FBP3AY MOBrafl^.^OVKMBB? 17? 1888, /? *3" PjnOM.calling for Advertised Letters, wul piesse pay M-'El'-i ?.VU. R, Ww /. AU v i* 'j^.TWTvi* j ?Sr Office honra from 8 A. M. to fi r. M. On Sun days, from ? o'olock to 10 o'clook. A. M STANLEY O. TROTT, A oting Pos trna a ter. Abraham, Airwi a^ttflfriU).f ri^^^p. itt Mrs Gutoalnga. Mia* Parker, Julio ' Pieresville, Eliza Benton, Beulah HutHon, Mm Peter phia ^ Bell, Sarah B >. i Ti Ji' ci Bourka, Mary Brlggor, Ellen 1 hAafcj Mrs fe ? Raux, Miss J E Blaney. O -??J ?Tj Buff, Mrs JL A Brodie, EUzia MT Tonkins, Ada fr Ruddy, Hannah Brissonden, Emma Joukins, Emma Boah, Cate vfomsaifr WSSSi^i ti?^**$? Brindle, Molter A Vohnson, Susan G SSvislr. Eld (fy * ' ' - Brown. Hachai Ken?le, Amolla W S?call. Miss Hen Brown, Eben L Krusc.Laura O riotta j^wr^^^^ Stoppard, AAn ? Campbell, Mar?'et E^^Mar^B^'>-' l^^^^oaS'h1^*'*' ^Bi^H ?^rd^*L?Siyin!tT . Camplin.Margaret .Linly, Julia Y v T ' Vapore, IimbeUa Lc*m?*sTM*?ha Thompson, Mrs Cgl??Pan. A E Lyney, Rachel Treadway, W p 'bornait. JM?rry?fc . , . '.??MJu.i. r* (rnvwOttfiMdaa E "Colton, Elizabeth Mackferson, Rock- O Cochran, EUxa hanna Tl Af D Cook, Mary Mitchell .Mtfe" 0 VontrA^r^Busan Cole, Rachel MtehooL Sally Yenning, Maria CummtngJCilsiroi ??114TgAqpima Vogel, Mrs L R Cuthbert, Emeline MUla, Mrs "W" -^ 'T^W Miler, Misa Ward, Mary C D?W-.-ttMy Middleton, Mrs N Walton, Jenny Donnoy, Lenora M R Wallopo.Mrs.Now Dwain, Pilgcy Moore, Mrs WmT tonio * Ellzy, Laura ^ ^nk^^ary^^'^c^r^^br"^ a??te 'saws, m &,. Fowlor, Catherine . E Wilson, Joeophlii? . S??,*' Dln? Nathan, Mrs L . Willla?b, Virginia s?? - ?fr***rTohi* ? V L 3 LO ( PS Wintsr^Ac? , , - Oreen, MatUda lO'Ncalo, Mrs W S Yaidi?iJ Anna Adams, < i eorfre . I Gmc/sbd?BWnV "Adi IWtariwpv--eeorgo Allon, Maj Chas 8 gust -J?McSL?r. , Alston.jCol Robt H * /A VofoWBtfiS?o? W .ffls'i?1 w ir?Kcnj d AnoTreVe, Wat* HaW^?Moigan "Mkt?1d&Agent inRtqilT_ra^" " Hart, R L Perry, Edward M AndrtwSrrga|(t>, rift?i,Ttd*?r,-? . atol, August. _ ,..r. rtich Harleston, Rich'd Piper, Fred i!iE ..'^Afeelmair, Enaste? Hafc^OXooettn: PnaD Rowen, Alfred J Bray, W Jordan, 1 homaa R Roye, M A Bradford A Osborn Johnson, Ooo H S Britt, James ''f;.'!" ilobno^W t>*vi4TS? SsHej, Wm ,?J?j|?lr|. iqnnac^S^&ll. SaU?s, J Curry - Bryant, Wm.? to? ,;-? ?'.) . Sanders, Francis Burgess, James 8 iohnsflp/Jbbepb Sebnoit, John J Burrill, W H JobSfeon ?tHtgglrJs Seaman, Wm J,._|7n^?.?^lrV, .. ??llei;S5. -1 ? ? Scbofleld,(George MW?SSSSf??k? *?