TIlE TRHVEEKLY NEWS, ADVE UHIISHED EVERY TUESDAYOrdinary advertisements, occupying not TUESDAY TIIUR5more than ten lines, (ond square,) will b fiqrst insertion ifty at . for h A Wintboro,' S. C., tIt $0.00 er1,-trger advertiseienIs when no contract s made, will be charged in exact prop ill advalice. I-- inon. popr 113 F~~oi !nntinenw .nAdt to Uany offie THIE FAIRFIELD HERALD, o .1 f110it 110-o IS PUBI.ISiED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORN- .fnrrin r, uh tuar \nofie VOL. III.] WINNNSBORO, S. C., TH URSDAY, JUNE , 18 ()6. 61. over ten i.esm nd imist. be p.dd for when - .) A T n i nN 2 n' . jro w i l l n o t 3111NIC OF TIl Ti'ES. BY It.tLIAN ROZF.I. MEt.Narit. Click, click, click, click, all day long, W.ti th types from tie finger fine, As Ilongli they vero lisping a Inystic sonlg, Or whisperinllg a ghostly cline. Withlk a Sa11leCd brow an4d aut iutal le:i, Anl hiq umilnlil blin anl sail inl strire Itan riot in billerest. grief. Fo' Rlenlso". exit'l, wa lost it) the d.trk, r [lhe It.) teipest-fire oflbrtain. Awl (vrn his smail, as a reeling bark, Woubl baive-k but i mutsie paiin. ilis lriatiiul ifiir ll o'er his browv'' A sliat- hir. r.. tmo, IithmI tIe eyes NO lips kissc,l tlie earl neglected there now, No bosou e'el uiswered his sighs. Aud-ati througih the dim, dewy nights so cool Anil nil throih tho braing day, Ale worked witi the types without copy or To flshi m his soul's 'love-lay. )YP . .j i r,e Ver. .a% ifr in a 11 rea, T i 111h e ayet -1 Is *.IStI, n- t .1 as113t : 'l it tat i unsic f m e"11 oi in a Stream Tirrough li he beau iftul souig t hat liasse. for t Ie Want of prol1e~ m1todil. to eitre it. It is rather sur pi ting tha"t (s.:)ion l,e tilliti.s 1n1 tI havo n1er0 l an',1 izedI histori va! oc1)ietios, wvith ftildil, commi'llit to ii whose dtty it should he to lmeet tdmke reg,tt ular records of the eur t rent of evoet i. Them territory erwacin' the prS-: enit District of Fairfield, waIS Oriinal Iy a1 part ofonle of four counltit's inlto whAich theo State was divided soonl after the fir-st sgettloeent. The name11 of thle c-omilty extending over this section wa;s* ('raven. Afterwards the "'tate wa divided inlto seven preeints, of wIlichI the lec overig' thissectioi was Ia01a4 Ca.atn. Alter thul Ilevoliu tioatnather arraeet 'of the "rta'te wa., estalished, whi1h disi w< were call-Il D)ist"riets, C-m0tios vind Parish es.. I'ler this divi.ionl thero wvere nline Districts, anid forty-live Counitic.; 0and Parii'es. Fairfle d was then itn Cluded inl tihe list of Counties, a nd st ill remaited itn the. District oif C.!milen, '4ubsequlently the divisionl of th.'-41tt into the ju1dicial distr'ict! Iow x ist ing waIs m111a11de. Ahd in 1822 I political11 division into congressional diiiriets was adopted, whienl Fairfield.District together with Tewherry utd i'laurk-nis formled the nainthl. Since which timtte at least two changes have been made inl the arrangeienit, of the Congres siotnal Districts. 