' V >fS ' ' (zh r K _ ' * THE WEEKLYffiHI 0II01 TIMES ; Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, Domeetio Economy, Polite Literature, Poktioe and the Current Howe qf the Day. ./ . * -k 1~ ? g " VOL. XXV.?NEW SERIES. UNION C. H., SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. AUGUST 31,1894. NUMBER 35. ) Tlicro are 2S0 iron and steel ninnn* facluring establishments iu Pennsylvania, with an invested cupital of over $200,000,000. Thcro nro eleven American "oities1 that spread over moro territory than, Paris, while Iterlin is exceeded in, area by sovcutceu ^ our eiiioa. Goueral Wolseley seems to havo a poor opinion of his most famous predecessor as commander of the British army. In his recently published article on the "Decline and Fall of Nanr?li>r?n." lie savs that nnit.hnr Welling X" ?*J ? " o ton nor Blucher deserves tlio credit of wiuuing tlio buttle of Wutorloo, but General Gneisenau. i This remarkable prediction was made by the Chicago llecord: "It isn't tax on street electric railways that is going to ruin the electric street railway business. A speedier death than that by taxation awaits the whole system of electrical appliance as operated at present. Wo have information which lends us to believe that within twelve months a new macliino cipable of uso for providing transportation, light and heat will be put before the public; that this machine will controvert tlio "principles of electricity" which new obtain ; will revolutionize all railway aud other transportation systems; will do away with fuel, gas and smoke; will, in short, give humanity usidrcuined-ot advantages at a very moderate price. Yes. within tho next twelvemonth wo arc goiug to sue soma I Very wonderful happenings." A rojie.it on tLiv uncultivated bast J fihers of the United States by Ckailcs ( 111-hard Dodge, special agent in | charge of liber investigations, lias just i been issued from the Department of J Agriculture. Among the plants doscribed are species foitn 1 in every sec- < tiou of the United States, from Maine i to Flori la and from Minnesota to Arizona. Some of thorn are jute sub- j btitutes, while others, if cultivated, would pro luco a liber rivaling hemp, i Ovir forty lilmr plants are treated in ' the report, tho history of twenty forms being given in full with statements regarding past efforts and experiments toward their utilization. Special chapters nro devoted to the nselepias or milkweed fibers, okr.i, cotton stalk fiber, the common abutilon?known commercially as "China jute," but growing in the feuco corners of every Western farm?Colorado llivcr hemp and many others. Bo marvelous havo been tho triumphs of tho human intellect in tho past, that the Rochester Post-Expross liolicvos that ho would bo a rash man who should undcrtako to prescribe boundaries to its discoveries in tho future. For it may bo scarcoly a docade bofore the very achievements declared to ho impossible, will bo accomplished fact. Fifty yoars ago Augusto Comte, tho famous founder in France of tho Positivist school of philosophy, of which Frederic Harrison, in England, is one of tho foromost expounders, declared that thoro was one field of knowlodgo that would forj-omain hovnnd tho roach of tho human mind. Thin was tho constitn- i tion of tho fixed stars and tho olo- ' incuts of which thoy aro composed. Tho nearest of tlioso stars being many thousand of millions of miles from us, Com to nflirmod that tho substances constituting them must ever romaiu locked in tho secrecy of fathomless space. So probably thoy would had man been able to arm himself with 110 moro potent apparatus of discovery than was known in Comto's day, or than would then have been bcliovod possible. For to tho most powerful 1 1 41 f ...nnnl VUiU?UU])t'a lliunu mi Ib\Y(l J Ui UO 1UT VUI thomsclvcs as littlo more than shining dots, betraying none of the secrets of their structure. I?ut Comto hail scarcely launche I his prediction, before astronomers began to hit upon anil perfect the discovery of the now far-famed spectrum analysis, which wrenches even from stars deep in the recesses of illimitable space the nature and number of tiio elements of which they are composed. Many of these elements are the same as those known to us on our earth and in our sun ; but some are strangers to our chemistry. Cointe as a positivist was not given to modesty- indeed was noted for dogmatism but even he under rftted tlio possible achievements of the lmmnn intellect. In view of his nullified prophecy, it need not 1>p counted rrtsh to say tlint before another half century has Mown, the oft-asked questions, "can we