OUR COUNTYTICKET, Taos. W. WOOIDWA1RD. FOR REPR1~EENTATIVES, H. A. GAILLARDI, TH'FOS. S.. B1IIC,1 F. J. CAMIERION. l Olt CI.l"BK 01" COURT, J. B3. DAVIS. FOR JUDGIE O~ PRIOBATE~, 0. It. TJ'IOMP'SON. FOR 8011001. coldN1ISSIoN hit, D)1: J NO. BOY ). FOR COUNT~Y CO.NMMI5N11l, J. 11. 11 LIES. JAS. L. RLIIIOND. (Aice Nvi11 I)o Ol~OI1 daily (Snl1days (eepted) frouu 83 A. M., to 12 M. an from t'w 2 to ti P. M. Noi'thli and1( Soitlwit il c111(~o at, 8 P. M. J)1'Pei I40y. 1Q : y' Mail (lelivern'd on Sundays from 8 to ,) A. M. only. ')1 C. C. &~ A. iR. Bl. no0w leave Vb'inlllHl)1O as follo(ws:(4 k)ill: northi 12.80 n. in. Going south. 1.35, a. in Accoinodufionit (Thy trlilxn :on 12.12. Thlese trains mueet at~ Winnsi h)oro. ]'xcirio-Fh;win, Ihiholei &~ Cc). ''" IC A Card-I. N. ?ithiers. Notice-it. L~. D;mnnellherg;. *Now ats E!1'i-.-J)l lc'i'i & (i.u It. S. I)3sp:n' es. 1Nvill leCeltt ortliiiiks for 1t ('ip''' of NewV i;ufi'eizl.ing ra;in:; h;rve "i!:; 1 el th is sL'tion daring the past fewN days. 11' V'oii skirt 14 Vyl14ow, o1r if p' i afle tnli it pim.e anti~ '1' ill t1 ie ( '0;l llt, . th'k iSlll be Us b o the 110mte, teket. ? Wh .:t s:l\' 11)0 1)''"a 115 ''''Th ( i:i tO!'i S n ateo mach iioi heotad of .1help I'111)l l to d aii poolt. l ih towe l dt~1 of"(OI'itt~s B'(I l; 'I i't" wI~i l t ek. F(lividne~ in thvey short. S011 of lthe ('(11 110 11( and iu.;t in We lothrn that the ftegroes in various parts of the county are drilling cyery night. It is strongly suspcted that something of the same kind is going on in this com munity. Lot this precept be mlmo rized : "Thoso who sow the wind 21m13$ reap the whirlwind." The couity canvass is progress ing very satisfactorily, ad it is.kept up and contilted as it 1hats opened, oli Fairfield will give a good account of herself on next election day. Vigorous work is all that is nceded. .et every )inocrat in the couity do his full duty. Joh2n J. Patterson said in t spceeb in the R0elblican Stato Convention Clit the Democrats of Sith Caro lina laivo yet, to- le:arn11 that the Norther-n people are their matse~r:'. If so we'o are consoled in believing that the yoke will be removed on and after the 7it daty of November next. If Jo1hn had his ju. t decsert. the SuIperintelldent1 of the Sta' e Penitentiary would be his mas:er for the balance of his natural life. We hear that. Alex Patterson, t' e colored barber, has been1 threatene(1 with violence for hanging out a .Tildell and Hendricks banner. It is known who made the threat, and the individual will be so far honored its to get his nml(e recorded in a book lroviied for such lblcarncters. The Demioeratic Club, it' prolmising protect-ion to ecohored Democrats;, ileais exactly what it says, and will pu11t. its pirpose into execution whenever it may 1er o 111n leces:o y. The coun ty canvass is still active, ly progressing. AIceings8 IIV ha eei' h1ld, under the aus1)ices aind the instinetions of the 1)eocrat.ie* Coiy Executive Comuittee, and these have always been well atttenid. c-1, antd anl excelh lit, spiiit evinced by t l- Iople. Tbe RI:h(lical meetings ar: ilV:Vs attende l 1 ;y numbesii; of Democra ts-that is, whenever it is plictielebo to usLeertaiU whC! 0 they are held--and at division of time gves the Demuosaie Up.,kers, anl opi-1rtmlity to expose the fohlit s ali f.llacico of the Rad St-. snp - ora' orS. ']There is coIsidrlx lie in, trest ,maunifest ed1 by the colored prtople, and there are now more' than~ one1 einh) foIrmed fromi 11) amog themn. Altogether the outlook is del li is cheer ing;. (urstu:xNI.t1. EhxetI'Io.-Ve call :ttention to t1:e :dv(rtisencnt in zmot her rm. its new features are a pro t !st agai:nst the pntctice of ' the l)emocratic party of the State in insisting upon joint discussion itt Republicil mileetings, antd a volume of mfendaciouIs abuse of the Deie er":tic party, both. State ind national. The following is the ticket nominat el : For Governor-D. II. Cha mber lain, whit'.. For Liettcnant-Governor-11. H. Cleaves, colored. For Treasurer-1". L. Cardoza, colored. For Comptroller General-T. C. Dunn, white. For Secretary of State-IH E. JLive, colored. For A (tdrn(ey General-l. 13. 