DAILY NEWS MONDAY SCORNING, SEPTEMBER 11. 1805. LOCAL MATTEKS. Messrs. Quinn ?. Biiothkb httvo laid on our ta ble late Ules of Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi paper?, for which WO aro moat thankful. It ig with deep sorrow that wo aiinounco tlio death of Major William Laval, which took place ?omo daya ago ago, at tho town of Greenville, hi this State. He had for year? filled many offices of triiBt nmongat uawith great fidelity, and noouo was regarded higher than ho as nn honorable citi zen, l?o endeavored to fulfill his dutiea aa a Chriatiau in this world, and ho has gone, wo hope, to meet hia reward in anothor. The CoLusiniA Phatnix niakeB montion that Mr. -Joseph Daniel Pope, long known aa a prominent planter on tho seaboard of South-Carolina, haa made, under the auspices of Major-General Q. A. GiLLiioai:, a tour through aomo of the Parishes of lower Carolina, which have been worked by the freedmcu. The report is aaid to be moderato in tone, entirely free from prejudice, unique in ita .consideration of the topic? embraced, and aingu larly fair and indulgent towards the negro. Mr. rorE ?a familiar with the catates, with every pecu liarity in their culture; knowing well tho suscepti bilities of the land, and perfectly acquainted with their capacity for production, no person could bo found better tilted for an examination of their present condition. Tornado ok 1811.?Yeaterday, September 10, was the anniversary of this over-nieiuorable tor nado; and if we had the moans of referring to the publications of that period tre could certainly make up an interesting article, describing in de tail the ravages it committed in an exceedingly short ?pace of time. Ita truck was from S. E. to N. W., beginning at the Battery, and in the twink ling of an eye crossing tho city diagonally, "mak ing playthings" of everything that stood in its courue. It struck the splendid mansion, then the property of Mr. Rtrsssu,, it: Meeting-street, next to the Scotch Church, and injured it badly?the mark of an extensive tissure, though well repaired, boing ?till visible. A portion of a window-shutter from this building was found in the garden of the late John Hvjcb, at the cornet- of Wentworth and Smith atreets. The shod of the house at the southojat corner of Magazine and Mazyck streets was lodged in the jail-yard, a?-.d several other house i were unroofed and unset. A number of persons wore killed, and a negro girl who was in an upper chamber where a bouse had the roof taken off, waa thrown over the wails of the room nod found dead in au adjoining lot. ?"??me of our old inhabitants, no doubt, remember distinctly tin' many accidenta which occurred, on this melancholy occasion. Assault.?Wc are informed thai on Saturday night last Mr. HcNastsox, the accommodating proprietor of the Bathing House, was assaulted by nonio individual and very badly beaten over the head with a bottle; but we aro happy to aay he was yesterday improving, and apparently not so aeri oualy injured aa was as lirst supposed. IIonnBHY_The residence of J. Ji. Gadsden, a colored man, No. 21 Sprkig-stroct, waa entere?] on Saturday morning last, at about one o'clock, and fron: his pockets were taken forty-five dollars and paper? of value, and aiso Ihn key of his barber* shop, under the Merchants' Hotel. The