VOL. I....NO. 71. CHARLESTON, S. C, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1865. .? ft -.: ? ..jt ?diZ T PRICE FIVE CENTS. BY TELEGEAPH. ... LIVERPOOL MARKETS. 3STE"W -STO.EIJB: lyiuAJElBlETS. v - Message from Governor of Kentucky. PASSAGE OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT BY THE GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. La(?T from Liverpool?Arrival of tlio Asia. New York, December 8.?Tho steamship Asia, from Liverpool on tho 25th, mid Quconstown on the 2Gth, has arrived here. The saloB of cotton for the two days ?ince the ?ailing of tho Hibernian, has amounted to seven thousand bales, Trith an unchanged market. CouhoIs arc 89J to 89$. United States 5-20's. aro quoted at G4.J to G4J. Liverpool Markets. Liverpool, November 2-4.?Sales of Cotton for the week, 100,000 balcB, with a Recline of jd, clos ing firmer. Middling Orleans, 20d. Qovornmont B-20's, C4J. Bullion in Bank increased -?70,000. Consols, BDj and 89{. Sales of Cotton on tho 22d and 23d, 15,000 bales. Broadstuffs moro activo, but downward. Provisions quiet and steady. London dates of tho 23d state: Consols, 89*@ U9j. Five twenties, 63i@64. Bank rate reduced to G. New York Markets. New York, December 6_Flour doclinod. Wheat declined 3c. Corn declined lc. Boef dull. Pork firm. Lard dull. Whisky steady. Cotton dull. Sales 1-1*19 bales at 50c. Naval stores firm. Gold, Hi. Baltimore Flour quiet. Sales 500 bbls. How ard-street superior at $9. Oats firm. Cloversecd, 8j. Sugar dull. Message of tin- Governor of Kentucky. r Frankfort, Ky., December 6.?Tho Governor's Message bas been received. It eulogizes the spirit which prompted the valor of Kentucky soldiers in tho Federal armies, and recommends the organiza tion of companies to tanpport the civil authority; and leaves the solution of the question, what to do with tho negro, to timo; and encourages im migration of a superior class of laborers. ~PaS4ngc of the Constitutional Amendment i>> the Legislature of Georgia. Washington, December 6.?Tho President has Jrecoived a dispatch, dated Milledgevillo, Ga., to day, from Gov. Johnson, informing him that the Legislature has passed the anti-slavery constitu tional amendment, and will pasa laws amply pro tecting the freedmon in their rights of person and property, and will allow thorn to testify in oases in which they may be interested. 1111 -**-*-****** Public Meeting of Plantera of Marlboro' District. [BBPOBTED FOR THE CHABLESTON DAILY NEWS.] At a meeting- of the Planters of this District, hold at Bonncttsvillu on Salo Day, Mr. Z. A. Drake tras called to the Chair, and Capt. Frank: Matjry requested to act as Secretary. On motion, a Committee of one from each Beat Company was appointed to prepare business for the consideration of the meeting. Tho Committee "tras composed of tho following gentlemen : Col. -John W. Harrington, John W. Btubbs,- A. G. -Johnson, P. II. Hakeb, J. H. Lane, J. A. McRae, B. B. Mr Call, and P. H. Rogers. Tho Committee, after consultation, reported the .following resolutions, which were adopted : Resolved, That tho withdrawal of tho military : from the State, at the earliest possible period, ?b tho beat measure to secure, on a basiB lasting, -sure and satisfactory to both freedmon and planters, the relations existing between thorn. Resolved, That such a measure would be accom panied with less confusion and difficulty than any . other, and that,'having pledged ourselves by tho oath qf allegiance to recognize the existing state of things, we do not hesitate to say that it is our honest purpose to abide thereby. Resolved, That if inconsistent with the views of .?the authorities to remove the military, wo express : the opinion that the plan of the military to compel the freedman to contract with his former owner, "when desired by the latter, is wise, prudent, and .absolutely necessary. 