THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, CATHCART, McMILLAN & MORTON, PROPRIETORS, No. 18 HAYNE-STEEET. TERMS?CASH. DAILY?ONE YEAR.810.00 DAILY?SIX MONTHS.?'? ?O DAILY?THREE MONTHS.3.50 #g- Singlo Copies FTVE CENTS. jpg- News Dealers supplied st a liberal discount. ADVERTISING. Ono Square, Ten Lines, ono insertion, ONE DOL LAR AND FIFTY CENTS. Each continuation, SEVENTY-FTVE CENT8. Less than a square, FIFTEEN CENTS PER LINE for first Insertion ; HALF PRICE for each continuation. DAILY NEWS. THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 19, 1865. Letter ii-om Spanglcr. [From the Baltimore Commercial Bulletin.] Tho following letter from Edman Spangleh, convicted of conspiring with Booth in tho assassi nation of President Lincoln, nnd sentenced by tho military commiBsion which tried tho conspirators to six yearn hard labor on tho Dry Tortuga?, waB receivod by a gentleman in this city Monday, who loaned it to us for publication. It will be seen that Spangler nescrta hie innocence, and still de nies all participation in tho assassination of our lamented President. It has been asserted that St?ndler ?b a man of education, and n letter writ ten in vory flowery style, and purporting to have como from him, is now going tho rounds of the press. Wo give his letter verbatim el literatim: Fort Jefferson, Tortugas Island, September 15, 1866.?My Dear Friend: I tako my pen in hand to rite to yon these fiou linos to lot you know that I am well and hope you are tho same tbis ia a pnrtv hnr?l place to live the sun is very hot and whe have hard grub, anlt horao and ono pioco of broad who sometimes get aoup there is some small fish in tho brake wator that who can catch from our coll window but who have no fish hook8 small enough hero and have no money to send for thin, then- ?h a sutlers store here you can got anything you want if you have money there is about 50O priancrs here, who havo tho privleige of going -over tho whole island is about 13 acirs of sano and . some lieu trees I am at work at my trade. You havo no doubt been acquainted with the fact and circumstancoa connected with my trial and sen tenco and imprisonment. Nothing that I can say or do can alter the opinion of tho world or the Publick. Before God and all that is sacred I am perfectly innocent of all tho charges and specifica tions brought against me by tho prosecution. I had no knowledge or idea of anything nor did I aid or assist tho villian or tho assasin of tho Pres ident cither before or after tho assassination yon know that I was not moro intimate than others that around him not as much as soma of them. He asked mo to seo to his horses wich I did ho said that he would make mo handsomd ?iresen, wich he did, six years on the Rand of Dry Tor tugas I never enjoyed his confidence or his favour except occasionally when we mot at a restaurant he would ask mo to have something to drink I had nothing to do with him on the evening of tho assassination more than any other man similarly situated could have He came to tho Theatre called me and asked mo if I could hold his horse which I declined for the reason I had my work to attend to on tho 6tage. I called Peanut John to hold his horse, who held him un til ho como out after murdering the President. I did not know what had taken place until tho deed had been committed and Booth made his escnpe from the Theatre. I never shut the door after his escape nor did I know nor had cany thing to do Mth the mortice in the wall or boring tho whole or tho fixing of the bar of tho door, or loosing the