thief obtained acocas to his bed-room by climbing the piazza posts to the second story?a new plan adopt ed by burglars, it .seems, but very fashionable at prosont, and very successful. Wi: n_G particularly to call the attention of our renders to tho advertisement of Mr. Ueduond, editor of the Southern CuUioatar and proprietor of tho Georgia Nursery. To those of our readers who arc "up" in agricultural and horticultural matters, it is unnecessary for ua to explain to them the standing of Mr. Redmond in tho Southern country aa an agriculturist and horticulturist. Those who are no. 'up," and deaire to know some thing of him and hia nursery, can addreaa him aa per advertiacuiC'it. Mu. Patrick Walsh, editor and proprietor of tho Pacificator, haa turned over the good will of that journal to the Metropolitan Record, and ia now o? a viuit to this city for the purpose of procuring subscription? among hia former patrons and our citi/.eiiH generally. He will also solicit aubecriptioua and advertise ments for the Augusta CoHsti'ntionalist. one of the ablest and most extensively circulated papers in Georgia. Wo take pleasure iu commending Mr. Walsh to our follow-eitisens, and wish him a pleasant and profitable visit. Any communication . loft at thia oflk-e will receive-' prompt attention. GoUBTBHA- ft Tsbhholk.?Our readers will per ceive in our issue of to-day a copartnership, under this title, rccontly formed in Nowbcnyfor the pur pose of engaging in the Commission and Forward ing Business. Whilo railroad ariangemonta aro so interrupted, and merchandise has to bo trans ported aa it was in timea which wo thought had gone by forovor, it nuiat be agreeable to mer chants and othora dispa'tchfhg goodrt, to ace men of character and respouaibility, like these gentle men, undertaking this arduous occupation. Caiiuiaoes, Haunehs, ?il.?It ia with great plcnauro that wc rofer our roaJera to the adver tisement of one of our old business mon, Mr. Hi ll. Nathan, who, in copartnership with Mr. IaiiAEL Ottolenoui, intends to seek from the public a portion of ita patronage. The knowledge of Mr. N. in this peculiar lino, with his punctuality here tofore exhibited, warranta a large cuatom for the concern. Wk wouT.n call attention to an advertisement in another column, of a mixturo that haa long been manufactured in thia city by an old r?sident, known as " Davis' Whooping Cough Mixture. " It ia well recommended. Ckntbax. Ice CnEAM Gaiuien.?Another of thoao dolightful ovoninga, which tho proprietors of thia establishment havo already givon, ia announced in our paper of Ulla morning. Tho fashionable com pany, the muaie and the delicious cream, together, form an attraction not to be rcaiatcd; so wo pro dict an large a crowd to-night, at the garden, aa have before attended thcao pluaaaut Promenade -Concerts. CU3TOM House Exohanoe.?We refer our readers to tho card of Messrs. Nicholson & IIooeot, al No. 66 Broad-atreot, whoso Btock is of the boat kind, and where cuatomcrs are promptly attendee to. _ Tue Atlanta New Eia, of tho 5th lr.at., says thaf Governor Johnson waa in town yoaterday. He ii bore for tho purpose, wo understand, of having thi Stale road turned over to him by tho G?rerai Gov ?rnmont, I Tue Convention.?Tho fullowiug gontlemen have been elected members of the