CHAKLESTO?T DAILY yEWS....DECEMBEB 9, 1865._ only a kir n?ld to secure the viel vy. Here thc human mind goes forth unshackled in the pursuit of science, ? to collect.stores of knowledge sad acquire au ever-in orcas-.ngTnastery over the forces of nature. Here the national denium is offered and hold in millions u sepa? rate freehold ?. so that our feUow-ciltaeni, beyond tho occupant* of any other part of the earth, cottsttateln realitj: n'people. Herc exists the democratic-sTsijfKjf government; and that form of gi>verument, hythe ?Jon-^ fession ot European statesmen, "gives a power of whim no other form is capable, because it Incorporates every mau ?ith th" State, and arouses every .ling that be J ongs to the soul." Where, it. past history, does a parallel exist to the public happiness which is within thc reach of (he people 1 this dav may be able to transmit our great inheritance, "of State Governments in ail their rdfrbts, of the General Government in its whole .constitutional Vigor, to our posterity, and they to -theirs through countless generations V ANDREW JOHNSON. Washington, December i, 1SG5. THE STATE LEGISLATURE. 'FBOJI OCR OWN COUJAEsFOSDEST.] CoLorniA, December C.-I sent, to-day, a telegraphic summary of Message No. i of His Escelleucv the Governor. The Message ia d< il pr? ing of attentive perusal. It abounds in good sense and practical suggestions, and will convince tito most skeptical that thc man whom the- citizens of thc State have chosen to guide them through the transition state in which they now are, is eminent? ly worthy of the position which he is called upon to till, and that, though the task is difficult, if will be ably performed. Thc Message was read in tho House by the Hon. W. H. TsEscor, and is a follows : OOVEDNOIt'S MESSAGE. EXECUTIVE DEPT., SOUTH CAKOLIXA, i DECKIUIEK 5, HG5. t ' Qeidlcincu of the Senate and HUHS? of B*prt$ett(a-1 fices . It is my duty to "recommend to your considera? tion such neasurcs as I shall judge necessary or expedient." Tho messnges of the Provisional Governor, at your special and regular sessions, have brought to your attention many of the sub? jects meriting vour consideration at the prese nt time. Some, however, have not been noticed, and . others, in my judgment, arc of sufficient impor? tance to 1. o reiterated. Tue pee pie of the State arc not in a condition to pay the usual taxes heretofore collected, ahei bence thc necessity of omitting all appropriations which the eftici ,nt administration of the Government . does not imperiously rcqnir . The annual appro? priations for Free " Schools auel for tho Military Academy should bc suspended for the next year, ! and the "appropriations for tho College, for Public j ..'Buildings, for Contingent Accounts and Claims, I materially reduced. Put, with all the economy j that can be practiced to keep your State Govern- . meut in operation, it will require such a arni to I * meet necessary expenditures, as will be oppressive On tho people to raise. Thc Courts can not be ?opened if your Jtulges fail to receive their salaries. 'Tbs functions of the Legislative and Executive De? partments of the Government can not bo pe rform? ed it their pav is withheld. When you euail have dejtermi.ieu the you intend to appropriate fo: tho ilscai year, how can the money be raised to meet ttl It must bo done by taxation or loan. The' am oialous situation in which wc arc placed , precludes thc hope that any loan can be effected wi! renn ruinous loss. If this i.-., trotinen our only res turee is taxation. JJHsBr The Troasury ia empty, anda?Wv??i not bc pru,], imo it before the first of JuncB"TTow is your Gvtfm erunieut to be kept in opcrati snc'orse the bonds of thc Company, pledging "the 1 fait b und funds of thc State to the faithful perfor- j .manee of the contract." The bomls, amounting, to two millions of dollars, were issued and en-1 dor.sed, and will fall due the first of Janr.arv next ' The Company cannot pay the bonds, and the State isi unable, ut the present time, to make g. od .the endorse mint, lt is believed that the prim i :pa. bond-holders are willing to extend the deb .for twenty years longer, if the State will renew .he:: guaranty. Ihe State has a stainton- niort on the road; and upon its renewal Tre'eoni micnd that authority be given the Comptroiler -General or th" Treasoiy to renew the ciieiorse ment of the new bonds that mav be requir-d to liquidate tho old bonds. No increased Iiabiiitv on UM pa ? of Ute state will be incorrect, anti i may reasonably anticipate that, within the ne twenty years, the company can pay the hom ?principal and interest, and save the State hart ess on ita guaranty. I communicate, herewith, a resolution of tl Board of Trustees