'HE U0STIIUi.dM SOUTH GAROLINA, WR.f TIHpl.R or i AA-?E OV w OTM CA lS" LINA. DV 410R DICLBATE- IN tcqNVBNKTicN MET, DO eaDAIRt AND, EiTABLIS1ITItRs CONti' TUTION FUR THR GUVERNAENTu ru TiE SAID STATE ARTrICLE I. iExCTON I. nw Tegtislative soinlrity of this iSnte shall he veted is a Ue'c'ial Assenthlv, which shall conslit of a Senate ai t 4 tIlcused .of Rlepresenetativs.. SECTIO-N 2. T10 lcnea of Rceilccctinlielvre saal I I ov emitpoetf o Mien cri clicctet y h il. lot. evetry sci'gnn year by hel cII ttl o- 0 tla State-, qu'clilief as In in taI' Cotnectihhn tic ? pee) Videc. SEetios 3. Pnch Judivicial hisfritet 'i I II, State whaell ecench fliec'Icne Ftceion Dipr ' '.5 'cx cept Cliatlesti lioneeS, WI t. wt lsleia'n 6 41 i A -f itto t w El'tite Diptrict.,o te e n-s4 n ii: of the late Pe:66e' of Mt. Phllip anel .s blichae . I , bc. Ideei'rtcrd the Elcrionec Di". trict of C 'irleeton ; tIhe-'o 'ewr ceonist oig 111 lt t part of 1lee1 ,liaefaci el fihiliet. ws'itch, te withtout i tanitet cer Parishes,.t he h .wt as the Elvefiin D)isret o: I, rkeler' - Secicos 4. I1he tun ic of the seerca .h11 icial nuit 1'setdi Diet rljeict shal rematei a; they are now Vcttliitiehed. r.wrson 5. 'Te lhious' 1f lhprsatid e Fshall coneist It ul u hundl c.l --n1 v-b1er - M. mtihe'rs; hte aipperh'cned 'nenr U1 - ie'r . 1Efor tjion Diietric'ts ne tIh Setc te.ce niceig Ic the nuid's- r of white inhitiaco-tained ic: each, mnti The: aoueont eel cell taxes; raisecd by the General Aesvinebly. wecthc. c dirc't for intisee't. I or ol wltotever sueric t eh ti ecting thererom all taxes paitt on eccount tf prcc oroi ty held lin any other Dist'iet, and addinr thereto all taxes elsewhere paid ite account (if propert held In such District. An enumera tion of the white inheccbitau.ti, forthis purp ose, was inade i the year one thocuand ciebt hun dred and filty- nine, it no' shall bet tade i tleI -courso of every tenth year thetreafter. ine such manner a's shall be, by lpw. dird'ted ; and Representattves shall hle assignet to the tdifr ent Distritte in the above-ineiccc rteropor. tion, by Ace of the Genierd \sAibly at the s'ssOnn immedintely saecedint every entiume ralton: Provided, That until te at pe.ton1 ment, which shll be mad upon lpe next enu mijertion, shall take effect tne repre-emation of the.soveral Elletinn Dietricets, as herchi cot. stituted, shall continue aa aeseslgwd at the las' pportionment. each District which leas beert ieretofore diVided into smaller Distrtrti.t, known as Parishes,havinar the airgregate lad -e I ber of Nepresentaive. which tle Pe .ile's heretef'orneemlbraced within its liisave I:, aid eeence iliu, pporlonnt ent tie leh 'jre-eet t e t) whil ch etI& P i .i \ il nte - h -:1 t1 t 1 ,l n hesreim .wilvi'e l f, tne e dluri: this r w i 'e to llmor El-'. etion Difmfirt S :c-c.N If. S the ennnwreti herein