Cjmrlistfltt Jail j pi^ VOLUME II_.No. 170J CHAELESTON, S. C., SATURO?Y, APRIL 7, 1886. [PRIOF. PW** nrc^jrPG Tile Daily IN ews LABTEST CIRCULATION JS THE STATE. LAE?EST CIRCULATION Ei THE OTT. ?ar THE LIST OF LE7TTEK9 re mainirx? tn the Poetoffico at the enU of each week ls published officially Ix? THE DAILY NEW8 erv err Fri? day morniiu. BY TELEGRAPH. Congressional New?. WABSIK?TOH, April 6.-Senator LAUS, of Kansas, of? fered a joint resolution for tho admission of the South? ern Stater to representation on the condition of re pudlating the Confederate debi, endr.ralng the F?deral debt, ann ullin g ordlnanoe of secerslon, and granting the right of suffrage to oolored perseus who pay a tax on two hundred and fifty dollars worth of property, and can read and write. He spoke of the necessity of imm?? diats action on the subject of reconstruction, t-> eave the Republic ui party. Tho Voto Mrssoze was ta\en np. when some sharp conversation ensued between Senators LAKE and M PW DZ -the formor endorsed the President with great vigor the discussion created onstddrablo sensation. A further debate ensued at 6 o'clock, but no vote was taken. The House of Representatives unseated BUOOES and voted in Do oas. LATEE. WASHINGTON, April 6.-The Civil Rights Bill passed in the Senate over the President's veto today, by a vote of thirty-three to fifteen. The excitement ls Intense. The President travjcmitle.l to Congress to-day, a com munication from the Secretary of the Treasury and the Postmaster Get eta!, suggesting a modification of the test oath; they shew the ?rest importance of suoh le? gislation, both tn a pecuniary and harmonious point of view, and the President earnestly recommends tho sub? ject to the early consideration of Congress. It was re? ferred to the Committee on the Judiciary. From If cw Jersey. TxKNTOir (H. J.J," April 6. -Theprobabilities are strong -that no Senator will be elected. The House has con? curred In th? Senate r?solution to adjourn tine die this morning, and both parties watch each other closely, and -the feeling is intense. From Canada. ToBOirro, Oaaada, April A-This city it oa the eve of another great exetomeat, in consequence of the pro? jected Fenian expedition. Kew Terk Markee. Nsw Tona. April A-Cotton beary, eales tuOQ bales at 88 to 39 cents 9 ft*.' Gold 37?,'. ?rowing Prosperity of Zioolsiana-A Snc eesaor to Bishop Polk. NEW OaniAMa. April 3 -The schooner Fanny, hence for Turks Ii-Ned, retornad with four feet of water in her hold and ba^f her cargo thrown overo -ard. The committee sent two months since lo look into the reported gu- rllla d?pr?dations io Morehouse and Cornall parishes, has returned, havlug found all quiet in those local 1 ties. The Red river navigation 1? excellent, and cotton boats art bringing down mutch cotton. A large number of Virginian* and Tennesseeans are here. The people of the bte Confederacy are ail trading with the South. The Southern Methodist Conference sluing* are largely attended The Episcopal Convontiou assembles May 17 to elect a successor to Bishop Polk Tho Grann Jory report all th* asylums lu a prosper? ous cordl?on. o attaining1 elx hundred orphan children and forty insane pc-sous. The Parish prison contains two hundred prlsoi.era. Thu week's m- r ul i ty was on? hundred and fou*. There arefew fevers, aud no epidemics. George P. Edmonds Appointed United States Senator from Vermont. M o VT 1'EL.T rn. Vr.. April 3.-Governor Dllllcgham has appointed George F. Edmunds, of Burlington, to the Senatorial vacancy ooo?slonnd by the death of Hon. Solomon Foot. Mr. Edmunds is a lawyer, and stands high in bis profes-lon. He liss been considerably lo pab lo Ufe, and was Speaker of the Vermont House of Repr?sentatives in 1857 and 1833. Ho Ieavoa for Wash? ington immediately. Attempted ReTolntlon in St. Domingo. Nxw TOBE, April 3.-St. Domingo ad'loei state that the Government or Pro-ident Bac*- hid hardy beeb inaugurated bef -re an effurt was made to overthrow and destroy lt. A r-vo!t h?d take.i place in tho provino? of San Christo al. and various towns, h ca 1 ed bv General Cabrot. Congress, which was in ses ion, promptly voted the men and me m H to suppress the revolt, and, by a few vigorous blow-, Ba--s hat defeste 1 and routed the rebels, and ot>r*inert the mastery in the revolt?