Convention, tlirsnghout the Stato, as far aa heard from;?, . St. Philip mid S/. Michael.?Chins. Macbeth, EL D. Losetmo, Vf. H. UUliland, P. C. Gaillard. James Conner, J. A. Wagoner, EL Gourdin, C H. Simon ton, F. Melchera, W. S. Honorer. G. W. Williams, Edward Frost, A. O. Andrews, Alfred Hugor, Win. Ravcnel, P. J. Contran, W. M. Martin, lit. Ruv. P. N. Lyncb, John Bouniorlo, James llo.o. St. Andrews.?Wm. Izard Bull. St. Thomas and St. Dennis.? Charlea M. Fur man. Sumter.?F. J- Monea, J. H. Frioraon.T. M. Mul derow. Clarendon.?Dr, Jaa. McCaulov, Warren Nelson. WlUiamsbttrg?E. J. Porter, Dr. Jua. A. Jamoa. St. Georg,'-.?J. H. Chiaolin. St. James (loose Creek_Dr. W. M. Brailsford. Orangehurg.?C. McMiehael, Major J. Morgan. Si. PaitPs Parish.?Iaaac M. Dwight. (.Uurnhia.?Wade Hampton, A. It. Taylor, F. W. McMaatcr, W. Wallace Darlington.?H. O. Milling, J. E. Byrd, J. H. Nor wood. Marlboro'.?C. W. Dudley, T. C. Weathorloy. Chester.??. D. Molton, Jamoa HomphilL Dr. A. P. WileV. Chesterfield.?Chancellor J. A. Inglia, J. H. Mc Ive.r. Fairfield?James H. Kion, W. R. Robertson, John brat ton. St. Stephen's.?W. H. Cannon. Wallerlioro'.?A. Campbell, H. G. Shoridau, Rev. A. B. Stephana. SL John's Berkley.?J. GaUlard. Beaufort.?J. G. Thompson. Marion.?A. Q. McDuftlc, W. T. Wilson, R. EL Reaves. Anderson.?J. L. Orr, Dr. S. Evana. .T. WUsun, T. J. Piokona. The Constitutional (Convention of Colorado con cluded its labora ou tho 12th inst., by the adop tion of a free Stato Constitution. Colorado, when admitted, will complete a belt of States to the Pa cific, with the exception of Utah. HOLDERS OP MERCHANDISE WHO WISH TO REALIZE IMMEDIATELY, WILL consult their Interests by consigning the ?ame to JAR B. UAHILL, General Commission Merchant, September 11 lliuos Augusta, Oa. CUSTOM HOUSE EXCHANGE, ISTo. 60 BROAD-STREET, NEXT BOOK TO CUSTOM HOUSE, WHERE THE CHOICEST KINDS OK ALE, WINES, LIQUORS and HEU ABS oro constantly kept on bond, A. B. NICHOLSON.D. BOGERT. September ii l* JUST TAKE A LOOK AT US ! THE A. IL. ETON. Ales, Wines, Liquors and Segars. No. ?5 B_-OAJ?-ST__I_ET, Cff.WCESTOX, S. C. Pr.?c i.u nr i,, from 11 to x ?V.loc]c, every ?lay. Pnor-iut.-roriH?WILLIAM B, DOUGLAS sed WALTER M-l'EHH. lino August 31 CUVIS TJS A CALL! MOTTS' SAMPLE ROOMS. Ales, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, &c. No. 8 BROAD-STREET, CHARLESTON'. S. C. BSr FREE LUNCH from II till 1 o'clock every day."t_3 1'iioi'no-.iiuL'i : JOHN MOTT.W. V. MOTT. August 3U Imo FREE C0LLATI0 N SERVED EVERY EVENING AT MERCHANTS EXCHANGE BAR, Corner King ami Society-Streets. August 00 MERCHANTS' HOTEL" CORNER KING AND SOCIETV-STS. THE ABOVE HOTEL HAS BEEN COMPLETEL* renovated ami refurnished, and is uon' open for the pa tronage of tin?, public, under aa entirely new manage nieni. A BAR, fitted op witli the latest and moHt modern Im provement?, i m attached to tin: Holme, whore ma; always he found LIQUORS of the most Hupcrior quality in tho City. LIQUOR can lie obtained at the tibie, and will also lie i'iu'ii?m?h'iI in tho rooms at all hour? anil all days of the week, if desired. Mr. H. H. PARSONS, formerly connected with tho Pavilion Hotel, in attached to the Hotel, and would be gratified to moot any of his old frieuds. LOP.ING & BENNETT, Proprietors. August 24 , 3mo OS~ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA?CHARLESTON