s In tiie Little Trap By VIRG?UIA LEILA WENTZ "And bo bas the smartest looking trap you ever saw,-Madge! It's eham i . pagno! colored and a perfect love. Wivat do you bet I don't land him, trap and ap. before tho summer's flown by?" . Miss Irene Warden, a beauty (and aware o? lt), wna writing to uer girl ohuin concerning the bi&holor who bad Just taken the big coloidal house with the carriage voad und trou archway which for several seasons now bad ?abandoned hope of usef ulucss. . j She was writing by an open window J where the scent of the roses carno up from the front garden. Beyond lay the pretty tree lined road over which the' bachelor and his champagne col ored trap had just flown by.' "Although I've told you his name ls Horace Matlock," ran on Miss War den's pen, "I haven't told you whnt ho -looks like. He's an old man, forty or fifty, I should say. His nose ls rather too big, although people call him hand some, and ho's a blt bald, but, then, I suppose most; men who live In big nouses and drive smart trans have big noses. What?" Miss Warden smiled a little soft sin i lo Into the glass above her dressing table and then bent over Jber portfolio again: . "Of course I'd-prefer dear old Tom. He's young and stunning and sings ?college songs so beautifully, but, as .you snow, he hasn't a red! Aad 1 real ly must do something this summer, . Madge. My already meager allowance -^111 be cut considerably tn the autumn, .for iii September pa's going to enter "the matrimonial gama himself-a hor -rld, designing widow 4oo! So I must ..step lively,' In the parlance of street oar officials. "In point ot fact, though," pursued -the voluble pen, "It'll be pretty easy, -piata sailing. I haven't a Bingle good looking rival, up la this out of the way .place except old Professor Thornton's -daughter, and she'* the quietest.poke of ? girl-a regular stay at home. And ;aB for dressing-well, Madge, yen and I spend as much on our gloves and veils, I redlen, ns sh>" does on her -whole outfit. That's what coa,es from ihavlng a bookworm for a father." Th? next week In the little village ;postof?eo a friend presented Mr. Hor ace Matlock to Miss Irene Warden. Apparently the meeting was by aecl . dent, but Miss Warden felt; her 'smooth -cheeks flush, and. her habitual com?: * jpoimipe was.rippled for s second, whlle^ , .for bis part; Mr. Matlock scarcely look ed ?t her and, haying passed a con* ;-^ehtional "glad to meet you,"/ lifted his ?: Stat politely end Walked out to hie -?mart little trap. . . *% had o?v my chic voile, the one Aunt Tessie sent mf from Paris, you 3mow," wrote Miss Warden to Madge, -?and my big white hat with .flopping fuchsias. Bot it was all rank waste." ; ': She couldn't understand lt. Her ?dreams hadn't ended that way 'at au. ; One nay m tte tiny idle little bank Mr. Horace. Matlock stopped short aa ?H> recognised a stooped, gauat figura ' ; iwlth a patrician face; "Why,, it's Professor Thornton, Isn't - It?" he cried, stepping up to han with .a cordially outstretched hand. V v "When Matlock years ?go had entered ; X^Tala.'.na a freshman Thornton had been ?tutoring, and: quit? a friendship had . ;;a sprung up between them, Sobae^uent- ; ly they had'lost track of each Other, ;/-.:3ut thia satisfaction ot the. younger .man in meeting the older one again .waa genuine. ' "Poor,old professbrl ; How thin ;and ; TRTorc add aged .be's become!" thought' 3?atIock aa he drove the professor tiome to bia modest llttlo cottage. \ Ont in tte cottage's aide yard bf faa: hollyhocks a girl was picking a great". ? bunch of sweet peas for the lunch : table. When she heard the smart Ut- ; tie trap stop at ti?o gate sha looked % quickly up from the blossoming vines -j ? pondered. 5^'^s vth$ dlatlu- 'il ?nfidjed lookingstranger? Aa^ ! 2iad ce picked up dear daddy ?. A few days later Matlock drove up to ! *he cottage e^li:., It wa3 only decent, ^ lie^d to t tte professor some attention and take J-dm .driving now- and then." Perhaps i taomo day also he would take /the pro J^r*a daughter. He liked her. Ho ' i -.: ;:i?jkied- th? natural, ?nabaahed way In . which shevhad ackn^ieo^ed ; her fa>. ? ; p: *aer?s presentation of him, with, her ? - ,:. r geeves rolled;UP and her arms full bf: :;.;\>'v-i8WTOtp^as; bo liked the width between her,eye?, tho breadth of her brow, the , ^?)l^iii^l0.?i^^ ^^;|voirlass pr??t- .