-t dis? trict The renei leader, Gen ral < abroi, who had been prominent in placing Baez in the Presidential chair, bad at Ice J . ermlssiou to leave '.ho country. Sales of Government Cotton. New TOBK. April 3.-At the cotton sties hy auction 'to-day, on Government aooouut, over 3900 half s were soldat alric, to 4)*'". Middling Savannah brought the latter pnoe; gnod Middling Florida. 41Ko.; Middling Memphis and Nashville., 3c.*-ic., and Sea Island 87c. to $1.17. Coal Sale ai New Yorke. "NEW TORE, April 4.-An auction sa'e of 30,000 tons of Scranton coal took pisco to-day. The bidding was very spirited, and all was disposed of in ten minutes, at the following range of pri tis: Stove, $6 35 to $8 80; egg. $6 to $G. ?0; --rata, *S.95 to $6 VM; steamer. $5.95 to $6; lump, $5.82 to $6.87; chestnut, $5,50 to $5.69. The Markets. OtKOOncAXX, April 3.-FLOOB duU: superfine, $6.75? 7; extra, $7.75t?8; frailly. $9@9.75; and fancy, $10@ U.M. WHEAT dull, for No. J, $1,76(^1.80; No. 3, $L0t#L6& COBS less firm; mixed ?3f?&4. OATS dull sud prices declining, at 37 for No. 3, and 10 for So. L RTE nominal, at AOftf-S'c. WHISKEY dull, kt $ .'?5. PnonsioNS.-Mens pork, 200 bbls., sold at $35.35; bulk shoulders sold at lu i?. packed; nothing done insides. Bacon dull and shoulders at lija ; clear sides 16o. ; Lard at 18c, but held H higher. GOLD-126*4 .WW CLOVB8 SEEuin fair demand, at $5.30, and Timothy 45.50. CAIBO, April 1.-l.rvr bales of cotton passod hero for Cincinnati last week, 3i0 bales for St. Louis, 320 for Evansville, 360 for New Albany, aud 630 bales for Ne? -Orleans. CHICAGO. April 3.-Flour is steady. Wheat steady at ?1.23?;(.-? Jl 21 for No. 1, and 86 cents for No. 2. Corn rm at 43@43Ji tents for No 1, and 31 *t? for No. 3. Date are dull at 24 s onts for No. 1. High Winos are unchanged. Provisions aro entirely nomiua:. CB 3 p?, Ac. m SoaTirwEsTxas OEOBOL*. -The editor .ef the Columb is Sun, In last Friday's issue remarks : On our visit to Chattahoochee Court, this week. Where we spent t w? days, we mot planters from all parts of the county, and aomo from other o -unties, and on Versed ?ito tl em on th" lr prospects for making a crop, and as to the disposition for p?nticg a mlxea crop of corm and rotten. In ale ont every lnstano . we found plasters short of labor-anna cne-fourtf, somo one third, while some are short more than half their former force. Whde few thought they oouid soe no dlffdr->noe in the disposltl' n of their freedmen to work faithfully, the great m?jorpma ad rttpona^ndum, requiring said lntorested persons to appear before tho Court JAMES TUPPRK, Marchi s3 Master in Equi!-/. SIGHT EXCHANGE ON NEW TORE: AND LIVERPOOL BOUGHT ABD SOLD? V ALSO, GOLD COLN, BANK NOTES, STOCKS, BONDS, eic GEO. W. WILLIAMS a CO., April a 12 Nos. 3 and gHayt? street. MUTILATED CURRENCY BOUGHT BT X?. H. KEGLEB, Co nie? King end Hisel straf. February 1? . MOUNT PLEASANT FERRY. THE REGULAR TRIPS BETWEEN THE CITY AND MOUNT PLEASANT naring been reanmed, the fine -teamer ROCKLAND, Captain W. F. Adair, will rn as folla WB from Wharf foot of Markpt-atroet : qgnxifo xs? trers: Leave City at.r..10 A. M., 3 and ?X P. M. Leave Mount Pleasant at 8 A? M., 12 Itt and 6>i P. M. oar STO?AT. Leave City at..10 A. M., 1. 3, and OJ* P. M. Leave Mount Pleasant at 9 A. H., LS M., 2 and Bk P. M. March 17 The Horrors of Dyepepia And the dismal train of disorders to which Meads, ara averted bf .the nso of HOSTETTiB'8 Bf Cl BBS as a preventative, pr cured with astonishing celerity by its direct and nehiil operation upon the stomach, the liver, and the nervous system. The Shaking Martyrs Of Fever and Aguo, lustrad of being dosed for months with quinine, to the ruin of the genetal health, aro pro-Aptly set upon their feet again, without danger of a relapse, by this prompt remedy for ovary kind of Inter? mittent. Talton as asafeguard against miasma, it ren? ders an attack of Chills and lever absolutely impos? sible. *^ If You are Bilious, There is nothing that bwichss the Liver, the seat bf the malady, an quickly, and restores lt so certainly ta a per? fectly heal'by and regular condiUoa^aa-JEioax STOMACH BLITZES. ?