THE OftANGEBURG NEWS EVERY1SAT?RDAY" MORNING, . at the "OLD TIME" PRIOB; Two Dollars per. Annum in Advance. .MU?T INVARIAULY" ACCOMPANY THE SURSORIPTION. ?0-Country Produce Inkoh at Market Rates. ??_?<>__ ja op ??r- We respectfully request our friends to tend in their Advertisements as early in the Vfeek as convenient; and if possible, let us have then* hy Tltursday evening. By this means, ice tcill he able to issue at an earlier hour on Satur day, and trill be enabled to glee more of the tatest netcs, up to the time of ultr going to press. reading maTTe1m5n every page: LOCAL ITEMS. ?SATURDAY MORNING, NOV., lti, 18tJ7. Church Elections. Tho following gentlemen were elected on Saturday tho Oth inst., Stewards of Eastern Change Circuit; D. L. CoNNOR, Recording Steward. J. S. F?NC?KSj District Steward. a. M. Snell. t). W. Snblt* 3r. g. carn, li. P. Collier-. A. J. Rl'ple. A. G. Collier. The District Court Cnhvcned on Monday last, Judge Lv.oare presiding. The 'amount nf business transacted was considerable, and of tho usual character Coming before this District institution. The following nro the principle cases decided during the Mission : vs. Pedriek Haue?Assault and Rat lory. GlILTY. Slate, vs. Catharine C'orbctt.?Assault and lottery. guilty. State v?. Lazarus Black?Larceny. Guil.ty. State vs. John Martin?Assault and Rat tory. Nol. Pros. State vs. .Marshall Aniaker?Assault and Mattery. Nor.. Pros'. Statt? v*. Ahrain M. Dukes?Assault and llattcry. Nor.. Pliof?, State v?. Lewis II. Shulcr?Assault ninl Rnftery. Nor.. Pros; State vk. William Walling?Assault and Ihdtery, with Intent to kill. Guilty t GUILTY. State VS. Ned Rutlcr?Lircony. NotGc'IL ty.? Slate v?. Wi?5- * _ , Jones, Lewis Jones. Amos .nines and Mosgs Hngood?Grant) Larceny. Nor,/ Pm??. Htate Y?, Jtaac Murehison?Grand Larceny. GlSiVTY. jt.taie Wi K\m. Ltvingw^a, Will L?vt?g*roti. 4. Trank Wilson, and George iFnmor?Trespiins. D. Frank Wilson, Gi'jlty, (.George frascr Not Guilty. State v?<; Eliza Washington?Larceny. NotO. 3?ro*. State vs. Daniel Murphy?Uarsc Stealing. *Npr CSeji-ty. State vs. Daniel Murphy?Larceny. Plea of Guilt v. State vs. Punic! Felder?Idirecny. Gril/rv. The Oraingebnrg Hotel. At the courteous request of Mr. William son, the proprietor of the abovo, wc Dave been through the establishment and noted the great improvements ho is making in tho premises. The house has undergone a thorough refitting, and wo arc confident will be conduct ed in a stylo which will challenge comparison with any other Hotel in the interior for com fort and good fare. Mr. Williamson's rates uro quite reasonable, and wo bespenk for him from the people of Orangeburg a liberal sup port. XZTXSX -. - New Ad vert isoin cuts. JJ6F" Sco Noticp in EtjuUy. Onion Sets at EzEKi?b&-Koun'h. ! *?-Seo Sboriff's Sales for December. fi^-Sce Citations for Letters of Adminis tration. B&~ Mr. T. D. "Wot.rH advertises 50 bunches of Yarn below the market price. ??fe?" Attention is culled to the advertisement of tho Commissioner in Equity of Sales for January, I8G8. > ? ? < JBQr The winter season is on us, and wood is high. Persons who have to buy wood, and would be economical in its use. would do well to call on our enterprising townsman Mr. WM. "WiT.i.CMK.'K nnd get one of those tirst-chiss