THK OKAN?EBUHU NEWS, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING Orangeburg, S. C Terms:. $2 00 pe?* i/twiton, in Advamc. Buring tho Springnntl Fall Seasons, Extra CopicB of tho OnANOKimno News Avill bo circulated for the benefit of our AnvEnTifliNO Patiions. Contract Advertisements inserted on the ?moat Liberal Terms. Address SAMUEL DIBBLE, Editor "Orangeburg News," Orangeburg, S. C. t&" We respectfully request our friends to send in their Advertisements its early in the ?week its convenient; unit if possible, let us have tthem by Thursday evening. Jiy this means, we 'ttill be able, to issue at an earlier hour on Satttr 'day, ami trill be enabled to give more of the ?latest news, up to the time of our going to press. f^SSBiSSSSSSBSSSOBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS HEADING MATTER ON EVERY PAGE. ^LOCALIfEMST SATURDAY MORNING, SEPT., 21, 18G7. Important to Subscribers We arc making arrangements to furnish great inducements to the reading public of Orangeburg and the surrounding Districts. Wc will announce at present, that we will 'furnish tho Oil AX (.i ED URO NEWS and the ?Southern Cultivator for cue .year, at TlIREE Dollars and Fifty Cknts, in advance. Wo will furnish the OiiAXiiEiiuiiu News "and "Jhtrkc's Weekly " a charming magazine for Roys and Girls, for one year, at TlltiKK Dollars and Fifty Cknts, in advance. Those arc equal to any in the United States. ?U their respective departments of periodical literature; and arc each published at the same rates as the Orangkuuru News, $2.00 per annum. Send in your names and the money. Mortuary. Wu have to oitroniclc the decease of two aged citizens during the past week. Rev. Francis Baxter, and Mr. Paul Spigkner, both esteemed by a largo circle, of acquain tances aud friends, during the period of a long )'*C, -r,Vnigcacn accomplished nis I)1?'?? ?'rC-de jrAars and ten", have departed from our midst, leaving behind them memories of days well ?jicut. flrquicscaitt in pace. District Hoards. The Board of Commissioners of Rjnds '.'cz. Saint Matthews Parish will meet at the usual {dace on the'third Monday in October. Each Commissioner is requested to report ?he condi tion of his Section of Road. The Board of Free Schools for Orange. Parish will meet at the Court House on the Jburt/b -Monday iu September. ??????"??-?^??~?.? New Cotton. The first bale of New Cotton was .brought to Xhis Town on Saturday last, 14th inst., by Mr. Flktohkr Livixxisrox. It was classed ? Society Street, Charleston, S. O, Dealer in Leaf Tobacco, and Havana and Domestic Tobacco. See his Card in our Advertising Columns. The Recent Inquest in Regard to the Cause of the Death of Mrs. Heia Davis. As the jury in this ease has decided at last upon a verdict, we d em it improper to publish M19 result of their investigations, without giv ing in full, all the testimony upon which their decision is based. We forbear an expression of opinion in the matter, and give the facts, as a matter of justice to all parties, concerned r.nd interested: THE STATIC OF SOUTH CAROLINA, In the Mutter nf (U>- /Mut* Hotly of jlftto J)- a .-."Cond time and third time, both by calling fii.'.d sIimk iug her; finding himself unanswered, his At tention was cabled to her peculiar breathing, which alarmed sp much thai he sought assist ance from his neighbor Mr. Ilofbre going for Mr. Albrecht, took a light and no ticed a great languid appearance about the eyes, and coldness of the extremities, only per ceptible warmth about breast nnd head. Pulse was very weak. Deponent is husband of do "Coscd. She remained in the above condition unto the doctor came, recognizing no one. Tho'lhiuld prescription referred to above had been used by deponent several limes, and de ceased had taken some for about twelve days. Jin V.