RWWJ M9G2'VMM 1-VW'61WM5MM VOL. 11I.) WINNSBORO, S. C., T~UES. DAY, OCTOBER 16,'1866.11 14 FiuAW1P YVNRY T4U4bAT, TIUiRe DAY AND BATUVtA, - iW ,Despor tt~, Oo. , nWiunaboro,' S. C.,at $6.00- per an nilm, in advance. HE FAIRFIELD ERALD, I USLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORN 14G, AT $00 PER ANNUM. ISWORV OF BOBRT LEE. Tlie following pootn, by 'Mojna,"'(Rev. .' brau Ityan,) u,ior of "'1', Conqdbred =I a .nr,"-will be readlwith pleasure by the at Itlree 6f the latter weet lines: ord I fro 'its scabbaird, pure antd bright. illshed file sword of Leo! ,i' in tie front orthe deadty 1ght, I igh o'i+ the bravo. In tite enuse of right,. 1 0s stainiess. sheen, like a beacon light, Led lim t ron"V 16at Ilow, 1 50 BaW Iverpool, sako 4 r0 each. C Cottqn, dos, is 00 ed, Gra Wool 44 0 00 spict Crushed, lb, 24 Currsol 1Nwd.di b ' 'l' 28 Starch, Brown, Ib, 14018 Water Extra C, 18 Itra Qunpowder 1, $2 00 oot e son, lb. 1 00@2 00 k. Ib . 1 20 100 Chewing, lb 8@1 60 Gold. 40 Si*'82 F01 lountrfextra oft, .1qMqj Iio, E'xtra, bbl. 10 0W V:J. Teneyok & Co., doz, 24 00 ols, W arranted dos. 24 00. 0 ro#use a 1:nna L...a .10 YAJ Forth froi''t 4cabbardl ftn1w we prayed Tnt sword tnigl. . ylotr Ia ! And wlaa our tritnniphit was delayed, And unwAy i heart grew soreA&aid; We offi hoped og. wh.ile gleamed the blado, (sf eable RObeMt Leel Forth frov , n *I6bwrd! All in vAIn Fonti lashed I lie sword of Lee ! 'Tis shrotided now it Its'shenth ngnain, I. sleeps tme isleep of our noble sain' Preadlyand'peacefully.' Oitrages in Western North 0ailina. A corresprnndetit writes to the Hal pigh. ntiel Troux1rainklin, Macon Ciuty, X. C., S.ptember 23, as fol lows IIis Honor Judge Ship hold court ill (Iierokee l6st wek. ut' few do cisionsi (if N iprtace were inaJe. The .cotlrt lad- i hmuth disturbed, on Uouduy4 by the, roturn or some noted individuals frot Ten nessee, by the naihe of Morrow,'well armed. ' They miade attaek on' a inan by tie pame of Tathaut, fired a pistol at him while on lis lor4u in the at of leavilt homie, jhe ball Vilwing him and tA%ng'ff i th6"haCk of his horse. Tathath, who, it it seems, had beei apprehensivo of; an attack, wa4 also arudiand returned the fire, killing'nstaitly on.' of the Morrows, tnd rode off. The' 'ther Morrow iognted a )uro and . pturxt& ai shoft distatlea, -t inot in the range of btieshut, - ,- -- - - I . .." .- . -& II0'wheeled hIsihorse,vamo btk' to whqre his brother 'waslying dead -and delTberately fifed on a lawyer by the * Ioon,.killing him instantly. Boon appears to have byen unarmed, not * havingsnusyeote'd on - ptgek~ After killing Brftn,ihe fikI on 'a en'~bf the name of GJoo ar quite a- peanoitble and indfituive mant not engaged in the affMi~Vt'nflicting on him two eevore .god,' froth whiehli Uf reoovery Is deenoa doauhtful an'd M orroW. then imun4e his osoapeln' the direction of Tonnessee, where 'lie resides. These -out.rages by Men~u froi% Tloneoe,.aot log undelth bdited 6FGov.JBrown *ow, W11 pal~dis#ddh pinietu that it was rit ~kWthe rebs .wherever found; afA~to 'would .pardon the fegee, are beedating 'top fregnaent to b* e.ItIRps#d'smuoh .longer without rona'b d~*rfare nauch to A.tan by taoe9llneresid ing In" the ower pa~r&of Jdkson Coiut.y" was stdav in eold 'blood, 0'sh6r , o.e ne,mby'n band of' mna radorA frem Tend*ei, , known as the Robert to 1* fe thew C (not lit-.i~t1ll 'tle 'h eoI'i ai.olJd itn 'put, IWC h tlia th3' anted to tr biog neahsnog (en tha & I to their eeape to the dominions of Gov Brownlow. knother yortion, including the nota ble Bob Yurclifield himself, aboit th< samie tip, penetrated into the lowei portion of Cherokee County, went t< the -house of a Mrs. Gunter, fired upon hor two sons, wounfding one of then seriouldy. 