Cooking or Heating Stoves, as they not only save wood but labor, and in these days ot free dom, when it is very hard to keep n servant, they are more especially needed, as the lady of the house with one of these stoves can uttend to her own cooking with the greatest case. Mr. WlLLCOCK warrants every stove purchased and from hi in furnishes the necessary Utensil?. See his advertisement in this issue and give him a call. HYMENEAL. Maiuukii?On the 21th October, 1HU7, by the Her. Win. Ilutto. Mr. 1). W. CROOK to Miss MARY ann C. UAtGLBH. All of Ornngcbiirg District. Consignees per South Carolina Kailroad Keniailling' in the Depot to Date. Dr. 15. W. Rates. .1. Stromati, .1. II. Felder, D. t\ Rowc, J. 1). Smoke, S. Livingston, 1). Smoke, D. Diintzlcr, A. Smoke. /'/?/' AVyorai. Dr. Frederick. In accordance with orders received from the Su |icrhttcit'lcut, Storage will hereafter be charged on Goods remaining in the Dcjiol lor an unreasonable length of time. W. t'. MEREDITH, Agent. COMMERCIAL. OrrinK or the On.\N(i?:iii*iio Ni:ws, November 1"?, 1807. t'OTTON.?Sales this week nutoiml to about 1 10 bides, which sold at the following rates : Ordinary. '1^ Middling. 1^1 Strict Middling. I'orvtl Rn'j??Is in g"v -. ;;? ; " n?--.? ? ortimg cotton, per lb i -(<< 11 ...iCKS per M. ft -r>0 CANDLES per lb sperm. ft't(7t H> " Adiimaiiliac. .>tif? ??"??"? " Tallow. li") COFFEE per lb Rio. Jlt?(? :'.:{ .* Laguayra. JO .lava..'.. r,ft CORDAGE pei-lb Mauilla. C0 FL'II Cod per lb. 1-' llerriw" per box. 1 DO " M ??*?*? erel per kit. (Hlf.t. 4 DO FLOUR per 1ml Fine. 10 (?)(.. 12 (Ml Super. 12 etlf/7 I t 00 Extra.- 1 I IHU" Hi <>?> V.ily. 1"> OOtfi 17 00 " Nciv Staple "H Sn k. ? 0?o/> 7 fit) GRAIN, O os. 1 27* Corn. 1 <>?> Pens. 1 eo HIDES, per lb dry. <*. (? HI INDIGO, per Hi Carolina. Pllfii 100 LIME, per bid. 7? MOLASSES, per gallon. 7"?m 1 2'i NAILS, per keg. ? ?OfTi 10 (HI OILS. Kerosene per gal. SOfcV HO PROVISIONS AND PRODUCK. RACON, Hains per lb. 2'>(n M o Sides ?< . ]H0, 22 " Shoulders " . \v,(? 20 RUTTER, Country per lb. 8fi '? Goshen " . .|0(,i ?.r) CHEESE. 2ft($87 IIB KP. 8(?-12 CHH'KESs. per do7.....v. 1 .r?0(?i 2 nO FOWLS, *' ma?. 1 00(?"> (Hi EGGS, ?* urn:;.;. -'?"> REESWAN, per lb.a..i. 25<$80 LAUD, per lb....i.;. 200, ?_,"> RICE, per lb Carolina.]2 SALT, Liverpool per sack.; 8 50? I 00 SHINGLES, per M;:.. ? (H) I SOAR, per ib iiai-..:.: l?fr -'(? STARCH, per lb.,. CHEAP G??DSf J.UST RECEIVED AT ?1 ?. I J f L 1 ?* ? i. ? KEIT/T BROTHERS. \\rK W0U!*P AGAI$ INFORM ph^t'RIENUS T f tli:.t we arc'now receiving o.ur ?FALL ANP WINTER STOCK.OF Dry Goods and Groceries, Wliieli we offer on reasonable terms. If onr fri?ndn will give uk n cull, wo hove no doubt we can make it profitable to both parties. We are also prepared to continue the shipping of COTTON, RICE, &C, to the well known house of WILLIS & 01IISOLM, Charleston, where prompt attention will be jriven to the sale of the same at the HIGHEST MARKET PRICKS, ami the money can be received at our Ofiioa Jiurv, without one vent aval to U19 owner. "VrOTIC/E,?OUR DKRTORS WILL PLKA8K J_^j Remember us when thoir Cotton, and other Produce is sohl, and settle up their old accounts. KKITT BROTH ERS. oct 19 c ly BULL & SCOVILL, HAYING MADE ARRANGEMENTS, are now prepared to make liberal ADVANCEMENTS on Cotton or Produce, which will bo shipped forward without delay, and consigned FREE OF CHARGE to the well known HOUSE of E. H. Rodgers & Co. QALES PROMPTLY PAID AT OUR L^ OIKcc, or we will inn im CO. TON, RICE, PRODUCE. Ac Paying full Market Prices. T^ULL supply of X BAGGING^ ROPE, TIES, Family Gmeries, And general STOCK yf GOODS const -,;^. vil h?.'