THK ?U-AK?lSjftUitG' NlSWS> PUBLISitttb WEEKLY At OttANOKBUllO, S. q. O?kt ?/ I\thltntti*Mi on Market-Street over the ? l\)st O?ev. SAMUEL DIDDLE, Editor. VIRGIL C. DIDDLE, Associate Editor. CHARLES II. HALL, Publisher. BKADIXG MATTER ON EVERY PAGE. i ) mail mm t 1 ? .. Weihave said and wc repeat, that wo desire peaco; but the policy now proposed cannot ? give us peace. It is contrary to the voice of , reason and tho law* of nature. Instead of the South recovering from her poverty, and ? contributing her share to the common wealth ! lipd,prosperity of the country, she will become ,,inoTO and more impoverished. The blight ofj gnUrule will cut short hor harvests and dry up her resources, Tho law of violence, which has prevailed forswore tliun tw?> yoara In ?,oc??|s/ri?''' ttd. Tcnncpso, will extend its sway throughout the entire South, and we shall reap, like her, ^lae harvest of crime and blood multiplied two-1 told. .We have shown that free negro labor, under the sudden emancipation policy of tho Govern ment, is a disaster from which, under tho most favorable circumstances, it will require years .to recover. Add to this the policy which tho Reconstruction Acts propose to enforce, and you placo the South, politically and socially, . under tho heel of the negro; these influences combined would drag to hopeless ruin the most prosperous, community in the world. "What do these Reconstruction Acts propose? Not negro equality merely, but negro supremacy. Jn the name then of humanity to both races? . in the name of,citizenship under the Constitu tion?in the name of a common history in the past?in the name of our Anglo-Saxon ruco und blood-?in Il|0 name of the civilization ofj ;the nineteenth century?in the name of mag nanimity and tho noble instincts of manhood ?-in the namo of God and nature, wo protest against these Acts, as destructive to tho peace ,pf .society, the prosperity ol the country and j^h0 greatness and grandeur of our common fu nt The people of the South are powerless to avert the impending ruin. Wo have been -overborne j and the responsibility to posterity und to the world has passed into other hands. - ?'?ffWfTT-W !? i.i o yau believe that the Southern people will Continue to feel and net kindly towards you whon you show, by your act s, .that you arc hos tile to thcin t V - - Do you"boliOvo'it to/bo righfc or prcyoer for any ono'to support; unothor" whohi'kitoWn to be Iiis oneiny r Don't you proclaim yourselves cnimics of the whito pcoplo by .using the ballot placed in your hands by theiriehemics tw dis franchise and degrade them? / Do you believe that the white people, of tho United States will permit you, for any length of time, to domineer over the Southorn whites? Do you not know that the mean whites of tho South are only using you to wreak their spleen and vengeance on the Southern whito people? Do you believe it would be wrong for you to put out of your house a man who you kucw ,was endeavoring to ruin you? Arc you not, by siding with the mean whites and Yankee emissaries against the Southern people, giving them the same reasons to east you out? Can the black people now in tho State live a single week without the aid, support and as sistance of the whites ? Is it not a dangerous project for them to adopt n course which will compel tho whito people to dismiss thcin irum their service? If tho negroes are not run stark mad they will find that truthful answers to the foregoing questions will show conclusively that they are about to take a step which will bo fraught with ruinous consequences to them in the future. We nsk that, in justice to the black people, every one of our readers who has one of these people in his employment will read over to him carefully the foregoing questions this morning before, the polls are opened.? Chronicle tO ?Seit tiitrf. LJm . I UM W !? ^..J M T ...III. I. IIIMIBIMIIIIIil Ml ? ?? I ? M ? THE ORANGEBURG NEWS. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1(>, 1S(>7. While, ire reserve to onrsclrcs the right of defi ning our owu politicalposition In/ mains of our editorial in/iiinus, we 'will be pleased to publish contribution* from our fellow-citizens vpon the grace question.* whieh now agitate the public ?mind, whether their opinions coincide with onrs or not. A district newsjntper. we consider, should be. tin index of the rarions shades of.'pop ul?r sentinient in the section of country in which it circidatrs. Our columns ore open, therefore., for nni/ communications properly written, accom panied, by a responsible name, not personid in their character, nor absolutely injurious in tendency. The want of Editorial matter this week, is owing to Professional engagements of the Edi tor. The Little Chief. The Little Chief litis been pronounced by many of the leading papers of America, tobe ono of the cheapest, handsomest and best papers for children ever issued, and the examination of a ?dliglt: number will convince almost any one of tho truth of the statement. It Is a monthly of .sixteen beautifully printer:1 double-column pages, beside** the cover, pro fusely illustrated, and filled with just mi eh ar ticles as are calculated to make the young folks wiser, happier, and better. All of this, too. for Sovcnty-l'ivc cents a year, with the most liberal premiums to agents. Besides all this, those who subscribe soon for tho Second Vol ume, which begins with January, will receive three numbersof the present, free* Don't fail to send ton cents for specimen copies and list of premiums. Address, Dowt.ixq & SnoiiT imiu'.k, Indianapolis. Indiana. [Win tiik on a.\' DlltEcViONS for MlXINU.?Mix Nos. 1,2, 3 together?mix Nos. 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10 in four or five pails of water, or enough to disolvo the ingredients. Whou dissolved, add tho liquid to the mixture 1, 2, '?>, and mix as in making mortar. "When thoroughly mixed, add No. 4, (the Calcined Plaster.) which will absorb tlie liquid und bring tho wfiole to a dry state. Mix under cover iu a dry place. Observe the pro portions in mnkiug small or large quantities. The above receipt will mako ono ton, which will manure seven and a half acres of laud. Abandoned Lands, The following circular has been sent to the several Assistant Commissioners of the Frcod nicn's Bureau: War Department, Bureau Uekuuees. FrEKDMEX am> abandoned LaNJ?S. "Washington, I). C.j Nov. 5, 1807. Siu : As there is still quite an amount of abandoned property on your returns, and much of it occupied by the former owners, who aban doned it according to the definition of the law, and who, through contempt of the Government of the United States and the. President's au thority, decline to make any application under the orders approved by him for its restoration, you are hereby instructed to give notice to all such persons, through your officers and agents, that their property, coining under the above head of "abandoned property held by the Gov ernment/' and now on your returns, will be taken formal possession of oil the 1st of Janu ary next, and rented to refugees and freedmcti iu accordance with the provisions of the law. Iu case they make application iu accordance with the law, formal restoration will he itniue5 diately made, and reported to this office. Very respectfully yours. li. S. GRANT, Secretary of War tut intrrhn. Items, Congress meets on Thursday the 2l>t msi. Peter Lorilard, deceased, leaves an estate of fifteen million dollars. Tho impeachment investigation will bo^re sumed in a few days. General Pope intends sendingsa list to Con gress of "rebels" that arc fit to be enfranchised. Florida and Louisiana promise us a large orange flop this season. Peaches will not grow in Florida. Tho bread riots at Torquay. Kxmouth. .tuid other places, have been suppress 1; and quiet is