*? oo _r. 92 00 THE .?ll?NtfEBURG NEWS ' .-if*-- ?.'.?3-? ? ? /-y.^ IB r-UBMRIIED .g^J^feATjrrjRDAy warning, at tue "OLD TIME" PRICE. Two Dollars i?er Annum in Advance. ?6TTIIE CASMt?a must invariably'accompany the ^^?^?feirTlON; "Jfi?f^Country Produce tnkcn at Market Rates. jfe^ Ire. respectfully request enr friends to tendon their .Advertisements as early in the veck,ta^ convenient ; arid if jwssible, let as have them (ty Thursday evening. By this mcdns, ice will-be aide, '.o issue at an earlier hour on Satur day, and tcill be enabled to give more of the latest news, up to the time of our going to press. READING MATTER ON EVERY PAGE. lE&e?i, ITEMS. BATy^AY;MORNING, OCT., 19, 1807. trf 11 ? ' ? Important to Subscribers Wo nrc making arrangements to furnish .?great inducements to the reading public of 'Oraugeb'urg and the surrounding Districts. \\V will announce at present, that we will tfumi-d-t the Oranoerurg News and the .Southern , Cultivator for one year, at Three {Dollars and Fifty Cents, in advance. ?Tfy!e will furnish the Orangeruro News and '-Burkc's Weekly,1' a charming magazine tfor Hoys and Girls, for one year, at three Dollars and Fifty Cents, in advance. _Wo will furnish the Orangerfrg News, a?d iThe American Farmer, tho oldest Agri cultural publication in the United States, (which in published at Baltimore, Md.), at TiiREE Dollars and Fifty Cents, in ad Tnnce. Wo will furnish the Orangerero News und Dcuiqrest's Youhy America, ;i child's monthly, with beautiful colored illustrations, for Three Dollars and fifty cents, in ad vance. Thoso arc eVju.nl to any in the United States, in their respective departments of periodical literature; and arc each published ;tt the same rUcs.sfl.the pRANUERUun News. ?2.00 per annum. Send in your names and the money. Fine Iiicc. We are indebted to Capt. A. G. PALLET for n fine specimen of the execution of-his Rice Beater, In a present of superior Bice, for which lie will please accept our thanks. We com mend his advertisement to the notice of our readers. Southern Cloilting Establishment. With pleasure wo invite attention to the advertisement of Fall ami Winter Stocks in atorc at the long-established Clothing House ot Mr. Wal Matth 1 KssicN, No. 21 i), King Ptrcc^ .Charleston. S. C. The cool weather which wo r.rc no w exporieuciuu i<: Tucmemtor; nf the rapid approach of winter and wc must; fortify ourselves against his -piercing blasts by investing our bodies in warm and comfortable ?pparcl. At Mr. M's. this can be procured at tho most reasonable prices and of every quality and style. If you visit, the City, e ill at bis Es tablishment. He, or Captain McTuREOUS well Jcnown to many who fought the battles of the "go-called" will be glad to serve and suit you. Tho Hilbert IIo?s?. A* during-the presonl .season there n... r. babljbo a considerable (ravel between this |>istr'uit and our metropolis and as many- may prefer while in the city to be domiciled away ftoMit^ic bustle and excitement which eh?vac tterizc hotels wc invite attention to the Card of tho above popular House which wc publish ?elsewhere. Wc have ourselves been guests of .jMrs. Hilders and can recommend her as ja model hostess and her establishment as one \which will compare favorably with any in the .-State. Situated on King-Street near the busi ness heart of tho City and within fifty yards of the City Railway, tho elegibility also of its location is an additional reconinicuda-tioia. Wo iinvite our (traveling readers to partake of its Ihospitalitios, .assured that they will there meet with every attention aud bo surrounded by (every comfort. JXew Advertisements. l?S? Situation Wanted. Soft advertisoment U*4)uSec Notice of Market Regulations. I?