FinBT OTJR -SOMES; THEN OlJfe STATE; EUSTA^LY THE NATIONi THESE flOKSTITUTE^Otr?^ CO?N^BY'i^-'^ SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 15, 1867. ? -QRAl^BBtliRG NEWS. Published at or^g?btjrg, c: s ? ?'? ??fc r '.' .v . ; 'SAMUEL DIBBLE, Editor, V&ARLES D If ALL, l\iolisttcr. ? TERMS DE SUBSCRIPTION. One Copy for ono year............................ $2.00 ' *? " -'"Six Months.:..*'.........'....v. 1.00 ??. m ??'' Three ?? ...... 60 Any one making up a club of FIVE ANNUAL Subscribers, win reoorvo nn extra .copy > , ebbe of CllARGE. .' ~:o:-"- ? . ? RATES OF ADVERTISING. T Square 1st Insortion.'.. $1.60 ?4 u '. od . .........^.......A.- 76 A Square consists of 10 lines Brevier or one inch oT Advertising space.. .. " , Contract Advertisements inserted upon the most liberal terms. ? r- . u_:o;? MARRIAGE and' FUNERAL NOTICES, not ox cccding one Square, inserted without charge. Terms Cash in Advance. *XBa dlcul II a Li., or address . , For further, apply to Mn. CiiAntES H. SAMUEL DIBRLE, * ?'> ? ? ?. - ? ~* . A Editor OnANQKBonn News. .. Orangoburg. S. C. feh?8 , .0 ? * \ ly. PUBLIC OFFICERS. ?BnisABi'-r- A- MeMichaef. is%?-iTY?V. D. V, Jamison. (?lkukuf CocnT?Jo:.0!"1 ?Robinson, Fiikuiff?J. \s*. H. Dukes. Cuuoxeu?C. B. Glover. ? ' . Tax CotiiROTp'ns.-r-OrangO Paididi..-~r, Vf: Fairy. St. Matthews Parish.?tV. II. Dantder. ? Asst. Assesbob.* u. b. Rbvkxui:.?George W. Sturgeon. Agent run St a sirs, Ac;1?P: V. Dibble. MAaisTu.yrKs?Thomfls P. Sto.kos, W: R. Tread well, A. J. Gaskins, "F. W. Fairy,.David L. Connor, J. II. Folder, Levin, Argoe, R. V. Dannelly, E. A. Price, W. L. Ehney/X D, Pricket, Samuel E. Moor er, C. B. Olover, E. C, Ilolman, P. C. Buycfc, F. M. Wanuamakcr, D. 0. Tiudall. f.. 4; . ... Co'iiMissioNrus to Ai'pnovE Skccuities?J. G. l?anm\'mn^erf James Stokes, D." R.. Barton, Adam Smoke, A. D. Frederick. ' .Charleston nt..:. 8 A. M. ??? Orangoburg at....... 1.80 P. M. Arrive ot Columbia at.T?.20 P. "M. Down Freight. f/BavojO^Reburg at..........^......10 A. M. Arrlve at Charleston nt. . "O.-lo P. \L Lei>v.eOrnngeb?i^ at.l.SB P. M. -'^j^al X^bUinWnt.J.A-*..JlMfgM. ' mar 28* " ' no : POETRY, ? L- ? ? _ ? The Unbolted Door. : r . " ? * -1 " ? ' An agod widow sat alone Beside her narrow hearth; a ?1 Her silent cottage never hoard 'The- ringing laugh of mirth ?Six children onco had sported there, but now the churchyard snow ? Foil softly on five" little graves that were not long ago. She mourned them all with patient love, But since her eyes had shed ' Par bitterer tears than those which dewed The faces of the dead. The child which had been, spared to her, her darling and her pride, The woeful mother lived to wish she had also ciu UP ?" charger gallop, aird slice a Persian or CmwIw*?11 ?kirui ishcr from th? crown of the head to tnC- chin. But their chieftain must be obeyed He was j obeyed, and his popularity instantly fell* lilVy degrees. Mustapha keonly felt the difference between the faint .cry with which he was welcomed in his next exercise of the squadrons, and the ar dent neelamafion that hailed his former pres ence*. But his convict ion of the true Impor tance of the improvements was too strong to suffer him to go hack. "They arc my chil dren/' said he. as he returned, dejectedly from one of those djiys in which his horsemen hud manoeuvred incomparably on the new plan, yet had suffered him to depart from the field with out the waving uf a sword. '?! must treat them as-such, bear with their follies, ami leave them to have more sense jis they got more knowledge. But it is unfortunate that we have no war. A week's real work would teach them the use of those changes, and they would then know how to value them as they deserve." As ho was reaching his