r,?; t ??- ?.??? ??? ; k. Lux i;.v b v? /?.. >>?, ?: m -1 9 ? T - ? ? Jiti-M f 1. K03VEE8; OTJH STATE; EINA-LI/T. THtti NATION; THESE CONSTITUTE OTJTt' CpUNTEY.'''"r~' ~ . . NUMBER 21 SATURDAY M^RNINf JULY 13, 186T. ?J f 1 PUBLISHED AT OR AN G EBURG, 0. # ferery Saturday Morning. fjV , M^5^ DIBBLE, Editor. . ^^gtiAitLESJi: HALL, Pnllisher, '.?'? ??to:?*- ? ri ; f?ne.Copy for one jtw^^a...,......'..". $2.00 ...t.| vttnl . .Meatha).?^u-.,....k? liOO ?.;u.,^V a-^ Three *4 60 AityonetnnVmgupaCHJIi of FITB ?TTO?AL STOftCEltftfiRS will receive an extra copv ' FREE OF CHARGE. .... , , ?1 . . ... , ?1*1". -f?t V.itr - . :. RATES OP ADVERTISING. 1 Square 1st Insertion.....$1.60 ? ' ?? ? 2d ". 76 A Sq?are consists of 10 lines Brevier or one inch tp^Advcrtlslng space. Contract Advertisements inserted upon the most ^jpfotfal terms. ... ;? ?'.-> -t.o: ; MAURI AGB and FUNERAL NOTICES, not cx ccrding one Square, -inserted*without charge. '?:7i.; ? . :?? ? * . ? *":o: te* Term* Cash fit Advance. -?i ! 1 'Po^forther particulars, apply, to Mo. OiiAftLr.* II. Halt., ornddress ??I if '? SAMUEL DIBBLE, .U ? ;' Kurtou OnANaRn?n|>~NKWf<. Orangebnrg, S. C. ?'?V,y ? PUBLIC OFFICERS. '' Jeb o. Jy ORANGERUItO DISTRICT. K - ' ? OnnisA^t?I*. A. MeMlehneL , ?? ? ;CoMMik?fiQ?c?rB in EgriTY?V. D, V. Jamison. Ci.KiiK or Cocat?Joseph "F. Robinson. Rjir.mrr?J. W. II. Dukes. Tax C?11.iTK^Tt1?^liS^<-Jr^Vgc 1 vsVrist "?St. Matthews Parish.?W. .11. DanUl A sir*. Aasv.sso? U, S\ .1U:vkxi:i;.?George .'Sturgeon. Auknt rou Stamps, ke;?P. V. Dibble. *'?,J^*OtiiT,ttATBS-/rhomaB P. Stokes, W. 11. Tread ' Well, A. J. Oasklns, F. W. Fairy, David L. Connor, J. II. Felder, Levin Argoe, R. V. Dannelly, E. A. Price, W. L. Ehney, J. D. Pricket, Samuel R. Moor ' cr^ C.'U. Olovcr, E. C. Holma'n, P. C. Buyck, F. M. Wannamaker, D. O. Tindull. CoHMis^ioKcns to Approve Securities?J. GI Wannamaker, James Stokes, D. B.-Barton, Adam Smoke, A. D. Frederick. ? >* Commissioners or Public Bvildinos?Wm. M. Krtson, Harpin Rlggs, E. Ezekiel, Joseph P. Ilnr ' ley, F. H. W. Briggmann. CoamiflsiosKits or Roads?Orange Parish?West ley If onseY, P. W. Fairy, Samuel M. Fairy, Samuel tf.'Fatt, F<. Livingston, W. 8. Rlley, West ley Culler, "ili^C. Wannamaker, N. E. W. Sistrunk, II. Living, ?ten, James Stokes, J. D. Knolts, R. P. Am ley, John ? S. Bowman, J. L. Moorer, W. C. Moss, Lewis fin. rick, B. A. Yon, J. II.'O'Cain, Ellison Connor, John Brodic, J. G. Quignard, Jacob Cooner, George Byrd, J. T. Jennings, David Dannelly. COMMISSIONERS or Roads?St. Matthews Parish? C< S. i>*rby, W. -C. Hane, M. K. Ilobnan, Andrew Tlouscr, j. ?. Parlour, E. T. Shular, J. L. Parlour, Owen Shular, T. O. ?fcular, W. L. Tou, J. W. Sel lers, R. W. Dates, J. W. llarliour, Augustus Avin ger, P. W. Avlnger, J. D. Zeigler, M. J. Kellor, J. ' C. Holm an. CeauissioHKRs or Fan Sciioota??Orange Parish David L. Connor, J. R. Miitious, Henry N. Snell, John Jordan, N. C. Whetstone, John Inabinet, Dr. O. N. "BoWman, Samuel Dibble. , , CoMMiesidNEBS or Fukb Schools?St. Matthews Parish?Peter Buyok, J. II.-Keller, West ley Houser, J-rdm Riley, J. H. Felder, Adam Holman. ^i5t Offices in Orangebnrg District. ? '-'ce?. postmasters. of* * .Thaddeua C. Hubbell. ififfi'V ....Mrs. &1WJ. Wiles. St.. ?foffk*Wm<".??? . v\?inot? . . ? ywwp'? Vmy,,n>nu,,,....% AY*n8er firaneW\\?t,,,,im,iit?????.Mr?. Amy laC.^oa. ?Port M)0.t^o;ff,?f??#/?/?t,/?,?John Blrohmore. Schedule SontH CftroUiw Bail RowJ, Down Pas*cnffflr, Leave Columbia at.>mh,hmi? 0,110 A. M. Orangeburg at.?? 10,}}9 A. M. Arrive at Charleston..........i P> M. ** ** Augusta. 6 V, Mi Up Passenger. 'Leave Augusta at.,..(.... 7 A. M ? m Charleston at.?....?.... 8 AM. ? Opangehuvg at. 1.0O P. M. , Amvo at Columbia at.6.20 P. M. Down Freight. LcavAOpangoburg at.10 A- Irt ;'j\rr|!6at0harlostonat. 0.10 P. M. ? iri.. - Up Freight. ? {.a * . . - ? ??Leave Orangeburg el.~.L8? P. M, Arrive *i Columbia at..?f/iVcU?^fi.v**f^*: M? par 23 g