*na*< '? Bbrre?jMivbael :.:,.Rl?t i"- "? ? HetthjJTbm . .r.w, SimxoooaV Merter . Brjawt?tjobt? ' Kinefnan! Maj CD SmaiU,'NaUiaili^aI ' ByVd, X?they. K^pmanA Phelps Saul tb. Wm WiitM) I i 3 ^?)a& A ' ft'"' ^ _ ^?e?f Jnames Calder, H P Lanahan, CapHr sp>aguer J .' Camel, Isaac . Laur?'y, Joseph Starkey, Ben c^n-?^ te . ' "^evebrn^rhrtaoKtwtt?jiQmMM,rr >Tfl*aentor. H , f .Clare, Jonb,. I inMwmjtj . Tharley, M ' . ^ ' Orokmau, Oeeetet Mlddloton, Lud?a Thrne?, J L ' ! .. .? . r^M?H? ^ : Mliei^?cber: ^en??' Daniels. FA,,., Miles. James W VanaaU-oalon.Goo Devis, FE J.1,, Mke? ?ooeph Veris.JohnFrancls Davis, Lierrt O A M?flafcam*lflchael Von Hadeler, .??M; Saf ' wardTwi3111^ Duane, Patrick Muller, D . Warner, L W - Durant, Charleo Murray, Mr . Walen, Michael FarreS, -W?f - : . ?Mc?oj?sai' A* Co- I Watson, Wm -??a. d ? jaa assi: ??ftfe PM wr -, Ferooa.John Fran- MeFaruin, Robert Wcatcrman, John ? 'f 1 ???*bM;'B?r?vVl ? i i- PT 'I ! }.> W*bbWlXonte ?1&nl?*n' J??B. r f?WvV^* Wnlfinf, EM .Vogartie, SarnMel- HkCam, Jarte WlRlams, John 'w' ? Foguea! aaratuj. KtotamJoAjiW WlUiAmB. 8 N r:.: .; i - ? !r^?P?: ar ' Fufot, Danfel-? ?'H?a^.lAwBUI?l ?rtfiboms. Ani^nio O- W WUklns, B G .Oangan, T . . ' i OUVer, E Winter. 8 A T i* .?, - ^IMtt^T O .; 0'*^9.??M ^faU/J N,U^ Gircns, Tho? Osburn, Charlu? ' Wlgudl, Samuel SSSffif?tf%76Z%^a%^^oJoJuUca O/oen, C I Owens, Y J P '. -? Wnesboni^ , 0^a?^aen^.W|p ... ^ . "( ' . ?*Y< - ?*r-jsammf cj?uosiffnfjf'iUlbw'-ibV^e^pisfefn^^wTO . Blaaso to ^(?^,^04^^^^ hand cor perfect satl??notion In aR tb? branches of bte trade. Refera to JOHN SJMn^OlIand^ttowr' 8tM0> HoromBor 7 vmo* nu coU?iaMtMiU ~ kiport? for Uk? Week, outing Nov. 10. ' tTv^BPOOL-J^tjfig^Jo^^?h*iald>-^bLe? 8 I AML 7? balea Upland Cotton.Br bark Echo NASSAU-Sr ?St AliT FloVa^.Wf?otT df "Boft?i --* I-mag COASTWISZ. . N*?W YOB^^t^^Vlca^aB^ '?Mv^rSMa Up >ud Cotton. 284 bbl? Boaln. 63 bags Groundnut*, 3 bbl? Brass and Lend. 1 box Zinc, 3 caaos Boots and 8hoes. 3 Sonder-15 bales Bea Lrland Cotton. 343 bales Upland Cottcnaj; IO" t?o?}**? JB.Ice, yjflb?g Rosin, and 18 Packa 8 ea. Crockery, 4 Bales and Package?. _conroy SUPPLY. avKtmta '. .~T>nr!Tc'iir' Y,oyk"tHyftHi1 flt ' MWIBBBW'gUt uimMo-tho t li e^l at es t ma? ^^b^^ec e 1 v ?^'lQ Nowr ^^^^^^^ York by Nov. IL 1888 .400,000 " Exports In the saAlCpUlCSUM?tlfrom Sept. 1 to Nov. ll, 1885.?.. 188,000 .. Estimated stock in the ports, Nov. ll, 18881.393,000 " CIIA1?LESTO?