palace, iu a gloomier mood than he had ever felt, before, he saw a horseman riding down the neighboring bill at full speed. As he approached, the yellow cap. and the imperial dragon on his breast showed that he was one of the Tartars of the Porte. Ho brought dispatches. They announced that the Muscovite dogs "lad dared to bark at the sublime Father of the faithful, and. wliaf was more, to bite ; that the Sultan had already con descended to retreat before tho Infidel; for the j mere purpose of destroying them within bis own territory, and thus fertilizing bis fields with their bones; that the .Muscovite dogs being inspired by Satan, and not seeing the purpose of this discreet movement, had follow ed his Mightiness the Vizier, had dared to at tack him two several times,?for which might their souls bo speedily given to the black.un gcl Moiikiar, and their bodies to the ditches of Bulgaria,?even had the additional, insolence to seize his cnt|UOU aud baggage, and*actually pusj||53{tpeir madness, to the# extent of. threat euin*tO- inarch on Constantinople. TJi? dis patcjv- concluded . with h command that the thousand cavalry under the ordors of the Bay Mustapha, should instantly march to join the faithful army of iho Padishah, in driving the Infidels jfnto the Danube/ The dark eyes of Mustaofia flashed fire as he read tho words. Ho w' in the path to honors unbounded; his q^ct-* imagination saw before bim fanie, commands, nntional hpmage. He ordered' the trumpets instantly to sound, recalled his horse men eagerly, and told them the tidings. The Knrainanitin is brave by nature. Ho loves plunder, victory. gold-Kilted scymctars, and fine hora^V&jid he expected to find them all on tho wist of the Propontis. The squadrons were Weary of their days of discipline. They flourished their pikes and swords rejoicingly, and .i*ave..thc young Bey the first shout that he had heard from them for a month. ? In fpur and-twenty hours he was in march, and .the marcn'.ncvcf'halted until he was in view of the bright waters of the Bosphorus. Al?; hitherto was exultation. The showy Bey and his Arab charger shared tho praises of tho whole Moslem .populace,* who thought it wort-Iv-their while to. leave their coffee cups, to sec the huudsomost soldier mounted on the hand?micst horse in tho Ottoman dominions. His cavalry won the next praise. Never had the idlers of Constantinople seen such dashing ridcrffij so capitally equipped, with turbans so rich, lenftans so embroidered, and boots so. worthy of tlm Sultan's body guard. Ttie Eu vo^wia- Spahls looked on with onvyj but tho Delhis, who always come from Anatolia, and go, fa|e only knows where, triumphed yi bo brilliant a body of comrades, and swore that they were worthy to fall into their rear. Noth ing cpjiild be a higher compliment. Thmr. trial soon came. From the summit of a lowjfcangc of barren hills in Bulgaria, Mus tapha tone day saw a mob of foot and. horse rambliug about the country, some quarrcllipg, some robbing, some cooking, and some with their dogs, loose, looking for game. He in quired?^ a peasant wduit this strange medley feo his utter astonishment he was told, that -this was iho Turkish army. This was cnouyJlTf ihf...?/juso of their defeats was evident. What could be done against the Muscovite bayonets and guns, with mi army one half of whom were forced to rob for food, and the other to rob robbers? His genious was instantly on the alert, lie conceived a plan for at once restoring their discipline, and supplying their food; and determined to take the first opportu nity of earning immortal fame by enlightening the brains of the blundering Vizier. Hut what was to be done with a coiumander-in-chicf.who had been a slippcr-ntukor, and had never known the use of steel but in his own awd ? His high nets listened to the plan of the young Bey with a smile; said that it was excellent, but im practicable; that the Ottomans had been in the habit of conquering their'enemies .without these new inventions, und by the blessing of Mahomet, they would couquor them still. The Vizier having said thus much, made a sign to one of his attendants, and dropping his head on the sofa, fell asleep. 