool dato* to the 23d and 24th ultimo respectively, Thp Bro' ^rs' Circular re? pot ted sales cf 71.000 bales for tho- *?sk onding Wu-, nii'mn, tboxnaj-Loi cloging duli at tf?iA. for Middling Upland?, and vOd. for New Orb aus. On Saturday, m th ultimo, the market was '?d. lower; Upland Mtddll ps were quoted at 19,'.. d. The decline in prices was attri? buted ohlefly to the heavy Imports on Cotton (136,700 halos). This ruport, together wlti the dull rate ut Bier ling, caused holders ti mott the demand at reduced rates, and bales of 3J51 bales were effuoted at3S)?c. to 39.';d for Middlings, at which figures tho market dosed quiet To-day tho mirlctis more active, with sales of 3300 bales at tho following quotations : Uplan'U. Mobile. If. O. ;c.- 37c@37.se. Middling. 38c. 3?J,a 39c.@39>?c. Good Middling... 40;.:c. ile. 42e.@4l>ie. Tho rc coi pt j of Cotton, at the r-Tts of tho United States have been as follows; Bale/. Week ending April 4. 4 ?,100 Previously reported, since September 1,1866.. 1,528,000 Total since September 1. 1,670 OOo From close of war to September 1. 41G.000 Total supply. 1,986.000 The receipts, exports, and stocks, at the principal ports at latest dates, were as follows: Receipts Exports since Sept. 1. since Sept. 1. Stocks. New York, April 4.... 687,800 320,000 240,000 New Orleans, April 3..645,000 659.000 173,600 Mobile, March 30. 362.600 317.600 69,400 Galveston, March 24.. 143,700 140,900 16,700 Savaunah, darch 30... 181.800 143,400 14,900 Charleston, March 30.. 7O.?00 70,100 4.400 Apalachicola, March 6. 97,900 80,900 23.700 Total storks.542.700 [The receipts and exports include coastwise ship? ments; and tn the above figures some previous errors, based on telegrama, have been cometed.] Tho foreign exports have been as follows: From New Vork, week ending April 4-To Liverpool, 3779 bale?; to Cork, Ac. 1000 bales; to Hamburg, 863 bales; to Bremen, 35 bales; to Terragona, 225 bales. Total, 10 90 J bales. From New Orleans, four days onding March 28-To Liverpool, 13,061 bales; to Havre, 1931 bales. Total, 16, 4f 6 bales. From Mobile, week ending Match 31-To Groat Britain. 11,278 bales; to Prance, 7o86 bale?; to Bren:en, 270 bales. Total, 13,628 bales. From Savannah, week ending March 30-To Liver? pool, 6151 bales Upland. From Charleston, week ending March 33-Total, 4734 bales -particulars not gi von From Gal reston, weeli ending March 24-To Liver? pool, 761 bales.) mn Our market during tho woek undor review silely gave way from tho depressed condition of Bterling ox cango. Over 45,000 Lavo been oxported from tho United State? ti foreign countries during the past six days, amouutlng in value to the enormous sum of nine millions of dollars. Quito a number of our commission hoiiHOB prefcrrod to forego the execution of their ordure, which could have been reached in rainy instances to ac? cepting tiio lo v rates which banbors were inclined to oller. h?-uee the staple had passively to submit to each day's quoted redaction, particularly as many holders were instructed by their many cmsignors to sell, fear ru'that their reduced margins ml0'ht be wiped out be lore tho reaction take? pl ice. The receipts at a'l thu ports show an increase over our last state neut of iOoO bales. This ls as ire expected, tor Ked River has been at such a high stago of water during th'i past ten duyi that the largest class boats have ascended as far as dellerton, 1 esas, and brought down tery considerable load-. Ibo bulk of thia cotton (amounting lo about 60,000 bales) will be ont by tho middloor cul of this month. The next paint ot in? creased supply his oten from Memphis, were some '21,000 bales were stored up for higher prices, and uow IA being forced to New Orloons for sale, from the abso? lute necessities of tho c wnors. We must say we are at a loss where to buk for, or to expect, any largo amount of cotton, when these sourced of supply aro dried up. The stocks at he ports have decreased since last week nearly 30,000 bales. The Liverpool market has shown great strength in the foes of such heavy imports-sum ciont, wc think, to warrant us lu coinciding with many in the opinion that Cotton has "about touched bottom." Encbange on London, 105K'@U 6; Exchange on