-' % ty tlnm intmy young girts, but thero : iwaavabout te ^ ,; ?. fcesiv thatpleased ? m #ced th?tvher figure Jn her^s?mplo fit tfiegOwn was weirrndlde4 arid slim. 1 Oho evening toward ''^flight;'-'-'w^?ti^ A out in the open lawn Mts were.wht?K ? lng 'aimlessly and tirelessly, Matio% 3 ^toi^^^ipm the p^fesser:M'h?e; 1 ??ma little call. Ko had fetched B ?f '^i^^m^SfW-^^ rQrlor ??Ena tho * ? ?r?t? chorda of ??B?^v?^?\^ii^t?t?w"' ft -?Moonlight ittonata." \-S'v. < ?'Thara Cynthia/' said v jP^fe^r 4 y: ^^o^ton^iaMw^r to hia.guask? start -1 .^Kof'surprice, s%TOou;:b^ as mju?'-ai fourteen or'-'iittelitt'-mtiich-gameM'^ttt coats of all colors and materials tiec with a wash round tho waist, tho bund thus" formed upon tho hips making t rest for mojhands. Ail the china an? Slafe? aro carried in big round baakofe aa 'the head and veryiJt?roly support sd.by.the hand. <{ About-fifteen; of?a?k t?enwomen are generally employed ii an ordinary emov?^^ n?en."-Chicago Nowa, iv : ..-..'.->,'/?. -?-???'*/??/ vv;' >??.'? Tk? W2??1?TSB' Mojrtlhu .The whale's mouth ia tho h^rgesi Institution of the kind in the anima idngdom, being capable of cnntainlnj ?V?? . tWO.;!hogsheads of *. wati^: . Th< $^o"a .throat, however, -^;sd^^na1 that;;a^ mrougb* Irland' ho lives'on? tho mmuh ??a ; an?mala contained iii ::M$~???mi?p r^wwg^ htf&fbe an; nal ?rganlsm^ji^??Pwi &d ?*r^^ Areolar ho?es 'in feh?:^&o^%y?i^^ Keged i t??t^edlag^re'^if?d ;by.?wb)^ ^b|v^utteg."'j-- ? KS?f?^'i?ai?arJ^r: *Bajd?e?*p I." Thia*cuid not ba a large price t ftamedie? for Yheamati?sm i? oao eoul &t?i'g?V tille* ani ?b?sper. j?h drummond Medicine Co., New yera ||||^^ ertMor tortue, if you, would like t ^t?*r* * prenant* FRENCrf PRISON FOR BOYS. Where Unmanageable 8ons of the Rich Are Con?r;>d. The Maison Paternolle at Mct tray, near Toura, France, where tho eons of rich people between the ages of twelve and twenty-one are incarcerated because they are un manageable at home, is a curious in stitution. We were greeted at the entrance with a frontage of iron bars. No bell was rung. Our guido noise lessly inserted a gigantic key, and wo entered a large hall. A long row of locked doors greeted us on each side, and a gallery running around the top of the hall repeated tho same thing, "These are their rooms," Bsi?? our guido in an awful whisper. "They are shut up in there now-they must not hear us." This grewsome hall oppressed ono with a sense of doom, and despair quito indescribable-no windows, no I air from the skylight overhead. "They ere permitted to go out only in charge of a keeper for ono hour in the day. But I will show you how things have been arranged for them," he added. "There is, I believe, one room vacant at tho mo; ment." It was a bare cell, just big enough to contain the narrow bcd, small j writing table, two chairs and a mi- ? nute chest of drawers and wash-1 stand. Iron bars inclosed tho win dow. A padlock and chain enabled the door to be opened about four inches when required. "You Bee," our guide remarked, ?"by this means they hear the messe j in the chapel without quitting their ? rooms.". In these cells, he Jtold us, the boys j lived day and night for two, three, sometimes for six or seven years. Professors come from Tours and give them instruction at the small writing table. Once a month they take a bath, more often if the rela tives are willing to pay extra for it. They are escorted to the bath by a guardian. The isolation of each boy is so thorough that two brothers j were once there together for two years without ever knowing it. The price for the privilege of placing your son raider this parental roof "is $60 a month, all instruction being I extra. ; ~ ?mggttSrg?.: The boys are known only by the numbers on their coli doors, so that their sojourn at the parental house may not tell against them in after life. "Their friends. suppose them to-be en voyage or m an English or German