AHWJELDR WA Ln aurday Morning, CoL, 0, 187( JNO. S. REYNOLDS, Elitor, uir s~zI I~xo9 FOR PRESIDENT, S.AMUTL J. Ti LDENV of New York. FOR VICE P1tESIDENT, of Indiana. FOR iOvEiNOn, WADE HAMPTON, of Richland. FOR LIEUTENANT (IOVEtNoR, 'W. D. SIMPSON, of Laurons. 10 sTA " 'M TREAsURER, S.L. L, t.. PHiART, of l.: and. FOR COMPl..uI.rER OENERAr JOIHNS( N HAGOOD of .m Atwell. FOR SECR:ETA 'A O' ,TA' E, R. M. IMS, of York. FOR ATTORNEY oEN kI.IL, JAMlrS CONNERI.I, of Charlost< n. FOR RUPUIRINTrNDENT /F EDUCATION. H (GHI S. TI M($1PSON, of Ricltn!iid. FoR A)JUTANT (IENEIIAL, E. W. MOISE, of Smnter. NO(R89, FOURTH DISTRICT, J. II. EVINS, of Spartanburg. TOIL OF Till-, SIXTH! CIICUIT T. C. GASTON, of Chesiter. atdmitted at the me1eting; 'villo on Friday night thi, Hon in 1868 by 4000 votos. Yet stolo his slont inl Conlgressn and '1 it $7000 of pay. WVallaco refused at Feast ervi Ih say whether lhe would su~pJ Chamuberlaini and1 Elliott. (Iela ed to be interested only in Nat ic aiflairs, and it mlatters little to 1 how the people of the Stato robbed, provide~d lho enn retain fat office in Washington. As 1yi1 be certainly left at home Novomber it lhhoovs himt to devi more atton tionto) the Stt. The Fourth District. That Wallaco will be defeated ColI. Ev'ins on the 7th of Novembi is as certain as that the sunt y rise. A moder'ato ef'ort, far b4 than that which will 1b0 made, sulioieont to huriil him fromi the lpa tionl inl which lie has sat for oip years, a lmore figu re-head. ] thlurough cnnvans of the Congres monal district has been made sin 18(;8, a~l in that year Walhic w dofeated by Col. Simpson by majority of ouer 4000 votes. 1870 and in 187?2 the apathy of t Democrats peruted Wallaeo retain the nueit lie had at lb usurped. Iln I 74, Goni. Korsha muade.:'i gallant lght, but the apa of the whites of 00 or two c'ounti and the whole1 ah- frauds of t R~adicals in all ovei the p)osition SWallaco by 190 ~ i4o.en But the handwriting is on t wall, the end has comio, the pliclit days of WVallace are numbert The canvass now pending is niu ,a lhas noever before boonI witness, in South Carolina. The Democri are aroused to the highest pitch enthusiasm and are aidedl by tho ti Judges of the clicuits comaposit this district, and by all the mo decent Republicans in it. Mai colored voters are ardent Democral Many more are utterly disgusti with politics, and whilo the Demn cratic vote will be greatly increas< the Radical loss will be correspont ingly heavy. Let us estimate the chances.] 1874, Genl. Kershaw carriedl Grei ville by 475, Spartanlburg by 11( and Union b~y 350 votes. Walla< carried Lancastor by 60 votos, Yo, by 250, Chester by 1250, Fairfiel by 1550 and Kershaw by 400. Wai lace's majority in round munibol reached 2000 votes. What i's noeoa sary to overcome this ? A -gain< only 200 votes in Greenville, 500i Spartanbuirg. and e -ll Properly bolongs--at h1ome1(1. How u1lf' bolow the osti1nnte are tlhoe flgnres ? Moderate calenC lation places tGroenville Domocrati by 1200 rajopity, Spartanburg b' 1800, York, Lainciter and Union b3 500 each, while Chos1or, Fairfield anid KeI'lhaw are evenly diyi:1ed Wallace will be beateni by at leaal 4000 votes, the number by which 11e was defeated in 1868. And he will not now, as thou, find