,v './ i* ESTABLISHED 1852 “Largest County Circulation \ 99 V VOL. LXVII. BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, -MAY L", 1910 NUMBER 3.1, BARNWELL COUNTY COES OYER THE TOP FOR *T >5 i Town of RaitlweU Raises $6O^U00.OO In Thirty Minutes. The Fifth" ViAtoryJiPau .cam- patgu cunitrto,jp lo ,i >6 Saturday night with the rr-rnlt.thai-Barn- we.il county i< well ovey the toj». 'Ihit;'following telegrams from l(lou*;t\^CiRHW nan j M J 5 ’ ick * ii'.rrt/ahi to State (ffiairnTanUims. JinTarronVof .Colli m bra, will be -of interest.. , - ; _II Barron, Columbia : From offi cial reports Barnwell county goes over the top. Total sub scriptions at this, date, May 10. - Jbl9, one - hundred* ninety-seven thousand one hundred.-dollars. More subscription! to follow on Monday. All of these liave ten ner cent- or more paid in cash. Have many on which initial pay ment* nor yet paid, Buckingham, Chairman. B arron, Columbia, S.C. : Toavn - uf B..r;twoE in whirlwind drive of thirty,minutes this afternoon raised sixty thousand dollars, go- iHif over the top handsomely on it' quota of ninety-two thi)u # qnd SUMMER SCHOOL TO BE • ** h HELD IN ORANCEBURC Orangeburg-Barnwell Join in Train ing Course for Their Teachers. •The Orangeburg - Barnwell Summer School to be hekUaHffi’^ angeburg in the new High School building, will begin JUno ^h and continuejfor six. \veyk^.- Tlre summer set 100,1 wiR be ui.e der the direction of the Teacher Training department at Llrangc- burg, and the county hoards of tdneation of . the cotf’lttes porting the sellbol. The work to be-done by this summer school hss been plauned primarily to meet the needs of those teachers wliO secured their certificates by examination and not bf a diplo ma—for those who-liave had no normal training. The work will be more elemental and funda mental than that usually done in summer schools. The text hooks used will be those u*od In the elementary schools.’ Faculty and Courses of Study ~A? J? Thacksion—Supt. SALVATION \RMY HOME SERVICE FUND -“CAMPAIGN ~ May 19th to 26th Barnwell County’s Quota $1,200.00.. i^’ __ , - . ■ , v *' ^.jk J v \. Latimer, Chairman for Barnwell County,Williston, S.C. . LTP. \Vilson, Treasurer tor Barnwell County, Barnwell, S. C. Dr. Wv M. Jones, Vicfc-Chairman for Barnwell, Barnwell, S.C. C. J. Fiekling, Vice-Chairman for Blackville, Blackville, S. C. K. S. Martin, Vice-Chairman for Williston, Williston, S. C. Q. \V. Hutsoffi \ ice-CT»flirrnan for Calvary, Elko, S.C.,r.f.d. If. I. Crouch. Vi™,Chairman f Qr Schools pf BtqnwdT, Elko,, S. C. County and Town of Elkp. Barnev Owens, Vice Chairman for Dunbarton, Dunbarton, S,C- ‘ r - -/ J. W. Folk, Yics-Chm, for Pleasant Hill, Williston, S. C., r. f,d. - *— * ~ Committee on Publicity. / Rev. A. R. Morgan, Chairman, Barnwell, S. C. B. ?: Davies, Barnwell, S. Q, Dr. \V. M. Jones, Barnwell, S. C. * Rev. R. E. Peeler, Barnwell, S. C. Solomon Blatt, Barnwell, S. C. Committee on Work Among Colored People. John Eve, Chairman; Geo. Butler, Secretary, Barnwell, S. C. RIOT IN CHARLESTON A"' COSTS TWO LIVES Negroes Killed in Clash with' Blue Jackets - Number Badly Hurt. (’hdrlo*t6n—May 11.—‘Out of the confusion on the heels of the noting here late last night and early this morning, it is estab- lishe-'lrby city and county author- ities today that two negroes, James Talbert and Isa?.;‘Pock- ITEMS OF STATE NEWS CLIPPED FROM DAILIES tor are dead ninl at least 1 negroes sufficiently wounded to oti livatfd in tho m^cipai hospirul v coveti IjljliejacJteU^iK re >ried t<5 hnvubeen wounded. It wan learned today that thtr leave of all bluejacket* at the navy yard and the navah train ing Camp has been indefinitely cancelled, only those ivhh special permits' to be, allowed | oil their .i, of . ar :it: I w:t.; a toil. ription hundred ai> three thou- Buckingham, Clial r: rune He] the c Ioau_ for nu honor to tiios it-poshide. Orangeburg Citv School Fduea Mrs. W. I). Rice—State Nor- malTeaelier.