again restored. Radicals say nothing will be done in Con gress until the regular meeting, but the salaries will be paid just the s- me. The wife of a Brooklyn shoemaker on Fri day presented her husband with thirty-two pounds of baby in four packages. Sixty-five years ago a lady planted her rid ing-whip, a slip of grapevine, at Montccito. California. Now it covers a spa..c of 4G50 feet. The white frost at New Orleans, ot. the 2d, closes the yellow fever season for 18(?7. The whole number of deaths by fever is reported at 3000. Mrs. Lena Miller, who killed her husband last Winter, was hanged at Brookvillo, Pa., on the Kith inst. She made a full confession of her crime. General Swaine has issued an order giving freedmcn in Alabama n lien on the crops for their wages. This lien is to be subordinate to prior liens. ? During the recent elections in the South, a "negro had a hotel bill of fare thrust into his band, which lie gravely deposited in the ballot box. About one hundred and fifty negroes arrived iu Charleston on 14th inst., by the Augusta train on the South Carolina Railroad, intend ing to take passage oh the O^comht for Libe ria . The military authorities of Richmond has arrested Lewis Lindscy, a colored delegate to the Reconstruction Convention, for using lan guage calculated to array the blacks against the whites. He will be tried by a military commission. It was estimated at the observatory in Wash ington, 14th inst., that 2000 meteors fell within 20 minutes. About 4 o'clock, the radiant point was well defined, being iu right tiscciitioii 10 hours 1 minute. Declination 2l> degrees and i>l minutes. It is proposed to hold a National Convention of Manufacturers, of all kinds, at Cleveland. Ohio, Wednesday, December IS. to adopt a plan of joint action for the onrly repeal by Congress of internal taxes on manufactures and productions', except luxuries. A letter from Dry Tortugas says all the sol diers of Port JoflciViou have signed a petition to the 1'rcaiuent, asking for the release of Dr. Mudd, one of the Lincoln conspirators, in con sequence of his services in attending yellow fever patients at the post this fall. l{o was iouteuocd to imprisonment for life. Tho official vote of the State of Virginia, is as follows: Whites 7?.U2 1, blacks !>:{,<;.">li. For Convention, 14,8^3 whites and iH2.">t?7 blacks. Against- Convention (?l,2l!) whites; G30 blacks. (Jen. Schofield's view of couiplnirts of fraud, is about to order new census of the voting population of Richmond. Miss Antoinette Cline, a beautiful and high ly respectable young lady of Frederick, Md., whilst returning to her home a few nights ago, was brutally outraged by a negro man, who has been arrested and committed to jail. There was great excitement in Frederick about this dreadful affair. The National Intclliycnrcr says that the ses sion of Congress from November 21st to the first Monday in December will be devoted to impeachment; mid if the House refuso to im peach the President, a resolution of censure will be offered as an alternative measure. If the}' can't whip Mr. Johnson, they can make mouths at him. Dennett has a poor opinion of the Southern Solons. lie thus sneers at their Conventions : "As they will be all Kadieal, and considerably mixed with black, wo may expect them to 'play such fantastic tricks bet?re high Heaven as will make the angels weep' and the North cm Democracy rejoice. After the tragedy comes the farce." It is currently rumored to-day that the "Grant Committee" have canvassed the Radi cal members now present, and find that n ma jority are favorable to a Congressional an nouncemeut of the General as their candid..; ?. and that a convention be dispensed with. 