_? CHARLESTOlSr DAILY NEWS....DECEMBER 9, 1865. LOCAL MATTERS.. Auction S-?1rs Tills Day. WlLmm ?I- Son will ?ell, on tho premises Ne 4(1 Wentworth street, at 12 o'clock, thirty head of line Stock, including milch cows, springers and beef cattle. Gaiiiiikl Di:Witt will sell, at northwest corner of Spring ami King streets, at 10 o'clock, oltl Bourbon whisky, soap, blankets, kc. Dowrns A: Siurox will sell, at the foot of Laurens street, at 11 o'clock, a small sloop, suitable for a wood or oyster boat. T. Savaok Heywaiid ?*v. SoNs will sell, in front of Ihelr sales rooms, No. 12.1 East Bay, a lino saddle ami draft horse, und a carriage. Waiiolaw ?I: Caiikw will sell, in front of their office, corner Broad and State streets, at 11 o'clock, a line brood mare, a work mule, &c, ?Vc. We havk again io thank our esteemed young friends, M. M. Quinn it Bno., for late flics of Southern paport. Those of our friends who desire Georgia, or any of tho Southern or Southwestern journals, can find them at tho tip-town news depot. -o Wr. aue requested to announce that the following messages aro at tho Telegraph office, awaiting a better address: P. H. Moore, 8. Uolzman, J. W. Rouse, James Murry, James Roscuthol, Brigadler-Geuer.il J. 8. Littlefield, and Ben Wuntlsey, Sccrctury. Removal.?Mr. BnooKnAMKs, gas flttor and plumber, has removed to No. 210 King street, between Broad and Queen. """ -O At an extra meeting of tho Marion Fire Engine Com pany, held at their Hall on the 8lh of December, Mr. F. E. Miciiel wob uniDimously clccletl President of the company. At a regular communication of Pythagontan Lodge No. 21, A. F. M., held on Thursday evening, tho foUow ?ig ofllccrs were elected for tho ensuing Masonic year, viz : Brother J. G. MARTIN. W. M. Brother C. E. CHICIIESTEH, S. W. Brother F. HORSEY, J. W. Brother R. II. M?DOWELL,Treasurcr. Brother S. M. RO?AN, Secretar}*. Brother R. D. HOLMAN, S. D. I Brother T. N. SLAW.SON, J. D. Brother HENRY MEYER, Tyler. Cotton* Broker.?Our young friend, Mr. A. M. Mohe lanu, has established himself in this business at No. 5 Broad-street, where he will attend to all the duties inci dent to it, with his usual energy and promptness. There is a courtesy with this gentleman Hint catitllcr, us that all transactions with him must be of a most agreeable Und. Having had occasion to employ Mr. II. Blin, carpen ter and cabinet maker, No. 4 G Market-street, to make for The Daily News ofllcc several racks, standing galleys, and oilier things much needed, and which are generally obtained at the North, wo mention, for the benefit of other offices who may nceil his services, that he hos completed his work in a most faithful and beautiful style?tho ai tides being as finely constructed ns any we have ever seen, and reflecting great credit upon him as an artizan. Mr. Blin also attends to carving and turn ing. The Concert of Mn. O'Neale and Mrs. Bailet.? One of the most pleasant times that wo have ever passed, was on List Wednesday evening, at Hibernian Hall, where we enjoyed, for some two hours, the concort of these gifted performers. The Hall was very well at tended, and wo were gratified to sec so many familiar faces that used, in times past, he always present on such occasions, and whose appcaraneo was a guarantee of tho talent of the artists. Upon this evening, while tho per formers possess acknowledged aVillty, they both seemed to bo in better vol.ee than usual, and thore was a pleasing vivacity about them that created a general agieeability, wh|ch tended to improvo their efforts and increase the delight of the audience. The pieces selected showed great taste, and tho style and munuer of tho execution of all of them were unsurpassable, most especially the duett from Don Pas?oslo, which, we thiuk, could not be cxccUcd. We arc strongly under tho impression that another concert from these parlies, given at nn early day, would be pleasing to the public and beneficial to' tho performers, niul we beg that they will take the mattftr' into consideration. ll?