'They, too, made their es. cape to the iamo rendezvous. Will these murderers of our pieneea. tle citizens along the border, as in th< aayiof yore,be surrendered and turned luor to the civil anthority. for trial and 8, unislhmlionit I P The Eduostion Needed Now. The full%ving admiia>le article We -til i il nt exchneig., cre.liled to ia Ne'w "rlean pap-r. We commend it to tin Ireful coniderittii of our readers: 'hew peopli. of <.mr State are in a like kredicnite t with tht- man who has the e41M, des*oved from. over 'his hend Ft l ve to rehuild ihoie l04 6tirselve cId fatilie.' The old honie was a iiglcy -mfoartable-. 8 its low, hipped Otsf.- large Airy rooms itnd .xtensivo pi Iavectred plort.icoes, gave it. aqnaint, m ye C cfrtiblo appearance, as well ai reality. The confrrts imil hnxerie' of tihe, past are hencifrti o"ly lilt wealhh of 4tl nmagitiation. Mteory nay linger witi fond retrospectie glance, acned revel il idealkites no longer 14) be roalized. l.os dio sterit realities of tle lr-set arouse n14 to lectiual life and bid nas h'y aside all "fond imaginings," and .deal wilh ile 1nec4ssities of the hotir. Circinmslancet's Iive ent.irely alereI our con';iioll. "Ties chanig.-"-ait Ve must uncano -ith theml. The pa%-x miust- Ve biuried icn the past. The n"P.sell and tilw- fatiure is all that hves to cu i-.t. ni- nt liiiger roncnd the graves o hitried iip-a . Having paid tho neces. flesilry trieri of. I,te hiart, to lue Iloed arid het," it us now wni to the realiijos of life. Fut milly.v years to come, - at least lcnxury1eaSp ai4 intolence mIust give way to ecergy and Yes 1b4ir juitracted, purseveriig labor, Icust *be olirlot ; a:d thesooner we get-tw1work it good eurnwamet i the bettor. We mis oturfelves, take hold of fhe plow, Ich anvdil'atid the loom. WVew mu. clilivatt oiir locg-neglcted mnile, . and find, il vigorous eX,lcelle, 1141 olly wealth. liut huretofoce unknown heath ail happi unese. ill; while we, vlho ire now arrived at thei age (A .1%nhood1, mn'gy do mnch while we may rebidill ocir log Pite rva ted mYstens lipon the nusolu-develo,in Unseie-while. we ijan -d6 niniato repaii oicr ah.Ittterel hope#, ac:4 regain our lost wealth and infieione, it. is to the rising geiieraiion tit the South looks for that fill developement of lcor rebources, amli that complete .nd full regeneration thia alall I ad to e,economlcd success, aii her ih.inatte, reiive yid complete in dependence. This must be th, great industrial pow. 1-r if thie iouli. Tlsisis the great prac ficil lever by which'we alidi overtori all ob ta.hs in olir, path to tationa greatsijis, - ITpop- the ptieo and mic of tho y9uth or our land.we .mut rely for help Out here the laws of nacesii iy follow us as persistenitly P ii anl OLIOr of nature'N' domlifntis. Ends mine be accomplished by milans. In order tb accomplish .ikckief liAn,tse groat end-, the prepairaitoiry n'ehIi itst be - iued The mnuttcles ca well as miudal ql' T uncportanitvorcer-u ot Qur jloistmrj mut be eciivated. i And-'ihey' must hN ntitivated orn practical principles -in ot. Ger to efttttu prcutiealirrds. Tkhey-muc be educcate-.ehoro.gly, pratilb1 odncoated.' The _rftrm lcailty da 9,.%11ex ately indieflicate o#e, hrL r,e very differelitatates and .ondtitin aea weouik at iugem, diffrent. q'aa,poit. In its ortinifal acett eipr *foriil ac ~ -rieqt expr aNS4. It il No tto j. ryou~$~r drawcpr iqo ot- 1~~ ent o she nia4s, drft t J0)JA96 99qq . Peo -4t0 #Op,O MOmftot ba57@ 90turO1ye0vot looked that only real ntkd propei school of a nation's hope and stecess; that on ly school in which are taught practical ly, and in a manner never to be forgot ten, the great lessons of life-the school of experiene. This is the only-success fiul teacher the world has ever found. II it ustist be tanight. the nas.