communicnto with Mars?" an I "can wo know whothcr it has inhabitants?" may receive na affirmative answer. For who can tell with what new appnratUHof discovery, ! eclipsing any now possessed or j dreamed of, man inry by that timo have armed hitnscll? A STRANGE STORY THE WOES AND MISHAPS OF A VIRGINIAN How ho ia Trying to Regain Hia Stolen Money. The Park City, Kv., Times says that a man has been iu that city for u few lays who tells a rather sorrowful tale of misfortune. His name is Pierce Smith and ho is a Virginian. Tho story goes that several years ago lie was in that Bection and on passing through stopped^ KOIllu work at a farmhouse. He is a landscape and house paintor, and while at work for the farmer loBt or had taken from hun a one-hundred-dollar bill that he had laid up for a rainy day. Ho went to the city and reported tho matter and 1?1 1 u:. DUVVWUCU 1U aUUU YUAAlig Lilts UlUllUJf, Then ho ^turned to hie home at Gladosville, Ye., where he had bo mo property, which he converted into money. Ho went to work in the mine* at that placo and loaned the mining company about $1,200. While at work in the mines he was struck on tho head by a large shaft and so badly hurt that his mind became unbalanced and he was sent to a lunatic asylum for treatment. After a tiino his reason was restored and ho was released from tho institution and sent back to Gladesvillo. To his surpriso the mining company denied ever having borrowed any money from him and all his papers had been destroyed and all evidence of tho debt obliterated. Among the money loaned the conipimy was tho $100 bill which ho had lost and recovered in Kentucky. It seems that If he can prove that ho was tho poslessor of the bill ho will bo to Rstobiisli the iact of tho loan to tho comnauv of tho $1,200. Tho bill in question whs an ohl ouo ami bad been torn in two and mended. This, with tho number and all, makes it cosily identified, and bio business in Park Dity was to see if tho bank with which tie did business and through which tho lost bill was returned, could not mako affidavit that he owned tho bill when ,11 Kentucky. He secured the desired ifiidavit and other desired evidence ind has started back'for Gladesvillc. He walked all tho way from Virginia iml started 011 tho return trip on foot. When asked why he walked, lie replied lliat ho had plenty time and could save money by walking. His story is 1 somewhat extraordinary one, but those who know him and remember the nrcumatunces of his losing and rojovering tho 3100 bill arc inclined to iredit it TO NPHERSON AND WALKER. The Atlanta Veterans of Both Sides Will Erect a Joint Monument. Atlanta, Ga. ? Tho Confederate Veterans' Association took tho initiative in the erection of a joiut monument to tho memory of Gen. Mcl'lierson of tho Federal army ami Geu. W. II. T. Walker of the Confederate army who were killed in a few yards of each other in the battle of tho 22*1 of ?Tuly, 18(54. The Grand Armvpost of Atlan tii will join in the movement. The scheme is to raise $200,000, one-half by each side, with which a heroic double equestrian statute will l>e erected upon the spot whore Mcl'herson fell, Gen. Walker is to face the North, and is to be clasping hands with Gen. Mcl'herson, whose face will be to the South. The project has been under consideration for several months, and correspondence already held with Federals and Confederates throughout the country gives promise of success. The joint monument was suggested by tnu tower to the memory of Wolff and Montcalm in the Governor's garden in Quebec. Twenty-Six Tons of Silver Around the Altar. Mexico City.?The erection of the magnificent canopy over the high altar of Our Lady in the shrine of Guadalupe has been completed. The pillars to Support it are each of a solid block of polished Scotch granite weighing seven Ions. The diameter of each pillar is .'1 feet, and the height 20 feet. The altar tvill be ready for dedication on Dec. 12 (Guadalupe day), and will be the most elaborate and costiy one in America. The additions to the church edifice will not be completed for nearly two years ?t tho present rate of progress. When finished, tho shrine of the Lady of Guadalupe will be one of tho notable Catholic church edifices of the world. Hie solid silver altar railing weighs twenty-six tons, and many millions of dollars are in other ways represented ji the palatial place of worship. A Hypochondriac Commits Suicide. Alexandria, Va. ? Henry Daingerfield, a prominent and wealthy citizen, fatally shot himself in the right temph ;t his resilience in this city Tuesday morning. Mr. Danigerfield had been a hypochondriac for some time and wis family were preparing to taka him to Cold Sulphur Springs this afternoon. lie had been atllicted with usomnia. He has a wifo and five hildren. Mr. Daingerfield, who was ibout "?0 years of age, and was a man ?f considerable wealth,owned "Springfield," a lino estate in -Fairfax couuly. 