>: ! The band of the 47lh Pcun. were in attendance, a?a, as usual, played delightfully. .0. Monkey Show.?Wo have been to what Is inlprppprly. called a monkey show; improperly, inasmuch as thoro is no monkey there. It is a sort of cosmoramic exhi bition, with n spice of a menagerical (if we may coin ft word) embellishment. Tho price of admission is 25 ccnls, and tho thing Is worth about one-tenth of tho money. This, however, is nono of our business; but vc arc going to speak of something that is everybody's business. Wo don't mind tho monkey-less monkey show in doors. If people arc fools enough to go in, it is nothing tous; but we don't approvo of grinding a squeaking hand-organ in the streets, attracting a crowd of apparently several thousand negroes, who obstruct tho sidewalks in their enthusiastic admiration of the horrible hand-organ. Have your monkey shows if you muBl. but "keep off tho sidewalks." The monkey show establishment is in Market-street, between King and Meeting streets. i Thuehdeli.'b Oysters.?We dropped in, yesterday, at the Southern Exchango, corner of Market street and King, for the purpose of .discussing the merits of some magnificent oysters, samples of which beckoned to us temptingly from the window After the discussion was ended, we mentally pronounced them first-rate, and drew forth our pocket-book to scttlo up. To our great surprise, the gentlemanly proprietor refused to take our money. Fearing that a counterfeit ahinpluster had crept into our possession, or that wo had, in mistake, mixed np our greenbacks with some relics of Confederate xnoifey, we examined tho cash. Wo soon, however, were made aware that, in tho openness of his heart and opening of his oysters, our friend intended to stand treat. This warmed our heart, and makes us take pleasure in chronicling the fact that the Southern Ex change is tho only place in the city where Truesoell's oytters are on hand, and adding, moreover, that theso oysters are hard to beat and first-rate to eat Von Santen's Bazaar.?This splendid establishment is now fully supplied with all those elegant articles that one looks for on the approach of Christmas, either to mako as presents to tho children or bestow, as gifts, to interesting young ladies. The boys, too, can be gratified to the fullest extent by purchasing any kind of fire works they may desire, and can agitate the nerves of grandmothers by the explosion of torpedoes, or please their own visions by gazing at tho different-colored fires that bursts from a fire-wheel. The grown people, also, can bo admirably suited with anything which thoy may feel a wish for, aud It will certainly exhibit a want of wisdom in any purchasor who may go out to buy, with reference to tho approaching holidays, and does not make Von Santen's Bazaar tho dopot for tho distribu tion of his funds. All who desire to furnish tho most perfect happiness at home, and seo their children with brightened eyes and smiling lips, rejoicing at the return Of anothor Christmas, must pay in early visit to No. 200 King street, tho present headquarters of the patron saint of tho llttlo ones. Pehsons subject to hoarseness and influenza, so annoy ing and troublesome, will find Marsden's Pectoral Balm n positive cure, pleasant to tho taste, and certain in giv ing relief. o ? Prizes them Highly.?Mrs. 8. A. Allen's World's Hair Restoror and Zyloboisoiutim 90 KING-ST., THREE DOOR-; BELOW WENTWORTH. NOW OPENING. A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL -HBortipcnt of... ,n,. I ?MSA! il1:: A' - * " __T SDCH AS " ' ? BOMAN CANDLES SKY ROCKETS PIN WHEELS TRIANGLES BLUE LIGHTS FIRE CRACKERS TORPEDOES, Ac. TOYS. TIN TOYS Wooden Box Toys chiim. Tea Sets Wax Babies, Rattles Magnetic Toya Mechanical Toys Noah's Artes . Sleeping and Walking Dolls Wax Candles Christmas Tree Toys . .