-Sec Estate Sale cf L. C. Glover, Dec. BQrScc Citation for Letters of Administ ra te inn We&* A Fine Trotting Sulkoy for Sale. Ap [ply to Ray's Shops. 'fi?y'?tth Tbousaud New Subscribers Want tell at tho Oranoehcro News office #t?"Scc Notice to Debtors Estate of John 'W. Zeioler, Dcc'd. jgy Sec Notice to Debtors and Creditors of j jthc Ktdnto of SAMUEL B. F. Johnson, Dcc'd. BQyMessrs'. Kzekiet, & Kohn hnvo just opened a fine assortment of Youth's nnd Chil rcn s Clothing. J8SS- A Fino Cooking Stovo with everything connected in good order, for. snlo at the Store of T. A. Jeffords & Co., Mil. J. A. Hamilton, .at tho Court House Store, wishes to purchase Cow Fens, Cow Hides, Beeswax, &6.\ for which ho will pay the highet market prioc, in Cash or Bar ter. He has also a varied assortment of Pry Goods, Groeerle^f ?o. . Sec advertisement. ttfciT* F. H. W. BniooMANN & Co., aro pre pared to niak: liberal advances on Cotton con signed to the well known firm of Messrs. Geo. II. Walter & Co., Charleston S. C. They arc also prepared to purchase Cotton or other produce, for which they will pay tho highest market rates. See Advertisement. ;?Sy?The attention of Farmers is invited to the advertisement of Messrs. T. A. jeffords & Co., who wish to purchase ar-Jargo quantity of Rough Rice, Cow Teas and febril, for which they will pay the highest market price in cash or Groceries at Charleston Prices. Messrs. T. A. J. & Co., have also on hand a - large Stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, ecc., which they offer cheap for cash. Sec advertisement. BS?" j. McNamara's Store is very attrac tive now, he has just received and opened every kind of first-class Fall and Winter Goods, both for ladles and gentlemen's wear; and a large and well selected stock of Shoes, Hats, fcc., which he offers at prices to suit the times, for cash. Tu the Grocery Department Mr. McNamaim. has everything needed in that line at very low prices. Give him a call. tS6?" We invite attention to the advertise ment of Messrs. Kkitt Brothers, who have opened their large and varied stock of Fa?T.**d Winter Dry Clouds, Beady Made Clothing, Pouts. Shoes, Hats. Caps. Groceries, &c., at their old stand, where they will be pleased to sec their friends and customers; they arc also prepared to ship Cotton, as formerly, to the well known House of Messrs. Wll.l.is & CltlSOLM, Charleston. S. C. The increase of live stock in Australia has so outgrown the requirements of the popula tion that an influential meeting of squatters of the Riverine districts was held at Bemliquin in May, at which it was resolved to establish at May, on the Murrumbidgeo, a joint stock es tablishment capable of boiling down ten thou sand sheep a week. Consignees per South Carolina Railroad Remaining in lite Depot to Date. .1. It. Folder, 1). W. Dart on, 1). Dant/kr, J. C. Kd wards. Per Rjrprex*. t). M. Roberts, W. YV. Culler. In accordance with orders received from the Su perintendent, Storage will hereafter be charged on Goods remaining in the Depot for an unreasonable length of time. W. C; M Kit EDITH, Agent. COMMERCIAL. U:'riefe or ti:i: On.vNo.iuu.'iui Nkws, October 11, 1807. COTTON.?The advices from Liverpool and New York causes the market to have an upward tenden cy. W'c quote: Ordinary. U(7?. Middling. 12f?v Strict Middling.'.. 18 r r! ::i Rick?There is a glut in the market, ii has deciined from ^1.70 to SI.'10, per bushel. GOLD. 39 SILVER. 31 Report of the Charleston Cotton Mar ket for the Week Ending Oct. 17. Reported for the Oraugeburg Kexcs by YV. WALTOS SMITH. COTTON FACTOR. Our market opened this week with a moderate enquiry, an 1 under unfavorable news from Liver pool ami New York, prices declined a full cent in our quotation*.] of hist week, our market closing on Saturday at l?c for Middling and 10c for Strict Mid dling. On Monday, however, news of an advance in the J.ivcrpoyl ami New York markets created an ' ?""id, which increased during the wcclr, active uv.