of the South Carolina Colley "recommending that the College be converted in au University. I heartily concur in the proprie o? tue proposed chango*. By adding to the pr sent profession-hips, schools for the study of la' medicina and modern languages, a thorough st entitle, classical und professional education mi be obtained by the yoong raen of the State. Tl increased number of students which it will attra will make the University nearly self-supportin and with an appropriation of seven hundred ai fifty dollars to each of nine professors, this vene aldo aud much revered institution may be contii ned.' it would be a reproach if such an ineonaii crablc sum was refused, and the tthaa mater MeDuflie, Harper, Preston, Legan , O'Neill ai Petigrn permitted to pass away and perish. ? I also recommend that the Board of Visitors i the Military Academy be authorized to change i organization, and, if possible, continue it a sei supporting institution. The building in Charle ton is adapted to thc purpose, and cannot be wc appropriated to any other object. Its occupath would, to a groat extent, preserve the prqpert from wast'- and destruction. With a competei corps of instructors, a practical education cou! lu- secured in loss time and at lesa cost than i other collegiate institutions, and the military foi ture in its organization would secure the habit i discipline so essential to success in all the pursui of after life. I am informed that there is a quantity of pm] erty of various descriptions, belonging to t? State, in different localities, which is wastin .or being appropriated to their own use byindivh uals. lu tito get eral wreck as much should L saved as possible; and such articles as may ni hereafter bc needed by the State should be co lected and sold, and the proceeds paid into th Treasury. An agent should be appointed, i it ful! authority to take possession of all such pitbl: property, and sell the same. Whore property hu been appropriated by individuals, the agent shoul be authorized to compromise with them; and if li cannot negotiate a just settlement, that he inst tute suit, in the name of the Stale, against th trespasser-in which action no stay of exceutb on judgment should be allowed the defendant This agent should be- compensated exclusively b commissions on all amounts which may be pai into the Treasury. You have been diligently employed, si.i jo yon meeting, in maturing laws for the erganizati?n r the militia, and fm- the regulation of the right and duties of freedmen; andi doubt not that yo will perfect your legislation on these subjects be fore your adjournment. Our policy toward th freedman should be kind and humane. If hi rights of person and property art? not fully am effectually secured by our local legislation, we can not huile" to be relieved from the presence of tin Military and Provost Courts. Tin; authorities o the United States will not remove their protecting hand from the negro, whom they have manumit ted. and in whose fr?edoui wc have acquiesced until we provide by our laws to give him full pro teetion in all his Civil rights. His labor is iv ees sary for the successful prosecution of the agrien] turc- of the State, and it will bc best commande! by making him cheerful and contented. I commend to your favorable consideration ap iiropriationa for tim support of the Lunatic Asy um. It isa noble charity, and thc energy am self-sacrifice of the Superintendent for the las nine months in maintaining, without any paoli contributions to its support thc inmates, entitle WM tu the proud distinction of a benefactor o his race. It is high time that the burthen shouli be taken from his shoulders and placed upon tin State. The eiestitutc condition of district paupers, tin dilapidation of public buildings, mid the negl?c and destruction of roads end brid?es, requin that ali the District Boards should be prompt!; and efficiently reorganized, and the law? govern ing them rigidly enforced. JAMES L DBB. In the House, to-day, a bill to regulate thc meet ings of the Court of Appeals was read for thc tirs time. If I heard tho bill correctly, it provide that there shall bo two sittings of the Court, om ?ril and one in November, but no case shal nd from any District during the sitting o in said District. "GR.JHAM intro.h?ced aejolutioiis Jojgo inte for ChancoUbrsMmmc*mate'ty aftcTfhc elec lion of L-w Juelges. The House agreed to this but as the resolution to elect Judges was not agreed to in the Senate, tho whole matter fell t the ground. Mr. MILLIGAN gavo notice of intention to in? troduce a bill to increase the fees of constables ii: certain cases. Mr. ELLIOTT gave notico of intention to in? troduce a bill to change tho pla?o of meeting ol the