2I"*lophn indignantlj returned to his tent. Some ot Iiis officer? c???c round him on his en trance. ''Comrades," said lie. "I havb failed. My infallible plan has been thrown away, oil the ears of that hog of a slipper-maker. He was drunk when I.went, he was asleep when I came away. So, fight or fight not, wc must be starved." He rushed into the tent, and un buckling his scynictar, began to meditate on the first fruits of his glory. A slight noise roused him ; and he saw one of the Cnpidgis, with the Vizier's order for his head in one hand, and the bowstring in the other. It was clear that he had not yet learned to read the language of the* talisman. The Capidgi came forward, to teach him a lesson on the liberty Of speech. A true Turk would have given his nock'in return. But Mustapha was-too new to life to have acquired its perfect courtesies, lie was a mountaineer, and rude in proportion. His only answer to the respectful salutation of the Capidgi, was a blow with the hilt of his loosened semytar which brought the Sultan's officer to the ground. He then tore thq order, and kicked the unfortunate instrument of jus tice out of the tent.' lie wns on the point of mounting his charger, to lay the whole affair before the Divan, when a most flattering mes sage arrived from the Visier', apologizing for "the misconduct of the officer, who was on the point of being bastinadoed for his error," and requesting the company of tho Bey to take coffee, and receive the command of a brigade of cavalry. Mustapha was instantly appeased. He flew to tho Vizier's tent, was welcomed with remarkable graciousncss, and-was in the act of smoking (he pipe of honor, when -he felt his hands bound, and was marched, with out another word, to the roar of the tent, wlwre, oft looking for his accusers, he could sec nothing but the same Capidgi, bowi.ig with habitual grace, and half a dozen mutes, ready to per form that ceremony upon him whielj supersedes all others. - This comes." lie murmured bit terly, *??f attomptibg to put knowledge into the hoads of esses". Let mo escape but this once, aud the world way fool itself after its own way for the rest of nay existence.''. The rejection was tardy, for (the mutes were m- the act of. fastening the string round his neck. Another moment would have extinguished the man of genius. But at that moment a shell whizzing through the air, dropped into the centre of the group. The applicant of the. string Was crushed into mummy. Three other'w?re shat tered into fragments by the explosion. Mus tapha stood a free man again. The Vizier's tent was set in a blaze, and he rushed through it in the confusion aud regained .his. own; in in finite wrath with blunderers of all kinds; but not yet including the teacher of tactics to slip per-makers. ? ... ? ' [Tobe Continued.] ? M I 'S .C ELLA N E; O U S. Pertinent Quest ions Answered. The New Orleans Time? contains the follow ing pertinent bif of catechism, which will, puzzle the confute-: t . Did the Northern States over have- the in stitution of slavery '/ Yes. ? .? . Did they free thoir slaves7 No.. How did they get rid of the accursed things? They sold-their slaves-to tho people of. the South. Why did they discontinue slavery in their midst? Because it paid .better to sell their slaves than to keep them. -< Did they make any provision ibr the future freedom of their slaves when they sold them ? No.; /? > ^ .