* .1 Kitchen Furniture Parlor Sets ' Marbles, Masks, Ac, And thousands of other TOYS to meet the wants of Santu Claus, for his young and old friend*). CONFECTIONERY. SUGAR TOY8 OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, AND A most beautiful selection of Fancy Goods, suitable for holiday preaonts, such as < PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM8 Workboxes, Lady's Companions Jewel and Perfumo Boxes - ' China Cups and Saucen Genuine Meerschaum Pipes, Dressing Cases,' Ac, ko, AU of which are of the latest impor. atlons, and very beautiful and attractive. .. . City and country custom is respectfully solicited, and orders from the country, accompanied by the cash, will be promptly execute h Having been established in Charleston for over 15 years, in this line of business, I feel warranted In e&ytng, that, through my large experi ence In filling orders to all parts of the Southern conn try, and with my present large And weU selected stock, I am enabled to offer better Inducements to buyers, than any other house in the city. My Fire-works have Just been received from the factory, and are warranted fresh and of the best quality. -FIUB-D. VON S_AJSTTEN-_ NO. 290 KING-STREET, Three doors below the corner of Wentworth-street. December 7 3 REMOVAL. THAD. C. JO WITT HAS REMOVED HIS PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT TO _NTo. 69 ZMCeeting-street, NEXT TO MILLS HOUSE. December 6 ?3 REMOVAL. DANIEL H. SILG0X HAS REMOVED HIS FURNITURE STORE TO THE CORNER OF KING AND CLIFFORD STREETS, in t be spacious building erected by the lato Wm. Kn eten, ?xpresaly for that bneinoss, where he hopes to meet his former friends and patrons, and by strict at tention to business merit a share of their patronage. On hand and constantly receiving, a full supply of Cottap Sets, Parlor and Dining Sets, IN MAHOOAMY AND WALNUT. CHAMBER SETS. IN MAHOGANY AN I WALNUT. With every variety of FURNITURE, at the LOWEST CASH PRICE. 1 mo December 6 LD NKWHI'AI'lCi-H, LAR?K ANO SMALL Sheets, Northern and t?outbcrn, at 80 and 60 cent? per hundred, at this Otnca. October 10 JUST RECEIVED O- O. DUCKEB, No. 290 KING-STREET, -I AA BARRELS EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR JLUU ? bblB. Pork Head? 1 bbl. Pigs' Feet ir? cases Sardines 25 boxes Adamantine Candles 20 boxes Tallow Candles, 8's anil 0's 15 kcgB lresh Sourkrout (?omIuii, Pincapplo, Sago and Swiss Cheese. With a Complete assortment of One Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Soap and Starch, Family Beef and Pork, Smoked Beef and Tongues, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Salmon and Mackerel. ALSO A largo assortment of CANDIES AND CONFECTION ERY. For sale as abovo. 2' December 9 0HBE8E. BUTTER, LARD. OXES ENGLISH DAIRY CHEESE Firkins Butter Firkins Lard Barrels Flour Barrels Onions Barrels Potatoes Barrels Apples Boxes Adamantine Candlcn Boxes Hydraulic Pressed Candles Mackerel in kits and half barrels. ? . ALSO, A"-tic assortment CIGARS. * ? " F. CONNER & CO., No. 70 East Bay, Two doom south North Atlantic Wharf. December il 3 B Smoked Meats and Cheese. .TUST LANDED FROM STf-ASIER. BBLS. SMOKED TONGUES, EXTRA SIZE Bbls. Smoked Beef Bills. Breakfast Bacon Bbls. Family Hams. AND A lot choice IMITATION ENGLI9II AND DERBY CHEESE. For sale by D. PAUL k CO. Dccfmber 9 1 C?3??NAPLOATr~ 2TAA BUSHELS PRIME WH1TB CORN, LAND I \J\J 1NO from brig Alfred, on Kcrr's Wharf. ALSO IN ST011K: 1000 bushels BRAN 300 bales Prime North River Hay. With a well selected Stock of GROCERIES. Liquors, Ac. For sale by JOHN CAMl'SKN it CO., No. 14 Market-street, opposite State-strcot. December 9 2 SALT! SALT! "I I~\(~\I~\ SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, IN FINE lvvU order, and large sacks. For -ale by OEO. W. WILLIAMS k CO. December 0 3 10 WHISKY?TOBACCO. BBLS. OLD BOND BOURBON WHISKY 10 bbls. Mountain Dew Whisky 20 bbls. Rye Whisky 100 cases L'dolph Woolfe's Whisky 15 boxes Chewing Tobacco. For palo low, by T. SAVAGE HEYWARD .. SONS. . December 9 stutliO No. 123 East D*y. HAY! HAY! HAY! BALES EASTERN HAY, PER BARK TUS C/VNO. landing this day at Brown ft Co.'s ?Tharf, and for sale low from the Wharf, by C. SAHLMANN, December 9 2* Corner Reidond Meeting-streets. JUST RECEIVED, ~ A CARGO OF 8WEET ORANGE? AND PINEAPPLES, lino for shipping. Will bo 6old low at No. 85 East Bay, by C. MICHEAL ft CO. December 9 1* DRY AND FANCY GOODS. BLANKET?