?4i ALSO X(\ SACKS SALT JUST RECEIVED ? j\y und in good order. v ALSO JUST RECEIVED 3 DA I.KS FACTORY Yarn on Consignment. ALSO NOTHER SUPPLY OK NEW FLOUR A from new Wheat. Uneurreiit Money. C1TATE BANK BILLS BOUGHT AND kj Sohl by BULL & SCOVILL, fell 23 lo Opening: Now at BZEEIEL & KOHH COMPRISING FULL STOCKS or DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. Hardware, &c., 5 INFORM TDK PUBLIC THAT we tire the Agents lor the (Celebrated Old Carolina Bitters, (mo ol* the best Tunics now extant. Now Landing Hit) SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, 1511 do Up Country FLOUR, Which we uillSELL VERY LOW. We diso want t ? * purchase 1000 Bushels "1K AT nit: HIGHEST MARK KT PRICK. We arc also ready to purchase C O T T O N % Or make, advances and SHIP THE SAME to any Factor in Charleston FHKK OF A AT Oll AH Oh We. as usually, give the Highest Prices fur GOLD, SILVER, CNCUERENT MONIES AM? COUNTRY PRODUCE: ich iiii ? yc ? 'WANTED ' a $10,000 IN GREENBACKS, -AT THE OLD STAND, JOHN ?. STOCKER & CO., CORNER STORE, RUSSELL-STREET AND KAIL HOAD AVENUE. Great Fall in Cotton Goods! WEST BRANDS OF CALICOES 15c. per yd. WARRANTED FAST COLORS CALICOES 12Je per yd. . GOOD CALICOES M ADD Kit COLONS 10c per yd WORSTED DELAINES, new FallStvlcs un. STOOKKII f: CO. ''Old Established Jewelry House." W. CAEHI2TGT0N & CO. 256 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FINK WATCHES, JEWELRY AND STERLING SILVER WARE, Silver Plated Goods, G?hl and Steel Spectacles, tine'Table and Docket Cutlery and Fancy Articles. We desire to call attention of our Country Friend* to our Stock of SILVER' SPOONS and FORKS, the largest in the State, which wo are now offering at Xcw ~Yorlc PriceH for Cash or City Accep tance. Our Large Assortment of COLD and SILVER WATCHES are of the best English, Swjss and Ameri can Manufacture. .Special Attention Given to tltc Repairing of Walches and Jewelry. AC II NTS FOB AM KIM CAN WATCH COMPANY. W. CARRIXGTOX. w. TIIOMAS. uet ?> He ;{ THOMAS RAY IS STILL TO BE FOUND AT THE LATE STAND OF RAY & BHO'B, IVpared lo do ?11 kinds of HIVPAllUNG and 111; I Mil NG NEW WAGONS. BUGGIES built tt. order. JiLACKSM ITH WORK. IN (i ENKRAL attended to. with promptness ?nd despatch. From this date, T will keep const}jp,{]y \>\\ \\*\\(\ HEADY MADE COFFINS OF EVERY DKSCUIPTION, FROM TDK FINEST TO TDK CHEAPEST VARIETIES. Charge}, as modorato as the times will admit. YAH-\lSHi:S and FAINTS constantly on hand. Also two barrel* M A XI FATTEN AX LH G KM ASF, fur greasing Wagon and Buggy Axles* F OEANGEHURG AND THE ADJOINING Districts that I a in .-till at my <>M Stand, ready In du any work hi uiy line at the Shortest Notice. 