an unsorupu-, los, Congress to saddle Ld mt upon a people n% ho repudiate him andc bis ilk forever. Lot the ball roll on. OUR COUNTY GOVERNMENT. The Radical party of South C.tro lina, consciougs ats it i1nust be of its utter corruption and its incapacity to bring about good1 government in the State, hts nevertheless been full of boastings for the past eight years. Tho platform of 1874 contained a selfsongratulation upon the "ro - forms" brought about in Moses' ad ministrationl-notwvithsttandcintg the fact that his tcrimes and those of his coadjutors had ma1:do the South Carolina governmout a tlhemo of constant abuso from the whole Aeiorican people. 'T'he party loaders, Hoeing that the people aro well in., formed as to the utter worthlousnose of the State government in general, are very fond of putting in speciil pleas to the charges connnonly ami justly brought against them. This lhts boen ,-spoially the ease in Fair field. It 'arcely hyappens that the Rtadicatls 1, "( abusedi for their m.r r'uption :and miisim anagemont, butt that. 1.0mo0 'no of th1 p.rrty boasts, or pretedMN to boast, that, be things as bad :ta it is claimed by the )enmcats, therechas at least been it good coun ty govern men t ' in Fa:. field. A good county government, imdeed ! Beginning With the mebrs of the1( Legislatr re (for thiuo"c, though noit safiet 1y spo;king component ptis of the county goverumlent, per form a chief part iml giving chlaett'er to it), we find in the oinato George Barber, then H:n1dy Ford, and last (and least) Mlou'jse1 Ml-tin. None of theso men was tt all fit for the pla-ec --boI all I weak -mindccl 01nd igno. rant. M :-in hats: beien n I it erfect tigure -Lead o'vet s'ince his election. Ii the .1 .ou's1 we have hal1 like 1 'iw 'va ii. ! H. Miller, Joe ,.-i i Lee, Juane Miller. lie Ii m, H. M. Hmuri1 ifu a lx1 18 1' othrh r> 16 ' lieu to fihtf.,en t al11 for (lie hi to pla'e to 0whie~ilboy we.ire sont by ort ignorant a.d duped co1 ti , im- Mr. Joel Copon was a grcat ing nal mient, butI eveni he proved un~ec Iinm te> thes chiief tent during the ai~rieessin of the Loegishi ftr.. his with atlI 1the rest of the F'airii lhe de.legation, voted to makle Whip mi judge. .Eveiwor'e our local cou togove'rlinen of the highest ordei oeletiency. and worth, thoe eliarne of those sont to flhe Legishltre the past eight y (arUs is quiite e.noui bvy to (diimanid thorough reformi. WI 01' we oomo look into the corn ill governmenti , wte 1ind at stranugo mi as lture. Wo haivu haidoflicers like i1 is Clowney as Clerk, Mru. Ne'lsnn si- Treascureri, Imld Mr1. Neil lht , Probat, Juedge, aind Mr'. oliott an Co(untyv Commiinssi 8-who have perf'ormIed1 teir dait (ce faithifully and1( ('fIiiently, V as Ict us look furflar We lha at thuns fiari had but thn-co ('o111, y et [n urers, and two of thoseo were 'defau bie (IrS. Mir. Clarke, the first, was to man againt w~hoso honesty we lii Liw insmaaeent~11 , he wasn behinudhar 13y and the county hasir boon subjoet os Jto the explenso and -delay oIf ia la boe suit. F~ortunately his sntat( a11 to jhis official blond lare ulflcien t to rca Llhe coun ty harmloss. His siee lie wvas Mr. 11. A. Smiith--..andt ever ali body knovs what his official care td. cost the hanoest tax payers of f' 31h. oounty. 