Court for Beaufort District temporarily. Mr. Ri'SSELL offered a resolution, which wat agreed to, to thc effect that it bo referred to thc Judiciary Committee to inquire into thc liability of executors and guarelians, and also as to liabili? ty for the purchase of slaves since 1860-said com mh>.ee to report by bill or otherwise. Mr. RrssELL said that ho doubted whether there was any remedy, but still it was eiuo to tho people that thu Legislature should express an opinion. A bill to appoint Commissioners for the Town ot Kirkwood was read a second time. Mr. BAKKEB presented the memorial of the South Carolina Railroad, which he asked to be referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. This me? morial prays that tho Company may, for the prin? cipal and interest of thc debt nov due, issue now five per cent, bonds, payallo in London; and that thc State take a mortgage of the funds and prop? erty of the Road, and pledge tho faith and Stands of the State for their payment, as they are pledged for the bonds dee in January, 18(J'3. He also presented thc petition of the Palmetto Savings Institution, praying act of incorporation under another; which was referred to thc Committee on Incorporations. Mr. DI.'UYEA presented thc petition of the Charleston Dreelging and Wharf Building Com? pany for au act of incorporation; which was r ferred to the same Committee. Tin- n port of the Judiciary Committee against admitting tin- hooks of planters and farmers in evidente, was laid on the table, and the bill taken up. when the Special Order was called for. Under this cal!, the bill to regulate the collection e.f debts was taken up for a second reading. After the reading of this bill, on thc question of seneling it to tho Senate, Mr. RlCHAHDsox, of Sumter, called attention to the fact that the bill had been un? favorably reported on. Mr. TALLEY then moved to lay the bill on the table for the purpose of taking up the bill to amend the Stay Law, which had been favorably reported on by tho Committee ; which was done. Thc bill was then amended, and ordered to be printed and made the special order for Friday. A stay law, apart from being unconstitutional the remedy certainly being a part of the contract is subject to au objection which it would seem would appeal to every debtor. It simply invites thc fui? ;gn creditor to sue in the Courts of the United States. If those Courts were closed, it would he a matter of worse thar, eloubtful policy. No restriction ever has operated other than to thc injury of those whom it was intended to benefit. .Justice to each has generally been fourni to be mercy to both. The rights of thc creditor should be as sacred as those of tho debtor; but with the United States Court open, it seems weirsc than useless to attempt to protect against your own citizen what thereby certainly becomes the pro? perty of a stranger. The State would, to-day, be far less indebted il' her Courts had been open du I ring the entire war. Thia is freely admitted many of those who now desire a similar law. D': i nor this fact prove that an expedient, not found on wise general principles, is apt to be injuriou If, however, a Stay Law of some kind must had, tho bill under consideration presents xs fi objections as any. It provides for taking jud mont and payment of part of debt and interc after lfcKG. The Emigration Bill of Colonel WAOENEB W then taken up and read for a second time. ( motion to strike ont the eighth section, Colon WAGENER made a poWfnl argument in defence the scheme, bringing out many facts known to b few in this State. At the close of his remarks tl bill was made- tho special order for Friday. COL. WAGNER'S SPEECH. Mr. Speaker: ."...*. Great necessities demand great exertions, ar great difficulties extraordinary rcschiiion. If thc) ever was a period, sirlSC South Carolina has been State, that demanded enlightened patriotism, i domitable energy atad fearless liberality in bi children, that poriodianow. Prostrated by a pn traded and devastating war; plantations despond cities in ruins; our Connor system of labor total disorganised; bereft tflcn of our stock and far; implements; nothing ?fems loft us but an abidit: faith in an ever kind flrovidencs and our own ni faltering d?termination to strive and do manful under every duadvsoBge unto thc end, till one more the "smiles of fortune and prosperity sha illumine our land. But wc must go to work tn deratandinajly. Thc root of ' -very human polity the industrial class. JFr-m it the State dem? nourishment and strength. Well organized an fruitful labor is a nevsr-failLig source of weak] and an orderly, frugal and industrious populate is the solid corner-stone of capital and po we Tlie prosperity