'Resolved, That we, the planters of the District, pledge ourselves not to contract with any freed xnan unless he can produco a certificate of regular discharge from his former owner. Besotted, That under no circumstances whatao ever will we rent land to any freodmen, nor will -we permit them to livo on our premises as em .ploycoa. Resolved, That no system can be dovised for tho present which can secure success, where tho dis cipline and management of the freedman is on tiroly taken out of the hands of the planter, and we invoke tho authorities to recognize this fact, which cannot but be apparent to them. Resolved, That wo request tho military to coaso tho habit of making negroes act as couriers, sher iffs and constables to servo write and notices upon planters?a system so destructive to good order and disciplino. Resolved. That wo call on our young men to fill up tho military companies now organized in the district, not only to preserve order and quiet, hut the lives of tho weak and unprotected, seriously threatened undes the existing atato ot affairs. Resolved. That these proceedings bo published in the papers of Charleston; that a copy do ?ntto our members of the Legislature, and one to Col. Hurry, commandant at Cheraw. Z. A. DRAKE, Chairman. Frank Mautiy, Secretary. - ' ' i ? ? ? It is the wish of Major-General Howard, Com xoissioncr of the Freedmon, to suppress tho falso representation of certain parties in the Northern StateB, who are collecting money for tho benoflt, as they say, of twenty thousand destitute freed mon in the District of Columbia. The Goneral ?tato? that there is no foundation for such state jnente, for the records of the bureau show that while there aro nearly twenty thousand freedmon In the District, less than three thousand are re ceiving rations from the United States Govern ment. John Pool, of Bertie, a Union man, was elected United States Senator from North Carolina for the | -short term. Remember the Poor. Of all tho God-like attributes, tho possession of which in a greater or lesser degree, stumps upon mortal man the divine imago of tho immortal Creator, charity stands forth pre-eminent. Ho who, when his head reposeth on his nightly pillow, can call to mind an net of charity performed that day? a fellow creature rendered happier by his well timed bounty?shall close his eyelids in a swoot and happy sleep, whilst approving angels hovering around his couch shall fan him with their heavenly wings, and bear him blissful dreams. In all the rich garniture of graces planted by virtuo in tho human breast, Charity, the brightest gem, twin sistor of Religion, sheds forth the most brilliant lustre, tho dazzling rays of which even "covercth all siiiB." In the exercise of this God-like attribute, the ten der heart of woman finds a heavenly consolation, even when, beset by lifo's vicissitudes, she bows down beneath affliction's chasteumg rod. What soever may bo our lot, bo tho sky of our happiness overshadowed by tho clouds of misfortune, of dis ease, of death, or bo we basking in tho sunshine of lifo's joys, lot us ovor remember the poor. When tho flowers of Spring peep forth from their leafy bowers, and gent?o zephyrs wuft their fragrance through tho genial air, lot us remember the poor. When the scorching Summer's sun looks down from a cloudless sky, and tho luscious fruit burst ing in its ripeness, with mellow blushes, tempts the passerby?again, lot the poor not bo forgotten. When the Autumn leaves aro falling thick and fast, swept swiftly before tho whistling winds in an eddying current, and the air grows bleak and chill, cooled by the breath of fast approaching Winter : then let the poor be remembered. But when the icy mantle of Winter herself en circles all within its chilling folds?when fast falling snow-flakes blind the eyes of tho belated traveler, and tho face of Nature hos-wrapt in a snowy shroud?when tho sod is frozen hard and crisp, and naked feet are frost-bitten, till tho scalding tears drop from the eyes of tho poor?oh, then, most of all, remember them. Remember them always ; let them never be forgotten; let them he rcmembcrod in tho approaching winter. Complain not of povorty, because, forsooth, tho accidents of fortune and of war have left you unprovided with accustomed luxuries ; think of the poor half-clad, ill-fed beings who lack the necessaries of life, who have not oven tho wherc-with-all to pur chase fuel. Happy parents, whose tender babes lio snugly tucked under the warm coverlets, shel tered from the piercing wintry blasts?think of tho wretched mothers whose babes he shivering in cold in half-furnished garrets. Let oharity warm your hesrts, and loose tho strings ?von of tho scantily-furnished purse. Think not only of your own necessities ; repine not at riches flown ; thank God for comforts yet re maining, and that you may be blessed with hap piness and prosperity, ever cease to remember tho poor. ? ?