*, WRITE AND GREY TraveUlng Rugs Shawls Nubias, Hoods, Comforts Balmoral Skirts Prints, American and English Merinocs, Pnrplo-Bluo Brown and Magenta French Delaines Mohair Good?, Alpacas Do Bcges, Flannels Whlto and colored Rob Roye Fancy and colored Long Cloth Canton Flannel, Bird Eye Diaper Crash, Huckaback and colored Towclings Hosiery GloVcs, Socks, Handkorcbiefs Cravats, Ties, Scarfs Shirts, Linen and Merino Traveling Shirts Collar?;, T.ineu and Paper Cuffs, Ribbons, Ruches Velvet Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes Buckles, Belts. Ribbons, Waterfalls Lace Nets, Combs, Hair Pine Buttons, Trimmings, Ac. AND A FINE ASSORTMENT LADIES' AND GENTS' HATS, of the latest styles. In store and for sale by C. L. GUILLEAUME, No. 113 Meeting-street, December 6 (Opposite Huyne-strect) NOTICE. PATIF.NT8 WHO ARE SUFFERING Willi ftt?E? MATIOAL pains and swcUing?, neuralgia, tooth and head ache, gout, spasms, cough, asthma, quinsy, deafness, diseases of tho eye, contractions, jaundice, suppression of the menses, falling of tho womb, dropsy, piles, lichens, all kinds of skin and blood diseases, ner vousness, paralysis, epilepsy, dyspepsia, dysentry, diar rhoea, Bvor complaint, and all kinds of fevers, ought to try the natural healing art, culled Baunechcldthm, the Lifo Reviver, who represents tho most complete Apothe cary's shop in the best and truest sense, because tho ef fects aro warming, animating, relieving, and governs tho circulation of tho blood. In critical cases, for instance, apoplexy, colic, pneumonia, nervous fevor, cholera, yellow tever, trance, or apparent death, where we havo no time to ho consultative, Where the fact ought to bo instantly decided, in such circumstances this proves at once the Lifo Reviver as a saver of life ; therefore patients attacked with such critical diseases, ought to call in due time at the offlco of Baunecheidtism, and not wait until their physicians havo pronounced the case a hopeless one. Office and residence No. 9 Burn?' lane. Dr. J. O. LUDWIG. Decomber 0 lino* Profeielonal Baunrcheidtist. Mitti-I Like the Kerosene, aiter all ! KEROSENE LAMP- AND OIL, paper shades, chimneys, &c, &c.s &c. OPENED THIS DAY, THE LARGEST AND BEST selected Stocks of KEROSENE LAMPS, STORE BRACK ITS, CHANDELIER?, Hall Lamps, Lanterns, beautiful Parlor Lamps, German Studio Lamps, Nursery Lamps, with Patent Burners of either glass or metal, which the strongest draft cannot extinguish, and aro used without chimneys. These are far superior to any kind now used?give the most brilliant light, and, as the Kerosene or Coal Oil is not explosive, are perfectly safe. Paper and Glass Shades, Globes, Chimneys of all lizes, Wicks of all sizcp, Chin ney Brushes, Ao. The best quality DOUBLY REFINED KEROSENE OIL, without smell or smoke, always on hand, by the barrel, five gallon cans, and In smaller quantities. Old Fluid Lamps altered to burn Kerosene Oil, and changed into handsome Parlor Lamps; and in a few days I shall be prepared to offer to the pnblic "Patent Attachments," through which old Fluid Lamps can be made to burn, just ob they are, Kerosene Oil without Chimneys. A few of these I have already received, and can bo seen at the well known VON SANTEN'S ?BAZAAR, No? ?90 KING-STREET, THREE DOORS BELOW WENTWORTH. December 7_?2 j *,-' j r S ; Tbe American Lana Company, JOHN A. ANDKEWH.PUKSIIIEXT, CENTRAL OFFICE: NO. 67 BROADWAY,NEW YORK, OFFER8 ITS 8ERVTCE8 FOR THE PURCHASE, HALE, LEASE or EXCHANGE of City or Country Properly in tho South and West, or in procuring Work men, Superintendents, Tenants or Partners, from tho North or from Europe. Correspondents offering pro perty, will please forward description and terms. No