scriews all this I was charged with as being Guilty cr 8Uspicioncd of having done but before God v.hb I know will hold me accountable if I he I knien nothing or herd nothing about tho cxistonso of eany such a thiujr until after tho assassination when I was aaked conoerning it all the ovidenco in my caso is known I leave it to all honest and un prudical pcoplo to judgo of my innocence or guilt Grate iujustice has been done ine by aomo false witnesses from whom expresses prier to my trial I know itctcd by gain or reward. Iwish you woidd see-and bco whothor he over received my statement that I sent him with a yonng man by the name of welsh, and if he has to let me know what ho is a going to do with it please and send mo soino small fish hooks some 2 or three fly hooka in a litter and a little mony to buy aomo postago stamps and somo paper, there is a niggar regement here to guard tho place Givo my love to all my onquiring FriendB and let nie know what they think of mo I am here suffering hero whifili I am innocently youra Moat Rcspectfnly EDMAN SPANGLER. Another Insurrection in Hayti.?Later intel ligence from Hayti conveys information of an at tempted rovolt in Port au Prince, in favor of tho ex-Emperor Soul?uqoe. The loaders of tho plot intended to proclaim the fall of the President, annul tho Republic, and an nounce an ompiro, with Soulouqne at its head. The general health of the country is good. President fleffrard is well. No fnrthor military movements' have taken place. Office oftho City Registrar?BUI of Mortality ?ETUHN OF DEATHS WITHE*f the city OP CHAR__rroN FROM IHK 8TU TO THE 14tH OCTOBER, 1865. DISEASES. An com la., Braba, Disease o?..., Consumption. Convulsions., Dlarrb a., Diphtheria. "Dysentery. Enteritis. Fover, Bil. Item.... Fever, Intermittent Fever, Typhoid ...? Fovor, Puerperal.,.. Hooping Cough .... Intemperance...... Lunge, Disease of... Marasmus. Neglect. . Old Ago. Pneumonia. Suicido ..-..'..,..... Visitation of God... Variola. b_'k a col'd. 12 13 Whites 10-, Blacks and Colored 05. Total 35. A?iii-v? r> under 1 year; 8 between 1 and 5 years ; 3 be tween 5 and 10; 2 between 10 and 20; 5 between 20 and 30; 2 between 30 and 40; 4between 40 and CO; 2 botween 50 and CO; 2 between GO and 70; 1 between "?0 and 80; and 1 be tween 80 and 00 years. ?EOROE 8. PELZER, It, D., City Beglstrar. Meteorological Observations, ?OR the week endino October 14, 1865-r-m? okoroe s, i_lzer, m. n., cirv re.oibtram. Ocioiiui, 1860. .< . .. ' :. ..; ", ?? ?AYS. Sunday, 8. Monthly, ?..,-.. Tnosday, 10...". Wednesday, 11 Thursday, 12.... Friday, 13... Saturday, 14_ Till?I'll, IIKTACT IN THE MIAUE A <>1'i:N air.* 72IG8 74 7; 70 7! 78 7? 71 71 7-161 REGISTER THE?1_OMT*R Min. CO en cr. C7 C8 C3 70 n 74 ir> 77 78 72 73 DUE FT. 55.0 57.8 61.0 60.8 64.0 04.0 65.3 WIND?ITS COCIWK AND FORCE FROM N....1 N.W.I NE..2 N_1 W...1 N.E..1 N.W.2 8. W.3 E....2 E....2 E....2 S.W.2 N.B.. 6 N.W.3 Pair. Fair. Fair. Fair. Ol'dy. Rain. Fair. RAIN. ?__. QTJAN.?IN 1.50 COMMERCIAL. Exports. NEW YORK?Steamship Andalusia?IM bales Upland Cotton, 7 bags Sea Island Cotton,.4 bales Wool. 168 bbls Rosin, 10 bids Rum, 40 tierces Rice,?:? cases Mdze, lbalo Bagging, 1 bundle Iron, 12.2C1 feet Lumber. PHILADELPHIA?Sehr W L Springs?45 bules Up. land Cotton, 11,000 feet sawed Lumber. 