dirt (,t bid " t II tne il e Cr: "I the 014. it .he ('e . r , hile etc e if lte it ..i 1' er - "'.1it ep d- it i, - 0% -5te i . ' t ilt l'(U e , cc c.. . -ha.t . llw on'o, 11bc it.v 1 wee .s fa. e - so-nd part of thYehle ntnberec C,'c ..r i habicIts in tl t .ate, il one Z1e1i- .ve also fir every abity scond prt eit Ilie wi, bv I taxca ralard by th Go ecral Acesetily. Tiwre slall be. leur ther allowed ou lmepretIw Ar eelh ftratictis of the Iixv Sier eil acr 1. ti.' w al a i tnie lialla. 111ci of li si Acy b ecei.. part )ef'lee tameeot .a wlevn ariflel together lc nf, a ute ic-rNe 8. All ta'Xca 4pon prpcr, rntv I lorc personal, shall bi- 1.ti I ct thei Twt ie %I c f, li . the preoperty anxed, as th1eysa01111 ccaill tee! eweer fainedt by the Inea"et 11e w lhe pi1. pose of laying esuch iex. ]tIhe lir..t iieipue tI! eInt whih hall cc n nu N-e the oeN' iit ilen. c he n oo -m1 1 t I. .; i h:- esctietece ted (fr. - tile e(1 a f ee'- I wf ye-aria 1eXI p'e. 1deteie or sicht'l lylpuiieol n e. ; -w it. evelr iellb --queee.t cpp rti lin-cit, fc e Iti" everage of th ten voefnt, lei tilxt urtccilict. bECTiON 9. IS. lht b1110 ti lcieneln'c tt 4f l rCe ttive e ; A ally F111 tinI tric'l cc n0 ciell ap w :r t . t.e e i t ird, ie i: p tiltiol t1 el' Itit tax !eoos . t a, of ep ri ntie i cne h lec Dis,rlert .liellnverdele A int c R -peec tuti: V- c d, il theri i;- ) il it i--'-e. of' the n01eecbe!r of Iteprni nia. ive. r.-qule-eI by Ic - t14:1e 6:th, euch blc11c4i'Sciy shall le ciupplicld b; eeserticcc'- Rt'preiatav.ece t se' Ec.iion Dits lerhvind the larap-stceerplei eiti'lnc, whie'ther thomtraeitils oisewtf a li (elehi t Sien of pissa in seed t:ex ., for of )cpillitioll atr ta el 1ep'btietiy., util iho cer hc-r of eleco huided antd c wetefescitr lpiler ce 11emade top . Provided, hotittEver. ' That UMt p11et01. clhani tes'lv Upresenitictvti oibi~lt, Ie any i '"ateim ient, he aseigned I tey ontece )lioe I ei E8CtTLoN I1). No epprirtinmtent ee I p'.c:-. Itiiveet shall bie constred tol 11ak9 ftctS-, eicJly eoinannar, unetil te e geneerneI ecle~scti*e which lhall suecceedi leuch appiturflibanciente bEcrlott II. I hei Sen~lc efeeall ije . '(mpreil cif oecu mecneher fromc echi l'.fecon ist., tee exce'pt the MIectione _Dlet,-lt et tilearlecetoqt h iewichi shaH be allowed t wo Sentct . e hettjeoi 12. Upon the p - l the' fir.st General Aeec'ecbly, w-heich VIJ e c'hocwnc.n dher the preeveitnte of c it e Nntelicn the Seteeneore dell ble idevi't Sct,Iy -l'S, 1cc. e wloc checcta tee be' vareei cat e excpiraetiont of feor yea rs ; an~d thl'Se nilcer cco tee . cnewcce ebliell he SO proeportioed elhat ec fueli it In.. wnoiee number f! Sienatoere ecay , ica i e rly net pui. ble Ccntinue fit ie cen tie, rceaftere every sec end year. * a -14tocN 13. No pc'esonbre!1libe -Ielirhble tco, gr. ta ke ocr reftaie, a eat tin he