'ost His Own Life in Trying to Save a Tramp s. iliiiminoham, Ala. ? t. N. Cochrane, i Southern Kx press messenger on the ,>ucen ?Nr Creneeiit road, met death peculiarly. After leaving Livingston, n top of his ear. Ho knew that an verliead bridge was near by, and, leaning out of his ear, he shouted to In tramp, warning him of the danger, lad knowing how close lie was to tin Ire-tie at the time. Timbers of the bridge hit Coehrane's head, crushing be. skull, lie lived throe hours. BAST FIBERS. THE UHCUL TIE A TED 0ME3 OF THE UNI TED STATES. The U. S. Department of Agriculture Issue Something Very Interesting on Fiber Culture. Tint FORKIQN SPBCIBS OF HIBI8CT78. The most valuable foreign species of his genns is the "hemp-like Hibiscus'* (II. carmabinus). The plant is a native of the East Indies, and at present is largely cultivated for fiber throughout India, tho product being almost wholly utilized by tho agricultural classes where grown as a substitute for hemp. Its common names are Docan hemp and Ambari hemp,tho latter particularly in western India. In Madras it is called Palungoo. It ip the Maseta plant of Bengal and De' ckanee hemp of Bombay. The Sanskrit name is Nalika. The plant has a ' prickly stom, tho leaves deeply parted, . and the stem attains a height of 6 to 8 * foet. The fibor is described as soft, white, and silky, and by some writers 1 is said to be more durable than jute. Though thriving at all seasons of tho year, it is generally cultivated in the cold season. The seeds aro sown as thickly as hemp, in rich, loose soil,and it requires about three months* growth boforo it is ready to bo pulled for "watering" and dressing, the mode of treatment boing tho same as that given tho sunn hemp, Crotalaria junr.cn. Full-grown plants that havo ripened their seed furnished stronger fiber than tho plants cut while in flower, through ' tho fibers of this species aro morn rc. ' merkablo for iheir fineness than for strength. In harvesting, tho plants aro either cut close to tho ground or pulled up by tho roots, as the lower portion of ' the stem contains tho best fiber. The 6talks aro submerged in water and ' allowed the remain from six to ten days, according to the wenther, when the ' bark can be readily peeled by the ' hand. Too long steeping, while it makes white fibor, results in a loss of strength. 1 In a report of tho Revenue and Agricultural Department of India ' another account is given, as follows: The fiber is prepared by bundling tho stalks, which, after a few days, are steeped for nearly a week in water under stones; wdion sufficiently retted ' they are cleaned by beating thorn on iltn orrnnnil t)m fihor ttf rinniMl i?tV washed, and dried. Five hundred ' stems, about 8 feet high, as grown en 1 masse in gardens, wore recently taken < at random and the fiber removed ami cjenned in the usual way; the result < was 5J pounds clean ami good fiber. < Tho steins when carefully dried 1 weighed nearly 20 pounds. Assuming i tho acre to be 40,000 square feet after allowing the waste patches, the number of stems at 3 inches apart would i be 040,000, hence the yield in clean < fiber at 1 pound per 100 would be 0,- < 400 pounds, equal to 2 0-7 tons; the items^would yield also 11 tons of 'poor | fuel. Tho yield of three fine stems < grown along tho ridges in turmeric \ plantations, ami measuring 10 to 17 i feet high, was 3J ounce of clean fiber, or somewhat over 1 ounce each,instead of one-sixth of an ounce. The dried atoms each weighed 5 ounces instead of less than three-fourths of an ounce. As to uses, a coarse sackcloth is made from its fiber in India (sometimes called gunny fiber), though its chief 1 employment is for ropes and cordage, it being tho common cordage of the country in a few districts. Coarse canvas is also made from it. In Bengal , it is employed at the present time for all the purposes of jute, and also for ( making fish nets and paper. Yetillart aays: The fiber of II. cannabintts is stilt and brittle, and has no superiority over jute, and it is very inferior to that of India hemp or sunn. The leaves of the plant are eaten as a pot herb in many ports of India, the taste being pleasantly acid, not unlike sorrel. Tho fibers of careluliy prepared Ambari are from 5 to 6 feet long. Compared with ordinary hemp they