RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION?Two Dollabs per annum, and Oxx Dollar for six months. Subscriptions are not taken for a less period than sis months. ?: Liberal deductions made to clubs of ten or more subscribers. RATES OF AD VERTISUVG.?One Dollar per square ol one inch for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents per square for subsequent insery?ns less than three months. No advertisement counted less than a square. Liberal contracts Trill be made with those wishing to advertise for three, six or twelve months. Ad* vertisinc by contract must be confined to the im mediate business of the firm or individual contrac? ting. ? Obituary Notices exceeding five lines, Tributes of Respect, and all personal communications or matters of individual Itter est, will be charged for at advertising rates. Announcements of marriages and deaths, and notices of a religious character, are respectfully solicited, and will be Inserted gratis. Ttv TinvT & no ANDERSON, S. Q, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1876. VOL. XII-NO. 1. LEGAL ADVERTISING.?V?