~? , ... . . , . , , ,, ., ._ rercu: aim our buyers taking freely all that wna v inark?4 Middling.,.17 Strict Middling.171 Lisiof 1 R EMAINING IN TDK TOST OFFICE UKCALL cd for?(let. 1, 1K(>7. Li Livingston, J. Jl. M. Mooting, Jacob. Moore, t lornclius. Moore, John L. f). Owig, Becky. K. Rodgors, & Cb.,M. II. ltiley, M. A. S. Simon.Is, .1. IL Shauahan, I). It. T. Thomas, Henry L. Till II. F. U. Ulmcr, 1). ('. W. Woolf, Marg'l F.. Drop Letters must he prepaid ite cent ; paper: cents. T. ('. II i .SHELL. V. M. II. Ilraum, Shallitt. Hoyd, Jas. Mauvelt, II. A. llurvseks, Thomas. C. Citavis, George. F. Finegnu, George Funckes, J). D. G. Grant, Betsy. Glover, Ilumpry. iL Han er, Mrs. Eliza, llainmaiis, Susan. 1. Inabinet, Mrs. Rachel iv. Keitt, Jacoh. LA.W BLAI JKS, 1-jlOR SALE, AT 75 CTS l'ER QU IKE: ^ WRITS, copy WRITS, Fl. PAS. IN CASE, Fl. FAS. IN DEBT, SUJ51MF.NAS ad RESPONDENDUM in liQUITY, AT 1.50 1>KR QUIRK: DECLARATIONS ON SEALED NOTE', PAYEE vs. M VKEli; At ORANGE BURG NKWS OFFICE, sept 2tJ " 21? I?IX. V. Jamison, Commissioner in Equity hath made suit to me to grant him Letters of Administration of the Fstate and Effeels of James Dean, late of Georgia, deceased. These arc therefore to city and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said James Dean, deceased, that they ho and appear before me, in the Court of Ordinary, to be held at Ornhgeburg on the listh day id" October next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, 10 shew cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand this Kith day of Septem ber, Anno Domini. 1SU7. l\ A. MeMlCHAEL, 0. 0. D. sept 21 .1 -10 HE^EOA^AL. npIIF UNDEliSIONED HAVING REMOVED TO J the Office formerly occupied bv Snin'l Dibble, Esq., (NEARLY OPPOSITE HIS OLD STAND,) will be glad to sec his old friends and customers. fco" Particular attention paid tcutting for the country. .1A MLS JON ES. sept 21' tf Plantation Wanted MHO KENT FOR THE COMING YEAR, A SMALL I Plantation in good order: would prefer to Lease for several years. Apply to JUDE ROBINSON, sept 28?eow-lt Orangeburg ('. U. WANTED, 1 A AA dollars in currency, for which Iv/V/W i{t":l1 Estate will be Mortgaged to su c repayment. Apply at thisOllice. R SALE N excellent ('(?!*.>' and COTTON PLANTATION J-\^ consisting of rOO acres. It i.; situated about three miles from the Depot, and has good Servants' Accommodations, a Dwelling and Outbuildings. For particulars address: .1. |t. sept 21 ? ii* St. Matthews, ,S. C. EZEKIEL & KOHN A IAVAYS HAVE ON HAND, BEST !';0CK LIME. 2\ Just received 2". barrels leb 23 C ,f ?H?& BULL & CO., N.?. 13 MAIN-STREET. rgTHK PUBLIC GENERALLY and parliuularly I FARMERS visitin/ Orangeburg Village, are respectfully invited to call and examine onr Cheap' and Extensive assortment of GOODS, consisting ol Shoes, Hats. Dry Goods, Groceries. Crockery. Glass Ware, Tin Ware, Hard Ware. Wooden Ware, Hosie ry, &c. Sic, ALSO 10 boxes Plantation SOAP, 10 boxes Extra SOAP, ? boxes TOBACCO, 10 c.idies do fiO boxes HERRINGS, "> bids MOLASSES, l! bids SYRUP, 10 bids EXTRA FLOOR, 2 bbls LARD. 2". sacks SALT, ?J sacks RIO onr.