.. i - liTItST .OXfll HQJVlk?,; THEN OITFt STATE; FINALLY THE! ,j^TATIO; THESE CONSTITUTE OUT* COUNTRY. . ^4 a ?? ? ; ..... ...... > , . W? . ?? ?\ VOLUME 1. . SATURDAY MORNIfG, MARCH 9, 1867. NUMBER 3 TM'OMNGEBITRa,NEWS. * * ~l - ?:o:? j ' . PUBLISHED at orangeburg, b.o . m Eyory Saturday Btorning. SAM I'LL DIBBLE, Editor. CHARLES' II. I TALL, Publisher. -:o: TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Copy for one year.A..$U.OO ?? ?u ^'t ?:o:? For further particulars, apply to Mb. Cn?nLTs II. Halt., or address / SAMUEL DIBBLF, EUlTOIl OUAXCKUCKC. Nkitb. ' ? Orangeburg, S. 0. feb 23 0 iy CHARLESTON CARDS. WILLIS & GHISOLM, FACTORS, COMMLSSION MERCHANTS ? ' ANI> . , ? SHIPPJXG A G EXTS ~XXTk1'1' ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE*, YY.\ sale and shipment to Foreign-und Do ane,sti\Forts, of Cotton, Mice. Lumber and Nav idSto-V ?03 I A: R JJ]ESrPO"NT , S. C. E. WILLIS. AL13X. R. CHISOLM. fcl) 28 1 y ? * SAM'L R. MARSHALL, I Formerly Co-partner of J. E. Adger & Co.) IMFOKT12R AND DKALF.lt IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, i$10 Eint/ Streut, ild door below Society, CHARLESTON, S. C. feb 23 1 m S. Thomas, Jh., Wsi. S. Laxxkac, W?liam G. Whilden & Co. FORMERLY OF HAIDEN k WHILDEN, DEALERS IN WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE.CROCK ERY, CHINA, GLASS WARE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING ARTICLES. Old Gold and Silver purchased. Watches and Jetcefri/ repaired. 335 King-Si., Corner of llcaniain, AT WHOLESALE 11 HAYNE STIlEE'l CHARLESTON, S. C. feb 2:] 2 J. E. ADGER & ?0., Direct Importers and Dealers ' IN HARD WA RE, CUTLER Y, G ENS, RAR IKON; STEEL, NAILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, &C, No. 139 Meeting-Street, NE A It CHARLESTON HOTEL, AND NO. G2 EAST BA Y, CHARLESTON, S. O. J. ELLISON AD'GER. E. D. ROBINSON. A. MuD. BROWN, G. II. MOFFETT. J. A DO EH SMYTH, feb 28 ? Sm CHARLESTON HOUSE. STOLL, WEBB & ?0., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS. All Goods nro selected specially for our SOUTHERN TRADE; AT THE <>LD STAND, NO. 287 KING STREET, Three doors below Wcntworth, CHARLESTON, S. C. ..forjjls Cash, or City Acceptance.. ' iS^LjjfcjtDERS FROM FT LY ATTENDED TO. CiiAnr.KS Wenn. II. C, Walker. (' c ?? tf **. POETRY. _?_T- '_*_ ?_ ~ ; : ?~ - * [FOU THE OUANUKHVHU NEWS.] "Duty's Resignation, to Lovo too Unfor tunate." I'll drift him,?although on my ahooks/I know, Tho bloom will pulo forever: I'll drift him,?although in the core of my Ii??' 1 shall eou.se to love him?oh. never! t'lt-ttrift 1dm, and mem'fry nirsTTc flees to the past Will fiti?l there but grlef-givcn joys? I'll drift him,?anil hope in tho future must soar? O'er life and its love broken toys. I'll drift him, though-grief and soul-rending des . . pair, - .Should revel in the shrine of my heart ? I'll drift him, though pangs or unutterable woe, Fro?my bosom.should never deport. ' _ ? * * ? ? ~ & t - * \ *L'U drift him, though misery exquisitely blend, 'Her powers to torture my soul? I'll drift him,-thoilgh fates, and though, furies shall i rend ? Not a part of my life, but the whole. * .. - * * I'll drift,hint,-though time shiril bring uover more Oho balm my lone bosom to soothe? I'll drift him, though henceforth the path of my life, ^ ' + ' Be overything else but the, smooth. I'll "drift him, though forme ii dark remnant of days, ?A heritage of agony live, I'll drift him, though'hourly emotions of woe In my heart to thy. dreum birth should give. "j W * * *\ '? w '* lie is drifteilf^filas! and my heart wildly cries Farewell! blooming roses of bliss, I'll cherish.the thorns ye buyo left in my soul And'rejoico in the misery of this. VIENNA VEAL. BiiA.scnviLEE. S. C, Nov. 20, 180G. LITERARY. ~ A House in tho Duo iPEitfer. [concluded.] . . Tho-next day tho artist took up his abode hi the*Leoj>ddstndt. Fr ask of im??'" "Kveryth'f*>i. madam; for I \\iw*;. not been | able to guess a single incident i?f