-S.>?Saw deceased at about half-past two o'clock on (lie morning of the 10th instant, Her breathing wan laborious, anil occasionally stertorous. Her extremities were cool. The action of tho heart was very feeble and irregular, occasionally there was complete suspension of tho action of the heart, and of respiration. Her face- was pale, and occasionally, during tho irregular action of the heart, livid. She was totally unconscious and entirely insensible to the application of the severest irritants. She continued in this situ ation until.s!ie died. Q.?From tho symptoms obsorved on being called to tho patient, would you ascribe them to any sickness, or the administering of any medicine, or otherwise '{ A.?That a patient who Was completely nar cotized by an overwhelming dose of opium, or any of its preparations, would be very much iu a condition of ono who had hud an attack oi apoplexy which was about to terminate fatally. Would not consider the deceased more liable to apoplexy than nine-tenths of women. Q.? If, when you saw deceased at half-past two o'clock, without any previous history of the ease to guide you iu an opinion, would you have said she had nn attack of .apoplexy, or taken an over dose of morphine'! A.?1 would have said that she had had an attack of apoplexy, or had taken some power ful narcotic poison. Q.?From information received of her case, what would you say had produced her symp toms ? A.?Guided by tho history of the case, I would give it as my decided opinion that she hud taken a poisonous dose of morphine. [The box with remainder of the pills said to have been used were produced, together with the prescription, (exhibit A.,) which deponent says were the same given him by Mr. Davis, the husband of the deceased, in the presence of .Mr. M. Albrecht.] (Exhibit A.) A. W. ECKEL & CO., apotiircauirs am) chemists, T'i\ King .Street, near Market. Recipe. Cliincni Sulpli.,.??..Sern, ij. Morphin;...i.-g?'. * Acnciu).tj. s?cit. Ft. Fill xij. S.?'.' pill? everj!1'?) hours. At this stage of the proceedings it becoming necessary to have the pills analysed fur the in formation of the jury, the jury adjourned sub ject to the call of the Coroner when such ana lysis .should be had. OitANUKDUUii, September 18th, 1S(!7. Jury convened this day at call of the acting Coroner, who submitted to the jury the report of Dr. X. A. l'ralt. Chemist, which is appen ded to these proceedings, and marked ( Exhib it 'V>"). (Exhibit 11.) KKI'OllT or EXAMINATION Of nine ('??) pills submitted for investigation by C. 1?. (Hover, Esq., acting Coroner, (Jrangeburg, S. ('., under seal, August lot It, ISti". Entire weight of nine pills l.'.'W grnntms...20.91 Troy Gr?. AW'eakaSck. Kxterior?grayish brown ? smooth ? mottled ? .-jotted. Interior?Dark brown?almost black?very soft, funning glutinous mass. Taste?Intensely bitter ?sweetish, resembling some ?f?fliijiil extract. Itt'.sclt Of AXAl.Vsts. Water as moisture expelled at 2V?f V.?1.20 Hlarrh. gum. ligneous ami ccllnlous matter...25.45 F.xiraelive, sugar, idly mid cnl'ing matter, &C..SJ4.8U Morphine, cryslalizci] pure li,Mil Kqutv. lo ?? Sal. Morphine. ft.MO Los.- in analysis.?.70 100.00 'flic pllhihu- liiii?s submitted was ton little (less than '2 gramms) to allow me to determine what med icinal extract v as used in tanking up the same. According to the foregoing analysis?pure Mor phine exists iu proportion of 0.0.1 of the mass (211.111 Troy Urs.) ?l.ti? of 21?.Vl Troy Grs.