-s-that fund*smental basis of a nation's hlopl., plower and wenlth.' Wo,e have had enough of the old s Wstem. We must. now try I it, to us, new, though it is the 41nie adopted by the wo.M itround us. Our children ust be tatught. not only to sread" a book, but tO read the great, book of nature: to "write," not only elegant ,epiAtles, splendid tictions, and atl the lackadaisical wnsense of perverteud literatulre, bt to write their names high on the scroll of success ; Iot only to write, but, to do rig,t ; not only to "-. pher" through the pages of arithmetics, and the abstruse- works of mathematics. bit to cipher their way through life, ovvr all obstacles, to indepenlence and Lot the yIuh of -the South, then, be at Ollco puL teel ol tinder, this great aid only great. imcher. At the ilov handle, at thu forge, at ti bench. in all the viariotis delpartmentits of practical bu sii-s life ; let then leari in el ildhood anid vouth Ilhose lessons that, will he of priceless vithie to then, through life. Let. us have more muocle and less of minind-rt least, simple, theoret,idd idea. ilitY. rt-t the mind spd body be de veloped .in harmony. ' L-4 tle bov or eirl learn in the living breathing.' real prael ical, those lis-ioi of life that' will dispel all the fal'o notions, with which novelists anld ali' Instructors of youth poiton the mind upt the nior. a ,alcoph-telf'r- I)jIM yps of their parents and couintry. Edneisite hei you b of our State in lie realities of practical life, and you will have a people successful. happy and free. . I'aTn: O-ruxni Smix.-Iere is 'a de. light-1,.1 deseription of Brazil, given by lte "Town Trifler" of 'the Louisville (>urier. We are not to, be understood as endorsing it: For the Ienefit of those of our friends whose patriotisin inipels tliem to fly like cowards from ite task of hard .work .ot heforo the poor beibored South ; who prefer to !ivu a lazy, enervating, Een tions people instead of '11aifully going to work to placo -tLhe old land" on its legs again, we have carefillY collected some important statistica or the South American Edeli they sigh for. There may be found spiders with bodies two incihes and legs even inches long, that catch and suck -birds; butterlies that are mistak-n for liumming irds; green atkes, just like creeping plates, and a lively coral snake with hand., at vermil. lion anid black, separatid b,y cl1ar white rings; monkeys with -uite hair all over them ; kionkeys only sevei iiches long; and owl-facei apes that sleep all day and arV reimarkalty liv ly nll iiight. Rfptiles, insects ar.d two lhilrd ofr lie fruit 'and berries are poisinoins ;. and the birds; t hough hotstig hi-illiant plumage, are songless. Take it all in all, the Soutl, paor, ruined and de4olated as she i-, is.wort a hindred Brazils yet. Lt those who want t-> desert her leave. They will not be itissed. ind ti o room they would have occupied will be filled witV better people. MURD O.-.'We learn that on Thurs day night last, in the neighborhiood of Salubrity, I. Piokons Dist riot, a young mann namied Josephi Williamus, ot' th.ks District, wvas killed by -a freednman. it seems that theo young man' in comi pany w4th others, visited the ho'use of the freednmn,.Cato Calhiouni, for the purpose of i'ocoverlng a pintol belong ng'to the deceasa% and whloi wvas in the' possession of Ouato. Explaining ~o object- of their minission,-the -party emanunded an etitranee, wvhoWthe dbor Was opened au~ the freedmai' fired .upoi1the partyde -ball taking, 'effect in the breast of Wi'llams,.whto diod in .a few;lhours th reifter. ThQe murder ~' Ad l18 escaper. an th;e confubion whi4 ense and has not 'Keen ap, rtebei4d up' to this writin.g.