Ile, ci iRepre. -*seuitetves, upeless Ie esa free bi , ecIne.inI. wleo hatlh atiete the age ei 1wencty-one.: y cor. heth been ae citsen an I a resirn'ci ccf ti s a three years nlext preceedinoc the dacy ofelec'otln, ano hath been lor thec ls sixc ncieeethc ci tiia' time, amid she'Rh cecntinun, a freedks rc ee'mi 1)-s. trict *hich'hs'is leuedeptesent. SEcTIOeN 14 Npo peesnoseail, he , lcgtle e ior tal( te' re'lneh, a ign~IA thtt4 .atie odetee he ise a lrdee wile eeeA hee~le~ it I atia ..c ec' 'aeci of tfilrty yti ' IAl'%e1a .cit en A al . roeident vi hue la s~p l&'elAjeIO prcu~-cting' the dlayqtf i e t~c d e fthceles six eeeoedts ol' thc~f idiflW~stll: etinco t. be, a reseient oftlig ktetilelc hdje~ to .4jpe resent. .-' p ' . h i ceQW . !ir.c-rrort 15. 8%nford artid ofh Worse ief Represo tis)ve l s ,(~,Cien~At' ~EOel eketjion on. the ')~' t e~ df Ine Octobeer In the prnt e hedah *day itn every seconfechl dtfe ieh htianner, td for suchl tces -p(0eit -herethc dIrected. 'teeA ese 9 Ibet f c erth 'Moneday hn No'e I ofGcerr'.ecnt.pnite clte isi a imt c4-hj the ecotij 1ere~ce ot t tve.. hi -i1 ii ettctt s e'i e coi ihie wI ag|: rcfwt go)tl d#'r it uitdicfe-te jeicel ehe e . le ehesp/cchof feg .ass'em thle Govierncr or etl ( 'll'erny~hlr SIh ( wettnsref& ..nt aa.,alw ton . r. a o Man1h. r8 ; aI % Iasj ion'tv q I each Ilouse ehAlk fttlt. gguo usu. Io de buine"i ldafer tlttnopr 1111ny cinjo.re Ifi day to1 1i eOf .dalati I Ioe1wr a III .;.l tuintpr .itynd . r tchQ11, ilniIIn-. its . hei i rovicleil.by officers, tloiy lnmjinc il- ruoles o itnrei'tdilig, punielh i's .l\h - for stIr-eliy t,,haittlr. ati. ltii itilt ourrette of iwwo--hi~Is. t Ipel a Aleiiner. hl til I seucmint tiene for itie imite SECTIosq 1 -'il t I I-p p.ifist.h y Iim.n prisolinmn t, itej;-ior -irtii o. Any peroimr not it 51lcr r, w%.h,. -It 01 -it .se int y' t di~irespect is) fthe 1,,4u : h - r. h-r of cot s Illpltukiln)! 1), in1v.r~ III I.< 0.0-- 14 c ; for who,. dkoullinfe lh.' thne if I.. , .'a .-I I br.wii liaren. ft body I. -i l hlfa v 'I. er I I i il--ibitii saiI or fill- ':Sat' 1 .Il a the anf i s.ex-ept wl-n hev *aallh lan rallaed into fit. atii at l-vie ofthe United 4akae. ' k cnox I1. Jle stalhidi 5ave ;naower it) gratit repariev'a int pardr.a rita a Ir e..nnvsttn. (e.xcelpt in car m sit i- pa hutti .) ft ?Iarh n .-, asn' sin I' tras-rs as aneter .',,nIs I r aat rite ion, a hiv tluall tinkalc prope/, aI % h , :1 b tla .- 1.x.'- I,. remsat lnesant rurfrituaar'n otherarei adsr-ataed by best,. It v~a.'Il tMit cti.y to iep-. ass fi' Gata tfrI A.-*anhai v at a'.- a' a' s ua. d'e 7aaas t hr. fr .l patr lina' -*r sn tied hv;ht. rp.1tis 'h. iw it hri' iv I I.