charges made except in case of success. THURBER, SOULE &C0?, Agents. IjtiJ) NO. 4 STATE-STREET (UP STAIRS), CII VHLKSTOAi,S, C. {[November 3T 3mos AUCTION SALES, Uorse, Mule, H'i; I) Si MATIIEWES. On TUESDAY, 12th inst., at II o'clock, at No. lOGcorgc slrcot. One pair NORTHERN HORSES, well broken and fast movers. Ono Family Carriage, nearly new, and Double Har ness. One lino Draft and Saddle Horse. Ono Light Top Buggy, with Haruess. December 0 Damaged Soap. BY LAtKl-.V AND ALEXANDER. On MONDAY, tho 11th Inst., will bo sold, lu our Sales Rooms, Nos. 140 and 142 Mei.tlng street, at half-past 10 o'clock, 20 boxes SOAP, slightly dumnged. Conditions cash. December 0 Estate Sale of Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, Cloth ing, ?Or. IIY LACKEY AND ALEXA^DEIt. On MONDAY, the 11th inst., will bo sold, in our Sales Rooms, Nos. 140 and 142 Meeting street, at half past 10 o'clock, 1 case BOOTS 4 cases Women's Shoes 1 casu Children's lin?leos 1 ?-.?so Clothing (Pants, Shirts, kc.) ANll 2 cases DRY GOODS, consisting of English Prints, Hoop Skirts, Shirts and Drawers. Woolen and Silk Scarfs, Assorted and Plain Cloaks, Elastic Braids, ? ?c . ?Vc. Conditions Cttlh. December 0 :102 Bores Tobacco at A net ton. IIY L.YUREY ?Si ALEA'AXBER. On TUESDAY, the 12th Inst, will bo sold, in our Sales Rooms, Nos. 140 and 112 Meeting street, at 10 o'clock, 302 boxes manufactured TOBACCO, in flue order, just iuspo-'tcd, and freo of duty. Conditions cash. ff?r The Savannah Herald and Republican will please copy, and send bills as above. December 2 Desirable Residence comer Lynch and Wculworth streets. B? T. SAVAGE Hi: I W A it II AND SONS. Will sell, on THURSDAY next, the 14th inst.. at the comer of Broad street and East Bay, near tho Custom House, at 11 o'clock. All that valuablo und eligibly situated LOT OF LAND, and Residence thereon, at the northwestern corner of Lynch and Wcntworth streets. The House Is of modern construction, and contains 10 or 12 comfortable Booms ami all requisite outbuildings. Tho Lot measures 74 feet front on Lyneh-strect, by 113 feet G inches in depth ou Wcntworth-strcet. December 0 PRIVATE SALES. Dwelling Houses. ?BY WARDLAW ?Si CAREW, Corner Broad and State streets. At Private Sale? A new and commotlious HOUSE in Spring-street, con taining nine Rooms, with Piazzas and Pantries, all well finished, together with Kitchen, Servants' Rooms, Carriage House, kc, kc. Tho Lot is large und dry, hav ing a line cistern, besides a good well of water. ALSO, Several other HOUSE 4 AND LOTS in different por tions of tho city. For Rent? A valuable PLANTATION in St. Andrew's Parish, about r> miles from the city, containing about one thou sand (1000) acres, eight hundred of which arc cleared. There are 2.10 acres of Rico land, which can be easily drained, and the whole Is admirably adapted to the cul ture of Sea Island Cotton. ALSO, A valuable PLANTATION on Ashley River, about 20 miles from the city, containing 3300 acres of land, adapt ed to tho culture of Hice, Cotton and Provisions. This Plantation may be had either lor n consideration in money or for a reasonable share of the crop. December 0 stiith') Ilighlu Valuable Property. BY WARDLAW Si CAREW. Corner Broad und Stute Streets. At Private Sale? That valuablo PROPERTY, consisting of THREE LOTS on East Bay, opposite new Custom House, one of the most desirable locations in the city for Wholesale or Retail atores. The Lots arc spacious and in a quarter of the city that will bo certain to improve. Deccmbor9 _BtuthO Various Gitanees for Investment. BY TIIURBER, SOULE Si CO., Ko. 1 State street, *ap stairs. For Sale, at prices from $600 to $250,000? FACTORY and MILLS near Columbia HOUSES and LOTS in Charleston, Mount Pleasant, GrahamvlUe, Manning and Greenwood FARMS near Charleston, in Abbeville District, in North Carolina COTTON PLANTATIONS in AbbeviUe, Beaufort, Charleston, Clarendon, Colleton, Darlington, Fairneld, Laurens, Marlboro' and Orangeburg Districts, on Wad malaw and Edisto Islands, S. C, In North Carolina, Georgia and Mississippi - RICE PLANTATIONS on the coast MINING LANDS in North Carolina LIVE-OAK TIMBER at Bull's Bay. For Lease or Rent? FARMS near Columbia, and in North Carolina COTTON PLANTATIONS?Inland; 8EA ISLAND COT TON PLANTATIONS?to lease for from $2 to $8 per acre, or for shores of the crop only. MONEY WANTED, in sums from $600 to $20,000, on good Real Estate security, or as advances to experienced planters on their crops. II_December S A Fine Cliance for Investment or Speculation, tic. BY DOWER!