'I he letter of acceptance, in that case, to be pre pared by the committee, will constitute the platform of the party. This is probably what is referred to in a dispatch from this city to a Baltimore paper.? Wuffiint/ton Cot'. Hull tutor*: (tTizrlte, .W. 12. A despatch dated Paris Nov. 1 iih. says, the Pope, when receiving the Kreuch staff, said : That there was happiness in having the Kreuch about him. but it was never so great as during the recent peril. He thanked them and Krance. and Napoleon for bis delivcranvo. lie grieved that Italy had sent as vhnguards anarchists with flags of rapine and devastation. Tho valor of the I'apals had defended the l'a pal See. The Kreuch came to crown a splend id defence. Alter referring to Cath die sym pathy he gave the army id' Napoleon ;\ud Krance a blessing. W.u. M. Kvaris. Ii. N. Dana. General VVi ?? ami District Attorney-General Chandler. wu appear in the prosecution in Davis' case had several hours consultation in Washington on the filth inst. All these gent lerne;; are ready to proceed on (he 25th. It is the- desire of counsel for defence that Chief Justice Chase should preside in conjunction with .Fudge I n ilerwood. In this they .ire inflifmccd by im portant legal considerations. The trial will proceed on the original indictment. Mr. Davis will be present at the time required by his bund, although it is doubtful whether tbv trial will immediately commence. The villiany of the Radicals in the lute Georgia election I without parallel in hhdory. The following from the 71:??'?asvillo tyirr/inW. is a sample of the frauds prhct-i'v01' 111 <-'V(-'v.v county of the State so fur as heard ho." ? "Yesterday a colored man asked us if Captain White, the Agent of the Uureau, could ban ish him from the country or put him back into slavery for not voting''' Wo told him no. of course, when he informed US that tho said white had sent out word to tho colored men who had not voted, that 'they were obliged to vote, and if they did not come to town and vote they would be banished or put back into slavery.' " In a caucus of the Radical majority of the reconstruction convention which met in Mont gomery on the 1 Ith inst., it wa> decide/! to send a special mosseugoi to Washington to as certain from leading Republicans how far Con gress will permit the convention to go on the question of disfranchising rebels, ami to-day the convention by a vote of to 21 postponed further action on the franchise question, until Monday next. A resolution was adopted in structing a proper committee to inquire into the expediency of requiring former owners to pay the blacks wages for thoir services from tho date of the emancipation proclamation to May 211. I85ti. An ordinance was introduced ??. a fkksh s?]> f) ply or DltY HOODS, SilDKS, HATS, (iltOt;li lt I KS. Also ?Ml bunches YAK.N below the market price, at T. |). WOM-'K'S. nov H> e CIIIKAIMSKT Chewing and 8 molt / ing TOBAW 0 otic roil since the war, at nov I? r, I). WOWJi'S. I^ltlllTS A\E? FlT?WKlisT--Tho / aiiovc celebrated Kraml of Smoking Tobacco, als?? other brands of Smoking ami Chewing Tobacco for sale at KXKKlKh Si KOI I .VS. oct -<"> i f AITORSTFJ) BDOS, (Jhlldrcil'N Tf Worsted Sacks and fancy Goods, &c.,ju.?t roooived at MKS.'M. K. MALL'S, nov 1 if T7IXTKII III 1171,1 \ FRY tt001>S \y vf all ipmlitics, just received nl a--vj \li-s. m. k, || all'S. Stoves! Stoves!! Stoves!!! NOW IS TlOUR TIME] Egpgipv Till*. ?N?KR8jaXKIX^G|bEAVtf H^^MiT.-j.iTtl?Uy <<> inform the citizens ofj ^^^^^^l:iriiii-i i>ur^ und surrounding Gpimtry, \ 5? Vithiit he Ih now propnrod to 'furnish ijieiii with STOVES, (bolli Puolt and Hinting-,) from id ? best Poiimlry in llie I*. S., and wiirgunrantoe tb tiny person who naiv buy :t Sloyi? fromhini, perfect und t utii-f satisfaction, piovided tbc Stoves nro put up and used recording !?? Itiii directions. Having been in "Ii" Tin lind Sl??vis business for 17 years be (links might m he Ii suflicient inducement for hi? frii mis to cull and examine his Stock before pur hasiiig elsewhere. Call and.see for yourselves. \\ I',.?.