WMMM A~inile q12t1C1865. The' illdwint car4 Ibpi Mr. Greely t eharaoteritio4 th fj~o- 6f country W hI.Ifrori J his actions may otdtindes serd oftin 'challenge. -the. * dhiratidfoorhis bitterest adversaries. W$are'graktihed to note that while -he .orrects the Statement of The Intli. :.cheer, he. takes care to do so with the friendly spikl,'that evidently dictated 'the paragraph in that paper. A utan who has lived as long as Mr. Greely, iand has aoquired such a position in the world of letters,.d'nd is as widely honor. . td for his personal intogrity, has nio light to refuse to at boldly and manfully 'when the interests of humanity demand ithe.saci-ifice nIC0oNTRUTIN-A C ARD. To tA lMitor of the Intelligencer. In yonr issue of this morning, you: have spokeit of my presence in Wash. ington, and of my view of the political situation, in terms which soern to roe .rjire of me a fbiw explanatory words.. I . herewith, submit them: . I desiA and lahor for peace; peace b tween our country and all others ; peace between North and South ; peace be. tween white %nd black. *We have had enough of war end waste and havoe and cahiage, for at least a century. Hence, I have long labored, and still labor, for true pnd lasting peace. I can conceive no possible good to our counfry-to any countiy. to any see. tion,,race, or class--that is likely to be. secured or promoted by alienation be. - tweenthe President and the Congress of United States, O tile . contrary, it -seems to me that every peril that now threateis us, every evil that now weighs upon us would be aggravated, -every good put vt hazard, every hope - clouded. if not blasted, by such a Ma. lgn, untoward collision. . I have come here to do whateoer I -can, however little that. i'-ay be, toward avertinm such a catastrophe. But I am' Siot, as 'your paragraph would seem-to imply that I am, the advocate of any especial.p In of reconstruction. I urge only ttfhih-the President and Congress each respeeting the other's Constitution. al prerogatives and personal convic. tions, shall freely and truthfully' confer, discuss and consider, with a profound deferenen for each other's patri-otism and an earnest desire to agree on a course of action wMici they shall inu4tally deem juat and benencent. Let the problem of reconstruction 'be approached frotin all sides in this spirit, and- I feel sure that a-benign-solution -will.' be speedily at 'tained. Our.i9jilties are aggravated bythe fact that. ouri.position is essentially nov. .el I can rec4l no parallel to it in hu. man history. It is complicated by -questions a Mbting the natural rights of the Freedmen, an[d our moi-al'obligation to them as our humble allies in the late momentous struggle. That we may properly re-establish the Southern .States in all their jriginal Aghts and liberties without i;o'iflcing or hazarding those of any portioi of thle'American people, is the earnest desire of.' Youra, HortAcs GnEZLY; Washintoh, Dec.3I1, 1865. . Tax AnvAWVAGox oP S3OurIy.-' ;Seme weeks ago T strpotled into a triend .counting-room. He being ab.ejet, .commenced ehat with his clerk, when a good-looking 'Nuilled puesun" entered, ' dof'ed-his'caster, arid Usid: - "Mfass' Bob, kin youlend ine a n. . ter till die afternoon; and Lpay him, ear tin ?" Misa' Bod applied his dexter to his' vest pocket, bast me do ?"sign." I taruded. "Well, Ruck, yoU lek stolerably hon est, but as I don't know you, if yon will give me securty I will lend you thie NH% yes briguteeds hease *"Ma. Bob,s will 'yota go \ securi "Yes," replied Bob. I fre over. Some timie afterwards, wending the same way, as -I waa' abot to enter the offlo., thes identicala Buck *tiood before me, - "Buckc where's any gtort o didn',t p43th. als you promseed ?". Maga, ilt, 3gib~ou security.?' "We, bt Istntou'to'ayte-I tent yons the quartEr.' "4 D ,o saTnA~t ita mA. custom img wcauqlg thtesale hifon .th jo k $~ t tMb. Th'Columbia Ptcenix, of the 13th inpt, sys: ."Byrefeibnce to tid le' siativd Sroceedings 'publlhed in this morn'ing's paper, it will be-seen that our enterprising kd' public-sirited- citizen Col L. D. Child 'h openodr a cor respondence with - his