-? m..? n]] . .? . r.L. ftc, 5cr. /. .? uuicr articles generally found in a well n?8Gficu Stock suitable to the wants of the commun ity. Farmer'? Produce bought. sep) 2? ly A FULL STOCK OK Fall and Winter Goods, CONSISTING 01' CALICOES, DELAINES, ALPACAS, BOMBA / /INKS, Loncloths, Flannels. Homespun, Hosie ry. Kid Gloves, Fancy Articles, fie. \Vo also iuvitc attention to our stock of Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Bootsand Shoo :, which we arc confident will please the public, both in price ami quality. COUNTRY PRODUCE bought or bartend at the highest market price. We will make advances on Ctdton or other Fro duco consigned to the well known House of J. M. Cnhlucll & Sons, Charleston, S. ('. I?OBINSON k CO. feb 23 ly A Sl'JiE^'mi? OPPORTUXITY POU A PROFITABLE AND SAFE INVESTMENT. I A A ACRES OF LAND, situated on the Bull 1 \ M ) Swamp Ko.nl, within the Oofp.irate Limits of Orangeburg, S. ('., being a part of the Estate Lands of J. J. Andrews, deceased, will besohl in Lots varying in size from ? to 20 A ORKS, to suit purchasers, A Plat of the entire Trai t will he made by a Competent Surveyor, laid oil' with Streets, \c. And Hie whole will bo Sold at Public Outcry, on the Laud itself, by Lots, to the Highest Bidder, for Cash, on the 'J?rn DAY OF DEC KM HER next I II ESSE ANDREWS, Executor. act :< bl "'Old Established Jewelry House." W. CApiOTOTOir & CO. 256 KING STEHET, CHARLESTON, S,C. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN PINK- WATCH ESJ JEWBLR Y AND STERLING SILVER WARE, Silver Plated Goods, Gold and Steel Spectacles', finejTabioiand Pocket Cutlery and Fancy Articles. Wc desire to call attontion of our Country Friends to our Stock or SILVER SPOON'S and FORKS, tho largest In tho'State, which we are now offering at New Y?rli. Pl'icCH for C?vsh or,City Accep tance. - ? ... Our Large Assortment of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES arc of the best English, Swiss and Ameri can Manufacture. ? j Special. Attention tiiven to tlic Repairing of iVatchch arid 'Pffcwctyry. AGENTS FOR AMERLCAN WATCJI COMPANY. iv. cAimraoTON. iv. tiiomah. oct ? ..Od ? ;. ? ? 3o ?? ? . * f ?.'.".'?>.]? 8 THOMAS RAY tS STILL TO BE FOUND AT THE LATE STAND OF RAY & BRO^S, Prepared to do all kinds of REPAIRING and lli:nJUNG,' NEW WAGONS. BUGGIES built to order. BLACKSMITH WORK IN GENERAL attended to, with promptness and despatch. ? ! From thia date, I will keep constantly on hand j -' READY MADE COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FROM .THE FINEST TO THE CHEAPEST VARIETIES. Charges as moderate as the times will ndmit. VARNISHES and PAINTS constantly on hand. Also two barrels MAN HATTEN AXLE G UKASE, fur greasing Wagon and Bugg Axles, (Sec, for sale at low rates. sept 28?lye THOMAS RAY. BULL & SCOVILL, AVING MADE A1UMNGEMKNTS, arc now prepared to make liberal ADVANCEMENTS on Cotton or Prodileo, which will be .shipped forward without delay, and consigned Fl?EE OF CHARGE to the well known HOUSE of E. H. lloclgers & Co. SALES PROMPTLY PAID AT OUR Office, or we will COTTON, RICE, PBODUCK, See. Paying full Market Prices. "jn"UJLL supply of JO BAGGING, ROPE, TIES, Family Groceries, And general STOCK of GOODS constantly on hand. ALSO '/T/\ SACKS SALT JUST RECEIVED P_/ \Jf and in g kuI order. ALSO JUST RKCE1 VKD ? PALES FACTORY Yarn oil Consignment. ALSO k NOTIIER SUPPLY OF NEW FLQt?K from new Wheats UnciiiTont Money. CJTATE RANK PILLS BOUGHT AND O Sold by Ml. B. M. SHULEIl HAVING HEMOVED iiis uiiug stork from Iiis wi ll known Stand, bog?Umvo respectfully ii? invite Iiis friends throughout the District, to visit him at his New. barge and well Furnished V. S T A B L I S I I M K N T on II CSS ELL-STREET, opposite Messrs BULL k St'llVILL'S, wheru tlicy will l>e stire to be supplied with the very best Drugs and Medicines the Market affords, and at the lowest market prices, lie lias on hand now a full assortment of DRUGS, -M KD1CIN*ES, PATENT MEDICINES of ALL kin us, P.lints. Oils ami brushes, bye Stulls, Lyn and Potash, Maizena and Corn Starch, Cooking imd Washing Soda, black Pepper, Spices of till kinds, coaaPOSITION, lohelia, nerve powder, Sic, I'ropared l>y Ephraim Larrabcc, ?itters of all Kinds, trdsseh, Single ami double, Large and Small, Fine Smoking and Chewing tobacco, Fine lilt AND] ES and WINKS for Medical purposes, perfumes and toilet SOAPS. Call and satisfy yourselves?you can get just what you want. Just received ii lot of that line "DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO." 1- ,?' Will open on Sundays from 7 to It). A. m., and from I.', to 7 p. M; feb !?:i * c ly mm: highest cash mAiiket piuceoiven I lor all kind of COUNTRY PRODUCE, Decs Tallowj Hides, Fur.