1.l iott, black. For Adjultan t and1 Inspector Gener'dl-James Kiennedly, white. For Superintendent of l'iiucattion -F'. N. Tolbert, white. A worse t icket, could scarcely have been plt fo'rw.rd. Twl'r K minws or Hloxou.-Wse arc gladt~ to state thait there has1 been or., ganize~d iln Wlinnsbo~ro a1 lodge of the Kniight s of Hor.nor, an organiza, tion that has5 become11 widely popu.1 iar ini the Unlited1 States. Instituited only three years ago, it now has aI memCIbership of ov'er eleven thious and, aind its lodges are0 estabiishe(d in twvent'y -three States of the U.nit The order is chairi table inl its pur pos:e, its Nchief distinctive featurt being that it provid-as a fund for thit widows anud orp~hains of dleceased mi(eer, uponc aI plan111 that has atl)ea ly pr1oven velry suc(cesfl. Deputy Supremei Dicta:tor Jno. J. Hill recently visited tii plaee, an' est iblisheod at lodge here, with th<( following oflieirs: Rev. J. S. Connor, Pa.st Dictator W. G. ~Jordan, Vice D)ietator. Jas. WV Law,. Asst. Dictator. W C. B :aty, ( ii.lo. E. S. Chlandler, Reicorder. J. IF. Mc Master, .Finan. Recorder IR. WV. Phil~lips, Treasurer. J. C. Caldwell, Sentinel. The lodJge holds its meeotingr reularlciy twice a1 m1 .an th. It priom~ ines to be a ine suIccess, andlo t< accomplish mutch good. H Eu(E Tii:Y Com:.X-A. IR. Knllt 1:01, for the past eight yeatrs ia lead, ing lRepublican of Orangeburg county, anid of good repute amuong all (classes iln that comiuty, hats de clatred for Haptlton. James M. Smith, formerly Stat< Senator from Barnwell county, hai renouniced Raidicalism11 and( lhas (1e clared for Hamnpton. .E M. Rtose, formaely Senattor' fron York, hlas likewise left tihe sinkin1 ship1 of rotten Raidiiclim, am unlited hiimself w ithl tile Democracy I Jud;;0 Thompon)5 HI. (Cooke, strucin, kcanlhi't stand ute ticke) nlomlinalted iln C!ohnnibia. Heitrin' of the granid Denleratie meeIl~ttinlg it IAbbeville on1 tile lahj inst., h, teatgraiphied tile ebl~irman0 to wait 01 im. He wats lmt att tihe dlepot b; Col. J. S. Cothran, and1( probceded a ticket nominated att Col umbia las week is suchi tha~t lhe canunot sup p)Ort it, anid he( proisedI$( to take th stumpil forn tile Haptton ticket. Rt. K. Scott, Rlmittenl with (dee1 contrition over his plast rognernies thinks to atone for them by votinj and working for Hampton. J P. M. Epping, formerly U~nite< ite Marshal, andiw ndnpnn Republican, declares for Hampto; and urges all Independent Republi cans to support the Domocrati ticket. Judge Carpenter is thorough]; disgusted with thu lato doings c "the party," and will support, th I Hampton ticket. Judge Mackey said, a night o two ago, that the Republican ticke just put out is the most corrupt a abominable conceivable, and that h, intends to take the stump for the Democratic nomnineeos. H1e predit that Iamipton will carry the Stat by forty thousand majority. Democrats sliould bear in miu that, when they join their local club they d0 only only half of what it required of them. Every meeting of the club should be attended s( that information may be imiipirtecl View Is and opinions exelaiiged, anm m :re es;peciatlly, anl etmsiasu 8 ir red up by at large attendalce which lmight be stifled by slim meet ings. The Club hero COmIesI togethe every Friday afternoon, at 5 o'clock, hour that was fixed 11)on to suit thcorveliencel of the business men of the town, and every member of the Cluib 8110111(1 turn out promptly at that time, and evince by his pres ance that lie feels an interest in the ]mighty effort that is being made to redeem the State. C11n11 xon 1ZtrRATTLsNAKE: PoisoN. '1'he Atlanta (Ga.) (on'fttution re lites ant aicount of a wouhl be snake charmiier who was bitten by ia rattle sn-tke, and who ('1111 near his exit, altlhough t l d swallowed lmore than a pint of the strongest whiskey 11s a Countcr stimulant. A physi cian at hand luckily thought of the Australian remiiedy, which is an in1 jection of allolunial (to the aUoulit of at d'raelun and a half) into the V.ins of the patient's airm. The effect was abnost inlstantatneous and after a little time the stricken man loft the scene apparently quite re - covered. REPUBLICAN CoNvEN'rloNs.