of all communities rests or. tl: labor which extorts treasures from the soil < shapes them carefully afterwards. And its dcgrc depends on the intelligence r.nd willingness of th laboring class in doing ita work. Have vc tin fruitful labor and that iudustrous population Will the freedmen work steadily and with a brig! look to thc future rWill he savo and lay by li earnings, and pr?vido in time for the" waul of his family, and of bis old agc and weakness Will he strive, every day and every hom like the white man, to make himself a hom of comfort, and will he increa30 th solid resources of tho State ? We may not clos our eyes to the mournful fact, that our nnfortt nate revolution has recul ted in the total anuihih tion of our industrial system, and that the sprint from which formerly streamed our great prospei itv, has totally ceased to How. The negro, thu was once our laborer, and as such a producei has assumed other relations; he is for the women mostly a consumer; he was onco a source of prot pority, and he has now become a source o? irritu tion,"dread and calamity. It is true, there are ye hopes that the freedman, under a judicious syi tem of municipal regulations, may become one more useful and val?ame. I do not despair tba eventually such may bo the case. But I am no sanguine of our present success; and then, ca we afford to wait for him, when eager poverty i staring us in tho face? Should we not rathe arouso our dormant energies at once, and udop forthwith tho measures, which experience and th example of other States point out to us, as tu sure road to wealth, greatness and power ? I seems obvious that our upper and middle dis tricts will, in a few years, bo deprived altogethe of the sparse colored laboring population wliici the war bas yet left them. The freedman is pres sing down to the coast. The Sea Islands and tide regions will become his home; his aegira uniform ly points that way. Who shall take his place Shall our uplands remain idle for tho want e ?sufficient laborers? Do wo prefer to take th chances of events, or will ve not rather ourselve shape our destiny ? I may not pretend to greate wisdom than others, but I canuot hesitate to wari my fellow-citizens when I think I sec them on tb brink of a precipice. Let us not flatter oursell e that the days of slave-labor may ever more rc-turi unto us. Not one of us all understand the freedmai as he now is. Whoever attempts to work him a formerly, and trusts to realizcprosperity from hi services, will find, ere long, to bis bitter cost, tba ho is mistaken; and the golden opportunity mil perhaps, have passed awry, when a sure founds tion of comfort and riches might hive been luid P I pilli lt I* lS*| I Bill?' ' Ijjjiii be ri,, iot?'.',up..i the strength of this unfortunate hope, will surol; be sunk, and tho lands that aro now held unto si tenaciously, will be taken to pay for the deplora ble mistake. How much wiser will it bo, and hov much safer, to sell a portion of the land as sooi as possible, to take thc funds realized in that man ncr for investment in a smaller hut safer ant pleasanter business, and to build up, not onh every individual prosperity , but the fortunes of thi State at large ! If we examino the statistics of thc United States, we will fiud that the extraordinary growth ane prosperity of tho Northern and Western States if owing, in a great measure, to Enropean immigra, tion. Over five minions of Europeans have en? tered the United States, during the last forty years, to 1860. Add to thesei the children and descend? ants tbat have been born to them during thal term, and we can account for tho astonishing in? crease of the population. In ono of the Western 8tates the European population is fifty-nine per cent, of thc whole. If we examine further, we ahab" find that it is not tho old and elecrepid who emi? grate-nor tho very yotng, nor tho weak and sick? ly; but mostly a people tn robust health, of useful and energetic ago, with trill and courage to do, and with habits to prosper. It is true, indeed, that there are exceptions, but generally tho above description will be comet. I am not prepare! to prove tliis, by figures, ia reference to immigrants generally, but I nave h?d opportunity to cobed, from time to time, facts in regard to tho German portion of them, of which I may make mention. During the last month, 10,687 Germane arrived in the city of New York, ard these were all well-to-do people, with a few exceptions. It has been proved, by official information ol the German Emigration Commission of Berlin in? russia, that the German emigrants, on au average, carry with them in each about one hundred dollars each. In 1851. accord? ing to the official returns of that