/ X' tr —r SIXTY SIXTH YEAR ESTABLISHED 1852 / J / \Z> 7 VOL. LXVI. BARNWELL, S. THURSDAY, A (OUST jfrL SIXTY SIXTH YEAR RED CROSS DEPARTMENT* X" •' Since movgug^iiito , the umew room* t!»«■ Red ( ’ro«s Chapter 'haVseemed to'take a new life. Otn'm• •:nbers are -mon to be li*t- ■ed !«.r regular \york, four at a tinnqrutting out tile bed shirts and arranging‘them* iu seperate rolls to be 4 given out for making. 'Hie new and handsome .sign ju$t put up on the Red Cross room.is the gift of Major Pat .Drew. 'The Chapter mempers certainly do appreciate it. These acts'.of interest in the work kre most encouraging and show,.Row our people are putting their ef fort!! in the.Red Cross work. Mrs. Davies. Sr., has gotten some large ,beautifully printed placards of .Welcome,, done in colors, to put in the room, eni- pha sizing the spirit'of welcome to all who come. Two more good sized, well made table- I.eF!T~Tt'onated for cutting purposes’ but more especially for u*e in the smvj/ eat N-lres-ing class, whicl> we hope will begin eaiTv imSeptom- l>er. ^ MODERN HEALTH CRUSADE Mivemeat Under Na iooal Tuberculosis Asso ciation Broadens-Eodorsed by American Red Cross sod Workog VM h Juo. R C. t ■ i • South Carolina has enrolled over 2,000 crusaders, many coun ties represented. That nearly 1,000.000 boys and girls throughout the nation have noW been enrolled as mod ern health crusaders, and that recruiting* to increase this mein- bership to still greater numbers will, soon begin, was announced" today by the. National Tubercu losis .Association, under \ylmse' direction this movement is con ducted. Tne Crusade, the asso ciation states, ‘’centers about a simple but fundamental program of health ‘chores,’ oil the part of' children, and e-ulistS' the rising generation of the nation's citi zen-441 a better understanding of individual ami public health es sentials^' ME|I WANTED TOR THE NAVI i m i"' 1 ' iAiuri i> an ill ii-i > ilia k iu * l hr AiiKrntu Krti-A • * . ’ along the Western 1* ront/'Today. tbcas-ociaUun announces, 1ms rr . . , r . ,. r 1 he thousands jf soldiers m training The talkaKthe Bapti-t (’hureh managers of its fourteen divis- on Wediie-dav night ItV ■ Ru.Ttnd Campbell ju-t returned from iruej) umpiring am Tile 1 l ;iiu*e, vva- ihstruei ive. in at the M r. ! ions. m .‘Ruling the foreign divis of "’An i i rc-( rn .-l ** i P—1 >e* peaking- tht’i r ■ a;< -n>pe ra-», ' 4 -4 ti-m in this movement. In a iet- tt r io'lhe as-of fatiou Mr. (Jibson -ays tint Tie ‘take- pleasure in eioloiL-iiig tin* program "of: the •h< alt!i »’i u-ad.< r- as giving ay in ti i i -t ing. ami Useful 1 i*• 1 «d for pa <4 tile school dill- d:i u’R’iuj,,flie promotion of na- t m:ial w elfai’t i camps rqday, and with the thousands tl 11 be brought into service with the lowering and Faming of the pi’opo-< d draft law, it is a real Navv j«>l) to transport.’ them -ahTFTTis Tor tTTis Uncle Sam rails on to thi- cliap- ipo iiey ta k e; i* doer \\ a* divided wit ter..(>ui' alloUmUit wa- thirty- five »k»Mars. ,We a’e informed that t went y-ti \’r dulhli’s of tlii- t »i it’ *ei \ h* will- be Used to b piiiehiue. Now t jdjM-r mn-t a lat knitting be noiw* -Cate t tat till knitting be ( : mcotlti UUeil. this .pureha-e will be ii.-il'e'-. 'life wool iactorie-havwb eiii fttstnie- ted to make in* niofe knitting vain.-i lt( i vl 1 a lei’s have bi*en told to send in to the government a statement ol ail yarn in tlieir ha.uks and tod hkvkc no more,. Tins iirforniation is obtained ! material ffnms.one o( the heading daily Dr. U N, Ma •- (’raelo’ii. National dirceter d t he Senior *Rvd ( ross,- also com mend- th* m**veiiieni„-in a -t;t. jiieVit herewith, made jmbUK, to » ver\ -ehool idifld in l!n>flaubn.’ During tie* ( raeketi say the Red (To- with 'Moth or work that the young men of tlii- State Imjp carry on.'Wh ohr soldier- witlC food mtinitions, and; in ad litio’j soldyut- at. I p,‘ up:*• ofour A llie-j iind w ithVni: nteu tp nia4U J -tlTr r ' -hip-Tiuit a:’<'- I. ii.g built., tlii- w-tjX cam let bo -licces-fully Rili-tnmnl- ai\ v opmi t<> men' Ljii’Iv in the ; war President W ilson said, “It 7 would serious ly impair* America's prospects of sueeess in this war if the sup ply of highly trained men were tiuneeessarily diminished.* 1 have, therefore, no hesitation in urging Colleges and technical schools To endeavor to maintain their courses as fjar as possible on the usual basis.” Mr. iial- feur, of the English (Commis sion, niade it.clear tRat lie re gretted as the gre Rest error on ( oi l tin ' DANIELS COMMENDS MAN FROM / / BARNWELL - - Secre f ary of Navy Praises AUchimV. Mate Ready, ^ho VAas I rue To Name. —Wa-liiugton. Aug. Id. —Clar- euce F. Ready, !iiac 11{iiis t s in ate, of '-Barnwell, 8. Cl, and William E. King, seaman', of Baltimore, were: d-ommemled by^Secretary Daniels today for bravery and initiative in taking a launch to the sale of the-burning Spanish steamship ■Serantes on July lb and reselling *from the forecastle seven men x wlm, beiiTgp'hem- med ’ in by the flainesy^ven too panic stricked to jaimp into the water. T\> reaeiUthe vessel tie* launch steeryd through ail area of burniarg gasoline. The ►State. vT ' STATEMENT BY BYRNES. "I- BARNWELL HIGH SCHODL i>- r ummep.'' I>r. M;ic- U\y' divisions of fit 1. ' Ttrrrt*?) Enlisted -ludelits will also lie members of tin* army of ibe l idled State-. Student* so enlis- l-’d and en lolled will be ju’o.vid- ed, a*far n- practicable,w ith uni form- and equipment, iiu-laiLding li.TtsT’ shoe- find overcoat: all 1 u-rnished * by the (loyenneui. h t v.» en ' ie ag**- ei 1 s »;i ml J n . ! Suideiit- m it her enlisted nor en-. roiled will not be e ititlud toeil-- t«*r tie* training units or receive ‘suj )! >I Health Crusade distribution to all and ilesi-ab.e rating- can be had for those that qualify. '1 be Nkrvy depends entirely upon v’oRinteers, and tlii- i- tile s w ith the'M'ili- tai v'medal- f *r courage m- con duct in their ho-jhtal- that wn;< y # * ... . ,v ^ schqqUTeucliers, and the vithdal *yore earns lor the iiuli- daily given tlie opportunity to enlist in unlimited ntim'bcrs. W’e are at war with the most dangerous, military power- in e world. The nation that had * .. ‘ i ^ i ' planned-to invade our countiv. milRons ot .-elioul L, . . . - l he nation that h is sunk our •il i health chores, which each child II i 1 I V ' VII must ]>ei formjtojbecome a mem- bt r r, will l»e made available for* hoiiibed b\ (.ierniana.inm.il it surely is.good to feel that we will- soon be s.gnding^ tlijs ar ms' of women w orkt r- tlm -ur- dres.-ing- witboiit, which giea it wptflil be inipos- 111 ei r to carry woi k. on lilHe'' for them life tne itwe.nl\ children iu America.' “Nev^" insignia for the. coming t | u ir ! wear." the' association's an- 1 nouuccmeut couc-1 tides, ‘'have iiow been pi’epaiv’il ,loi the cru- -ader (io-1s, T lie-e consist*, id-a button for the -quire, a silver ^ pin for t1ie~1vhiglit baiijieret.' 'I he l»tTtton -hows bfhorty ail war against dv-ea-e, and the metal i pin* -how a Crusayi'cr"bowman aUn+t to let -hi- arrow tlU from j behind his 'M’odci’n ( ru.