40 hhds and 30 tons Old Iron, i crate? of Old Rags, 213 Hides aud Sun dries. WILMINGTON. October 1C?Naval SmnES.?We note sales of 01 bbls. Crudo Turpentine at ?3.C5. Tail?1S8 bbls. at $C. No sales of Spirits Turpentine. Cotton is in domaud. Sales to-day of n few bales in fcrior quality at 37c. : 15 bales repacked ut 25@44c. Arrival* at Merchants Hotel. Wm Steele, 8umtor? P J Croecey, Santoo; IT, Clcckloy, StMathowB; J Keoutz, 25th U S A; W Beatty, do; G W Hughes, Mars Bluff; J S Johnson, EflUigham, 8 C; Lt M S BoU and servant, USA; E B Means, South Caroline. PORT CALENDAR. COni CTED WEEKLY. PHASES OF THE MOON. Full M. 4th, .Mi. 15m. even. INcw M. 19Ui, llh. 6m. morn Lost Q. 11th, 10h. 6m. morn. |Firet (J. 27th,10h.l0m. inorn OCTODKR. BUN. MOON III HEP. I BETS. SETS. IUOH WATER. Monday Tuesday.... Wednesday. Thursday... Friday. Saturday ... Sunday...., C...6 0...7 6...8 6...8 6...9 G..10 6..11 6..24 6..23 5..22 6..21 6..20 6..19 6..18 3..25 4..17 6..10 M. sets. 6..5a 0..43 7..2C 5..28 C..11 0..51 7..30 8..6 8..44 9..21 MARINE NEWS. PORT OF CHARLESTON. Cleared Yesterday. [Oct. IB Steamship Andalusia, Burslev, New York?Kavenel k Co. Sehr W L SprlngB, Stecdinan, Philadelphia? H F Baker &Co. Went to Sea Yesterday. [Oct. 18 Steamship Andalusia, Bursley, New York. Sehr W L Springs, Stcedman, Philadelphia. THE BOOKS FOR ??ION TO "The People's Steamship Company" ARE NOW OPEN AT THE OFFICE OF THE AGENTS. Shares, $100 each. WILLIS & CHISOLM. September 25 lmo Mills Houso. PHILIP H. KEGLER, BANKEB, N. E. Corner of King and Hascl-streota, Entrance on Hascl-strcet. GOLD, SILVER AND EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD, REVENUE STAMPS FOR 8ALE. October 2 lmo HOLDERS OF MERCHANDISE WHO WISH TO REALIZE IMMEDIATELY, WILL consult their in tere bis by consigning the same to JA8. B. CAHTLL, General Commission Merchant, September 11 3mos Augusta. Go. FAIRBANKS & C0.'B CtOAL AND HAY. RAILROAD DEPOT, PLATFORM / AND COUNTER SCALES. aU sizes. J. k F. DAWSON, No. 90 East Bay, October 2 Agents. EUREKA! AMARGO DE ALLA BITT?RS FOR SALE LY CAHILL & CO., SOLE AGENTS, CORNER EAST BAT and LODGE ALLEY, September 27 CHARLESTON HOUSE.-t H. C. 8TOLL, FORMERLY WITH W. G. BANCROFT & CO. FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, AT THE OLD 8TAND, No. ?87 King-street, THIRD DOOR BELOW WENTWORTH, CHARLESTON, S. C. Terms cash. jOW Country orders promptly attended to. September 18 lmo ALLAN & SIDD0NS, Watches,* Clocks, Jewelrv PLATED WARE, FANCY GOODS, ETC., ETC., No. 307 King-Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. JAMES ALLAN.L. L. SLDDONS October 0 lmo NEWMAN & FOWLER, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Rough &D Dressed BICE. ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS, ... .. Ji7l i '. .' . OFFICE NO. 259 KLNQ-8TKEET,. J OPP08ITE HASEL, Alex. I<\ Ncivjimii.Edward Kowler September 25___^ lmo? , ~~ if. MELCHERS, , Deutsche Buch - Handlung, 9lo. 318 ?trtfl * Straft?, Cinc 2vlir oberbalb ?Societu Sttafje. ' *<3tet? ijorriitbig, ?ic?tfdjc nnb ChtaHfA?E ?J.?). 3< " gen, al8 journal, ?taateseitung, Cniiilnattcttungi &ax fciilaube, ferait*, [o tote lammliaje illuftrite 3cil,,n?u? {ytiit?ft?btlcbcr, yiotljbilcbcr, Stbriibmnlennllen. ;.. l?twa nitcb uorratbige ?lieber, wetben auf ?tfle?uug '?dji?ell ifnb Ml Ilg beforat. 6)e[djajl?tart?n, *rob. unb gJWcbtidet?, aJatlta?ten ce Wtrfccn ?it b?Ulgeit greifen gebtudt. ^Inj?lfl?ii fur bit "l?bnrlcflon ?iallt) Weir*" luetre? ?lo. 31b ??ng?rafie entgegen genommen, unb ?erben mi 2)eutfd)cn Vettern gefeljt. ?njeigen, bie am ?acbftei OTlorgen erfebetrien fotreh,-'tnufi?n bis fr-alefien?'5.Uv W'orgen er|ajetnen lene?, rinu S?iVe?jmittAf ?retben AncniHt'95' . (.. AngUHt 25 . .TIIECAMDEN WEEKLY ?JOURNAL. .muhtlNT>?l?a?0Nf P ?3 F?DL?SniNa THE "WJEEE X LY JOURNAL'* in the Town of C?mden, 8. C, ttn< Ib dealraus of imc.urln