< The Duke of Sonora. Durin g the war, publie attention was so much absorbed in our domestic affairs, that foreign polities was all but a sealed letter to us. This waB natural. What cared we for a revolution in Greece, the expulsion of King Otho, and the elec tion and coronation of a Danish prince, now ruling under tho title of GeoroeI? No, wo had tho Greeks at our door; and God knows thoy knocked loud enough for admission. Occasionally tho newspapers would givo us a stray paragraph about tho French and their doings in Mexico, or about Sir John Bowbing and his ready method of deal ing with the pig tails?a rogular bull in a china shop. But desultory items like these made no impression upon the reader, and- the close of the war, as it found moat of us uncomfortably inno cent of anything like an available circulating me dium, also forced us to tho confession of total ignorance of anything that had transpired in the outside world during the past fonr years. Ono of these topics, frequently alluded to, was a colony to be formed in ?Sonora by Dr. Gwin, late United Statos Senator from California. We had heard that he was the right-hand man of the Em peror Maximilian, and that the latter, in token of recognition of tho valuable services he expected from Dr. Gwin, had conforred a patent of nobility upon him, under tho titlo of Duko of Sonora. Wo mot many of the noble Doctor's old frionas, who had known him well in his old ante-ducal California days, who, of course, were much pleas ed to hear of their friend's prosperity, and hoped, in case of the worst coining to tho worst?" if we should not succeed in gaining oar independence"? that some fat crumbs would fall for them from his Grace's table. Wo now learn that there was somo room for all this speculation, and that the facts are as follows: Dr. Gwin, who seems to bo considerable of a poli tician, and possessed of most insinuating ways, succeeded in persuading tho Emperor Napoleon that he could wield a great influence in California and tho adjoining territories, as also in tho then Confederate States. He proposed to colonizo Sonora?an outlying Mexican province?and use his influonco in furthering tho interests of Franco and of Maximilian. Napoleon seemed pleaBod with the Doctor, and gave him letters to Maximi lian, nominating him, as wo should say, for the Duchy of Sonora. B'i< it seems Max has a will of his own, and is rather jealous of his prerogative, as regards French dictation; and Dr. Gwnt, alroady socure in his rank and position, was in tho city of Mexico for months boforo ho thought it worth his while to call on the Emperor?all the while engaged in the affairs of his nascent colony. Agents wore sent to California, Nevada and Oregon, to encourago immigration to Sonora. When at length ho sent his credentials to Max, the latter referred him to his Minister. Dr. Gwin took this in high dudgeon, .saying that ho was not in the habit of treating with subordinates?that at Paris he al ways negotiated with tho Emperor himself. Bat this produced no change in the angry Maximilian. Gwin goes back to Napoleon, and complains to tho groat Pasha of his Emir's misbehaviour. Na . Poleon gave him another letter. Bat on the Doc i tor's return to the Mexican capital he still found the imperial door closed. The Emperor refused to sign the treaty arranged butwocn Napoleon and Dr. Owin. Thoro was, thoroforo, nothing for it but to .'submit to bia ill fortune with tfio bout grace bo could command. About tlio first of Juno last bo left Mexico for Matamoros, decidedly crest-fallen; since which timo wo have hoard noth iu of him. And this is the end of tho bubble. A sad reverso, truly, to the individual Dr. Gwin. Whothor tho growth and development of poor Moxico is thereby retarded is another ques tion that wo will not now stop to consider. And poor Mrs. Owin, tho fascinating hostess in Paris? already tnsting tho sweets of a coronot?tho cynosure of all eyes, in hor brilliant drawing rooms?where sho sat, rosplcndont with dia monds, under tho chandolior?nover lost sight of by sovcral most gentleman-like detootives. So many diamonds requiro au Argus, oven in a ducal palace, it would scoin. Wo fool sorry for this victim of tho ilcklo goddess. How truo tho old saw: "Thoro is many a slip between tho cup and tho UpI?N -? ? ? - LETTER FROM NEW YORK. [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.] New Yoiik, December 2.?Thero arc somo things thnt, when donc on a small scale, bringdown upon the perpetrators the indignation and censuro of a community, whilst tho man who docs the samo thing on a grand bcoIo ?b rospoetcd and courted by all. The individual who lends you ton dollars, and receives your watch in pawn as socurity, is a pawnbroker whom ovory body despisos, and at whom the public noso is ever