-adt r health shielUr ' ' ' - :. : . T'iie movement in ihi-'State *s fostei’etl \>V the Anti fuheie.ulo- -is A-.o', iation, which hold* tluyrf • ”the lieaHh of* the child i-> the* 2, '.ships-a-nd murdered our citizens ; trampled on our rights. T'he j i.; ovt , r nation whose.Jiiurdeiou- pract- b<*rs ol id's -Rave been brong'h-t to our very shores, and.w'liicli will be broifguT to our very. lioVnes jf we- remain mi|*repar**tl tfnd wait. . ' . r avmg ORDER SALT EARLY. IT. W Food- 1 suggest ^ dealer Browning, Ail miiii*tratx>r Barnwell (’otinry:" . , that you all vise i^i salt in votir-territory to place their orders lor salt now and make arrangements to get their'-.up.pl\ of tliis commodity for m \t w inter moved as early ais possible. T’he States Adniini- sfration Divi-ioii lias written me thitt the salt shortage in the Som'heastern States last winter and spring was occasioned by the shortage pf goal for the manufacture of salt, and short age of cars in which to make shipment of this commodity. This letter says that tlie-same oonditions are likely to be in effect this- winter, Therefore dealerfc in salt should be urged to place their orders either at this time or at least far enough ahead of their requirements to anticipate delay in shipment. . Yours very truly, , William Elliott, Food- AdimaVstratOF"for H5«oth Carolina. power of tin* nation.’! T'TiTgiuAV- ing mem be.snip of liver 2,(Hl(7 encuxu’age.* the bppi* 11 i*it eyory -eeninty w ill bO rp>preseJiti;d by tin ifew veaV. , This j- a light to tlfe finish,, and tin* „stnves- .t*f this light, j against the.' muriFrou- Huiis depend- on the young .men of | thi- eoirnlry. For your * own I good.>wonng man—R.*r .,auiir rjitiJe si.-ter and brothi'i - *Vood.l riiother ami fatfier-^or the j I good of all ih«* future geuer-i ationxbt - y(\ur : country, vour| country'i* eall.iug vou now t ome forward, ENLIST* and the military in-tructions offered by the War Di partmenr.l T in*. Aiembers of*, the S. A. T. C. will have the opportunity to at tend a six wei ks camp in the summer for rigid and intensive military instruction with pri vate’s pay, Mileage. eWh way will be paid. These .students ■will not be called into active ■£ & * service except in cases of speci al emergency. The policy of tin* mejit. will he to keep iihmu- of the S. A. T.C. in college untill their draft age is reached. The War ,v *ut piay j»er- mtt such men to continue in college'ev* u after their draft age i«vReached whenever tlioy are taking medical, teebnicai', seientib-e-or other courses im- - — * r ; \ portant t<» the prosecutfon- of the war. To the Patrons of the Barnwell I *raeWl Scln>ol»; For your information "and preparation, the T rustees of the Barnwell (traded School h»*g to announce that ''e are employ ing six first class College Cradu- ate 1 *aelier* for the coining term and that the school will open as usual some t ime t he'la-t of Sep-. trTrnt»T*r,'{rud lx* t iTTr-fiiFougtrrbT uim* inonffis. We oi’ilert d coal earlv in tin* Stiring, and if any one get- coal ^thi- winter it will be the schpols > T’he (’olored School has- been improved lately from a Fund of Five '.'Hundred D.ellars donated by the State' iTepart.ment- for Colorhd Schools for South (’an:i- inia. , - W e a-k the co-oper.ttion of- t lie ]»a trims of tlie school in evet’ V respect, and while there ha- bei*u -onie \yijd rumors aboui4lie -ehool- not opening oronly run- 'or six mmit 1 (.’onjfressman Byrnes Before Learhifl* ' for Washington Issues * Statement. To the Yoteis pf Barnwell < ‘ou.itj : The Congressional campaign ha- clo*ed. I have attended every meeting arranged for the congressional candidates in this district, and the charges made against me by nty three oppo nents i think I have successful-- ly answered, . Now that tlie campaign is over I warn my friends against the circulation of eleventh-hour campaign stories. Inasmuch as 1 believe in lighting fair 1 do not intend to make any charges against my opponents other than