-al in re - a st' -a n I V i 'i i -: G ' eat r 1a - , ,e en en - G t rr s h llt .4 -! -' i a' ta i w ll. ' I -r %e:aI it e..Wanci n whwh 'i i . I t ne . i'thler I tuee.541ed ntir wta-lia.t.at drirg thie ra I lor w, ith tiasy - ih.a I h vi I1 :an1 elel.t ed. -acTloilv 1- All Ofil -sr to tle rXsua'iva Dep.artainnt when r qaairal b; aliam 04arernr, s1:sht givs hh11uaa infoas'raer iltaop asI wit il- aUtaaa any sij.-et relastmg ta ah dutlies of thshr rsp oi five IUre. $ELcTWof 15. 'rl Gave'rnajr eha l.fm tame Ito itlne, irlve ty the' GeherI Asisnbly infor waatia f te condalitio or th' - Ii'..d re conlino' d to thir' enansoider:tt a nch'ma'ure as helsiall jul twesaatry or a ip- dientl. . qcT4iG I6. lIe tsaauy. sil extrv-aaotrisay or. C'alnae, Civnl, ente Ihe - Oenern I As(ati nhly, atai aja s cither I i suaa re ties wiltafit n q-saornana I..e a alsce slays,. ar a:' cas' of adi a .'t Ib. aween i.e t wo lhst'. yaare' lsp III, feina ' tadjufna'n nasay ndjtourn thein tosucl I s.ass hi '.at all "Ititok p-osp. r. nost beyowal ala lsmirlth MluOndlay or Nvziterh nxt enau S..cTtelt 17 Ile a'a11 a'0llonassaion WaI 0t11 Cs -0! ofso .tat. Sio' 18 It ohnl be ti datiy or to.. ialaiter'o a lecti--ont s off thia4 se. it a firtt :ene'ral dicti'ont a nti las tsti4fitathlmes, Isoa at e ach-aliernaew enail cition Stacast r, fa i. ld uaia ls-ion for Governor anda Laaetn unt Gtan'rnar. Svc-rionc 19 The Governor atal aac ohteen ant G e enot before cheeritir up thie d Iutiva af ahil arpectiveelliv a.shlaill. inl the prelstence othle GenraI Aeoeibly, iaks: the orth nri ii1ie it er'ihdi.na h i i ':ssaatir t on'. Sycavx 2 To ormn.'ir dhall rji'e. ~linrsaat the' siatin'g'ar of lae: Genern)ia Aiti itably. an a .te. pa' w ienr its. iait.1on mInay INw ltel :a -. thc Gsneral Aatrinnly inav by law. req airg ' hin s r i-oist thal e ' 'iti l.~of e l Stae , .SECT~iN 1il Every Hill whta Isha Ita a Insata l lif' (4ae Ge .11 AiA's anllv i t hl Iora'i' I beoimt a ,law, lt -. I ,s sent-d ts th ( G 'vera r . a f h approve,. heahn lit it I iit it noil a ohnil return it, wiits O hi ohjeer iopt. to that ihnei' in wtahlt s ihi t rigna erl. w ia t dif il otier alhe sobiertiond fi lirge i'a i'hei iar a tuds; n'td proceel t' srconaidaer it. It alser i'h rea tInsiera n a aeajor rHy st' a ha whale rMpre aontalion ot alavt h i1tataio alt i agrr. its p3A4 lie Hiill. it shall be sent.tiaoutler w'ith the kilij a' tioms, to lh r lntf.il,. lbv whth it s all i Ii': a' :w rrcnsd hersa, aina i rp'pra vea ly a asoij.rlv rit he whil repres nitsalin I)! failt olhei Il'ontpe, h11he n a lA w (Sul in ll . sati' n (b-igah. vot es fll ' lth l ILtses thil l be I eleternined by yVa' 111( t Saa and the nam '. thi' p(-sonA va ainr flr and gnin, th Ib- al iali;tl bteaste'rel ass tha 'jouarnal sof eaih lionsa a t'aper'iveIy it n all if inot haetturaed by thes G.ver'nor wilhin t woa *.a ( 41niny, eXa'e'psted) sfa'r It Pil-il IIsvI been a Ili e tl., faa himt th a'np' itfatlt bea l a w in aia, oarit.n. r a4 If Ia h a-alyiaat it. Atsd "Mlavt Itini asali - wayA hu ailoi Mhe 0 van 4r to condi y liilla paasi by lt" Gen ral Afillss by t- ifhr lliaanaao ai i ra-] anny Hillai o lna the l sla aai it' ssuaan a eet, ai -huh ss lii 'v av' twen~a retine bythtoero lus aeidn piapri AR r.LE Ill. * isa . T~'llijanaliligisase'a' 'Ilheves'a't a'sl in atich I'ypetraaor tari.da Infrlior ('oaurts sal Lw aneal Fataty nas Ibd~ General Assematbhj Sdbaill, freia tunes ha' ti ee1 s.'ret asal "istatbli -h 'tlsed '1 ath--' ttll~ !'neajrta arthaly lsll hold aiaalr olIh~~d'lyringw girl l lativisar, rand s'-.fl, nai aata4M,. I iatep a aectvo a..carnims5't tion tior thiri sesrvis,~a.I .lptlh ablidlt.neithfier hea ingrensta-a ed ca osr disnattald dursaintg t heir coinsiua snit in sofi'ce ; but ftahey 5)pall retrive na --'f'ca ass pergqaielte4st a onlee,.tar hosld nasy i'Ihers uiflea1aa vi. profsit oar frail' nntaor- thIis itates' tho Unitedg' | Startee of A lhaarica var iayI 9f st an r lay I itlqer owe'r, \'heti Ojiaeral iacasgl.5y shnas I" soona na ptaa~l$6a Cdsta ulila lo .eh Di Riet asn the. Olae asi infe'ari... (aasa' .sa' S'ours to faali\ dtyla'd 'hea DIetrje'l Unuars 'thleflaage whearasf shl'a II b reet'dai 'the-Da,tr'f ict whlea Its a.l.e abasll bjdhreat bay lhe ,Gnral A'neaiubly liar lsaiur ys4r, uti shall ~ti .rea'aglda -wanich C'oanet shnail IeVt' jtedt hsh fad lil iil emasia '.hearaesiaone -ahofh i.J''fhe bretawe' are pa,,.'a. aaf arasor.. anda uralI cr~'Ishal ensts*4 wher' eiin ea a'tretsed is .prona ldI'Orls tNasa alhe Gensat est fy lbIIlWCJhaI tos tend'aa the juria.t it. (OIonsa ' at anIIt linioai i thae Ge'naa'l Ada atambait aaybhy Ma'Vpr-:aIrig fasr athe pu'rpo''-a liti Is a'cand It inrwep s~ out ud olnr.en ..neh' -al poinaf o1 li1v a,,i ay bea enaiamit'ted .t-a thasnd , d~s5 io--i' gi~ sp~Jfff mlav 9 At apphait 'saaa p other, pfgr atachI arigt a a s 10 theIr a iaaatioan .ji~ Ai'i'a f it 4jrciiN -Iaa'n ailyV it s-ill prsvas-as. alail bo ..slTik ix f als t huth Casratma '' Nli pros ecu'atinesaig .lyt egrse inatUa ia lat- a tm Aa J aa~y~a I Tt I [g a ha e~~l .hy than pe.oplt rof thI~ it5Iao~a~ 4Yjf tblh.re'a, fasr c'Ivit or ~~ .Pt~nl tt shaull Is" eanfthsil1 Ci ia,'-a uajenS ia ''attidMto tn fle ltiny.vv of tlt ViadSIIatate I Ie maltl Fr ihn twnyeardjie t; pr ectling tihe ray (I -elti 11. hWe Isin a itisin air this Stnie , far ar r ho spijoi pEribad.n ilem cigrai f011m1 rop Ve1-4 him richIm4!U!I-hi ,inihek'I, o-bi-Acomoll I 'i Iiz-.s 'it e 'Un(o ite41e lteek.'