* AND SILCOX. Will be sold, at Private 8ale, a number of FARMS, PLANTATIONS, HOUSES AND LOTS : FOUR SMALL FARMS, within twelve miles of tho City. THREE LARGE TRACTS, twenty-six, twenty-eight, and thirty-six miles from the City. FIVE HOUSES AND LOTS in tho Upper Wards. SIXTY THOUSAND ACRE8 OF LAND in South Georgia. SIX THOUSAND ACRES, in ono body, near Augusta, with fine RESIDENCE on it ONE HUNDRED LOTS, for small farms of Forty Acres each, in the gold region of Georgia. SEVERAL BUILDING LOTS in tho Upper Wards. Apply as above, at No. 240 KING-STREET. December 2 lmo Four Acres of Land, with comfortable Dwelling House and Store attached, in the Village of Fine ville, S. O. At Private Sale? Tho LOT contains four acres of land, three of which are well wooded; fine Orchard, with a choice variety of Fruit Trees, yielding abutdantly; Vegetable Garden, and well of excellent water. On the premises is a com fortablo Dwelling House, with Store attached within; nicely shelved and plastered. The stand for business is an excellent one, and being tho only store at present in the village, commanda special advantages anil lucrative opportunities. Society is select, and tue Northeastern Railroad runs within easy access. Capitalists or mer cantile men making Investments, or seeking profitable location at a first-rate business stand, will find their in terests promoted and meet with a bargain, by early ap plication at the office of tho undersigned. Delivery and possession given immediately. Property unencumber ed. Terms favorablo. Apply at No. 49 Broad-street (up stalra). ' TH08. F?RB OAPER8, Land Agent, Auctioneer ami General Com. Merchant. December 4 mwf 3 SOUTHERN ADVERTISING, AGENCY. ADVERTISEMENTS RECEIVED ON THE MOST reasonable terms for the LEADING NEW8PAPEB8 in the South. Specimen copies c?,n bo seen by applying to HORACE P. RUGO, P. O. Box ML No. 103 Mark it-street. Advertisers will do wcU to caU. September 23 AUCTION SALES, Saddle ami Droll Horse BY T. SAVAGE IIKVlVAKI) \M> SOXS. Win s-ll, this day, Mil inst., in front of our Hales Rooms, No. 123 Bast Bay, A line Saddle and Draft HORSE. ALSO, Twa ilx-m-it carriages, in good ruiitiing order. December '.' -? - 1_'-_L- . Whisky. Son/), Iffaulret?, Ac IIY UAttttlRIi DcWlTT. At northwest corner or Kluu and Bprlug-strccts, Til 18 DAY, the Olli Instant, at half-past, lu A. M . will bo sold, ? bills, and boxes of OLD BOURDON Wills KY ? boxes of French Family Soap ? lot of Bark (?rey Blankets ? Pants and Colts. A I.SO, A good SPRING WAGON Urouiuhiiits, Bough Rico, A*c. Unlimited articles received until hour of sale. December '.I * .1 .S';/ia<7 Sloop, ? *//// Sails and ?{?ovina, ,,,,,. . ',,Y '"?WICHS AND SII.COX. Will bo sold, THIS BAY. the 9lh lost., at 11 o'clock, . _?r.?? -S.**"! fo,)l"*' Lnuroiis-strcet. A SMALL S-.LOOP, suitable for a wood or ?lystcr boat, with good bails and Rigging-about four tons burthen. Conditions cash. Purchaser to pay B. k S. for Heces? tryp-p-ra._*_ December 9 BY MILLIGAN St SON. On TUESDAY next, 12th inst, at 11 o'clock, north of tb?: Exchango, wo will R?;ll, All thnt LOT OF LAND, situated at the southwest end of Caiinon-strcct, west of President, measuring and con taining 31 feet (i inches front, by 145 feet deep, m ore or less; with thn TWO-STORY WOODEN HOUSE thereon, containing 4 rooms and piazza. Upon tho premises is a good woU of water. Conditions cas-h. Purchaser to pay for papers. The above property can be treated for previous to day O* **** _ December 7 Estate Sale qf Valuable Real Estate on WeHlteot'th? shed, hi/ order of Hie Executor. I?Y II. IhlcCALL. On TUESDAY, the 12th day of December. 