=I.U8!i Troy (Irs, This ainonnl l.HSit Troy Grs of pure cryslalizci Morphine is equivalent to Sulphiile of Morphin?? crys'd 2. IS Troy (Irs. Tin* nine pills suhmitted therefore contain Morphine equivalent to 2.1st Troy Grs. ofthoSuT phate. After careful examination 1 have failed to discov er any quinine or other alkaloid, or any mineral poison. All of which is respectfully submitted. S. A. 1*1!ATT, M. I). Analytical and Consulting i Chemist. Charleston, S. C, Sept. lit, lSf.7. THE ST ATI' OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ) Charleston District. { I Personally appeared before me l>r. N. A. l'ralt who upon being duly sworn says that the nbove Report of his Analysis for ('. II. (Hover, F.sqr. acting Coroner for Ornngcbiirg District, is strictly true and correct. S. A. PRATT. Sworn to liefere me I this H'tlh Sept.. isiit. I E. M. WHITING, [L.S.j j Magistrale. John Davis being reproduced, says; He was present when the pills were, put up. They were put up by a young man about 20 or 22 years old. Dr. A. S. being reproduced, says; Q.-?Could you givo an opinion as tu what quantity of morphine would produce death in a person who was healthy'/ A.??1 cannot say. (v>.?Stipp? sc the analysis tobe correct, couhl the amount of morphine found in the three pills taken have produced death ? ,\.? It would not. Q.? If the prescription had been properly prepared, couhl there have been any injurious effect produced by tlie pills':' A.?-It would scarcely have been sufficient to produce rest or sleep. 12.??From her appearance when you first saw her, would you have ascribed it to an over dose of morphine7 A.? I would. Q ? In putting up a prescription, is it not possible that some pillh would contain more morphine than others? A. ? It i.- possible where the mass has been carelessly made. tj.?What is your opinion of the analysis? A.?My opinion is predicated on what I saw of tho case, ami the history id'the ease as ???.4iueil from Mr. Davis, who was present .'Vom I lid time she took those pills. This an nivfliti is inaccurate and unsatisfactory. SOUTH CAROL' NA ?0II ANG Kill?KG DISTRICT, An inquisition, indented, taken nt Orange burg Court Mouse in Ornngoburg District-, the eighteenth day of September, A. D. l si;7. be fore Charles IJ. Glover, Magistrate, acting as Coroner, for said District, upon view of the body Of Mola Davis of Orangebiirg, then ami there being dead, by the oaths of F,. ],. Vat es. I W. F. Harsh. K. C* Denaux. C. II. IInll,|F. S. Dibble, Murray llobitibou, Jr., 1 K Cummitigs, Theo, lyelin, George Bolivar, P, DeMars, ?Si meon Stall, Wi 3*. Spencer, G. A. Hurley, be ing a lawful jury of I nqucst, who being charged null sworn to enquire, for the State of South Carolina, where and by what means the said Meta Davis came to her death, upou their oaths do say: That the said Meta Davis, came to her death on the morning of the tenth day of August A. D. 18G7, from an over dose of Morphine, which occurred by gross negli gence or ignorance in the preparation of a pre scription compounded at the establishment of A. W. Eckel cc Co., Charleston, S. C. In witness whereof, I. Charles 13. Glover, Magistrate, acting Coroner aforesaid, and the Jurors aforesaid, to this inquisition have inter changeably put our hands and seals, the day and year above mentioned. C. D. GLOVER [L.S.] Magistrate, Acting Coroner. EDMUND L. YATES [LS.] Foreman Juiy of Inquest. W. F. Rahsii, [L.S.] E. C. Dknaux, [L.S.] Cuas. II. IIau., [L.S.] Fit El). S. DlUBIiK, [U.S.] Murray RoiilNHON Jit., [L.S.] 