tbos£"made in their presence at the campaign meetings, ami 1 do not want my friends to make any charges against theim If any additional charges-a re. made... again-t me by my enemies, T think you will agree with mo that they should have been made while the meetings were on, and I had opportunity to answer; and the-fact that they were not made, at that time should he sub, fie it *ttf er id c n cc of choir uutrutlF- fllille-s. » Very respectfully, Adv. Tunics F. BYrnts. r (-ongress aftL-r a hmr weeks recess convened M dm I ay and I have returned ;o Wa-hington to b* present dyriiig the eonsid- ernf.on of the bill proposing a t in age* in the (Iraft IN to 4o ■r tmtg tel's havg tteyer bad Rut and tliat was ip give the rons the very iKt-Uschool pos-i, hie under the 'circuinstances, a- we feel that ignorance isNrearly as’great a foe as Frus-iunRni, and we must fight both vigor- ouslv. We will .announce the Faculty and the date of opening later. Respectfully. • IIarry I>. Calhoun, Sccty. to the Board of T rustees rhange in law" from IN to 4b ; to keep- in toil’ll with tin* authorities who | have under consideration the proposal to ti\ a price on cotton, 1 aniF to he prc-ctit during the ! consideration of other matters which Htiert,vitally the interest oik’ idea- j ( ,f t | u . puopif of this district^ 1 I ,u '*ifeel siitislieil t tat while I am am a way looking after your in?"' terest you will protect! my in- •terest at home. Very res|*ectfully, votir TT tis- Coinpetent officers and non?* comnii--ionvd oflicer* •will^oe It is,therefore, highly iuiportant for As many ^mmg nitmii s j»os- sihh* to at-H*ttd college and enlist oi enroll in ihojrh A./IYC. u-ation jit the present^cli-is hits 1>eGome not on!v^cqier-onal privilege, but a apriot-ic duty. If tie* war closes >eforea .member of tin* S. A. T\ ,(’. renrl'es the draft ag** no one Adv. BYRNES Fa nr rs A. J am< Bvrnes. tive Agent, NDS BY FARMERS. National Congress, LL President and Legisla- II. Kimble, Part Deposit, Md., August 16, lb IN . - N Mr. John R. Jordon^ Ridge Spring, S. X C. ; Dear Sir—I have your letter asking about Congressman Jas. F. Byrnes’ attitude towards leg islation urged by the Farmers National Congress, the Farmers ( nion. tin* NiUicmal (irafige, and other farmers' organiza- I assigned to the various institu- [fan areu-e him of being aTtious in the interest of the'far- lions t o *cati v * tm the work of .> slacker, because .lie will have th* 1 military instruction, .Every en- . * • 1 i'-ted st11y 11*nt mustjuegi-t’er : with his RieaT board after 'he ini rs. ('«mguessniati Bvrne* voted for Status of.a Unir(*il States si»1 < 14«*r Never in the whole history of parcel p»* v t, rural -credhs, - srntt*- <)iir country lias there been -ur-li gambling in cotton, federal aid THE ELLENTON BED The U D C Chapter of K lrnton Majuta ning Mospl.al Bed m l-rance. • •* , • ♦ Ellenton Chapter, U. D. C. is receiving congratulations ,uj)- on its latest achievement, that of placing a bed in the U. 1). C. Hospital in NetiiHtrr France. T'liis Chapter is jvirtieulary strong, wbeii tlie-^isize *of the town is considered having a- bout thirty-five members with the following capable officers : Mrs. Eugene Buckingham, Pres, Miss Mary Crosland,Viee-Pres ; Mfs. Charley Turner, Rec. Sec. ; Mrs. Marcellus Bush,Cor. Sec. ; Mrs. (ieorge Bush, Treas.'; ’Mrs. A. M. Harley, Auditor; Mrs. Crosland Bush, Rec. of Crosses; Mrs. Dixie Dunbar, Registrar. Wfrile all the ladies are interested ia w'ar work, Mr*. Buckingham has accomplished au Unusual amount. In addition ULflif iflg.b&r Only son to the aer ' Conti turd •• Ptf« Ft**, v> . give votir services 10 yoirr conn- ha- leai'iieij the draft age..