1 have on lutnd several New and Second hand CAItEIAGES and HCGtMES, alto lw? WAGONS, one 4 Horse and one i. ?ALSO? I have established a LUMBER YARD and will keep constantly on hand HOARDS, SCANTLING, &t\, of all kinds usually ui dem&nd, and enn nil all Orders with Despatch. My Cotton Oins and Press are in perfect ord^diul ready ta.GIN on TOLL for all thni* wh? may favor inu witli their Cotton tho coming Season. I ?m Agont for Dillon's Universal Cotton Tie AND IRON HOOF FOR BALING COTTON. Iron Hoops for Haling Cotton being largely im use in the South, and being sold much cheaper than Hope, the propriety of using lltem in place of llopc; is brought to the attention of (he Planters. These Tics arc great Preservers of Cotton, when baled, from Fire. Every Tie is perfect, ami ready for immc ,tt'Vwil*l keep constantly on hand n hit of the L'uivcrsal Tie and Iron Hoop, which I will sell at Charles ton prices?12 vents, expenses added. \ sample >?!' the above Tie can be seen at tins Office, where it may be compared to the Arrow Tie. Persons then can judge for themselves, which they prefer. I I A HPIX RIGGS. aug 04 u Lv rnnU IIIOUKST CASH MA It K KT PUIOE GIVEN .JL for nil kind of COUNTUY IMtODCCE, Dees HTiti, Tallow, Hides, Furs. etc., etc.. by K/.EKIEL & KOIIN. feb 23 y 1 > IS II KltF.ltY GIVEN THAT A IMM.ICATK >N WILL he made in III reo months from date, to the re spective Corporations below un in cd, for renewal of Certificates of I Shares of South Western Itailroml liunk Stuck. 1 Shares of South Carolina llailrood Stork, which were the property of Miss Elizabeth Iticketibaker. now deceased, ami were lost or de mroved during the rtreefit wnv. < Ornugchurg, S. f., ) DONALD It. HAIITON. Scpl 28, 18(57. I Administrator. Hept ?H lam Ihn STATE OF SOt'TIi C.MtOLINA. I .... ,. .. . t itation. Orangohurg District. j Dy 1'. A. Mr MICHAEL, Es?,.. Ordinary. Whereas, Margaret Cook und .lohn W. Patterson hath made suit to me In grant them Letters of Ad ministration of the Estate and effects of Joseph Cook, deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all ami singular the kindred and Creditors of the said Joseph Cook, deceased, that they be nnd appear* before me in the Court of Ordinary, to be held nt Orangeburg C. H., on the 'J'.'lh day of November, inst., after publication hereof, at II o'clock in the forenoon, jo shew cause if any they have, why the uanl Administration should not be granted, (liven under my bund this I2|h day of November Anno D?mii i, I8?7. I'. A. Mc.M IC II A L. ? nov l???Jt O. O. D. 17OH HALB, AT 75 ( TS PK? QUIRK: ^ WRITS, ("OPV WIUTS. Fl. PAS. IN CASK. PI. PAS. IN DBRT. St'RPCKN.lS n.l It KS PON DKN HU M in EQUITY, AT 1.50 PER QUIRE: DECLARATIONS ON SEALER NOTE, PAYKK vh. MAKER, At OR AN0E1H"RC5 NEWS OFFICE, Sept 2K J riMIK mokmx^ STAIC>vl?u1?IIbh-i J[ c?l Unit v. except Sunday, itl Wilmington, N\ ('., by WM. II. BERNARD, No. ? Soiith Water Street. The cheapest Dally Newspaper in North ar South Carolina! TIIK STAR rornnirts Lntcsl Telegraph Dispatches, Local Ne*^ Report** of Mar kets, ami (iciicrnl Intelligence. Mnilc<1 to Subscribers at $-.">(> fur t'? .Mouths, gSl/Jii for :'. Mu\Uhv A ( iiok k stoc k cat / Ho.?? Cows capable of giving over two gal ions milk per ilsy, each. '1 Yearlings, -nl^ fat. Also I good two Horse Wagon and Harness, iron] axle ami Cilv niade.' 1 srcoinl hand Carriage anu Harne?