family, learning the lan guage. One invents a. little ro mance, you see," said our guide. Fortnightly Beview. Raised Husband's Rent. Harlem proudly boasts the pro gressive and enterprising woman's rights advocate in a housewife who introduces business methods into the domestic circle. Milady ia a trained nurse, preferring to practice this profession to remaining at home like the conventional ?pouse. The husband is engaged in clerical occupation downtown. - ; Throughtheir combined savings the couple purchased a modest three floor apartment house in the neigh borhood of East; One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street, the title being Recorded,, iii ; the wife's name.. A short time ? ago" she increased the reniais of two floors, and then tier spirit of independence asserted it self to the estent of raising hubby's rent, notwithstanding the fact that she; and' he^ , We partner dwell in harpiony in the same quarters. . v \sry "-month he has to fo\k over ? stated sum in re tenant account to th?? household fiduciary agent.--New York Press. ?j r>- -':': : '. r v. . . Ashamed to Take tho Money. ; V: ITor awhile after ^little Clayton :was sent to the kindergarten ,he re ceived frequent merit cards. Every; time he br ought horrie a reward to-' ken Ins mother and father a?u aunt) anrTbis^^JgrMdfather and uncle gaye him a peruay.' Soon th? virtuous life palled tipon him, and ne brought home no more cards indicating that he was a good boy. One day his grandfather remarked: . ^f'*Why\is. it, Willier that you no ,longer ; get merit cards ? Don't you iMpT ip keep bn taking money from - yon." --New: Y?rk Time9. ^ / ;.. Wholesome Anyway^ . ! : ' Arcbdeacon Sinclair in his <*Lead ?rs of T^ouight,"' etc:,'tells a story of ; an Eton head master known as fogging'? Keate. C?inding ono naoi^n^g a row of beys in his study, be" l^gan, as nsuaL to flog: them. Tbey were; too terrified at the awful little man to "remonstrate till he had ^ - ^down^ibw; when ; np courage to . falter Please^; sir, we're hot up for . L.JTnt; tre're a confirmation tfoas IV ''Never . Mind,"- said ?)r. and it wilH? you good/' Sb he fl khgclUem pg. : , ?laV are^; aodi national ?j?ard opened ?tl4t, ?reta^, Pa, Obickamauga Park^ "^^i0j>?._ THE MOB OF 1848. Dramatic Climax That A-'-cd tho King of Prussia. When the disturbance of 1818 broke out in Prussia thc king, Fred erick William IV., issued many proclamations. They denounced those who protested against the old state of affairs and urged a const itu tion as "n band of miscreants, most ly foreigners," and informed "my dear "Berliners" that ho world never grant a constitution. Tho actual fighting, however, when for days hia troops took bar rier after barrier, only to bo oppos ed after each as resolutely half a block farther down thc street, soon changed his attitude, and ho an nounced concessions. Tho troops wore sont from the city. When thc soldiers had mnrched away from all parts of the city sol emn and silent processions moved toward thc royal palace. They es corted thc bodies of those v. ho had j fallen in tho battle. Tho bodies of tho slain were borne aloft on litters, their gaping wounds uncovered, their bends wreathed with laurels and immortelles. So the procession marched into the inner courtyard of the palace. The litters were placed in rows on tho courtyard floor, and around them stood tho multitude of men with pallid faces, begrimed with powder, smoke and blood, many of thom still parrying the weapons with which they hod fought during the night, and between them women and children bemoaned their dead. The king was loudly called for. . He appeared in an open gallery, pale and dejected, by his side tho weeping queen. "Hat off the multitude shouted. And tho king took oft his hat to tho dead bejew. Then a deep voice among the multitude intoned the old hymn, "Jesus, Mein Zuversicht*' ("Jesus, Mv Befuge"), in which ali joined. Tho chorus finished, tho king withdrew, the corpses were lift ed up again and the procession moved away in grim solemnit}\ It was a terrible humiliation to tho crown, afine some tir?? S point ed answer to the king's address, in