3 lie 3Dcrltfg million j JOttlAII CRUDUP. Kciitor l-'rltliiy, Au?Iim( :il, IS1M. Kt Hsvh/rriOA. r.u ry.H SUM. MH3.-U8. 1'rncKi i. & (Ikb ei li'itigrtl store rooms ) cslortlny. .Mr. (tee Inul his goor clir i|<, iiour Uni n l'. II , wiilo or en I on IIDMAII liuots. ?!v <>., 8| intmi'iiiirg, S. C. ? - - Tiik strike f ilie Weavers ni l S, iuneri ;it Fall Hiver nii'l New 15. d ford sull continues. Unlike llic A. 15. U. S rike, lliere is i>o el is tuler or ilisnul nr ee or iliairucUon of property. 1 lie o| erniives have timp'y dec areil their unw Plingne.'S to work nt the cut rate wages, and have slopped. 'I bey are well organized, and are le?l by ('< liservafive bu firm leaders, Tliey a c confident that tbeyi will lie v'iMiIWous in i lie fight and llic fuc* thai some of ilio Md's have alrendy started up at ilie old rules would seem to indicite Mini they lire not mist ?ken. ? - - ? Trial Justices are Ifrehy uulilic I lli.it tlie Itevieeil Statutes are n ?w hi ihe hands of the Clerk of the (,'oiirt lor tie lie cry mid can he ohtniiie I hy od ing in poison and receipting for gtilltr. J. II. Mf'KtssicK. Tiib C'niiip'figii Mreiing held here Inst Saturday was well intended and passed off vety <|ttielly. It was the hist mc-ting of a campaign that will le long remembered. We do not report the speeches beeuise as the speakers have held forth in evety part of the county we presume that our subscribers ate familiar with wdmt each one had to tny. There was quite a large crowd in Union and the proabihty is that there was a g? od deal of scheming for election, I ut if uny Wad blood wai gci.vinieu it did not mniiifest itself. The Greenville Female t'ollegc will open 1's nest session on Wednesday, Sept. Jtith, under new inanagenicnt and wi'li dcw equipments throughout. The new president is Br. M. M. Hilcy, lately of (ieorgetown. Ky., who is highly recommended in voluntary testimonials by Dr. J no. A. Ilroadus. 1'rof. W. II. Whitsiit, Rev. T. 1'. Bell. Rev. J. K. Face aud others The boarding duparliuent will be under the supervision of Mrs. Riley, and the rooms wiil be newly furnished in every particular. The Greenville Female t'ollegc will maintain a higher standard than ever before, and u full corps of teachers has been engaged for all the departments, including music and art. Send for catalogue to Br. M. M. Riley, Greenville, S. C. We will not bo able to give a full accotmt of the election as Braytonville Towailiip lias not >et been heard from. We give the following however: For Congress, Wilson carried the county by a majority of 2'2 : t>ouglo8 is assured of the Senate: Oils and Fourier arc assured of election. Ifrsytontille may elect Welch or Macomsoo, or if may make a second race between those two necessary. There will be a .second race between Jeter aud Duriles for Treasurer ; a second race between Farr uml Robinson for Auditor; and a second race bjtwecn Faot knd Lemaster for Hchoul Commissioner. Mr. tfcott will run in the second primary agaiDBt Mr. Uctenbaugh or .Mr. CSullman, it being possible fi>r the LfraytoDHvillu vote to put either on" of those ahead of the other, for County Supervisor. A second race for Supervisor of Registration will bo run by Mess. Lancaster and Smith Wo will give the full vote next week. Thk primary election took place quietly last Tuesday and everything pa?sed off smoothly. There was no disturbance, no fight and very little, if any, disorder yet when night came four men had been arrested and put iu jail. < hie was arrested in default of a fine imposed some time ago by the Council. Ho is in jail now ami declares he will stay the ten days out rather than pny the line. Ani r the election wns over however just before the men went home, nt about twelve o'elui k ihut night, we learn that there were lively times at the llote'. The editor was not up at that late hour hut minor hits it that several fisticuff's were eng ig' d in. No pistols or knives were used, t*e me glad to say, and consequently, little damage was done. The night watchman and some other ollieials were present, and were iiwurr of the trouble so we hear, hut some how or other no arrests were made. But ci i en instances alter eases you know. Kveryihing had blowcil over by the next morning and ihe sky was clear. Pergonals b'hcriir Long is in Washington this week. Mrs. A. J. Harvey, ?