VEGETABLES FROM WELL-KEPT GARDEN - . -» ■ V BARNWELL SENTINEL, BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA ►AGE tl MINS SHARP ■■ * ■ , AND STABBING Woman Thought She Would Die. Cured by Lydia E. T- r Pinkham’* Vegetable Compound. ■ ■ ■v.O ■ ' « *> FALL GARDENING IN SOUTHERN STATES Cigdensburg, Wis.—“I suffered from female troubles which caused piercing pains like a knife through my back and side. I finally lost all m$ strength so I had 'to go to bed. The doctor advised an oper ation but I would not listen to it. I thought of what I h ad read about Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vege table Compound and tried it The first . bottle brought great relief and six bottles have entirely cured me. All women who have female trouble 1 ofartv kind should try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.” — Mrs. Etta Dorion. .Ogdensburg, Wis. Physicians undoubtedly did their best, battled with this case steadily and coula do no more, but often the most scientific treatment is surpassed by the medicinal! properties of the good old fashipneq roots and herbs contained in Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. If any complication exists it pays to write the Lvaia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.,Lynn, Mass.,for special f fee advice. Mild Protest. “Gladys," said Mr.NJomrox, “what’s the Idea of these extravagant clothes and the face make-up?” “We can’t Ignore the fashion. I don’t want to he different and COn- SplCUOUSs-” - . . “Maybe it’s all right. Put it does seem to me that in a community that Is still/peaceable there’s no need of so fptich camouflage.” YES! LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT ah* Cincinnati man teffs bow to dry up a corn ©rcallus so it lifts with fingers. w New Discovery! Dodson's Liver Tone Acts Like Calomel But Doesn’t Gripe, Salivate or Make You Sick—Don’t Lose a Day's Work—Harmless Liver Medicine for Men, Women, Children—Read Guarantee! rou cnrn-postorod men and women "heed suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearTy killed you before, says this Cincinnati, authority, because it—few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender? aching corn or callus, stops re£ by the United States Dep irt- •ment of Agriculture,) Because of the -South’s long sum mers and fa 11s'and short winters, a va riety* of vegetable seeds may be plant ed in many parts of that section un til October or November, and should produce satisfactory crops of fall, win ter and spring truck. If planting locu tions are chosen with some care. Say plant specialists of The United States department of agriculture, the fall gurdon is a possibility with nearly all vegetables grown in spring and sum mer in practically all/Tiarts of the South except in an>atf of high altitude and In the mope^hortherly portions of the region, sections of the South, to- plants have succumbed to the strain of high temperatures and dry ness. In some localities they will live and continue to 'bear until fall, but iu others they will not survive. A new crop should be planted now; 'and it may be profitable to try the experi ment of planting both in the open ground, where the plants are to rem- muin, and In frames for transplanting. The frames or beds should be lo cated in a relatively cool, shady place. The Same plan of field and frame planting may be used for cab bage seedings. Islng results have already been oTT- t<> leave the-surface loose and friable. In a small garden, cultivation with » band cultivator is the most practic able. Turnips may be left In the ground until,-needed for the table, of may be puHed as soon as they are ma ture. and stored in a cellar or hurled in hanks or plts7 The varieties of turnips .commonly grown' in the South are Purple Top Globe, White Globe, Seven Top, White Milan, and Yellow Aberdeen’. * Collarda. Col lards can b|e grown in the sam« way as outlined for turnips. • Kale. s ,1 Kale can be grown in the open throughout the winter in practically all sections of the South. Sow the seed in September and October in drills 18 Inches apart for hand culti vation, and 30 inches for horse culti vation. As soon as the plants reach a Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. It’s horrible! Take a dose of the dangerous drug - tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day’s work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes in to contact with soifr bile crashes into it, breaking it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you .are sluggish and “all knocked out,” if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated, or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson’s Liver Tone tonight. Here’s'my guarantee—Go to any drug store and get a SO cent bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone. -T^ke a spoonful and if it doesn’t straighten you She Had the Rest. "Did he have words with his wife?” “He had a few of them."