which ?he fighters, har! ?een de nounced as ? band of miscreants. Had there.been such among them Frederick William IV. would hard ly have survived that moment when he stood before them alone and de fenseless and they fresh from the field of blood, "with guns still in their hands. Bui at that moment their cry was not "Death to tho I king!" nor "Down with royalty 1" but "Jesus, my refuge 1" - Carl Schurz in McClure's Magazine. ?e?rg? Du Maurier'ay Double. George Du Maurier had a double, and his double was, aa) many people are aware, Alma-Tadema, So re markable waa the resemblance that even their,most intimate friends frequently mistook them. A cer tain yo*ng lady, hower v prided herself that she had no < .... .atty in determining which waa which. On one occasion, finding herself seated next to Du Maurier at dinner, sho remarked: . "I cannot understand how any one can mistake you for Mr. Tade ma. . To me the liker ?sa is very slight." Presently she added: "By the way, T have a photograph of you. Do be so good as to put your autograph to it.'7 Mr. Du Maurier assenting gra ciously, the photograph was after ward produced. He looked at it for a moment* sighed and then very gently laid it on the table. f^haV' he remarked, "is Alma Taderaa's portrait." -- Pearson's Weekly. ' ; ? ' , ' brew*? Boardare Differed. Under the proprietorship of L. 8. Drew ?he ola American House at \ Burlington waa one of the most popular hotels in Vermont, and it was the scene of many a humorous episode. One night af ter supper Mr. Drew was welcoming a new arrival in the office when an. extremely cor-. ? pulent guest came out of the dining room. Pointing to the fat man, Mr. Drew said: "You can sec how well we feed, our guests. Just look at that man" It chanced that a permanent resident of the hotel overheard _ thus remark* This man -Was extremely thin--just the oppo site of the guest referred to by .Mr*, Drew. The thin boarder at once spoke up, saying : "Tes, that fat" man has been here three days. I have been" h?re thirty years. Look atmel" / ^ '. ??? ... Hie Cholo?. . A- company o? married people vere discussing the day on which they Wvuu( be married if they wer? making a second -venture^. ; "And what day would you prefer, hubby, dear m asked ?ne of the prepossesa ing looking matrons, turning to her devoted. Httle mate. With an ab sentminded I-wish-my-iBord-Were .my-own look npOn his careworn face ^e. obedient ono replied, "The 30th day bf February please l'^Konwts (Sty Journal.? . \V itVKG&? PILES, ;.;rtw? { >-?)j?.. ^mi?mV itod?en Plie b'ntment wm cure ni Ind, Blee liv g. U Icoraied and Itching J ea, Xt abtorba the tamera, allays tho netting at onoo, act? an B ? o ul? tl or-, glv? Instead relief. *i? Williams?'? Indian Pilo OLptment Is ;yppare4. for P?M end TtoirTng ot tb? pv?vata part?. Every box la goaract** Sold by Owl ;^wP^SlSypw^ S? C., . by ioai\; tor ?f^^fl?Odiif.wmi?mV Co. Proprietory Cleveland, Ohio. .0?<;m?{*? Campbell *eeo?* to be the win - ! uer ita^^|t?v?r^?r;Ih'thev(?emi^Dra^c pti ^paarlea'fcfexii?j Anent 37?$0(> yo t os TEACHING IN CHIMA. The Schoolmaster's Lifo la Ono of Dig nity and Drudgery. "Most village schoolmasters in China have qualified themselves for thc post by having failed at least once in the government triennial examinations," says a critic in tho China Mail. "After two failures tho scholar turns without any hesi tation to this lucrative Employment -it furnishes him usually with two | coarse meals a day. Ho needs no diplomas, no apparatus, no assist ants, not oven brains, only a fairly retentive memory and a few old books. He simply puts out a few days before thc old year expires a limning proclamation of red paper and announces that it is lin inten tion to open a school and receive pu pils-if they will como. Not even a schoolhouse is necessary. Ile sits in a straight backed chair in tho an cestral hall, which ho owns in com mon with his clansmen, the hens, j tho pigs, the farming implements I and tho ancestral tablets, to receive j roggod, shoeless urchins and chop ped dollars. "Tho conditions of life under which a schoolmaster lives unite to foster his vanity. His neighbors cannot indulge tho love of long nails. Ile can. They cannot wear tho long robe. .Ho does-on feast days and special occasions. If they write a letter they confuso tho Chi nese characters. When they 6cnd to their honored dominio a present of roast pork they unwittingly de scribo it as a 'small gift of pearls and jade.