1. S. Cumminos, [L.S.] Theodore Kuhn, [U.S.] Gko. Doli vah, [L.S.] Frank Demars, [L.S.] S. T. Stau., [L.S.] W. P. Sl'ENCEH, [L.S.] C. A. Harley, [L.S.] Consignees per South Carolina Railroad Rcmnining in the Depot to Date. I>r. R. W. Itatcs, J. H. Felder, N. Strotnnn, .7. D. June, J. Cooncr, Bailey & Bio. 1). C. R?wo, V. V. S. Ansiin, J. K. Amaker, J. Small. In accordance with orders received from the Su perintendent, Storage will hereafter be charged on Goods remaining in the Depot for an unreasonable length of time. W. C. MEREDITH, A ?rent. COMMERCIAL. OrncE or tub OnANOKiiuna Nkws, September 20, 1S(>7 A wrong impression prevails amongst some of the planters Of this District ilia! his necessary the tax should he paid on tlieir Cotton before bc!"C shipped from this District. This is" a mistake. The hi* must be paid on Cotton before Bliipm?ni towards J Augusta and Columbia, but there are no restrictions | nil it being sent to Charleston. COTTON.?We quote Ordinary. \f,(,i Middling. 17(?,. Strict Middling. 18 . Ronan Hier?Dull at $2.00 per burhel. GOLD. SILVER.:;i ORAXGERURG RETAIL PRICES. connr.cTr.ii wi:i:klv nv k/kkiki. a koiix. RAGGING per yard.$ 30(S r>.? HALE ROPE per lb. Ki(? 20 BRICKS per M. 8 00 CANDLES per lb sperm. 35@40 ?4 Adamantine. 3llf 0 CORDAGE per lb Manilla. Mf- *l"? FISHCiidporlb. , Herring per box. 1 00 " Mackerel per kit. 3 00? J tK> FLOUR per bbl Fine. 10 00?12 00 " Super. 12 OOOi 14 00 " Extra. 11 00r//.li? tM) family. 15 00( H> INDIGO, per lb Carolina. R0@ 1 00 LIME. per bbl. 0 7") MOLASSES, per gallon. 7">(" 1 -?"? NAILS, per.keg. H 50(? It) 00 OILS, Kerosene per gal. 7? PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE. BACON, Hams per lb._ ^">(-. 30 Sides " . VH.i'll ?? Shoulders iL . 10@20 HC TT KU, Country per lb. 30 Goslicn " . 40(?>50 REEF. 8(er lb Carolina. 1 SALT, Liverpool persacV. 3 00? I 00 SHINGLES, per M. 0 UO SOAR, per lb bar. I V-, 20 STARCH, per lb. ?-!<> SPICES, per lb. Cassia. 1 00 Mace. 2 00 Cloves. I 2"> ?? *? Pepper. 00 " All Spice. 50 " Hingcr. r/Jj SUGAII. per lb Muscuvsul. Ifi(<] 18 ?? A. 1'.. and C. 1S(.# 22 " Crushed. 22@ 25 TEAS, per lb. 1 OOfW '-' -J"> TOBACCO, as per quality, per lb. \0( > 1 00 TALLOW. I2f? 1"? VINEGAR, per gallon. 00 Cotton (Jito.nlions. CHARLESTON, Sept., 10.?Sales (10 bales, at prices ranging from 10 to '2'2\ LIVERPOOL, Sept., 10.?Middling Uplands, Obi. Orleans, Sijd. P f\i \ SACKS CORN, for sale at the lowest innr f)\ M ) kel rales at McNAMARA'S. lib '2:', . ly SACKS FRESH GEORGIA FLOUR, just '\ f received, of the best quality, and very cheap ~ McNAMARA'S. ly The Mercury, tel. 23 CONDUCTED BY II 15 KIIETT JR., & RKOT11EK. Charleston. S. ('. F, W. DAWSON, Assistant Editor Subscription, per annum, payable in advance : Di'iiiv. ?S.OO. Tri-Weekly. ? 1.00 tel. 23 dh If EUREKA CHAPTER, NO. 13, B A- M A Regular Convocation of this Chapter will b? kchlfit Ornngoburg C. II., on Saturday the 2B(b day of September at 10 o'clock, A. M. Companions arc ordered to bcpunctunl in their tendance, as btf&i ness of importance is to be irnusactcd. by order of tlio Higli Priest. W. T. MeKEWN. S. 0. Jamison, Secretary. aug .3 td Medical Notice. Tlic Undersigned linve this day formed a .Cojmrt nership for the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE in Orangeburg and its vicinity. The general aban donment of the Credit System, will compel them to present their bills QUARTERLY for Payment. All persons indebted at the present time, to either of the undersigned individually, arc requested to make payment at an early day. TIIOS. A. ELLIOTT, M.I). ALEXANDER