.a', cordlingtto th 'too litti m ' af th tstl tintes tam h ili.have rstiited.1h itigirl tatep llrat lfelts wi year s nA ext precedirx :h. alaty if'fil ctlhyn mu1, filr tht 0ti "Vr s i oi haing li~at thlim;. InI tiht ~14i lot i-: wihrath lie Offerattal vite. prwdred oweerar, Thaltt hGIeerl Apsinhiy may, 1) equrfi I revistry f vtair pr othtr entit Ili- awene.n wood n intg Id ti.1e. imiA ani nar.ulrpiars o r- -tihe rigJ~t Uo uirf9eniga iny i'ain- maqwiention loI e nsa a pun iai-nt for er'ti'.id iiny P lrMaipib rif li bTial Anaiilinti ona air votera inl li lkp scr-i I. . . A -ICCLI7. All Ors-01Ai. % :ai all-bua1 elected or Ap omnaer it, atly 4ilice mi prt t ir trust, iefore etirjips i tie oxecatioman thercof. mhail t3k (bleitit mar.nI artb-.. ilt repmre.nil 1t1 this (Cotitl iiml. pr triel lay the Getieri Amseinaly. tae rahir- math ' 'irwinr (mar a flirin) lr nt iin lily qumrli led, ni~r' rhiir I.r tih tinstitultion fof thi tI.e. to r'Xq rei e tle- ofirve to whi'cI I Fsr %' iaai aippril. , d a. m 'htrait I wi-, taa th iaeet o ny ability,. .i li.I.h ir m-t h 'rIl linilo-tit Sh -co a r lavrerve, pr10 vel will ,!efel-m ilt) onb ifiibi-i stooat. mmil ii s o f ille Uniie siltia.4. s p A G IT; LE. V. -: A R; Tl it ,' y1114 . - r:a--;i aN. Thea flaimi. tal Il~spre-. cotrtive hf 1; b .v.- T:." 34.1 - If-i':' i tcn h loll i-ma t i -h. a a m i.- '1i li witi 'li "' '" a o im -ljia i-. mm the li-. ih F seV m i' W -t n .iaimm r-ittmm.t. th o pa i-a zvc'i r 'i ,iir iai -~tiJ m i i . lIsi1(m 0 t . a m sltt l i 6 mim 11 , l- i :-flirrtiv rN.m "'a 'I"" "'- fhe-' of t o -'h VI. If; Wlu. 'nenb lit I m tol -- ii . ~ i' (1'. 'mm ? Il' ci i IIll . Wa a lit ric-titiN 3 The Gw iv:roe - GhWtran'.Ga remm a a ill miril ,,.M, .- . '"Rp'-* ine tivia l -'ai- hli i a at r - i s 'i t ian.sdeai itna trit, ur nly a ih h1 till h) inli r a-a i. i ..# ull fllil i r i tlll ul - m r O . any ( whi. I fli l rt-giltele ir, ir niliemti alarnmrr lia d aleIneelft. ie A lieei a cawitei l nttl extentia furil -r iam it r.arnmval f-ruie1 olitre, ,le as ia l m ya l :a1ioann tla hotilo ai fi Ail a oa af l'inii, tsU ir p mmli jarlet'r Ihin .t The palty riiivit a .hall. ieviri-Fn -s, be (imm l ir ii--la rfI,) alegei-ns aind patietnism-al- tecordinraa t '.C, 1 4 Alleiviltf fi(e..r.a. whomsa nirioc y am liteltv l' I. i m Audh atd itt-jiil, + .!i l;li'lm ii 'ta-Ir a. or l i of thell , i hi a I Ia' m a -i :k! i". -I .-ir tilhle , hnt repii-r 'i arot ilie a-sim neal ,glm ti tiiri iaOJgo m ili ytijin eallanamia -nie, mmiy. le ianilm-d for oaffai ,lit . -1priatwJl. it# souch iimattrer as tIIe Geeraisl-s, rmly. tIreious 4) to their appohillment. Ilia, ofm Vlit,: 'CrmmTIO A, Ifanry elvil officer shall ehti mvnainei MA drlalI lecorss uiasnhgrging the duthels c IIA imlim liv ren-t, fl 'iir-nijr permanent idNill ir neimit fiinraly. .i4a O eq liniy he dennre to ho- Vida nt, by J.Iii reeiltdn. agreeti to b, wo-iltids ,If i litae rieprotwhm'fon m e ir-liea-r ahe lima rial Aeps-inbit i - Protidei 1i iot msuch revitwn raill ona in'he'grouiil for ite pIro' p' 'ei d a a itm atl, alie ias t'ftria I , r1.1t -n.4i ciihr .llei4o, a co'y or It -hIl b ma vi *I tii the offiUcr, anld u liaurinigi bo allow, A ReTICLE Vil tr-er x F. Iiw T reaurer ando lie !ereinr -!Siltl r- hu'1 he. -le tad ly iIh.