* Ho always writes cor rectly, for long practico has made him as familiar with a certain num ber of elementary characters as an Englishman is with his alphabet. By comparison with his neighbors ho is a veritable 4kwan tsz,' or su perior man. Ho cannot bo deceived. Tho rustic urchins every morning worship Conf Uv* US, afterward tho god of literature* next tho dignified ?coupant of the high backed choir. "JVfifo it jnot for tho honor at tached to tK? bost tire drudgery of tho lifo would be unbearable" ?^ora 6 in tho morning until 5 in tho evening, with, one ?hort i&toryal for rice, amid shouting ?and howling which would 8ilenco the parrot house at tho zoo, with voico and stick, he devotes his life to tho driv ing of Chinese characters into the almoBt impervious skulls of his pu pils. But ho perseveres, believing that no position-except the man darin's-is so respected and no pro fession BO honorable. When an old roan, according to Chinese custom, ho looks to his son for support At lost, with deafening noiso of cym bals, flutes and firecrackers, his werncut body is laid in the hillside grave."_ "ColoQnlar* Architecture. One of the young architects who delivers lectures on modern archi tecture in tho eeriea of free public school lectures in Kew York, says a writer in the New York Sun, had just showA his audience the beau ties of the Cologne cathedral when he thought of an exp?rience he once had on a similar occasion. "It was at tho conclusion of my lecture,"'he told his audience, "that a woman came to mo, explained that she, too, was a student* of architec ture and thanked mo for enlighten ing her on one point that she had no ver been eblo to nylorstand be fore. 1 have always wondered/ she said to me, *where tho colonial stylo of architecture came from. Now? of course, I see that it comes from Cologne' " Prentiss and Hie WK* Sergeant S. Prentiss was a great lawyer and an eloquent orator as well as a humorist, but his humor, though at times excessive, never ob scured his oratory ot weakened his argument. He was oben engaged in a political discussion on "tho stump'' with a gentleman who was wordy, dull and spoke "against time'" so that Picnti?B might speak at a dis advantage. It was nearly dark when Prentiss rose? and thc samo moment i a jackass in a neighboring pound I began braying and kept it up until Prentiss' friends were annoyed and I his opponents delighted. When the jackass stopped, Prentiss, casting a .comical look at his unfair an tag- j onifit, said "I dfijLnot come' here today to reply ? to two equally eloquent speeches."" Then ho sat down, and i his friends carried him from the stand in their arms. .. ' :^/ ' AM About a Coat. ?. "Maria, I told you six weeks ago i to give this old coat to some tramp. Why don't you do it? Pm tired of seeing it around." *"John, I've offered that coat to every tramp that has been here, and not one of them would touch it." "Well, fan't you use it for rags?" ."John Henry, do you think 111 accept a gift that a tramp won't ?t?n look ai? I'm'g-going back nome to nt-roamma ! ' - Chicago Tribune. ' - Madrid .papers express diseaprov al of the arbitration of the United States between Guatemala and San Salvador.. . ; ^ Bxeoutors of the estate of Mar shall Field have not disapproved of one doctor's bill for $25,000 for seven days faervice. - Secretary Boot arrived at j Bio de Janeiro and was ?ivan a cordial wel come by tho representatives tf several ' ire Fei-^ Insomnia. A widely Kiowu clubman whoso fam ily Is known to take earnest exception to bis lu hours recently encountered his physk ?n Uro stroet. MH?w feeling these days?" ablcs*. "Verj "ed, thnuk you," re plied th "hut.I'm a blt wor ried e, doctor. She suf fers i j ..om Insomnia. I havo beow o point for somo timo of consult h " you about her case. What would you BUK??cst?" "You might try getting homo earlier," observed tho physician.