3I lived well, had I xd handsomie ;trnoutt, anmd "spjlurlge ts generally, tci at lasit he( was "'sh~oi oftwentiy' o tosnd dla vo H isi bond i; wyorthilss. It mastto ig not wheother Smii th lost or' stole tIa at. mloney :thet < ft'oct isi al ItIhe siittn y~ the harild-workIing peoplo fr'o wi'io s.* poeketsi it was taken. Mr. Dhua ~d the formuer s'herifl, le'ft t(m dl dtIt' ae redibly iniformed't that ho is defaulter to the (extent of seri thiousand o1llar's, anud that his oflici n bond is totaolly w~ortlessr. TI ischioo l systemi of the coun ty I hO bieen one graind failure fromj blegir oe mlng to end(, owing to the imbooeilit k of the school comemissiones.1 Ti d teachors5 have in numer'ousn inlstanc( I. been utterlIy incomnpotont ; many< -s the schools have1' been1 badly an irr'egularly3 'oniductedl ; the count >f has boon1 flooded with schlool cer'tihI n ttes hoyond the limit of ftunds li n propriu'atedc for their palymnent ; - prtovimions (If the schooI law portin ojing to the lhities of the sehor-, mnissioner have been most tlagratltl ibni'd,-il~locwer can best con voy oiur .stimntoto of the; "cofcel'n by simply repeating that it has been t~ fiwreio,{i failure. Tihe l)1'O.9Oft school commh1)isioner, we believo to bo an honest roan, but, lackinig the nlooded OXpwo fece and attaliiimoitn, lie inin .Cilpithlo ofa proper ' jifoi'iiiance of Ili" official dlii tins. An I eve consider' hint in till respcts vant.'y the Puiporior of hisP de' cc'ss;%)r, JDr. WV. 13. Peoako. Bi i g.( furthe.r ? Are the.so ii1H."til1(c.I not of Lheniselvo(, . iitith" '3ieflt to pr1oveJ that ol r t'oti , gov ()rnnle;)t hast for eight yel,i been aniythimpv butt a good w-10? Yet, ay 11e I(epubijeiit r"cfo1j(,rM -ill1f i) 1i'3141, wVe hlilVO 1l'~ till ilii)r:'OV41'1t in thte past two) yeaLrs. Let. it', see. ofliceui4. '-1'11O nhieritl io lboljeve to be an honetst mtah, and( w() 1 rder. 2ttndl th1at he has thiwti far given general satisifaetHol ill thle disclhargo., of hin3 fuluetions. Mrii. ;ramwford is Peaco he6auliiitor mittiges, wvith Colistajit c'lerica1l (u 3iat:mIa', to per form thu p112031' !1)UC1ajial anid m~ou 1.110 vork: reji ired it1 his~ ofllo. [.lie oi u Lvt (41mhiioflehH1 , 11 fait us We hatve 1C:11a.110., l)lv uniaiiitgoel theQ llflirs1 of thel e"o~ity init hialntxer f generally} sat iofawtoiy to) all the peo(ple -- thanoltl, if, wll ho reinecp bor-(,Mc, wheereI. spine ugl1y dovoli. Opifleut.s atL the in~; terml of thie oh. (Slit Couirt. 'hf'l it' hrt udet"llictioii of Calu let :i tIOI --- I'ozti v. .hi(21 (oll tisiHoltcr'Ns 1liirvey 1111d t Jacob wer(' fully 0. flleratod b y thet jury Wans, to say 010 least, very ll!:lhuO 'rthiy" a11id very it.(jipi('i(;1i(. N\or the) we yet tLrw'tt;h. Asi we uippro elli the Collrt- I)'):mIc1r, J)'r, WtJ Iii Seale thing~ fa~r Wt,:"s 111 )"1 i.4 ar *ce than Ceertha Owheav~y 1 l)cC 1U1 of hi'itl,1. Ibis. 1/t r, ','e ' liven (( ic pa'l.djlU'/ u))ncl iii J'liriol, .I ie til c e('ord SWO.W 'R)) 11 pf"I.t is o ticiiiar point fiitt le thanii ti.) say) thait the paniel from WI) iou was t1)riWuit the julry of Itverve, to try thie c L O of the 83tale vSe 1.ryA Sittith, at t'~t la.t. ,[IIuI:ti',' t(itt of the C'ile(tii ("hutf, Wtva s)1te of two tiogs;H it l'ah ('ill '(1r 011 of the ml or; , en t iiU:o ('0111 io tn of ci w te C \Cr ki~ownl ilor an f,'.;~ a t1 e~~~ol scliuddeij It I a( 1 lIi 10 111(11 tniu,. 