u a portion of the Charleston, advet tlalng patronage A Business Card would bo Inserted S reasonable rates, and conspicuously. Tho JouatfAL ha been extensively circulated through tho central district of Kcrahaw, Lancaster, Snmter, Foirflold and Btahland for many years, and Is well known to tho mercantil community of Charleston. : Term a for lnaorting a Card of ton lines or lesa, for thro months, $G; six mooths, $10. In casca where wo aro favored with largo single or don ble column advertisements, a liberal deduction will b made from our regularly advertised rates. J. T. HERSHMAN, Proprietor "Journal," Camden, 8. C. Octol or 0 10 PR. J. DICKSON IHIUNS RAS ?ESUMED THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE In this iKy. Office No. 74 (Dr. CIHSOLM'S) Hasel strctt. 3* October 10 Dr. ?MIDDLETON MICHEL KESUJIL- TUE PHACTTCE OF MEDICINE AND SUItOEIV. Ofllco. at present, corner of MEETING and SOCIETY-STREET-?residence of Dr. ttODRIGUES. Scptc-ibcr 26 lmo J. _. SOLOMONS, M. D., DENTIST, RASEI.-STREET, NEXT CATHOLIC CHURCH. October C lmo* 'JIUCOHPUSS k SHAFFER, SURGEON DENTISTS, HAVE REMOVED THEIR DENTAL ROOMS TO NO. 401 KINO-STREET (up stairs), oppdslto Citadel 8?UBrc, tutliH lino* October 16 & A. B0DRIG?E3, M. D., SURGEON DENTIST, ROOMS NORTHWEST CORNER OF SOCIETY AND MEETING-STREETS. October 18 lmo* NATHAN & OTTOLENGUI, AUCTIONEERS, Brokers and Commission Merchants, S. W? cor. Meeting nud TVeutworth-strccts, CHARLESTON. 8. C. M. H. N-TH-N.ISRAEL OTTOLENG?L WELL GIVE P-RTICUL-R .ATTENTION TO -LL comlgnments entnistcd to them, and respectful ly Rollclt a ihare of patronage. Will keep constantly on band all styles ol light Vehi cles and llarnoss. .?gents for Leather Belting and Fire-engine Hose. . REFERENCES. Mess. G. Vf. VYrL?CAMS k Co. Mess. Henry Cobia k Co. M ?so. Marshal?, Reach _ Co. Mess. "Willis k Cmsonu. Octobor 16 6. H. & J. G. M?FFETT, COTTON FACTORS And Forwarding Commission Merchants, CHARLESTON, S. C. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON Cotton, Naval Stores, and Produce of all Hindu. G. H. MOFTETT.J. G. MOFFETT. October 17 lmo* COURTENAY & TRENHOLM, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, NEWBERRY COURT HOUSE, S. C. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED A COPART NERSHIP for the purpose of conducting a GENE RAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING BUSINESS, at Newberry, S. O. (tho present available terminus of the Grccnvillo Railroad). Consignments of Merchandise for all Depots on the Oreen ville Railroad and Its Branches, and orders for tho purchase and shipment of Cotton, Ac., solicited. Onr covered Wagons, for the present, leavo Newberry Depot on the 1st, lOtb and 20tb, Orangeburg on the 6th, l?t_ and .5th of each month, in charge ?f a trusty wagon-master. WM. A. COURTENAY. (September 30 BtuthW P. C. TRENHOLM. B. S. RHETT & SON, FACTOES AND General Commission Merchants, HAVE RESUMED BUSINESS AT THEIR OLD STAND, No. O MIDDLE. ATLANTIC WHARF. October 3 tnthB lmo* LUMSDEN & MCGEE, AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND FORWARDING AGENTS, COLUMBIA, S. C. HAVING BUILT A LARGE STOREHOUSE IN THE most central part of the city, convenient to tho different Railroads and Hotels, are prepared to receive Cotton and other Produco and Merchandise generally, TO HE SOLD EITHER AT AUCTION OR PRIVATE SALE. Wo will also give strict attention to tho STOREING OR FORWARDING of aU goods direct?