*.' Apply to W. OA KM AN., ' Near Kastei;ljn's Mill' liov - - I m' Oranjrcburg District LEGAL? Mfiofe. lly virtue of sundry writs of fi/ fa., to me directed, I will Hell to the highest bidder, jit Ornngeborg 1'nnrt House, oh the first MoVtflw'yHA ^ClMer next, for cosh the. following properly vis % One Tract of TLniul containing foHy-twOJieTci moro or less, ndjolnibg InnOrtif, V. It. 'Irbfk'xtnd JI* Cogswell, levied thp prnp^rfv.flf ir?^\f^f0' ALSO .,?,{-,/ snjm, Four Mules, two Horscs/two "vtag?ne. two KIn Cotton; lot of angin?! Cottoft*,- 400 fAUlftfc?-r?JShi jiorp or less, "i(?)0 pounds Fodder, juiorjo, /y *fcyM|<)0 bushels Ilice more or less, and other "article*, levjed on as tb* to-operty Of Mrs. Ann ei'hnHVcWjW'vTie sub of J. II. Andrews' undC. S. HMta miata cftli Twi on uh Keller and I). W/Snell. i'ul'U* J--.7h*ai?o fiorses, one Wagon, and one UpagiVf-ieTTed ithe property of 1/ A. Tilt,"tit tTie WitVoTxrA/ ?r and D. W/Snell. eilt In '??M'Wmdt . Sheriff s Office,, , \ | J. \f;MWMMkw Onnigeborg C. TT.. S. C., V . . . B,O..V/ ? November 12, 1807. J ' ' " ??' ' novit? ff ./niia'M Commissioner's J$L$# STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN Ay' OltANCKDL'KU DjsthicT/ ,1>w<* * '?d il'nl* Charles 1J. (Hover, et. al. | bill for 9T#tlf vs. J. - v ? Jno. L. (Hover, et. al. ) PirrtlH?h.1??* Under order in Equity in this case,1 rwlll'/JeiPnt Ornhgchtirg on Monday, the 2d December next,.the House ami Lot. known as the ??Old ,Sch6ol House," in the Town of Orangeburg, containing ?m?' ncreu more or less, and bounded North, on the Catholic Ibit'lnl (trotiml and a lot conveyed to IL lt.. lijerrWt by Mr. lirigguotun. east on n street tit nlley; couth, on lots of 11. WiUiamstih and 1. P. Thoms,onf..-.nn?I west by the ^Methodist Church lot, torso much cafdi as will pay expenses of ??uit and sale, and(he balance on a credit of three mouths, secured by lbs retention of the titles until the day of payment. And in case of failure to pay, resold on tue 'ilr*& Monday in the succeeding month. .:'il>li 7 t> t ALSO , ,.* Jno. T. Inabiuet, Adm'r, et. al. \ Dill for Aim C. Inabinct, el. ul. j l'artition. Pursuant to an order made in the nbovo 'stated case, will be sold before the Court House in Ornngo burjr. on the first Mdndny in December next"' aif fnat Plantation lying and being partly in ? Orang^lfuTg ami partly in Lexington Districts, i ontaining .about six hundred and eighty acres') more or less, bounded by lands of John Hooker, tletil Simmoifs??Whi. Knolls, Thomas llohiusou and C. Dcr.iuln.*> ..,biv% Terms of sale?so much cash us w ill defray the expense of these proceedings, und thf'ndlaUce' 5? a credit of twelve months, purchasers giving'.bond with two good personal suritics, bearing la.1!*1 from the day of sale, with n mortgage of tne ' ' ises to secure the payment ut the purchasentonay nml to pay for papers and reyvttUij stamps. } j ^ ALSO >- )V{ 9dA John C. Ifarvev et. iix., Adm'r, 1 Hill for Partition vs. I of Alice T. Kontz, et. al. j Heal Estate. lu pursuance of niiler f?F the Court of Equity, will be sold at Orungcbitrg C. II., en Monday, the t!d of December next : I IT/.tu i:i"'na All that tract of hind, consisting of three lots in the Town of Orangcburg. on Amelia Street, bound ed north by lauds of F. II. W. 4lr|ggnnitin,.f!j9t by lot iif C. T. Dunham, south by Amelia Street, and west .by estate lands of S. N. KennorJy; daottn 1>eing n part of