> Miss Carrie James, ot Monks Corner, and Miss Neely James, of I'acolet, spent a few s Keys, spent several Jays in town last week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. l'ool. Misses lilimv and Maggie Hobo, of Cross \nchor, are in town visiting their niece, Mrs. i'ool. Miss Kstcllc Jone-, aiicr a pleacant visit to relatives hero returned to her borne in lUdgcway, V:?., hist Monday. Messrs. II M. Sparks ami W. S. Ml l.ure ire in the Northern markets buying their Fall and Winter stocks. Mrs. Kinrna (laffuey, of Spartanburg, is visiting Mrs. Haines. She i> helping nurse Mr. Ilavis Haines who is very low with fever. .? ?. . ? ? Thr State Sunday School Convention meets here next week and will convene in the Presbyterian Church, livery tody conic out and do all the good you can. Help und he helped Wc feel sure that every one who ntteuds the ''ouvcncoti will go away benefitted Sksatoh Biti.ku ga?e *he primary Il?c gi by. Just before the ?|.Mtion,rn >hc *J7ih u? ii o el >ek a. m., Secret? y I>. II. T?mpkius of the S ate Demorr ilic Kxrculire C.?minitiei rcccireJ tlie f? 1'owing tc'egrim : "Washington, I). C., A?i?. '21. "I Icrety witliy reply w It oblige very truly, M. 0. HUTLKK." We un Icrstan I from theso telegrams and the paper to which it referred tint CSencral Bnticr wanted to uiitrnracl himself so as to make an open tight in the November election, should he see fit to run. Some of his fri?-nds say that that is the case and a I big fight is predie'ed for November next. There ore some who darkly hint that there will he lurhulaiit times and that the old Palmetto State will snioko from the ground and be arrive! in mourning at the waywardness of lior eons Did you ever notice thai not more than one fourth of the cnlami'y predicted ever occurs And nine tennis or me trag?.f N ivi inhcr cones an will be elected, and how ; and that is to wait and see. N'c very much hope however, that there will ti"t be rnv appeal to the negro vote by any party as that might cau?e unloippy results Hut let us not burrow trouble, lie must be a well fixed man who hasn't enough trouble now to occupy liini w ithout drawing on the possibilities of Novenilier. It is said that the Kolhites have not completely surrendered, that they have given up all hopes of a (Jovernor but that they will convene a Legislature of their own next November at the regular time ami elect a Republican senator to succeed Senator .Morgan The election will lie contested of course, hut they are hoping that the Republican* will be Com ruling the Senate and tha' they will seat the Republican contestantIf this rumor be true it shows two things : First, that the Kolb movement has no principle at the back of of it ; for if it had it would rely on that and urge it in nnothcr campaign. .Mabitnha is not so bad off that no law would be better than tho existing law. If the Kolbites were fighting for a principle they could not act so inconsistently as to set aside ull principle and all law by endeavoring to carry out any such scheme as the above mentioned. To do that would be to abandon their own principle. It shows in the second place the ignorance of those who arc concocting the scheme. It might look very big to some of the Kolbites to have (heir mock legislature ami elect their mock senator, but the United States Senate could not afford to listen to the claims of a contestant who based his claims on the acts of such a body. We know that a Republican i*cu;itc is pretty hard to bent on construing things to suit itself but to listen to the claims of such a candidate would be to set a^ide the right of each State to choose its own senators and confer that right on the United States Senate itself. For by icsorting to such a sham, who is there that could not bo elected Senator or anything else? If we arc not very much mistaken this rumor is gotten out just to case the Kolbites out of their b'g boast about telling up another government and also to give I hem something to look forward to an 1 iu the meantime prepare themselves for defeat. ? - ? The Church Lectures The second course of lectures on the history of the church, as win noticed in hist issue, wns delivered by Kev. T. LtuHosc Bratton, of Spartanburg. These lectures are under the auspices of the I'.piscopa! church. The coinniunity at large is indebted to ltev 1$. Allston for the interesting lectures ? lectures not only interesting to the members of the church under whose guidance they are conducted, but to the members of the other churches iu die place, as was noticed by the attendance. The speaker, in his own pleasing manner, gave us die history of the reformation, showing the changes of die church, their causes and etlects, through the fiery times of the reformation The first lecturer had to deal with the church as a whole?only the trunk, which has developed into a grand ecclesiastical tree, having many branches, so in this second course of lectures we watched the skill with which these divisions were traced. Mr. Bratton carried us over the history of the church, beginning with the reign of llenry VIII and going through ilmt of Klizuhctli, speaking at large, ! the church. It might t>c well to note llmt these lectures are put ten u|> nul for any { articular audience. but for the intellectual bentfit of the whole community. (living them the history of the church in a series of lectures, that would take lnborous el inly to acquire, and a part of which Would lie practice')'* ini|>o??ibU' to obtain, exc |-t in tins way from men who have made it their special study. There will be another series of lectures some time in the latter part of September. Kev. P.yron llolley, ol Greenville, nill trace the church in America Something that will be niteicstiog to all. J. \ / I A Bloody Tragedy at bl&okville A b'oo ly Irigcdy was ennctid on Main Si eit ill Dlickvillc on tlie 'JNili its', nt half two o'clock, which resu'.tc I in ihe ?le?tli f Jn<. Giibben of the State Dispensary constabulary force, ami a young man uame'l Solomon Drown. The actois in t' o tragedy were Solium Drown, his f tlicr and brither li I he one part ami Gribbcn and II I*. !?ychc?, t'noner, on the other The tioub'c w the roii?utiin ati 11 of a long standing fii"'l, but was prec'p tatod by the intorfere ee ol Gr.bben with a box "f g oils consigned li Drown, Gribbn claiming that lie was searching for con'rahrand liipior. The fa 'Is seem to have been as f Hows : G i'.ben w is at one tiuie Chief Marsha'l of Dlackville, but on "ccount of his aciivo work for Ti limn lie incurred ihe o; position ofihe l' .nscrvalives of llio town ami was ' eaten in llie municipal election. The Drjwi.'s were earnest supporters of the C iiiservative ticket ami if course worked agiinst Gribben and a'ded his defeat. This was ihe beginning of the fued. When Tillman was elee'e 1, Gribben being a str ng Ti'.lmanite and a diriug man, was given a place on the cititrabulary force. As D spensary <'onstable lie opened several park ages consigned to ddferent numbers of the Drown family, till of which only served to embitter ilit* Brown's against (Jiibhcu. At 1 o'cl ok on the '2*tli (jribben entered the depot ninl opened n box of clothing consigned to Brown, claiming to be looking for ill cit liipior. Shortly afterwards " itnoti llrown the f.i'her of young Brown met Uribben on the Street and reproached him for so pcscenting his son. Heated w.ris parsed and Simon llrown was joined by his three sons, I sad re, Solomon and llermon. (.Iribbeu offered to fight any one of the Brown's, whereupon Isidore Brow 11 accepted the cha'leng.; and one or two licks were passed. I'istols wer-? inimedia'e'y drawn by several of the par ios and several eh ds were fired in rapid succession. (tribben staggered back into a Mure with three hn'ls in him, one having passed near the heart and entered the lung. From the store he fired at Solo, nion Brown who fell half way down at the first -hot, which was followed up by four others. Brown died almost immediately, ' ribbon staggered to thv back of the storc and expired in about l't minutes. None of the others were hurt at all. So'otnon Brown was a promising young man and had Intel}' etnbarkel in business for himself Me had a beautiful home under construction to which he expected sion to lt'H.l 111*; Villi II lil'iili* I( is said that I>yclies- tired the shot that killed llrown. lie nevertheless wis proceeding to hold an inquest over the dead h idy. although the impropriety of such a proceeding in view i.f the fact that he was accused of the murdvr, ha I been suggested to him t>y Solicitor Uelltnger. lie was stopped, ho a ever, by tl e Sheritf who arrested him on a warrant charging him with the niurler of Solomon llrown. The whole thing was an unfortunate utlair and was the outgrowth of party animosity and the abuse of power. Confederate Reunion. A number of Confederate Soldiers at this place on last Saturday resolved to have a reunion of Old Conferalcs at ticorgc Harnett's Spring 011 the Meansville road four miles North of Union on tlvo 1 >!It day of September. To that cud the "Id Confederates preseni made liberal contributions in pork, mutton and other provisions. Confederates Soldiers throughout the county are cordially invited to join in the lie-Union. Contributions of provisions will be acceptable, Those contributing tdioats or sheep will forward thoin to said Spring the day before the reunion to be burtiacucd. The Confederate Sol diet's will bring their families with them to t.he Reunion. I. tJ. MCKISS1CK, Union. S. C. August 2d I'd lH'.il. fllanwinrra fr,vm \1/..?? ? V%. * (*?. > Qiillntin Ultinuiuga 1IVIH rrcrtllLCl V1UJJ uilllCklll roll WKKK. K.NIllN'li Alih and 'J'iili : the showers were hoariest in the southern portion of the State. The amount of rainfall varied greatly ranging from nearly 1 inches in portions of the south and southeastern counties to a trace or none at all in 1110 upper counties A cloudburst was reported from Orangeburg county that did much damage, nu11 not hack, ami litile variation fr>>m former reports. Stuppernuiiir itr: ??