Paris, 5 36@5.3r>,'i; Gold 127J{@128; Freight per steamer to Liverpool, ,'id. S PETERS, CHAPMAN & CO., Cotton Brokers, 16 William street. Ibo latest reports from the Straits of Mackinac state that the winter has boen the coldest ever known there. The ice gets thicker every day. Not evan a crack Is to bo seen anywhere. Everybody thinks there will lo a late open lng, and lt will be the first of May before the straits break up. Til IA li BEFORE MILITARY COMMISSION. FIFTY-FIBST DAY. CIT AD KL, April 9,1866. The Commission met at 10.30 A. M., and continued the trial of JIXES CBAWTOBD KEYS, his eon ROBERT ESTS, and ELISHA BTBZM. The accused presented their defence in ?writing, which was read to the Commission hy one of their counsel, General J ma COSMES. To enable the Judge Advocate to prepare his reply, the Commission adjourned to meet on the 10th instant, at 10.30 A, H. From Washington. [Corrapondcnce of the Baltimore Sun ] WASBIKOTOH, April 6.-Tho political meeting of e?t. zens and sojourners in the city to-night will be held under National Union Republican auspices. In tbls re? spect, some of its Irienda claim that lt will be s counter? part of the meeting of the Sid February. The proclamation of peace ought to have the effect to conciliate the support of rational ?nd national men in Congress for the Pi seiden t's policy; but so far it only serves to enrage the Radicals, while the Republicans proper appear tobe indifferent to it. It is rumored that two distinguished Republican Senstors, who have not hitherto given any support to the President, will soon manifest a friendly disposition tow >rds his policy. Tho Radicals cannot keep the lead which they have assumed without alienating some of the Republicans, though thc majority of them have exhibited a willingness to succumb lo Mr. Sumner. I am persuaded that a majority of tho Senate will be quito willing to closo the present session about the first of July, leaving tho management of affairs in the hands of tho President. What conree will ?he President take, as soon as he ls released from the presence of Congress? I First, ho will rc nodol his Cabinet For six nv 'Uths. at | any rate, his appointees will hold their positions, and by the tim? the Senate rejects theso nominations, af? fairs will be so well arracged that the headless depart? ments can bs well managed by subordinates. Some offices of political Importance msy change hands, (hough L 'liing Uko a general proscripti n wi 1 be entered upen, unless some definite object can be gained by it. Again, the President may deal with th < exoluded States as circumstances may require. To some he may I restete the writ of habeas corpus Immediately, and aU | finally, before tho next session. . The present prospect is that the veto of the Civil I Rights Bill will be sustained. IOTA. I si roar ANT OBOES FROM GEN. TILLSOM nt GEORGIA. Tho foUowlng impartant order is from Gen. TILLSON, Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau in Georgia : BUREAU R. P. A A. LAND?, ) OFFICE ACT. ASS'T. COM STATE G KORCHA, ' AUGUSTA, GA., April 6th, 1866. ) [CIBOULAB NO. 1 ] 1. The Leglslat ire of this State having enacted laws giving person? of color "the right to moke sn 1 enforce contracts, to sae, bs cned, to bo parties and give evi? dence, to Inherit, to purchase, lease, sell, hold and con? vey real and personal property, snd to have full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security or person and estate;" and declared that "they shallnot be subjected to any other or different punishment, pain or penalty, for the commission of any act or offence, than such ss aro prescribed for whits persons commit? ting like acts or offences"-as appears by the act en? titled "An Act to doti no thc term 'persons ot color,' aud to declare the rights of such persons;" approved Match 17th, 1860-officers of the Bureau in this State wiU not hereafter cxeiclso tho judicial functions ronfern d upon them by Par. 7 of Circular No. 5, Berlca of lf66, from War Department, Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands. 2. The Civil Agents of the Boresu, appointed in com? pliance with a res lution of tho Georgia State Conven Hon, pasted October 30th, 1865, will continue to