olovated in con tempt; but tho millionaire who advances you ton thousand., charging an exorbitant interest, and taking as security a mortgage on your house, is respected as a capitalist, a moneyed man, a mer chant prince. If an individual cuts a friond'B throat in tho dark he is a murdoror and is sentenc ed to dance in tho air with a rope around liis neck; but if a railroad company, through tho careless ness of one or moro of its employees, allows two trains of cars to run into each other, smashing up things in general and killing a great many pasaon gers in particular, the law turns a lenient eyo to wards tho wholesale murder, and twelve stupid men decide that nobody is to blamo. Ono of those respectable eases ot wholesale homicide has just boon enacted on tho Now Jersey railroad. An ex press train and a coal train collided, smashing up some of tho cars, upsetting others, and, worse than all, killing noven persons and maiming sev enteen. It was, of course, nobody'B fault. Many persons are undor tho impression that Fcnianiam is a bubble which must soon burst, collapse and disappear. If it bo a bubble, somo body has been blowing at it moBt persistently and vigorously, for it certainly is beginning to assume pretty respectable proportions. Tho Fenians ac tually have a sort of cap?tol hero. Their head quarters may. bo so designated, for tho business conducted there looks very much like that of an organized government, or at least, an established political association. Thero is a trooii-ry"depart ment, a war department, an oxooutive or civil de partment, a navy department, a guard-room and armory, ?..o. Trio building is in Seventeenth-street, and is one of tho most magnificent private resi dences in this city. Tho bubblo is very large, and with the sun of hopo shining upon it, is vory beauti ful, but I fear that a puff of adversity mil soon como to becloud tho sun and burst tho beautiful bubblo. Tho wire pullers and betting men are enjoying themselves to their hearts' content. Last night there wore three ratification meetings,, and somo more pools wore made up at Lafayetto Hall. In pool first, Roberts sold for $65, Hoffman for $40, Hegkkr for $4, and G?nther same price. I have not tho slightest idea who will win, but were I forced to "back my judgment," I should invest my pile in Roberts' stock. The Herald is out with an articlo to-day assert ing that in November, 1865, notwithstanding tho withdrawal of tho theatrical patronage, it publish ed ono hundred and fifteen and a half columns of advertisement? more than it did in Novembor, 1864; this, at an average of $150 per column, foots up to over $17,000, and this, therefore, the Herald claims to make monthly out of the manager row. Notwithstanding this, Bennett oan't help show ing how mad he is, and in this very issue exhibits his apleon in an absurd manner by publishing a lengthy criticism of Sbau's Opera Company in Chicago. Brooklyn, not wishing to lay behind New York in tho sensation lino, has just produced a divorce case. Mr. Packer's wife sues for divorce on tho ground that Packer has broken an important commandmont. racker in turn suos also on same grounds. If both of them have such an opinion of each othor, and both want a divorce, I can't imagine why they do not settle tho thing without any suits av all. Thoro are also a couple of young Packers, however, and this may account for it. The colored poople in Boston hod boen holding a convention "for the pnrposo of having tho Con stitution of the United States eo altered as to give a general qualification for voters in all tho StatoB." Tho darkies probably think that the Constitution must have been injured to a certain extent by the great strain on it in tho last four years, and, liko good physicians, suggest a change. Meyerbeer's great opera, L'Africanos, was per formed last night to an immense audience at the Academy, and proved to bo a perfect succosb. Mademoiselle Ortolani, Madamo Zuccm, Signor Mazzoleni and Signor Bellini, all sang admir ably, and wero rewarded by tho onthusiastio plau dits of their enchanted listeners. Forrest is still drawing crowded houses at Niblo's. Tho groat tragedian does not play to night; but next week we are p.on ised Virginius for Monday, Othello for Tuo-diy, ?.th Metamora and Damon and Pythias afterwards. Gold (1.48; money market pretty activo, and for eign oxchango dull. MOULTRIE. ? ? > A party of two hundred Oheyennes and Apachas attacked a coach on But-Xhfi-U-d's express route, on Sunday, November 26, near Downs' Springs, and