- B?AUICKT. sfOfi^rqn wxsx ENDINO THUBSOAY J?VE^O^ NoyiatasnjlC. At tho time of. publishing our last weekly' *iktom ent the Cotton ' market Vas edtlrWy-w?t?it?i^S tinder the re peated decline of tho artillo In the foreign market, and we were conBequen^,*san*b"? to quote prices, as there had been no BO?CB': Or!1 Friday last, holders having con cluded to yield, prices: feH som? foin; oon ts .-per, pound, and ?av?rai hundred balsa of Cotton were disposed of at 43 to't?cente per pound'for Strict to Good-Meddling. The news of a'fdf th'w failof two"p>nf^p&rjkiand, which pubUahed in our paper of Tuesday) does'not appear to hava. materially affected tb.or.market--the '?aTWT.which 1 toc?Cr.Tfc':p*dVtil....ll92 21552 ffli?QW 21552 751 ** 'tfBe?fei?h?WvUd.'j .v.- .aA .nr?ff? "21 "*tt?f 1 133 | RICE.-Some 1600 buehchi of CaroUna^ Rough have, boen recei\ed this week, mid (TbTOIfnfijtfi, "?chavo heard of no calca, s?djejpyrt a dull market at 12>?c.@ 13iic. for clean Cardlifai K 9 \ ' NAVAL STARES.-About 'our hundred barrels have reached th??ra*kAdhrlug the week, and eales of No. 8 Ragln Jhfl^-e taken place at $5 to $0 bbl. ; No. 3, from ft7'*>?Wand No. 1, $13 to ?16 V bbl. Receipts Bght and no stock. Bales of Spirits of Turpentine have taken place at 65@70c^:%ll?n'- J * ' 7[^_ HAY.-For nomo-time, past tho receipts of this article have been_ merely nominal. About one hundred bales pt Vorth River, whlchcamo'J? S ?t?ainot changed haada, at %'i fl hundred. One bund redland seventy balea of North River wjere i+afij? in a schooner Uai a vening, and are consigned to t' dealer. Jf CORN.-No receipts during the week, but we learn that pr? v?p?s, Importa tiona fcafvej been disposed ;of at about $1.15 perhttahel for yeiloW; atti -$K1B 4o $1.20 for whiteAIaxTland Com: , - N ,._ 'T5?AT8.- tho market ls abundantly sofritos? with thia 'grain, witEV Omited demand-and prices an before quo* ted, say 65c, per buahol. ^ . _ . r~ i t ^ SALT.-A ?srgo of Liverpool; which W? reported pre viously as haring been sold -af$3CO0par sick, 1? being rapidly disposed.of In amaUer quantities at $8.50. A sjeeoEdoa^gp, which iras also mentioned aa being off the bar, has reached port, and aome WO sacks have beenT sold, to be reshipped' to WRminigton^!N. C., on private term?. 8o.;mneh of thia cargo,aa remains on band ls offered from on shipboard at $3.40 par sack. FREIGHTS-To liverpool are quite dull, but the rate of freight remains, uyhanged, and we quote *?d. for. UpUnd and-'lUw?