'he date of the first settlouemnt of, Fairfield is not definitoly giveii. Ae cording to the 318. of Mtr. Pearson there were settlers here as eari as I 1d. lIn M ill's Statistics thae accout is that the faa'st settlteent took place ailboaut the year' 1745. T1heo condition tat the coutry'3 thena waus onte ouf pic tnrtestjue gr'tandeurt. 'Te grt'iand old forests of oak antd hickory';, were thec dens of wild beasts tand the htunttingo gr'oundst of' cruel tad vind~ict ive Cheou kees. Tfhe loss hiostilea, but nao lest brave Cataw~ba Iniiansdw'.lt bueyon~d the river wh"lich still bears thteir' nam. TIhaey too roanmed over' thtis cootry itv i nearchl of gatmea. About the year 1'784 thteiar upp' part of' the State was divided intto coultea n. thae timtae oif the f'ormtaati oft thet (Coutty Clourts, when the i'resenat maate uof ourt D)istr'ict wits given it by Judge Trho earliest record of the history of the District ifter its settlement by the whites, is given in Pin r.:m:'s )!S. follmws: "In 1710, Nightingale, the matern III grandfiather of the late .udgeo Wil liai Johnson, estabi.lied a rmlch or cov-prn, six m11iles from the1,- present site of Winnsboro, it a spot aIfter wards owned on Little Cedar Creek by the lamented ('elnerall, Strother. A 11111 by tle name1110 of lowell, from the Congaree, soon after, formed a similar estab11 ishm1tieIt, alit a place n1ea,r Wiinl's Midge, oil ittle River." The "1spot owned by General Stroth er" is Iow the property of 31r. Satuel j aiclksonl. Whmi's Bridge is cao%v (:wll ed Bell's Bridge, and is over Little Niier lear tle preFent residence (f MIrS. Jannes hliolln. It waI ear this same bridge Hiat the lust, elk ever foluld inl Failield District. was killeI ; al(] that wasdone by oI. 'X the early settlers, MIr. iohert Newton. Mr. New ton presented (ne of its ais and the magnilicent antlers of the slain animal to Capt. Johnl Pearson, who, like a true E1nglishman, tite the hum, and mt, the antlers to a 111useum111 ill En.. Ind. So, probably, Ad Fairfield Is I-day reprosented in a British 31tise About the year 17-15, Co. Jol les nndI his brotier l h'Jill ra im, una tives of BrIuswick, Virginin, renm2vvld to what a ftewards becitie Fairild. hiiughi ntiAives of Virginia, however, it ippenrsi.. thtat they left B3ute Coint y, North C.iroln, to; settle here : wiici they didl at the iioith of Beaver Creek, onl Broad Pkiver. Abolut the same time these settlers caml)e to tle western part of the District, Capt. RliIhard Kirkland, the granifther of Reuben Harrison, settled ol the Wateree riv -er, it or rear uhat is now the plantAi tionl of the estate of Coh. Peav. K irk land wis a. Virginlianl, andI(I a 1111 of great wealth i:n those early times ; owle(d !ifty brood imires. We s Io se the late Jo2 I hnrri:on, Sr., was a lineal desceidallt ot this stiMe old set tler, Kirklhmd ; and if so, the former certailly inherited the fondniless for thlormugh-bredI horses fromt his ancestor. It is 1121tial to -uppose that th1e el alv set t lers of this conlilt I* were ex.. posud to Comultless danlgers. Iesides tle beasts and reptiles that filled tile forost, there were smv.ges who conild poorly brook what they rega rded ats illtrisioln Iliol their grounds. The Cherokees killed Ephraim Lylesinl his oWI house, bit ''by a wondert'ul iiter poimti-m of Prvite1ce," the (1nims wntII" offand left Lyles' wife 111d se CI Or eig-hIt ihtih!renl inl the house, ai. ter killin : a 41 a negr&o'0 who was onit side. Wlat wns tlte nlatire oIf tilat intrOsilion 12we have ot 1 been able to discover. It was not uitil 1755 that the teri tory elirncing what are -tow tle Dis triets of Fairfield, Edgefield, AhLe ville, I'laurels, NewberryI ', I nion, Spartzinburg, York, Chester, Itn(d Ek ich land, passed from tile possessionl of the Cherokees into the power of Einglaind. This was Offected by ia treat y between the mother country and the alorigines, inl which the latter celed to the foril er the vitst territory ats above. ( To /c Uontinued.) A uA Vi:w.-A Mr. MeBrile thun makes It slap at the (G(verimen2t for prosecliting him asI a Fenlianl "I mbraced the c.arliest possible 1b1e 2me tio lave liny bed, and volunltari ly wenit i:.to court and12 gave bail for my apeaanc to antswe'r to the grave charg-ppeared2by Unlited States oolieer-otflov~ing the land I waIs born1 And thait is the very offenico for which thouItsands of Mr. MeUr'ide's conirym:eni have (done their uit.ius.t to pun11ishi Sottthr men1 222. Whalt a d1iff'er 022e0 it ma2:ke: whien "your bull gores my M isprinlts will presenlt themel)1ves in othier cohnunsill besiides those o,f new~1spapers. The authatr of a tompjer aneoe niovel who wvrote, "D runIkenntesM in Folly," was horrified to reoadh "i)rnnkmmn i$ Jle." 11ciurkuble Speech In The House of Rep. rctaiUili. Mr JIarris q' Jrylatnd, Jk/lrise Rittlt of Stsmsion MnVI Jus;tifies the South.-He thinky the Suthern SNt,t,s got nut f the Union man< are still Out. -Andy Johnson not a .uwi'ul PIresi dent, &ec.. &c. -- WASINvi- , Thuirsday, Jime 14. The mlorning hloilr ha1ving vxpiredl,, The' Spea ker a nnounced ht li lie hnee. vial order for to day was the considere tion oftim bill herel.ofiors reporied from tliwt Joint Commitit-e oi Roeonstretion, etitled "1A bill to retet l the Sinles laley ininsurecton hill political \r. Ilarliq, (of .lary Sps'akl. (e. havimg b4 n I to thi. . , Sq'Iess i l . silelt lot ien w I. i ., ., j de((eIn it imy dtiy now to Iel. -. VOWS UPI soie of the Polilical qius. tions,whice are representliel t lie Conlsid. eration of his 1rionso aud he countrv. I s.ild consider it. a mosi ignoblie net t( win tile slipport. or enolormament, of ayll m11:1i1 by the l east concealment Or deceptioI. I thens, sir, declare that in principle I now stnld as I stood b1e6on tle war lis I shoIo aAi., war was d!ecilred; -Is I stood in till last Congres, when I re ceived its erwn of cs"re; us I imso mn priown and before thmt. ilimnl insirn. neit of t yranny, a cotrt.-mIiartint. .\ l ni I swied in Principle, So w.ill I Stai1 in lr-acticet wivhelever occasl illa y ru Whel I indicten tho t Ill re al s ee no ebange in ily prilcip It, this I tlons, anid this co.01ry, posAiWY--lr thle avowal of I helim I'-as beenl itt.elel bv -inl kilexpected nottorietY -_ ley %i r et. tm.v 'e to) is. I Rn11 ohli sl i . Democrat, and believi in kw (lo-trine of 11cessioln. I hIwlte that tie several S 0ates of I biS tniO haVeI tle right. 1o msel-r-1. v irmn it, each acting for Itself. I btehleve tIat. abiuses anwl w11rpulit lul bIeienracliel med threat1wil to, ) great anl vxtont by I 1!wir ssociatv.: 'nd partmv-S ill Iljs g"versl-hi4ue-1al voml - Iacf, tle;t. the Solnt hern S1ates werv jusliied in g'iHg (Mu.; Itnd, sir, I fiutder toelve hy ilheir ordinance e secession itht did go out., nol Ihreby bI. e:une to 1lees Unionl Uoreigr. . . 11t! Convieoni 1c:ar CIalclge, and 1 i1) ld e t. eX Wet. will ever he removeil - I will must assiueredly proclaimli tille- -ind s.tanld by thm ats long as t "Ingle Ciize of ih Confederate Slv,tteis i n chain.; eo subject, to lei:tiby for assainmig thei. Ti.re is .l p"litical or w.-iws l e slid erutiol Whi1eldb n d1I)L I to Silch a desertiiou. As Lie 6rght (sh SeCesA01sio is le oily *%. I IIng tli;ht seIIIos !iw) fromn the'. Cee:rge o1 teas, ly v.ice shah I cc rd witl i mylv i'ells mal iever join int i Lt verdic, ap:iniIst hn isheuld contsmder m e as assing a lost. infmitiuIs itw i if I did. W ila.I, sir, I that, bwleve thom righi, I Ibull wonhl hIave joie'd hlIeI if the sovvreivign Slate of Milrylanld heed silid so, to d. sert. ilei now in their ntino..t niieed, whenl I Cl legitilia tIlY give theim steelh protection a is in tmy power honesly to give-never? IFrom what. I hn ve said,, Mr. Speaker, this I Lulse will I-radily infler 1e1:4. 1 mn1 adve'rse to ilhe reunstriuio poliec of tle PIesidellt. I Colifess that A"iv Johsou Is bee, i mdting Is m"de ofh r.constriutin, Colsislent, wilh tie vieWs of tl' ate P rePsidenlelt, Witl Lhose of the Rleblen parry that eted leimt, antd wijt he his owni dlecslrItion I-omn the timcee ice abanccdoned thIe Demcissratic parety' andil jine the Repu h'1lblicanis. TIh "ee lie ts det., comm'isused himlI to me;1 bt,L sucrely e L is elot heis hud t tim. le is now aet isse wiith cicmny of' the people~ who. raiIIed hie to hcis present. siiainon. 1n cy uev iee w t. o he t .e eceded~ Stat es haive nto reichi. s o reperesene. ateves ocn this lluoor or ini i Ie S'enat.e, andl( by eey vote I leavt'e leetsf ini! ivarbl y reje'ec'-h e:Very apphleait olnI whib lhas hhsni unais It) ancy psersoni claineeng sneh ai righct ; eand, sic, not) oncly do I belhiesve ucsl lIcev ha've nco sucht iit, in' t.heir n. cor * n se oe sted Secntors ee smil'li-pr ? n ian a he buet I do not thtink thcey b. ive the u .bh'. to furcnishc us with a Pesidet or 'V ce' Priesientc . hIeinlg ai citizenl of Rt'ce'ed anld, unrconstr cstod Ten'c ne.ss Atn.h-e . dohnson.~4( iM, ill y opinli"n, onl Prt.,i by l11-Ir voevs, atit'ihd hv that verv efflctive implement. l-ir m avomt-t. Wh len l' Cannot a voidl it, 1, liku.,er onv else, acqivsce in t' ficto govi-rin Ienislinidde facto Presid tits ; bu, if it, COIuld b0 (XpIected by any1v one4l IhIt I can cast my) v'Ote at the nlitext Presidenl tinI eleelion 1.>r Andrw Johnonl tf TIvse4esz "w fthat high office, th n, :a l-ast. lite ,sfrim. of I'viliv.ve het- If 1111lst. b. Comliph-t1ly Chagai.d. Mrc !-. iirips proc d d to delinl.. i*1 Owvtl \ I-ws ll r-ri. o r g CXpressini|t 4 i' lent b4.4jI 441 t ri' :E ino c' N m ipact. 1141an 111 sliubivp.1 o ld'.~1I'4 C ollsl' I il o! (jf4 O ll. U14 I, I )4 dI ' t.t it 'w41 b ,a n thl.. C s i, ,-t orti-rul's (eliee p(.rsisilt dle.oi11 t.o vjoif e m'roV li1,'orilul . rit Itit; wh ih weroj' , enr %dby Illat. inyst ram ent. Thlosi, ri,.,l' have bee destroYed, a l Can Inlver be aL S0our11 of dkicord hlvwe,-: 1.w11rt Wind Ilhe South. Siavvr. !.1s beeln abill. It-Ilvd, aind Iilv rvee1d,.-ta lv lla;v ne e -. yi.iscvd in it ; Il4nd ! Ithe nv.,ro Is phicv,! ll the posit the poslion l w iih volu d'.-sirl him l, haiv.- when%"I y lou p 'voi'd the war. Y..Il Iilo w vY H4Iit- 1Il'4111io,:(d al lIvIld 1 0 f tll(. Con1till i.1n c11n1 he 1 11 1 I 'l f iw .S i l l i I i .I - 4 :(4 4 ie-t It .)I I 111ldivoi Iwh1*V( Cii' t wifl 4 ' el .1Ve ll 1. n 11t l oll I .:l 11ile bn>o' Cohr FI#h a1 r4-slih, n Ili I .y,% wnihi h .,'lves dhoild I I e aid inl brin . i abolit. Th e wi' i r wih t'iri i 'ii t.fi 4 v1n1' Ot prt po'l44 .t1 .11 41-s tIY :a l will Vawa t W ilih- I, jIe (,.i- m R I,l Cllsideriat Icion of th peoplh- , 4 1hi becoingll4, tmlbt.lmembers ifIII t s IU Ihl:i ,l t 4: bY Le.-inf1r tIosot'Oit wxhom Ia u11Willinl." S444 1 Stay onlf, andl ari wilh g' t o m e,nn ill YOtt will c. 1Idv nop r y ll ill it :Itll y ob ur of jIlw pli 4,a srl, o1,1 11 . th h. The C od - rn 44 14 tIl t. till' 1114, it. cll r4ol :1 il, w eml. 11M, :1 0 I WIkv.1 o.il [' r . si'do rli. d of i 1111l l;tio'l. Vonl art, hl-lt. onl seh.-mle.s whiebl sVilim t colinin othing" but ihe (.b.n -t l 14 Ild( i IvdllI l 11) a , c l. I4. - ld111l1 ind 4li-lllite orer r 1 , Iill l i ll .r :t 1 Il . ;Il ilt peo d' l , 11,1 T i0. t oil:Yoilwifl nlot, alli 1 - ita in 4lh.d 1me Of thw American pih-Yv, uim ,hall H ill w ill 14 :--o r il, - il l I I -il t ~tttllr (41 . 'tl A J1.'4(.1 Il , 8(4114-ril .olplo whllcb will t wajr y iur h-Si . 1 .1 vtiy )h lov bxet'i Ol slaiqlard of tw-irCmilvio d raw vimv hav4 Ilot. lower-d standard of tIl-ir prld, ( tcoinil: piAt it. th estima, i1 n 4, .1.1 hol elr.1111 VIll'ttiv. The 8,01. 1i). 111, :ill aromill him11, with1 wut sl ".!Ikfing of' oflilh. w'it- o lhfeII,- late 14. 11 I tl' ,ens of .1th4. vldliuralce4. coirat'e, iin prowt-lli of hi dspecil bhll- Oh.l.dh it I. -it will 4ot dllilih1 I. lo i d.al. it c I oni hi, mvwn soil walk ovvr the gr; I v es, of' ni:.lyg dinel Ihu led O lollsaild of hi1 court'g1onls e1ne01l4-, .1nd( - lie Will no01 ideemn himsell Aslave." t I, I it I,,' tI. gt ov 1 a , 14141)(04 forvign Iviter makvs the( followinmra!hit sioll to Ihe Spirit od p p ri ons of Atistria, and na.- lhvy arethe risll of, 4heho,i01)0nw,0of0t0.an Prawn, he rnde may jmi . 'o i0 "TWS A OODi.i-:S VE.:G.: wIIir IMorr'F>lTm COxFEDMACv.