\ large Stock of Tin Ware kept constant v on lininJ, manufactured by hiirsclf, for sale by the wholesale and retail. * W. WILLCOOK. nov in in t! ORANGEB?RG HOTEL! The Proprictoi^of this HOUSE, formerly known us A?*?l TREADWELL'S HOTEL ffjffifcfe|_ having rented the.same for a term of years, deems it necessary to inform tJie Traveling Public, both LA DIM and GENTLEMUN, that he has thoruiighlv refittctl the premises, and will keep u KIKST CLASS HOTEL. KATES OK liOAltU.: Hoanl per Duv.!?'-' 00 Hoard per Week. 7 0<> Permancul boarders on the most reasonable terms, by special contract. a STOCK DROVERS will find comfortable Stahles and Lots for Block. JOHN WILLIAMSON, Huv 2?tf Proprietor. STATE. t)K SOUTH CAUOL1NA, \ ri,?ti?? Oruiigcbiirg District. t By P. A. .Me.MICll A KL, Bs.|., Ordinary. WHEREAS. Tlios. B. Ottkes hath made suit to me to grant him Letters of Aduiiuisf rat ion, of the Bs t ate iiiid&Effects tit" John ti. Dukes, dec. These are therefore to cite >?hd lidmohish ?II and singular tic Kindred und Creditors <>f iIn- sait* Nov.; Anno Domini. 1M.7.' p. A. McMlCH?EL, nuv Hi?21 n ().<). D. r.l\T!,[).-One Thousand 3Vow Sri'.SCItllVBllS lu TUB oi'.ANCBHUKC NEWS,. tbiingchurg District has a voting popula tion of sueli us can read und wriie. numbering nt least eighteen bundle.1. We ineliide in this esti.mate those disfranchised ?>y Congress, because, bylaw and justice, they ore entitled to vole as well :.s oth ers. Let every voter, who van read, send along Two Di:i.i..\i:s for bis District Newspaper. j Tim -ii must invariably accompany ihi sithv : iplioli, oil 111 ? tf [i ?i >; \; r .\ mWTKIi.] ' FOR THE CONVENTION. 1) I S T ? 3 (' T REPUBLICAN TICKET. ?>'..?" Mtiv. KnjTnit:?Pleuse insert the l". lowiuv ticket : Kkv. WTLLIAM DANNKKLV. CHOUGH WILLI A3iy. J!r.v, THOMAS PimXVP.S. KinVA lit} CA IN. joslth !.Ai;i:ix. We waiit District utvu rfpwseu* tss. iv t .-; rangers. 31A N V COLORED VOTERS. 0 Marin;: made arrangements are prepared tr? , nuike I?nmI Advnneetiiviii? mi Cotton or Piwlnrc i ?vliich tvBI l?e shipped fi-r-vard without delay,,and ! consigned Proc ir?f Charge t?:" 0. !!. Waller ,v Co.. nud twites promptly paid r.l ?Mir Store. \\\ will pit;chase Cotton and all other j Prodtic?. I i.v!ng t'if 11 Market pricey. A full supply I e-C Dry (Iends, Ch-tliing, Mmtr, Oroeerirs Wines. ! ^t &c, constantly oii hniid. ji.uo h Iv ( 1 121 AS. lUJfili CO. (JllOOEUII'i.S I>UV Ci??lft i&c. No. Id .MAIN ST HE KT. sept. '28 1 V M)H SALE. I.KASi: Oil ltKNT.?A 7 Valuable PLANTATION situated .in Snake S na in p. AH Mpplicati us must be made ptcviotis In the 1st dav of December next tu K. March, nt. or C. S. Hull, Orangelmrg. by whom nil neeVssary in formation will be given, sept M . ; iy T^0T1<;K.---AH Persons Iatdcbjod l*i Miss Mnrehnht by Note, or otherwise eon trutted since tho war. are requested to settle the same before the 1st day of December UCXt. w' v.'Lieli l ime, all reuiniiiihg unpaid 'vi'il he placed in the hands i?f :i:i Attorney i'or coleetion. sept '2$ ]y SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR FQFv SALE] rVUK ^ATKKIAT, Ay,;, (jof)H WILL OP THE , .son III:It;. rui/nVATOK will besohl nt public otttery "? 0>.o ?Oth nf Nnveiniicr, 1SC.7. at the 'r'^'e, an the corner nf College Avenue ami ? aiu Streit. Athens, tin.?sale commencing at lO o'clock, A, M. CIIAKLBS HENBDH'T. Surviving Partner of Wm. N. Wiiiti:. deed, iiov J oj Orangeburg Drug Store. It Y DZZ. 12. J. O.IiSVEKOS. .M ST KBCBIVBD, THE l.AEO v':-!^?s^ est assortment of Tcrfunieries snd (^"'viiisiW'i^) Toilet Articles over oflorpd in \lffir'??~rr*; Ormigeburg, consisting in part as follows: fc^. i Lubins Perfumeries,'Bono, Vio. ^ .'. let. .Musk, Ess. lioi|iiett. Gc? ^l&QfJZ^' rauiuni. Diamond Pomade. Dcpillh lory Powder, .