>,.- aro ripening an I arc reported plentiful it portions of Hie State, I heiug nliotii the < n!y native fruit erown in rioy ii'jumlaiice ' ,|,i> year "I know in .>11 .Hol-hcr wlo> In l clir ?k j lifirrlicra of Jotft,' ,-iamlinj: to have lioon permanently c iro-l tiy taking riinoiherlam t'olio, ('lio'.or i ??ml Dinrrloei lteineav Ivl war I Sliui ipik, a ]>roinmeiit it'li?:i?i-1 o Minneapolis, Minn, I have - I liie rem j O'ly in this 'lily for over -even years an I con- any othei tnen -iae now oil llie market f.>r howel complaint 'JL i uinl cent liottles / ! t Ii * temvl^ lor ?ale hy i;.t f, 1'uscy, Lhng^ist. OUR CORRESPONDENTS. Kolton Acgust 28.?The primary is being held here today, but at this writing we caonot predict what the result will be There w*s some litt'e excitement ?t the campaign meeting held here on the 2lat. It was caused i?y tl>e reading of a letter said to h ive boon written ry Uov. Tillman in regiri to his iMuing removed Mes?rs. Scott and Morgin from othce. After some few words however the mat'er passed off The litter was read by Mr. A. 0. Lyles .Mr. Jim Smith, known on the K dge as Talus" Sui th, d'ed Inst Sunday night at 11 o'cl-ck of consumption. K. E. N. F. Cross Keys. Mn. Knrron:?I thought a few items from t-Voss Keys would >i>-t be a uies. so 1 will give a few. \V<- are not hnvinz verv favorable weather fur saving fodder, but some arc pulling riglit on. l'uriiips'nnd Into wnterme'oos are doing u ce'y, I have sonic watermelons growing from seed that was grown this year. We have hml sonic s'ekness, none fatal. Miss Nealic Stewart has been sick, but is getting better. Many have b??l colds and sore throats. Miss Bertha Humphries lias returned from a visit to relatives in Santtic. Miss lithe! Davis has been visiting her sister Mrs. Smith near Duck Bond. Mr. Wilks Green ami wife a'C visiting in L'ioss Keys. Dr. and Mrs I'ool hive returned from a visit to GletiiL SpL'.ogs. I was at a pic-mc given hy the Duck Bond Sunday Sclio d near Mr. George Barnctts, last Sunday, it was a success. Two good speeches on S. S. work, and the music on the organ given by Mrs, Mcdlic Smith and Miss Bessie Galman with the sweet voices of the choir was a treat. The dinner was excellent. J. Pacolet. An;. 27.--We are getting very dry here, and if it doesn't roiu in a few days vegetation will be greatly retarded, especially the gardens whioh are already showing the need of it. Tomatoes, for some uuaccountable reason, have been n failure almost everywhere this season. Gar loads of cabbage from Hendersonvillc pass here every day en route to Charleston, showing that while we .arc d?s itute of such things, our neighbors are able to supply our demands. Fodder pulling is now the order nf the I day, and in eomc piaces cotton is opcoiog right rapidly Altogether the outlook for a good crop is quite tlaiteriog. I'rof. Brocx. of lnman. will open school at this place next Monday the 3rd. lie comes highly tec uumended, and no doubt, he wi'd have a very large attendance. He has also accepted the pastornte of the Baptist Church. ltev. J. L. Silley is now conducting his protracted meetings 011 the Cireuit, and will begin services at our church 011 the 2nd Sunday in next month. Mrs. S A. Lipscomb and Miss Annie Wood, of luiffney, have been visiting relatives here for several days. Mrs. Jus. Turner has returned from a month's visit to Westniios'er. Mrs. F. I'. Yates and little daughter, havo gono for several weeks to Chick Spriogs, tireeuville Co. There is a good deal of sickness in the community : but none of it is serious. The ouce famous Kirby Springs wuich is about 0 miles distant from this place, is again getting to be quite a popular resort, espccii ly with the going people. Miusonkttk. Etta Jane. An.. 27.?We arc having showers and clouJy weather, so that the farmers are at a stand-still about their fodder. The fodder is burning upon the stalk. Cotton is hegiuoiug to open. Several of our people have attended "the tent meeting" at Mt. Vernon. It is still going on. Hon. 1>. E. Fiuley, candidate for Congress iti I It id ( ai.trroowiftnnl fliatfint rnn.lo hi a visit last week. lie spoke at Owen's Ford nm'i also at Timber Kidgc. I'ucle Jetf Hughes took in a good portion of the political campaign. This, he usually dues, but is no Candidate himself for any office. Today is l!cv. Ill Hick's tiinc for another earthquake. A prediction of this kind, coming from him strikes many people with abso'ute fear. The fools will never nil be deod, I'll tell the reason why ; The young ones come to take their place As fast as (he old ones dieLast week Bd Champion, Mail Carrier on iho route from this place to Qaffney City, was caught taking some of Mr. Solomon Stroup's sheaf oa'.s from his born without leave or license. A warrant was issued f?r liim and lie was arrested. The case was settled by his father paying Mr. Stroup $10 and all costs, besides agreeing to keep the boy off the line in the future. ttur people were much disappointed yesterday in not having Dr. Thos. II. Law, D. D., preach at Salem as was announced on Thursday he would do There was a mistake in (he announcement. It is next Sabbath he is expected to tut itev. .nr. nooenson s place tliere. l'rof. Koss lias a large singing school at ijalem. He has about GO scholars. The book they use is Oospel Hymns No. G. John Sliullz left for parts unknown last Saturday. A'so Mr. Henry McDanicl's foreman Anderson is on a strike. Vox. Jonesville Arc. '2s.?The campaign meeting here last Friday was a very humorous one and everything was .juiet and orderly. Nearly all the 1 candidates were prascnt and made their usual speeches. Mr. J. 11. Johnson candidate for Congress was also present nnd was given an opportunity to speak which lie accepted, lie made a fine speech and made many friends. Kvcrything is in readiness for the primary today. What the result will be remains to be seen. We have had no rain of any couseijucnce for some time and the opinion of most people is that the cotton crop is considerably injured hy the dry weather. The late corn has also suffered an J will be lost ltnle-s rain comes very soon. Fodder pulling i* mi h ind and cotton picking is near by. Smne cotton i' being picked now There is sonic fever in the country and it is feared there wilt bo a great deal of it this fall. I ?-? o ..nlnf f \ aicn in I Annuni lln Mr. Hon (eibson is preparing to make terra cutia. lie has soiiie imniMs ma'lc aning to in ike a 1 'i two feet in diameter and put in a well in our town for a sample. So we will eo what we will see. or graded school will open its next sesi millionaires. On my return from the City "by the Sea" I stopped at Dallas where the State Democratic Convention was in session. This being the first State Convention ever attended by this deponent; of course lie thinks it a bn and at this time Attorney General of Texas, about forty years of age, was boru in the State of Alabama, but reared in Texas, and a man of undoubted character and abil* ity. Our State will likely have four uckets in the field this year. There arc three already and I am sure there will be one more, those in the lists now arc: The Democrats, He publicans and People's Party. The Democrats were divided two years ago in Texas, but happily for the Democracy this queer predicament does not confront the party in this year of grace. The two wings came together early in the year in a harmony meeting which was arranged by the respective lenders and the ditferences were amicably sctt'ed, and il is said that one wiog carried otf the principles, while the other carried the officers (offices) in the Democratic Convention last week at Dallas. The Populists or People's Party have developed much strength in the .State especially in the Northern part, enough to arouse the Democratic hosts who are belter organized and equipped for the fray than they have ever been since I have been in the State. In the 5th Congressional District the Populists propose to contest overy inch of ground with "our Joe \V. Bailey'' who is one of the youngest, if not the youngest member of Congress, Joo has no opposition in his own party for Congressional honors, but in this district the "pops" are as thick as hops and they may scire Joe with Kev. W. M. Browder who is their candidate and a man of considerable ability. A few words about the crops and I will close this communication. The whrat and oat crops were very goo.1 this year. Wheat is low in price it ranging from 111 cents to 55 cents per bushel owing to the grade. The price of oats is higher than usual this year caused by the scarcity of corn, which range from 'J8 cts. to dl) cents per bushel. The orn yield this year is shorter than la?t, the extremely hot weather the first part of .1 illv cut it short. By-thc-way the mer cnry was higher here in July thon lor about IN years, for days?July 1st, -ml and did, it stood at l(Mi to 110 degrees in the shade. The cotton prospect is very fine at this time, but rust and the boll worms inny injure it materially before it matures thoroughly. The farmers are picking cotton now and a great many new bales have already been sold. J. 8. (' ? ? . II was n Great Kim. The fastest run ever made between Jacksonville and Washington has been accomplished by the l'lant system, in connection with the Atlantic Coast Line. These lines were selected as the otlicinl route from Florida to Washington by the Kniglits of l'ythins. The special train left Jacksonville at 15:-') p. in., Central time, August -'nth. It arrived at Savannah at p. m., Charleston 8: l > p. in., Florence 1 ): '!! p. m., Hichmond -Villain., and Washington vo'.t a. in., liastcrn time, making the run in tificon hours and forty-nine minutes, a dis'ancc of 77* miles, Ibis is the quickest time ever made between these points, beating the record made hv the Florida Central and Peninsula road, on April '-'dtli las', by two hours and forty 1111111110?. The run is one of the most remarkable in his'ory and gives the Plant aii'l Coast Line systems a prestige which it will l?e hnr I to overcome, and makes a record which may never lie beaten. ? /fry/*'' r. Aii Executive Newcomer to Sunday morning tluro arrived at the executive mansion a handsome young lady, who will remain a- a member of liovernor Tillman's family f >r an indefinite period. Iler only name tip to date is Tillman. She is ipiitc petite, hut being of good health, there is every indication that she wi I grow rapidly, and in the course of human events, go to hoarding school, etc. (lovernor Tillman has received many cm gralulalions on tho arrival of the little new comer at the mansion Several ol the teller? Icumc fr?jiu St iu-. - X:' . The Presidents Views on the Tnrlff Kill. Washington, Aug. 27 ?l'resid nt Cleveland has written the following lc'tor to Kepresentntivo Catching* of Mississippi, in wlrch he sets forth his views of the new taritf law and gives his reasons for not approving the till: EXECUTIVE MANSION. Washington, D. C , August 27. lion. C. T. Catchmgs. My Dear Sir: Since the conversation I had with you and Mr. CI >rk of Alabama a few days ago, in regard to u?y action on the tariff bill now before me. I have given the subject further und roost serious consideration. The result is, I am more settled than ever in the determination to allow the bill to become a law without my signature. When the formation of legislation, which it was hoped would embody Democratic ideas of taritf reform, was lately cutered upon by the Congress nothing was further from my nnticipa'ion that a result which I could not promptly and enthusiastically eudorse. It is, thereto o. with a feeling of the utmost disappointment that 1 submit to a denial of this privilege. I .1.. wlnim i/t Kn hnllnr ihn niAUQ? es of my patty nor do I wish to avoid any responsit ility whch, on account of the passage of tips law, I ought to bear as a member of the Democratic organization. Neither will I permit myself to be separated from my party to such an extent as might be implied by my veto of taritl legislation, which, though disappointing, is still chargeable to Democratic effort. But there are provisions in this bill which are not in line with honest tariff reform, and it contains inconsistencies and crudities which ought not to appear in tariff laws or law# of any kind Besides there were, as you add I we 1 know, incidents accompanying the passage of the bdl through the Congress which made every sincere tariff reformer unhappy, while influences surrounded it in its latter stages which interfered with its final construction and which ought 101 to be recognized or tolerated iu Democratic tariff reform counsels. And yet, notwithstanding a'l iis vicissitudes and a 1 the bad treatment it received at the hands of pretended friends, it prevents a vast improvement to existing conditions. It will certainly lighten many a tariff burden that now rests heavily upon the people. It is not only a barrier against the return of mad protection, but it furnishes a vantage ground from which must be waged further aggressive operations agaiust protected monopolies and governmental favoritism. 1 take my place with the rank and file of the Democratic party who believe in tariff reform and who kuow what it is ; who refuse to accept the results embodied in this bill as the close cf the war: who arc aware of the fact that the livery of Democratic tariff reform has been stolen and worn in the service of Republican protection and who have marked the places where the deadly light of treason has blasted the counsels of the brave in their hour of might. The trusts and combinations, the cominuiiiou of pelf, whose machinations have prevented us from reaching the success we deserved, should not be forgotten or forgiven. We shall recover from our astonishment at their exhibition of power, and if then the question is forced upon us whether they shall submit to the free legislative will of the people's representatives, or shall dictate the laws which the people must obey, we will accept and settle that issue as one involving the integrity and safety of American insii'utions. 