* * **tUo?*? nabtt," tba tendency of your system to that form of disease may be leid in check for a lifetime by the occasional ase of thia Harmless vegetable antidote. After an Attack of Sickness, When the animal powers are exhausted, tbe poise weak, the mind depressed, and all the powers of vitality at? low ebb, there is no n storative comparable with th? BITTERS. They renovate every organ, gent y attenu? ate tbe drcnlatlon, improve the qnallty of the blood, :lear the clouded brain, and impart to the trembling n?rvea stability and firmness. Sold by all Druggists. - il_7_$_ et the World Look Here ! THE MOST MIRACULOUS DISCOVERY, BESIDES the most philanthropic known to man. Let tba vorld no longer Buffer and die for the witt of a remedy res, A CUBE FOB SMALL POX! LET SUFFERING HUMANITY REJOICE I LET the world be glad I The revealed cure for SmaU Pox will euro, In every Instance, from ten io fifteen days. Ita effects are im? mediate, and it acta uk? a charm. It ls purely a vegeta? ble compound l.lrecUona aooocopony each bottle. For Dds by PLUMB A- LE I TO Bu ?ssrossa*?.? / A. A bOLOMONB * CO , Savannah. V All desiring information must address 8. A. GRAY,. Proprietor, Waynesboro", Gs. For sale in Charleston by JOSEPH A. MORGAN. April 7_Imo MRS. WINSLOW, AB experienced Norse and Female Physician, Presenta to tho attention of Mothers her Soothing Syrup, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, Which greatly facilitates the process of Teething, br softening the gums, relucing aU Inflammations, wtl allay aLL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon lt, mothers, it will give rest to y ourselves, and Relief and Health to Your Lu?ante. We have put up and sold this article for over thirty years, and can say in confidence and truth of lt what tra have never been able to say of ?.? other medicine NEVEB HAS IT FAILED IN A SMGLE INSTANCE T EFFECT A CUBE, when timely used. Never did w know of an Instance of dissatisfaction by anr one wk used it. On tho co ni ra ry, all are delighted with Its ope? rations, and speak in terms of commendation of t?a magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter "what wo do know," after thirty years' expo* nonce, and PLEDGE OURSELVES FOB THE FULFIL? MENT OF WHAT WE HEBE DECLARE. In almost every instance where the Infant ls Buffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found In fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the faa HmiU of CURTIS k PKB? KINS, New York, ls on the outside wrapper. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Price only 33 Cents per Boltlo. For salo by KING & CASSIDEY, Fehraarv 2? flmo Charleston. ~aw- A MODERN MIRACLE I-FROM OLD AND young, from rich and poor, from high-born and lowly, comos tho universal volco of praise for HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR BENE WEB. It ls a perfect and miraculous article. Cures baldness. Make* hair grow. A bettor dressing than any "oil" or "pomatum." Softens brash, dry and wiry hair Into Beautiful Silken Tresses. But, above alL the great wonder ls the rapidity with which it restores GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOB. Use ll a few times, and FBESTO, CHANGE I the whitest and worst looking hair resumes its youthju beauty. It does not dye tho hair, but strikes at the root, and fills lt with new life and coloring mattar. It will not take a long, dlsagreeablo trial to provo tba troth of this matter. The first application wUl do good I you wlU see the NATURAL COLOR returning every day, and, BEFORE YOU KNOW IT, the old, gray, discolored appearano of the hair will be) gone, giving place to lustrous, shining, and beautiful looks. Ask for Hall's Sicilian Hair Rea en-or ; no other article is at all Like lt in effect. You will find lt CHEAP TO BUY, PLEASANT TO TRY, and SURE TO DO YOU GOOD. There are many imitations. Bu sure you procure tba genuine, manuJactured only by B, P. HILL & 00 , Nashua, TX. H. For sale by all druggists- Wholesale bj KlrVO * C ASSIDHY, .M:r-;h3 alyr ' Charleston.