-.*. .*? I. r\ _ ,, \t "What States whero chiefly engaged in the slave trade ?. Tho Northern ^States. Did they continue the trade.after slavery was abolished in their midst ? Yes?they con tinued it until the commencement of the war. - ? Which of the Northern Stares had the great est number of vessels engaged in this trade and made most money by kidnapping poor Africans and selling them into bondage ? Massachu setts. Could not. Congress have passed a gradual emancipation and colonization act, allowing n moderate compensation for slaves It could. Would such an act have been accepted by tho South ? Undoubtedly. .What premted the rebellion in the South ? An assurance-that tho very men from whom originally the Southern people parchaso'd their slaves, after they had been stolon from Africa;* were determined to release them without a restitution of thoir own ' ill-gotton gains iu the premises, and to make use of the Ereed men as tools, in order to perpetuate their own political supremacy. Have tho fears of tho South been realized? ; Yes. ... ', .. . It is unnecessary, to mako further extracts from this suggestive and retrospective cate chism. If order is to be brought forth from the existing chaos, the people of the whole country must forget -their bickerings, and cx^ hihit a spirit of mutual forbearance. -??? na? ? i A Heart-Rending Episode.* The London Morning Herald1* military cor respondent gives the following story i MA farmer, living in a hamlet near Possnitz, had a wife and two children, and such was th?t woman's terror of the.'Prussia'ns, when" she heard thoy were coming, that her husband, to satisfy hor, placed hor in an underground collar, with her two little ones, and built up the doorway, leaving somo food inside. The Prussians entered the place, and, among others, obliged this poor man to .accompany them, with his horse .^nd cart, for a day's journey, they said. But tiiu nan was brought.on from place to place, and at last, when he was suf fered to return and reach his own house, several days had elapsed. Oft the way back ho began to calculate howTittle food he had loft with his wife and children ; .and' horror stricken at the dreadful thought that their crios might not be heard, his hair is said'to have turned white on his homoward journoy. His fears woro but too real. He toro down tho masonry, searched for thoso so dear to him, but only found thrco life less bodies half devoured by rata? Reason left him at the dreadful sight , and he is now in the hospital a. lunatic." . " Tiik Good Wifk.?Sho.? ommandcth her husband in any equal matter, by constantly obeying him. , ? She never crosscth her husband in the spring-tide of his anger, but stays till it be cb bing-watcr. Suroly men contrary to iron, aro worst to be wrought upon* when they aro hot. ILer clothes arc rather comely than costly,, and she makos plain cloth to be vclyct by hor handsome wearing it. Her husband's Bocrcts sho will n?t divulgo; especially she Is caroful to conceal" his infirm ities . V ? - In her h'usband's absence alto* is wife ami deputy husbandy which njalfeir*6eV 8wftM the* : ' files of her diiigeTJtrc. At Ms-ttetuftf'lie' ' all things so well, that he see him*'- f$ self at home When h?r was aliibttdV -, 4* ?t*fo%4& . Her-ehildr?ri.thougH many^innumbeff> *f?.^ 3 fcoW W ttofs^y steering:' tbpt? irittr ? look;, Whither slie fisteth. ' ?,:. . The heavleii wotk of* her soTVante she i kpth light) by' ofifoiTjp trad seasonably enjoin ... jtlgSt, : ' ' ? "?? . J '': In her husband's eickness ?ho' feck niord grief than she shWsi-^?