-The Re., publicans held two conventions at this place on Monidaiy, the 11th inst. -one to nominate it candidate for Congress from the fourth district, anrd] the other to find a candidate foi the solicitorship of the sixth judicial circuit. 'Thlie distrfet convention went oni smoothly enough-there being real. ly no opposition to A. S. Wallace, the present incumbent. He was nominated on the first ballot. Ti COIn veition then had a good time at A eck's expense, and, after he ha; exercised his lungs in thanking tht( body~l, adcjouirned 1ine4 dtiC. The judicial convention did no1 get off so easily. There were al first three candidates ini the field. ICouchi of Chester, Pelhimn of Lancas ter', and MAckey of Fairfield-thia is, Charleston. There were twelvi delega tes. Four from York and tw< f om Faiirfield were Mackeyiteu iree fr-om Chii ster were for Couch tr f- rom L:mecaster andc one fron FaXirfield w'ere for Pelhamn. Couel] was soon1 out of the waly iln conse (J tenc:e of a veriy tr'uthful and cred itablle lette.r wrl itt en by him to th Reiste.~i~r concerinlg ai little distfurb: ance in Clhesteor. His mon wen against Mackey, and beneeC there wa a tie. Tfhe raIce stood six and six on1d it was at 01ne time thought than Mackey wold turn -the tide in lii f tror ; I ut not so. Pelhiam con tinued to g~et two votes froml Lan easiter, threce from Chester, and on fr'iii Firliield-James June. Th~l shor!t interivals for rest iand wir~e I u11 ing, unfi il t welve o'clock at nig blt when~u it adjourned without mnakinig; noinaltionl. There wer'e upward of thirtyv ballots. We iarie nIot in formied hiow the difhiculity will hi 4-'e suiuis Anji.--You are askel Cvery (liy through the ('ohn1uns 0 newp apers andlh by yourl diruggis tuse somethling for Dy'pspepsia am iver C omplaint, t hat you knml spending imoney with bust litti success'8. Nowv to give you saltil nie lury proof t Gulssis Acous Fi.owisu will cureo you of D~yspopsi and i ver Comiplaint with all thiei e ffects, such as Sour Stomach, Sic! Headache, Habituail Costivenes, palpitationi of thle Heart, Henrt bu1rn1, Water' bh~i1, comling up a food after eating, low spirits5 &c we ask you to go to your D)ruggisti MCMArEnl & Biter. and1( get a Saui I ple JRottle of Gssis Arsoca Fiowica for 10 cents and try it, o a Regular Size for 75 cents. Tw doses8 will relieve you.* L WoNDnFULjj SUece}:s!-1t. is r( SYnoI has sin1ce its inltlroductionil 3h Unite50 d States, reached1 the im 3 ese sle of 40,000 dl)oen pe yoar. Over 6,000 Druggists hav ordered('( this~ Medicine irecot frot Vthe Factoy at WoduyN. J anld niot one0 hais reor)ited a singl 3failure, but every letter speakos c t its alstoniisliing success in cur-in . severe Coughls, Colds5 settled on th Ire IRt, Consuimption, 01r anmy diser of thle 'Throat and1( Lungs. We visg any porson that hass any pi pos)itionl to weak Lungs, to g 'their Druggist, McMaHT-r1n &. and get this Medicine, or in about it. Regular size, 75 c sample bottle, 10 cents. Two :will relieve any case. Don't n I QUESTION8 FOR EvEIY ONE To AN, SsWElI.- Ara you troublod.witlh Indiges o tion, Constilhation of the 3owols Dyspepsia, or any disease of tlhe y Liver? Have you suffered foi f years and found no relief from the o use of medicines ? Do you have a faint appetite, and are you troubled with feelings of languor I If you r have these feelings we know yoi t !'.ve not tried the new discoverl 1 :t-L:r.lS 1I-'ATINE, at WleLAIITUIl & Biure's Drug Mtore. It is per fortining wonderfIl ctr1( in this an all other coilnmunities where-' thet peop~le uise it. It is l)ronor~ineetl by > all as the best Liver Ale(licine in t.lhe world. Two closes will rel'ieve tih worst case of DyseIwin or Con I stipation of the Buwols. Eacli bottle contains fifty doses, and it I teaspoonftul of this medicine in It wineglassful of w.tter throe tines a dlay for , LEETOL Q CO. 1 c.1.n .t 1 he fnd at the old1 tand with It. co111~i(4 .(lc of( P~LANTAION and I''A \l ILY 0 R()CEI ES:. I LAIl1 DWABE, WVOODEN WVARE, HIOIJL(1 1.'W 1 A E c. 'l'og a't.11(9 wit(h a 1:1r"(+ Xli c of (~indies' and( Ten s' XI (' V. erly all 111:.C 1(, tii u(1W, ('JIJl'idally Iar1. 1le aaaarkef maid warrantedl free C. 0111 ahiiitliIy. A(.iL, 1,111I of good1( fiuiily IILOI.. at, low figures. A I'V 11110.& SON. NOW AS LVZII