"(.Mi l what a weak mind; Can't (rust a four glasses Of porter and wnio." Thon, just vice versa-? Do all in your might To make mannish people Believe you're "all right;" Drink rum and drink brandy? Drink whiskey and gin? Then listen?they cry out ?,A Sot,?deep in sin!" Then frequent the churches, Put on a long face,' Sit. close to the altar, An image of grace, Or, bo still better yet, Join in with the choir Then hear?"He's a hypocrite, A cheat and a liar." Thon I'm weary of living, As sinner, or Saint, Where people continually Arc niaking.complaint; And where even the ladies Are so full of art, That they're always deceiving Your soul and your heart. Just speak (o the creatures Your hope and your love,? Swear that you worship, By angels above;? Say fondest a^feuturns ....... .>?_........ "As long a Then sco how they'll roll up The whites of their eyes, Your love and utfectious Contemn and despise; But make them an offer Of land and of gold, And they'll give you their hand, ere Your tale is well told. Yes, I'm weary of living; But,?give me a drink? Here's a toast to the ladies, For what they may think ; What though they deceive us, 'Tis natural I guess, And the least we say of it Perhaps is tho best. But I'm weary of living, Believe it or not, With such a Bad crow, There's always a plot, Working, deceiving. And using all art, To make a man anxious From earth to depart. LITERARY. : E E LEGT E D . MUST-A-IPEC A THE PHILANTHROPIST. A TALK OF ASIA MINOR. [ConclMlcti.] The tribo tnoved to another pasturage, and they curried their prisoners along with them. To Mustaphn, tho Knranmnian lord, this life of hardship would once havo been ?intolerable. Whci'w were his slaves, his banquets, his min strels, his bail:8. uis perfumes'! He saw round him nothing hut tiiC horsohair curtains of his tent, and boyond them the u?ods of the wilder ness, Hte food was Harbs, his perfumes were the wild breath of tho decort shrubs, hlc com panions were tho ttcdowcon. Yot, what is man but tho child of circumstance! Ho had ab jured all his luxuries, for ho hud found them insufficient to fill up tho aching void of his mjnd. Ho now had health, exercise, and nn objopt. Tho bravery of his dofencc had ex torted tho applause of the Arabs ; his noble figure, tfommnnding countenance and match less dextovity in urms, had soon equally forced their admiration. They gave him a now name in their oxpcdltlous ; ho was tho ".Leopard," and their sheik finally crowned tho homago of the tribe, by tho offer of his only child, tho gazelle-eyed Ayesnti j Vrith n thousand sheep and a hundred camels an u dowry. Tbc pros ?poet wns .enough to torn the? brain of any young Jiero of tho desert* The husband of the lair Ayosha must'suc&aod to tho headship of tho tribe,-?two thousand horse men of the Bcni Kohlnni, masters of the finest pastures, rtyiowued for the fleetest horses, and still more renowned for having baffled tho pnshns of Syria, in every qncounter, for the last hundred yours. Tho Bey wont to tho tent of his young counsellor,, who was now- rapidly recovering from the effects of the Arab musquck Ho eommuniratod the generous proposal. * \. , "It offers all that a warrior can desire," was tho roply. ^'But I hate forsworn tho warrior," was tho answer. It offers much that the man of ambition might covet," said the Scribe. "But I have abandoned all that boars the name of ambition," said the Bey. "But it offers something to the cyo," said the Scribe j "for tho daughter of the sheik is amoving the handsomest of tho Bedoween. But tho. truo question is what it offers to the heart?" . The speaker pronounced tho words in a low tone, and remained evidently waiting an an swer. "I have tenfold forsworn that follysaid Mustapha, impatiently; "the heart is not con cerned in the marriages of the Moslem." There was silence for a time. At length the Bey added, "but, my friend, the judgo who is to decide on ury case, should know. all. I never saw tho face of woman, that I thought of a second moment,?but one." "The name of that'ono ?" osked the Scribe, with a tone, which seemed to borrow of ita im patience ironi the Boy. "I know not," was tho answer. The listener had taken a cup of sherbet from the attendant, and was tasting it with his parched lips, when the enquiries of Mustapha arrested his baud. ? "Is sho yet among the living ?" asked he. Still, "1 know not," was the answer. "Sho was seen but for a moment. Yet, her beauty has ?haunted me to this hour. Many a long day it made "mo restless and wretched. I. sought' her, but. in vain. It may hiivo been among Iho oiiiiw whw.l. t?