Commission, ll'j.OOO persons emigrated from the various States of Germany, taking along with them seventeen millions thalers in gold. In 1852, according to the same returns, 113,000 ptrsons emigrated, with a capita! of fifteen milhoi? tbalcrs in gold. Other yearly returns give us ai approximate estimation, and prove conclusively tbat thc immigrant does uoi generally come with an ?nipty hand. Besides, they generally come with a knowledge of a trade or some useful husmeas, alreadr educated and prepared for an active and industrious life;. Has any one ever caculated how much it costs to support and educate a person before lie becomes able to sus? tain himself and be useful to thc ?State? Much "f this large expense has been saved the American communities for their immigrant population. : Now, most of these area farming or mechanical : people, with health and strength und industrious I habits. May we not, then, admit that they ure a , source of wealth and prosperity to any State that is fortunate enough to furnish them a refuge and a home? During the decade from 1850 to lot'O, the eight great Western States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Missouri, gained, iii the valuation of their taxable property, the immense amount of nearly three billions of dollars! Into these extensive territories thc stream of European immigration has steadily flowed, increasing their population from 5,403,595 to 8,957,630 in ten years; and the quantity of improved lauds from 26,680,361 acres hi 1850," to 51,826,395 acres in 1860. Their cereal products have increased from 309,950,295 bushels Ul 1850, to 558,160,323 bushels in 18?U; their swine from 8,536,182 in 1850, !o 11,039,352 in 1800; and their cattle from 4,373,71:2 in 1850, to 7,204,810 in I860. The effects of this influx of population in in? creasing tho pecuniary wealth as well as the agri? cultural products of the States hi question arc, therefore, signally manifest. There was a time in tho life of our State when our favorite institution was held to be endangered by tho auvent of the European immigrant. But that institution is now and forever gone, never to be revived; an 1 the very ruins of it admonish us that it is high time to lay another foundation, if we would enjoy the blessings of peace and plenty as heretofore. ' And even if it were not so. Ido" think that the late war has demonstrated to every upright ami un? biassed mind, that the immigrant of the South has been as true to her almost ns lier native sons, and may be balled in perfect confidence and trusty faith, as a good neighbor, a worthy comrade and honest Southern citizen. This, I believe, I have I already proved on a firmer occasion and am ab Ito provo again by public rewords. ? * ? * iThe present most pressing necessity of the Sont "is an industrious laboring population, and indeei an accession of white ann to balance the prepoi iterance of the colored. Virginia has already take steps in this matter. Rer agente aro abroad an her invitation? in print. North Carolina, Georgi* Alabama, Mississippi, ?VC& invigorated, "am a thousand other things to be done before be rehabhation can be made complete. She has beei forcibly, wantonly, unjustly despoiled of the labo upon which her former prosperity was based, bu that cannot now bo remedied. She is at presen powerless to right h:r wrongs; but the time is no far distant when, by a wise. Judicious ase of tin means now available, she will recover thc materia status demolished by thc events of the last fou: years. Her wealth was great while its basis re maiued undisturbed. Slave labor w is that basis and that system being uprooted hythe will am power of the North, tho prosperity that grew fron it has perished. It is now a necessity with her ti establish another system. The moans to do titi: are within her reach; it remains for her to sa' whether or not they shall bo employed." Wi! South Carolina do it: Shall we follow the examph of the great, the noble mother of Presidents am heroes, of Washington and Lee? Shall wc folios the example of our Southern sister States? As ] solemnly believe that WO OOM and must do it, for out salvation and well-being, I pray to my God with HT whole soul, that Ho will so bless, enlighten a nc guide ns in our deliberations and counsels, tba' we may choose what is really good for our sorely stricken yet noble Palmetto laud. * * * ' If we find, then, that our colored population can not, for the present, bo depended upon for the re cuperatiou of the State; that our comfort, security ami future prosperity make it desirable to have industrious white immigrants come among us that we have resources to develop, lands toculti vate, homesteads to occupy; that wc want labor