-?r-irrn?? ? ? .." .?-~?;? The Wrongest kind of a hint?A young lady nskiiiga g'entlcmau to-seo if one of her rings will not go on his little finger. Why should a little man hewaro of marrying a bouncihg) A&do/fr f ) Booause, he { m|ght' bo( called the widow's.mi^c,, "Myfltfd/i'iBaid a'lady tOffl boy? cntitying* mail bag, "are yoU a mail boy?" '^You doesn't think I'm a fornalo boy, does, you 7" "My Grormari friend/ how long have you been married 7" " Vel, dis a ting vot I seldom don't liko to say about, but von I does, it seems so long as never vns." Tho Newburgh-iJknrntti notices ? birth ou thetears; and heads.it, "Born at thirty ^iles an hour.": If tbat.youth isn!t fast, it won't be becauso ho hadn't ft good start. A mother not long sihe'o. was hoard lament ing tho loss" of a child (ono of a family of eight.) "Becauso," said she, "there was just enough rbr a cotillion, and they did danco so prettily." "Bob, is that dog of yours a pointer 7 "No, ho is half hunter and.half Better ; he hunts for bonea wnen he is hungry and sits by the stove whon ho is satisfied." >-? In a matrimonial advertisement for a hus band, tho advertiser says that as she "wants a full-grown man, nouo need apply who is under Bix feet." This is not an unnatural notion for a lady bout on hymen. At a fashionable wedding in New York re cently, tho carriages lined the strcot for a hun dred yards, and the perfumes from the bride's dress was so overpowering that three little boys and a dog were suffocated. The Last Resort.?An exchange says: A lady of our acquaintance, young and intelli gent, called on a celebrated physician to do "somothiug" for a rush of blood to tho head. "I have becu doctoriug myself,'' said the languid fair one with a smilo, to the bluff though kind M. D., while he was feeling her pulso. "Why, I have taken Brandrcth's Pill, Sand's Sarsaparilla, Jnyne's Expectorant, and? ' "My Hoavcns ! madam," exclaimed the as tonished doctor, "all these do your complaint no good!" "No !?then what shall I take 7" pettishly inquired the patient. "Take 1" exclaimed the doctor, eyeing her from head to foot?"take !" exclaimed he, af ter a moment's reflection, "Why take off your corsets !" ? We once heard an old fellow, famous for his tough yarns, tell tho following. Ho was telling what heavy wheat ho had seen: "My father," Said he, "once had a fiold of wheat, the heads of which were so close to gether.that tho wild turkics, when they oamo to cat it, could walk round on tho top of it anywhere." It was snggestted that the turkics must have been small ones. "Nb," continued ho, "thoy wore very large ones. I shot one of them one day, and when I took hold of his legs to carry him, his head dragged in the snow behind me." "A curious country you must have had to have suow ift harvest time." VWoll, I declare," said he looking a little foolish, "I reckon I'vo got part of two stories mixed." \ I ! I i \? \ V *') ? Practical >REOEilres.v^Fly time is ap proach iug, and with it will doubtless come the usual myriads of insects, &c., to pester and an noy us. We havo selected a few receipts, which wc can recommend. Try them. To kill roaches.?Put your roaches in a bar- j rol, put on a pair of heavy boots, and get in and daucc. .. \ To render ? muBcjurfcoea harmless?Pull out their bills with a pair of tongs. For fleas?Tio them to tho bedpost with log chains, and let tho dogs finish thorn. To kill mice?Flatten their heads with a lemon squoczor. To kill rats?this receipt is cheap and never fails. Whon you retire for the night, place a small hit of cheese in your mouth. Caro should bo taken to keep the mouth well open, and when the rat's whiskers tickle yoiir throat, bite, f* A good story is told as to how a "young man from tho country," with rathor more sharpness than visitors from the rural district* are wont to display in tho Metropolis, got the best of some modern jehus. Having a lady witji him, be took a carriage at the depot; upon reaching the hotel he alighted, and asked tho price for the service. "Five dollars," said jchu. Handing him a five dollar greenback, tho