1 love tiie principles of true Democracy bee uisc tliey are founded in patriotism and upon justice and fairness toward all interests. I aui proud of my party organization, because it is conservatively sturdy and persistent in the enforcement of its principles. Therefore, I do not despair of the efforts made by the House of Representatives to supplement the bill already passed by further legislation, and to have engrafted upon it such modifications as will more nearly meet Democra'ic hopes and aspirations. 1 canuot be mistaken as to the necessity of free raw materials as tbe foundation of logical and sensib'e tariff reform. The extent to which this is recognized in the legist ion already secured is one of its encouraging and redeeming features; but it is vexatious to recall that free coal and iron ore have been denied us. A recent letter of tbe Secretary of the Treasury discloses the fact that both might have been made free by the annual surrender of only about $700,000 of unnecessary revenue. 1 am sure that there is a common habit of understanding the importance of free raw materials in tariff legislation, and of regarding them as only related to concessions to be made to our manufacturers. The truth is, their influence is so far reaching that if disregarded a ompletc and bcncficient scheme of tariff reform cannot be successfully inaugurate 1. When we give to our manufacturers free raw materials wc unshackle American enterprises and ingenuity and these will open tho ilortr4 of torpitrn ni>irL-i>N to llio ro/vnnhAn of our wares and give opportunity for the continued remunerative employment of American labor. With materials cheapened by their freedom from tariff charges the cost of their product must be correspondingly cheapened. Thereupon justice aud fairness to tho consumer would demand that the manufacturers be obliged to submit to such readjustment and modification of the tariff upon their finished goods as would secure to the people the benefit of the reduced cost ol their manufacture, and shield the consumer against the exaction of inordiuatc firofits. It will tints be seen that free raw material and a just and fearless regulation and reduction of the tariff to meet the changed conditions would carry to every humble home in the land the blessings of increased comfort and cheaper living. The millions of countrymen who have fought bravely and well for tariff reform should be exhorted to continue the strugglo, boldly challenging to open warfare and constantly guarding against treachery and half licartedness in their camp. Tariff reform will not be settle! until it is lioncMtly and fairly settled in the interest and to the benefit of a patient and long suffering people. Yours very truly, "Signed. GKOVEK CLEVELAND. Electric Hitters, This remedy is becoming eo well known and so popular as to need no special mention All who have used Electric Hitters sing the Sinn!1 sontf of l)r:ti per bottle at B. F Posey's drugstore. Kenneth Bnzctuorc had the good fortuni to receive a small bottle of Chnmbcrlnni' Colic, Cholera an 1 Pinrrlmi Remedy when j inree iiiemocrs 01 iiis family were sick will [ dysentery. This one small bottle curcc (hem ail in.I he had some left which hegavi 10 k the Chair utidcuUcl the Convention to order. Choir Sung No. 50 (Joy and gladooss) and devotional exercises were conducted by H. W. Gossett. The enrollment of Schools and delegates were as follows : Abinglon Creek?P. S Webber, W. S. Wofford, Miss llounie McCluney. Asbury?Win. Thompson. i Belmont?Davis C. Bailey. Lteihesda?G. O. Ilugliey, J. W. Wilson, 11. F. Lee. Bogansvillc?J. B. Lancaster, Miss Grnco Hodgers, W. C. West. Corinth?C. T. deary, K. G. Welchell. Klford Grove?W. M. Horn, B. F. Gregory. KlBethcl?Jas. Burgess, /. H. Philips, Dnhot't Hnrupfl.i). "Yilit" Hock?M. L. Otis, G. T. Qauit. Flint Hill (No. 1)?11. L. Coleman, S. M. Hice, Sr. Flint Hill (No. 2)?W. 1?. Davis, J. E. Wright. Flint Hill (No. D)?S. M. Hice. i Foster's Chapel?John Sprouse. * Gcthscmane?0. G. Philips, Jackson Thompson. Misses Ellen Kirby and Linra Sparkt. Jonesvillc (Baptist)?A. A. Gaulf, 0. B. Fowler, Jessie Ltwson. Jonesvillc (Methodist)?J. B.Foster, Miss Dunn Vista Fowler. Jonesville (Presbyterian)?II. W. Gosactt, Mrs. L>r. Liitlejohn. Kelly's Chapel?P. H. Jeter, P. P. Hami'ton, W. T. Jeier. Mt. Ararat?P. B. Darwin, A. M Patrick, F. T. Patrick. Mt. Vernon ? N. W. McDcrmid. Mt. Tabor?N. C. Painter, W, G. Cudd, W. J?. Vaughan. Messopot tmin?W. C. Kirby, Miss Mollie Kirby, T. B. Goforth. New Hope?B. W. Whitlock, J. T. Scott, Miss Sallie Scott. Pacolct (No. 11?J. W. Sanders, Miss IIattio Kcndrick, J. J. Kendrick. Put man?H. II. Hobinson, Gordon Williams, Miss Ella Gibbs. Hocky Creek?J. G. Gall man, R. M. Sprouse. Mi-s Mnggie Belue. Salem (Presbyterian)?The whole School. Santuc (Methodist) ? W. J. Friday, L. B. Jeter. Sardis (Methodist)?C. S. Greer, Wallace Vaughan, T. J. Betonbaugh. Sardis (Uniou)?I. N. Patrick. Sedalia?It. H. Stewart, J. W. Sanders, J. L. Bobo, Miss Nora Williams. Union ^ Baptist)?Dr. J. G. Going. I'n on (Methodist)?W. T. Thompson, S. M. ltice, Jr., E. U., Miss Ella ltodyes. Wilsou's Chapel?It. C. Patrick, W. A. George, J. R. McCulloch. Wesley's Chapel?J. 11. Brakcneld, W. T. Farr. .Mrs. E. F. Vaughan. Total aggregate 1002 Scholars and 151 Teachers. An Address of Welcome was made by J. E. Strain Superintendent of Salem Presby tcriau bcuooi. Uu motion t\ Committee of five was tippointed by the President to nominate oflices for the ensuing yeur. Suid Committee consisted of 8. M. Rice, Sr., 1'. S. Webber, L?r. J. G. Going, 8. K. Kstes, and Johu Sprousc who reported tlio following ticket: For President?W. T. Thompson; 1st Vice-President, It. L. Coleman; 2nd VicePresident, W. T. Jeter; Treasurer, T. M. Littbjolin ; Secretary, Jas. L. Strain ; Kxecutive Committee, S. S. Stokes, J. W. Scott, G. T. Gault, S. F. Kstes and B. W. Jetor, nominations were confirmed by the Convention electing said nomiuces to their respective otlice. President elect, in an appropriate speech, acknowledged the unexpected compliment p?id him, and assured the Convention thnt lie would do all in his power to make it a success. The following Committee on Narrative was nppointed to-wit : T. M. Litilrjohn, J. B. Lancaster. J. 11. Foster, Choir Sung No. 105 (J. and G.) Adjourned for dinner?one hour. Heading of Reports and discussion of same was first taken up in the afternoon. Report of Abingdon Creek (first School on the list) was real by Kev. P. S. Webber, an 1 an elaborate discussion of the same was entered into by P. S Webber, K. C. Farr, T. M. L'tilejohn, J. L. Strain, W. T. Thompson and II. W. Gossett. 1 Query:?"Origin, original purpose of tlie S. S.?its aim in tins light of (hind as a teacher," was discussed by T. M. Little* jolin, IV S. Webber, II. F, Morten, and It. C. Farr. A letter from Brother S. S. Stokes was then read by the Secretary, and on motion was received ns information. Choir sung No. 131 (J. ami (1.) and at 4 1*. M. Convention adjourned to meet tomorrow at 9.30 a. m. SKCONIl l> \ Y?TIIUItSHAY Al'JUST U3. Convention met pursuant to adjournment and after prayer by l'rof. H. O. Sams, was declared ready for business. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings were rend and approved. Choir sung 55 (J. and U.) and President extended an invitation to all S. 8. i workers to take seats in the Convention. 'dud Query:?"Mow did Chiist observe the 8abbath day," was discussed by J. L. , Strain and l'rof. It. <). Sams, choir sung No. U3 (J. and (J.) and Query was further , discussed by Kev U. F. Clarkson, S. M. , Bice, Sr., and N. W. Mcliermid. 3rd Query:?"Some reasons why every Church should have Sunday School" ? was i discussed by N. W. McDcrmid, W. T. Thompson, ami Prof. it. u. nains. un inoiion of T. M. Liltlejohn it was agreed that Prof. Mains proceed to give (lie "normal method ' of teaching on the blackboard, after which Convention adjourned one hour for dinner, AFTBHNOON, TIII'HSIt.VV Al l!. 23. Convention met at 2 P. M.?Choir Mung "Wliat a friend we have in Jesus" ! On | motion the Convention dispensed with the lust tjuery on the programme after short speeches from different brethren, and proceeded to i lie miscellaneous work before it. Ou motion it was agreed thai the Convention would now receive invitations from Schools to meet with them next year (IN'.lo.) The following Schools gave invitations to wit: New Hope, Hi Bethel. Asbury, Padgett's j Creek and B igansvillc. Ilcpnrts from Township Superintendents were called for, and brethren S. M. Ihce, Sr.. and Jas. M. Whitehead rend and handed in writtt 11 reports -others rendered verbal reports of their work, which gave general ? satisfaction that tlie work was prospering. The election of Township Superintendents resulted as follows : ? Draytouville, W. N. 1 .1 cileries : tSowdevsville. T. M. Liitlcjohn ; i I'inckney, Vernon Askew; Union, S. M. I Itice, Jr.. li. I'., Jonesvi'le, II. W. Uosselt; llogansville, Jns. M. Whitehead ; Cr ss Keys, Jtdin W. Sanders : tiishen Hill, S. M. It ice. Sr.; Fisli ham. J. 0. Ilioe; Siiuluc, J. W. i Gregory. , The following delegates to the State S. S. Convention oi next year were ciecicu 1 a." follow: T. M. Litilejohn, .Install Crtid? 1 n|>. . A. Nieliolsoii, S. M. Itice, Sr. Tin; fol owin^ resolutions wore ollered and unanimously adopted by a ti-liiR vote of I lie (Convention. l{f.S"h"l :?That the thanks of this Convention nre due and hereby tendered I'mf. It. U. Sums, of (.1 illney C'i'y, for the vuluaVo i I V I ?v