ors, servants, farmers, mechanics, artisans, thc grower of the vine, and thc man of capital am enterprise, to build mills and factories-if wt agree that we shall want all these, the quos tibi will be asked : Hov; shall wo get them ? Will the] come without invitation? Will they como without knowing the advantages we can offer? Will the] come without a fair prospect of prosperity? Ma] we not answer all these questions, beat and truest by asking ourselves how we would choose? Now Mr. Speaker, I refer gentlemen to tho bill be? fore us. Let it ht examined carefully. It is ar answer to these questions, as fully as answer cai be given. This bill is honestlv intended for thc hem-tit of the State, and, at thc same time, ti establish the prosperity of the immigrant. I wil. not pretend to say that tho plan is perfect-foi what work of man is? It may be susceptible ol great improvement. There may be many minds m this Assembly better able than mino to com? prehend and shape this very important legislation, But, to do so, it is necessary that an opportunitj should be afforded al, to fully examine what has been proposed. However, let us eeo. first, is thc State at present able to carryout thc plan? The bil will entail au expenso for the first year of about ?O.U?O dollars out of tho contingent fund, foi which, according to my calculation, we may per? haps obtain 2000 immigrants. It is true people are sorely afraid cf taxes; but would theswefusc to pay about four cents per head to carry\ut ar imp ? tant and beiieficiui measure ? I think not. But, said a gentleman in committee, thero are not provisions enough in tho Stato to feed oui- own people, much less the immigrant. I should bc jurre u. U4uk '.Clune may bc, grcat^los?tu tion in some parts of the State, but thore.certain? ly will be a surplus, in other parts. However, il that really be so, does not this very want prove, more than anything I havo Baid or could say, thc ?treat necessity of a renewal of our working popu ation? Do wo expect to behold a crop spriug from tho earth spontaneously? Do we expect to reap when we can't sew? Or do we expect that thc population, which has failed to make a crop, or to realize or to save it this year, will bo more successful the next ? Tho immigrant w?l make provisions for himself, or will purchase them either for cash or for an equivalent in labor. We should not entertain this objection. If our insti? tution of slavory had been in existence now, would any man have refused to purchase hands, if he was in want of them sud could have obtained them cheap, for foar of starvation ? Why should we re? fuse, then a better, moro available and cheaper labor for the samo reason, which, in truth, has no real foundation? Besides, is ?hero any pros? pect that wo will ever bo any better off under our present system? But I am not alarmed. It is tho duty of the State to provide for all emorgoncies, and I am thoroughly satisfied that our Stato will be fully competent to do so. Whenover South Carolina is restored to her position in the Union, and hor financial state? ment fully and openly made, she will be able, with? out ever taxing her citizens this year one dollar, to borrow, without discount or loss, on her own never-violated faith, any amount of money that she may Deed, not only for her poor and unfortu? nate citizens, but for all her projects of improve? ments and public ontorprise. Mr. Speaker, this State is not poor. She owes less than almost any other Stato in the Union, and she is immensely rich in her untainted fidelity, her bold and honest uprightness, and her proud scorn of all and every repudiation! Oh, noble Sou..h Carolina! pure and unsullied in thy gnat distress! Let thy sons but take heart and ao?ly breast the storm, and a bright beam of glory and greatness will illumine again thino own desolutcd fields! God bless thee evermore! Yes, Mr. Speaker, what South Carolina wants is not so much ;he means, but the will, the strong and manly determination, the all-pervading consciousness that the pasti-j irrevocably gone, ana a new world opening before us. When thc pioneer strikes his axe into the tirst tree in the western wilderness, to lay the foundation for his log-cabin, there seems to be endless labor and difficulty be? fore him. But his courage does not fail. And as the monarchs of the forest fall, the bright sun smiles upon his path, and behold, in a few years, his hume is surrounded with the blessings of heaven, and comfort and plenty reward his toil and determination. Thus let South Carolina strike thc axo of progress into her old prejudices; let her striko boldly and with a will for a new existence. She has immense resources; let her but will their development. Let her not hesi? tate