—-Judge. V Dr. Peery’e "Deed Shot” not only expels Worm* or Tapeworm but cleans'out tha Xnucua In which they breed and tonea up tha digestion. One doae eufflcleat. Adv. Briefly Explained. “You look all tuckered out. you going on your vacation?” "Been there.” Where Hadn’t as Yet Belle—You say Bob kissed you against your will? But you surely ciin height of 4 or 5 Inches they-should ] ~ - June—Possibly ! One never knows what one can do until one tries, I suppose!—Buffalo News. soreness at once and soon the corn or talned by plant tng several seeds in a hardened callus-loosens sq> it can -be K „, ir lifted off, root and all, without pain. be thinned. The plants pulled may be used for greens. The cultivation for kale should be the same as for turnip*. Varieties recommended: Dwarf Curled, Tnll Scotch and Siberian. Spinach. Spinach Is one of the -best crops grown for greens.and should be found! With this crop pros-., lb. every-h6me .garden, it can be grown i-n tlie open during the autumn an 1 winter In all sections south of Norfolk, A small bottle of freezone costs very little at any drug store, but will posh Lively lake off every hard or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, as It Is Inexpensive and is^snid not to Irri tate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn’t any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for you fijom hts wholesale drug house.—adv. f Spoke From Experience. Bill—I dessa.v some women can do men’s work. But they’ll never git men’s wages. .Toe (much married)—Wotchemean —Never? They always ’ave!—Punch. - .Tetterlne Cures Ringworm. Whacking. N. C—June 2, 1908. Enclosed you will find 11.00 for which hill and thinning to one-plant. -H the field plunting should not survive, how ever, In some Instances, the grower, tt Is pointed out, Is protected, by hav ing on hand the frame-grown plunts. Ordinarily the- seed planted direct to the field will produce “ah earlier crop than seed planted In a frame und trans planted. Among the vegetables which may be planted at practically arty time dur ing the summer, with fair assurance of success, are beans. Bush squash mny also be 'planted even In the hot test weather If they have not been made a part of the garden at an ear lier season. With the—beginning of August practically the entire dlst of ’ ordinary vegetables Is open to the fall ^gnrdener for choice. Beets, parsnips, enrrots, celery, sweet corn, radishes, Va. Sow the seed in' the latter pari of August, in September, or October, In drills 15 to 18 inches apart at thf rate of one. ounce to 100 feet of row When the plants begin to crowd in the row they should he thinnpd. The larger plants are selected first, and the smaller or later ones are thus given room to develop. Not Unreasonable. “Do you think any of the other girls In the graduating class are as. pretty as I am?” she questioned "No," she answered Judicially, “and I don’t think one could assemble enough features from the entire crowd U make a girl ns pretty as you are.” That satisfied her.—Louisville Cou rier-Journal. MOTHER! HOG Have you ever used MOTHER’S JOY SALVE for Colds, Coughs v ,^Croup and Pneumonia, Asthma, and 'Head Ca- DirTimr reoniTm - tarrh? If you h&ven,t get it at once. PASTURE IS ESSENTIAL It will cure you.—Adv. right up and make you feel fine and ‘vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodsotvs Liver Tone is destroying the sale of caloineKoecause it is real liver medicineJT* entirely vegetable, therefore it can nOt salivate of make you sick. : I guarantee that one kpoonful of Dodson’s Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn’t gripe and they like its plea* ant taste.