^i. To New York, br EjK.OHAIfOK . Bilja on England are selling at 670&680. SigW^ecksfbn^;NeW*ork amsold. hje*tho Bankers'J? $ cent.'Vff. 'Tfie- puw^aetog^-rates vary, but may be fla?t?4.?f .^^X'ftj???>?J il3B9i I IV j:i'f ii-' : GOLD ls purchased by the Brokers >t 46 16 47, and and sold at<8 toa?.. - . NovcMWin 10.-N B Olarkaon, Dr J-J Staggers, J J ?eaeane, H^"L4???pj, Bastee'; fiV D Connor, CpUeton. y ? Passenger?. .TCI I! J Per steamship Emily B Souder, for J?ew .York-M T '. Hatch, A Potter, L L Siddons, MreiTB?R?ftr-end 3 Chil dren, J L Woodworth, J H Sc roven,. J .1 Austin, GiP- ? Jacoby, Mrs Bowen, Miss M Quinn, J'Atkans, 8 3 Sb? deY, P Fogarty, J Quilt, Misa A Burnham, Misa A Mur phy, Mrs Sly. J Bendall, O B Gran?T.?ttStyau, J H Hood and wife, E F Btrother, J Harris, H Karmack, M Maree^ , jknd one steerage. r^X'' - PSI ! MARINE ^REWS. PORT OF CHARLESTON. Arrived, Yes te rd? y. (BOT. 16 Brig f Leighton, Brown, Boston, 13 days. Mdse. To P P Locke, and other?. . ,Sohr B M Hawkins, WyAtt, New York. 5 d*y?. Mdse. To W Roach. E R-Cf wperthwaite, G W William?' AO&< H Bischoff A Oo, J'vrCarmalt, Ltttto A Marshall,1 ? -W Trott, Nathan A Ottolengul, Stolnmeyer & Son, D H 811 cox, T Street, 3 Thbmpson A Oo, L WeUkopt, W B WU A Co, FHernhArdy,0 Bernard, J G Beverson, Bl?aell I Brot, TJcffin^rBr?L &?MiWVTJ:CUr?*>n A Co, H Cobla A Co, F Conner A Cn, OnarVis. A Oo, ? N Dawson, .CO? J W Harrisson, J Heins, Hilton A Co, QA Hopley A Co, J McCabe, Morris A Hunt, B O-NoHi; IF O'Neill A I H?nr Order:.CtFrraceT D H silsox. J-E Adger A Co_0. 1lWrt;TJarrk*WHrth, A WsVS?fl, T-M-Bristoll. A CtanAteV J ACVllA y?*tjjEP neaeman, H salle, Calhoun A COrt Joaeph Walker. C O Witto, Von"Holten, Tanteen A Co, H Sehr 8yPran^tefonaro', New fork. 6 days. Salted Hav. To tho Master, Geo W Clark, and O Bahinaanif. . -' "i-WlTSl OFOTKO.. 'OBearad X*mi?*t?tfm.r. 16 BteayAb?j8jlra?M* ?Bmtnkn kQ**os??p*ltot9C>mi ;BarkM??o* wiiltMaXTn^f^o^M??^ ,BT,brtft'/ohn Richard?, Goudey. Liieifti^j. I v J! ? II. .Behr'FrajsjelR?o,' Smart, B?JUmora>-jrriT:K .' 1 ! 1 11 'ilwaHMia mulji in, ?j?j i. ifflfl'J QUOI* A DAY! AQR1DT8 WANTED TO ab??O sell anew and wonderful OEWING MACHINE, the only cheap ons lioenoed. Address SHAW * CLARK, Bldds?ord, Main. Smos Beyaexnbar U CH$RLlj?T01> WHOLESALE PRICES, Correct ?a ajkid Re visitor ?He W??k yidInp Thnridar, Wovr mber 16. 1805. AITICLM. I PBICBB. BAGOT jo fi ?Saftfl ?... m m . o y. Dundoo..,..,,,. 80 ? 