*- to our care. J. L. LUMSDEN,.JOHN Vf. McGEE, Columbia, S. C. Lato of Richmond, Va. RU?BEXC?8 : II. T. Pcakc, Esq. Charleston, S. C. ; Rufus M. Johnson, Esq., Columbia, S. C. ; Hon. T. C. Perrin, Abbeville, S. C,;Moses n. Grinnell, Esq., New York; Messrs. J. _ P. Dawaon, Charleston, S. C. ; G. Vf. Williams _ Co., Charleston, B. C; Gov. B. F.Jorry. September 28 th s till mo* H, M. JAMES & BROTHER, WHOLESALE PAPER Coi-imission _\_Zerc__a__ts No. - Hajm -Htrret, Charleston, S. C. ALSO, DEALERS IN SEAMLESS GRAIN ANL FLOUR BAGS, and HOLLINGSWORTH <_ WH II NEY'S PATENT MACHINE PAPER BAGS. OS- Columbia Phoenix insert five times and send bil to this 0?ice. October 5 thstuC* LAW NOTICE. SUBSCRIBER'S OFFICE AT ROBERTSON _ BLACK LOCK'S Counting House, Vahderhorst's "Wharf. WH attend to business in Georgetown and Horry Districts. October 17 tuUis3* JOS. BLYTHE ALL8TON. G. BAILEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 49- OFFICE No. 33 BROAD-STREET. Octobor 16 lmo WILLIAM RHETT, ATTORNEY & MAGISTRATE NO. 30 BROAD-STREET. Octobor 14 lmo I_. W. SPRATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE OVEB M_AY * GAMP-EL-, nA3__-_TB_ET, j. , NEXT DOOR TO POST-OFFICE. Ho wUl act as Agent in procuring PARDONS and ad ?ting CLAIMS on Treasury Department. August 10 _ CHARLES E. KANAPAUX, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND MAGISTRATE, CAR RESUMED BUSINESS AT HIS OLD STAND ' CHALMERS-STREET. . September 27 lmo D. Q'NEILX- & SONS, MAKUFAOTiniEnS AND DEALERS IN BQOTS AND SHOES. 1 No. 375 King-street, "j CHARLESTON, S. C. CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF FJftE PUR AND WOOL HATS I FOR MEN AND BOYS. ? j it?nber21 ?mo* 3* ,T_. WEISKOFF Kieps constantly on hand a full assort I . i ment of Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Glues, C0SCENTRATED LYE AND POTASH, WINDOV GLASS, OH. LAMPS, ?fcc, At Wo. 32? KINO-STREET, 8ccond door below Llberty-strret. ?eptembor 28 tbstuSmo** LAUREY & ALEXANDER, ATJCTIONEEKS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (Successors to R. & A. P. Caldwcll k Co.) Sos. 140 AND 148 MEETING-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. H. Z. LAUREY.It. M. ALEXANDER. October G lmo "WILBUR ?~S?n7" GENERAL AUCTIONEERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . OFFICE AND SALES ROOMS Nos. 18 aud 15 Statc-strcct nnd Nos. 1 and 3 ChiUmcrs-strcet, CHARLESTON, S. C. ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF PRODUCE OR MER CHANDISE consigned to us, either for Public or Private Salo, rcspoctfully solicited. Real Estate, In City or Country, purchased and sold strictly on commission. September 27 WiXM?M OTRNEYT^ Wholesale Grocer AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ?STo. 102 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. BUTTER, CHEESE AND PROVISIONS. LIBERAL.ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. October 11 lmo WILLIAM B. HERIOT k CO, BANKERS AND GENERAL AGENTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. October 7 lmo P. H. KEGLER. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Banker and Collection Agent, No. 173 EAST BAY-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. October 7 If. C. BEE.THEODORE D. JERVEY WILLIAM C. BEE & CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 18 EAST BAY. October 0 3moB H. L. JEFFERS & CO., FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND FORWARDING AGENTS, For the proaont, cau bo found at UNTo. 80 East Bay. October 6 lmo* ~ WILLIAM R0ACH7 (LATE HEX BY SII98BOON & CO.) General Commission Merchant, AND Agent of Merchants' Une of Vessels, CHARLESTON, S. C. Octoberr 7 lmo ~J. M. ?ASO?7 COMMISSION AGENT, No. 9 