>i..l.? me the. h.dii.; causc .no one ever saw it before. If two hogsheads make a p'pe, how 1 iuany will make a cigar ? '?'"' Ms f^Wsftl . . ( ' ?/! .?>?:r.->l'>i_?.. Whai remark ought a gcutlomnn to.maie to; a friend when showing him a box of imjported cigars ??Havana (have-any).? ? ? t.; v .T An Irishman* OUce obsotved that irtilc-stdncs werc kind enough to answer your quelrtioirs' without giving you the trouble" to ask' them: _ -?? ???--.?; - r}^: ? "What's the matter, Uncle Jerry1 ' said Mr, ??; as old Jeremiah was' passing' by, growling most ferociously. : i f .(. "Matter I" said the old man, stopping sljort; 'why, here I've been lugging Watof, all. the morning for Dr. C-'s wife to jwash . wjtlh and what d'ye s'poso I got for it ??" - } ' Why, I suppose about ten cents," , answer^ cd Mr.*?. . , . ' 'Ten cents 1 8he told me the Doctor would pull a tooth for me some time." . 1 " ? im .. !?? t,:: yfa&^n'ji ? Contraband?"Yes, sah" ? ??;'<$M&> ? Army Chaplain?"Glad to hear it. jSh?U I give you a paper 1 . . Contraband?"S?rtin, massa, rf you'please." Army Chaplain?"Very good; what paper would you choose V* Contraband?"Well? massa) if you chews, I'd take a paper of terbackcr." The chaplrin looked looked at the contra-: band, add the contraband at tho chop lain ;tlioti tho latter sighed and passed oh. '" V ? v'T' -? .: . .: ?..?.?c.i'-" ???.,-.-?t: ***?si?i ??..'.. - "f" '??'""*"?'mmum 11 - ? -,? A Lawyer built him an office in tho form.of a hexagon, or six square. The novelty of the structure at tract c d the attention of Rome Irish men who were passing by $ they made a f?ll stop and viewed the building very critically.' The lawyer, somewhat disgusted at their curi osity, lifted up the window, put his bead out and addressed them. : "What do you stand there for like a pact of blockheads, gazitijpat my office; do you 'take it fur a church ?" "Faix," answered one of them, "I was think in' ?os till I saw the divil poke his - head out of the "windy." , ' |. Hinte to Formers. .-?'??-'' / What Hoc* to Use.?In planting or hoeing corn, use the ordinary hoes in general usoi Neither Indian Rubber hose nor cotton 'hose would bo of any. account in a corn field; no more than would one of Hoe's eight-cylinder presses. ? -. How to Hold the Plough.?Don't try to hold it out at nrm's length. You can't do it. ' t*I If 3'ou havn't a plough of your own, get out an attachment on your -neighbor's, who owes you. Any justice will tell you whether you can hold it or not. *' ? The Best Time to put t* Rye.^?l nskWd\rt old farmer once what was the best time' to put rye ? Ho looked at his watch and replied j "This is about iny hour." Tho ryo was immediately put in. ?H**1 All seasons nrc tho same for putting in rye; How to Keep Com.?The best place to keep corn is in a good corn house, though sonic pre fer to kcop it in tho system?in the j?tco.' 'if they don't keep corn thoy keep corned: i * Easy Way to Draw Saw Log*.?Draw them on a pieco of paper with a crayon pencil. Af ter a litt le practice you will bo able1 to ''draw" tho largest kind of saw logs with case. Fork.?Packing thread is of no use i:? pack ing pork. In curing hams the tune varies. Hams that have got trichina can't be cured at all. Fences and F-xeiug.?'iood fencing is os scntinl on a farm. Get a good "fencing mas ter" to learn yon. Yon can't repair a worut fence by taking vermifuge. Neither can yoU but good whitewash brushes out of brush fences. 1 To Make. Your Stables Warm in Winter.?1 Sot them on lirer. T& Drain La nth.?Drink whrstej-,"' aitid spend all your timo at tho village tavern. This will drain you. of all yotir lands in a anojrt timo. To Make Stone Fence*.?Equal parts of whiskey and older, "this is the reciprocal stone fence ; thfc m?te yfti* ray of it tf#e ?worc. it wiU ? Jay" you.