the estate Latids of Joseph T. Keutx, de Ten ns?Oue-th'ml cash, the kalfintc. on & credit, of twelve months with iutcrcst from day,of sple^ j?fXa* ble tiunually. purchasers to give hondSvttn app?6ve r.di ALSO. UlllfOV 41 S. M. Kemmerlin and S. S. Haiglcr, ] Hill fur Jeremiah -It Hey. j Forc^osbi*?. Pursuant to nn order in the foregoing eHsV,','ilni be sold on the 1st Monday in December mxt; before the Court House in Omiigehurg, the tract of laud cn which said Jeremiah Itiley now resides, colitaining - acres a description of which will be more fully given on day of sale. Terms of sale?One-half cash. Imbmee on a credit of six months, purchaser giving bond bcfl(ri$Bi&* lerest from date, with a mortgage of the property t? secure payment ofshid credit portion. ?'Ana-i>liould purchaser fail to comply with said terms, thoCom missioner will sell the same for cash ut the next succeeding sale day, nt the risk of former puVcha'ser. Purchaser to pay for papers and revenue stamps.' Commissioner'.- Office, ) V. D. V. JAMISO^ Orangeburg C. H., V Commissioner/ Nov. 8, 18IJ7. J nov 9 - - " 1 1 W ALSO, ' A. /.eigler, Ex'r of Will of Lewis /.eigler, vs. Wesley Houser, Adia'r. et. al. Creditors ami Devisees. 1 .J ??f. ?>ilT . }i*U A . ([hid Hilf v\ Hj order made in thi* ?ase. the rxtditor*of LawiU Zeiglcr, deceased, will prove their, demands beforo me by the first of January next. And by the same order 1 will sell ut Orangcburg on the first Monday in January. \i>W, for one half (A) cash, the balance payable six months (?"?) from the day of wile, secured ' y a bond bearing interest from date, payable annually so long ns any part .in unpaid, and a mortgego of the premifles .on which shall be a tovcnaiM that in case of a Hfteach' kit 4M? condition of the bond, the Commissioner shall re sell for the baluitoc due ujion giving tuenty-or.o days notice of the sale?purchasers paying for pa pers and stamps, the following land: 1. Tract of 47t'? acres in said District, called tho Hear Hrauch Tract, bounded on lands of David Wnnnninaksr, Ejtatc of Furtick undo tract allotted to L. E. /.eigler. 'J. The Grim Tract, KK) acres, bounded west" ?n lauds of Mrs. Wolfe, and on all other sides by lands assigned to L. E. Zeiglcr. 8. liVi acres, part of tho MyerV Trtfcl'. b?dhde'd by lands o| L. A. /.eigler, Mu?y Scawright, Arthu/ lleed and William Oil. 1. Twenty (20) acres tit the "MoVold" Tr?!! acres, bounded on' lands of Jacob Crider', VaMirte Suylor and Mary' Senwiigltt. . .. . . ' s Commissioner's, othce, \ Y. D. VN JAMLSOJ^^j,, Ornngebiirg C.'ll. > t onirhis'sforicr.' Oolober 27, 1s James I). Clccklev, Kx'r of I Will of L. IJ. Connor, ; YS. . . f it'\ A. D. Frederick, et. al. | f , Ity order made in Hiis cane the cfcttltors ot I.. K.' Cooiibr, deceased, will prove their demands before" me ut Orangcburg by the first day of February next. Commissioner's Office', \ V.' D. V. JAMISON, Orangcburg C. II. i ComnTiiaaionef."-' November 7, 1M17. J , . nov HI "W Ai iDY is vSK^nwtTjmjl^ TAlNtNO ft Siti'mffnnas TEACHEK, elfbW ma Family,.or in a School. She w conJpeteu't to' Teach the English Dranches. and .Music^ both on tho Piano nrtit ?uit>K The Best or rcTcVcncea ^?n be' piven, if required. Address . ? Ei H..' CniS Holmes' HookJlouse. ??'t iv--tf Hwlc^W, s. t: