servioe he has rendered it in demonstrating the "normal method" of teaching in the Sabbath School, and that we most cordially invite him to visit us again. . Also, the following was offered by Pres. W. T. Thompson, and unanimously adopted: Resolved:?That, to the people of Salem, we, the members and visiting brethren of this Convention?collectively and individually?return our heartfelt thanks for the hospitable manner in which they have entertained us during this session of the Conven, . tion. ^ On motion of II. W. Gossett, the Secretary was requested to forward copies of the proceedings to Tiie Union Times and The Weekly Ledger for publication. Treasurer reported $31.18 on band. After prayer by Rot. 0. F. Clarkson, (be Convention adjourned to meet next August, 1896. J. L. Strain, W. T. Thompson, Secretary. President. Two Lives Saved Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction Ci'y, III., was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was do hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Kggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, appronching Consumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks wns cured. He is naturally tlinnkful. It is such results, of which these are samples, thnt prove the wonderful cflicaoy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free tri\l botihs at B. F. l'esey's Drug Store. Regular size 60c. and $1.00. List or Letters. Remaining in tho Postofhce at Union, for the week ending August 31, 1894. C E Spencer Mr Solomon Parker Mr J L Williams Miss Itosic Mix Mr 0 W Macker Mr John Austin Persons calling for the above letters will please say if advertised, and will be required In nnv nnn ront for Ihftir ilnlttarw R.W. HARRIS, P. M. GREENVILLE FEMALE COLLECE, UKEKNVILLK, S. C. Her. M. M. HILEY, D. D., President. Miss M.C. JUDSON, Associate l'riucip*!. Reorganized and newly equipped, with new furnit?r? and new pianos, ?uu under new management. A full corps of tenchers in crery department. Hoarding and other expenses reasonable. Next session begins WEDNESDAY, SEPT. HO, lb'J4. Send for Catalogue. Address M. M. RILEY, Ureenrille, So. Ca. Election Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that on election will bo held for a Warden of the town of Union, S. C., at the Court House on Monday, Sept. 17, 1S04, to fill the unexpired term of Mr. 11. P. Harry, resigned. Registration books will be open for registration of legal voters at said election at thn Pniirlhniisn on Si>nl 1()th I'M, '->m 11 A. M. to 1 P. M. ?t. C. Johnson, L. N. ltodger and W. D. Arihur are hereby appointed Managers of Registration and election, liy order of Council. Attest: JOHN A. FANT, | SKAL jL. O. Vot'NO, Muyor. Clerk and Treas. Aug. ;:i Valuable Lands For Sale. WE offer for sole the following tracts of land formerly belonging to F. W. Eison, decease !, to-wit: Til K IIOMKSTKAO. This tract contains three hundred end thirty five (33."?) acres, more or less, with fine residence nnd all necessary outbuildings and tenement houses thereon. A large fan 01 iins tract is iu \ lrgin iiuincr. THE SIMS TRACT. This irnct hns ooe hundred and forty-five ncres, more or less, well improved and in a high slate of cultivation. THE FERNANDEZ TltACT. This trsct has three hundred aiul thirty acres, more or less, improvement good and in fine statu of cultivation. If these lands arc not sold by salesday in October next, then tlicy will be put up at . Union C. II. to the highest bidder. Persons desiring to examine theso places with a view of purchasing will call oo Mr. T. L. Humes at Jonesville, S. ('., and learn prices, etc. TERMS OF SALE: One-third cash, balance in one ami two yrnrs, secured by mortgage. Purchaser to pay for papers. T. L. HAM KS, A. II. FOSTER, F. M. FARR, W. E THOMSON. Aug. 31-35- It. '09 HSVO 1139und 3Hi 4if([njloodbOJ isoj^ mou Euuojjo o.iu oay suitt&ivq oqi oos puu spoo3 .ino loodsut 4o.iois .mo iisia O) (>01(Atll A'jptip.lOD OJU jC((U.10U03 oq -qnd oip put: spuo;.ij .mo jo pit og o.iois spooojf) iC.i([ ssiqo 1?itj v nc jdoq si pjij) 3uii[i?ioao 10i:j in put: 'sosip^Y { ((OS (|lAV 1101(1 [111III A\OU II10.1J (>IIV wtoi i m\ \ \7i m\u "M)? iMICIiJ i\ T \1 tUUUIil OI|J UO II OJUl SIfUll.lJ, 1>MI! SJDJJ 4 SJOIJ^ 48|OOJ[ 'SpOOf) jC.I(| JO >(OOJS JIIO OAOUI J|1AV (Mil: 00{) 'J, *}( MJ^ Xq pOldllODO AlOll UIOO.IO.IO is JUO.IJ -AU>|(0\ OUI ,[ OIJI |)OIUO.l 9A1U( d\\ ^"TIAOIM 01 ONIOO 3H? rdA\ THE RECENr ADDITK To our stor all 10,890 Sqr space, and we < one of the most conven: ment stores country. With the present propose to make th BANNER of our experi< til y?l yn rv A Ql T uLil jlxjl^ W/IO 1 figuring the PROFITS at GOOD In Ttci c^rcir* In A V V_y V_> V U1 PU the Piedmon Our Buyer market in a fet? in the Fall sto< "THE OLD F A. H. FOS1 "Givers of G< ? ? 1 wsm Spectacles anil Eye-Glasses /mpamsap* * wCTHwe ? o to einlwgniGis FROM 25 CTS- UP. CARRIACE PAINTS 50 CTS. A CAN. A FULL LINE OF STATIONERY. Perfumery, Fancy Toilet Soap,, DRUGS AND DRUG SUNDRIES TO SUIT THE HARD TIMES. ' UNION DRUG CO. I July 20-29-1y. Jonesville High School. E. K. AYCOCK, Principal. \'.udy ( German may do so. Few schools oft'er the satno advantages to small children as this. Good 1? cation. Purest air and water. Religious influences. Pious community. ( No bat rooms in town. Three churches in the place, idl have a good Sunday School. Good board can be had at per month. Respectfully, K. K. AVCOCK. 1', S. ? We wish to rmphnsizc the importRfltw of all the tumils beiair Present the morning school opens. K. H. A. 1)K i>T T 1ST IIY. ( DR. H. K. SMITH'S L> ] ; IN T A I- It O O M H ?OVER? A H. FOSTER fir. CO S STORE I COCA 1N K USKI) IN KXTK ACT IN0 I"II I'.TfI 1 Jan. G I-1 jr. V V I r ON e gives us in tare feet floor olaim to have largest and ient Departin the up- j i I crop prospects we 1 is the SEASON snee in cap- ' -I trade by , i CLOSEST which I goods! ?een sold in | Lt Section. ! will start to v days to buy 3k. RELIABLE" rER & CO. 3od Values." if vou want an -ENGINEyou want the best. then buy a ? T O Z E TR, , ? And you will have the be*t engine built. I nanufacture three styles, PORTABLE, 3EM1PORTABLE AND STATIONERY. The TO/KR has stood the test for years ind never failed to give satisfaction. They use about J the fuel and water ol )ther makes. Steam is easily raised in from JO to 30 minutes. Full line always in stock. Write for prices. ? REPAIR WORK I'ROMPTI.Y EXECUTED ? J NO A. WILLIS, Columbia, S. C. Vug. 17 33 Dec. 1. Mortgage Sale. ON the 4th tiny of September next, at the late residence of John It. Jefferies, ieceased, at Star Farm, in Union County South Carolina, we will sell to the highest udder, during tho legal hours for Sheriffs Sales, the following described property, viz : Seven (7) Mules, One (1) 'JO Horse power rozin anil Dial Steam Fnginc, One (1) Cordivell Wheat Thresher, One (1) Wbeat ' Hinder, One (I) Cotton Gin and Fixtures, Jnc (I) Grist Mill and Fixtures, One (1) miw Mill ami Fixtures. This sale is to be made under and by firlue cf a Chattel Mortgage, executed and loliverod by John It. Jefferies to W. II. j iV nil ace, date! the '27, June 18811, ami remrdotl in the office of the Kcgistcr of Mesne i 'onvcyancc lor Union County, in Hook of .'battel Mortgages It. No. '2 page 191. Terms, Cash ; and if purchasers fail to >uy Cash or secure payment, the nronertv vill lio resold immediately. | 'aKHOLL \ ('AllPKNTKU, ) 0. W. LKMASTHB, f assionf.ks, I>. A. TOWNSKND, ) lug. 21 ;5t -'t. jS' VTOTICr. i? hereby given that wc will Li apply (o tlie (Jcncrnl Artacinlily of ( louih Carolina, at it9 next flcesidn, for a ilirirler incorporating t lie Oicitcr and 1 Irccnvillo K?i road Company ; said road to * >0 run lrotn Chester, S. C., to Greenville, 1 t (\, l>y (lie inosl practicable route C U. FA It It A It, Ag t y for Corporators. Aug -4 -:t 1 -ovfor'tiu. ; Fur Salt' ?My interest, which is one iftlf, in the brick store now occupied hy II. P. Senile, on Main street. MAMIK. J, Klair, J Greenville, S. C. HLLMAN OR THAT'S NOTTS rHE QUESTION IS, WHERE FURNITURE WITH MY I ? A1] BAILEY & I Op 001 YOY pay strict attootion to this fa< United States Senate. A dolla MURPHY'S, Everybody in Union U< liture cheaper than any house in Union, a ina. Come and see us and we will convii "or BAILEY & MURPHY,-and you aha Do you want a Hammock ? Nothin Mosquitoes sing Psalms to you at night ? a leart's best blood ? Buy one of our Mosq A. BEAUTIFUL LINE C NESE AND Jj A LOVELY LINE OF QH" 13Y THE WAY SEE OURS AND GET WILL CERTAIN! Call and sec our new Red Room suits, irrivcd. Do you want a nice wardrobe ? bles, any kind, bavo a line of these that Sideboard, wo have them. Do you neod a nave one that beats the world for 50c. E bave one, in fact we have everything you Mouldings just arrived, can frame your n Ladies Walnut Rockers, get one before Rocker, you should have one by all means, jlse. Remember we have COFFINS ANI ill prices. Also Rurial Robes for Ladies i Wc guarantee to please you, so come an Bj Don't forget that wo givo a handwin) relative or friend FREE, to every (JA.SH < \ wm. a. nicho .BanP a regular banking 1 Deposits received. Exch Savings Departmei on Time c WE RKPR PIRE*INSURANC WITH RESOURCES OF YOUR OPPORTL I have just left markets to buy r Dry Goods, Notions, and Hats. The t been settled, so yo I o i _ classes ot goods at J5ut before going, I have left c dean out all Suinmer stuff at th your opportunity to get unheard t if you fail to inspect our ren will find something on it she ne< i mere song. At these prices w J. W. Mel Inn. 1-ly \ BUTLER !!!1 EE QUESTION. CAN I BUY THE MOST IARD EARNED CASH? r ? IIURPHYS rp.SE. , i t ot and it matters not who gooa to the r goes a long way at BAILEY & juoty knows this. That w; sell Farad as for that matter in Sooth Caroice you and start you out hurrahing nt bo arrested, cithor. g nicer theso warm evenings. Do nd then whea asleep probe for your uito Nets, thoy are sure preventatives. ] >F MATTINGS, CHIAPANESE. TOILET CHAMBER ( rs. , 1 ' PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY IT L?Y PAY YOU. they ara boauties, those '.:aye just come and see ours. How about Ta? cao't be excelled. Do you want a door mat and Shoe cleaner ? We very house in Uuion County should need to furnish a house, pictures now. Somo greet bargains they are all gone. That largo Rattan , only 82.50, bring 83.50 everywhere ) CASKETS t??> a" kinds and at and Gentlemen, d sco us. Respectfully, &ILEY & MURPHYt life size Crayon Portrait of any purchaser of 820.00 worth from us. Bailey & Murphy. LSON & SON, Lers.^-^BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ange bought and sold, it. Interest paid leposits. ESENT J .fcj -* UU -IVL _fcr? J\. INT I E S OVER $30,000,000. INITY. ? M f a H 4- L /\ M ^ L? A MM iui nit; nuiuiurii ny Fall stock of Millinery, Clothing,; ariff question has I u may expect all j a still lower price. ; 1 i rders with my salesmen to ] e customer's prices. This is ( i of bargains* You will miss mailt counter. Every lady ids. The price asked will lie e must have the spot cash. 1 AIRE, Agt. i i ] X. CLEARANC 0 m WE are now in the midst of o find we have a lot of stufl >ver. We will make a clean swec SUMMER md have marked them at prices tl s your chance to buy goods cheap x) get them. Good Calico, 3 1-2 cen1 " Checks, 3 cents. " Sateens, worth 2< " Dimities, " 21 Samatra Flannels, wor Fine Domets, for Shirl L2 l-2c. at 8 l-3c. White Goods, Figured Lawns, J )wn price. Summer Clothing IV The Cheapest and Best Line 50 75 AND 100 8TRAW H It will pay you to buy a hat and Good Cottonade for Pants, 8 J c< Good Soda, 4 cents a pound. Woman's Black Hose, 5 cents. Men's regular made half Hose, I Good wire buckle, braided end I Come inland let us show you wl No trouble to show goods. HARR LEA1 BE SURE AN THE BIG CLOSIN 5^2^ -A- ^ GRAHAM & WHICH WILL OPEBJ WK will place on our bargain counters sc goods of every description, which w cost 10 GASH BUYERS. These goods room and wo need the money. Among thoi only short lengths and sara; le lots, but good wish, consisting of Dress Goods, Wash Ooo< Laces, Embroiedries, Shoes, Clothing, Ilats, Millinery ! M Wc will also close out our entire stock of A great many Hats, l'lumes, etc., at less tha ing and wo don't propose to carry over, so co for should ycu wait until tho goods arc picke you would be disappointed when you God ou at. REMEMBER THE DATE, NO TROUBLE TO SHOW YOU YOU LUY O Hespectfu OUAHAMV Mortgage Sale. BY virtue of a certain mortgage deed ex- 11 ecu ted by James L, Htduu to II. L. jLJ Joss and William Monro, dated Nov. IN, dab IK'.fJ, and recorded in the otlice of the Keg- ofbt liter of Mesne Conveyance fur Union county, Uni in Hook of Moringes M. 12, pane 241, 1 will will sell by public auction to Hi* highest bidder, Uni Tor cash, on the first Monday in September Sep uexi, within the legal hours of SltcrilF sale?, She ?t Union Court House, the lands embraced Tow in said mortgage, to-wit : the Three hundred nml twenty (120) acres, son, more or less, situate about four or five miles by to llio Northward of Union Court House, fort in J hounded by lands of Feb Miller. II. II. Coll Heine, tides Smith, Newell Smith, Saror, Daniel Robinson, T. J. 11. Smith and no iioriiceieau tract 01 njrs. netuc, nnn ne- A ug nil l lint ( art of I he lands formerly of A lohu T. Belue, deceased, known as Ibe Forbes tract and the Howard tract not in:luded in said homestead. WILLIAM MUNRO. t August 8, iH'.il. Aug. 10-82-4t. 5's A ante a Salvk.?The best A 1 v?lvc in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores Jleers, Sa't Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, 'happed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all ikiu eruptions, and positively cures Files, >r no pay required. It is guaranteed to I! rivo perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. l'rico Wi cents per box. For sale by it. F. Honey. SALE. ??????? ur annual stock taking and f we do not intend to carry ip of everything in GOODS, iat will do the work. Now cr than you ever expected bs. 0 cents, for 8 l-3c. > " " 12 l-2c. th 15 cents for 10c. ts Waists, &c., worth dulls, etc., at less than you1' larked to Close. of Shoes in the Slate. ATS FOR 26 CENTS. put it by for next Summer ents. ) cents. Suspenders, 10 cents, hat we have. Y & BELK, DERS IN LOW PRICES. [D ATTEND IG OUT SALE - $2*^ SPARKS, [OHDAY, JULY 16. * -? >me wonderful bargains in Summer W ill bo closed out almost regardless of 1 must aiul will be sold, wo need the * m will bo some choice good?, not reliable goods in any quantity you Js, White Good-', Lawns, Muslins, ^ etc. illinery ! I Millinery goods at a big bargain n half price, as tho season is ndvancwo at onco and make your selection d over and not hnd what you want t what your neighbors bought thcin MONDAY THE Hi Til, (JUK STOCK, WIIET11EK 11 NOT. SPARKS. Mortgage Sate. ?V virtue of a certain mortgage deed 1 execute! by Winnie Johnson to me. ed February 9, 1894, and recorded in tho ;c of the Register Mesne Conveyance for on County, in Hook M. 12, |>ngc 892, 1 1 veil before the Court House door nt on, for Cash, on the first Monday in lember next, within the legal hours of ritf Sales, nil that lot of hm.l in ?i.?. rn of Union, bounded by Main Street on nortb, by lands formerly of A. W. Ilioni, deceased, ou thv south and oil the west J. W. McLurc; being the same lot nerly owned by A. l>. Spears and J. E. .on. J. C. HUNTER, Mortgagee. ,ug. 9, 1894. ,11^. JVOi-H. . 8CIIUMPEHT, T, 1J. BUTLER. I0UCIT0R 7TH CIRCUIT, U. S COVMSSIOKIR iCHUMPERT & BUTLER, [TORNEYS AT LAW. 3 1-2 LAW RANGE, UNION, 8. O. lufinfs intrusted in our hands wi 1 r?? c.ivo our iiumclitUe ivtention. larch 1 ii-11 -I f,