180!., at H o'clock. North of tho Exchange, Broad-street, wUl positively he sold at Public Outcry, for division amona tin* heir?, * All that valuable and eligibly situate LOT OF LAND and substantial two story BRICK WAKEHOU.SK thereon, known as No. 4fi, on I ho south si.le of Woutworth street, and formerly occupied ami useil by Sir. R. W. Guio as a Carriage Kcp.isit.iry. measuring and containing in iront, on Weiiiivnrlhslrcci, m reel 0 inch?!?, aiidLlO feet in depth, inoro or loss. ALSO, ALL THAT OTHER VALUABLE AND ELIGIBLY Situate LOT OF LAND ami twf Wclitwoith-strect, and opposite the above, tormt-rly oc cupi?*d and useil by R. W. Gal?* or ?i Carriago Repository, measuring and containing in front, on Went wort li-street, 33 foot, and 109 feet in depth, more or km.* Xht build ings au?l additioiiH covering tho entile Lot. The abovo affords an opportunity Of securing prominent and well known business stands. Sale positive. C'?ili:liti?)US mail?* known in future advertisements. November 2?I wfmfi?till House and Lot in Uitttftou, & ('. IS Y lt. Mi-C'ALL. On TUESDAY", Ihe Mth December, 1HC.3, at 11 o'clock, north of the Lxchaiige, Broad-street, will t?o sohl with out reserve, to the highest bidder, ALLTH?\T CERTAIN PARCEL OR LOT OF LAND, lying and being in the village of Blufften, S. C, and known on plat, drawn by W. B. Buckner, Surveyor, as No. 1, and formerly owned by Dr. J. Vf. Kirk, meas uring and containing in front, on tho east line, 175 feet; and 310 feet in depth, nuire or less; having thereon a two-Story FRAME DWELLING, of six monis, piazza, fee., a kitchen, smoke-house, carriage house audstublos, a good garden and lino water. Conditions cash. Purchaser to pay 11. McCall for pa pers. tutlisuituS December 0 hij order of the Administrator, and tcltlt permission of the Ordinaru. BY O-UiUU.N AHO Al'IAR. We will sell at Public Auction, in the town of liona t Pleasant, on MONDAY next, the 11th inst., ALL THE HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNI TURE. Also the contents of the QROCERY or VARI ETY STORE, the property of the late William C.nddehoy, consisting of Chairs, Tubles, Bedsteads, Clu-sts of Draw ers, Bookcase, Mattresses, Blankets, Ac. ARer the con tents of the Store ore sold, which consists of Tobacco, Culico, Handkerchiefs, Combs, Brushes, nncl a variety of other Articles, will bo told 13 head of Cattle, amongst which arc sonic fine Milch Con-s, with Calves. Also a good work Horse and Cart, Wagon, Ac. Also a lot of Lumber, Scantling and Board. Conditions cash. All articles to be removed imme diately lifter sale is over. thsm3 December 7 BY II. HI. MARSHALL. On MONDAY', the 11th inst., at 11 o'clock, will bo sold, before my Sales Room, No. 33 Broad'street, A large DRAFT HORSE, warranted Bound. ALSO, SUNDRY ARTICLES OF FURNITURE, a FEATHER BED, Carpets, Stair Rods, Bath Tubs, 1 set Chiua, Bu reaus, Si.lebo.inls, Ac, Ac. Conditions cash. December 9 t*ALk~<>K QOVKOMB_AMT MTIBAJIlfiHS. Chief QUAKTEID(A~T_-l'fl OFTICK, Df.p't S. C. 1 Hilton Head, S. C, November 13, 18(15. ) WUl be sold, at Public Auction, at this place, on MON DAY, December 11, 1805, at 13 o'clock M., under tho direction of Capt?la Vf. li. Morford, A. Q. M., the fol lowing Government vessels, viz: NELLY BAKER, side wheel steamer; 233 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 153 feet; beam 25 feet 0 inches; over all 45 feet ; depth of hold 8 feet 0 inch?