--Ander-. bi intelligencer' THE 03088. Blest they who seek. While In their youth, With spirit meek, The way of truth, To them-the sacred scriptures now display Christ as the only true and living way; Ills precious blood on Cavalry was given ro make them heirs of endless bliss in heaveni. And w'S on eartla the child of' God can trace, The glorious blessings of Isis Saviour's.grace, *F6r them , he bore His father's frown, For thom lie wore The thorny crown ; Nailed to the cross, l,udured Its pain. That his lire's loAs -%light be their gaitn. Tihsou hast to c*)ose That better part, Nor ever dare refuse, Tie Lord your heart, Lest lie declare -1 know you not;" And deep deppair For ever be your lot,. Now look to .lesus, who on Cavatry died. A tid trust on him alone who*gero was crucifi'd Tir. N.w ROUTE To NFW YoRK. The followig important dispateh an nounes the approach to coipletion of a new route to New York, which is dedtined to becom"p a Most popular and dangerous rival of existing comimuni cations between the North and- the South FORTRESS MONROI., Sept. 28.--The steamer City of Norfolk, bolonging to the new Air Line hgtween Norfolk and New York, mode her first trip yesterday, arriving at Norfolk at 0 o'clock, P.31., from Atntnmessex. on the Eastern shore of Virgiiin, where it connects with the railroad for Phila delphia and New York. Passetoger8 l6hvin'g'NWt-folk inl the evening will arrive at New York the next morning. Tht(e 'ity of Norfolk is a New steat1er and was built at Wilmington, Del. It is. proposed, as soon ts the line gets to workiug, to place onl the route an other steatiner, so that passengers can leave Norfolk both in the morning and dveniig. The great benefit to the traveling public afforded by this line of steaniers cannot be overtated. Twelve or fotfteen hours will be. saved in traveling to New York from Nor folk, and about ton dollars will be sa ved in travelinig( expenes. The rates of fare establishled by the Old BayI Line of Steatmers, from Norfolk to Baltimore, have been increased since the withdrawal.of the Leary Line, find this will tend to-divert a large portion of the travel from this old ind well known route. INORMARK OF CoUNTIEFFItTNG . -The llbiiore Sun. of Wedteddiy, says: "1From all necPuts, it wouild seem that. conuterfeit.iing was never carrietl on more eXtensivelv, or with greater sne cess, than ot prestent..- Thie Bank Re. vvtw says tl hat. many or tie most sktilfil w%orkmieii nro engaged int ihe business on thiir own account, anm many more iuer pny of tho most notoriongsi and wuccestfulalenrs inl co-iiterfeit etrrmicy. Ttho uniformity of thIt atitionil bank note4 idt tihp'countprfeitr very mich in his work, and jostifius a very large otlay' for thv gettig up of ti, best ma chiiiery. The .faciity with which a plate can be altered from one bantk to another is seh as to,. reqire constant watchfult0as to gouard agamt being vie timizedl. ThVrot il in i tE. en.ploy of the G-overlinent a large- corp? of tb; most expert. detaV4t. A. wiT, wh(oeAp P-ie ia"ines is to ferret on21t violators of the laws; anud although they are versy Atne cewinol in their efforts to -arrest andi pun ishs, tie busintesa seems to be on the m-* crease, for there is not a week 'paqses butt thue annoneemmnt is male of anth er' new counterfoft, either of the Govern-. mevi or national batik issues. Mon IX Bar.Tvxsta.-4 special dis patch to thme Petersbnrg Znd.A of Wed nesdav n dated the 10th n' mn., seya : "'Tfo tOffited St.ates 'fIng :o'er th,e,, Unioni conJsrVativQ's edenarte4ro wvas tern slowti attd traimpled hmn4er fooQt by a radicasl nitb; anid the pnlies looked :on " oleeof thli yeci a Dam Ocrat 9veit)g pUj0t e s lifdod - anud t he tyvpe throwno ,nto te. utrob." Ortina,-y advertigs:eents, occupying. sot more than ten lines. (one square,) will be 'ii NEWS, at $1.00 for the firt insertion ad 75 cents for eao sub soquept insertion. Larger advertisernenIs, when no contract, is made, will be Aharg9d in exact proper tion. For announcing a candidate to aty ofe# of profit, honor or trust, $10.t0. Marriage, Obilualy Nolee .