33 Gunny 0J^il."r.:.?.r;':.V.'ii?; ? ?r*T ? - BALS ROPE, ft lb-Man Ula. 26 B 08 Western.wo. 19 9 30 Mew York. U | - BREAD, ? ft-.. .. r L K?r7...i'XiU....4....7?':ibj9?e ,* - rijft - Pilot. 10 9 - Crackers. 13 a 18 BRICKS, M. 15.00 ?18.00 Ordinary to good ?rdlnTu-jr-.'. % - a - tf?ia?slc^ /i ?fl (4> 42 Oood Middling. 44 ? 45 Wil^aq^ j Jara.:.... ? # ? ^Ta^nelean^ S (HM^W@sn?aV|^?l!(CS?! !v????? B 65? @ 75 FI311-Cod, fl 100 lb?. 8 <.? 10 Herring, ft boX.rr,.w,". 75 a 80 Mackerel, Ho. 1, ? half bbl.10.50 012.00 Mackere^WilL1K^?U^ft\?M 8.50 ? 9.50 Mackerel. Ho. 3, ft bbl. ll.25 ?14.00 -,:?,:'.f -?:*-r'a-r.*?' Sardines, f? 100-quarter boxes.. 32 ? - -Batf boxes. 70 a 75 FLOUR, ft bbl-Super. 10.25 ?10.BO . - *Mtfly. bajf bbU. 6.25 @ 6.75: FR&IT&??mnt*,ty%K\. i. X.. : ?JAL . I Pjfc.. ?. :;,B6? .'. il .?? Ai i, I .>rjt*. r?? 15 Abnonds, soft shell, ft ft. 40 ? 46" Italslns, M. H., ?.box.. 6.00 ? 6.60 Balalns, Layer, fl box. 7.00 ? 7.SO French, 12x18. 5.75 ? 7.00 Western OataTft busbef.. 70 a 76 "fflWti:::::::::::::::: i!" I = HAX&Kmax.-.North Hiver. . 1.20 ? 1.25 Eastern.none - fy - HIDKS^tfrft fl ib..... IO ? 12 rtvW^IS^ *ft\\'.'.*.\'.-V:^?;.: :*>W0C1.75. lil rgj. ft M. ... ?---n-i-rrr-,^^ 4.00 ?A.50 Plaster Paris.,. 4.00 ?4.50 L UMBER, ft M feet- ili: ? Clear Wldto Pine, 1st quality_90.00 a^ - nrfw^^rfl^^^e^tfw??rw^f; Sit? ?>18'.00 Ash.>. 65.00 ? - LEATHER, country tannodTfUb. 40-*? 50 wlsWWB!!^ o 60 Muscovado. 65 ? 80 Porto Rico.V.-rtr.. 75 ? 1.00 B-1W?:^in?ial Copper, ft ft..... 1.00 ? - ATA TA r^Hi?^r?Jai)kr4. V.JX. UM g ! K'W^w^afeiiii tis.bl R0MB^0tt>.C2n.?, A. ?Kj.:i,i aa. 7.00 ? 9.0C l^^^^iSn^^i??a::.: 6'0S |?:7j r8f?aBrWrtes3^*:::::: ?.S I q s^wil?iR^?:^ *&# id Cotton Seed, ft gallonA/dKU, j v.zsti t* - ?^?f??/6V\?Jj?W,Un^^';ttbl.... 16.00 ?20.0( .^'ffia?:::::::::: 8? Fl Bump, ft bbl.,". 30.00 ?35.0 i??Or/6'/OAr?_Bacon, Hams, ft tb.. 30 ?35 Bacon, Strips.,. 30.00 ?31.0 Potatoes, ft bbl...;. 4.00 ? 4.5 SPm:;:;S^;G[]: *:S IS:? J\i ?NT.S- White Lead, ft ft. 18 ? S SLATES-American, ft square. 12.60 ? - SHINGLES, ft M-? SALT-WV L3!00 S 3.0 Liverpool, fine, ft sank. 4.00 & 4S.t Mace.1.75 ? .|* SPIRITS^ mSSSSSS^Z!^221 t jxi. ?6 ( aj?EsiMi^ is: S'S! Oin, HoUand. 4T?6 ? 6i( Gin, Amortoa?..".. 3.60 ? 3.' Bum. Jamaica,.. 5.00 ? 6J Whisky, Rectified. 3.30 ? 2. Clarifled A.-,. 21 ? H?iliil r^?. ft ft-Hnnerlal. 2.00 ? ? ?.^:::::::;:::::::::: loo || lOTAnPUfto, 10x14. 17.00 Sit: rV??aW*Ok?iLaa^..... 30.00 af" WF/^^c3&\^i;/l:J 'j:j^^r. j7f ra} 4 Twine, Baling..7. HW fl .Twine, ^lenap,, . . .'r.iv J.