-**; draft G feet 10 Inches; has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 32 inches; stroke of piston 10 feet; bus one single rotura due boiler. Has saloon accommodations, fnU promenade deck, and is well found In chains, anchors, Ac. NEPTUNE, side wheel steamer; 302 tons; wooden hull; length on deck HI feet; beam 20 feet 0 inches ; over all 45 feet 2 inches; depth of hold 10 feet Huinches; draft 7 feet; has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 42 inches; stroke of piston 8 feet; has one single return? flue boiler. This steamer has full promenade ?leek, fore and aft, and Is a good froight or cattle carrier. ONEOTA, double-end side-wheel ferry boat; wooden hull; 345 tons; length on dock 147 feet; beam 25 feet; over all 55 feet C incheB; depth of hold 11 feet; draft? feet; has ono beam engine; diameter of cylinder 88 inches; stroke of piston 9 feet; has ono doublo return flue boiler. This steamer has recently boon repaired, and is in ex cellent order and well found in anchors, chains, Ac. CROT?N, side-wheel steamer; 301 tons; wooden huR; length on deck 187 feet; beam 26 feet; over all 43 feet? inches; depth of hold 8 feet; draft 0 feet; has ono square engine; diameter of cylinder 37inches; stroke of piston. 10 feet; has one double return flue boiler. This steamer has been thoroughly repaired ; has salo cm and state room accommodations, Is woll supplied with anchors, chains, Ac., and Is vory fast. GOLDEN GATE side-wheel steamer; 195 tons; wooden ball; length on deck 148 feet; beam 21 feet; over aU 35 feet 10 inebe i; depth of hold 6 feet 4 inches; draft 6 feet (inches; has one beam engine; diameter of cyllndor 34 inches; stroko of piston 0 feet; has ono horizontal tu bular boiler. This steamer is in flue order; boa saloon accommoda tions, and is well found in anchors, chains, Ac. NANTA8KET, side-wheel steamer; 299 tons; wooden hull; length on deck ICO feet; beam 25 feet 3 Inches: over all 42 feet; depth of hold 8 feet 3 inches; draft 5 fees 6 inches; has one beam engine; diameter ot cylinder 34 inches; stroko of piston 8 feet; has one single return fluo boiler, and is well found in anchors, chains, Ac. MACON, propeller with two scrows; 323 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 156 feet; beam 25 feet; depth ot hold 8 feet 8 Inches; draft 7 feet; has two direct horizon tal engines (condensing); diameter of cylinder 24incheB; stroko of piston 20 inches; has two singlo return line boilers. RELIEF, screw tug; 68 tons; wooden hull; length oa deck 07 feet; beam 17 feet; depth of hold 7 feet; draft 7 feet 10 inches; has ono high-pressure engine; diameter of cyBnder 20 inches; stroko of piston 20 inches; ha? one single return flue boiler, and is wcU found In an? chore, chains, Ac. RESCUE, screw tug; 203 tons; wooden huU; length on deck 108 feet; beam 20 feet 8 inches; depth of hold 12 feet; draft 11 feet 4 Inches; has two low-pressure en gines; diameter of cylinder 20 inches; has ono singlo re turn flue boiler. Thisvc8sel is a powerful tug; is in good condition and well found in anchors, chains, Ac. GENERAL HUNTER, side-wheel steamer of 400 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 103 feet 0 inches; beam 2? feet 6 inches; overall 60 feet 8 inches; depth of hold 9 feet 4 bichos; draft forward 5 feet; aft 6 feet 6 inches; has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 40 inches; stroke of piston 10 feet. , . .... This steamer was built In Now York, and completed in 1803; is a vessel of beautiful model and high rate of speed; with hull, engine and bollor as good as new. Terms, cash in Government funds. C. W. THOMAS, NovemlierW_ Bvt. Lt. Col, and Chbf Q. M. ? T1?K 1IA?NWE1.L SKSi'PlNKL. THE PUBLICATION OF THIS PAPER, WHICH OF FICE was destroyed hi February last by tho Federa army, has been resumed. It Is tho only paper published in that large and populous District, and to merchants one. business men possesses advantages seldom met with. Terms for advertising, $1 per square of twelve Unos, or less, for each insertion. Subscription to paper, $3 per annum. Address E. A. BRONSON, November 22_Proprietor. Tilla Plias NIX, PUBLISHED DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY IN COLUM BIA, 8. C , by JULIAN A. SEL BY. Advertisements inserted at reasonable rates. The PH N1X has a huge circulation throughout tke npper part of tho BUte. November 24