^c.. Floral Ess. Ass'd, Ox Marrow Pomade, Tulip Pomade^ Ponclno Soap, Omnibus Simp. N. l>. Cereus. Ext.. Sweet Oppnnnx, Lows' Windsor Soap, &c, &c, Tooth, Shaving and lluir Brunhes, of unsurpassed ((iiality. Ueceiviug monthly supplies of Corn Starch, Mai. y.enn. Hnrley, Sagi>. Ilrouui (Selatincand Irish Moss. 1 am n|ipohitcd Agent at this place for Mrs. Wins lows' Sontlitiig Syrup, Brown's Bronchial Troches and Worin Comfits, Dr. Railways It. 1?. It. Medi cines ntul Dr. Avers Medie'nu>. Every kind of Medi cines, both Patent and Uiipatcnlcd, to be found nt E. .1. OI.IVBHOS; M. D.. and Apothecary, Ora.ngeburg Drug Store, mar '2 y J npHE SUBSCRIBERS TAKE PLEASURE IK IK. J[ forming tlicir Friends und the Public Cene tlilljf, that they have opened their % NEW STOKE, and are now prepared to wait upon them with a nice .Stoek/of FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HATS, BOOTS and SHOES, &C, Generally found in a COUNTRY STORE. Cws? and examine. .MULLKR k DAVIK. nov u o ij -: --H^H-y?l'.' ?l 1^ for lease,'~ rpHE FINK ESTATK kiWrfps i?lltil./jE, I situated in St. Matthew?' Parish. ThoEstaUr consists of llirco separate Tracta. The Kennerlr Place has 400 acres elearcd and-;20^.rmclgn?giTh?r Darby Place hus 3W cleared anUM?K) hnc1ey, n large Creek', which affords tfnod Hange foV CiTttTe1. Soil Rich Hed Clay. The Estate, .jbeiiKcd all to' one perron', or in small Tracts of 60' or J00 acrei,' to suit small farmers. Fine Mules sold with the Place; oti credits . The Kennerly and Darby places would Ai* sold If desired. For Terms apply to* * '* ' ,' J. J, WOODARD, St. Matthews^ O., , nov 2?tf Orangeburg District, .S. D.? l. rich & "msk ~ry P.8PF.CTFULLY annouce to tlio CITIZENS OF ORANGEB'.UIliiw-><; ? AND- ? ? ' 1 <' V* ' That they hnve located themselves at tLst* pti*j?p,'tttf 'the Siurc formerly occupied by I?. W? BAKU A CO.,? ?villi a large and well assorted Stock-9t Dry Good*. Keady Made Clothing. Hats, Pools,:S**?ck, Jewelry., Yankee Notions ky.. whieh wiU= ,Un, ?v the* bowesl Triers possible. .. Country Produce taken in e^^tttt^r C-*r f!??tdW. Call and examine for yotarsclf. nov - ? Iff JOSEPH McffAMARA, IYKSIHICTPULLY INFORMS HIS KR1KNDS \ and t'nylHUiers. ami thr Public, gcmprajlj.lhat he lias it turned l'r??w New York, and l?n* on hand *. very complete StovL ?>f' ?. : i : . *.'/ inJf/ tf WINTER GOODS, ,,m ,i .*? ( 'ousisting of READY MADE CXOTllu4?i PlNE t)BOTH* AKI> (-:. s.-? imf.i; l'.s, s11oKS ~': ' firm the \r. -! Mi hers, &c.. ?c; The I.A I>11'.'?' ??''.: ? . I'M KNT fs Terr .-..mpfft^ ?NiiiiMrHiitg of Sv!"CiU?n? roaile t?y uu- jwrai-nubT while ill ih" !,?? .a. I ? > \ f Call ? ' :itt>! y**n v? iff find ??yrrtildnac j?u waiiI lor .ills Whiter ht wusMteublo 5'^**.*^ ir a i x - s rv ii k :k o??AX<;vhtt*KG; s\ c. ! fch 23 ir ?? V. A 5 t < V ). LOUIS & CGC, a c; ^3 x a- s y/ I'i '; K1KV It)'* 150 FAIRS SPECTACLES* siiuc.rntt WiMc'il ' our I an r.::AM,>$ / J Tili: MOST, Sr.MICX AiAD>> CHEAPEST SWri winter GQOttS, orrr.::i:o t.v . irVt? w ORANOEIH-IIO SINCE THE war. STOW OPeStX^ . .. AT i Hi "I t" D. Louis & Co., kgeuof?, ? febLM ' d " 1^ ?C' ' - '-^ -*b WANTED AT Tili: COUnT 1IOV.SE ST^?lfc, W ^ BUSW RLS 0F WELL CwrfXx ^d'V ' ly T.D COW. TEAS. Best pry** paid for produco in Cash or Harter.' iTiOvJ COW HIDES. DEES WAX, &c., bought. Always on hand GROCERIES. SHOES, HATS. ' DHY tiOODS. AC, I filM I>ll.'k JCST HECEIYED A supply of DA DIES FINE HATS, LADIES and :\HSSKS SHOES, Suits for MEN'S wear coarse and lino. JOHN A. HAMILTON*, oct 111?ly Market Stroet. ' JUST UECEITED A FULL STOCK OF Fall and Winter Goods, CONSISTING OF CiAlilCOES, DP I.A I NFS. AI.PAC,\S,'lft>!^i^ / /INKS, I.oilcloths. Flannels. lhu,.w. are eontldenl will.plcnso the public, halft, ia pvlro and ipiality. . , COUNTRY PRODUCE lSought or Vntcred at th? liighest market price. We will make advances on Coiuoi or other Pra. duee eonsTgned to ike well known Houae of J. 31. Cnldwell& fSous Charle'toa, ^, i\ ROBINSON & CO. feb SI ? ly OXIOlNS?IfyOTi want lliom Lnrac Plant Karly. V/KKIF.L k KUHN llnYC forae Hue Sets. uov ju ? tr