—Adv. S«ld f*r 47 yean. F« Malaria, CluUsSt Ferer. Alse a Fiat General Strengthening Tank. 80c end 91.00 at all Drat Staraa. (hbllTonic Illustrated. “MammR," exclaimed the little girl next'door as. she ran Into the kitchen of her own home, "mamma, Mrs. Jones., has an Illustrated tooth I” Her mother laughed. "A what?” she asked. ft An Illustrated tooth ; - one that makes your face swell up real big.” Her mother laughed again, and hard er. “You mean an ulcerated tooth," she corrected. . Her father heard of the Incident and thought he would question her, too. “Did you say Mrs. Jones had the mumps?” he queried. “No," began the little girl again. “She has an Illustrated tooth.” . Her father laughed, anl corrected her. "Daddy;” she remonstrated solemnly. “I don’t see why you lnugh when Mrs. Jones has an ulcer— I mean—illustrat ed tooth 1”—Indianapolis News. A GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR HAY FEVER-ASTHMA Tour BOkiT will M wnni br roar d without any que«tton If thU remedy does not •▼ery eene of Aathms, Broneblel Asthma wad tha Asthmatic armptoin. accompanying Hay Ferer. M ‘ lent the attach* or oosUnate ' ■ bow violent tha A DR. R. SCHIFFMAN1TS ffk AsthmadoR AND ASTHMADOR CIGARETTES positively five. INSTANT RBL.IBV in avtiyaaN and baa permanently ctired thonaand* who bad beea oonaldered Incurable, after having tried every otbef meapa of relief In vain. Aetbmatlea ah<>ni. '* ' ' - ^ ' ' I ■ > , | _ i UN- l GUARANTEED I and mad* In) X n Behrens Drud Co 1 IPSa 'I^dJr* 1 1^7 1 and even later,_onion seeds may be planted for a spring crop: i• Crops for Winter. • Among the crops of. these late plant- j Ings which the Southern gardener will find available for winter use, are beets : and the other root- crops, such as parsnips and carrots, and kale, col- , lards, spinach and mustard. Many of i the plants, he will find, may lie car- ! rled by slight protection even Into i quite, cold weather without suffering dafnage. To the crops which will be carried over for development In the early spring should be added salsify dr oyster, plant, which thay'be plant ed practically any time during the late sumniep'or oarty fall." .following specific directions for planting df certain seeds In the South have been prepared by the de partment’s plant specialists: t - Beets. .Beets planted in the South hi. Au gust and early September will produce j pasture. at once for fore *e n service.”—I’hlladH 1 Tn case no cover crop is avnilnhW P^' a Ledger., • the crop that will furnish grazing ear best is sorghum, planted broadcast or Twins? fertile land." The hogs mny lie tuTred | Two young boys were dlsciisklng the on this "when the sorghum is six t<~ J identity eff a certain man who kept a While the ho-> aift’ store In the neighborhood. eight inches high on pasture or grazing crops thej should be fed from one to two poim'dA of concentrate per 100 pounds Uvr weight. Corn and soy beans planted together will give the earliest fatten lng crop. For succession crops, pen nuts, sweet potatoes, corn and velvet beans, or a later crop of corn and soj beans might be planted. •• - v % ■ 4r.h j. Zv '^' • : .jl Iff i M combining the fm.ciUUee of a eenetor fort* end freedom of a private home. Individual treatment. Onr method render* the treatment of MORPHINISM a* paloleee a* aa opetatioa. Write for reserved room. Term* I1X.M. 0 N. Caldwell 8U \ CUAKLOTTK. If. O. ECZEMA Money back without question if HUNT’S CURE tails in the treatmept of ITCH, ECZEMA, RINGWORM,TETTER or other itching akin diseases. Price 60c at druggists, or direct from LMicfcarft Maflcina Ca. .Uamaa Til . ha%%\'lYa« A telle* KWnXoa et wtmtk Help* te eretfleete faatnt. _ FerReeSeri— Caler —i laaaty toQravor FadedHdb KODAKS I In all weathers the skin and com- , • plexlon can be kept wonderfully clear. He isn t the slim one, or the one | so ft and white by the use of this lnex- uno-has whiskers, the first youngster pensive lemon lotion which any girl or was saying. ‘He doesn’t wear glasses, woman can easily prepare. EXPERT DEVELOPING ▲11 roll films developed 10c. PrlntaSta Bets. Prompt attention to mall ordarik K. C. BERNAU, Greens bo rw, M. (V 11AXOIIRKo— Krimlnaiea puncturea blow* oola, rim cuts. Different from any devics rot ever aaw. Our free Ulustrated catalogue fully explains this wonderful device and shews clearly how MAXOTIRES will mtko roar tires trouble-proof by very smsll cost Chafe lest on Maxotlre Co., 46 Mkt St.thsrleetoa.S.C. SEED POTATOES—Cobblers, Early Roes and: Red Bliss, Maine growa. for shipment Janjuary and February^ 191*. Contract now. For prices ^vrlte Bay Fruit Co..Cherleeton.8.0, - W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 36-1917. cither.". “Oh, that must be Mr. Jones,” an swered the other. * "Who does Mr. Jones look like?” de manded the first boy. The Juice of two fresh lemons strain ed Into a bottle containing three Important Discovery. Commercial and technical papers are printing an article from Manche* ounces of orchard white makes a whole fer.