gentleman inquired: ".What is your number?" "Four dollars," ho answered. "Here are four dollars. What is your num ber '(" "Three dollars," said the follow, sulkily. "Hero are three. Your number, sir?" "Two dollars?little 'null' too," rejoined tho driver. "Two, then?hero thoy aro. What is your number V* "One dollar^ cap'n?one dollar'll do," re plied tho whip. "Hero is your dollar," said our friend, civilly ?"all you aro entitled to. It's no consequence as to your numbor .now. Good morning." And the parties separated Tho followinglishcd Monthly AT ATHENS, GEORGIA, BY AVM. 1ST. WHITE. ?:o:? nnERMS.?Two Dnllnrs per yenr, or $1 for six I months; 50 cents for three months In Ad vance. Single copies 20 cents. jjiSy All Communications for the paper ond Sub scriptions must be addressed to WM. N. WHITE, Athens flu. mar 23 g tf STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 25 ifc 27 Broadway, N. Y, Opposite Rowling Green. 0 N T II E E U R 0 P E A N P L A N. rfflHE STEVENS HOUSE is well and widely known j to tho travelling public. The location is es pecially suitable to merchants and business men; it in in close proximity to tho business part of the eity?is on tho highway of Southern and Western travel?and adjacent to all (he principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. Tho STEVENS HOUSE hos liberal accommoda tion for over 300 guests?it is well furnished, nnd possesses every modern improvement for the com fort for its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated?provided with gas and water?the attendance i? prompt and respectful?and the table is generously provided with every delicacy of the season?at moderate rates. Tho rooms having been refurnished and remodel ed, we are enabled to offer extra facilities for tho comfort and pleasure of our guests. GEO. K. CHASE & CO., jnne I? Om Proprietors m m m* "Quick Sales and Small Profits." "'' I ?>111 ''.'Hi 1?; Hoi JOHN I STOCKER k CO., CORNER STORE, RUSSELL-STREET AND RAIL ROAD AVENUE. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! TUB SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO THE CITIZENS OF ORANQEBURO Dis trict that they hare RECEIVED AND NOW OPENED THEIR SECOND SUPPLY OF j SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Purchased since the recent DECLINE IN COTTON, which enable them to sell CnEAP FOR CASH At Priocs to suit tho TIMES, and lower than have been offered elnoe the War. WE ABE NOW OFFERING CALICOS at 10c. GOOD CALICOS at 12jo. BEST CALICOS from lee. to 30. BLEACHED SIIIRTING8 from 12}o. to 30. A GOOD ARTICLE 1 yd wide at 20?. FAST COLORED SCOTCH MUSLINS at 26c. ! Together with the above may bo found j 1 A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF . CLOTHING, nATS, BOOTS AND 8HOE8, GROCERIES, ETC. LOW FOR CASH OR BARTER, may 11 ly JOHN D. STOCKER A Co. CHARLESTON CARDS. 8, Thomas, Jit., Wm. 8. Lanmbau., William G. Whilden & Co. FORMERLY OF HAYDEN & WHILDEN, DEALERS IN WATCHES, JEWELRY", SILVER WARE, CROCK ERY, CHINA, GLASS WARE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING ARTICLES. Old Gold and Silver purchased. Watches and Jewelry Repaired. 225 King-St., Corucr of Bcaufain, AT WHOLESALE 11 IIAYNE STREET CHARLESTON, S. C. feb 23 c ly H. L. Jeffers & Co., FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, CHARLESTON, S. C. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE of Cotton anti other Prj>ducc. Orders for sup plies carefully attended to. Refer to Captain John A. Hamilton, R. O. Stone, Esq., Orangcburg, Dr. Wm. C. Whetstone, St. Mat thews. apl 0 tf WILLIS & CHISOLM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS and SHIPPING AGENTS. WILL ATTEND TO TU E PURCHASE, sale and shipment to Foreign and Do mestic Ports, of Cotton, Rice, Lumber and Nav al Stores. ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. O. E. WILLIS. ALEX. R. CHISOLM. feb 28 1 f CHARLESTON HOUSE. ?:o:? STOLL, WEBB & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, All Goods are selected specially for onr 80UTHERN TRADE. AT THE OLD STAND, NO. 287 KINO STREBT, Three doors below Wentworth, CHARLESTON, S. C. Terms Cash, or City Acceptance. ALL ORDbivC PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. II. C. Sioll. Ciiablrs Webb. H. C. Walkbb. feb 23 o tf The Mercury. CONDUCTED BY R. B. RIIETT JR., & BROTHER. Charleston, S. C F. W, DAW80N, Assistant Editor Subscription, per annun . payable in advance : Daily. $8,00. Tri-Wecklv. $4,00. feb 23 dh tf The Charleston Courier. PUBLISHED BY A. S. WILLINGTON & CO., City Printers, No. Ill Enst Bay. CHARLESTON, 8. C. TERMS, Daily one year,. SIOiPO. Daily His; ^ii-nths. 0,00. Daily Three Months. 'J/A). Tri-Wrrkly, one year. 0,00. Tri Weekly, Six Mouths. 1,00 1867. 1867. PROSPECTUS!! I -:o: FORM YOUR CLUBS FOR THE ORANGEBURG NEWS, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING AT Orangeburg, S. C. ?;o; An extra copy to any one getting up a Club of] Five Annual Subscribers. Terms :?82.00 Per Annum, in Advance. Send in your names at once, as SUBSCRIBERS. If you wish to avail yourself of an Adicr t?ing Meifium, offering superior inducements, send your notices to tho { ORANGKBVRG NEWS And they will be inserted on the most Liberal Terms. If you wish any Job Printing executed, patronize your District printing office, call at the establishment of the ORANGEBURG NEWS, over the Post Office, and have your orders filled with neatness and despatch, at CHARLESTON PRICES. i ?:o:? For further particulars apply at this Office to CHARLES H. HALL, Publisher. Or at Oharieston, S. C, to . 1 VIRGIL C. DIBBLE, Associate Editor. Or address, . SAMUEL DIBBLE, Editor and Financial Manager, ORANGEBURG, S. C. may 18 g tf THE Charleston Daily News, O. R. CATHCART, Editor. CATHCART, McMILLAN & MORTON Proprietors, No. 18 Hayns Strbkt. CITY PRINTERS. TERMS CASn. SUBSCRIPTION. Daily?Twelve Months.$10 00 Daily?8ix Months. 6 ^ Daily?Three Months. 2 Kin git; Copies.5 cents To News Dealers.3 eeni? 'The Church of the Strangers" NEW YORK, REV. DR. DEEMS, Pastor. STRANGERS VISITING NEW YORK ARE RE npeotfully informed that a congregation, com posed of Christians of different Protestant denomi nations, has been organized under the Pastoral charge of the Rev. Charles F. Deems, D. D., The service is hold morning- and night in tho Large Chapel of tho University, two blocks west of the New York Hotel, Tho Pastor's residence and post offlo? address Is 221 Weal 3-Jth Street, fllrawgors in the city, who arts ?lplf or in distress, may frooly call nj*>n Dr. DpopiB fpr pastoral service. Whou any member of any Church oomoa to Not York i o ongagp in. business, let him call promptly on ll}e Rnstor pi i no Cburoh of the strangers. Espe cially lot ihitiho ?Inno ui the Cfisc of youiqmcn who will hare n cordial welcome, juuc 10 e tf ?~-rrrrrrrrrrrr?//?;;; * \ ; y?i\ In Equity, ORANGEBUR? DI8TRIOTX0 j 8. 8. Hnigler and S. M. Kemmerlln, ....... ... -.; Admr's of Conrad Kemmerlin. Tf, \ 13ill for Injunction and Belief. John H. Pooser and Wife, et al. Pursuant to an order in this ease, all persona hav-' ing demands against the Estate of Conrad Kemraor linrdeceased, will prove them before me within three months from this date, and all persons Indebt ed to the same will make payment. Commissioner's Office, \ V. D. *v\ JAMISON, Orongeburg, C H, V? Commissioner. Jone 1, 1867. ) zU 8m -! ? ?? ? ?-, !-V'.'lHVll.i, .', iM ??>>-? in equity, ? ORANGEBURG DISTRICT^ ' A. O. Collier, Admr Estate of Edward W. Easterlin, vs. \ Bill for Injunction and Relief. Caroline Easterlin, ct al Creditors and DistriDdteeel * I'T/.M OKHi A? Ji Pursuant to an order In this caso all persons lad ing demands against the Estate of EDW'D W. EAS TERLIN, deceased, Will proTe them before'mo with in three months from this dite, and any one-Indebt ed to. the same will make payment. < //':;!' Commissioner's Office, \ V. 1). V. JAMISON, OraageburgC. H., 8. C, V Commissioner, Aug 14, 1867. . > l! ? ?: XII 8m In Equity. ORANGEB?RG DISTRICT. Jno. F. Bonnet t, Admr of nil W. O. W. Pou, ts. I Bill for Injunction and Relief. F. H. W. Briggmann and others, ~ Creditors and Distributees. Pursuant to an order in this case, all personH hav ing