41eh i I1)Of, to~ suome ohi shaflliu ako fllo I)1oV inf rivling I Opu1tedl for $8420 MiY WIIroO I illtc(+0 servo uip all (1i.'Ito Lo ht~ tho Northern ani,'.arkiL48ttk4 t141 s .01 Jinu,4., Fltittli with X. T1 C, ?1,:a1 Belt ny~ hour11 oi l " o.ritd'I' nluit aippro ve! O~l 1i u an 8'.vcet M:Is ii. 1J / Piopilotji" or th' (1 1Ll~jtjuos. ('iga:rs, I'li,;''t the favo(rite ' 1>i)d faisb ioi; (+ 11004 pain't' fro,, the pal rest~ ! (40. * ixex, 14ly lo. Come to t atiledr tEli W'ill1Isoro . Ma rtvr 7 TSOT Attorney at !ArN TRIAL Jr ''r1 toI '14- All 4 ),1lSiilPSH t rat oie cftl.flty will recet, reel, onn (flier' on V"'rv1s iil~tdoi' Ifilt of Winnsb~oro 1[otelt' GAILL4ARD & r A 'I1O I N E Y "',; 1776, D. )AN' ~ ~ t~n O~r1f ire :guirl WtoE! stIIcc t('',i N )'l'i()N t, l,'., tl .ti ' w: iou have been 1101 11r41;is I in pra' lp .,(fit. 111(4 rk'ti4 .' ifli 1' i(''Wl 4)lin1 I t t nn~its of It 'Aft 2 5*.l l "11r1 1Ius fi4st lhtd a ,v frioncla ~ "I(you ._____ I lutve A , I yott Want tl 'rltalltnut, ticlo it, A !i xolic . t Helling 11 )I 1.,1,011. tt"lt +ost gold patul ad South- ;f 131tu "; , wri a tit 01101 0118tnutly Plan, Iil 7th sir et. Pbilndo . 10 Sun, M li 1'li 1{t, Psycllonl n1,p n1)nut''s Ilieri.i111"a 'oul-C111irnliuf, bjoa in groat 0itht"r 1 "lido, 811?w1u $ )tot I;1.111111~ sex <1 a' Sox to and gn 't! 1Il tIio lo.. inslttnil ' f'- sun they OI10ux, .;;,us at lid (lt;ult .C'(' tnnil ..",(1 aenfs, ty sla,,: s 11it. s ut, YI ilnllel 1(i PN'1's (MILT RE, Imutense .' a f{a. Send for (,lrctilur. L1k Co.. 1111i1;tclel_ pain Iii H N'S 410 At;euey tir BUENOS n fine IsI10E, . 1t'ilics d ,St., N V. lt:.. k to. tI elk(itluf;itcs All Iil:1K Helat erncc i wiluro 1111:+ ltI o Its. ,trnltiul , t.C RE Il "< sltt' Now 1 1'he Null I[an(130okc 119P1) h LaIt' uf 1' 1 .1. I,(:nllrIccs 'rii, will, i 1 of ltinby' I'11(18. I expnss ll',lt^tl, Itt"s, 1,:5' ""firCt I ills T, tt"rrilor " I(IO r 1uo71 1th ' Gt nntl 11tEA"r, 13IG Its 1 It - - '" f Ago'its aced! .11r(l als. Dijil, lim it, z' OR % trdrel, HOLN ' . . i" , . , altelt- Nay (, 1'. I it l.I;. floor YSOaJ;;)!alrations. Ad(Ire eircllhtrj% J (lofnAN & Co., sett .Street, 'lndelphit. roil T! __ it $50 td200 A Month for - "ns 1 1 . 1 he g> tlntertr<1, in all n;itions n 't. 1 our c Nl:&rillinf; histlry of 11)11 "0! li. litaik 't 1~u .1 Sall I faster than nn3 I\A OF hou i tne, Yi r 1 ?" bt lutiflill ' iIiust ,t u Co r . " , (tlticlc sul(:s, clxtr+t trrnta. G ):r. J C. ic('v1lt,>" & ' Q:T I--tABI CURED A C:I":1i7'AN an(1 SiJItT; CITE. Tnr , tna; ion t' in )'rie<+s. " A trial boll j ie,). ) its. .1 A 1)nut.t.rN(;I1tt L;IPort( oft. Tndia BOX 11):)8, 1l rinerly ,llt:aa tetl ',Illizts,) ? 171 .J- 2 0 0 Pf1.)% ()S& ,it A 1)1'i(! . s, 1 }il, Snlls('1 f l1.," ' 11 O 1" . t"tt.il' et11i1"t'!,t0f .' (,t' 1,: "1. J j . " " .. /S,!c, nl !anal, slll c'I a1111i. , nl lsitq . A, 111)(1 ltlt'1"cluullie, at a', r " nt"at" ao".t ltaiaas for cnsll 1)1'111\(, ' l'i'"1'EMit1'#I ))i'a "io'i a In rrnt(ttnl to t11e"ir now store t I EAS'[' I'itil SI'., UNION t;(J:1}:1 U( 'I't)13);It 1st Illnstr.tt.";l Cttnl(,tin"s tn;.i!r(1. :1g("nt:; tt"ttntt"(1. 