- 6m neiral Arllisam aydmni tle- tat: mic am' )epregin aimivee., A: till 1a 1 lieir mtei. fror Isif years 11md gh:,l, -401 t y -igibbaa tlr Iho next SiuiCc* ill terin.' M',X1-taoi . 1 i offir oiltera.sheli he ap'ianrt d.,t It-. hith-rr6 Nava bir urn iii therwi itreced iry i 1\ Iaai thiar ;Ia le m --ranii Sam Il Ill m tiv flj-e uislieriff f i two eoaas.utiv, V .ilA. a - .'XTllmO: . A riartitlm ims shnil h i itl In! it.-And by t hI li u itorl' o' tIh.. stIi. saats ipp: a. aa-nuliniui. li>e a oa- with Fhe m of liie, Sl&a% tidl be igend by tie' Vlaovernior. - Ai1 I'Lf Vil - All ihOair force hi this,1 4twe, at the ndep. imi pl iaI C, niitittiol, gah aed rn-pugrsat aeto, a hila - P c nerai (10111i111a41111all situred rr rs a. ma a by he Gen- r'en A-ambly. excrpI. whiier hay ark trmiiiieansr~y; it whichnrame tthey Phal -mire it trli tuma's inpelot' Rliemiptd limit'dmrit~i , it--pot contliiitiod by Act ofth sa-ngraI As-ianet ly, -~.. Scovo I All power 6I- orariily inves.t lie- p-eople, -s ..&ef ill free Gue rninienloetaii1 lolel tdon thbeir aut!iia-iry. asiae neo institult mar thar p 1c a. mia ely a nd htoira I ".ia .9cmiesi il aN p..raegd alal bn.itsken, or i r1 d,ria ad or~a di~rgtdof lam f/eahimml, tiiter w' amr pdyvitiece....r, o~tta-d or ei'odo in Sm y mlniinef4a dgprative 4r Ii a lfJh. Ilaberry a --r-esmamy, a-r lay itsa plrotema hf Iiw': lamr elm i ylhi laiart a jartelr er t 40/'fach istiw, mar ath ai w napmarai' ili ahe thi ra -'" aof i'inunrcm v'er l-a prardti by the Genmalati Asaembally sr r-iis 3i. ' lam' rittary shrill bea suborrdlina i iha--iv-il pomr. - acTiox -4 T1 imiprilmgi'omthnwrt tit rof/salm torptis 41h1n iami it he'n spe rild.m 10.3mm mm bii., i a ml rrt ci :-am or inaintonat. rihe purbbi safet, . CTIamN 6. 1Exceite~n batil uihail rnoa lia ra juarami, rnr eximei,vna linei ilI)I.rAed,.nmor crUI nradishinment jiatpiI hald. iracrioni nror crenhte .sny~ t~li'o, rhe arrppoina mantnt tar whirk shalil be for anty luinger timn ii'ci 11. The trir.d by jurfy, a, heremoor iami Ftrhi tte, anad thme liberty ofthia' prese 'arm i bam oremvmmr inviolably ore eai'-ed. iluil Iii arm ra' Armamnbatly shall hanvi power to det~r imit thn atrmi.a rd ofapraiaris who shrill 'enn. hlur lim-h jury an the sIlmnrrar or Distrli inEiiTiiiN Si l'her free oxercimi Asmd 'erjoyrnen ama a-lagrloani pramfoiion amid worrhlp, .withou. lhserain mmiio hanaur . proforenc'relthall hu~J~e uiian m nott ne chatr(fud nmme hOibaicla 'ii imamiiia ae. 'a inai ta pr-ac e Vaht tale pralwe ,ltni afmlty rm llSitbA - .r'sTy-,o 9 Thei a,4hts;alqhh rl 104initial a lhAres aif imutietmltti .j~I ISam i ii t'on . t'ritW:ar 4 i 'qmi-ta-ddistrijm*4- i-I;tA~l- tas ;f a t qI!P~~ tt~ (~~ ott hia~a~dmt seab. ji j ha - 4 p~ 4 i im t -- liex. all sm.