are paler brown, harsher, adhere closer together, though divisible into fine fibrils, possessed of considerable strength. Its tenacity tested with sunn is as 115 to l!tO. In the Kew Bulletin for August, 1891, tho announcement is made of the discovery, on the shores of the Caspian, oi ft new commercial liner plant, known as KanafT, the fiber of which, "from its abundance and consequent cheapness, and its extraordinary durability, will successfully compete with any other textile for Backing, ropes, and pack thread," with "a greater resistance than hemp." The plant is thought to bo Hdnsnts rannahinus, the Dccan hemp plant of India. llihisc.nn spicndrns (Hollyhock tree).?Fiber from thin species,a native of Queensland and New South Wales, is exhibited in the museum of the Department, prapared by Dr. W. 11. Guilfoyle, director of the Melbourne Botanic Gardens, who states that the spec ion is a splendid tree, growing to the height of 20 feet or more. "It is very pubescent, bearing large pink flowers resembling hollyhocks in size and appearance." The fiber is suitable for cordage, fish lines, paper, etc. Fiber of f fidiscnssorhifofia andmu/ohi/is was also received from Dr. Guilfoyle, through the exhibition of INTO. Both of these species are indigenous in Queensland. //. tmifahil is is a native of China, but grows in India and othei eastern localities. Fiber of If. /rfrnnis was also received with the above, but does not differ materially. i no i'luriuf or HJil/Kiitr, //. ftrooi't v?, of t 1m* West Indies, prowa to a li?*i- lit of lfi to 'Jl> feet, and its bark fnriiisli< s a superior fiber, which, according t>> Sipiier, "is not at all inferior to hemp for most purposes." The liber is na tnrally soft and white, and is admirable for tlio manufacture of paper. It. nlatu*, of tho Indies, is employed in making cigarette wrappers. It is a treo that grows to the height of 60 to 80 feet. Jtihiscus tiliaceua is worthy of passing mention. It is culled mojague in Ceutral America and the West Indies, where it is much used for cordage. It is little affected by moisturo, and iB thoreforo selected by surveyors for measuring-lines. It ih the Hola ot 13cnjtd, and is found throughout tropical and subtropical regions of both continents. The native method of preparing the fiber when a rope or pieco of cordage iB wanted is to strip tho bark from a branch, then, folding ono end firmly botweon toeH, first tearing it in strips, it is twisted by the heuds. "1^ ^generally eul uvated in Amehcs^r ^ to 1492." Beautiful examples of this fiber wore ihown in the Costa Rican exhibit in Chicago, 1893. There are other spoces growing in different portions of .tin wnrlil tlm fihor r *oug!it hoi held oftico, made public that he hade made up hia mind to enter the raee for Governor. Ho had not decided until he raw that Dr. Popo had withdrawn. Though ho loos not propose to enter the primary lie in going to make his fight at the general election in November. He, too, was at one time a lteformor, but iroposes to make this]fight as a protest igainst ring mule and bossism. He is in deed earnest nml will issue his manifesto early next week and will stny into the finish if hconly gets one vote, lie nays he is built of "sticking stuff," ind is a graduate of the South Carolina College before the war. DEATH TO DIPHTHERIA GERMS. inoculation a Sure Cure That Will Save Multitudes. New York City. ? At a preliminary session of tho Htato board of health Dr. Cyrus A. Kdson pave an account of the theory and practical application of Dr. Koch's lust discovery, which ho outsiders an absolute and iniallihle mre lor diphtheria within thirty-six lionrs after infection. To study and report upon this remedy, Dr. Herman M. Briggs, the bacteriologist of the New York hoard of health, had been sent to Berlin and had jnst returned, continuing all the enthusiastic reports concerning the discovery. It is tho purpose of the health department to ask for an appropriation to establish a plant for the production of this infallible specific, which utherwiso would be too costly to be within the menus of pour people. Dr. Kdt-oii asserted that if this rentedv were placed in the hands of the health department, it would save the Jivct next year of 1,50(1 persons in this city. Has Prayed Over It and Found That He is the Man. F. M. Jordan, in a curd in the Brevard (N. C.) llustfer, says he has made it u matter of special prayer to (iod iih to who should represent Transylvania county in the Legislature, and it is perfectly clear to h i "mind that (dial lias indicated to me (him) that it is His will that I should give the people