the drama of whieh you made me a witness?1 might almost say an actor. Ah ! you have too elevated and ? noble a character not to understand that my j impatience to clear up the mystery which sur-; sounds this adventure does not proceed from idle curiosity, but from a romantic hove which I had conceived of being useful to yon. 1 wished to speak to ybug.f'tlm scryicc3, you j have rendered me ; for I know that thi s Vert-'* mann, who st^ suddenly gave me the mevijis of j jjtrjttc1"itu: my* vpy*m to Italy, must Jiave Jji cj?j commtys?li>h*eiT"cy^yotrf''want"*1!.' font iJi.v a HRSlfl hazard, was. in fact, a concealed and well-ar- | range\l plot to force me to accept of a favor; j but this favor, I wish t > know why and mi ? what conditions it was grunted, Was it the rcocmpcu.se of my silence, or of some service which I bad rendered you?" '?Both, sir." ??Then I refuse it. madam ; positively and absolutely refuse it." exclaimed Frederick; warmly ; "1 neither sell my services nor my diseret ion." "For heaven's sake, sir. listen me-?-yon came here, you say. to serve me; let it suJliec you to know that all that has passed is irreparable.? that my misery now weighs only upon myself, that your presence may ruin but cannot profit me in the least. 1 am a slave, chained in (lu den of a wild beast, who in his rage Would kill ine. 'I he secret you ask me for. sir. would. ; were it known, cost me my life. <)'. I beseecli you. leave Vienna?return into I'ranee?you do not know the dangers to which you are ex posed here?you have already excited the count's jealousy?you are watched, besot with spies. It required tho chance and tumult of this ball to bring about an interview ; perhaps, even now, is he searching for me." Having pronounced these words, the young J woman looked anxiously around her. Sudden ly her eves remained fixed on something at the further end of the library. She drew back with a gesture of terror. I'rederiek. who had eagerly watched all lier.movements, perceived in u looking-glass the reflection of a head peep ing through tin-dour, which was ajar. lie! uttered an exclamation id' surprise, and ad vanced tow.irt's the dour; but it suddenly opened. Hilda man dressed in an Armenian cos l.ttuue appeared on the threshold. -1 disturb you." said he, ili a hollow voice. The stranger drew back, trembling and dis tracted. "What do you want, sir? how dare you list- j en to us? aiked Frederick. Without making any answer, the Armenian endeavored to approach the young woman, but Frederick placed himself on his passage; the two men stood confronting each other ill an at titude of provocation ami profound hatred. All of a sudden the Armenian tore oil' his mask and discovered to view the savage countenance of the Hungarian nobleman. "J)oyou recognise me now ?" asked he, with an accent of ungovernable rage. "1 do not possess the art of reading peo ple's names on their faces," replied Frederick coolly. "Perhaps your companion will be more j clever than you," rejoined the Armenian, ad vancing. "Back, sir." . "Down with your masks !" "Back, 1 tell you." The Hungarian laid his hand on his poniard, and Frederick on his yataghan; but, at the same moment, the nuisie again began to play tho .croj^hnd ng11"1 ?Hcd the ball-room, and a tvoo'fi '>l Busks rushed into the library with I'Riightcr. Frederick profited by tho {ich this irruption oeeasif?ned to effect for tho countess, and when he returned f'i Armenian he was gone, pt day he was alone in his apartment, mging some traveling dresses in his ??vi the*Hunguiian suddenly made his E . If* sight Frederick shuddered. The liuced towards him. "Mr. Frederick [if you please?" he, sir." "r took the letter, mute with astonish rccoguised the haiid as the same written t the note whieh he had al cived; he opened-it, and read the ful shouty. tumiM a retr?j to soeki The, bnsii_ trunk, v a| count h Garuioi "I u "Ft Oaryl meat, a{ which ready r-j lowing*. "We escaped only by a