S. BALLET, M. D. July 1st.. 18(17. jury 0?tf Registration. The final Sessions for revising the lists will be held as follows : At Knot Ca Mills on Monday and Tuesday, September 10th and 17th. At Zeiglcr's Store on Wednesday and Thursday, September 18th and 10th. At Elliott's, on Fridny and Saturday, September 201 h and 21st. At Jamison's on Monday and Tuesday, September 23d and 24th; At Cedar Grove on Wednesday nnd Thursday, Sep tember 25th and 20th. At Fort Motto on Friday and Saturday, September 27th and 28th. GEO. W. STURGEON, Chairman pf Board of Registration, Fourth Precinct, Orangeburg District, aug 10 xii la Cotton Gins! Cotton Gins!I IL L. JEFFERS & CO., Factors, Charleston, S. C. Agents for W. (J. Clumci#Urown & Co's, COTTON GINS ; these (Jins have been extensively used by the planters of the Stale, ami have given great satisfac tion. Terms CASH or approved Factors Accep tance. Specimens of the above Gins can be seen nt the store of JOHN A. HAMILTON, Orangeburg, S. C. aug 17 0w ce 0 SC ? u ? g p m o a S I -3 g g ' * j3 "The Church of the Strangers," N K W Y ORK, REV. 1)R. DEEMS, Pastor. STRANGERS VISITING SEW YORK ARE RE r pect fully informed that a ?nngrvgatioa, com posed ?4f Christians of different Protestant denomi nations, has been organized under the Pastoral charge of the Rev. Charles F. Deems. D. I)., The service is held morning and night in the Large Chapel of the University, two blocks west of the New York Hotel. The Pastor's resilience and post office address is 221 West 34th Street. Strangers in the city, who are sick or in distress, may free., ?11 upon Dr. Deems for pastoral service. When any member of any Church cowed to New York to engage in business, let him call promptly on the Pastor of the Church of the strangers. Espe cially let this be done itt the case of young men who will have a cordial welcome, june l? g tf STATK OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 ..... ,. ? . > \ i tilt 1011. Orangeburg District. / Hy P. A. McMICHAEL, Esq., Ordinary. Wukukas, V. 1). V. Jamison, Commissioner in Equity bath made suit to me to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate and KtTccts of James Dean, late of Georgia, deceased. These are therefore to city ajid admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said James Dean, deceased, thnt they 1)0 anil appear before me, in the Court of Ordinary, to he held at Orangeburg on the 28tli day of October next, after publication .hereof, uf 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause, if any they have, why the saht administration should not be granted. (liven hndcr my Hand this I?tli day of Septem ber, Anno Domini. 1807. P. A. McMICHAEL, 0. 0. D. sept 21 d 40 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, \ Ci, ti n Orimgcburg District. f Hy P. A. McMICHAEL, Esq., Ordinary. WHEREAS, Muciua F. Corbitt, hath made suit to mo to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate and EtTcclfl of Hermann P. Corbitt, dec. These arc therefore to eile and admonish n\\ nn,| singular the Kindred and Creditor0 of ciie said Her mann P. Corbitt. deceased, Hut llicy be and appear before mc in the C.,urt of Ordinary, to be held at Orangeburg C. Tl. out ho 27th day of September inst.. after publication hereof, nl 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause if any they have, why the. said Administration should not be granted, (liven under my hand this 10th day of Sept., Anno Domini/1867. P. A. McMICHAEL, sept 1 1?2t VI > (). (). D. - STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, j c|~~ Orangeburg District. j