-, etc., nr., I>v I'./.KKlKb \ koi IN, Ivb l*ti y It Opening Now at EZEKIEL & EOEN COMPRISING FULL STOCKS OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Hardware, &c, E INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT wo arc the Agents for the Celebrated Old Carolina Bitters, One of the Lest Tome's now extant. Now Landing 100 SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, 150 do I'p Country FLOUR, Which we willSELL VERY LOW. We also want to purchase 1000 Bushels ROUGH RICE, AT TltK HIGH EST MARKET PRICE. Wo nrb also ready1 to [ purchase C O T T O N Or make udvuncea uud Sil ITHE SAME to any Factor in Charleston FREE O.F 4 AT (77ARGE We. as usually, give ll\e Highest Prices for GO EH, SILVER. VNCURRENT MONIES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ich 23 I ye Orangeburg Drug Store. YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE NOW to kesp about you your ?>1*1 looking Furniture, and old looking buggies Go to Dr. OLIV EROS', opposito Hriggmann's and McNamara's. and for ?o cents, 7"> cents, or $1.00 you can fret VARNISH chough to make your old Chairs and Tabloa look now and polished, as if just out of Store. Just received on consignment : 10 gallons No. 1 Japan Varnish, 10 gallons No. 1 Copal Varnish. 10 gallons extra fine Coiich or Furniture Varnish, lo gallaus raw and boiled Linseed Oil. lliivi?g been appointed the Agent nt this place for Mrs. Winslbw's Soothing Syrup, llrown's Uron chial Troches, brown's Vennifuge or Worin Candy, 1 am now prepared to sell cither at wholesale or re tail at manufacturer's prices. Also on hand n lot of Quinine and a full stock of Thom.-onion iledicincs, such as Lobelia, Nerve I'owdor, Podophylin, Com position, No. Six, Cayenne, &e., Sic. E. J. OLIVEROS, M. P., Druggist und Apothecary, Orangcburg Drug Store, mar 2 y 1 The State, of South Carolina. ORANGKBUUG DISTRICT. In tlie Ocurt of Common Pleas. II. II? Jennings, Jno. T. Jennings, vs F. A. Wilcox scn, A. F.. Talmadgo. ATTACHMENT. WHEREAS the Plaintiffs (lid on the 2Qtli day of May file their declaration against the De feiidnnls, who {as it i? ?fdd) are absent from and without the limits of ihis Stale, and have neither wives nor attorneys know:* y.ithhi the same, upon whom a copy of said declaration limy be served: On motion of Hutsons S l.cgnre, Plainiitfs Attorneys it is ordered, that the fluid Defendants do appear, and plead to the said declaration on or before the 22lld day id' May, which wilt he in the year of our bord, 0"c Thousand Fight Hundred and Sixty eighi, oilier wise liuaj and absolute judgment will I licit be given and awarded against them. J. F. ItOUINSQN; . May 20, 1Kb" KX jiin 1 c.1nii ^. ( P LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriff's Sales. Byjvirtuc of sundry writs of ft. fa., to mo directed, I will sell to the, highest bidder, at Onuigcburg,., Court House, oii the first Mondayin November" ncxi, for cash tho following property vii;, | ; Oiks Houao and Lot in the Town of Orangcburg,' pnjMArkct Street, next t? eofhei'?f Amelia -gfraefeb'/ Leyiodten ns Hiq property of Henry Butler.at tho f suit of J. Ii. Andrews. " Ono Tract of Land in St. MatthewhTarWi, e. One Tract of Land, containing two hundred acres, more or less, adjoining lands ot David and Absalom Iuabinct and Estate lands of S. G. Fair. Levied on as the property of John D. Iuabinct. at the suit of the Slate for tifxes. J. W. II. DUKESY 8. 