-ij clnae.La ur loi~aettite. Ila. lruitt 41ia,'i SW~ n Iri oanerwjse. ought, liS, ilia,-julgudam-1 of Ithe Aenaeral AmeitiaI.iidy It)* ei-nsptvd. ARTI(LDE -XI. SECTVION 1 I'llISO Iielies( )ar 11. T..i.41i'r .1.1 l oli aoncarft by viast? Pi1vUEyraor' -ia Fit .1 liol Ilasi ufcg. uItl resi'de ait tle t, tl (911i 1'Wt ! 14e - Saln. Sxci o.-42. 'the lficretitry ofstawlif fi rr Iut.V W3~ -t:... ond ...ieat ;Ioiui V! Gll(Jva'rn. ARMILNE X11. SP.CTOV4 I No ( 053 Vqlji k0 i t he 111'(1111, Y11ui b" calld li iless by thie cupuroc of twlo vtii,#t.. rtit hlortprecii lost in)vatii 1 I ,a Of tit- Gfaiiaiii A a.tnatmlv. SWI 8rraa 2. Nou.part ii isi Ctafituc.%nE,y bolis sad . mm1li:,.. A hill top Fiber ii a ~rra.in Pii' le ave baoeamicalt,. lil thaaev Svirl ihiiVJ, ill Ow,. rat dayu Jet lion NClaitic. atii lt anrari to. at the,. r. .Fi-mini' and thirdl pt-enliings lii't, Oh ailf 1 4m .fwholea rspretteistain 'j&;ii rOi, Hlism- it tit-. 0oneeiaa Aetmabeily ; neiihermii Idjli NO alic-n- tai shall bne p(A-cl.d lailii i Iaotli) nprc lei.t 11 1101 to *e paflmAci he (lot' ii ha ebts apryi-m. i(o I nelw dleccjii for ninijniai , u, else hom.o! sir Iii' wesen tefietyala'd. if ihlnclerini~ lotripi.., @Aa Gt tilt p~reedini Guiinal. Ati.olnlii)y. S11:111 i e Atis eal to, by s he iiiaw U ,ticrol As~Avnaly~, it) tioct r flirt' soiaa tua, by tile)i eotim-tirral~n. far hyti-thila (28 ? ii. W99to,ta il aliIiuit I lhod.. ii a 1. at 8 ntte etia 0 li a9 .liteem tilt a Ithree evs'ral flay yi tn*i , I Moma itt #lit ot:... c mWiea a a, th ihl hii 'c a puart (iri ilia M l. illCo %-' l I a Iit l , at C~itul~ninb. , ill tilt- St~set'. 1 ai Sui4-unbar, in the vale OW ai'lo.a I.-,Iod olig IimiJOHN~ TI. SL-JAZS ;II a~c ll tiilt'~ Ctill G-v 'zneint Of ihe UnI,~d S, tos. I ie~ it~~it-A ld~iaJ ohntii.i, tnit Tt iI il - 8(.a~eliogaly Of %;jjjie-j%*. 11. '44i.wnsd. If1 New Toi.., - 8PCcnnsi tat' Waii. *%lIa . Stalion05. ot, -,of titijo. i101 nni,.,I ISecac, Inrv oft I,( ,NIvy_(..; ikjcOn elf,!a~.o outgh,of* 11i4.~ Alt to.'e. Gellera aaJaille iaaall of Ken - I l'ritdeal.of 1.io. Sente.....fitytiyctt F Powen', t.cougneclilit.. 0 oil su ShIrCla? 2. istt tki,~ Yawl; 4~. INo1ifi I. $wa M ia. Iin 5. Dalnl W 8wyia . O li. 8- Sin"91 P FildCii iornin. 1..lvii roli. 411-11u1. of ()Ii(). Adumi (Itanner11 oj cjf 1,1101-.1118iognr, DUNi woire.% J, D. C. Qun 'rlastar (ientivil. 3Iomilianetry C. 1. M !Ig4 a 4)1' I'(iia vlnili I PIM1fl3V M G, VA.. II AS CHa' cl I~iaed 1a fiftaetl.I yetar, Ii -in .i aiis. :I s~~jfV lan.laly flto-aaisnja. It Inns m In rpai-g and dXaIil'aaats .7Circuingi)n aeid tifer.. to iisir c~a~~t~aa ither.. alcami cha to C0Ssnagnn6,uiiaess I Wi thi,i1nn:41U01n.1ag1 putblit: advanmtanges jiln-pa:30. I ad. VEIaflXATc . 0 T lwo wierko $5.. . .. . . . 0., mican........ ...................... Il01 '~Ii hr, nnii.................... 111 i. n' year....................... 0 (1