miracle yesterday? a secoi'aJ ^interview would ruin us. Tf I ever inspired you with the least particle of interest, leave Vienna immediately; perhaps 1 shall some d.'iybu 'djlc to answer your questions; but that will require both time and liberty. Start without a moment's delay, and try. to forget the events of that night, the remembrance of j which I Avould willingly wash out with my blood$n "3! ACS AR BT." "IjMM you finished it ?" asked the count of A^sir." ?Wnfeit arc your arms?" Jl?ld..uoi understand you. sir." Thk Hungarian stared at Frederick with a sort tttsavaire astonishment. "Havcvou iiotre marked'to whom that letter is addesrsed ?" "TiVIiic, sir." ".wid who wrote it ':" "I d? not know." "Come. come. sir. all prevarication is use less."I MR claimed the count, stamping on tin 'S?o\yoii imagine that 1 am both deaf] ud? I never left an injury unpunished j ; one of us must die?you know it ; do | jc to Cscape mo ' now?we are not sjt the ' Ueimberg's. ..llnwi verlijug you may ^rufctcr up yjojir 'jgfc^ugc.tI will wait; [ room 1 will n?.t leave uYirfrV "yoWluive given me satisfaction." Alter this discourse the count sal down, as if to show thereby that bis resolution was im movably taken. On examining the objects which were scattered about on the marble slab of the chimney-piece, be unwittingly took up the medallion which Henry hud found at l>a-l" ; he turned it and rccoguised the portrait of the countess. * He sprang from his chair, uttered a cry of rage, and quashing his teeth, exclaimed, "I will this instant go and fetch my arms; in an hour I shall return, and if you still refuse to fight sue. 1 will kill you." I'rederiek remained buried in deep reflection, it was now that be bitterly repented the conse quences of his imprudent curiosity.' The scene which had taken place at the Ibichess lleim hurg's, and the Hungarian's violent jealousy, had made him iv.m .ve tu be prudent ; but it was now too late; the count's provocation had wound up the afiair in the most gloomy man ner possible. It was certainly very easy for him to correct the error which had brought about tin' quarrel, but he would then be obliged to teil all that he knew. t u| he, "I wish l>> say one word; it shall he ? nc last: I declare, on my honor, that 1 uevcv loved the COUIitcsS, that I have only seen hev twice; that I do hot even know her name; rhat this por trait, which you suppose to he .1 token of love, w as found by me at an inn at ' . isle, w here she had forgotten it." ? Liar, liar !?and t he le ;tcr ?" "The letter!?she w ho wrote it has alone the power ami the rite to c>*. phi in it. sir." "And she will." said a calm, solemn voice. Frederick and the Hungarian turned round simultaneously. The countess was standing in the door-way. "Margaret '." exclaimed the count, "what do you want here ?" "To hinder you from committing a crime. "Begone, begone, I say." "Not without you, count." "Ah ! are you afraid of your lover?" Sh*i east upon the Hungarian a long look of disgust, and contempt. "My lover I" said she, ,with a Inhering voice, "you know very well that he is not here." "But this letter?this letter, madam-" "Have yon Forgotten a young man to whom 1 was affianced, and whom, coward-like, you threw like a vile malefactor into prison?" "Frantz has nothing to do with this affair madam." "You arc mistaken, sir; for I loved him ar dently, fervently, before I was compelled to be come your wife, and I loved him still more af terwards. You had him condemned for a sup posed^crimc before our voyage to France, yet ho'contrived to join ine in Faris." "He!?it's impossible." " ? "You were absent, sir, engaged in political intrigues in London?I could receive him with out fear." The "count stretched out his hand towards his pistols. "Not yet, sir," said the youngvoman with a bitter smile; "you must first here mo out. Kraut/, bad been in Faris about two months, when you 'announced your return. He then conjured me to flee with him ; but I remem bered my child?I was, besides, sure that we should not be able to eseape your pursuit, that Frantz would pay the penalty of his life?I wished to save bun from inevitable destruction ?wretched woman ! I refused ! 