-New York Times. Bovines*. Business ls not only a great civilizer of nations and of peoples, but also the greatest educator nnd developer of character In tho world, for lt ls a per petual school, a great life university whero wo do not go to recito and hear lectures for tbroo or four hours a day for a few years, but where wo aro constantly studying and practicing al most from tho eradlo to tho grave. Success. Rend?as; n Hook. Many readers Judge of tho powe* of a book by the shock it gives their feel ings, ns somo savago tribes determino tho power of muskets by their recoil, that being considered best which fairly prostrates tho purchaser.-Longfellow. Elgin and Waltham Watches Aro tho standard of the world. Our gold-filled oasos aro? warranted for 20 years, engraved or plain, fitted with Elgin or Waltham movement, Hunting or Open faoe. Priors from $10 to $15, sent by registered mail. Our] Agent at Durham, N. C., writes: "Our Jewelers havo confessed they don't knot? how you can furnish euch work for tho money." Our Agent at Heath Springs, S. G., writes: "Your watches take at sight. The gentleman who got tho Inst watch said that ho examined and priced jewel er's watohos in Lancaster that were no better than yours, but the prioo waa $45." Our Agent at Pennington, Tex., writes: ^ "Am in reooipt of the'watob, and am pleased without measure. All who have seen it say it would be cb oap at $40." ? Our new illustrated oatalogae Bent f:ee. I MAIL, SUPPLY CO., _Box 1409, Net? York. 1785 1006 College of Charleston, mat Tear B^jins September 28. Letters, Sol en oe, Engineering. One scholarship, giving free tuition, to each county of South Carolina. Tuition 540. Board and famished room In D irml ory 911 a month; All candidates tor edmls alon are permitted to compete for vacant Royce scholarship which pav sion a y cur For catalogue, address HARRISON RANDOLPH, _PrObldont. University of 8onth Carolina. Seoelon 1903-1907 Btolaa Wadatsfey, September 26th. Five oouraea leading to B. A. degree, four to B. 8. degree, ona to I* I. degree and one to L B, degrea Gerti doa tea given for work completed In any ona of the departments. ' Bxpenseat Tuition fee $40.00; Term fee 916.00; Boom fee $8.001 ?ne-bali of each moat be paid at the trin?las: of each term. Tuition fee ma:/ oe remitted npon presentation of Inability to pay the same. BENJAMIN SLOAN, Pres. July 4.1008 8_10 Dee West Female Cote, /OTU Year begins Sent. 12th with .fO I IR full faculty of five men and nine women. 145 papila. 25per oent In crease over last year. New Carnegie Dormitory wllh aU modern comforts, ready for oocupanoy in the fall. Usual extras. Board and tutlon $160.00 per year. BEV. JAMES BOYCE, Pres. DU? Weat, Abbeville Co., S. C. Jane 20.1908_1_8m. No tics of Final Settlement The undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of A. W. Guyton, deceased, hereby glvea notice that ho; will on Saturday, August nth, 1006, apply to the Judge of Probate for Anderson Coun ty, S. C., for a final Settlement of said Estate and a discharge from his office as Administrator. W. W. GUYTON, Admt'r. Jnly 11.1900_4_5? . Notice of Election. The electors of Broylea' School Dis trict No. 07, are hereby notiflod that an election will be held at the school boneo on Thursday, the 10th day of August, 1006, on the question of levy ing a special school tax of 8 mi?ls on tho taxable property of said district. J. M. BROYLES, G. M. BOLT. JNO. C. GANTT, Aug 1, 1000 _7 a NOTICE. Will let to the lowest responsible bidder at tho bridge ni te on Clemson Road, in limits of town of Pendleton, at 3 o'clock p. m., Aug. 14. 