demands against the estate of W. O. W. Pou, deceased, will prove thorn before me Within three months from this date, or they will be .debarred payment, and any one indebted to the same will make payment. f. Commissioner's Office, \ V. D. V. JAMIBON. . Orangeburg C. II. I Commissioner.' Aug 14, 1867 J XII eom?3 In Equity, ORANGEBURG DISTRICT. T. W. Gl eat on and Sarah T. Mb wife, \ BUI for adm'r and ex'r of J. W. Tindal, ts. I Injunction Jno. B. Milhou.4 and others. j and Belief. PURSUANT to an order from Chancellor Johnson in this case, all persons having demands against the Estate of J. W. Tindal, deceased, will prove the same before me within three months from this date, or they will be debarred payment, and any one in debted to the same may appear before me for the purpose of ascertaining the real value of their con tracts. Commissioner's Office, ) V. D. V: JAMI80N, Orangeburg C. II. > Commissioner. , May 17, 1807. J Juno 29 XII lam3 In Equity, ORANGEBURG DISTRICT.' l James D. C. Clcckley, adm'r of V Bill of D. W. Oissendanncr, vs.. > Injunction. M. A. GisBcndanucr and others. J and Relief. d PURSUANT to an order of Chancellor Johnson? in this case, all persons having demands against the Batate of David W. Gissendanner, will prove the same before me within four months from this data? or they will be debarred payment, and any on* in debted to the same may appear before me and prove C the real value of their contracts. Commissioner's Offico, ) V. D. V. JAMISON, Orangeburg C. II. V , Commianioner. February 20, 18G7. J . june 29 XII lamS I ( In Equity, ORANGEBURG DISTRICT. W. P. Phillips, adm'r & O. Z. Phillips. \ Bill for adm'x, vs. > Injunction ? John R. Milhous. J and Relief. PURSUANT to an order in this ease, all persona having claimB against the Estate of P. V. Phillip*,. deceased, will prove the same before me within three months from this'date, and ail persons indebted to the same may come before me and prove tho real value of their contracts, within the?same time. Commissioner's Office, \ V. D. V. JAMISON. Orangeburg C. II. V Commissi a* *f. 1 I May 17. 1867. j june 29 XII laml In Equity, ORANGEBURG DISTRICT. John 8. R?wo, et. ab, 1 Bill for Account, vs. > Injunction L. W. Dash. ct. al. J and Relief PURSUANT to an order of his Honor Chaneollor Carroll, in this case, the Creditors cf the late Firm of L. W. DASH & CO., are required to present and prove their respective demands against the said firm before me oh or before the 1st day of September next. Commissioner's Office, \ V. D. V. JAMISON, Jnly 19,1867.' j Commissioner. July 20 ?X? td in equity, ORANGEBURG DI8TRICT. The State of South Carolina, \ In Be. Ex. Bel. 80l'r. Southern Cirooult. / Lost Documents Application having been made by Joseph H. Mor gan to prove tho past existence loss and contents of the last Will and Testament of Martin Friday, de ceased,?on motion of Hutsons & Legare, Solicitor* I for applicant, it is ordered, That all persons who. desiro so to do, have leave to appear and cross ex amine the evidence produced, and introduce evi dence in reply before me on the 18th day of Sep tember next. Commissioner's Office, "t V. D. V. JAMISON, Orangeburg C. H., V Commissioner. Juno 12, 1807. J june 15 xii .8m Tho State of South Carolin*.. ORANGEBURG DISTRICT.. In the Court of Common Tlca*. H. H* Jennings, Jno. T. Jennings, vs F. A. Wiloo*-* sen, A. E. Talmadge. ATTACHMENT. XjrrilEREAS ?he Plaintiffs did on the 20th day Yy of May file their declaration against the De fendants, who (as it is said) aro absent .from and without the limits of this Slate, and have neither wives nor attorneys known within the' apon1 whom a oopy of Bald declaration mw* 4* served'; On motion ofllutsons k Lome, rJmmxn Atferttey* it is ordered, that tho sal* Defend**** do 'appear, and plead to the said deefcration ovo? fofoV? f ae' 32nd day of May, whioh Wilt he in the fttcf of o*r Lord, Otic Thousand Eight ftundrerf and Sixty eight, otherwise final and absolute J augment A'ilK then be given and awarded against them*. .?. r. ROBINSON, May 20, 1807. XX jn* 1 c3ml C, f tJA