of Transylvania county an opportunity to vote for a sober, moral and, I trust, Christian man." Believing that he has been "called" to represent the county, Mr. Jordan says his platform is "(dud's eternal Truth." He wants to go to the Legislature, he says, not for the money or honor that is in it, "but expressly for the glory of God and the happiness of the people of my land and count v." Having thus announced himself, Mr. .Ionian leaves tins matter to the prayerful consideration of the voters of Transylvania. Sam Speace's Strange Adventure. (From the Atlanta Constitution.) A queer itsry comes from North Carolina. Sain Spruce, a colored man of I'nion county, was in the woods gathering will grapes. lie elimhed a tier and slipped oil", llis foot heroine entangled in the viuesaud he was suspended in the air by one foot. Spi ner had to wait for assistance, whirh did not arrive for more than an hour. The blood all flowed toward his head, mid after he was taken down lie became very sick. Since that time all the wool of his head has pulled out and lie is getting almost as white as a white man. Ifisskiu tirst began fading in spots, which have now spread all over his body. He Loved Hot Wisely. Oiii'KNSnono, N. C. lYarre Webb, the adopted son of l>r. and Mrs. A. M. r i> ,:.i. ,.:n ?n . i inifsrn, t?l lU'Mih> lllt'j III I ('111 | >11'< I suicide at tlint place. lie shot himself through the neck with a pistol. It ia understood that lie left a note saying a love affair caused him to attempt to cml his life. He is not dead, but is dangerously wonnded. Texas May Lose lis Cotton Crop. Dai.i.as, Tex. In the face of a I general belief in the magnificent condition of th<' cotton eiop. the (hirland News, published in the heart of the cotton regit.ii of Ihdl e; county, states that in that section half of the cotton crop has bcu destroyed by boll worms and tied if the shower.i continue the crop n> likely to be entirely destroyed. PITHY NEWS ITEMS. Staunton, Vn., has issued ?145,000 of 5 per cent bonds. The trustees of the Charlest<\,S. C., High School will expend ?12,000 in in erecting an annex to the school building. At Franklin, N. C., a new ?10,000 hotel is going up. Finns are being prepared for a two story brick building to be erecton on llie maie nospuai grounds morgniiioii, N. C., at h cost of from $10,000 to $15,000. Jas. A. Locklmrt, of Anson county, w?h nominated at Lumbcrton, N. C., lust week for Congress, on the 340tli ballot. Tho 8th N. C. district Republicans met at Wilkesboro, and nominated R. Z. Linney for Congress. lie lias also been endorsed by the Populists. Hon. II. Clay Evans, formerly Con gressman from East Tennessee, was nominated for Governor of Tennessee by the Republicans last week. Four minora were killed in a most horrible manner in Credo, (Nil., Friday. The shaft house caught fire and melted the wire elevator rope, letting the elevator Unr the men from the ladder. Jefferson Davis Milton, the newly appointed chief of police of El Paso, Texas, is a son of John Milton, tho Confederate war Governor of Florida, who committed suicide when lie heard of Gen. Lee's surrender. A large body of colored people in Mississippi, says the Chicago InterOcean, lias sent two representatives to Africa to view the country. In case the conditions are favorable they proprose to leave en masse for the Dark Continent. Tl,,> V,,HI, rnlltvnv - ... ?. ." ..j wus sold at Statcsville, N. to tho iouthern Railway Co., for $oi)().00(). i'ho hitter co 111 pa 11 v has nl.so purchased the Knoxville, Cumberland Gap \* Louisville II. It., running from Knoxville to Middlesboro, Ky.t at Winston, NT. C., the Northwi -stern North C'arolina railroad was also sold to the Southern Railway for $2jO,GOO. WASHINGTON NOTES. Senator Hansom Iuik tiled at tho State Department a strongly endorsed application of E. J. Hale, of Fayctteville, N. C., to be consul to Manchester, England. Tho present incumbent is Wm. F. Grinuell, a lb-publican, who entered the consular service in 1. Crawford X Son. It was classed as strict middling, weighed fits pounds and brought 7 cents per pound. The crop prospect*around fnhunhia are ver\ good. The first hale of new North Carolina cotton \\ ms Inoiic.ht to M'ndeshoro I?v W. II. Oiloin, who is the Populist ennlidate for clerk of the court there. Masonic Triennial Convention. Toit.ka, K a vs. The tweutv ninth dated Triennial ('onvocntion of tin Hoy a I Arch Masons of t lie 1'nitod State' enlivened here at liioli noon. Tin Mil I'etweeii rival cities for the meetin^ place of the next convocation is well oti. Southern delo?