'l)t:ria1 iii Iii "rlnvnIs to the trade IIt)1t .1. I Nhockoc l Jclliule 11'uirk*s UZ1e l 0Nl)no~~ VA. t /~NrC'rli l~ of 8teaiu ER ,o*rrular ulr,griculturl En; o iru ar & Mills, Grst, ]lark and 1- for Mills. Slpatting,' Uinngi n ' 111'ttVE) U~111V3WAT~t W1113] Oct19 Wm.1I P EiX ?ttenqer & Edmonc ltlCi(tMO' ) VA.t A \[ tI';lOIf;; of ()j' rtnl~le aill kidlil, (Circular. Saw~ Mills, Grist J AMERflICAN rc.'! l3Jsx: WvA'rb\1.: r 11 i.:s Oc 9Send for Catalogue. G. F. WVATSON. Fnitmi~c W'ioks and Jlmnbe' Ali laCM drN ('j im o 1T Vitriol Purn itir r, JfltulgeH, ('lIn &O. nittnel of \Vnlnul Irad (Jhoa l~u d Wt od.i, nu sOf't pine' used. (Colt 3~asei1 a1d Ulkoatp MAtt lxsw lateoli IITIIOPOTJITAN WORKS. Cc .'1~1 "S,'.C, fr, A .'i-I/g (9 .S ic' n // l1fchI.,i1o.:J) v.. vi lE~ Portal do turd Ctatjonar Saw1t hills, (hj-st hills, Iloilorsv, (lo rOigs of JIr1ass tral [ron, l~trggxxa5 t Agricu~ltulral iro Pl 1VrIq, Iall its brunches dune2 by experienrce n" diving cot t pinls, thtresh ing In spines, selixiraw ots ;rist ii. ills c. 1)tnc IIrouf 54'coird lmltdl Eigines an.~ 'ilcrs t Iarii t ptu5 n; iln first rilt tltcr, orn Laubi. I:I(LjVirwrksli~e Will L. T1ANNERt & CO, 011101 & and],H X11 :1. evr descript ion and pricefot' deAt $O00 of "pr~uc51111Ee-l1, NOW ALW nes LNE R& CO. [UND. -OLD STAND And NEW STOCK JUST IN I IT IS OUR PUR1pOSE TO SELL -OUR GOODS AS 18, Lor as- Possible nd is OUR STOCK CONSISTS IN .PART, OF . BLEACHED IIQMEm.SPUN 6 PER YARD. SAMEr 5/ S YAD WIDE, FINE t'N GOOD, 1Octs. Togotlhor with dross goods, etc etc., and all articles odsally Bnd Sin a limst-class Dry Goods Store, at 4- equally low Prlicos. (lothing and Shoes in full assfortment, at prices lo t.naiz ever before. Come and ex, :I nle foo yoursclves. We guararnto that lNo)lody ritill leave our store itlhcut perfect satisfaction. Ajow is th~ Time TO BUY *UL,.EAP GOO}DS AT LANDECKEIR & CO.'s. .t. C 3E1. Y3.i / 501) 14 1IT I' t.le 'undcrsirp. c( desire to in. -* l vicinii t 1 ( t a.3 1111\'e 0soei tun bour 1e 41tlu:;uri f irzzz 11H154 W. JOIINNTON . j- 14'!3'e 144% Wi I Jwil r fl x stftt o :tirt zlves ;c tt, k of line 'l1isui ics, Wines &i n. 'lst Mc w0nas 4cotch Al0 tnor A l n Al.o a Jarge stock f. os 'nd hios, Dryoo,;s, Clothing, Grori o ind everyllting n14ai1111y ept in a irrt o55 tunil? 'T han "ful for the liberl aintrong 01t< vel on (ihe 4 )l hjise. r pa t I)1ntdIu la no of the u e ' W oii JNO. JoHNSTON, 04 - * o T-ParTren w~ e.~4 frnl ju; WOO, oIr~-' t,9t her in -ahnlIil, o od o psreseir. c l os1ts. r 5zl s L 21 W- -. PIJEN. 'T. ZION COLLEGE. .S orternber I*For forms &( e app ly to - Ig 2(1liii Principual S lof~ ~,Cai S or ait Received a 1ot nice uncan. io Shov, jed H~amns, small sizes vote ALSO, - big to .R. JBulk Si.-'e5 - ou ALSO, TI:t lot Fresh Augusta F~lour*, Mr. ~ the g wouk( cal n 1 -J. McCARLEY Thi (0iieapestDiy ae hmo IN SOUTh CAnOLINA. last a& ,iTics DEMOCRATIC olann Of the Day Condensedj.fatr ription, $250--6 Months. Ahe, I ronounce~d the bos eioal 1oia L, theo Capital. Addi hemocra JULIA N A. SEL~y, Manager.Sa contents ro elve, a nl~ Spp.y of comn ' eleeted. . en h, Also 10 Piscca 11iquo Drxra MJ - . McMATERh & eO d rifle ior Wanted i nam"bein 'oe that all porsns who oti, boe. Tb orgos ilPy upJ AT ONOE, eleeted : oct xon y ba ly.D . J. Si ne' 'ilhed off, Kot~ . Jagi~k dereo nijst recel W E. Arif