1006. .the building of a bridge in Pendleton Township- Anderson County, assuming the righi to accept or reject any oral! bid?. 8. O. JACKSON, Snp. A. C. Aug. 7,1000 W?jr7 NOTICE. Will let to the lowest responsible bid I der the bridge site on head waters of of Three and Twenty, near the home of Mr. Theodore Smith, at ll o'clock a. m., Aug. 18tb, 1006, the building of a bridge in Brushy Creek Township. An derson County, assuming the right to accept or reject any and all bids. Also, on the same day at 2.80 o'clock E. m., I will let to thelowest responel le Didder, the building of a bridge on Big Brushy Creek,' near Brushy Creek Cheese Factory, reserving the right to accept or reject any and all bids. S. O. JACKSON. Sup. A. C. Aug. 1,1006 7 , WARNING. All persona are. hereby warned not to ' hire or harbor my ton, Samuel Jobexry Davis, aged about1 13 years, .who left home 8undav morning, July 1, 1006, without cause.. Any person disregard log tbla notice wld bo prosecuted to the tau extent of the law* . _ . SST":****! W. A, Davie. I AndersonTs. C.;Jnly_2S, 1000. |.; 8t 111 Hf 1 ll . ..: ;. . EXPERT TESTING of the eyes is absolutely necessary in order to prescribe proper glasses. You run great risk if you neglect this precaution. You have no ex cuse for neglectiug for we test your eyes free of charge. After we have examined your eyes we tell you ex actly the kimi of glassea you need. There ?B no guess work about it, be cause we know best what you need. ; We are the best ones to supply tho glasses which we do at very reason I able prices. DR. McCREERY G LYMPH, Eye Specialist, \ With Dr. A. C. Strickland, over Fdrm _ors and Merchante Bank. WOFFORD COLLEGS. Henry N. ?nyder, LLD., President. Two degrees, A. B. and A. M. * E our courses leading to the A. B. De- # groo. Nino Professors. Library and Libra.ian. The W. E Burnett gymnasium under a comp? tent director. J. B. Cleveland Soi oooo Hall, Athletic grounds. Course of leotures by the ablest mea on the platform. Next session begins Sep tember 19. r Board from $1? to $1G a month, tor Catalogue or other information, address J. A. Gamowell, Seorotary, Spartanburg, S. C, Wofibrd College * Fitting School. Three new briok buildings. Steam heat and eleotrio lights. Head Master, three ce achers and Matrons live in the buildings. Individual attention to eaoh stu dent. Qituatod on the Wofford Cam pus. Students take regular oourse in tho Collegs Gymnasium, and have access to the College Library. *]25.00 pays for board, tuition, and all fees. Next session begins Sep tember :i9th. For Catalogue, eto.f address A. Mason DaPree, Hoad Master, Spartanburg, 8. 0, U .-m ,, , ,J> S. C. Military Academy. ? * Sooth Carolina Military Aoademv. Office of tba Chairman Board of Vial ton. Charleston, S. O. A vaoauov lo the State Scholarships ex tata in Anderson Gonnty. x Application blanks may be obtain edi from the County Superintendant or ires the Chairman or th? Board cf Visitors, Charleston, 8. C. These applications, rally made oates directed, meat bein the nanda oi the Chairman toy tbe 80th of Joly. C. 8. GADSDEN, - Ch ?lr m au Board of Visitors. Jtfyll. 1900 4_S Notice of Partnership* -E.W. Simpson and Jamas P. Cary have this dey formad a copartnership for the practloe of law, nnder tba firm name o? Cary & Simpson. * Office le Maxwell building bor&toforo and now oooopled bv B. W. simpson.' rrj" R. w. SIMPSON, JAMES P. CARS".,' July ll, 1008_4_2T *~-: -, * . PeoDlo's Bat of Anderaoi. ANDSBSOV. 0* c. * We respectfully solicit a sham ot your business. ' .?.; KILL.mi COUCH ?ND CURE TH8 LUWCS w,raDr.KfagV New Discovery */tON$UMPTION ? Meit FOR I * 0UGH8 and 8pc&JJ.00 1 w ISOLDS Free Trial. ?uxeat and Quickest Cure Jor all THROAT and LUNG TR?TJB ?ISSSM SS ^^?StMsasiasMBMagaMaamai THOMAS ALLEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. O?lieo tn Old Benson Building* Money to Loan on Real Estate. WALL PAPERING. A fall assortment of Wall Papsr, in cluding Tapestry, sat?n flnleh, Ingrato end bath room Tile. The largest stock ever carried in Anderson. Room mould - mc to*mstob ell paper. All orders filled on sheri notice. Three of the beat paper hangers In the city. . We also do work oui of the dry. Q. Ii .ARNOLD, Phone N6.20B. **" 301 Depot street Notice to Creditors. Alt breens haVlu K claims against the Rat?tes o! Mary Earle and Fletcher "Latlmor, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, properly proven, to th? I undersigned within thirty days after publication beroi g^?J^AK0? ' Jada? of Probate* aa Spo?lal Referee. Feb2l,1908 .>.. 36 ?.6 . ' PA&KER;S 7 HAIR BALSAM