0. D* oct 14 td ESTATE SAXE.-~By Permission; of P. A. McMiclmol, Ordinary, I will'scIL'on' iimrsday, the 'list day of October, 1S07, at tlio Residcnce of the lute L. C. (Hover, all the personal Property belonging to the Estate of L. C.' G)qvoiV deceased, consisting of Morses, Mules, Cattle, Hogs*/ Farming Utensils, Household and Kitchen Fn'riii turc, &C. Conditions made known on day of sale. Sale to commence at 1? o'clock A. M. oct 19?!>t W. P- CLOVER. Adm'r. PUB 1,1 CERN HI).?I have been credibly informed tliat my name have been subscribed to several NOTES OF HAND ns Security. This is to warn all. persons holding such Notes hot to depend onmc'fdr payment, as my name was signed without iny knowl edge or consent. JOHN M. I KICK, oct VI? 8t* Fort Motte, Si C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-^ All persons indebted to tho estate of tho. bite Jacob ltiley, deceased, are notified that thoy must make payment to the undersigned on or beforo Wednesday next, Ib'th in-.a. We will be at Orungc hurg C. H. on that day at the ofiicc of Messt1?". 8t>" mouton & Clover. i j, w. rilev, i ,. . ... ' 0. B. UILEv! j Admia;atrati>ia?> oct 12 It NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN THAT APPLICAT10N.WJLB' be made in three months from date, to the re spective Corporations below named, for renewal of Certificates of -i Shares of South Western.Rtdlrcad Bunk Stock, -1 Shares of S"Ufh Carolina Railroad Stock, which were the property of Miss Elizabeth Rickenbnkcr, now deceased, and were lost or de stroyed during tho recent 'war. .,, v Orangeburg, S. C, I DONALD'E. BART?X Sept 28, ISO", j Administrator*. sept 28 . lam 3m Final Notice; ALL PERSONS HAV1X0 CLATMS AGAINM the Estute of Benjamin M. Dantjlc^ d.c?|o}?' must present the same properly attostcJ, on or W fore the 19th day of October next, or thoy will bo debarred payment. 'All indebted to the said Estate will make payment by the some time, or the cl;iirns against them wiH fee put iri sUlr.. sept 28?:it J. P. M. FOUR ES, Adm'r.. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.?1 All persons having demands against the Es tate of the late William Garland, deceased, oro re quested to present the same, properly, attested, to the undersigned; and all persons indebted, VP?U make payment at once to GEORGE BOLIVAR, Adu'r. < ct 5 ot NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE UNDER SIGN 111), either by note pr account, for tho. year 1800, will please make payment by tho IsFof November next, as no further hvhdgcnco can bo given. B. A. MACK, OCt 5?2t* Dentist.' NOTICE. A BELLA VERNON M ENNQN, wif? of WALK ER U. IIENNON, of LcivisVill. C, Merchant, lo hereby give notice of my million to bucuUV) a' Sole Trader, in one month from this date. September'28th, 1807. A: V. HENNON: sept 28 4t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ) n., . Orangcbnrg District. } C,,Atlon? By P. A. MeMlCHAEL Esq., Ordinnry. WHEREAS, V. D, V. .laiaison, Comi^issi'vncf irf Equity; bath, made suit to me to grant hint Letters of Administration of the Estate and effcots of B; Sccley, deceased. , These are therefore to cite and admonish, all imd" singular the kindred nnd creditors of the enicr R. Scelcy, deceased, that they bo and appear before' me, in tho Court of Ordinary, to be held at Orange burg C. II.. on the lSlh day of .Nov. next, after publication hereof, at 1J o'clock in the foivnoon, to shew cause if liny they harej why fho said Adminis~ (ration should not bo granted. Given umler my hand tins' seventh day of Octo ber, Anno Dniidni, I8fi7. P. A\ Mi MICHAEL, O. Q. D. qol U ?I ' -fQ