— Primary Demons tration (’lass—Methods. M. B. Self—Supt. WillUton High Schools—Arithmetic and. j Algebra, Mi- Ruth >rt unty indicate that in thi- we Jjave maintained our -pleudid re corn who have a:; made Mav 1-J—R# tunicate wlSSUki t thi» t 11 ■U Creighton—»Eug« froin other-sections of j lDli, Orangeburg ITigh School English Grammar and Litera- i ture. ' W . H. Garrison—Teacher Agriculture Smith-Hughe* Fed- ' eral Agricuture Law. Dr. K. S. Bailee—Health Director, Orangeimrg County, Jlygicne Sanitation. J?'X l*KN>K V This Summer school i-. being supported, financially. In the State and C-ou'.ity Board* of Fd ication of ' Barnwell and Orangebuig Uoiuitie*. For this tea-oil. no tuition or entrance SMELL IT AND FORGET IT. —-—ffor DuBohh, ‘*Soo Cat,” VTussick,” “White Lightning, “Stump Rum.” “C< B iriiwe • ’o 11 l H fO truing c iimtv MEMORIAL DAY NEGLECTED. J m . * Jv*! 7, "M* m »riai l )a v i n V larr.M ! * 1 ei., .tin* •) i, * »% v'’t.i of April, 1' wiib**nt a! i v tribute t'f i-, j Y> * .* 1 respc< *t. belli g paid tiie L it it \ - 12 i i if r.i , federate. \\ TiO^l •* ;IVt «. i: i w < Iii't: ic keeping omen o f tiii- t<»\\u. Ti.i* r’l * * *i ** • in «• m! . • - _•>?_ \tln* d . i* ‘*V* * ~ M*. ... : A A- r ^*c ’ ti " ‘ t> ) C‘ it i * % • .. tier In L U 111 i . active .•rvU i Unit tii - •!... * .I., - ;- -a« r.-bd ci n t v' 1! i ighl • ver ti g ( v - j r.ejTUCTtKt; In I'm,'', t lit* a>-u" iation \\ <- w - ; 1 '* ’ i *bv tiH me: . iiors of tin* u 1' C. Gimp te rui" T>a rn well. t : tat t v .cv would take charge of l' te (1 iv, and tl Uevolcb *r- a*-oeia- «Lt ,O.I V -as invitee ! to join them iu l».l lex-xe rci?(s. —V —-T oru Juice, and they do say that the smell of the brewing of ti.e above is most folighiftlT. »Pd though yon eteam the lusOidui graii, ot tho ceresT on a blue flame oil rahge so that the smoke wont roll, yet will the aroma of the cooking concoction scatter through the bosky dell as sflrely a- will the odor of the l>oiliug cabbage seep beneath thy neighbor's portals. ’ But the smell, forsooth, is not wuss.” Tliose who have COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS The court o7 general se.ssious will convene in Barnwell on Monday, May 2>tj n I yard barracks will again patrol, tin* street* should tlii- be con- vu V ^‘‘ a J* CyP ^ S 7 W H - Creei \b N d ^red necessary. The patrol by breech, h. B. Deer, W. marines iu the earlv houis this ri*r t/Tiner. • Red Oak—C. R. T. further information write Mr-. W. H.-=Ric , , . t >r:nige!iurg^S. (’. i — WRS. ELIZABETji.U. BATES- Tiie entire community was shocked and grieved t<> learn of tiie death of Mrs.‘Elizabeth B. Bates which occurred at tho THURSDAY’S RALLY The city with vi-itcu v r u Was OVel • on las 1 o' lB. JJagoxl on last Tuesday vaar, 1919, the ladies of night t>ctwce’u twelve and one o’clock. '] ms the memorial associatioi. r.attir- m • Friday itfR the gnrat rally was helH ! for. the fifth bond esiHa” The many attr ictioir* ad\ert i-ed foV the occasion together with tin* announcement of Mr. Bernes s adtlress had the desired result and a * tremendous crowd gathered tp participate iu the I Lav, Ellis, Jr. x x -1»i'" 11 land— R. V. La i i-. Ro-i in ary—W. C.*C Frederick. WillUtcji—L. L. Still. H Haileyj J. 1 . Still, * John Migis, '1' W. H i?. B. All M. JU morning L. Qwattlebaum, (’. -! . i ' ' al! v upposed tiie U-. D. C. Cbjipte: would take charge of the day, bui nothing "was done to. keep alive the spirit of •gratitude to our noble Dead. The time - honored custom cf fiftysix years was once - more neglected. 1 It is respectfully suggested that thtse two associations agree upon wdiich one will be responsible for * the exercises of Memorial Day, an make it ira- pos-ible for Barnwell to register iinu'APiiur it* lfJ.1C.l-. ''Sorviffi" yuaworthy of its trust. “Service is today tiie watch word of the entire world. Never was that wotd more splendidly exemp lified Than • by the Confederate •soldiers. May tiie beautiful - monument erected to their memoni never again cast its aK-giett and fotgetfullness. Mrs.' W. H. Duncan. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mrs. E. M. frimth, of Black- 'vilh->nnoHPce»The engagement .i^ffiapprokchipg tparriage of her - 4 daughter, Calanthe. to Durham Deeancv \ViBiams. of Hardee^ ville, 8. C * Tiu*. marriage will* lake place early its June. Mr. V1 ^ 1 ( ocli a IV I iu v ,1 Mouvbv ii —-"t. r I in France «Uu the Mrs. Bates had up to her death appeared in unusual good health, having the afternoon of her death been welcomed on the streets of the city and appearing bright and cheerful, but was awakened that night by an at tack of asthma, and although ev«ry effort was made to relieve lmr flCnirud a ulinrf n-hiln qfrai< meeting. C her, expired a short while after her physician arrived. .If is stated that the immediate cause of her death was heart failure. Mrs. Bates was" the relict of the late Hon. Geo. H. Bates,who died something over a year ago, and she rests byTiis side.in the Episcopal cemetery,after impres sive funeral servicesconducted by Rev. Mr. Peeler, her pastor, and Dr. W, M. Jones, pastor of the Baptist' church, on Thursday morning.. She was a splendid Christian woman, charitable, kind and just, £pid it was deeply and feel ingly remarked, on leaving.the beautiful churchyard and flower un ho were rered graves of herself and distinguished husband, that two kphndnt citizens had gone hence whose places could not be filled iu the community. •. * A furge-edticoum* of friend- attested tier griou popularity. Mr». J. B. lIV.71 KTTm | •• swrwwww u - •••• i Mb|ua • uu uui au^ ian nctft | v«*uuv% IR. | j uj relatives and fneacU Uk 8um> J greaiiy enjoyed the • excellent l bad the due _ -g..A—... Ia— . „ l e - * ..1—a. erv ice I alteruoou Bhick left an exte T uo»dav w d visit The management of- - the Chautauqua kindly tendered their quartet of “soldier boys” just returned from France, Who interspeised the cerirnonies with delightful war songs. Col. J. E. Harley presided over tho meeting in his usual popular style introducing Mr. Solomon Blatt who made a very admirable talk giving his ex periences as one of the veterans of the late war and presented two prizefl consisting of ten dollar* to Miss Eugenia Dunbar and a German Helmet to Miss Elizabeth Carter for the best * THE CHAUTAUQUA. Barnwell enjoyed la-i week her—season of “Chautauqua.”, which was largely attended bv people from everywhere, the large tent in the circle being filled at each performance. It has been said, as an argil-’ meat for Chautauqua associa tions of attractions, that they have done more than any other agency to educate the people and to bring to the rural circles and homes, attraction which joved by our people. That in-our homes we can be permitted tiie privilege of hearing the skilled artists in all lines educational, religious, musical, scientific, dramatic, historical, Ttc. wiTh- out the expense of travel and inconvenience. This is true its iMizauetn uarter lor tne net*y- . . ; Victory Loan slogans adopted Pf°P le ,''', ere . . . ® * If! tllPlP rferHlPf. t.liaf t no i*oonnt by tlip (county, Mrs. Koftiuor, of Columbia, wa* next introduce i and delivered a splendid ad dress which was gfestly-en joyed every body being much- grati- fietl at having her present. * " The speech of Congressman Byrnes was all that could be expected in eloquent per*uav- iness and convincing argument of Barnwell’s duty to her sol diers to lil>erally:subscribe to the bonds. The result has been all Barnwell, “always t sure slow but went “over the top” in a bia/e of glory. in their verdict that the recent aggregation of artists and their selections, were in keeping with the record and maintained fully their standard of excellence. was done through the cnopt ration of Rear Admirals Francis K. Beatty and Benjamin C. Bryan, commandant of the ^ix'h naval district, and of the navy yard, n-peetivelv. with Mayor Tri-tam T.Tlvde. Riactically all* tire rifle* tak- (ii l*y bluejacketjtJrom shoot- ing gallei ies iiavi 1 byen r» covered. At t!ie police .-tation where many per.-ons were taken dur ing the height o ‘ the rioting there i- a remarkable assortment of weapon*, ranging from [hstols and rifles down to brickbats. A bullet Saturday night wounded a, negro girl on an up town' street. She and her com panion were a considerable dis tance from the rioting and it is supposed that the wound was indicted by a bullet that had been fired into the air. Her name was not. recorded, a* the wound -was not serioiiV Vjcc President of the United State* Speaks at Chester,' ’ - --v^—-*r Chester, May K.—Thomas Ri—- Mitrslwill/Tice-president of the United Statesh made an able and eloquent address here -tonight" ’ l)ef»piu* of _ the that could lie desired and old4 C4,e The good peopie of ntotorimui’* effort* to-save him. that community felt that such a Another ,wh* dragged in front dinner was due their friends who of a fashionable restaurant. Barnw- ope of tl in timej