*nt?a want it to he Im 111 in Atlanta, while the laistern ineli are cIi\ i Imu Havemeyer rcfiucries is necessary to a thorough realization ot tlio immensity of the establishment, aud this group is one of the rolitiingplaces owned by the trust. It has no equal in size or in the amount of its business in the limits of tho (Ireater Now iork. Tho employes of the great concern are disciplined with rules as strict as those which govern an army. If nuo attempts to get into tho refineries ho meets the discipliuo in tho shape of a gruff watchman and a club, aud a call at tho offices reveals it in the shape of a more or i6ss polite negative from tho clerks, who will say that they cannot answer questions. There arc about 3000 men employed in the big refineries, and theso are divided into day and niglit shifts. About 5 o'clock in the morning half of the force can be seen tiling dowu into the basement of one of tho great buildings. Work is begun immediately, and continued until 5 in the evening, when the men are supplied with checks, showing that they woro on hand when work begun. The majority of tho workmen are Poles and Hungarians, and the severity of tlieir labors is shown by the fact that they aro nearly all thin aud stooped, and rarely above middle age, it being a wcll-kuown fact that men employed in the refineries rarely livo to old age. They are nearly new immigrants when first employed, ami before work is given them they must lie found perfectly docile and obedient. The rules of tho refineries are laid down to the anplicaut for employment, and ho is tohl that ho will receive 81.12, SI.25 or SI.50 as the case may he, for the first year, and then, if his work is satisfactory, he may receive an additional five or ten cents a day. The man is assigned to work in one of the many departments, aud if he has received the "tip"' from friends of his own nationality before going to work, he trembles lest tho edict may condemn liim to tho "dry room." It it be that, however, ho receives it with characteristic stolidity, and is thankful for an opportunity to earn his miserable pittance, even under such terrible circumstances. When the raw sugar is dumped from the ship in which it is brought to tho refineries it is placed in a great cistern near the river's edge, and is dissolved in hot water. From this vat a sweet, sticky steam constantly arises, and every little while a workman, dressed in overalls and an undershirt, pops out from it, and in a minute or so pops back again, aud is lost to sight in the moist cloud. Tho liquid is pumped up to the top story of the pile, passing through a wire strainer, which removes any particles of size which may be iu it, and is emptied into great copper receptacles heated to 'JOS or 210 degrees Fahrenheit, known as boilers. Tho process of boiling requires considerable skill, and the men who liavo charge of it arc paid $100 or $150 a month, the number receiving the latter figure being extremely limited, only one man in a hundred who receives employment in the refineries becoming a boiler, which is tho highest ambition of the workmen. 'I he boiling and bubbling sugar is passed i> m uutusu again. Tito sugar, which is still kept at h temperature af about 1~?J degreosj is passed into another receptacle, which is made airtight, an 1 the air in 1 stoma nro exitlusted by means of a }> 11 ini>. As soon as tlio sugar is gran* uluteil, if it is to be soft, it is lot o!T by moans of centrifugal mills. If not, it is passed on to tlio great plates to 1 be dried. Tim rooms in which the drying is carried on are veritable infernos. No man o an stay in them over ten minutes without falling down utterly prod rated by the torrilic heat. No one I .it an employe n ever allowed within thesi walls, an I no one but an employe would dare to go in them i when the heat is on an I the sugar is . diving. Clothing ia discarded, with ^ the exception of a "breech clout" and slii> and tlieru >s absolutely no ventilation, as tlio windows nro kept t 'giltIy close I, an I at the win lows in oilier r<> mis which urn open I ho men i r.isv be se-ii gasping for breath, an 1 s 11 ii t heir 11 tit* him '> ? Ii s as wet as if i (iicv hud b en plunge I in t!ie Ravi Itiver, in their short respite from t lieir J frightful toil.