killed six of the passengers and tho expresi messenger, named Merwin. After burning the coach thov went to Downs' Springs and Blair Sta tion and burned all the buildings, and stole and deatroved all the goods and other property at that flaoe. One of tho passengers killed three of the ndians, but was afterward shot, his heart out out, and bis body burned over a slow fire. , Il II l It FROM COLUMBIA. [from our own correspondent.] Columbia, December 7.?Your unfortunate cor respondent imagined yesterday, at tho hour of ad journment of tho Houso, that ho would have a holiday, as. that body had adjourned over until Friday; but on reaching the hotel ho learned that tho Senate, being behind lumd in work, had deter mined to sit to-day. In tho faithful discharge of his duty, ho went to the College Library this morn ing, and spent a great part of the day in listening to the District Court Bill. As tho time was spent in fixing the salaries of Judges, nothing occurred that would interest your readers, who certainly caro nothing about what the District Judgo of Baruwoll or Colletou may be allowed for his valu ablo services. The only other matter that was under conside ration, was a resolution offered by Mr. Hempiiill, to empower the Bank of the State to borrow for tho State tho sum of one hundred thousand dol lars, for the paymont of which, within one year, tho faith of the State should be pledged. This opened the batteries of tho opponents of the bank, and several speeches wcro made. General Williams said that this was the Tro jan horso ou which the bauk designed to ride again into power, and Mr. Tillm?vn said that it was a rotton, stinking institution; that its little assets are employed to subsidize? tho press of the State, and to purchase the tongues of its orators. He further said that ho never saw so cool a picco of effrontery as the statement of the President, that ho had opened an offico of deposit, which means that tho State is to pay tho salarios of officers. Tho measure was supported by Mr. Buist and others, but, before a vote could be taken, the clock struck four, and, as that had boon agreed upon as the hour of adjournment, tho hammer of tho President fell, and tho Senate adjourned. The measure will probably bo passod to-morrow. It is necessary that tho State should havo funds, and no ono is so able to obtain them for her as tho able President of that Bank, which has so long and bo well discharged tho duty of hor fiscal agent. The opposition to the Bank of the State is largely founded on the political influence that such a body may exorcise, but no man can assert that its present managers have ever prostituted her to any such purpose. She has certainly kept the? Stnto comparatively freo from taxation, and preserved her credit unsullied ; and if tho State, at any timo moro than another, required hor ser vices, that time is the present. One change, how ever, would be beneficial. The number of Direc tors should be small, and no Director should, at any time, and under any circumstances, be allow ed to borrow money from the Bank, or to endorso any note offered there for discount. Each Direc tor should be allowed fivo dollars a day for his services. Tho tone of South Carolina merchants has, up to tho present timo, boon gonorally too high for thorn to .seek such positions merely for the purpose of bolstering up a failing credit; but groat changes have boon and aro taking place, and it is, perhaps, tho part of prudence to guard carefully against ovcry contingency. Ex-Governor Maoratu is, I understand, in this city, at tho house of Col. Sloan. It is impossible to say when tho elections for Judges and Chan cellors will take placo. Thoy may occur to-mor row and may not during tho session. The Houbo has already signified ite willingness, but the Senate seems still to hesitate. Tho most promin ent candidates for the Judgeship aro the Hon. F. J. Moses, the Hon. A. P. Aldrich, Mr. Pbesslet and Mr. Dawxins. For tho two vacant seats on the Chancery bench are, I believe, Messrs. John bon, Thompson, Lesehne, Mblton and Hudson. >.? Tho steamer Atlantic, from California, with ?WiW.lXTO, has arrived at Now York. The Spanish Admiral, Pareja, continues to threaten to bombard tho Chilian ports, without daring to carry them into effect. Ho announces that the blockade is restricted to tho six principal ports?Valparaiso, Baldira, Coquimbo, Herraturra, Torne, and Torcahuaus. All others are left opon to commerce. The revolution in Peru has triumphed, and poaco has been