TUESDAY MOlNI . Y 'Pig Captufe Of anon $* Very interesting atticular; the capture.of JEPFRusoN DAviS bave been received and will be published in our nekt. Papers containing th-particulars can be had at our offie and froni out news-boje on the street. Price, five cents, in coin, or ten cents in greenbacks. We surreuder our coluts this morn. ing to extracts from other papers, as we have no news upon which to editorialize. The quotations for gold in New York on tale 16th inst., as we learn by the HIerald of the 17th, opened at 1311 and closed at 130} at 5 p. To., and 130f at night. A Washington correspondent, writing under date of the 8th inst., to the Phila delphia Inquirer, in regard to the assas. sination of President LINCoLN says those "who sympathise with the rebellion, and who are trying to screen the rebels from the wrath to come, will find that the charge of Secretary Stanton, that Davis, Tucker & Co., plotted, iiutigated and paid for this murder, is true. There is evidence, documentary and otherwise, .fastening its origin in Canada, and its sanction by Davis, evidence that wil hang him if over brought to trin." From the Charlotte Bulldin of the 27th inst., we gather the following ex tracts : "Ciors, LAnoa, &c.-We have ta ken considerable pains to obtaint acou rate information on these important sub . jects, and rejoice that we are able to as sure our readers that the prospect4 fro much more favorable t,han we had sup posed. Most of the farm hands in thi region still re'main at their -usual occu pption, the corn crops look wel, ther son son is fine; and the prospect now is, tha the entire, crop. will . bo.,worked, ,Th loss of labor, occazioned by soine leavin home, can be more than supplied by r< - turned Confederate soldiers, who ar anxious to obtain work on.very reasor able terms. ",We hope our farmers will hire thes in all cases when they need help. The are more inaustrious, intelligent, and ca do from one-third more thtwice as muc work-as a negro. "Tie wheat and oat crop, we regr to, add is generally rather poor. No co ton or tobacco planted." "GR.NnACzs WANTz.-At pre ent the great need in this community money. We have a little cotton ar s9me tdbacco, ant, we sIip'ose, the: are peoplo in','heorI wh' hav gree - baks,: whici they eolod be .,Ullir to pxchango for our cominodities; i deed, we have heard it hinted .that .' venerable DTicle Samuel has lately a quired a fondnuess for such afi artibe. there is any truth in this, and he w send %an agetht -upour was we think .would he pleaedd with the regnlt. "Will not Col. Heaton do somnethii for uin thia~ regard." "We understand-that Mr. Ratchfoi . - a mierchant'of Yorkville, was here Tihursday, and appglia to the,;nilita aufthorities for at in restoring order York District. Ho represents the wh< country as ini a state of anarchy, no r peet whajtever being paid to proper n'd the peaceable' citizens being unl to protect themselves. From the Notth. * The "sititation" article of the N York I~era#l saya : * "Further interesting aceounts of silly war excitement~ and gmconiade iig' indalged in by tile wNet of Migsissipps, in 1~irby . itifs depi tuent were broughb (osue bya the af~e ship mrcol., which arriiodh*dl yesi * q~yftd[ Havetna .on' thin 1Otl-1I - slu O a a t i % 0 , w r i at Havana frpm Qdatour on the * insta'nt and. theot steamship )mog) from the agse place, with. one thoug in og fdi dts)er u et Misssipparpal Old sterling rice, ofE Iiisburi, and of.Arkla eboth ive and in'.es. New Orle4 states, thdt - onal expe itistsary foro" isi d for operatd6A agalist the rebels in Texas. An advertisement appehrs in the Ra leigh (N. C. Standard, signed by Gen eral Hlalleck, comniandin at Richmond, offering, by ordt' of the Setetaf 'of Wttr, a reward of twenty-five thousand dollars for the arrest and delivery for trial of'William Smith, late rebel Gover nor of Virginia. FROM PHILADELPHIA. On the 16th a negro got into a street car in Philadelphia and refised all entreaties to leave it. 'The oonduotor of the car, fearful of beling finied for ejecting him, as was'don. by one of the judges of-one of'the courts in a similar ease, ran the car off the track, detached the horses and lef\ coloro' to occupy the car all by himself. The colored pnan still firnily maintained his position in the car, having spent the night there. -The con ductor looks upon i he part ho enacted in the affair as a splendid piece of strat tegy. The matter creates quite a sen sation in the neighborhood where the car was standing, and crowds of sympa thizers fldeked round tie colored man. JEFF. DAVIS LOSIS HIS SPEY(E. Colonel Clark, of the rebel army, who was captured by one of our scouting parlies while endeavoring to escape from Richmond on one of the last trains from the doomed city, asserts that lie was in cherge of all the. specie which was re. moved from Richmond; that when his train broke down and lie found it impos sible to get it on the track and off again, and seeing owr forces approaching, i ht ordered it set op-fire, and that all his of forts to save the speci-e was unavailing that the soldiers broke open. the ke and, amid the excitement and tumult soldiers and 6itizens appropriated al there was. 1H ('aeserts thst -l Igowl 'that no -other Amounts of hpecio not it the pockets of its owners were takei s from Richmond, and this lot was all sto len. He states further that the amoun C has been Vastly over estiinsted, and oon firms thtt tattment heretofore made b: e General Grant, that it amounted only t about two hundred thousand dollars. Colonel' Clark was an old regular arm; e officer previous to the breaking out war, and is a near relative of one of o1 most distinguished naval officers, to whor lie communicated the above statementi Y He is Still a' prisoner in our hands, anl histruthfulness is not; doubted by an; MISCELLANEOUS. t The Grand .Master of the Free M t- sons in Italy has fowa'rded an addre - of condolence upon the murder of M1 s 'Lincolu, to Mt. Marsh, UnMed Stat is representative at, Turin, and an ord< id has been issued to drape the .Mason re lodge rooms thkoaghout Italy in mornir 1. durng nine- days; " g' Louisv'l~le, May 13.-A guerilla, s n- posed- to be Quantrell, of the Lawreni ne maissacre notoriety, was wounded 1 c, Terrell's scouts, near Tayloraville < If Wednesday, and lodged in the milital ill prison to-day. - hie EUMoPEAN NJ wA. The steamsihiip Cuba, from Queer 38 towvn on the .7th inst., with three da later intelligence, arrived here laat eve 'd, ing. On. Queen Victoria'a response to the. ty solutions of Parliament regarding Pri in dent Lincoln's assassination was prese >1e ed in both houses on the 4th~ inst. 'S es- states that she hats directed her Minis yat Washington to officially ftiake kno le to our go'vernmnent the feelings regardi the event of herself, thme Eniglishgovei ment and people. owesolu~ions pud addresses' of coni tinned to pour in from orgamined s' the ciations antd public meetings thrdugb be- England and the Continent theQ No net,' evt tit of 'political impo'rts1 Art- igu occurred iji Europe. toy Lnrmu mnoM 0.' C OLAf, 3a det the Allanta.brnal re td thes ann ite, ed letter fronm 0. 0. Cy, Jr.; Fed LA GaLiW9Z, 041a 1.0, 1888 9th P g en, BM.3I$ Q 4 49M con, Ga.': 'Gilsnit: fhave j rlaS. A prdehmiane fr($m the Presid 6& ;'nUnitaksLtatorerin a'ree, Mfi blic :e o g~t t -I .-