Exellency- Gov. On, wit4 refereauc.to the purease of the Colhnibia Canal, and that hae .pro. poses engagin in manufactiring on an extensive ecale. This matter is'of greitt importance to our entire cotrknunity-. the merchant, the property Owner and the laborer-and we bid the Colonel God-sieed in his contemnplated man. nioth un'Iertaking. In this connection we thihk 'it well to direct the attention of cagi'alists North atid South -to the magficent water power -Which on be eily obtained in and near Columbia. An expmination of the . different pl'uees might be found to be of immense ad. vantage." .The poet Tennyson is thus described by one who saw' him recently: "le was dressed in a very ordinary, rather negligent manner, and his thick, curley gray hair'ung in long and shaggy looks down over a brqad collar. His hat was down over his face, so that I could not see.his phrenological develop. miunt but he truly had the 'sad passive eye.'. which I had he'rd .credited to him and *hicl, withal, 'was -nervous and do*ncast. He wo-e- a' rather long beard and- moustache ; both were plen tifully eptinkled with white though ori. ginally very dark. The poets complex. 14n *as sallow, his noso. straight, and his faco'rather long," IteAr PLOW.-The Galveston News has -beid-furnished with an account of the new eteam plow recntly invented by Robert Crewzba'r, of Anstin. With. t-wo hands it. will thoroughly cultivate 120 acrea of cotton, including the break. Ing up of the soil, and mucli other. ne. cessary wdrk. Corn -and wheat may be cultivated by this machine in a very snperior style. RuIorow AN A CONVKNIBNO3 -It has been said that mtni carry on a kind of o'aiting (rade with rellgion.. In the voyage of, life they profess to be in aearch of heaven,buttako care not to venture an far In their approxi. mations to it, as entirely to lose right.of the earth ; and should their frail- vessel e in danger 6f shipwreck, they will gladly throw their darling vices overboard, as oLher mari. nors their treasures; only to fish them up again when the storm is over.-Caton. By.lajing a piece of citarcoal dpoii a burn, the pain subsides. lmmdiately. y leaiving the charcoal on one hour, the wound is healed, as has bemi demon. strated on severaloccasions.. The reme dy is cheap and simple, ahd certainly deserves a trial. The grave of Lord Panlmer'ston in the Statesman' corner of Westmiister Abbey, has been temporarily covered with pieces of stone paving,d pendiug thq construction- of a tablet and motu ment to be :rected to his memoty. The spot wbaie the Premier Ijes is now indicated by at piece of .cardboard, on whiph is : pie inscripton--Lord Palmerstes' rave. A yoLnnilady was asked how she cdeld possibi afford, in these awfully hardi tUnes, to enkce music lessons. "Oh I '~~p mydelf to the loto notes, was the E~EUPOly A WOMAN, th Orinder. condemned to dtfauing a woman, is to be a aurh Pa.,on the 19th twill extend his trip to the IttoQnd, Heb expresses great satis. faotioh afdhe General good feeling he qbeervqs along the route of' his 8duthern 3The K~1oyLegislature-hag passed a b ~ 1eIf l persons who durn'g th ~Iloosuutied nsa ga n9 ud h'$~g~na leg preav sdb 6 r T ~ ~ T. ZION INSTITUTE, T IE exqroises of this School *li be re. sumed the 1st Monday n Vebnary 1800.1 OFFICERS. 0. A. WOODWARD, Principal. Rev. W.V P. DuBOSE, A. M., W. M. DWIG HT, Assistants. Termte per session, payable half in vi vane, the balance at tho close of the ses sion. - . - . ! Board. with Tuition In all the branches except Philosophy, Chem. 6 Istry and French, '#104 00 Tuition of day scholars in the classical or higher English and Mathematical Departments, , 25 00 Tuition in other branches, from$10 to 20 00 Course of Chemistry or Philoso. ' phy. - 10 00 French, 10 00 Contingont, charge for each pupil, 1 00 Payment. required in specie, or its equiva lent In currency, at. the time of settlement. G. A. WOODWARD. deo 19'65,-tf Principal. Nice -Things for Christmas. JUST RECEIVED BY JIME D.o'lOR B ALDWIN 'and Greening Apples from B New York, New Crop Layer Raisins Almondd, Curr'eats. Lemons,Pickles, Drums, Turkey, Figs, Chocnilte. Cream Drops. Fresh Candy, French Sweet'Chocolate, and a variety of Toys for Children. Buck, Tut ey. Duck, Squirrel and,Bird Shot. 4, 6, 8, and 10 penny Nails, Sacks riverqool Salt, Prime Bacon Sides, Well. Rope, Pldugh Lines, Trace Chains. Dec 19'6--2 For Sale. A TWO STORY FRAME .BUILD ING 40 by 18. The - building is - 10. cated I mile from town. Apply at this of floe. -do1'5 Fashionam leDress Making. MRS. J. M. ELLIOTT is expecting a fir& class dress maker, and.will car. ry on fashionable dress making in the base ment af her residence. Shp has alsojest opened a neat and - fnshionable selection of all Wool Delaines, French Merinoel Silk Poplins, Blnok and Brown Debage# ad Dlack Anpaeas. Aln, white Kid Gloves, Collars, and Dress Trimmings, which she will take pleasure in showing to her pa. trons, dec 9'65--2w6 E9XE4CUTOR' NOTICE. ' I heAo , havintg claims a inst the etate of Archibald Beaty, eceased, late of ?'airfeld Dlitriet, will present them legally attested, by the erst -of January next. Those indebted will make itnmediate payment to JAMES BEATY, nov 11'65-1aw6 'Executor. Winsboro' Female Seminary. REV., A. !. STACY, A. M.. PItINCIPAL, Assisted byaeoomplished Instructors in all ihe Departments. 'HE r t Se's'o' will begin on Turs day. January 4th, 1866, and end the 18th oa y. The e6'nd Session will begin May 21st, and end October 12th, with two Weks vaca tion in August.. . Rates of Tuiticn for First Session,or half year; payable, one half In advance, and the residue at-the expiratioti of the grit half of thaSession, say 10th Mirch. Collegiate Department. $20 00 to $22 00 Primary9Department, Sec. No. 1, 12 00 Primary Department, 8ec. 2, -- 16 00 Contingent Fee, ' 2 ?Juuio op liatno, '20 Use of Instrument, L~atin, Orpek, or French, each Drawing, $16 00, Painting in Oil, Phonetle8hythandWing These chirges will lbe reoconed br a but paymeetmay be stadein paper eur cy or an proisions, at t he-nrte which is The Institutiob 1i411 be. condlueted on the plan of otA- bpst Femal6 .College.e-.-the same classes-the' game studida, etc. Those who complete the course will re oive a gra'duating certiticate. Partloplar. attention, will be giyety to the children in the Primary Departmnent, Persons desiring board should o'emuswa oshe with the Prinoipal. . - I* 'For fiarther information, apply to - A. G. STAU Y. Pritmeipal, deo 1f6.-f ' 'Wnsov .C ~Notion. .UTI~t )~~d et Public Anotieon on thd .28th Instant,''t ' the oah.sie O neammee at 11 Will pres~ut then for pamett6 .ad os Montl9lleiolo Istitute., PAIRFIE:lD DISTRICT, f-.- C. T HE exereisoe of this. 0044, will be. resumed en WeW. nesday4 the 10th of Januarneiit tlhe Session will embrace twenty weeks. Terms for Session, bayable Ia advam. Board, inbluding washing : $60 Tuition in English, 25 do. " Music, 25 do. 4- Latin, o ? do. " french, 0 do. "Drawing, 4 20 do. Vocal Mbsito, ' Incidenidl kxpenses 6 Pupils are required to uinish lights, sheets, pillow-cases, towels and heavy Ibt. ering. For further particulars address REV. J. TAY14OR ZEa! .Y, Principal, Monticello, 8. 0 deo 14'65-td 36 The Chester Standa~d plesse copy. Ce D. CA R . . DT'ALER9 in Carpet, Oil Cloth.. Met tings, Window Shades, at Stop Ladders, &o. - .*LO, Tailor's Trimmings of every voHety, which they of'er to 'the tradl New York Jobbing prices. .30 Broad St., 0harlestob, S. a. dec 6'65-8mo. ESTATE SALE. N ursohnee to authority' given, me by Court 6f 1Ordinsey, I will sell oa the 22st of December nest, at the DUTCIMAN'A C4ERX PFANTATION,, of John Harrison, senior, deceased, a lot of Hoerses. mlules, Cagte and Pla atIon'?'doj . Also a lot, of IO1USEIOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE. At the sane time, willbe rented several different TRACK8 Of LAND. All the foregoing belonging to the estate of John Harrison, senior, deceased. JOHN R. HARRISON, Admr. nov,28'86-td Executor's Notice. A LL persous having demands against the estate of John MoMaster, deceas ed, will'render them in. proierly attested without delay. All persons indebted to said eslte are requested to make immediate settlement with the undersigned. . I 1 0. H. 'MoMASTER,Ezeaoter. nov .2165-9 , 'ji)N URInq co, Impediers and Wholesale Dealers In G ROCERIES, Provisions. 'Flour, For. Y eign and Domestic Liquors and Ci gars, Crockery, Hollow-Ware and Glass ware. I 2000 Soks.I4verpool 614t-arrive. No.88 Iasel-8srect, nov9'86-8m Charleston, 8. 0. THE CHRISTIAN INDEX. Y the First or October, or aheoon sis Ithe malls are re-established. I will re; ow the publication of the 90H RISTIAN NDEX" and'the "CHILD'S INDEX" Ihave ton publishing" rice of. -'Index,"- pr antiu : $8 00 irice of "Ohild's In x,"' *a : 50 Mpney may be renftedf o4,co, as n y'de. 4rminatleti Is positive'. . !ydes -pto -e ur age subsoriptos ist w lt egin, and I issue thi "proa ribesmay have jme -to fw It ii my-intentio (s'ene and no pupq4Up 'are that end ebet pondents will be, secur t religion~p lterar'yte to the pes. The 01 til be pr fsely - 11 st ill, eysense, be mase oufr o Mte( 'nsy be sedat b9U* osv or qthaer wiq-i y Lxpr'ess, at my ,wig, -I( the s'x press receipt is ent me, oS the resuamption of mail facilities. ,My eonneotion with' ite Sso7. 9tke & Co., 'Is dissolved, ~tvf ea 114'inh oples In Maaooi, \ liee odthinu sfaostions y syjbe a4dree ~ ~ ' SMI OYWI.N Ther su e r swashmad SlaI T. WP & IGRGB .5 t , i d, eV '. 4 4 . o n* r*Otka e OE MLINE OF1 STEAMERS. ifiipbla, New rand fton, via A the. naarle-aad Oinesepeake THE CO&ODIOUS STEAMENiS PIONEER di 0M00RE 19118 W ILL leve New Derne for for Norfolk on T Ulf8BAY ofeaoh week at 8 o'clopk,.A. M., opnneuting With the different lines of. steamers for thi Above natned pohts. On and after the frat day of Db ember next thby will leav k tuedag and Friddy of each week, wak0g dbhil-*ebkly trips. Shippers of Oods W. receive etery facility and accommodation for the trans portatidn of the same, a .riangertients have bebu made with the diferent como a2 panibs to forward gbods to this line at lod rates and without delay. Babh f thbat stearneib are capable of bad-7gng TWO HNfDRED AND FIFTY t'NS of hBIGht ftough the canal -withbut difficulty,, as they were bUilt bapressly for the trade; They are fitted up 'with STATE ROOMS and BETH8 eapable of aoominodating thir(y-ve passengers. Every. attention will be pala to the comfort of passengers, who will not -be subject to the inconvenience of transfet- to other vsoels,- but will be ta ken through d ect without change. The tables o the steamers'are liberally supplied with the best e mrket affordh. Familes.traveling will fA d it to their i terest to take this linei-ss they will thereby escape the danger and discomfort of a sea routeo and the fatigue of railroad tfavel. On the 15th of Dece ber 'text, if thb businesp of the lind warrants It, the stesta er WILLIAMS will Ie puton tho ibute, and r-weekl trips will be made. , For fre ht or -passage app)y to WHI' OltD, DI L S o., New Berne, N. C. DAVID WILLIAMS, Prbtrietor. nov 21'65 l'RINTIN! PRININM IIAVING secured the services of a Fist H Class 00K and JOB PRINTEin w6 are prepared to execute any kind of work het the Printing Business, with neatness and dispatch, and vpon favora bit terms. Job inting of every class and style, from the la-gest oa ter to the snallest Card, esecut-id tt best at q of. the art. We ore now prepared to print ~All.NReads, Labels, . (of every -clasa and patterii) CirculaIs, Dausadb ais, - Rattroeid Were aWd in fact aything in the Printing luitness, ode siring Joh P(inting don'e pqrr f'ivig U nall, will be guaranteed eat e sa0 loq In tte'execution of ibe wr t e'orgsolicited4.and i m fII GAILLAR & . otors "News.," Wlinoeroj 4!. C. ayof January , n l'otte, N C., a daily and Itr-we sppr under the-stl alad title of' NOTft-CAROLINA()1iu - DIAN," oh shall be devoted especially to the disseminstion of the latest new sad the guarding, with Rfn eagle eye, thyit. eats ofthe Statp under the Constitutt a,-and in sonformtywilh th, laws of the:Unte6 States. . .. There will' also be issued, from the eame. office, a weekly' paper under the o jl.tiui Lite of "TH B CATAWIA WAT ,'4I. The termp for the DAIr.Y rppAx will be, fqr one year. *7.,00 six m a~u,$4.00;i three monthis, 2.i0; any- les- m$.00 per month.' . eso en uetuitit~ gen e truentioa. mntee.fo4t6oon I $04 s1 o '4* s,84480 ~60aastau