restored. The overthrown Presi dent took refuge on an English war steamer, and is on his way to Panama. Lima was capturod on the morning of November 6, by the revolutionary troops. Tho only resistance was by about four hundred troops in tho plaza, where tho palace was located. They fought until all wore shot. Tho now Government will doubtlessa repudiate tho treaty with Spain, and make a common causo with Chin, the overthrow of tho Spanish treaty having been tho object of the revolution. Tho Contrai American Republics are all at peace. General Zuloaza has boon expelled to France, by order of Maximilian. The French war steamer had forced a passage on the Rio Orando, and reached Matamoros. Tho Fronch transport Allie had reached Mexico with four hundred Austrians, and a detachment of Zouaves, en route to Matamoros. The Empress Charlotte stopped eight days at Vera Cruz, and left for Yucatan on a merchant vessel. Maximilian remains in the city of Mexico. Further successes in the interior aro reported by official papers. -??? A Pbesent for General Lee_Mr. Charles M. Sticff, piano manufacturer of this city, recently finished, by special order, a very magnificent piano, designed as a pr?sent to Goncral Robort E. Leo. Tho instrument has hoen.forwardcd to tho General at Lexington, Virginia, and ho has signi fied bis acceptance. It is 7J octave, one of tbo largest pianos ever manufactured. The caso is of most beautifully polished rosewood, and the style of finish is represente J as being ovon richer than that of the time of Louis tho Fourteenth, tho main board being elaborately adorned with inlaid pearl and bearing tho inscription, "Mado by Charles M. Stiofffor It. E. Lee." The instrument is of extra scale, with patent dampers, and is finished through out hi tho highest stylo of tho art. Tho magnifi cent present was ordered by Messrs. Pondleton and Archer, formorly attached to tho staff of Gonoral Leo, who acted on behalf of a committeo of gontlo men, mostly bolonging to Gonoral Loo's nativo State. Accompany the piano was a covor, made of tho most brilliant shades of Chinese satin, workod in silk, richly adorned with flowers, represented as boing ono of tho richest articles of the kind over imported, it having cost $250 in gold in Canton. Tho piano is roproaontod by those who haye tested its qualities as being one of tho finest and most ' costly instrumente over manufactured in this coun ' try, its production reflecting tho highest credit on i Mr. Stioff.? N. Y. paper. ?*? ' The colored people of New England, in conven l tion, selected Goo. T. Downing, of Rhode Island', ? as a delegate to represent the interests of their ' race at Washington during the ensuing session of Congress. A i Ulli. " THE /ETNA FIRE ENGINE COMPANY, IN ACCORD ANCE with the dcslro of tbo City Council, under- r-?? writers, and community generally, having abandoned "** tlieir intention for the present of ordering a hnnd englno, * in order to give etcom n ?Bir trial. Messrs. Cliapmnn, ' Munro, Memoir, Hcpp and Kress?. 1, will wait on the cltl- i zens in a few days, for tbo purposo of raising funds for r the a bove object ; and having received the approval of t City Council, I trust they will rcccivo that encourago niiiit from all Intonated, their past services ay a com pany, ami the interests of tho city, entitles thorn to. EDWARD F. SWBEGAN, December 8 2 President /Etna F. E. Co, THE FIRST GRAND ANNUAL BALL OF THE Yonng America Fire Engine Company, OP THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, WILL BE GIVEN AT THE HIBERNIAN HALL, on THURSDAY EVENINO, Decombcr 14, 1865. Doors will be opened at hall-past 7 o'clock. Tickets can be procured from the following gentlemen, who constitute the Committee : W. MAHONY, Chairman. D. MAHONY. I A. W. ROSE. J. E. BOYCE. P. HARVEY. R. W. SIBLEY. M. McEVOY. P. H. FREARY. W. BROWN. M. CAREY. MULLER'S FIRST-CLASS BAND will bo in atten dance, and Madame FA VIER will furnish Supper In bor usual Inimitable stylo. All Firemen are requested to appear in Uniform. December 5 TO YOUNG MEN. A LEARN TO WRITE. LEARN ARITHMETIC. LEARN BOOK KEEPING, ND YOU CAN ALWAYS OBTAIN RESPECTABLE and lucrativo employment. Thoro is no profes sion in which integrity and ability aro more certain of ultimate success than In that of tho accomplished Book Keeper. Now Classes will bo formed on Monday Even ing, tho 11th inat. For terms apply at No. 49 BROAD 8TREET. or from 3 to 9 o'clock, P. M., at tho CHARLESTON COMMERCIAL ACADEMY, No. 6_ BEAUFAIN-STREET, two doors West of Coming