Ity V. A. McMICHAEL Esq., Ordinary. WHEREAS, George bolivar hath made suit to me to giant him betters <4? Administration of the. "Estate and cllccj* of William Garland, deceased. These arc Hierofore to cite and admonish nil and singular th<> kindred and creditors of the said Win". Garland dec., thai they bo and appear before mo, in the Court of Ordinary, to be. held at OrnngO burg C. H.. tut the 2SiInlay of September inst, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock m I ho forenoon, to (?hew cause if any they have, why the said Adminis tration should not be grunted. Given under iii^ hand Oils thirteenth day of Sep tember, Aupo Domini, 1807. P. A. MoMlCHAEL, O. 0. D. bcpl, I I. vi 21 Jt Notice!! Notice!! -:o: Tremendous Decline OP B R I C E 8 ? ? - i ? t.. , .,, . -/ IN ALL KINDS OP DllY GOODS, CLOTHING, S HO JOS, HATS, FANCY GOODS?, GROCERIES, &C, AC, AC, V? Truukl* respectfully in form oMi btfradfo** friends mid customers, that jro hnvo dotcrtuinod I to close out our present stock of SUMMER GOODS At prices to suit the times. Wc guarantee to give the' HIGHEST" PRICES for all kiudWof DOMESTIC PBO DUCE, and to SELL OUR GOODS aa cheap1 or cheaper than any one in Orangcburg. EZEKIEL & KOWf feb 23 y lo ROBINSON & CO., RUSSELL STREET. LWAYS IIAVK ON HAND A WELL ASSORT ALWAYS HAVE ON HA cd Stock of Choice GROCERIES, IIAHDW AHE, TIN AND GLASSWARE, SHOES-, D.UY GOODS, &c;/ Aim A EC? OF CHOICE CIGARS. FOR SALE CHEAP. One STEAM ENGINE and SAW MILL One HORSE COWER, (for one or twolvo horses)1 One CORN nndCOB MILL, Page's Make One Second Hand COTTON GIN, Ellison's Make One 1(11.1,1 A KD TABLE in good order One Set of TEN PINS and BALLS One SEWING MACHINE Wheeler & Wilson'? om-avnup Mil l, with two 100 gallon POTS One F?or Hotsc WAGON 7 One French Burr Stone WHEAT MILL 2 Sels of WAGON IRONSv We arc also Agents Tor CLEMENS, BROWN & CO^S COTTON OTtf, Manufactured in Columbus, Ga. feb 28 Ty* The Southern Drag Sfortf Oil. B. M. SHUIER HAYING REMOVED HIS DRUG STORE from', his well known Stand, begs leave respectfully to invite his friends throughout the District, to visit him at his New, Large and well Furnished ESTABLISH WENT on RUSSELL-STREET, ?j?p??itc MesM?BUBJ* At, SCOVILL'S, where they will be sure to be supplied: with the very best Drugs and Medicines (lie Market aJl"ords> aru\ at the lowest market price*.' lie lias on lifttul now a full assortmcnt of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES OF ALL KINDS,;. Faints, Oils and It rushes,. Dye Stuffs, Lye and Potash, Maizcnn ami Coin Starchy Cooking ami Washing Soda, Illach Pepper, Spices of nil kinds, COMPOSITION. LODE LI A, nerve POWDER^ &e., Prepared by Ephraim Larr&bee,. RITTERS of all Kiuds, TRUSSES, Single and double, Large and Small/ Fine Smoking and Chewing TOBACCO, Fine BRANDIES and WINES for Medical purpose's, PERFUMES and TOILET SOAPS. Call and satisfy yourselves?you can get just what." yon want, ?lust retired a lot of that fino "DURHAM SMOKING TOHA'cifr?i'^ jQy* Will open on Sundays from//" fco nail from U to 7 P. Mf ? feb ?:5 " c ly I ( \( \ 1VrN('11 ES VA(''50^y.. tARN? I V / V 7 utsV received and for said by KZKKlKt & ??flN. fob 23 c ly JUST RECEIVED FROM THE HI* (Country fiUy Saeks Now Extra? Family FLO I'll. For sale very ehea;> at EZEKIEL & KOTIN\S. fob 23 c l'y rniiK highest cash market price given. .1. for all Wind of country produce, Bccb^ Wit*, 'fallow, Hides, Furs, etc. etc., ny ezElvi EL & kohn. fob 28 v T? milE CHEAPEST STEEL AND IRON HOES OF I. divert Importation from the English Mnnufuc torv, are to be found at E7.EK1EL & KOIIN'S. fen -I".