per* form tho duties and exorcise ?he suthoriry conferred upon them by Circular No. 1, Series of 1865, from this office;but all case* oxoeodlcg their j drtedlctiori. unless' otherwise specially dlractoa by the Department Ooua muudt-r, wiU be turned over to the civ" autborlllos of tho St a ta for adjudication. DATZ3 TTLLS3N. Brig. Gen. Vols., and A. A. Com's. Approved. J. M. BEACHAM, Brevet Maj. Gen. U. S. \., Com dg Department of Georgie._ ?S-Tht Friends and Acquaintances of .nrs. M. T. ALLEMOSO, ?ad hw SOD, the lato Lieut. AT.f7Ay. DER A. ALLEMONG, the surviving members of the Irish Volunteers, also the Members of tho Hibernian Society, aro respectfully invited to attend thc Funeral Service of tho latter, at St. Mary's Church, LTascl-strect, This Morning, at Niuo o'clock. 1* April 10 4W HIBEBNIAN SOCIETY.-THE OFFICERS and mombers of this Society are requested to assomble. This Morning, at Nine o'clook, at St Mary's Church, HaHel-street, to pay the last tribute of respect to A. A. ALLEMONG, late Secretary of the Society. April 10 1 TH03. C'BBIEN, Secretary. OBITUARY. DIED, on the 7th of April, 1806, at his residence Nc. 93 8nish streot, JOHN HOW8ENDUBF MARTIN, aged 44 years 10 mon the and 17 days. * SIGHT EXCHANGE ON NEW YORE AND LIVERPOOL BOUGHT AND SOLD. ALSO, GOLD COIN, BANK NOTES, 8TOCRP, BONDS, eic. GEO. W. WILLIAMS et CO., April 2 12 Nos. 1 and 3 Hayne street. MUTILATED CUREENCY BOUGHT BY P. H. KEGLER, Corner King and H as ol-stree ts. Fobruary 14 CHECKS ON KEW YORK FOR SALE, AND ?1TERLTNG EXCHANGE PURCHASED, BY CHARLES T. LOWNDES & CO. April 4 wfmlS A. CARD TO THF. Gentlemen of C?arlestoii ana Vicinity, TFIE UNDERSIGNED DESIRE TO INFORM THEM that they have leasod the second floor ol the bulld ingon the CORNER OF MARKET AND KING STREETS (known as the Adger building), where they have fitted up, in ovary particular, a first-clnss BILLIARD HALL, comp: bing Eleven Tables, from the n auulactcry of Urger*. Kavanagh A Decker. Those wishing to pass a pleasant evening in tho enjoy? ment of this game, canuot but help to find this thc cool? est and b*tt adapted room in tho City. A privat* SAMPLE ROOM is attached, stocked with the finest importations. Geutlemeu arc- invited to call and inspect for them? selves. L0RING & TUENEH. April 9 THE AIKEN HOTEL RE-OPENED. rJIHE SUBSCRIBER HAYING OPENED THE ABOVE HOTEL, RESPECTFULLY 80LICIT8 THE PATRONAGE OF the traveling public H. S BITSER, Proprietor. Alt ?a, B, 0., March 26 tutu* April 9 ?r.'AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE Charleston Board of Trade wfll be held at the Charlestos Hotel ?lah Boom, This Evening, at 8 o'clock precisely. As business of Importance is to be transacted, a punc? tual and fall attendance ls requested. By order of the President. JNO. B. STEELE, April 10 1 Secretary. tar NOTICE.-I HEB EB Y FOREWARN ALL persons from hereafter crediting any perron on my i vxonnt. ROBERT W. DISHER. April io tasatbS* KT CONSIGNEES' NOTICE-MERCHANTS* REGUL4R UNE-Schooner ENC HA STRESS, BEATCH roan Master, will commence discharging cargo this dsy at Adger's North Wharf, ail goods not called for at sunset will be stored at their expense and risk. WILLIAM ROACH, Corner East Bay and Adger's Wharf. April 10 I -x-:-__ mr CONSIGNEES PEE SCHOONER "JNO. B. MYERS," Cspt. YA J CLIAT, from Philadelphia, are hereby notified that she is discharging at Boyce A Co.'a North Wharf. All goods remaining on the wharf at sun? set will bo stored at expense and risk of owners. T. S. A T. G. BUDD, Agents, April 10_1_Boyce's North Wharf. ' ?-NOTICE.-ALL PERSONS HAVING DE? MANDS against tho eetue of Mrs. C. A. BU I LL, de? ceased, will render them, properly attested; and all per? sons indebted to the same will make payment to D. D. GRAVES, April 10 lamo3 Executor. MT NOTICE-ALL PER80N8 HAYING DE? MANDS against the estate of Mrs. AMY TURNBULL, deceased, wiU present them properly attested, and all persons indebted to said estate will make payment to WM. T. BUGER, At Na 253 King-8tre?t, April 10 tu3* Qualified Administrator. mr NOTICE ^I?T?:HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN three months fro?ktms date, application wiU be made for a renowal ?nKe foUowlng CERTIFICATES OF STOCK Issued In my nome, the originals having been lost during the passage of the Federal forces through Columbia, 8. C., In february, 1865, viz : SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY AND SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD BANK : No.