street. WM. M. PELOT, Principal. S. E. PELOT, Assistant. December 9 3 A SPLENDID CHANCE FOR NORTHERN THEFT AND CAPITAL t A FORTUNE MADE IN ONE YEAR ! FOR LEASE ?R RENT, The splendid Estato in Marlboro', known as MAN DEVILLE, containing throe of the richest PLANTA TIONS and ono of tho finest LANDINGS on the Pee Deo River. Estate consists of 1000 acres, two-thirds under cultivation?tho rest tho richest pasturo for cattle, large herds of which are raised without torn or shel ter. Land will make a balo of Cotton to the acre. La borers and every thing ready for the next crop. AI?O, Tho FINEST ESTATE in Orangeburg District; sure for Cotton : healthy all the year. Estato consists of 3500 acres, two-thirds under cultivation. A fine creek waters tho estate and furnishes seats for Mills and Gins, and fino range for cattle. AU the bacon to feed the laborers made on tho estato without cost. Labor hired cheaply, for rather than leave their old homes tho ne groes wonld take low wages. The above estates are oflcrcd for Lease, because the heirs are children and their guardian wishes to go North. With Cotton at 60 cents, a large fortune can'be made in ono year. Apply to Messrs. MOWRY k CO., Charleston. for bkference: Gov. PERRY, Columbia, 8. C. Gov. ORR and Senator MANNING. Judge GLOVER and T. B. WHALEY, Esq., Orange burg, 8. C. Hon. C. W. DUDLEY, BonnettaviUe, 8. C. December 4 mwf A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR INVEST. _____E____C FOR 8ALE OR TO RENT. THE PALMETTO HOUSE, IN THE THRIVING village of Spartanburg, Is offered for salo on tho most reasonable terms, or will be rented to an approved tenant, at a moderate rent. The house la partially furnished, and an energetic landlord can render it popular and profitable, and im mediate possession given. For terms, ko., apply to December 6 wfmlO HENRY COBIA A*. CO. TO CAPITALISTS. WANTED, $7000 TO START MY BEA ISLAND PLANTATION, on Ediito Island, forty-five miles below Charleston, 8. C. ; water communication always to be had. The Bubscriber, a planter for eighteen years and always his own manager, proposes to plant Cotton, to work thirty hands and ten mules, and to divide the net proceeds, after deducting expenses, with any ono who will advance the above amount, or a sum sufficient to work said place. Address EDWARD M. BAYNARD, Borzella, G?., Un til 2_t_ December, 1865. Refers to JOHN BONES and Hon. E. 8TARNES, Au gusta; Messrs. O'HEAB. ROPER k 8TONEY, Hon. WM. WHALEY, Charleston, 8. O. Hno* December 6 A VERY PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. SAW MILLS FOR SALE. FOR SALE, TWO FIR8T-OLA88 CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, with GRIST MILLS attached, situated near Summenrille, S. O. (one of the healthiest portions Of the State). Ono a large building recently erected, and ? -ranged for a double Mul, within a quarter of a mile of the Bouth Carolina Railroad; the other two miles from the 8ummervllle Depot, and both four miles from Dorchester Landing on Ashley River. Each of these Mills has a superior Engine of 30 horse power (ono new), and it capable of cutting 10,000 feet Lumber per day. Attached to the above are 1200 aerea of heavily timbeiad Pine juand, with settlement, and ample and comfortable accommodations for all requisito employees about tho establishment. With this property wiU be sold twelvo MULES, TIM BER CARTS, WAGON8, Ac, Ac., and every thing ne ceaaary for running the Mills, which are now in success, ful operation. For further particulars, apply to CHISOLM BROTHERS, No. 70 East Bay. December 6 _tutDB NOTICE. APPLICATION WILL BE MADE AT THE CITY TREASURER'S Office. Charleston, at tho expira? Uon of ninety (00) days from this date, for tho Renewal of the following SCRIPT for City of Charleston Six per Cent 8tcck. issued to Jake W-F.?-tho'Originals having been lost, vie: 8oript No. 780. period?, date 16th July. 1850. $650; Script No. 781. period MI, date> 15thi July, inro <7(V?_ JAnJE* OIMjI-aT-Ia?. Octob-r9_Oct. 0 -3-Nov. 6 20-Dec. * 18 ovzn OLD SOUTHERN EXCHANGE THIS OLD ESTABLISHED AND POPULAR RESTAURANT IS NOW OPEN. FINE LItlUORS CHOICE BEOARS FRESH OYSTERS AND THE BEST MEAL8 TO BE HAD IN C1IARL TON, U what this placo has always been celebrated and we are pledged to keep up the reputation. Call and see for yourself at No. 125 Meeting-st. October 23 _ T>OYAJ_ HAVANA liOTTEWgVfW-M tV paid in gold; information fornUhed. Highest ratea natd for doubloons and all kinds of gold and ? livor. *^ TAYLOR & OO., Banke?, September 28 Brnos No. IS Wall-st., No? York.