1 then re ceived from Frantz a letter which contained these wolds" : "This evening I shall be under your windows, to see you or to die." "I was in the country?I arrived in Faris distracted?1 flew to the Luxembourg?the gates were closed. 1 ran to this gentleman, who occupied an apartment under ours; he opened for mo a private dour which led into the gardens, and when 1 arrived?Frantz was dead !" The countess buried her face in her hands, and sobbed aloud." "Von will now easily understand." rejoined she. after a long silence, "why 1 was so dis turbed when 1 again perceived that gentleman? why I was so anxious to meet him?why I wrote to him to leave Vienna." ._Thojcnun^had_sat and listened to all the de : tails of this adventure "with a" most terrible ? calm, his eyes fixed, and his lips compressed. He at last rose, and advanced towards Gamier, who bad remained wonder-struck and mute with astonishment?"Von will ijuit Vienna to j morrow." said he imperatively. The you'ig "?au started, and was about to ' answer, but the countess looked at him. "It . shall be so," said be coldly. i The count then seized his wife's arm. who shuddered beneath bis grasp, and they both disappeared. A month alter. Frederick met in Paris. 1 e_ blanc. who had just arrived Irwin Vienna. rj.'hej two friends had a long conversation together. ? Now 1 think of it." said Henry. "J l.iave learned liy heart the name of the Hun g.man's wile?>he is the Countess Margaret ,)f Clcs wholtezser." ??And how came you to know it'.'* ? I saw it on the funeral invitr vions;" ??What !" exclaimed Kredcr. ?k, shuddering, ?is the countess dead ?" ? Yes. she died the day after your departure I Vi mi Vienna." ,J. (J. ('. AGRICULTURAL, &C. Sinke Corn. Will the Eolith ever learn anything? A I'rcnch c* nie upon the restoration of the liourhon remarked : " They have nothing." Shall tjq 00 subject to the same sarcasm?? *A ha can we do without corn? I .1 the old times, just before,th? errrrrr"crash of '.ill-'."i7. when overyttoily was run mad Oil the j vuKject of cotton, ju.-t as we are now. a team ?a poor lean muh' team?was staggering up I Main street under a heavy load.. The owner ; in a sort of apologetic way. remarked to a knot i of friends, "Upon my word. I wish I did know what would fatten my mules. I've tried imx r> unit n>n that your lessees shall raise corn. Your coun try demands it. A full corn crib is better than a full crib of any other kind. Chickens, mules, darkies and every living thing rejoices in it. Who have been the most successful planters in old times? the man of corn. We are astonished to hear sensible men ad vising people to make cotton to buy corn with. F?vcn the old Indians have got drunk. We know sonic large plantations that hav'nt got enough shucksto make horse collars. Ofcourso tho owners of such places "ain't worth shucks." The startling announcement was made in town, yesterday, that there 'was'nt a sack of corn in town. Are we to have a famine ? It seems so. If we bow down to col ton. and wor ship it and neglect corn, we arc boiim.l to end in famiue. Would that some JutephF could " give us a lecture on the subject! He is .th.; only statesman of whom we have ever heuid wlu got corned iu the right way. Look jut your situation in military parlance, iu^'a "cnl a\', mc" made of gunny sacks. Ypu'yo got t > borrow the money to buy the com... You've got to feed mules to haul the com. You've got . to pay the driver to drive the. wVgon to haul the corn. You have to grease the wagon, etc.: and you can run on in the style of " the cow with the crumply horn," and pile up (he distis tcrs that spriug from an cmpt^jcorii.crjb. Don't be satisfied with ordinary crops, 'be- : cause we'll have to begin