&..., wll be charged lite same as advertise*mats, whe over ten lines, and must be paid f r when hanted in, or they will not sippe"g. RULES TO PROMOTE HARMONT I T ur. FAMILY.-I. We may be sure t fft our will is likely to be crossed during the day, so prepare for It. 2. Everybody in the house has an evil.nature as well s ourselves, and therefore we are not' to expect too much. 3. To learn the temper of each in dividual. 4. To look upon each tnember of the family as;for whose soul'we are bound to watch, as those 'that must give account, 5. When any good Ijappenls to any one, to rejoice at it, . 6. When inclined to give an angry answer, to lift rip the heart in prayer. '7 If, from sickness, pain, or. infirm ity, we feel irritable, to keep a very strict watch over ourselves. 8, To observe when othQrs are ouf fering, and drop a word of kindness or sympathy s.nited tothem. 9, To watch for little opportunities of pleasing, and to put little annoy aies ont of the way. 10. To take a cheerful view of'every thing, and to encourage hope. I I. rTo speak kindly to the servantsk and praise them for little things when you can, 12, In all little pleasures which may occur, put self last. 13. To try for tfie 'seft answer 01 turneth away wrath." 14. When we have beeif pained by in unkind word or deed, to i,sk our selves, 'Have I not done the same, and been forgiven ' 15. In conversation, not to exalt ourselves, but to bring other forward. 16. To be very gentle with the younger ones, and treat them with res pect. 17. Never to judge one another, but attribute a good motive when you c'an. GENs. PnICE AND 'SuKL.-Mr. George Barton, just arrived at Galves ton from Cordcya. Mexico, informs the Yeue Ihnt Ger.l Price was sick when he 1,70. h Price and Shelby would I.. ,Q baek if they -t ' :.a~ a living lit " <. baot,.o I to glive -it up, Hle reports that the Liberals werer steadily regaining p4*session of the at rategic points ; rnd it was the gene-' ral 1ispression that Maximilian was preparing- to leave.-New Orleans A very good- one ocourred *in outr brearinrg one evening last winter. An old Irisli gentleman, fifty;.years in 'bonds" of hohy wedloek, was telling over to h is girle the old, old story of' bis former loves and gay flirtationa, 'Alh I" exclaimed his daughter Mary, "it is well for you that mamma is asleep on the sofa and does not hear you I" "Yes," said the old lady, (wide awake, as it proved, and speak. ing up in the style of "tragedy rebuk ing comedy;") "I am glad I ass ruleep I" RADICAL IUW3ArNTY.-The Phila dlelphia Jt'tening fleraldsays, that onl the 3d inst., the managers of the Pol dliers' Hlome, on Sixteent.h and Filbert streets, called up about twenty of the Inmates . of the Home, who .were help-. lessly crippled, or suf'ering from wron:fds received in the .service, and asked thekr for their political vdews. They answered that thie wore Demro orata, whereupon, disabled, destitute and homeless as they were, they were. turned Into the street. The editor of the HIIrrad..ays that they could be seen at Penn $quare, U-vings witssek sf radical sympathy for the soldiers. (v;Ev:fravstr.-JVL 1o ut for Qona.terfI1 "Twrenties" on thie 'vt Nsatioftni Dank,. Portland. MlaIn, smeveraal of . wblh etre gefed hero y4at#rrday - little Weru'thly rnsy istneoessy detq* *44 0 te e gravlpg is qulre two'ms, rk een wee, [etter '"A." anmm 4% 46 right bas4,A usppe'r cotnm:r.