for a moment longer, for note is tho day, now is thc hour ! The darkest minutes precede thc glorious morn. Whoever truly loves the Slate, let him show it now. Besides, in not every individual's prosperity increased by the succoss of this measure ? There are plenty "land-owners in this State of ten, even twenty thousand acres. What do they want with it all?" Why not sell a portion of it to the immi? grant, let tum cultivate it, help to increase our products and to pay our taxes ? Are 30,000 acres of wilderness worth as much as 1000 acres in small farms and high cultivation ? It is human settle? ment that gives value to the soil. Double the population, and we doublo the value of our lands ?na the resources of the State. Double our white population, and wo have double strength and secu? rity in every emergency. Slr. Speaker: I will not tax tho patience of tho House any longer. I have done. If I have erred in any of "the premises, I have the consciousness, nevertheless, that I truly meant it for the best of all. I behove I can confidently point to my past efforts as evidence that I sincerely love South Carolina, and so I shall continue tu love her and stand by her in weal and in woo, until I find my last resting-place in her sacred bosom. Tho House, on motion of Mr. HAKCKEL, \d journed to meet on Friday. The grave announcement that the Prince Imperial will hereafter dine with his mother, and not in the nur? sery, occupies s prominent place in the French Court journal. EEMOVAL OP P. EPSTIN ntoM 372 to 268 CORNER Kif 6 AND WENTf ORTH-STS. HHAVING BEES A CITIZEN OF CHARLESTON, Si C., for the last fourteen years, ana extensively ?gaged in the mercantile line, I now taite this oppor? tunity of returning my thanks to the public for the PATRONAGE WHICH THEY HAVE EXTENDED, with topee mr a continuance of the sams. REOPENING OP P. EPSTIN, LT THE WELL KNOWN STAND UNDER THE MASONIC HAT.!., KNOWN AS TUE OLD BAZAAR. 268, Corner of King and Wentworth-Sts. IMPORTER AND JOBBER OP FOREIGN, DOMESTIC AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 7HO HAS ON HAND AND IS NOW RECEIVING BY EVERY STEAMER, AT THE ABOVE STAND, A SPLENDID FALL STOCK, CONSISTING OF ; nASSIMERES, CLOTHS, BLANKETS, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, DELAINES, PRINTS, HOSIERY, 3LOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, HATS, WITH YANKEE NOTIONS. OF E-VERY DESCRIPTION, vud would invite Country and City Merchants to jail and examine my Stock before purchasing else? where, as I will sell them at the LOWEST WHOLESALE AND RETALL PRICES. P. EPSTIN. November 22 Imo !_CHEAP GOODS ! CLOTHING. HATS, SHOES, AT P. EPSTIIST'S, No. 37a King-street. MERCHANTS OF CHARLESTON AND DEALERS GENERALLY-I would respectfully c*U your at entioD to my Stock of the above named Goods, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, which arc adapted to all sections of the country, and which I will ?ell AT THE LOWEST WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PRICES. All are respectfully invited to call and examine my Goods,'both at No. 372, TWO DOORS ABOVE GEORGE STREET, and No. 268, CORNER OF KING AND WENT? WORTH STREETS. P. EP S TIN. November 22- Imo* K?TM?r? LIPR fl?t?E, FOR THE PRESENT AT FARMERS' AND EXCHANGE BANK, INFORMS HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC THAT he has returned from the North, and woald call the attention of his customers to the following celebrated brands of Ales, Whiskies and Gin JOHN TAYLOR & SONS' ALBANY IMPERIAL CREAM ALE Pale and Amber Ale ALSO, THEIR CELEBRATED BRAND OP ASTOR PALE XX For Fami 'y and Medical use, in butts, casks, and half casks, for Bottling and Shipping MASSEY, COLLINS Sc CO.'S PHILADELPHIA ALE (AND THE SOLE AGENT FOR CHARLESTON) Which will always be supplied fresh. Also, the following LIQUORS : OLD NECTAR WHI8K.EY-1840 OLD RYE WHISKY-1846 OLD BOURBON-X-XX-IXX HOLLAND GIN-fine quality. All of will be sold at small advance on former prices. Call and see at the house of the FARMERS' AND EXCHANGE BANK, EAST BAY. November 30 IB. FOLEYT No. 85 Market-street, CLOTHING, SHOE HAT S TOBE, \TTOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF OLD AND \V new friends to his fine Stock of OVERCOATS FROCK AND DRESS COATS VESTS AND PANTALOONS SHIRTS AND UNDER-SHIRTS DRAWERS AND SOCKS BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CAPS TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS VALISES, ic, 4c. All of which will bo sold at the SMALLEST POSSIBLE PROFITS. Call and see. November 30 IpTffTYlJPJJUTTY UP ! N. M. GILBEETH, No. 101 Market-street, j HOUSE, SIGN, AND SHIP VRTIST, EESPECTFDLLY SOLICITS ORDERS PROM HIS old and new customers. I GLAZING promptly attended to. PUTTY for sale. November 13