to suck roasting cart; before the moustache is off them. *l Let all the editors in our land raise: the corn song, and let the people join the chorus, i; raihj corn !" Let us do it qtiiok, before Uncle Sam has :? chance to ffix us. It is the only thmgthut is'u: stamped; that's one consolation. It's time for us to speak out^ur.d warn the people to plant corn! May God bless us next season with a cornicopia of corn. ? ^ [iYc*lt7tc~ Coiii'icjf. Sheep vs. Olker Stock. _ / ? $ The following briefly enumerates some o'' t> advantages of keeping sheep. They make the quiekest return for 0* s in vestment in them, being ready to eat V thro?l or four months old, and yielding Ueor'.. uUu year old. and perhaps a lamb also. A Their subsistence is cheaper '.h;ia thut o" any other domestic animals?gv?.,=s and stock fodder being all they will rcquyr 0 at uuv season. They supply the family at aH seasons, with the most de.licioc.s meat of t| lC moit convenient, size for family use. ; They present valuablo; products in two forms,. their wool and their ?' JSh both of which are. adapted to home o*. mstuuptkm, and for snh . and both of which # vn .aifonted to either domes tic or distant 5pflfJ*gS3i ' The transput,at urn of them to market alivj is chea])cr tha>4l 0f any other live stock (mt blooded) of ^hc game value, and the same i true also p t" their wool compared with Other and. similar a gricultur.il products. " oc i may be more easily and safely kept in expectation of a better market, than any other :">d similar product, as it is less liable to Ore, ,r.se -;s. rats or rotting. An investment in them is self-cnlnrgein^, nod rapidly so, by their aunual increase; wliini their wool pays much in the Tray of interest at the same time which is not true of many; if ei* any similar investments.? Majrifhtrid I'm nur. Cotton vs. White People.?" Whit? pec pie cannot raise cotton, especially on alluvial land!" Nevertheless, the liaton llouge Adic cfitc of the lGth, says: '? A friend in this parish. n<)t being able t ? procure frceduicn last spring set to work wit's his own boys and one white man. and the. result was a crop of thirty bales of cotton. " We would like to know where negro labor has done better. And we know hundreds. ?.* not thousands who have labored half their live* in the swamps at farm or other labor, and have only ceased because they got too rich to work. Sickly men. perhaps, cannot; especially such as have laziness in their bones. For the lalte. class we would prescribe an impartial tread mill." - 'TT 11- *-.~^?imn?. - ? A CoVeNIENT DtSKNTKC'taxt.?Qwj.carfTf* of copperas, known \s H'lfpnirte* of iron," ? cosjltw-l?''1 u lew" cents, dissolved in four gal lons of water, will most completely destroy ail I olfensivo odor. Tb.e warmer the weather, the oftner must the application be repeated. Sprinkling the copperas itself is about advan tageous, and. if in cellar, is one of the' b'&t niean-: of keeping rats away. [.SViVnfffic American, ???? - -? ? -mrtm. To Pll?TECT UoneKS' hooks.?Gutta per (dia may be used to protect the feet of horsCs from tenderness and slipping. It is first cut into small pieces, and softened with hot water, then mixed with half its weight of powdered sal ainoniae, and then the mixture melted in a tinned saucepan over a gentle lire, keeping U well stirred. When required for use. hielt in a glue pot , scrape the hoof (dean, and apply the mixture with a knife. Duel Between a Lady and a Gentij? max.?A gentleman in California having mad I a lady a present of a pair of pistols, after sever al trials of skill, t' ey concluded to go through the forms of a duel. They took their position-.^ fired at the word, and to the terror of tho lady, j* tho gentleman fell. She throw herself frant ic ally upon the corpse embracing and kisiing it. with every emotion of endearment. Und?-such . magical influence tho gentleman rcvi\?d ami j rose unhurt from the ground, and??auQ they arc to bo married, \ I