-A CoingnrtilSoII from the State of Ken i:eky, ( Mlr. Sh.ikliii,) iI the Conrse of a recint. speech, said : "If tllv h Soith patient ly submits, to terms soight to be hliposed by the Had icals, its piople won!ld be unworthy of alm(Wici:imon wvith IIIe brave and generous Of i lie North. Thn Son'.h has been )iVeOMP by nmnh1wr-9, but not by supe ririt In wizdIiji am,l bravery." To which the lempliis PBullelin re. llies: "Thi, i-: tru enough, but money wag qu1ite as pol-vi II. hinlond ahat Wash in-ion. lj(-(- alwavs kIew what Grant ily ir :114 ii.eeiveI orwVln roml the Trias at a.s hintol, and was only tbhnnld p when hvis Stood i) hile eliomiel tiroi.. which ir. .tanton or ircied it.. Ilis, at. least, was incor ciiiii bll; imt. genis was bribed to min i er to iIn rulijvicos ;it.listot was 61en0veil, awl Shenini weit sisaShing thingii io lii i'i a. Tiirl is high ;II IIority for Iiese state. inn t1. nii- wer IIe who IIInade them m1i-.wl, tle v-ry fae:, that. ie deposi till (f .14hisoln from coiini d is as erind to Federal gold, shoidd induce getiliemn in Ciongress nt to forget its vitst. initi-ces iii crushinsg the rebel Tovi.. ; iliN iN N .:w81.:ny Ilv I,- Imv -:nI l n-i i ht we learn 1;1w. s:. s i l ! p m firl ragei ves -lIlm olur si-ir lown of Newberry, aild t!:l fair pc:in ;p s now well imas fnii. \V ire or how t;w '.lalh rIa;ItiOnI origiwinedI o r infor. loalil vmild not i,-Ii, hin: ii nlppear.4 that Olw huInIF;IS, port1-iwon f tho pla1Ce is Id,est Iroy\ o, inl(!idinir the prinlting office ni 'ij'unim Vi,prr. .\a:n street i'i-1 WI 11 d - Ihe abiovo, we learn Ohat thIli v ec n n e finl 0-hlPii-l( Im-dlay at 2 P.M.. ml iasedI lour or live hours. So\v t weI -fivtI hiiouses are known to ie re 2. ii Th1ew arn iichi-led in 01h, c'-1mn r '11 MOrti , oI thl if,wn. Among tle sifi'ng-rr are Gott If. I,. Kine,rd, ( 'apt. Ia vi-:. 'I'. NM. Paisiiier. )r. Pratt, allnt of rI-. Tl'uinipon, )r. Whaley, S. .l to wr, .\ . M. \\icker, i!. Ini,~t of ('har!e-in, ald Dr. rovrnn. Alay tn:as la eeryhinl. Tho proprw-ioi4 of tIei .1/rw/ sidl'erd se. t- -rly . The tlwir-iv, decstruc14tion is 075,m. f wheb in-r isatomi, $35, to) insiuar,. The Ia- in morchan-. i was ASpi lv. IavY.--C"roliniall. SEAlAIGA ilTE AN hIL -A N A VFFu'rii ; -i rm :41- i the ( 'ireiit Coilt. in .\lot-i o I iw, West Virgiw:i. hist wit-ok, a deeply Arflecting :eenlW t0fk plae. It ocured ini the maiter of tlie had>os eorpts granted at ti' iStaUnWe of Chrk KvVrly :gainst Lis ifefor the rtmlioii of ite bod of a chi!I hornto thu : parties -prior to their stelarillio. Afier a fbll hiiaring, thty ihonlf dlver thInelcild to the father, "'Ii was then thait a scetie occurred t Ihat hwggaris deisicrip ionl. VTe mother pressed her infaint :o her breast and ~liog weih all tetaicity of life to the ob ji-ct. of hter fund hoipes. H er loud sobs indgoniizigshrieks sent suchanthrill e-ra as ionly th' oce oif w.me 3111in dis IiriiSeus ci imupati. Thel husband en di.a verid to) wrest it fromi her nrms, but ould not dit it, whlen the .sheiff stepped foirwaird toa en rry out thle or'der of' th'e co n ri, andti suicceeded. in) obtaiin'g the einld T1he hond. eries of tho mother, thus dlonbly widowed, were heard for I i-veral