- I pon try. Be a leader and help lead. ' vtatlll o nis ipn.-tioiiiiaii’e that i)<>u t ..be draft age LEI). to enl i’n the' he is in the S. A. .('. and. qtiired to obtain a release from their local board. Sub-stations'.for recruiting in the State are located' in ‘the following towns, and full in- ormationcan be had about the Various bramdie* thatare open : (iI’eenviTle. Spartanburg. Ander- .so'n,Florence, and Charleston. The ' main "Station for ^In state is located in the 'Arcade Building in Columbia. I i GALLED TO REGISTER. ' — The provost marshal gen eral issues the following re- minder : * , . •• *- y - ‘^All male jK*>sons who have reached their 21“t bir-t-hday since June 5, 1918, and on or before August 24, 1918, must register on August 24, 19i§. These men should con sult with local draft boards as to how and when the should' register.'^ ‘ hi* ri*. ■ therefore, ttlready ,iu the mili tary service of the l nited Stales, he -will be placed* automatically * ' by tlie local draft board itydTas- i b-D. The draft-board will not call hi ni into se ij i ce a* ion g * -as lie remains a mejnber of.the—S. A.T. C. However, when lie does readi tlie draft a^e the prepident of the^college, and coimnanding officer of the S. A. T-. U . wiB.report to the conimit- tee/of eduetitio.il. and special Itraining of the War Depart ment the form pUw.ar service for which,the drafted student is best qualified. He maybe call ed into service as a priyate/just as he would be if lie weyemot in the S. -A.T. C\, buj/lrill more likely, he sent to an officer’s training camp, or tallowed to continue in college until he ha^ finished, his education. If Con- gress should lowerthe draftage, men of the new ages not already "enlisted in college training units, will be able to enter military •an urgent dcn.iand for trained mind*, trained mu-cle* and for- niost of ail., for men trained, ifi iu*tant, implicit and cliyerfui obedience to lawful constituted authority. . For tlie solution of f lie many problems that will ari-e during to roads,-portal saving-, immi-- gration restriction, more liberal appropriations for agricultural purposes, lnarki’ting and other legislation tliat hits been urged by the Farmer* National Con- gres*, the Farmer* l uToii and The (trange. He is one of'*the best friend* the farmers have in Congress |R j. s always on the Very truly yours, (Signed) John H. Kimhlp’; Adv. • " Pre-iilent. t lie recou.sfruction period follow ing i>eu.ce, tlie derhaiid for col lege trained 'men u ill be even job lor the farmers, more urgent. We therefore call upon all members of the State Council of Ntitionai Defense upd ii pon all other organization* in the State to carry out tlie request of the War Department and fill our college with young men who will retfder the mod im portant service to their countiv within the college walls. In this appeal'it is not the interest of the colleges, but the Nation tliat are tit stake, w. Sv Currell, State Director for the Campaign of Student Enlistment. W. M. Riggs, Member of tlie State Council of National De fense, Don t *wap horse* while cru«a- ingji *tream. ' ^ , . Congressman James F. Byrues should be returned to Congress. rresident Wilson says he is on** of tlie *tlongest and most dependable men in the House. If he de-good enough .for Wood- row Wilson lie is j-Oo<1 'enough for us.—Adv. S. H. Edmonds, Fedjeral State service only as privates and j Director of tbeU.S. Boys r Work- through the local draft board, ing Reserve. t : , ' • ' \ \ * - \ 7 ' Mr. and Mrs. C A. and daughter^ Miss Mattie* oi Wdliston, and Mr. and Mu Norman Bennett and son, Sm mtn, Jr., of Greenville, at the home of J udge and Johi K. Snelling. Sunday no^. . wss