DISTRICT.?By OEORQE BUIST, Esq., Ordinary.? Wberess, jullvn a. Mitchell, of Oharissto.. has made suit to nie to grant him Letters of Administration of tho Estate and Effects of MIN'OO CRAWFORD, late of Edisto Island, "free person of color;" These are, there fore., to c'.tu and admonish all and slngul-r the kindred and creditors of the said Minoo CruwFORD. deceased, that they be and appear before mo, in the Court of Ordi nary, to be held at Charleston, at No. ?1 Rutledge-strcet, on th_ lath, day of September, 1805, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given Amder my hand, thin second day of September, Anno Domini 18C5. GEORGE BUIST, September J ni2 Judge of Probates. stSi- STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA?CHARLESTON DISTRICT.?By GEOROE BUIST, Esquire, Ordinary.? Whereas, MARIA T. McKEWN, of Charlestun, widow, made suit to mc to grant her Letters of Administration, de bonis non, with the will annexed, of the Estate and Effect- of JEROilE BOYCE, late of Charleston. Laborer: These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all ar.d sin ;;u.:_r the kindred and creditor.'? of tho sail Jkbomk EorcE, deceased, that thoy bo and appear bofbrfl mc, in the Court of Ordinary, to bo hold at Charleston, at No. y Rutled?O-utrcet, on the 18tb day of September, 18CS. after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the f-irouoon, to shew cause, if any tticy have, why tho said Administra tion. 8I1011IU not bo grantou. Given under my hand, thl? second day of Septembor, Anno Domini 18C5. GEOROE BUIST, September 4 m. Judgo of Probates. ?&-STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA?CHAULE-(TON DISTRICT.?By GEOROE BUIST, Esquire, Oruin iry.? Whereas, JULL\N A. MITCHELL, of Charleston, made suit to me to grant hhn Letter? of Administration of the Estate and Effect? of JOSEPH BEAMER, late of E.listo Island, free person of color: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all nud singular tho kindred and credit ors of the said Joseph Beamt_i, deceased, that they bo and appear beforo me, in tho Court of Ordinary, to be heUl at Charleston, at No. 3 Butledge-strcot, on the 18th day of September, 1865, after publication heraof. at U o'clock In tho forenoon, to show cause. If any thoy have, why U10 said Administration Bhould not bo granted. Given under my hand, this second day of September, Anno Domini 1805. GEORGE BUIST, 8cptombnr 4 m3 Judge of Probate*. ?tt_? STATS OV SOUTH CAROLINA, CHARLESTON DISTRICT.?By GEORGE BUIST, Esquire, Ordinary.? Where?-, JULIAN A. MITCHELL, of Charleston, mode suit to me to grant him Letters of Administration of tho Estate and Effects of WARLEY MEGOET, late of Edisto Island, "free person of color;" Those are, theroforo, to cito and admonish ?U and singular tho kindred and cre ditors of the Bald Wab__v Mkookt, dooea_ed, that they ba and apyoar before mo. In tho Court of Ordinary, to be hold at Charleston, at No. 3 Rutledge-strcst, on lflth day of September, 1855, ?ftcr pubUcstion hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause. If any they havo, why the said Administration ahould not be granted. Given undor my hand, this second day of Beptomber, Anno Domini 1805. GEORGE BUIST, September 4 ni2 Judgo of Probatoa. ; NATHAN'S O L 1> S T _A _ST _p , SOUTHWEST CORNER QfEETttG & WENT? ORTII-STREETS. CARRIAOES. HARNESS, &c, &c. THF, UNDERSIGNED HAVING THIS DAY FORMED A COPARTNERSHIP with Mr. ISRAEL OTTO LENGUI, under the name and style of NATHAN ?t OTTOLENOUI, and leased my old stand, we are prepared to do an AUCTION. COMMISSION. AND BROKERAGE I1USINESS. Having made arrangements with several large Fact?: ries ut the North, wo will ?ion he In neaiptof au?I roaily to furnish my old customers and friends with CARRIAGES. HARNESS AND LIGHT VEHICLES, of every AsscripHon. An?! fr??ni my long experience and knowledge of the businuss, hope to receive a liberal share of patronage. M. H. NATHAN. September 11 mthmtuwf? TO THE PUBLIC? WE SEE NO REASON WHY SO MANY CHILDREN should lie allowed to sufler from WHOOPING COUGH, wbcu DAVIS' CELEBRATED MIXTURE is a certain ouio toi ?.lia ? most .laugcrou-? dfcMMC, which is prevalent hero and ?dsewhere. Prepared and .?old hy cither or thu underalgued, at their roHideuces. D. W. DAVIS. No. Ba America-street. NATHAN DAVIS, September II 1 No. 35 Canno:i-st., corner Felix. TIN AND ROOFING PLATES. A LSO, BLOCK TIN. FOR SALE LOW BY T. TUPPER k SONS. September 7 (I Brown's Wharf, HEATH & CO., No. 260 KING-STREET. JUST RECEIVED : SUGAR-CURED PIC. HAUB SUGAR-CURED PIG 11ACON PIG SHOULDERS "WINES, BRANDIES ?IN, BOURDON WHISKEY ST. CROIX RUM JAMAICA RUM CORDIALS, SYRUPS. ALSO, A FRESH RUrPIA' OF GROCERIES, &c, Ac. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. J. K. HEATH & CO. August 14 lmo JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. FINK OLD Bit ANDIl'.S?VINTAGE i?24 Oli <*!u!> House Hin Old ?amafea Rum Old St. Croix Rum Barton & Gu-stier"? Importation?of flue Ciarct3 Johnson k Son's Importations of fine Claret? Stuart .v Co.'a Crnabod Su^ar Sugar House Byrttpe, tit hurrcU Choice City Cured Ham? Coarto? Salt Duryoa's Ma zona Duryea'n March Browu'.s Detersive Soap Brown's U. H. Soap Colgate'? Family Soap ColSttUUl'a Enylitdi Mustard. aun, LIME, LATH, CEMENT, PLASTER AND H\IR. STYLES A: CARTER, September 4 No. 10 Vunderliorsfs Wharf. FRESH GOODS?FULL STOCK. PACKAGES NEW MACKEREL ISO l).v,'s lit., and Java Coflbu iOO liO'-eH Oatldles 200 wholo boxel RsMbp, Layers 200 half boxea Itaialn.i, Layon. 60 boxes Cooking Soda 100 bo:e? Ma?;.: Coffee 00 chest* beat Tea-?, cheap 200 bhls. Sugars, various ?indu B0 tierces Molasse.. 25 bliLs. Cider VUMgar 50 bills. Corned Beef 25 bbls. Corned Pork 250 boxea Starch 200 boxea Snap 500 boxcH Herrings 200 boxea Pickle, ami Gerkins 200 oassa Saucva aud Kctsupu 200 bbls. Extra Flour B0 package? Goshen Butter Splecs of all kinds, Maccaroni, Citron, Preserved Ginger, Cooking Extract?, Ac. A-c. GEO. W. CLAKK & CO., Align?t 21__No. 145 Meeting street JUST RECEIVED. 1 /.A CASES SPARKLING HOCK AND RHINE 1UU WINE 100 BSSes CHAMPAGNE CIDER (500 case? Ale 100 bbls. WlilsUy, various brands and prices 10 bills. Alcohol, 07 per cent. 00 bbls. Alo 00 eases Wbiaiy 50 eases Brandy 25 cases Stoughton Bitters CO baskets Heidsiuck A- C'o's. Champagne, a pure and g??nulue article Brandy, Gin, He. Cr?iix Rum .Sherry Wine, fco., Ac.. All of tbepurest quality and cheap for casli, at GEO. W. CLARK k CO*?., AugU3t 21 No. 14G Meeting-street. TO ARRIVE, it V SCHOONER JONAS SMITH. 