-r'9m ? ? tt4?^fe^?t^'4itg^:,:;.r:/;:{ n.og I TzS?tthi..ntr....T.V...?T:r.A 11.00 a F/^Jg^4H-Whi^^toe, ft g*i?"*? - . j a ron ??OUSTA. M.-Mondays, Wednesday? and F?i'l?ttTdiriT?i?l Poit??H>dsW0,rva?;Ai* ?AII--I FOB Naw'y^JSro'^^^MT?oirr^f ^ I^D^? ald^ialor^^?s^n^pi^Uon OfiSfl^ours From ? A.; M. to 6 P. Wf.Vt?andays. ( \mar^ * -~' arr iKgawtYY o. TBC/TT, k^.:?trte?! ;" B: OAI>STRBET, August 14 OBAJUaUITOJW, H. . . . . GROCERIES. X.VJ 10. bezels POwa^rM- B?tame 'J* toirO?b Ji;.? Vnd C B????> tffifth, ??^? ti^i? and 'MeW K Cf ?j AS?^?irt:toweft-^i^^iicjisty-;- .'<; 1 . ? . . PTO.' ?OsjE?kt'B?y, opposite New Ou^ohl^HoWe.: November 17. . . -.-tx-nra j - op8 t?xM?e^!^?...-..>.} ' lo^bbiti? H?ef^i*i*rte*t *? -5TC-rci ? j w,., , 60 bags Prime Bio Coffee. ! t> sooner.full. For Fi^nt?T Pawflftge, apply to .< n>r; ? .>. .'.'.?"-.i.?- I . . 1>. J. STUROES. Novomhy IC, -r- -, go. jg Venduo Bango._ i?^fliflt i?lilng Packet Orig O. F. O EERY, Captain jKHf^COHKLlN, havtlig ? terpe^rttoW-of iher cargo ?Jf PrlCi?engaged, will have dispatch. For Freight, ap _ -, "*" irv? "s^lL?ttH'l1 "Oil CIHAI'KR, ;gr5*?c FOR BALTIMORE-Tho A 1 Bark JUSTINA. rWKs?yHuRK, Master,, will .have dispatch for tho .?s?&atKivo^port. For Frebrht cngafaemjots, afply to ' JAKES W. BROWN\mF-CO.-* Npvcmhor U ( NosVtSoTmd 138 Meeting-street. ?vS^Oio abovo port in a fow (fays. ' '3blA ?NN. flt?F? ofoV rh complet? jrurjolmj, order : ?5^?&&-ricr3 two'tl?brfsn'tia' ?bnehesB ?rgrado.: oei tnrcn i-GSS&ty-tivo cord? 6'f weed; ? Win hW soUtebeapnfep - New York and Charleston0" taYlnK each Port every Alternate thursday, ? ? Carr. R.,W, Locnvrooo. 1T- irMW H-?JCBX3AA. CAPT. 0. P. MAMHMAM. rrUIRSF. STEAMSHIP*, OFFERINO EVERY INDUCE JL_ MENT TO SHIPPERS AND THE TRAVELING g^PwMoW -a?d Char leaton market n can afford j and for safety, speed And cojufortjare unrivalled on tho'edbst. ' P"7 ) ' J. L-w. >THB NEW STEAMSHIP.L "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ? -^'"-?^-?&tAl'"*:' ret ?sp F.T-.ZO.YL JO-. . H. . CAPTAN SEK8C?N. . JJ. ' WHARF ON SATUR - lock P. M., precisely. MODATIolfs, appiyTo6:'-? "W*0"* AOCOM . . T- _R RAVENED k GO., Agents. ^SP? ^T^'-^i*^1 VanderbdrsCs Wharf. Saturday, Nov. 26, at 7. Thur?dayTNbf TS at 7 -jS?iti??5ifff??/ b- ^ngnaw throughout in each and ud^o ncdmetwRh b>W<> ^^"^UEjM r?di35^ 00 L?^ &''y'-^T;- en.bearjTto C?ptala - 'r^PBkSfl?ik?hOTg&ents,^ MILLA H0U8I, BimiA?c?, i AugustH EB, N-ST.