>r/.F\tfl<*n. - 1 Sa i : ,.' .1, V". i as -Witt's, best* to. preventold mW ft?m de*' spairing? .Echo.;' "Pairing," The new india .rnbbcr ears for ladies ari? boxed every nighty '- . It is well enough that men should, be killed . v; by love. Mafr born o? woman" Bho?td ; die of woman.' ? ? An exchange says that "bridal 'cWcfopei* so extensively advertised for sale, rn^na simply nichltsoWns. ' "?' V - r-f - --, a j --7 : night gowns. (Jive strict attention?flo your own-affuira, a'n t\'?r "??';' > ?/'* ? / ? j? ettke was given to ? B^tffcrf ^i%flio* Burlington', VC.r to be ^ivon. by a vote at je* cents caoh to tho handsomest lady iw the room-.- . A "colored lady" ^ , ^' "John,"you seem to gain fh-sh1 ev**y efwy; the' printing lyuan'pss mtfijt agree with-you1. . Wjjo. ?ik y-<: In Washington a woman snot! a' ma'iV?e^a?3c" ' he did not marry Jper. in Cincinnati another shot one because ho did. What can- a bt?fcglr" lor do to save hisbacon'?' A citizen.of Montgomery GonntyV. InVlianS,-. ?. married recently foriA.6 eixfeht flmeV* jSIe bar lost twa wives ^by'.death, one by efopem**?*,, and two by divorce^ Ho, still thinks matri mony a good institution, like the follow was so piosly inclined that he joined-the church* four or five times. -. ' - . ??, . .,. ? An Unfortunate Strano;eii>?"Carr yotf tell mc,"*suid a stronger* to a ' gentleman in tf$*' ball room, "who that lady is neap tho window >. ?-that plain-looking lady?'* - "Thatts my sister, sir," replied1 4?tt-.$emo#> addressed; with a very fofmidhl?y lbolb.o . - ? "Ino, no, I mean her,'.' said' nib unfortunate interr?gater, "I mean thai ugl'y woman leaning' . against the piano;-thore's about as much ex pression in her face as there is in a bowl of . bonny-clabber," uThat, sir, is my wife'/'" ? ^ ;, "No, no," gaspod the miserable stranger, t"ft# perspiration ?tarting from eTer-y pore. "Qoool'. . gracious, I wish I could make you n'od'crstaiiu? . me} < I mean that bleaj'-eyed1 object in the" piiik silk, the one so awfully homely... I should;... be afraid sho would splinter a loolcing-gfess Wj. looking in it. . There she is looking at us' how." ? *v ,1. '?That, sir," said the gcqtlemah* with, fierco' calmness, "is"my QldesfdaughteP^' The stranger .darted from, tho too in and cleared the premises, as though he had" been* struck . with 'a presentiment that a powder' magazine-was going to explode in that, room1 ' in less than three seconds. ? ' *- I -" A Ml of Enio8hQri.;. The nitc wuz klaro without a.fogK Sa\l Bells4 . and I sat on a' log. Her ize wuz kast upon. the ski and her breast did hove with many tt sigh. Her ha ire wuz cz black az the blackes' out', und her lips, Jerusalem ! hold my hat! Mr arm wuz around hor little waiato, and I .got* rca'd"*' dy her lips to taste; but wheneCver I do a' thing so chaste, .1 never am in much nv s> haste. ' - .? ? * 'Tis 8ade when you kiss the Nu York girls/ with pretty blu ize, and hair, that curls, they ask you. what you.- are about and give y?i v slap right on the snout. . The Western gh ls tim make r? bother': if you kiss them on om? cheek, tha turn to you Jlhe other. But give-' mo a "\ irginia gurl fur kissin?r-tha beet nwi uthors lean to uuthjng. Whenever yu g|*^ wun uv 'cm a smack, tha pout up their lip? and kiss you back. B.ut tu mi stori; mi decrcst recder, dont git1 woarie; for If I du git off my track, IVe no*/ vith trouble, found mi way back, .and my theom again I'll never loze, assure nz thin it poetry or prozc. . . I pressed Sail Bot's form tu mine, and look-' od down in her ize, and as I took hor hand iif mino I couldn't speak fur size. - Neefer, ncerer; mi lips to herze did sncek."; I felt her warns broth on mi. chcejk; I giv. hor little hand, a squeeze) when razing up her her head, she Redtf "Take karc, Snooks, till I sneeze t".