1 AAf. BUSHELS OATS -LUIJU 100 COILS ROPE. ALMO, ON IIAJ?O. 50 bbls. Herman Smith's EXTRA FLOUR 00 bbls. Middling Flour. JOHN G. THUKSTON, No. 14 Yaudei'iorst'.s Wharf. September 0 4* FAMILY GROCERIES. 50 308.KING-STREET.308 Between Society nntl Wentrrprth. J. W. STEINMEYER KEEPS CONSTANTLY SUPPLIEJ? "WITH TIAL TO CONVENIENCE AND COM PORT FOR FAMILY USE. ALSO, PORTER, ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS, TOBACCO, SUGARS, &c. lmo August 19 KING & CASSIDEV, SOUTHERN DRUG HOUSE, USTo. 151 JX-Teeting-St,, CHARLESTON, S. C, [OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRUGS Pat-nit Medicines Dye StuffB Burgical Instrumenta Pcrfumory Fancy Soups Stationery Writing Inka] LEADS Varnisbes Oils Dry an?l Mixed Paints Window Glass Brushes Winoa Liquors, &o. ALSO, .OLE AGENTS FOR TATENT LEGS AMD CRUTORJ-S Isaacson's Rat aud Insect Poison, A-c, Ac. Boptombor 1_Ron* I_ NOTICE. MARBLE MANTEL8 SET OR REPAIRED, MONT MKNTS. TOMBS AND HEAD 8TONE? RE LETTERED AND CLEANEt), and ovcry variety ol Marblo Work faithfully and promptly ox?ente*, by a c-omyot-nt and rcUablo Mechanic. Business of this de scription HoUcited, and alt orders left at Uto COMMIS SION nOUSE OF JAMES W. BROWN A CO., MEETING STREET. OPPOBITE PAVILION HOTEL, will bo Imme diately attondod to, vixaZ* February 0 1 SOUTHERN FBUIT TUEES. \ VERY CHOICE COLLECTION OF THE BEST VA. A. UIETHM of FRUIT TUBES, GRAPE VINES. STRAWBERRY PLANTS. Ac?.. \III_N CE'?S METALLIC PAINT, iwiiniraiiii u fiAtmiKffl FOR 1R0N; TIN AND WOOD. IT CONSISTS OF SEVENTV-TWO PARTS OXIPE OF IRON, and twenty-right parts CEMENT LIME STONE in th?- one hundred pound?. It lias muvli moro body than Red or White Lead, it is warranted perfectly water und lire proof, ami to with Htandngivaii-rhi-at on inrtals, without sealiuy, than any other ratal in inte. It is a perfect cover for all kinds of Iron. Tin or Wood work. Out-honse* and Cam.im Covering?. It prevents and arrest? tin? corrosion of mot?is, sud is net effected by tin? action of suit, ganos, sohl* or ammonia. This paint requires no more oil than dry load or zino, and much loss than the ?nlinnry miners) paints. It is fro fron? any wash?, an?l possesses a spreading and covering power unequalled. Terms.?Dy barrel or half barrel, live cents per pound. CAMERO.?' k BAKKLKY, Agents, September 8 iiinr No. 149 Meetlug-stre-et. TBEDEGAR IRON WORKS, Riclimoncl- Va. - Having resumed operations at these Work?, wo aro prepared to supply all tho article; heretofore furnished l>v us; mnong them aro the follow in_: TOR RAILROADS. Wheels and A\tes, soparato or lilted (Allied Tiros, chairs and Spikes Bridge Holt* ami Bridge Castings Iron Truck?, Engines, Rollers, Nails, kc MERCHANTS. Iron of all kinds, Nails, Aro. PLANTERS. Engines for Raw and Grist MiHs l'laillation Iron and Castings j Sorghum Mills and Pans BUILDERS. Iron Front?, and all Castings for Buildings Nails, Spikes, ?to. We have also on hand Hoop Iron, suitable for Ciiopers and others; uLso, Irou Axles. Horse Shoe?, .to., all of wliieh we will noil at the lowest market rates fur Slick articles. J. R. ANDERSON A- CO. CAMEBON & BARKLEY, AGENTS, No. 142 Meeting-street, Charleston, S. C. September 9 Ouiwfll CHEAP ~CASH STORE, No. 42 HAllKET-STREET, \OltTH slllK, NEAR MEETING-STREET. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS. OILS. PUTTY. Brushes, Buckets, Rruoms, Tub?, Diamond Oil for Kerosene and Union Lumps. A Hiuall lot of SMOKING TOBACCO, and a few KERO SENE LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS. August 18 lino AUSTIN k ALBF.E. PAPER. ALL KINDS AND SIZES OF PAPER AND TAPER BAGS, Seamless Grain and Flour Bagn,.&c. For sale at Now York prices,'by H. It. JAMES & BRO.. Agent? for Nassau Mills, N. Y., No. 4 Haync-atreet, Charleston, S. C. September 8 fm2* S. G. COTJRTENAY, BOOK AND STATIONERY DEPOT, No. 9 BROAD-STEEET, A.tKli.t 1. ? 111KUWTI)\, 9. C. TO TUE BOOKSELLERS,? ffn*fri?**?*. FANCY GOODS DEALERS -. OTTJIR SOUTH. JAMES O'KANE, Bookseller? Stationer and Manufacturer Of POCKET ?"Bn*. RApH ALBmfa CARTE DE VISITE, Begs respectfully to say that ho la slUl located at his old stand, * ^ No. 126 Nassau-street, New York^ where ho continue? to mipnly tho .Tobbln? end ReUtl Trade with all article? in the, BOOK AND STATIONARY LINE, on the meet liberal term?. Boolts, Stationery, Note, Letter, Cap, Legal Cap, Bill, and Bath Papers, Photograph Albums, Carte do Visito for Albums, Blank Books, Inks, Mucllago, Euv-loncs, ?re, &e., A-c., In great variety end cheap. A superior Uno of POOKET DIARIES FOB 18CC. Catalogues sent on application. Orders promptly Ailed. Address JAMES O'KANE, N?.13G Nassau-street, NEW YORK. August 14_ _, '_ ??-DR. T. REESS.MEr.NA. HAV?NO RESUMED his Practice of MEDICINE AND SURGERY, \vM bo found ?t his Office, No. 100 BROAD-STREET, between King and Meetlng-streets. H. B.? Diseases of s Private Naturo eurcd with die | yi&Hh. August 13 ~:.. : a M .1 _AUCTION SALE&_ LAUGE SALE OK t.OVI_U-.I?II.:riiT CAUH, ENGINES AND RAILROAD IRON. TOTTED STATES MILITARY RAILROADS, ) Okkh-k oi- AaatnTAltr (jiiaiitkhmastkii. ! Washington. 1>. ?'.. AiiKUBt II, 1865. ) Will be sol?!, at CITY POINT. V.l., ou WEDNESDAY, October It, at It ?.'. '... k, A. M., ABOUT FOUR THOUSAND (40110) TONS RAILROAD IKON. At PORTSMOUTH, VA., ?iu FRIDAY, October W, at 12 M.. FIVE (M FIKST-CLASS LOCOMOTIVE ENOIKFJ. About Fifty ("iO) freight Cars and One (1) Paajtruger Car. At NORFOLK, VA-, October 13. at 6 P. M? ONE NEW LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE, 0 foot go???-. At ALEXANDRIA. VA., ou TUESDAY, October IT, FIFTY (."H? FIRST-*'LASS LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES, 4 feet 8', inch glU^C Eighteen (18) uew Plulform Car>?. five foot guage Tweuty-tH?. ( _-,) new Box Car?. Ove (5) foot gun-to About three bundred aud lifty (:i.r.U) Box Cars, 4 feet 8'? Inch gin??. About two hiiu.b-i-d and thirty (230) Platform do., I feet 81, inch Rtlftgn About thirty (3D) Stock do., 4 feet 8 ', Inch guago Twenty c_0) Passi-nger ?I?., 4 f,(.r ;?:, inch guago One (1) Wrecking do., 4 feet H>t luch yitago Two 121 new Truck? Sixty (00) new Trucks, framed Fourteen (14) Flats, framed About two tbOUMUd C'IIW>) tons I.a.Urn:nl Iron. Sahs to commence at ALEXANDRIA, at 10 A. M., anil to confinnu I'roni ?lay to ?luy until all arc sold. Terms cash, in Clovcrmnt-iit hind*. H. L. ROBINSON, Brev. Col. and A. (', M., V. s. Military Rullro..?.?. August 31 33 LAJUUE SALE OF t?OVKKX-UENT 11 AI IN ROAD ENGINES AND CARS. UNITED STATES MILITARY RAILROADS, J OmOK <>*' ASSISTANT QUAItTKUMASTKU, ! "' .?Mil. |,lli. ?? ? -. ? -.,".? H. ?-.". % V" ill he sold at MAN<:UESTKB, opposite RlcbSMNld, Va.. oil TUESDAY. October 3, TWENTY-FIVE (SB) NEW FIRST-CLASS LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES, live (.'