EXCHANGE-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. October 10 lmo STYLES & CARTER, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AGENTS FOR Orleans Line of Southern Packets. NO. 10 VANDERIIORSTS WHARF. *" C" 8TT ' I CHARLESTON, S. C. 1. F. CABTEB, J Advances made on consignments. "WM. H. RODSON & Co., Agents in Now York. October 0 lmo BROWNE & SCHIRMER. FOEWAKDING AND Commission Merchants. W. K. BROWNE, IF. M. 8CHIRMER, Orangeburg, S. C. No. 0 Exchange-street. Charleston, 8. C. ON THE COMPLETION OF THE 80UTH OAROLI NA RAILROAD to Hopkins' and Columbia, wo wll continuo business at each place respectively. I.KFtiiENCEs.?John Fraser k Co. Charleston. S. C. Vf. P. ' Hall, Charleston, 8, C. ; T. Savage Heyward .1 Souh, Augusta, Oa. lmo* October 0 CHAS. L. GUILLEAUME. GENERAL COMMISSION AND Forwarding 'IVTercliaxit. 143 MEETING-STREET, CHARLESTON, S, C, ' 43-Liberal Advances made on Consign ments. Scptcmbor 27 lmo ARCHIBALD GETTY & CO., SHIP k STEAMBOAT AGENTS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 126 AND 128 MEETING-STREE1 AND Nos. 63 AND 63 BASEL-STREET, Charleston, S. C, LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS August 16 L. 0. CLIFFORD..... J. FRASER MATHEWES. AUCTIONEERS, ? Brokers aud Commission Merchants, WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE OI HOUSES and LANDS, Bonds, Stocky Produce, Furniture, ko. >MSO, I . . > . Tho.BENTING of. HOUSES.! ?O? Reoeivlng and Forwarding orders solicited.^ Office No ^i_DROAD-.STREFT? lmo October 11_ TUPPE? & THIAST??," Timber, Lumber and Wood Merchants '(TORRE'S STEAM SAW MILL) CHARLESTON, S. C. George Tupper.JTno. G. Thnrston WILL PURCHA8E, OR RECEIVE ON CONSIGN MENT for salo, TIMBER, LUMBER. WOOD Shingles and Lath?. lmo October 6 <*-~? R. M. MARSHALL, BROKER, AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, HAS RESUMED BUSINESS AT HIH OLD STAND. No. 33 llr AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. September 1_3mcg WILLIS&CHISOLM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS? AND SHIPPING AGENTS. OFFICE, ATLANTIC WHARF. CHARLESTON, S. C. E. WILLI8.A. R.CHISOLMv ' WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, SALE ANL SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestic Ports) of COTTON, RICE, LUMBER, NAVAL STORES; to tho CoUection of Drafts, Purchase and Salo of all Securities.. Conslgnmcnte of vessels solicited, nitrons to: General G. T. BEAU REGARD, Now Orleans, La. Messrs. JOHN FRASKIt k CO., Charleston. 8. C. Messrs. GEO. W. WILLIAMS * CO., Charleston, 8. Cv * GEO. 8CHLEY, Esq., Alignais, On. T. 8. METOALF, Eso,., AiihumIo, Ga. Messrs. CLARK, DODGE A- CO., New York. Messrs. MURRAY k NEPHEW. Now York. Messrs. E. W. CLARK k CO., Philadelphia, Penn. Mesar?, PENDEKG AST, FEN WICK k CO., Baltimore, Md. Messrs. SAM'L HARRIS & SONS, Baltimore, Md. jOSr Tho Columbia I"hesnix will publish every other day for one month, and oilier South Carolin* papers weekly for the tmuiu period of.Uiiuvaiul send bills to lui* ofllce._ August 14 W. H. EASTERBY, Commission & Forwarding M:_-_iiOH_-v_srT, East Bay, Charleston, S. C. WILL ATTEND-.TO THE-PURCHASE, SALE ANO Shipment of Cotton, Rice, Navul Stores and othcr* Produee. rirtles consigning Goods to my caro to bo forwardod mnst place nie in funds to pay expenses.. Ship and Railroad Freights must bo paid before Goods aro forwarded. References: 0. M. Forman, O. W. Williams k Co., E, B. Stoddard k Co-, Chamberlain, Isaacs _ Co., John ston, Crows k Co., Hast?o, Calhoun k Co. September 20 ' _?_Imo A. JONES, DENT-AJL DEPOT, No. 724 Broadway, New York. Scpcmbcr 15 2mo