-.-.a Shares. No. 1167, dated July 28,1854 . 9 Shares. No. 1103, dated August 18,1854 . 5 Shares. No. 1276, dated December 7,1854.4 Shares. No. 1605, dated November 9, 1855.10 Shares. No. 1047. dated June 4, 1856 .20 Shares. No. 2110, dited September 12,1856.10 Shares. No. 2574, dated August 6, 1857. 3 Shares. No. 3608. dated June 14, 1860.15 Shares. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY : No. 71, dated June 15, 1860.1 Share. April 10 lamo3 _P. D. GRAVES. mr NOTICE.-ALL PERSONS HAVING claims against the estate of NATHANIEL GIST, Sr., JAS. D. GIST, and J. D. and N. GIST, will present titeas, properly attested, to the subscriber. W. C. GIST, Exr. and adm. Jonesville P. O., Union Dist, B. O. " March 2 2mot? ny ESTATE W. J. JACOBI, DECEASED. AU persons havlog any claims agdnkt said Estate, win render tho same (attested) without delay; and thoras in? debted to the same will also make payment to NATH'X, . JACOBI, No. 41 Coming, opposite George-stroe* ^j^g E. HEBTZ, NO. 201 East Bay. ???sTTY W. JACOBI. March 21 stu6 Qualified Administratrix. mr NOTICE.-ALL PERSONS HAVING claims against the Estate of E H. RODGERS, are here? by no ti fled to present the same, properly attested, to the undersigned, on or before the 1st of May noxt F. S. RODGERS,) r,.?,!?? G. A. RODGERS,} Execu,orB' March 16_ftu8 mr NOTICE.-THREE MONTHS AFTER date, application will be made to the llmore Mutual In? surance Company for renewal of Certificate No. 183, for 16 Shares in sala Company-said Certificate having been destroyed or lost by the fire in Columbia. March 6 tuSmo CHAS- P. S HT ESS. mr CALHOUN INSURANCE COMPANY-DI "PLANTERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK"?ULLD1NG, NO. 133 EAST BAY STREET.-Notice is hereby given thatthis Company, having complied with the requisition* of its amended Charter, by authority of the Hon. Comp? troller General of the 8 tate, is now prepared to take risks on Buildings, Merehandlse and Produce on reason able terms. By order of the Board. March 10 8. Y. TUPPER, President ?* OFFICE CHABLESTOTTAND SAVANNAH RAILROAD COMPANY, MARCH 13, 1866.-At a meet lng of the Board of Directors, held this day, the fol? lowing resolution was adopted : Resolved, "That the President do cause the report of the meeting of creditors to be published in the newspa? pers, and that be, by public notice, request all bond creditors of tho Company to send to the Secretary a statement of the Bonds they hold, number, date and amount, accompanied by an acknowledgment of their concurrence In the recommendation adopted at th? meeting of the bondholders; and that they may he able to decide understandingly, the President do publish therewith a full and plain exposition of the condition and prospects of the Road, and the plan submitted to their choice." In accordance with the above resolution the holden of onendorsed bonds are hereby respectfully requested to forward to the Secretary of tho Charleston and Savan? nah Railroad Company, aa early as practicable, a state? ment of the Bonds in their possession, with number, date, and amount, together with an acknowledgment of their concurrence In recommendation adopted at the meeting of the bondholders. R. L. SINGLETARY, President. The Savannah National Republican please copy. March 15 ?3- HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER RENEWS THE HAIR. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE? NEWER Restor es gray hair to the original color. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE? NEWER Prevents tho hair from falling off. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE? NEWER Makes th- hair soft and glossy. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE? NEWER Does not stain the skin. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE? NEWER Has proved itself the best preparation for the hair ever presented to tho public. Price $L. ' For sale by ail druggists. Wholesale by KING & CASSIDEY, March 13 tulyr* Charleston,