- New York Tribune. CORBETT AND JACKSON. SIOUX CITY WANTS THEM TO FIGHT THERE. Tha Offara Ac cap tad, but Mayor Flatcber Says Ho Will Not Allow It. Sioux Grrr, Iowa.?Corbett'b mnnaEei', William A. Brady, has telegraphed it acceptance of the Sioux City Athletic Club's $25,000 offer for tho CorbcttJackeon fight. Jackson telegraphed that he would accept if training expenses were guaranteed hiiu provided the fight did not take place. The guarantee was made. "I will not permit this prize fight to occur within tho corporate limita of Sioux City," said Mayor Fletcher, in peaking of the effort 19 iuiiko -the match. "What is more,"^1 doubt if it I will be allowed to be fought 011 Iowa soil. So far as my jurisdiction ih concerned I shall unalterably opposo the . movement to have tho battle fought here." SOUTHERN INTENTIONS. Washington, D. C.?Patents havo been granted to tho following meritorious Southern inventions: Lantern slide mat, PercyS. Benedict, New Orleans, La. Sheet fender, Geo. R. Clarko, Montel, Tex. Adjustible ratclict-wreneh, CLbb. IT. BcrnheiiVi, LeAiugion, N. C. Wire stretching spool carrier, Thou. P. Williams, Abilene, Tex. Fertilizer distributor, Daniel M. Averitt, Bedford, Ky. Type holder, Jno. C. Corbett, Corbctt, N. C. Railway switch, Jno. F. Obcr, New Orleans, La. Drying kiln, La Fayette Moore, Cordele, Ga. Hay press, SamuelEtchison.Weiucr, Ark. The Height ol Mountains. There are three ways of measuring' tho height of mountains, namely, by the barometer, by observations of tho' atmospheric pressure, by observation of the boiling poiut of water and by calculation from data supplied by accurate surveying instruments, tho necessary formula) being supplied by trigonometry. This last plan, knowu! as triaugulation, is by far tho most accurate method. Tho tirst method is based on the fact that tho atmosphere is denses' at the surface of the earth, having there to support tho weight of tho whole column of air above it, and the (iecseaso in preesure Doing Kiiowa by the barometer enables the observer, after duo allowances, according to temperature, to work out tlio height of the mountain. The second method of observing the boiling point of water by the thermometer is bused on tho well-known fact that water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, at the level of tho sen, or at a pressuro of thirty inches of mercury; and us the relaticu between the pressuro and tho boiling point is accurately known, tho height can bo measured in this way moro or less accurately. Triangulation is tho name applied to tho process of calculation by measuring tho angles of triangles. Tlio angles having beemeasured by tho theodolite uti knowing them and one side, trigonometry enables the snrveyor to calculate* the other two. Measuring by this method is done with wonderful correctness. Two instances of this accuracy arc given in Thornton's "Physiography," one of a plain, and the other of a mountain. Tho length of Salisbury l'lain was ascertained with a result that was less than five inches from the measured value. Tho luti/vlit l^Au.ATonillntl wnu nalpillaipfl to bo 4295.0 feet, and this height* when cheeked, proved to bo within one and one-half inches.?New York. Dispatch. A Colt Punishes u ltaui for Cruelty. Tho following is a little incident! which came nuder tho observation of the writer: Two yonug horses liavo been kept in a pasture, with a number of cows aud a year-old calf, and they were accustomed to come up to tho gate every night with tho cows, tha older leading the line and the younger bringing up tho rear. Owing to a want of water in their pastnro, soma sneop worn nruugut ui iu? one m which the horses and cows wcro kept, and these sometimes followed tho cowh when they came at night to bo milked. One night they did so, and when all the animals were standing together the ram butted the calf, which, could not defend itself, an l the other; colt, going over to it, seized the . rani by the wool on its back and, liftiug it, entirely oflf the ground, shook it vigorously. He then placed it on tho) ground and it quickly ran away, wliil.j the horse continued to stand g'.iar t over his friend.?Our Dumb Annuals,. North Carolina Farmers' Alliance. Raleiuh, N. C.?The State FurmcrH* Alliance Iuih authorized the organization of the "Alliance Mfg. Co.," for the purposo of manufacturing sheet, clothing anil hats, tanning leather, etc. The Alliance has cut down snlarie:, president from $3 to S'2 a day when traveling; State business agent from $1,000 to 81,200; Hccretary-treaHurt r from 81,200 to 31,000; trustee of bufci* ucsa fund from ?H00 to ?700. Divorce Case in High Life. Mrs. Lyman, of Aslieville, N. who was a Miss Cunningham, of Richmond, Va., is suing for divorce, iu lluncombe county, with Maj. Clar) o Springfield of Richmond, as attorney. The Moravians claim to havo had an independent church in Bohemia as arly as the ninth century. One of tho largest aassairas trees in this country is in Central l'nrk, A New York City. /