.) foot guugi-, flvo (5) tool drivers. cylinders llix24 lueheM, t-ai>n?-ity of tunk 1000 gallons? Five (.-.) iirst-cliiss Locomotive-*. 4 t!-et 81, inch guag?. Two liundicd and sixty-live (-.? .'.) now Box Freight Cars, live foot guilde Fifteen (IS) new Platform Cars, live foot guago Ten (111) Ireifihl I'ai'H, 1 feet H>. inch ?nage. The sale tu ?iintiiiiie t?i.lay u. day until all are soIiL Sfclo to coiiuneiice lit 10 o'clock. Terms _ash, iu Government funds. H. L. ROBINSON, August 01 24 Brev. O'l. sud A. ?->. M. PRIVATE SALES. Choice Havana Sivaiv. BY MefCAY ?Si CAMPBELL. At Private Sal?', 40,000 tissortc.l HAVANA SEGARE, of superior .piiilitv. On?- superior new SIDE SADDLE and BRIDLE. For sah- low to close consignment. Apply as above, at Nos. !-o and < - HASEL-ST., September 7 Next door to Postot?cc. ?i BLANK BOOKS MADE TO ORDER AND RULED TO ANY PATTERN A CHOICE SCPPL- OP FULL AND 11 ALP-BO UND BLANK BOOKS ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF OFFICE STA TIONERY, BLANKS, LEASES. BILLS OF LADING. DRAY RECEIPTS, Ac, constantly on hand. BOOKBINDING IN* ALL ITS VARIETIES. job i3ni]_srTiisrG^ OF EVERT DESCRIPTION EXECUTED IN THE NEATEST MANNER. HIRAM HAR?IS, August 14 r.ll2 No. 50 BROAD-STUF.ET. D. O'NEILL & SONS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 875 King-Strpet, CHARLESTON, S. C. CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LASOS STOCK OF FINE FUR AND WOOL HATS FOR MEN AND ROYS. August *1 lmo* If. MI-'LCHKl-t-S, Deutsche Buch - Handlung, 9.0. 31_ it ?ltd > 3tm"., Ginc ?bK? e">ctt>al?> Secictt? ? Straf"" ?J> ?Stet. ?mSt?it, Tcitt?itc ?h. i?:t-.i?'&. 9t.fl. 3tftu8 flfn, al? "jiMirtial, '3t.iat. ttitini?, i?ri!i.indljettiii'*i. li'ar pM; ftSadbc? t.??-r.;AVHidlHWfeii Injiw fcet ?IiiCivafal. -Dcut'dic ?>eiaita.f ?lt-er. SI 8 G iUutber, 8il.tn.U4et, ?riw??W8?wn. .)?-T.i!'i>n tirufoc ii.f.ro. ISrtflli'ii-Xtut'iljt lo.itf'lcUcr, Tiv aiiicritnniidjc -"H'Otat ainfritanifdjc 2-0 Um .liftier, Ritter- ?tauber, iinfc ?clfiet? ?elt-irbten, ?MtMNMlCfl. ?HJ? ?. f. ? Ci?? ?gP tootr?tiid- 23?C?CY, werten auf ?eftcllmi? 'fftncU Mb Ul -????fttilar'teii, ?to. ? uiib -??(?.tiefet?, 5?u?ltartcii ce. werten iu MHiaCu "i'rei?en flctritclt. __>" -Mi...l?ii fut Ht "(H'a?teftop ?OSll-j -.eir." ..crteti Sic. 318 -?liiaflrafie cnta?g?tt aenctnmen. utib i.c.tciimit ?eutfajen Vettern fttftbt. ?nvelaeti, tie am ?ad-fUrt ?li.craen erftteinen folien, inilf?cn bii fpalcflcti3 o IHjc _)...t1_'iHitl.i.-|_ ciiigtt?idjt iPCtteil. Aumist 25 - ._ PE?T?ST steamer. uso, A Rcnoral aesortment of ?cntle men's nnd Boy'n FCIt HATS which aru offcri'il tor Bale .it the lowest inurliOt ! T>?e** -' - " ? .D. 0--N-*I--t. k HON, 1 No. 375 Kliig-strctt, abovu Ooorgo-strco*. _Aii?nti^l4_mwH lino? ^ TO OWNERS OF COTTON. IN ANSWER TO NUMEROUS INQUIRIES FROM: ?xliroad, wo would say that wo are propared to taku char?o of, put in order and ship any lot of COTTON In. the States of Georgia, South Carolina or Alati&ma, a? wo liavo lcH-al agents nt ahn?" the timo wo re<*lvo it until sold and returns are nia-lo by our houses. ' ___ . __ ; _ WATTS. CHANE k CO... ^ow York, or W. O. WATT8-& CO., Liverpool, Engliind. Wo InvRe th? i>ei.-'Clal attonUon of non-realdotita to, oar facilities, __; __# nnvcj?? & co. Augxut-J lm*?