*England, In which It Is said th»t quarter pint of the most remarkable lemon skin beautlfler at about the WEEDS KEEP DOWN PASTURES he ,? oef ' ' ' brothers.” * < J v \ el D’ responded the one ques-j cos t one must pay for a small Jar of tioned, ‘he^ looks a lot like Mr. Smith, the ordinary cold creams. Care should I think they must be \ Noxious Plants 'Choke Out Gras* Needed for Food 8upply for Stock Destroy Them. It is none too early to begin think lng about the weeds which will soon Ik -ff- tl^re'"£Tor"tvas a time when -all thf grass possible shfiuld be furnished dm live stock it Is this good year of 1017 With cattle selling for double what w* thought a fair price Anly a few year? ago, we. surely must not allow tlu weeds to reduce the pasturage. If if i? at all possible to run a rnovver over tin pastures. b crop for late fall and early winter*- choking out tlve grass In the pastureft. , use. Where hand cultivation Is to be given, sow the seed in drills 14“ , to 18 lnchf^t apnrt and cover to the depth of about,! Inch. For horse cultiva tion the rows should he 2% feet apart. As soon as the plants are well estfib- Ushed. tliin them to a stand 2 to 3 Inches apart. Give‘frequent shallow cultivation. The ^vdets may be left In the ground through the tvlnter to be pulled whejr wanted. V T arle>1ds recommended: ^ Crosby’s Egyptian: Bnssano, Early Eclipse and Turnip^/ - : . .. - ' ( - Tumlpa. , i Turnip iieed may be sown during the latter part of August and through- lr*r wiir October. Sow turnip seed thfckly Ln rows 15 to-18 Inches apart, and when Majesty of the Law. “You’re under arrest," exclajmed the officer with chin whiskers, as he stop ped the automobile. * “What for?" Inquired Mr. Chug- gins. - “I haven’t made up my mind yet. I’ll Just look pver your lights an’ your license an’ your numbers an’ so forth. 1 know I can get you for somethin’." Up' to Date. * - ; “She has all the accomplishttients.” “So?” Ll.,; “Y"es. She can etep Inhale cigar- jette smoke.” ' ' TEXAS FEVER HURTS CATTLE Tickt,.Can Rerngin on Other Animal! Without Producing Disease— Not Suaceptlhle. , - v The reason that _ the plants reach a height of 4 to 5 Inches begin thinning, using the young plants for greens. For good roots thin the plants to about three inches apart ln the row. Keep the land well cidttvated to keep down the weeds and can remain on animate other tlywf cat tie without producing the .disease 1. because these animals are not suscef tlble to Texas fever. > Numerous ex perlments have shown that only Iki vines (cattle) contract the Tfxas fe ver, so It Is not difficult to undentan< why other hosts can tie infected *aUJ impunity. On ‘Wheatless Days' a ( Mode Y Com) be taken to strain the lemon juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets In, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice Is used to bleach and re move such blemishes as freckles, sal lowness Rnd tan, and Is the Ideal skin softener, smooth^ner and beautlfler. Just try Itf Get three ounces of orchard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make up t quarter pint of this sweetly fra grant lemon lotion. It* naturally should help to soften, freshen, blefcch and bring out the roses and hidden beauty of any skin. Those who will make It a habit to gently massage this lotion Into the face, neckTSu-ms and > hands once or twice dally may be re paid with a skin that Is flexible and young looking and a peach-like com plexion. Adv. an English chemist has. succeeded la devising n method by which atmospher* lc nitrogen may be fixed ln England at a cost low. enough to make the process commercially practicable and that it Is In operation on a small scale; That has not been possible heretofore b* cause England lackg the abundant and cheap water power required for ths generation of electricity. To Drive Out Malaria * And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC. Yon know what yon are taking, as the formula ifi printed on every label, showing H b Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. Tha Quinine drives out malaria, the Iran builds np the system. 6o cents. And, after all, It Is all very fitting and very reasonable and very monious and very much worth whilst Muffled Firing. “What is silent Influence?’’ "Cutting down a man's salary .Ice slead of osklng him to ’resign.”^ l; The Reason. .i ‘That girl rings trueJ* \*‘She ought to, when she’s sqch a belle.” : • , V . If a girl trusts a- young matTlt may bt a Man that her father doesn’t A new hat throws a brilliant light into a woman's eyes, but It. lakes a new baby to Illuminate her heart. ▲ torpid Avar lation. prevent* At present the hen roost Is to the eminence of the eagle's icrla When Your Eves Need Try Murine Eye ,r,.